Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/src/base/macros.h b/src/base/macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef088c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/base/macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef V8_BASE_MACROS_H_
+#define V8_BASE_MACROS_H_
+#include <cstring>
+#include "include/v8stdint.h"
+#include "src/base/build_config.h"
+#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
+#include "src/base/logging.h"
+// The expression OFFSET_OF(type, field) computes the byte-offset
+// of the specified field relative to the containing type. This
+// corresponds to 'offsetof' (in stddef.h), except that it doesn't
+// use 0 or NULL, which causes a problem with the compiler warnings
+// we have enabled (which is also why 'offsetof' doesn't seem to work).
+// Here we simply use the non-zero value 4, which seems to work.
+#define OFFSET_OF(type, field)                                          \
+  (reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&(reinterpret_cast<type*>(4)->field)) - 4)
+// ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE performs essentially the same calculation as arraysize,
+// but can be used on anonymous types or types defined inside
+// functions.  It's less safe than arraysize as it accepts some
+// (although not all) pointers.  Therefore, you should use arraysize
+// whenever possible.
+// The expression ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(a) is a compile-time constant of type
+// size_t.
+// ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE catches a few type errors.  If you see a compiler error
+//   "warning: division by zero in ..."
+// when using ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE, you are (wrongfully) giving it a pointer.
+// You should only use ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE on statically allocated arrays.
+// The following comments are on the implementation details, and can
+// be ignored by the users.
+// ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(arr) works by inspecting sizeof(arr) (the # of bytes in
+// the array) and sizeof(*(arr)) (the # of bytes in one array
+// element).  If the former is divisible by the latter, perhaps arr is
+// indeed an array, in which case the division result is the # of
+// elements in the array.  Otherwise, arr cannot possibly be an array,
+// and we generate a compiler error to prevent the code from
+// compiling.
+// Since the size of bool is implementation-defined, we need to cast
+// !(sizeof(a) & sizeof(*(a))) to size_t in order to ensure the final
+// result has type size_t.
+// This macro is not perfect as it wrongfully accepts certain
+// pointers, namely where the pointer size is divisible by the pointee
+// size.  Since all our code has to go through a 32-bit compiler,
+// where a pointer is 4 bytes, this means all pointers to a type whose
+// size is 3 or greater than 4 will be (righteously) rejected.
+#define ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(a)     \
+  ((sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) / \
+   static_cast<size_t>(!(sizeof(a) % sizeof(*(a)))))  // NOLINT
+#if V8_OS_NACL
+// TODO(bmeurer): For some reason, the NaCl toolchain cannot handle the correct
+// definition of arraysize() below, so we have to use the unsafe version for
+// now.
+#define arraysize ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE
+#else  // V8_OS_NACL
+// The arraysize(arr) macro returns the # of elements in an array arr.
+// The expression is a compile-time constant, and therefore can be
+// used in defining new arrays, for example.  If you use arraysize on
+// a pointer by mistake, you will get a compile-time error.
+// One caveat is that arraysize() doesn't accept any array of an
+// anonymous type or a type defined inside a function.  In these rare
+// cases, you have to use the unsafe ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE() macro below.  This is
+// due to a limitation in C++'s template system.  The limitation might
+// eventually be removed, but it hasn't happened yet.
+#define arraysize(array) (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(array)))
+// This template function declaration is used in defining arraysize.
+// Note that the function doesn't need an implementation, as we only
+// use its type.
+template <typename T, size_t N>
+char (&ArraySizeHelper(T (&array)[N]))[N];
+#if !V8_CC_MSVC
+// That gcc wants both of these prototypes seems mysterious. VC, for
+// its part, can't decide which to use (another mystery). Matching of
+// template overloads: the final frontier.
+template <typename T, size_t N>
+char (&ArraySizeHelper(const T (&array)[N]))[N];
+#endif  // V8_OS_NACL
+// The COMPILE_ASSERT macro can be used to verify that a compile time
+// expression is true. For example, you could use it to verify the
+// size of a static array:
+//                  content_type_names_incorrect_size);
+// or to make sure a struct is smaller than a certain size:
+//   COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(foo) < 128, foo_too_large);
+// The second argument to the macro is the name of the variable. If
+// the expression is false, most compilers will issue a warning/error
+// containing the name of the variable.
+// Under C++11, just use static_assert.
+#define COMPILE_ASSERT(expr, msg) static_assert(expr, #msg)
+template <bool>
+struct CompileAssert {};
+#define COMPILE_ASSERT(expr, msg)                \
+  typedef CompileAssert<static_cast<bool>(expr)> \
+      msg[static_cast<bool>(expr) ? 1 : -1] ALLOW_UNUSED
+// Implementation details of COMPILE_ASSERT:
+// - COMPILE_ASSERT works by defining an array type that has -1
+//   elements (and thus is invalid) when the expression is false.
