Merge V8 5.3.332.45.  DO NOT MERGE

Test: Manual


Change-Id: Id3254828b068abdea3cb10442e0172a8c9a98e03
(cherry picked from commit 13e2dadd00298019ed862f2b2fc5068bba730bcf)
diff --git a/test/unittests/wasm/ b/test/unittests/wasm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b29362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unittests/wasm/
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/wasm/asm-types.h"
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "src/base/macros.h"
+#include "test/unittests/test-utils.h"
+#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace wasm {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::StrEq;
+class AsmTypeTest : public TestWithZone {
+ public:
+  using Type = AsmType;
+  AsmTypeTest()
+      : parents_({
+            {Type::Uint8Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Int8Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Uint16Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Int16Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Uint32Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Int32Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Float32Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::Float64Array(), {Type::Heap()}},
+            {Type::FloatishDoubleQ(), {Type::Floatish(), Type::DoubleQ()}},
+            {Type::FloatQDoubleQ(),
+             {Type::FloatQ(), Type::Floatish(), Type::DoubleQ()}},
+            {Type::Float(), {Type::FloatQ(), Type::Floatish()}},
+            {Type::FloatQ(), {Type::Floatish()}},
+            {Type::FixNum(),
+             {Type::Signed(), Type::Extern(), Type::Unsigned(), Type::Int(),
+              Type::Intish()}},
+            {Type::Unsigned(), {Type::Int(), Type::Intish()}},
+            {Type::Signed(), {Type::Extern(), Type::Int(), Type::Intish()}},
+            {Type::Int(), {Type::Intish()}},
+            {Type::Double(), {Type::DoubleQ(), Type::Extern()}},
+        }) {}
+ protected:
+  std::unordered_set<Type*> ParentsOf(Type* derived) const {
+    const auto parents_iter = parents_.find(derived);
+    if (parents_iter == parents_.end()) {
+      return std::unordered_set<Type*>();
+    }
+    return parents_iter->second;
+  }
+  class FunctionTypeBuilder {
+   public:
+    FunctionTypeBuilder(FunctionTypeBuilder&& b)
+        : function_type_(b.function_type_) {
+      b.function_type_ = nullptr;
+    }
+    FunctionTypeBuilder& operator=(FunctionTypeBuilder&& b) {
+      if (this != &b) {
+        function_type_ = b.function_type_;
+        b.function_type_ = nullptr;
+      }
+      return *this;
+    }
+    FunctionTypeBuilder(Zone* zone, Type* return_type)
+        : function_type_(Type::Function(zone, return_type)) {}
+   private:
+    static void AddAllArguments(AsmFunctionType*) {}
+    template <typename Arg, typename... Others>
+    static void AddAllArguments(AsmFunctionType* function_type, Arg* arg,
+                                Others... others) {
+      CHECK(function_type != nullptr);
+      function_type->AddArgument((*arg)());
+      AddAllArguments(function_type, others...);
+    }
+   public:
+    template <typename... Args>
+    Type* operator()(Args... args) {
+      Type* ret = function_type_;
+      function_type_ = nullptr;
+      AddAllArguments(ret->AsFunctionType(), args...);
+      return ret;
+    }
+   private:
+    Type* function_type_;
+  };
+  FunctionTypeBuilder Function(Type* (*return_type)()) {
+    return FunctionTypeBuilder(zone(), (*return_type)());
+  }
+  template <typename... Overloads>
+  Type* Overload(Overloads... overloads) {
+    auto* ret = Type::OverloadedFunction(zone());
+    AddAllOverloads(ret->AsOverloadedFunctionType(), overloads...);
+    return ret;
+  }
+ private:
+  static void AddAllOverloads(AsmOverloadedFunctionType*) {}
+  template <typename Overload, typename... Others>
+  static void AddAllOverloads(AsmOverloadedFunctionType* function,
+                              Overload* overload, Others... others) {
+    CHECK(function != nullptr);
+    function->AddOverload(overload);
+    AddAllOverloads(function, others...);
+  }
+  const std::unordered_map<Type*, std::unordered_set<Type*>> parents_;
+// AsmValueTypeParents expose the bitmasks for the parents for each value type
+// in asm's type system. It inherits from AsmValueType so that the kAsm<Foo>
+// members are available when expanding the FOR_EACH_ASM_VALUE_TYPE_LIST macro.
+class AsmValueTypeParents : private AsmValueType {
+ public:
+  enum : uint32_t {
+#define V(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) \
+  CamelName = parent_types,
+#undef V
+  };
+ private:
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, ValidateBits) {
+  // Generic validation tests for the bits in the type system's type
+  // definitions.
