Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/src/code-stubs-hydrogen.cc b/src/code-stubs-hydrogen.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dafef52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/code-stubs-hydrogen.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1950 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
+#include "src/code-stubs.h"
+#include "src/field-index.h"
+#include "src/hydrogen.h"
+#include "src/lithium.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+static LChunk* OptimizeGraph(HGraph* graph) {
+  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
+  DisallowHandleAllocation no_handles;
+  DisallowHandleDereference no_deref;
+  DCHECK(graph != NULL);
+  BailoutReason bailout_reason = kNoReason;
+  if (!graph->Optimize(&bailout_reason)) {
+    FATAL(GetBailoutReason(bailout_reason));
+  }
+  LChunk* chunk = LChunk::NewChunk(graph);
+  if (chunk == NULL) {
+    FATAL(GetBailoutReason(graph->info()->bailout_reason()));
+  }
+  return chunk;
+class CodeStubGraphBuilderBase : public HGraphBuilder {
+ public:
+  CodeStubGraphBuilderBase(Isolate* isolate, HydrogenCodeStub* stub)
+      : HGraphBuilder(&info_),
+        arguments_length_(NULL),
+        info_(stub, isolate),
+        descriptor_(stub),
+        context_(NULL) {
+    int parameter_count = descriptor_.GetEnvironmentParameterCount();
+    parameters_.Reset(new HParameter*[parameter_count]);
+  }
+  virtual bool BuildGraph();
+ protected:
+  virtual HValue* BuildCodeStub() = 0;
+  HParameter* GetParameter(int parameter) {
+    DCHECK(parameter < descriptor_.GetEnvironmentParameterCount());
+    return parameters_[parameter];
+  }
+  HValue* GetArgumentsLength() {
+    // This is initialized in BuildGraph()
+    DCHECK(arguments_length_ != NULL);
+    return arguments_length_;
+  }
+  CompilationInfo* info() { return &info_; }
+  HydrogenCodeStub* stub() { return info_.code_stub(); }
+  HContext* context() { return context_; }
+  Isolate* isolate() { return info_.isolate(); }
+  HLoadNamedField* BuildLoadNamedField(HValue* object,
+                                       FieldIndex index);
+  void BuildStoreNamedField(HValue* object, HValue* value, FieldIndex index,
+                            Representation representation);
+  enum ArgumentClass {
+    NONE,
+    SINGLE,
+  };
+  HValue* UnmappedCase(HValue* elements, HValue* key);
+  HValue* BuildArrayConstructor(ElementsKind kind,
+                                AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode,
+                                ArgumentClass argument_class);
+  HValue* BuildInternalArrayConstructor(ElementsKind kind,
+                                        ArgumentClass argument_class);
+  // BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode emits code to install the optimized
+  // function found in the optimized code map at map_index in js_function, if
+  // the function at map_index matches the given native_context. Builder is
+  // left in the "Then()" state after the install.
+  void BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode(HValue* js_function,
+                                         HValue* native_context,
+                                         IfBuilder* builder,
+                                         HValue* optimized_map,
+                                         HValue* map_index);
+  void BuildInstallCode(HValue* js_function, HValue* shared_info);
+  HInstruction* LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(HValue* optimized_map,
+                                         HValue* iterator,
+                                         int field_offset);
+  void BuildInstallFromOptimizedCodeMap(HValue* js_function,
+                                        HValue* shared_info,
+                                        HValue* native_context);
+ private:
+  HValue* BuildArraySingleArgumentConstructor(JSArrayBuilder* builder);
+  HValue* BuildArrayNArgumentsConstructor(JSArrayBuilder* builder,
+                                          ElementsKind kind);
+  SmartArrayPointer<HParameter*> parameters_;
+  HValue* arguments_length_;
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info_;
+  CodeStubDescriptor descriptor_;
+  HContext* context_;
+bool CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildGraph() {
+  // Update the static counter each time a new code stub is generated.
+  isolate()->counters()->code_stubs()->Increment();
+  if (FLAG_trace_hydrogen_stubs) {
+    const char* name = CodeStub::MajorName(stub()->MajorKey(), false);
+    PrintF("-----------------------------------------------------------\n");
+    PrintF("Compiling stub %s using hydrogen\n", name);
+    isolate()->GetHTracer()->TraceCompilation(&info_);
+  }
+  int param_count = descriptor_.GetEnvironmentParameterCount();
+  HEnvironment* start_environment = graph()->start_environment();
+  HBasicBlock* next_block = CreateBasicBlock(start_environment);
+  Goto(next_block);
+  next_block->SetJoinId(BailoutId::StubEntry());
+  set_current_block(next_block);
+  bool runtime_stack_params = descriptor_.stack_parameter_count().is_valid();
+  HInstruction* stack_parameter_count = NULL;
+  for (int i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
+    Representation r = descriptor_.GetEnvironmentParameterRepresentation(i);
+    HParameter* param = Add<HParameter>(i,
+                                        HParameter::REGISTER_PARAMETER, r);
+    start_environment->Bind(i, param);
+    parameters_[i] = param;
+    if (descriptor_.IsEnvironmentParameterCountRegister(i)) {
+      param->set_type(HType::Smi());
+      stack_parameter_count = param;
+      arguments_length_ = stack_parameter_count;
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK(!runtime_stack_params || arguments_length_ != NULL);
+  if (!runtime_stack_params) {
+    stack_parameter_count = graph()->GetConstantMinus1();
+    arguments_length_ = graph()->GetConstant0();
+  }
+  context_ = Add<HContext>();
+  start_environment->BindContext(context_);
+  Add<HSimulate>(BailoutId::StubEntry());
+  NoObservableSideEffectsScope no_effects(this);
+  HValue* return_value = BuildCodeStub();
+  // We might have extra expressions to pop from the stack in addition to the
+  // arguments above.
+  HInstruction* stack_pop_count = stack_parameter_count;
+  if (descriptor_.function_mode() == JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE) {
+    if (!stack_parameter_count->IsConstant() &&
+        descriptor_.hint_stack_parameter_count() < 0) {
+      HInstruction* constant_one = graph()->GetConstant1();
+      stack_pop_count = AddUncasted<HAdd>(stack_parameter_count, constant_one);
+      stack_pop_count->ClearFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow);
+      // TODO(mvstanton): verify that stack_parameter_count+1 really fits in a
+      // smi.
