Update V8 to r5295 as required by WebKit r65615

Change-Id: I1d72d4990703e88b7798919c7a53e12ebf76958a
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index b566374..6056e3f 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,11 +1,57 @@
+2010-08-18: Version 2.3.9
+        Fix compilation for ARMv4 on OpenBSD/FreeBSD.
+        Removed specialized handling of GCC 4.4 (issue 830).
+        Fixed DST cache to take into account the suspension of DST in 
+        Egypt during the 2010 Ramadan (issue http://crbug.com/51855).
+	Performance improvements on all platforms.
+2010-08-16: Version 2.3.8
+        Fixed build with strict aliasing on GCC 4.4 (issue 463).
+        Fixed issue with incorrect handling of custom valueOf methods on
+        string wrappers (issue 760).
+        Fixed compilation for ARMv4 (issue 590).
+        Improved performance.
+2010-08-11: Version 2.3.7
+        Reduced size of heap snapshots produced by heap profiler (issue 783).
+        Introduced v8::Value::IsRegExp method.
+        Fixed CPU profiler crash in start / stop sequence when non-existent
+        name is passed (issue http://crbug.com/51594).
+        Introduced new indexed property query callbacks API (issue 816). This
+        API is guarded by USE_NEW_QUERY_CALLBACK define and is disabled
+        by default.
+        Removed support for object literal get/set with number/string
+        property name.
+        Fixed handling of JSObject::elements in CalculateNetworkSize
+        (issue 822).
+        Allow compiling with strict aliasing enabled on GCC 4.4 (issue 463).
 2010-08-09: Version 2.3.6
-	RegExp literals create a new object every time they are evaluated
-	(issue 704).
+        RegExp literals create a new object every time they are evaluated
+        (issue 704).
-	Object.seal and Object.freeze return the modified object (issue 809).
+        Object.seal and Object.freeze return the modified object (issue 809).
-	Fix building using GCC 4.4.4.
+        Fix building using GCC 4.4.4.
 2010-08-04: Version 2.3.5