+  std::unordered_set<Type*> seen_types;
+  std::unordered_set<uint32_t> seen_numbers;
+  uint32_t total_types = 0;
+#define V(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types)                      \
+  do {                                                                       \
+    ++total_types;                                                           \
+    if (AsmValueTypeParents::CamelName != 0) {                               \
+      EXPECT_NE(0, ParentsOf(AsmType::CamelName()).size()) << #CamelName;    \
+    }                                                                        \
+    seen_types.insert(Type::CamelName());                                    \
+    seen_numbers.insert(number);                                             \
+    /* Every ASM type must have a valid number. */                           \
+    EXPECT_NE(0, number) << Type::CamelName()->Name();                       \
+    /* Inheritance cycles - unlikely, but we're paranoid and check for it */ \
+    /* anyways.*/                                                            \
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, (1 << (number)) & AsmValueTypeParents::CamelName);          \
+  } while (0);
+#undef V
+  // At least one type was expanded.
+  EXPECT_GT(total_types, 0u);
+  // Each value type is unique.
+  EXPECT_EQ(total_types, seen_types.size());
+  // Each number is unique.
+  EXPECT_EQ(total_types, seen_numbers.size());
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, SaneParentsMap) {
+  // This test ensures our parents map contains all the parents types that are
+  // specified in the types' declaration. It does not report bogus inheritance.
+  // Handy-dandy lambda for counting bits. Code borrowed from stack overflow.
+  auto NumberOfSetBits = [](uintptr_t parent_mask) -> uint32_t {
+    uint32_t parent_mask32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(parent_mask);
+    CHECK_EQ(parent_mask, parent_mask32);
+    parent_mask32 = parent_mask32 - ((parent_mask32 >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+    parent_mask32 =
+        (parent_mask32 & 0x33333333) + ((parent_mask32 >> 2) & 0x33333333);
+    return (((parent_mask32 + (parent_mask32 >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) *
+            0x01010101) >>
+           24;
+  };
+#define V(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types)                    \
+  do {                                                                     \
+    const uintptr_t parents =                                              \
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Type::CamelName()) & ~(1 << (number)); \
+    EXPECT_EQ(NumberOfSetBits(parents),                                    \
+              1 + ParentsOf(Type::CamelName()).size())                     \
+        << Type::CamelName()->Name() << ", parents "                       \
+        << reinterpret_cast<void*>(parents) << ", type "                   \
+        << static_cast<void*>(Type::CamelName());                          \
+  } while (0);
+#undef V
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, Names) {
+#define V(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types)         \
+  do {                                                          \
+    EXPECT_THAT(Type::CamelName()->Name(), StrEq(string_name)); \
+  } while (0);
+#undef V
+  EXPECT_THAT(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double, Type::Float)->Name(),
+              StrEq("(double, float) -> int"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double, Type::Float),
+                       Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int))
+                  ->Name(),
+              StrEq("(double, float) -> int /\\ (int) -> int"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Type::FroundType(zone())->Name(), StrEq("fround"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int())->Name(),
+              StrEq("(int, int...) -> signed"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Float(), Type::Floatish())->Name(),
+              StrEq("(floatish, floatish...) -> float"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Double(), Type::DoubleQ())->Name(),
+              StrEq("(double?, double?...) -> double"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(Type::FFIType(zone())->Name(), StrEq("Function"));
+  auto* ft =
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 15, Function(Type::Double)(Type::Int));
+  EXPECT_THAT(ft->Name(), StrEq("(int) -> double[15]"));
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, IsExactly) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    for (size_t jj = 0; jj < arraysize(test_types); ++jj) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(ii == jj, test_types[ii]->IsExactly(test_types[jj]))
+          << test_types[ii]->Name()
+          << ((ii == jj) ? " is not exactly " : " is exactly ")
+          << test_types[jj]->Name();
+    }
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, IsA) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    for (size_t jj = 0; jj < arraysize(test_types); ++jj) {
+      const bool Expected =
+          (ii == jj) || ParentsOf(test_types[ii]).count(test_types[jj]) != 0;
+      EXPECT_EQ(Expected, test_types[ii]->IsA(test_types[jj]))
+          << test_types[ii]->Name() << (Expected ? " is not a " : " is a ")
+          << test_types[jj]->Name();
+    }
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, ValidateCall) {
+  auto* min_max_int = Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int());
+  auto* i2s = Function(Type::Signed)(Type::Int);
+  auto* ii2s = Function(Type::Signed)(Type::Int, Type::Int);
+  auto* iii2s = Function(Type::Signed)(Type::Int, Type::Int, Type::Int);
+  auto* iiii2s =
+      Function(Type::Signed)(Type::Int, Type::Int, Type::Int, Type::Int);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max_int->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                min_max_int->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                min_max_int->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max_int->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                ii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                ii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max_int->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                iii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                iii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max_int->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                iiii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                iiii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), min_max_int->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              i2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              i2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  auto* min_max_double =