+    } else {
+      int count = descriptor_.hint_stack_parameter_count();
+      stack_pop_count = Add<HConstant>(count);
+    }
+  }
+  if (current_block() != NULL) {
+    HReturn* hreturn_instruction = New<HReturn>(return_value,
+                                                stack_pop_count);
+    FinishCurrentBlock(hreturn_instruction);
+  }
+  return true;
+template <class Stub>
+class CodeStubGraphBuilder: public CodeStubGraphBuilderBase {
+ public:
+  CodeStubGraphBuilder(Isolate* isolate, Stub* stub)
+      : CodeStubGraphBuilderBase(isolate, stub) {}
+ protected:
+  virtual HValue* BuildCodeStub() {
+    if (casted_stub()->IsUninitialized()) {
+      return BuildCodeUninitializedStub();
+    } else {
+      return BuildCodeInitializedStub();
+    }
+  }
+  virtual HValue* BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  virtual HValue* BuildCodeUninitializedStub() {
+    // Force a deopt that falls back to the runtime.
+    HValue* undefined = graph()->GetConstantUndefined();
+    IfBuilder builder(this);
+    builder.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch, HValue*>(undefined, undefined);
+    builder.Then();
+    builder.ElseDeopt("Forced deopt to runtime");
+    return undefined;
+  }
+  Stub* casted_stub() { return static_cast<Stub*>(stub()); }
+Handle<Code> HydrogenCodeStub::GenerateLightweightMissCode(
+    ExternalReference miss) {
+  Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
+  // Generate the new code.
+  MacroAssembler masm(isolate(), NULL, 256);
+  {
+    // Update the static counter each time a new code stub is generated.
+    isolate()->counters()->code_stubs()->Increment();
+    // Generate the code for the stub.
+    masm.set_generating_stub(true);
+    NoCurrentFrameScope scope(&masm);
+    GenerateLightweightMiss(&masm, miss);
+  }
+  // Create the code object.
+  CodeDesc desc;
+  masm.GetCode(&desc);
+  // Copy the generated code into a heap object.
+  Code::Flags flags = Code::ComputeFlags(
+      GetCodeKind(),
+      GetICState(),
+      GetExtraICState(),
+      GetStubType());
+  Handle<Code> new_object = factory->NewCode(
+      desc, flags, masm.CodeObject(), NeedsImmovableCode());
+  return new_object;
+template <class Stub>
+static Handle<Code> DoGenerateCode(Stub* stub) {
+  Isolate* isolate = stub->isolate();
+  CodeStubDescriptor descriptor(stub);
+  // If we are uninitialized we can use a light-weight stub to enter
+  // the runtime that is significantly faster than using the standard
+  // stub-failure deopt mechanism.
+  if (stub->IsUninitialized() && descriptor.has_miss_handler()) {
+    DCHECK(!descriptor.stack_parameter_count().is_valid());
+    return stub->GenerateLightweightMissCode(descriptor.miss_handler());
+  }
+  base::ElapsedTimer timer;
+  if (FLAG_profile_hydrogen_code_stub_compilation) {
+    timer.Start();
+  }
+  CodeStubGraphBuilder<Stub> builder(isolate, stub);
+  LChunk* chunk = OptimizeGraph(builder.CreateGraph());
+  // TODO(yangguo) remove this once the code serializer handles code stubs.
+  if (FLAG_serialize_toplevel) chunk->info()->PrepareForSerializing();
+  Handle<Code> code = chunk->Codegen();
+  if (FLAG_profile_hydrogen_code_stub_compilation) {
+    OFStream os(stdout);
+    os << "[Lazy compilation of " << stub << " took "
+       << timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF() << " ms]" << endl;
+  }
+  return code;
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ToNumberStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* value = GetParameter(0);
+  // Check if the parameter is already a SMI or heap number.
+  IfBuilder if_number(this);
+  if_number.If<HIsSmiAndBranch>(value);
+  if_number.OrIf<HCompareMap>(value, isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map());
+  if_number.Then();
+  // Return the number.
+  Push(value);
+  if_number.Else();
+  // Convert the parameter to number using the builtin.
+  HValue* function = AddLoadJSBuiltin(Builtins::TO_NUMBER);
+  Add<HPushArguments>(value);
+  Push(Add<HInvokeFunction>(function, 1));
+  if_number.End();
+  return Pop();
+Handle<Code> ToNumberStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<NumberToStringStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  info()->MarkAsSavesCallerDoubles();
+  HValue* number = GetParameter(NumberToStringStub::kNumber);
+  return BuildNumberToString(number, Type::Number(zone()));
+Handle<Code> NumberToStringStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<FastCloneShallowArrayStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
+  HValue* undefined = graph()->GetConstantUndefined();
+  AllocationSiteMode alloc_site_mode = casted_stub()->allocation_site_mode();
+  // This stub is very performance sensitive, the generated code must be tuned
+  // so that it doesn't build and eager frame.