+// - The simpler definition
+//     #define COMPILE_ASSERT(expr, msg) typedef char msg[(expr) ? 1 : -1]
+//   does not work, as gcc supports variable-length arrays whose sizes
+//   are determined at run-time (this is gcc's extension and not part
+//   of the C++ standard).  As a result, gcc fails to reject the
+//   following code with the simple definition:
+//     int foo;
+//     COMPILE_ASSERT(foo, msg); // not supposed to compile as foo is
+//                               // not a compile-time constant.
+// - By using the type CompileAssert<(bool(expr))>, we ensures that
+//   expr is a compile-time constant.  (Template arguments must be
+//   determined at compile-time.)
+// - The outer parentheses in CompileAssert<(bool(expr))> are necessary
+//   to work around a bug in gcc 3.4.4 and 4.0.1.  If we had written
+//     CompileAssert<bool(expr)>
+//   instead, these compilers will refuse to compile
+//     COMPILE_ASSERT(5 > 0, some_message);
+//   (They seem to think the ">" in "5 > 0" marks the end of the
+//   template argument list.)
+// - The array size is (bool(expr) ? 1 : -1), instead of simply
+//     ((expr) ? 1 : -1).
+//   This is to avoid running into a bug in MS VC 7.1, which
+//   causes ((0.0) ? 1 : -1) to incorrectly evaluate to 1.
+// bit_cast<Dest,Source> is a template function that implements the
+// equivalent of "*reinterpret_cast<Dest*>(&source)".  We need this in
+// very low-level functions like the protobuf library and fast math
+// support.
+//   float f = 3.14159265358979;
+//   int i = bit_cast<int32>(f);
+//   // i = 0x40490fdb
+// The classical address-casting method is:
+//   // WRONG
+//   float f = 3.14159265358979;            // WRONG
+//   int i = * reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f);  // WRONG
+// The address-casting method actually produces undefined behavior
+// according to ISO C++ specification section 3.10 -15 -.  Roughly, this
+// section says: if an object in memory has one type, and a program
+// accesses it with a different type, then the result is undefined
+// behavior for most values of "different type".
+// This is true for any cast syntax, either *(int*)&f or
+// *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f).  And it is particularly true for
+// conversions between integral lvalues and floating-point lvalues.
+// The purpose of 3.10 -15- is to allow optimizing compilers to assume
+// that expressions with different types refer to different memory.  gcc
+// 4.0.1 has an optimizer that takes advantage of this.  So a
+// non-conforming program quietly produces wildly incorrect output.
+// The problem is not the use of reinterpret_cast.  The problem is type
+// punning: holding an object in memory of one type and reading its bits
+// back using a different type.
+// The C++ standard is more subtle and complex than this, but that
+// is the basic idea.
+// Anyways ...
+// bit_cast<> calls memcpy() which is blessed by the standard,
+// especially by the example in section 3.9 .  Also, of course,
+// bit_cast<> wraps up the nasty logic in one place.
+// Fortunately memcpy() is very fast.  In optimized mode, with a
+// constant size, gcc 2.95.3, gcc 4.0.1, and msvc 7.1 produce inline
+// code with the minimal amount of data movement.  On a 32-bit system,
+// memcpy(d,s,4) compiles to one load and one store, and memcpy(d,s,8)
+// compiles to two loads and two stores.
+// I tested this code with gcc 2.95.3, gcc 4.0.1, icc 8.1, and msvc 7.1.
+// WARNING: if Dest or Source is a non-POD type, the result of the memcpy
+// is likely to surprise you.
+template <class Dest, class Source>
+V8_INLINE Dest bit_cast(Source const& source) {
+  COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(Dest) == sizeof(Source), VerifySizesAreEqual);
+  Dest dest;
+  memcpy(&dest, &source, sizeof(dest));
+  return dest;
+// A macro to disallow the evil copy constructor and operator= functions
+// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
+#define DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeName)  \
+  TypeName(const TypeName&) V8_DELETE;      \
+  void operator=(const TypeName&) V8_DELETE
+// A macro to disallow all the implicit constructors, namely the
+// default constructor, copy constructor and operator= functions.
+// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class
+// that wants to prevent anyone from instantiating it. This is
+// especially useful for classes containing only static methods.
+  TypeName() V8_DELETE;                           \
+// Newly written code should use V8_INLINE and V8_NOINLINE directly.
+#define INLINE(declarator)    V8_INLINE declarator
+#define NO_INLINE(declarator) V8_NOINLINE declarator
+// Newly written code should use WARN_UNUSED_RESULT.
+// Define V8_USE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER macros.
+#if defined(__has_feature)
+#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
+// Define DISABLE_ASAN macros.