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Double(), Type::Double());
+  auto* d2d = Function(Type::Double)(Type::Double);
+  auto* dd2d = Function(Type::Double)(Type::Double, Type::Double);
+  auto* ddd2d =
+      Function(Type::Double)(Type::Double, Type::Double, Type::Double);
+  auto* dddd2d = Function(Type::Double)(Type::Double, Type::Double,
+                                        Type::Double, Type::Double);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max_double->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                min_max_double->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                min_max_double->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max_double->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                dd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                dd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max_double->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                ddd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                ddd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max_double->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                dddd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                dddd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), min_max_double->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              d2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              d2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  auto* min_max = Overload(min_max_int, min_max_double);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              i2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              i2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              d2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              d2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                min_max_int->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                min_max_int->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                ii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                ii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                iii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                iii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Signed(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                iiii2s->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                iiii2s->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                min_max_double->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                min_max_double->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                dd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                dd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                ddd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                ddd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), min_max->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                dddd2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                dddd2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  auto* fround = Type::FroundType(zone());
+  ZoneVector<AsmType*> arg(zone());
+  arg.push_back(Type::Floatish());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::FloatQ());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::Float());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::DoubleQ());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::Double());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::Signed());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::Unsigned());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  arg.clear();
+  arg.push_back(Type::FixNum());
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(),
+            fround->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(Type::Float(), arg));
+  auto* idf2v = Function(Type::Void)(Type::Int, Type::Double, Type::Float);
+  auto* i2d = Function(Type::Double)(Type::Int);
+  auto* i2f = Function(Type::Float)(Type::Int);
+  auto* fi2d = Function(Type::Double)(Type::Float, Type::Int);
+  auto* idif2i =
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Double, Type::Int, Type::Float);
+  auto* overload = Overload(idf2v, i2f, /*i2d missing, */ fi2d, idif2i);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Void(), overload->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              idf2v->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              idf2v->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Float(), overload->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                               i2f->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                               i2f->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), overload->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                fi2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                fi2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Int(), overload->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                             idif2i->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                             idif2i->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), overload->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), i2f->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  auto* ffi = Type::FFIType(zone());
+  AsmType* (*kReturnTypes[])() = {
+      Type::Void, Type::Double, Type::Signed,
+  };
+  AsmType* (*kParameterTypes[])() = {
+      Type::Double, Type::Signed, Type::FixNum,
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(kReturnTypes); ++ii) {
+    for (size_t jj = 0; jj < arraysize(kParameterTypes); ++jj) {
+      auto* f = Function(kReturnTypes[ii])(kParameterTypes[jj]);
+      EXPECT_EQ(kReturnTypes[ii](), ffi->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                        f->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                        f->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()))
+          << kReturnTypes[ii]()->Name();
+      // Call with non-parameter type type should fail.