+  info()->MarkMustNotHaveEagerFrame();
+  HInstruction* allocation_site = Add<HLoadKeyed>(GetParameter(0),
+                                                  GetParameter(1),
+                                                  static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                                                  FAST_ELEMENTS);
+  IfBuilder checker(this);
+  checker.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch, HValue*>(allocation_site,
+                                                    undefined);
+  checker.Then();
+  HObjectAccess access = HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+      AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset);
+  HInstruction* boilerplate = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      allocation_site, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), access);
+  HValue* elements = AddLoadElements(boilerplate);
+  HValue* capacity = AddLoadFixedArrayLength(elements);
+  IfBuilder zero_capacity(this);
+  zero_capacity.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(capacity, graph()->GetConstant0(),
+                                           Token::EQ);
+  zero_capacity.Then();
+  Push(BuildCloneShallowArrayEmpty(boilerplate,
+                                   allocation_site,
+                                   alloc_site_mode));
+  zero_capacity.Else();
+  IfBuilder if_fixed_cow(this);
+  if_fixed_cow.If<HCompareMap>(elements, factory->fixed_cow_array_map());
+  if_fixed_cow.Then();
+  Push(BuildCloneShallowArrayCow(boilerplate,
+                                 allocation_site,
+                                 alloc_site_mode,
+                                 FAST_ELEMENTS));
+  if_fixed_cow.Else();
+  IfBuilder if_fixed(this);
+  if_fixed.If<HCompareMap>(elements, factory->fixed_array_map());
+  if_fixed.Then();
+  Push(BuildCloneShallowArrayNonEmpty(boilerplate,
+                                      allocation_site,
+                                      alloc_site_mode,
+                                      FAST_ELEMENTS));
+  if_fixed.Else();
+  Push(BuildCloneShallowArrayNonEmpty(boilerplate,
+                                      allocation_site,
+                                      alloc_site_mode,
+                                      FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS));
+  if_fixed.End();
+  if_fixed_cow.End();
+  zero_capacity.End();
+  checker.ElseDeopt("Uninitialized boilerplate literals");
+  checker.End();
+  return environment()->Pop();
+Handle<Code> FastCloneShallowArrayStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<FastCloneShallowObjectStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* undefined = graph()->GetConstantUndefined();
+  HInstruction* allocation_site = Add<HLoadKeyed>(GetParameter(0),
+                                                  GetParameter(1),
+                                                  static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                                                  FAST_ELEMENTS);
+  IfBuilder checker(this);
+  checker.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch, HValue*>(allocation_site,
+                                                    undefined);
+  checker.And();
+  HObjectAccess access = HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+      AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset);
+  HInstruction* boilerplate = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      allocation_site, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), access);
+  int size = JSObject::kHeaderSize + casted_stub()->length() * kPointerSize;
+  int object_size = size;
+  if (FLAG_allocation_site_pretenuring) {
+    size += AllocationMemento::kSize;
+  }
+  HValue* boilerplate_map = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      boilerplate, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForMap());
+  HValue* boilerplate_size = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      boilerplate_map, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForMapInstanceSize());
+  HValue* size_in_words = Add<HConstant>(object_size >> kPointerSizeLog2);
+  checker.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(boilerplate_size,
+                                       size_in_words, Token::EQ);
+  checker.Then();
+  HValue* size_in_bytes = Add<HConstant>(size);
+  HInstruction* object = Add<HAllocate>(size_in_bytes, HType::JSObject(),
+  for (int i = 0; i < object_size; i += kPointerSize) {
+    HObjectAccess access = HObjectAccess::ForObservableJSObjectOffset(i);
+    Add<HStoreNamedField>(
+        object, access, Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+            boilerplate, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), access));
+  }
+  DCHECK(FLAG_allocation_site_pretenuring || (size == object_size));
+  if (FLAG_allocation_site_pretenuring) {
+    BuildCreateAllocationMemento(
+        object, Add<HConstant>(object_size), allocation_site);
+  }
+  environment()->Push(object);
+  checker.ElseDeopt("Uninitialized boilerplate in fast clone");
+  checker.End();
+  return environment()->Pop();
+Handle<Code> FastCloneShallowObjectStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<CreateAllocationSiteStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* size = Add<HConstant>(AllocationSite::kSize);
+  HInstruction* object = Add<HAllocate>(size, HType::JSObject(), TENURED,
+  // Store the map
+  Handle<Map> allocation_site_map = isolate()->factory()->allocation_site_map();
+  AddStoreMapConstant(object, allocation_site_map);
+  // Store the payload (smi elements kind)
+  HValue* initial_elements_kind = Add<HConstant>(GetInitialFastElementsKind());
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(object,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+                            AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset),
+                        initial_elements_kind);
+  // Unlike literals, constructed arrays don't have nested sites
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(object,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+                            AllocationSite::kNestedSiteOffset),
+                        graph()->GetConstant0());
+  // Pretenuring calculation field.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(object,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+                            AllocationSite::kPretenureDataOffset),
+                        graph()->GetConstant0());
+  // Pretenuring memento creation count field.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(object,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+                            AllocationSite::kPretenureCreateCountOffset),
+                        graph()->GetConstant0());
+  // Store an empty fixed array for the code dependency.
+  HConstant* empty_fixed_array =
+    Add<HConstant>(isolate()->factory()->empty_fixed_array());
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(
+      object,
+      HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(
+          AllocationSite::kDependentCodeOffset),
+      empty_fixed_array);
+  // Link the object to the allocation site list
+  HValue* site_list = Add<HConstant>(
+      ExternalReference::allocation_sites_list_address(isolate()));
+  HValue* site = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      site_list, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteList());
+  // TODO(mvstanton): This is a store to a weak pointer, which we may want to
+  // mark as such in order to skip the write barrier, once we have a unified
+  // system for weakness. For now we decided to keep it like this because having
+  // an initial write barrier backed store makes this pointer strong until the
+  // next GC, and allocation sites are designed to survive several GCs anyway.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(
+      object,
+      HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteOffset(AllocationSite::kWeakNextOffset),
+      site);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(site_list, HObjectAccess::ForAllocationSiteList(),
+                        object);
+  HInstruction* feedback_vector = GetParameter(0);
+  HInstruction* slot = GetParameter(1);
+  Add<HStoreKeyed>(feedback_vector, slot, object, FAST_ELEMENTS,
+                   INITIALIZING_STORE);
+  return feedback_vector;
+Handle<Code> CreateAllocationSiteStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<LoadFastElementStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HInstruction* load = BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(
+      GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kReceiverIndex),
+      GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kNameIndex), NULL,
+      casted_stub()->is_js_array(), casted_stub()->elements_kind(), LOAD,
+  return load;
+Handle<Code> LoadFastElementStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+HLoadNamedField* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildLoadNamedField(
+    HValue* object, FieldIndex index) {
+  Representation representation = index.is_double()
+      ? Representation::Double()
+      : Representation::Tagged();
+  int offset = index.offset();
+  HObjectAccess access = index.is_inobject()
+      ? HObjectAccess::ForObservableJSObjectOffset(offset, representation)
+      : HObjectAccess::ForBackingStoreOffset(offset, representation);
+  if (index.is_double()) {
+    // Load the heap number.
+    object = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+        object, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+        access.WithRepresentation(Representation::Tagged()));
+    // Load the double value from it.
