Upgrade V8 to version 4.9.385.28



Change-Id: I4b2e74289d4bf3667f2f3dc8aa2e541f63e26eb4
diff --git a/tools/vim/ninja-build.vim b/tools/vim/ninja-build.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9b894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/vim/ninja-build.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+" Copyright (c) 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+" found in the LICENSE file.
+" Adds a "Compile this file" function, using ninja. On Mac, binds Cmd-k to
+" this command. On Windows, Ctrl-F7 (which is the same as the VS default).
+" On Linux, <Leader>o, which is \o by default ("o"=creates .o files)
+" Adds a "Build this target" function, using ninja. This is not bound
+" to any key by default, but can be used via the :CrBuild command.
+" It builds 'd8' by default, but :CrBuild target1 target2 etc works as well,
+" i.e. :CrBuild all or :CrBuild d8 cctest unittests.
+" Requires that gyp has already generated build.ninja files, and that ninja is
+" in your path (which it is automatically if depot_tools is in your path).
+" Bumps the number of parallel jobs in ninja automatically if goma is
+" detected.
+" Add the following to your .vimrc file:
+"     so /path/to/src/tools/vim/ninja-build.vim
+python << endpython
+import os
+import vim
+def path_to_current_buffer():
+  """Returns the absolute path of the current buffer."""
+  return vim.current.buffer.name
+def path_to_source_root():
+  """Returns the absolute path to the V8 source root."""
+  candidate = os.path.dirname(path_to_current_buffer())
+  # This is a list of files that need to identify the src directory. The shorter
+  # it is, the more likely it's wrong. The longer it is, the more likely it is to
+  # break when we rename directories.
+  fingerprints = ['.git', 'build', 'include', 'samples', 'src', 'testing',
+                  'third_party', 'tools']
+  while candidate and not all(
+      [os.path.isdir(os.path.join(candidate, fp)) for fp in fingerprints]):
+    candidate = os.path.dirname(candidate)
+  return candidate
+def path_to_build_dir(configuration):
+  """Returns <v8_root>/<output_dir>/(Release|Debug)."""
+  v8_root = path_to_source_root()
+  sys.path.append(os.path.join(v8_root, 'tools', 'ninja'))
+  from ninja_output import GetNinjaOutputDirectory
+  return GetNinjaOutputDirectory(v8_root, configuration)
+def compute_ninja_command_for_targets(targets='', configuration=None):
+  flags = []
+  if "use_goma=1" in os.getenv('GYP_DEFINES', '').split(' '):
+    flags = ['-j', '512']
+  build_dir = path_to_build_dir(configuration);
+  build_cmd = ' '.join(['ninja'] + flags + ['-C', build_dir, targets])
+  vim.command('return "%s"' % build_cmd)
+def compute_ninja_command_for_current_buffer(configuration=None):
+  """Returns the shell command to compile the file in the current buffer."""
+  build_dir = path_to_build_dir(configuration)
+  # ninja needs filepaths for the ^ syntax to be relative to the
+  # build directory.
+  file_to_build = path_to_current_buffer()
+  file_to_build = os.path.relpath(file_to_build, build_dir) + '^'
+  if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    # Escape \ for Vim, and ^ for both Vim and shell.
+    file_to_build = file_to_build.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('^', '^^^^')
+  compute_ninja_command_for_targets(file_to_build, configuration)
+fun! s:MakeWithCustomCommand(build_cmd)
+  let l:oldmakepgr = &makeprg
+  let &makeprg=a:build_cmd
+  silent make | cwindow
+  if !has('gui_running')
+    redraw!
+  endif
+  let &makeprg = l:oldmakepgr
+fun! s:NinjaCommandForCurrentBuffer()
+  python compute_ninja_command_for_current_buffer()
+fun! s:NinjaCommandForTargets(targets)
+  python compute_ninja_command_for_targets(vim.eval('a:targets'))
+fun! CrCompileFile()
+  call s:MakeWithCustomCommand(s:NinjaCommandForCurrentBuffer())
+fun! CrBuild(...)
+  let l:targets = a:0 > 0 ? join(a:000, ' ') : ''
+  if (l:targets !~ '\i')
+    let l:targets = 'd8'
+  endif
+  call s:MakeWithCustomCommand(s:NinjaCommandForTargets(l:targets))
+command! CrCompileFile call CrCompileFile()
+command! -nargs=* CrBuild call CrBuild(<q-args>)
+if has('mac')
+  map <D-k> :CrCompileFile<cr>
+  imap <D-k> <esc>:CrCompileFile<cr>
+elseif has('win32')
+  map <C-F7> :CrCompileFile<cr>
+  imap <C-F7> <esc>:CrCompileFile<cr>
+elseif has('unix')
+  map <Leader>o :CrCompileFile<cr>