+      f = Function(kReturnTypes[ii])(kParameterTypes[jj], Type::Int);
+      EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), ffi->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                  f->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                  f->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()))
+          << kReturnTypes[ii]()->Name();
+    }
+  }
+  auto* ft0 = Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, fi2d);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::Double(), ft0->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                                fi2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                                fi2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+  EXPECT_EQ(Type::None(), ft0->AsCallableType()->ValidateCall(
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->ReturnType(),
+                              i2d->AsFunctionType()->Arguments()));
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, ToReturnType) {
+  std::unordered_map<AsmType*, AsmType*> kToReturnType = {
+      {Type::Signed(), Type::Signed()}, {Type::FixNum(), Type::Signed()},
+      {Type::Double(), Type::Double()}, {Type::Float(), Type::Float()},
+      {Type::Void(), Type::Void()},
+  };
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    auto* return_type = Type::None();
+    auto to_return_type_iter = kToReturnType.find(test_types[ii]);
+    if (to_return_type_iter != kToReturnType.end()) {
+      return_type = to_return_type_iter->second;
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(return_type, test_types[ii]->ToReturnType())
+        << return_type->Name() << " != " << test_types[ii]->ToReturnType();
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, IsReturnType) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  std::unordered_set<Type*> return_types{
+      Type::Double(), Type::Signed(), Type::Float(), Type::Void(),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    const bool IsReturnType = return_types.count(test_types[ii]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(IsReturnType, test_types[ii]->IsReturnType())
+        << test_types[ii]->Name()
+        << (IsReturnType ? " is not a return type" : " is a return type");
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, ToParameterType) {
+  std::unordered_map<AsmType*, AsmType*> kToParameterType = {
+      {Type::Int(), Type::Int()},       {Type::Signed(), Type::Int()},
+      {Type::Unsigned(), Type::Int()},  {Type::FixNum(), Type::Int()},
+      {Type::Double(), Type::Double()}, {Type::Float(), Type::Float()},
+  };
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    auto* parameter_type = Type::None();
+    auto to_parameter_type_iter = kToParameterType.find(test_types[ii]);
+    if (to_parameter_type_iter != kToParameterType.end()) {
+      parameter_type = to_parameter_type_iter->second;
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(parameter_type, test_types[ii]->ToParameterType())
+        << parameter_type->Name()
+        << " != " << test_types[ii]->ToParameterType();
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, IsParameterType) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  std::unordered_set<Type*> parameter_types{
+      Type::Double(), Type::Int(), Type::Float(),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    const bool IsParameterType = parameter_types.count(test_types[ii]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(IsParameterType, test_types[ii]->IsParameterType())
+        << test_types[ii]->Name()
+        << (IsParameterType ? " is not a parameter type"
+                            : " is a parameter type");
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, IsComparableType) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  std::unordered_set<Type*> comparable_types{
+      Type::Double(), Type::Signed(), Type::Unsigned(), Type::Float(),
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    const bool IsComparableType = comparable_types.count(test_types[ii]);
+    EXPECT_EQ(IsComparableType, test_types[ii]->IsComparableType())
+        << test_types[ii]->Name()
+        << (IsComparableType ? " is not a comparable type"
+                             : " is a comparable type");
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, ElementSizeInBytes) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  auto ElementSizeInBytesForType = [](Type* type) -> int32_t {
+    if (type == Type::Int8Array() || type == Type::Uint8Array()) {
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Int16Array() || type == Type::Uint16Array()) {
+      return 2;
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Int32Array() || type == Type::Uint32Array() ||
+        type == Type::Float32Array()) {
+      return 4;
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Float64Array()) {
+      return 8;
+    }
+    return -1;
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(ElementSizeInBytesForType(test_types[ii]),
+              test_types[ii]->ElementSizeInBytes());
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, LoadType) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  auto LoadTypeForType = [](Type* type) -> Type* {
+    if (type == Type::Int8Array() || type == Type::Uint8Array() ||
+        type == Type::Int16Array() || type == Type::Uint16Array() ||
+        type == Type::Int32Array() || type == Type::Uint32Array()) {
+      return Type::Intish();
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Float32Array()) {
+      return Type::FloatQ();
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Float64Array()) {
+      return Type::DoubleQ();
+    }
+    return Type::None();
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(LoadTypeForType(test_types[ii]), test_types[ii]->LoadType());
+  }
+TEST_F(AsmTypeTest, StoreType) {
+  Type* test_types[] = {
+#define CREATE(CamelName, string_name, number, parent_types) Type::CamelName(),
+#undef CREATE
+          Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::DoubleQ),
+      Overload(Function(Type::Int)(Type::Double)),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Int, Type::Int),
+      Type::MinMaxType(zone(), Type::Signed(), Type::Int()),
+      Function(Type::Int)(Type::Float), Type::FroundType(zone()),
+      Type::FFIType(zone()),
+      Type::FunctionTableType(zone(), 10, Function(Type::Void)()),
+  };
+  auto StoreTypeForType = [](Type* type) -> Type* {
+    if (type == Type::Int8Array() || type == Type::Uint8Array() ||
+        type == Type::Int16Array() || type == Type::Uint16Array() ||
+        type == Type::Int32Array() || type == Type::Uint32Array()) {
+      return Type::Intish();
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Float32Array()) {
+      return Type::FloatishDoubleQ();
+    }
+    if (type == Type::Float64Array()) {
+      return Type::FloatQDoubleQ();
+    }
+    return Type::None();
+  };
+  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < arraysize(test_types); ++ii) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(StoreTypeForType(test_types[ii]), test_types[ii]->StoreType())
+        << test_types[ii]->Name();
+  }
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace wasm
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8