+    access = HObjectAccess::ForHeapNumberValue();
+  }
+  return Add<HLoadNamedField>(object, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), access);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<LoadFieldStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  return BuildLoadNamedField(GetParameter(0), casted_stub()->index());
+Handle<Code> LoadFieldStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<LoadConstantStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* map = AddLoadMap(GetParameter(0), NULL);
+  HObjectAccess descriptors_access = HObjectAccess::ForObservableJSObjectOffset(
+      Map::kDescriptorsOffset, Representation::Tagged());
+  HValue* descriptors =
+      Add<HLoadNamedField>(map, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), descriptors_access);
+  HObjectAccess value_access = HObjectAccess::ForObservableJSObjectOffset(
+      DescriptorArray::GetValueOffset(casted_stub()->constant_index()));
+  return Add<HLoadNamedField>(descriptors, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                              value_access);
+Handle<Code> LoadConstantStub::GenerateCode() { return DoGenerateCode(this); }
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::UnmappedCase(HValue* elements, HValue* key) {
+  HValue* result;
+  HInstruction* backing_store = Add<HLoadKeyed>(
+      elements, graph()->GetConstant1(), static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+  Add<HCheckMaps>(backing_store, isolate()->factory()->fixed_array_map());
+  HValue* backing_store_length =
+      Add<HLoadNamedField>(backing_store, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                           HObjectAccess::ForFixedArrayLength());
+  IfBuilder in_unmapped_range(this);
+  in_unmapped_range.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(key, backing_store_length,
+                                                 Token::LT);
+  in_unmapped_range.Then();
+  {
+    result = Add<HLoadKeyed>(backing_store, key, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                             FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE);
+  }
+  in_unmapped_range.ElseDeopt("Outside of range");
+  in_unmapped_range.End();
+  return result;
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  HValue* key = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kNameIndex);
+  // Mapped arguments are actual arguments. Unmapped arguments are values added
+  // to the arguments object after it was created for the call. Mapped arguments
+  // are stored in the context at indexes given by elements[key + 2]. Unmapped
+  // arguments are stored as regular indexed properties in the arguments array,
+  // held at elements[1]. See NewSloppyArguments() in runtime.cc for a detailed
+  // look at argument object construction.
+  //
+  // The sloppy arguments elements array has a special format:
+  //
+  // 0: context
+  // 1: unmapped arguments array
+  // 2: mapped_index0,
+  // 3: mapped_index1,
+  // ...
+  //
+  // length is 2 + min(number_of_actual_arguments, number_of_formal_arguments).
+  // If key + 2 >= elements.length then attempt to look in the unmapped
+  // arguments array (given by elements[1]) and return the value at key, missing
+  // to the runtime if the unmapped arguments array is not a fixed array or if
+  // key >= unmapped_arguments_array.length.
+  //
+  // Otherwise, t = elements[key + 2]. If t is the hole, then look up the value
+  // in the unmapped arguments array, as described above. Otherwise, t is a Smi
+  // index into the context array given at elements[0]. Return the value at
+  // context[t].
+  key = AddUncasted<HForceRepresentation>(key, Representation::Smi());
+  IfBuilder positive_smi(this);
+  positive_smi.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(key, graph()->GetConstant0(),
+                                            Token::LT);
+  positive_smi.ThenDeopt("key is negative");
+  positive_smi.End();
+  HValue* constant_two = Add<HConstant>(2);
+  HValue* elements = AddLoadElements(receiver, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL));
+  HValue* elements_length =
+      Add<HLoadNamedField>(elements, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                           HObjectAccess::ForFixedArrayLength());
+  HValue* adjusted_length = AddUncasted<HSub>(elements_length, constant_two);
+  IfBuilder in_range(this);
+  in_range.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(key, adjusted_length, Token::LT);
+  in_range.Then();
+  {
+    HValue* index = AddUncasted<HAdd>(key, constant_two);
+    HInstruction* mapped_index =
+        Add<HLoadKeyed>(elements, index, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                        FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS, ALLOW_RETURN_HOLE);
+    IfBuilder is_valid(this);
+    is_valid.IfNot<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(mapped_index,
+                                              graph()->GetConstantHole());
+    is_valid.Then();
+    {
+      // TODO(mvstanton): I'd like to assert from this point, that if the
+      // mapped_index is not the hole that it is indeed, a smi. An unnecessary
+      // smi check is being emitted.
+      HValue* the_context =
+          Add<HLoadKeyed>(elements, graph()->GetConstant0(),
+                          static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), FAST_ELEMENTS);
+      DCHECK(Context::kHeaderSize == FixedArray::kHeaderSize);
+      HValue* result =
+          Add<HLoadKeyed>(the_context, mapped_index, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                          FAST_ELEMENTS, ALLOW_RETURN_HOLE);
+      environment()->Push(result);
+    }
+    is_valid.Else();
+    {
+      HValue* result = UnmappedCase(elements, key);
+      environment()->Push(result);
+    }
+    is_valid.End();
+  }
+  in_range.Else();
+  {
+    HValue* result = UnmappedCase(elements, key);
+    environment()->Push(result);
+  }
+  in_range.End();
+  return environment()->Pop();
+Handle<Code> KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+void CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildStoreNamedField(
+    HValue* object, HValue* value, FieldIndex index,
+    Representation representation) {
+  DCHECK(!index.is_double() || representation.IsDouble());
+  int offset = index.offset();
+  HObjectAccess access =
+      index.is_inobject()
+          ? HObjectAccess::ForObservableJSObjectOffset(offset, representation)
+          : HObjectAccess::ForBackingStoreOffset(offset, representation);
+  if (representation.IsDouble()) {
+    // Load the heap number.
+    object = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+        object, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+        access.WithRepresentation(Representation::Tagged()));
+    // Store the double value into it.