+#define DISABLE_ASAN __attribute__((no_sanitize_address))
+#if V8_CC_GNU
+#define V8_IMMEDIATE_CRASH() __builtin_trap()
+#define V8_IMMEDIATE_CRASH() ((void(*)())0)()
+// Use C++11 static_assert if possible, which gives error
+// messages that are easier to understand on first sight.
+#define STATIC_ASSERT(test) static_assert(test, #test)
+// This is inspired by the static assertion facility in boost.  This
+// is pretty magical.  If it causes you trouble on a platform you may
+// find a fix in the boost code.
+template <bool> class StaticAssertion;
+template <> class StaticAssertion<true> { };
+// This macro joins two tokens.  If one of the tokens is a macro the
+// helper call causes it to be resolved before joining.
+#define SEMI_STATIC_JOIN_HELPER(a, b) a##b
+// Causes an error during compilation of the condition is not
+// statically known to be true.  It is formulated as a typedef so that
+// it can be used wherever a typedef can be used.  Beware that this
+// actually causes each use to introduce a new defined type with a
+// name depending on the source line.
+template <int> class StaticAssertionHelper { };
+#define STATIC_ASSERT(test)                                                    \
+  typedef                                                                     \
+    StaticAssertionHelper<sizeof(StaticAssertion<static_cast<bool>((test))>)> \
+    SEMI_STATIC_JOIN(__StaticAssertTypedef__, __LINE__) ALLOW_UNUSED
+// The USE(x) template is used to silence C++ compiler warnings
+// issued for (yet) unused variables (typically parameters).
+template <typename T>
+inline void USE(T) { }
+#define IS_POWER_OF_TWO(x) ((x) != 0 && (((x) & ((x) - 1)) == 0))
+// Define our own macros for writing 64-bit constants.  This is less fragile
+// than defining __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS before including <stdint.h>, and it
+// works on compilers that don't have it (like MSVC).
+#if V8_CC_MSVC
+# define V8_UINT64_C(x)   (x ## UI64)
+# define V8_INT64_C(x)    (x ## I64)
+# if V8_HOST_ARCH_64_BIT
+#  define V8_INTPTR_C(x)  (x ## I64)
+#  define V8_PTR_PREFIX   "ll"
+# else
+#  define V8_INTPTR_C(x)  (x)
+#  define V8_PTR_PREFIX   ""
+# endif  // V8_HOST_ARCH_64_BIT
+#elif V8_CC_MINGW64
+# define V8_UINT64_C(x)   (x ## ULL)
+# define V8_INT64_C(x)    (x ## LL)
+# define V8_INTPTR_C(x)   (x ## LL)
+# define V8_PTR_PREFIX    "I64"
+#elif V8_HOST_ARCH_64_BIT
+# if V8_OS_MACOSX
+#  define V8_UINT64_C(x)   (x ## ULL)
+#  define V8_INT64_C(x)    (x ## LL)
+# else
+#  define V8_UINT64_C(x)   (x ## UL)
+#  define V8_INT64_C(x)    (x ## L)
+# endif
+# define V8_INTPTR_C(x)   (x ## L)
+# define V8_PTR_PREFIX    "l"
+# define V8_UINT64_C(x)   (x ## ULL)
+# define V8_INT64_C(x)    (x ## LL)
+# define V8_INTPTR_C(x)   (x)
+# define V8_PTR_PREFIX    ""
+#define V8PRIxPTR V8_PTR_PREFIX "x"
+#define V8PRIdPTR V8_PTR_PREFIX "d"
+#define V8PRIuPTR V8_PTR_PREFIX "u"
+// Fix for Mac OS X defining uintptr_t as "unsigned long":
+#undef V8PRIxPTR
+#define V8PRIxPTR "lx"
+// The following macro works on both 32 and 64-bit platforms.
+// Usage: instead of writing 0x1234567890123456
+//      write V8_2PART_UINT64_C(0x12345678,90123456);
+#define V8_2PART_UINT64_C(a, b) (((static_cast<uint64_t>(a) << 32) + 0x##b##u))
+// Compute the 0-relative offset of some absolute value x of type T.
+// This allows conversion of Addresses and integral types into
+// 0-relative int offsets.
+template <typename T>
+inline intptr_t OffsetFrom(T x) {
+  return x - static_cast<T>(0);
+// Compute the absolute value of type T for some 0-relative offset x.
+// This allows conversion of 0-relative int offsets into Addresses and
+// integral types.
+template <typename T>
+inline T AddressFrom(intptr_t x) {
+  return static_cast<T>(static_cast<T>(0) + x);
+// Return the largest multiple of m which is <= x.
+template <typename T>
+inline T RoundDown(T x, intptr_t m) {
+  return AddressFrom<T>(OffsetFrom(x) & -m);
+// Return the smallest multiple of m which is >= x.
+template <typename T>
+inline T RoundUp(T x, intptr_t m) {
+  return RoundDown<T>(static_cast<T>(x + m - 1), m);
+#endif   // V8_BASE_MACROS_H_