+    access = HObjectAccess::ForHeapNumberValue();
+  } else if (representation.IsHeapObject()) {
+    BuildCheckHeapObject(value);
+  }
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(object, access, value, INITIALIZING_STORE);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StoreFieldStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  BuildStoreNamedField(GetParameter(0), GetParameter(2), casted_stub()->index(),
+                       casted_stub()->representation());
+  return GetParameter(2);
+Handle<Code> StoreFieldStub::GenerateCode() { return DoGenerateCode(this); }
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StringLengthStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* string = BuildLoadNamedField(GetParameter(0),
+      FieldIndex::ForInObjectOffset(JSValue::kValueOffset));
+  return BuildLoadNamedField(string,
+      FieldIndex::ForInObjectOffset(String::kLengthOffset));
+Handle<Code> StringLengthStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StoreFastElementStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(
+      GetParameter(StoreDescriptor::kReceiverIndex),
+      GetParameter(StoreDescriptor::kNameIndex),
+      GetParameter(StoreDescriptor::kValueIndex), casted_stub()->is_js_array(),
+      casted_stub()->elements_kind(), STORE, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE,
+      casted_stub()->store_mode());
+  return GetParameter(2);
+Handle<Code> StoreFastElementStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<TransitionElementsKindStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  info()->MarkAsSavesCallerDoubles();
+  BuildTransitionElementsKind(GetParameter(0),
+                              GetParameter(1),
+                              casted_stub()->from_kind(),
+                              casted_stub()->to_kind(),
+                              casted_stub()->is_js_array());
+  return GetParameter(0);
+Handle<Code> TransitionElementsKindStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildArrayConstructor(
+    ElementsKind kind,
+    AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode,
+    ArgumentClass argument_class) {
+  HValue* constructor = GetParameter(ArrayConstructorStubBase::kConstructor);
+  HValue* alloc_site = GetParameter(ArrayConstructorStubBase::kAllocationSite);
+  JSArrayBuilder array_builder(this, kind, alloc_site, constructor,
+                               override_mode);
+  HValue* result = NULL;
+  switch (argument_class) {
+    case NONE:
+      // This stub is very performance sensitive, the generated code must be
+      // tuned so that it doesn't build and eager frame.
+      info()->MarkMustNotHaveEagerFrame();
+      result = array_builder.AllocateEmptyArray();
+      break;
+    case SINGLE:
+      result = BuildArraySingleArgumentConstructor(&array_builder);
+      break;
+    case MULTIPLE:
+      result = BuildArrayNArgumentsConstructor(&array_builder, kind);
+      break;
+  }
+  return result;
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInternalArrayConstructor(
+    ElementsKind kind, ArgumentClass argument_class) {
+  HValue* constructor = GetParameter(
+      InternalArrayConstructorStubBase::kConstructor);
+  JSArrayBuilder array_builder(this, kind, constructor);
+  HValue* result = NULL;
+  switch (argument_class) {
+    case NONE:
+      // This stub is very performance sensitive, the generated code must be
+      // tuned so that it doesn't build and eager frame.
+      info()->MarkMustNotHaveEagerFrame();
+      result = array_builder.AllocateEmptyArray();
+      break;
+    case SINGLE:
+      result = BuildArraySingleArgumentConstructor(&array_builder);
+      break;
+    case MULTIPLE:
+      result = BuildArrayNArgumentsConstructor(&array_builder, kind);
+      break;
+  }
+  return result;
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildArraySingleArgumentConstructor(
+    JSArrayBuilder* array_builder) {
+  // Smi check and range check on the input arg.
+  HValue* constant_one = graph()->GetConstant1();
+  HValue* constant_zero = graph()->GetConstant0();
+  HInstruction* elements = Add<HArgumentsElements>(false);
+  HInstruction* argument = Add<HAccessArgumentsAt>(
+      elements, constant_one, constant_zero);
+  return BuildAllocateArrayFromLength(array_builder, argument);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildArrayNArgumentsConstructor(
+    JSArrayBuilder* array_builder, ElementsKind kind) {
+  // Insert a bounds check because the number of arguments might exceed
+  // the kInitialMaxFastElementArray limit. This cannot happen for code
+  // that was parsed, but calling via Array.apply(thisArg, [...]) might
+  // trigger it.
+  HValue* length = GetArgumentsLength();
+  HConstant* max_alloc_length =
+      Add<HConstant>(JSObject::kInitialMaxFastElementArray);
+  HValue* checked_length = Add<HBoundsCheck>(length, max_alloc_length);
+  // We need to fill with the hole if it's a smi array in the multi-argument
+  // case because we might have to bail out while copying arguments into
+  // the array because they aren't compatible with a smi array.
+  // If it's a double array, no problem, and if it's fast then no
+  // problem either because doubles are boxed.
+  //
+  // TODO(mvstanton): consider an instruction to memset fill the array
+  // with zero in this case instead.
+  JSArrayBuilder::FillMode fill_mode = IsFastSmiElementsKind(kind)
+      ? JSArrayBuilder::FILL_WITH_HOLE
+      : JSArrayBuilder::DONT_FILL_WITH_HOLE;
+  HValue* new_object = array_builder->AllocateArray(checked_length,
+                                                    max_alloc_length,
+                                                    checked_length,
+                                                    fill_mode);
+  HValue* elements = array_builder->GetElementsLocation();
+  DCHECK(elements != NULL);
+  // Now populate the elements correctly.
+  LoopBuilder builder(this,
+                      context(),
+                      LoopBuilder::kPostIncrement);
+  HValue* start = graph()->GetConstant0();
+  HValue* key = builder.BeginBody(start, checked_length, Token::LT);
+  HInstruction* argument_elements = Add<HArgumentsElements>(false);
+  HInstruction* argument = Add<HAccessArgumentsAt>(
+      argument_elements, checked_length, key);
+  Add<HStoreKeyed>(elements, key, argument, kind);
+  builder.EndBody();
+  return new_object;
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = casted_stub()->override_mode();
+  return BuildArrayConstructor(kind, override_mode, NONE);
+Handle<Code> ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub>::
+    BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = casted_stub()->override_mode();
+  return BuildArrayConstructor(kind, override_mode, SINGLE);
+Handle<Code> ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = casted_stub()->override_mode();
+  return BuildArrayConstructor(kind, override_mode, MULTIPLE);
+Handle<Code> ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>::
+    BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  return BuildInternalArrayConstructor(kind, NONE);
+Handle<Code> InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub>::
+    BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  return BuildInternalArrayConstructor(kind, SINGLE);
+Handle<Code> InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub>::
+    BuildCodeStub() {
+  ElementsKind kind = casted_stub()->elements_kind();
+  return BuildInternalArrayConstructor(kind, MULTIPLE);
+Handle<Code> InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<CompareNilICStub>::BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+  Isolate* isolate = graph()->isolate();
+  CompareNilICStub* stub = casted_stub();
+  HIfContinuation continuation;
+  Handle<Map> sentinel_map(isolate->heap()->meta_map());
+  Type* type = stub->GetType(zone(), sentinel_map);
+  BuildCompareNil(GetParameter(0), type, &continuation);
+  IfBuilder if_nil(this, &continuation);
+  if_nil.Then();
+  if (continuation.IsFalseReachable()) {
+    if_nil.Else();
+    if_nil.Return(graph()->GetConstant0());
+  }
+  if_nil.End();
+  return continuation.IsTrueReachable()
+      ? graph()->GetConstant1()
+      : graph()->GetConstantUndefined();
+Handle<Code> CompareNilICStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<BinaryOpICStub>::BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+  BinaryOpICState state = casted_stub()->state();
+  HValue* left = GetParameter(BinaryOpICStub::kLeft);
+  HValue* right = GetParameter(BinaryOpICStub::kRight);
+  Type* left_type = state.GetLeftType(zone());
+  Type* right_type = state.GetRightType(zone());
+  Type* result_type = state.GetResultType(zone());
+  DCHECK(!left_type->Is(Type::None()) && !right_type->Is(Type::None()) &&
+         (state.HasSideEffects() || !result_type->Is(Type::None())));
+  HValue* result = NULL;
+  HAllocationMode allocation_mode(NOT_TENURED);
+  if (state.op() == Token::ADD &&
+      (left_type->Maybe(Type::String()) || right_type->Maybe(Type::String())) &&
+      !left_type->Is(Type::String()) && !right_type->Is(Type::String())) {
+    // For the generic add stub a fast case for string addition is performance
+    // critical.
+    if (left_type->Maybe(Type::String())) {
+      IfBuilder if_leftisstring(this);
+      if_leftisstring.If<HIsStringAndBranch>(left);
+      if_leftisstring.Then();
+      {
+        Push(BuildBinaryOperation(
+                    state.op(), left, right,
+                    Type::String(zone()), right_type,
+                    result_type, state.fixed_right_arg(),
+                    allocation_mode));
+      }
+      if_leftisstring.Else();
+      {
+        Push(BuildBinaryOperation(
+                    state.op(), left, right,
+                    left_type, right_type, result_type,
+                    state.fixed_right_arg(), allocation_mode));
+      }
+      if_leftisstring.End();
+      result = Pop();
+    } else {
+      IfBuilder if_rightisstring(this);
+      if_rightisstring.If<HIsStringAndBranch>(right);
+      if_rightisstring.Then();
+      {
+        Push(BuildBinaryOperation(
+                    state.op(), left, right,
+                    left_type, Type::String(zone()),
+                    result_type, state.fixed_right_arg(),
+                    allocation_mode));
+      }
+      if_rightisstring.Else();
+      {
+        Push(BuildBinaryOperation(
+                    state.op(), left, right,
+                    left_type, right_type, result_type,
+                    state.fixed_right_arg(), allocation_mode));
+      }
+      if_rightisstring.End();
+      result = Pop();
+    }
+  } else {
+    result = BuildBinaryOperation(
+            state.op(), left, right,
+            left_type, right_type, result_type,
+            state.fixed_right_arg(), allocation_mode);
+  }
+  // If we encounter a generic argument, the number conversion is
+  // observable, thus we cannot afford to bail out after the fact.
+  if (!state.HasSideEffects()) {
+    result = EnforceNumberType(result, result_type);
+  }
+  // Reuse the double box of one of the operands if we are allowed to (i.e.
+  // chained binops).
+  if (state.CanReuseDoubleBox()) {
+    HValue* operand = (state.mode() == OVERWRITE_LEFT) ? left : right;
+    IfBuilder if_heap_number(this);
+    if_heap_number.If<HHasInstanceTypeAndBranch>(operand, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE);
+    if_heap_number.Then();
+    Add<HStoreNamedField>(operand, HObjectAccess::ForHeapNumberValue(), result);
+    Push(operand);
+    if_heap_number.Else();
+    Push(result);
+    if_heap_number.End();
+    result = Pop();
+  }
+  return result;
+Handle<Code> BinaryOpICStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  BinaryOpICState state = casted_stub()->state();
+  HValue* allocation_site = GetParameter(
+      BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub::kAllocationSite);
+  HValue* left = GetParameter(BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub::kLeft);
+  HValue* right = GetParameter(BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub::kRight);
+  Type* left_type = state.GetLeftType(zone());
+  Type* right_type = state.GetRightType(zone());
+  Type* result_type = state.GetResultType(zone());
+  HAllocationMode allocation_mode(allocation_site);
+  return BuildBinaryOperation(state.op(), left, right,
+                              left_type, right_type, result_type,
+                              state.fixed_right_arg(), allocation_mode);
+Handle<Code> BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StringAddStub>::BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+  StringAddStub* stub = casted_stub();
+  StringAddFlags flags = stub->flags();
+  PretenureFlag pretenure_flag = stub->pretenure_flag();
+  HValue* left = GetParameter(StringAddStub::kLeft);
+  HValue* right = GetParameter(StringAddStub::kRight);
+  // Make sure that both arguments are strings if not known in advance.
+    left = BuildCheckString(left);
+  }
+    right = BuildCheckString(right);
+  }
+  return BuildStringAdd(left, right, HAllocationMode(pretenure_flag));
+Handle<Code> StringAddStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ToBooleanStub>::BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+  ToBooleanStub* stub = casted_stub();
+  HValue* true_value = NULL;
+  HValue* false_value = NULL;
+  switch (stub->mode()) {
+    case ToBooleanStub::RESULT_AS_SMI:
+      true_value = graph()->GetConstant1();
+      false_value = graph()->GetConstant0();
+      break;
+    case ToBooleanStub::RESULT_AS_ODDBALL:
+      true_value = graph()->GetConstantTrue();
+      false_value = graph()->GetConstantFalse();
+      break;
+    case ToBooleanStub::RESULT_AS_INVERSE_ODDBALL:
+      true_value = graph()->GetConstantFalse();
+      false_value = graph()->GetConstantTrue();
+      break;
+  }
+  IfBuilder if_true(this);
+  if_true.If<HBranch>(GetParameter(0), stub->types());
+  if_true.Then();
+  if_true.Return(true_value);
+  if_true.Else();
+  if_true.End();
+  return false_value;
+Handle<Code> ToBooleanStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<StoreGlobalStub>::BuildCodeInitializedStub() {
+  StoreGlobalStub* stub = casted_stub();
+  Handle<Object> placeholer_value(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate());
+  Handle<PropertyCell> placeholder_cell =
+      isolate()->factory()->NewPropertyCell(placeholer_value);
+  HParameter* value = GetParameter(StoreDescriptor::kValueIndex);
+  if (stub->check_global()) {
+    // Check that the map of the global has not changed: use a placeholder map
+    // that will be replaced later with the global object's map.
+    Handle<Map> placeholder_map = isolate()->factory()->meta_map();
+    HValue* global = Add<HConstant>(
+        StoreGlobalStub::global_placeholder(isolate()));
+    Add<HCheckMaps>(global, placeholder_map);
+  }
+  HValue* cell = Add<HConstant>(placeholder_cell);
+  HObjectAccess access(HObjectAccess::ForCellPayload(isolate()));
+  HValue* cell_contents = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      cell, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), access);
+  if (stub->is_constant()) {
+    IfBuilder builder(this);
+    builder.If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(cell_contents, value);
+    builder.Then();
+    builder.ElseDeopt("Unexpected cell contents in constant global store");
+    builder.End();
+  } else {
+    // Load the payload of the global parameter cell. A hole indicates that the
+    // property has been deleted and that the store must be handled by the
+    // runtime.
+    IfBuilder builder(this);
+    HValue* hole_value = graph()->GetConstantHole();
+    builder.If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(cell_contents, hole_value);
+    builder.Then();
+    builder.Deopt("Unexpected cell contents in global store");
+    builder.Else();
+    Add<HStoreNamedField>(cell, access, value);
+    builder.End();
+  }
+  return value;
+Handle<Code> StoreGlobalStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* value = GetParameter(ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub::kValueIndex);
+  HValue* map = GetParameter(ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub::kMapIndex);
+  HValue* key = GetParameter(ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub::kKeyIndex);
+  HValue* object = GetParameter(ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub::kObjectIndex);
+  if (FLAG_trace_elements_transitions) {
+    // Tracing elements transitions is the job of the runtime.
+    Add<HDeoptimize>("Tracing elements transitions", Deoptimizer::EAGER);
+  } else {
+    info()->MarkAsSavesCallerDoubles();
+    BuildTransitionElementsKind(object, map,
+                                casted_stub()->from_kind(),
+                                casted_stub()->to_kind(),
+                                casted_stub()->is_jsarray());
+    BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(object, key, value,
+                                           casted_stub()->is_jsarray(),
+                                           casted_stub()->to_kind(),
+                                           STORE, ALLOW_RETURN_HOLE,
+                                           casted_stub()->store_mode());
+  }
+  return value;
+Handle<Code> ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+void CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode(
+    HValue* js_function,
+    HValue* native_context,
+    IfBuilder* builder,
+    HValue* optimized_map,
+    HValue* map_index) {
+  HValue* osr_ast_id_none = Add<HConstant>(BailoutId::None().ToInt());
+  HValue* context_slot = LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+      optimized_map, map_index, SharedFunctionInfo::kContextOffset);
+  HValue* osr_ast_slot = LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+      optimized_map, map_index, SharedFunctionInfo::kOsrAstIdOffset);
+  builder->If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(native_context,
+                                         context_slot);
+  builder->AndIf<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(osr_ast_slot, osr_ast_id_none);
+  builder->Then();
+  HValue* code_object = LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(optimized_map,
+      map_index, SharedFunctionInfo::kCachedCodeOffset);
+  // and the literals
+  HValue* literals = LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(optimized_map,
+      map_index, SharedFunctionInfo::kLiteralsOffset);
+  Counters* counters = isolate()->counters();
+  AddIncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_install_optimized());
+  // TODO(fschneider): Idea: store proper code pointers in the optimized code
+  // map and either unmangle them on marking or do nothing as the whole map is
+  // discarded on major GC anyway.
+  Add<HStoreCodeEntry>(js_function, code_object);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForLiteralsPointer(),
+                        literals);
+  // Now link a function into a list of optimized functions.
+  HValue* optimized_functions_list = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      native_context, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST));
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForNextFunctionLinkPointer(),
+                        optimized_functions_list);
+  // This store is the only one that should have a write barrier.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(native_context,
+           HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST),
+           js_function);
+  // The builder continues in the "then" after this function.
+void CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInstallCode(HValue* js_function,
+                                                HValue* shared_info) {
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForNextFunctionLinkPointer(),
+                        graph()->GetConstantUndefined());
+  HValue* code_object = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      shared_info, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), HObjectAccess::ForCodeOffset());
+  Add<HStoreCodeEntry>(js_function, code_object);
+HInstruction* CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::LoadFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+    HValue* optimized_map,
+    HValue* iterator,
+    int field_offset) {
+  // By making sure to express these loads in the form [<hvalue> + constant]
+  // the keyed load can be hoisted.
+  DCHECK(field_offset >= 0 && field_offset < SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength);
+  HValue* field_slot = iterator;
+  if (field_offset > 0) {
+    HValue* field_offset_value = Add<HConstant>(field_offset);
+    field_slot = AddUncasted<HAdd>(iterator, field_offset_value);
+  }
+  HInstruction* field_entry = Add<HLoadKeyed>(optimized_map, field_slot,
+      static_cast<HValue*>(NULL), FAST_ELEMENTS);
+  return field_entry;
+void CodeStubGraphBuilderBase::BuildInstallFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+    HValue* js_function,
+    HValue* shared_info,
+    HValue* native_context) {
+  Counters* counters = isolate()->counters();
+  IfBuilder is_optimized(this);
+  HInstruction* optimized_map = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      shared_info, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForOptimizedCodeMap());
+  HValue* null_constant = Add<HConstant>(0);
+  is_optimized.If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(optimized_map, null_constant);
+  is_optimized.Then();
+  {
+    BuildInstallCode(js_function, shared_info);
+  }
+  is_optimized.Else();
+  {
+    AddIncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_try_optimized());
+    // optimized_map points to fixed array of 3-element entries
+    // (native context, optimized code, literals).
+    // Map must never be empty, so check the first elements.
+    HValue* first_entry_index =
+        Add<HConstant>(SharedFunctionInfo::kEntriesStart);
+    IfBuilder already_in(this);
+    BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode(js_function, native_context, &already_in,
+                                      optimized_map, first_entry_index);
+    already_in.Else();
+    {
+      // Iterate through the rest of map backwards. Do not double check first
+      // entry. After the loop, if no matching optimized code was found,
+      // install unoptimized code.
+      // for(i = map.length() - SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength;
+      //     i > SharedFunctionInfo::kEntriesStart;
+      //     i -= SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength) { .. }
+      HValue* shared_function_entry_length =
+          Add<HConstant>(SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength);
+      LoopBuilder loop_builder(this,
+                               context(),
+                               LoopBuilder::kPostDecrement,
+                               shared_function_entry_length);
+      HValue* array_length = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+          optimized_map, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+          HObjectAccess::ForFixedArrayLength());
+      HValue* start_pos = AddUncasted<HSub>(array_length,
+                                            shared_function_entry_length);
+      HValue* slot_iterator = loop_builder.BeginBody(start_pos,
+                                                     first_entry_index,
+                                                     Token::GT);
+      {
+        IfBuilder done_check(this);
+        BuildCheckAndInstallOptimizedCode(js_function, native_context,
+                                          &done_check,
+                                          optimized_map,
+                                          slot_iterator);
+        // Fall out of the loop
+        loop_builder.Break();
+      }
+      loop_builder.EndBody();
+      // If slot_iterator equals first entry index, then we failed to find and
+      // install optimized code
+      IfBuilder no_optimized_code_check(this);
+      no_optimized_code_check.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(
+          slot_iterator, first_entry_index, Token::EQ);
+      no_optimized_code_check.Then();
+      {
+        // Store the unoptimized code
+        BuildInstallCode(js_function, shared_info);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<FastNewClosureStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  Counters* counters = isolate()->counters();
+  Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
+  HInstruction* empty_fixed_array =
+      Add<HConstant>(factory->empty_fixed_array());
+  HValue* shared_info = GetParameter(0);
+  AddIncrementCounter(counters->fast_new_closure_total());
+  // Create a new closure from the given function info in new space
+  HValue* size = Add<HConstant>(JSFunction::kSize);
+  HInstruction* js_function = Add<HAllocate>(size, HType::JSObject(),
+                                             NOT_TENURED, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE);
+  int map_index = Context::FunctionMapIndex(casted_stub()->strict_mode(),
+                                            casted_stub()->kind());
+  // Compute the function map in the current native context and set that
+  // as the map of the allocated object.
+  HInstruction* native_context = BuildGetNativeContext();
+  HInstruction* map_slot_value = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      native_context, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(map_index));
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForMap(), map_slot_value);
+  // Initialize the rest of the function.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForPropertiesPointer(),
+                        empty_fixed_array);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForElementsPointer(),
+                        empty_fixed_array);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForLiteralsPointer(),
+                        empty_fixed_array);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForPrototypeOrInitialMap(),
+                        graph()->GetConstantHole());
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForSharedFunctionInfoPointer(),
+                        shared_info);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(js_function, HObjectAccess::ForFunctionContextPointer(),
+                        context());
+  // Initialize the code pointer in the function to be the one
+  // found in the shared function info object.
+  // But first check if there is an optimized version for our context.
+  if (FLAG_cache_optimized_code) {
+    BuildInstallFromOptimizedCodeMap(js_function, shared_info, native_context);
+  } else {
+    BuildInstallCode(js_function, shared_info);
+  }
+  return js_function;
+Handle<Code> FastNewClosureStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<FastNewContextStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  int length = casted_stub()->slots() + Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS;
+  // Get the function.
+  HParameter* function = GetParameter(FastNewContextStub::kFunction);
+  // Allocate the context in new space.
+  HAllocate* function_context = Add<HAllocate>(
+      Add<HConstant>(length * kPointerSize + FixedArray::kHeaderSize),
+      HType::HeapObject(), NOT_TENURED, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE);
+  // Set up the object header.
+  AddStoreMapConstant(function_context,
+                      isolate()->factory()->function_context_map());
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForFixedArrayLength(),
+                        Add<HConstant>(length));
+  // Set up the fixed slots.
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::CLOSURE_INDEX),
+                        function);
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX),
+                        context());
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::EXTENSION_INDEX),
+                        graph()->GetConstant0());
+  // Copy the global object from the previous context.
+  HValue* global_object = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+      context(), static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+      HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX));
+  Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                        HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(
+                            Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX),
+                        global_object);
+  // Initialize the rest of the slots to undefined.
+  for (int i = Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS; i < length; ++i) {
+    Add<HStoreNamedField>(function_context,
+                          HObjectAccess::ForContextSlot(i),
+                          graph()->GetConstantUndefined());
+  }
+  return function_context;
+Handle<Code> FastNewContextStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<LoadDictionaryElementStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  HValue* key = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kNameIndex);
+  Add<HCheckSmi>(key);
+  HValue* elements = AddLoadElements(receiver);
+  HValue* hash = BuildElementIndexHash(key);
+  return BuildUncheckedDictionaryElementLoad(receiver, elements, key, hash);
+Handle<Code> LoadDictionaryElementStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<RegExpConstructResultStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  // Determine the parameters.
+  HValue* length = GetParameter(RegExpConstructResultStub::kLength);
+  HValue* index = GetParameter(RegExpConstructResultStub::kIndex);
+  HValue* input = GetParameter(RegExpConstructResultStub::kInput);
+  info()->MarkMustNotHaveEagerFrame();
+  return BuildRegExpConstructResult(length, index, input);
+Handle<Code> RegExpConstructResultStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+class CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadGenericStub>
+    : public CodeStubGraphBuilderBase {
+ public:
+  CodeStubGraphBuilder(Isolate* isolate, KeyedLoadGenericStub* stub)
+      : CodeStubGraphBuilderBase(isolate, stub) {}
+ protected:
+  virtual HValue* BuildCodeStub();
+  void BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder,
+                                   HValue* bit_field2,
+                                   ElementsKind kind);
+  void BuildFastElementLoad(HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder,
+                            HValue* receiver,
+                            HValue* key,
+                            HValue* instance_type,
+                            HValue* bit_field2,
+                            ElementsKind kind);
+  void BuildExternalElementLoad(HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder,
+                                HValue* receiver,
+                                HValue* key,
+                                HValue* instance_type,
+                                HValue* bit_field2,
+                                ElementsKind kind);
+  KeyedLoadGenericStub* casted_stub() {
+    return static_cast<KeyedLoadGenericStub*>(stub());
+  }
+void CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadGenericStub>::BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(
+    HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder, HValue* bit_field2,
+    ElementsKind kind) {
+  ElementsKind next_kind = static_cast<ElementsKind>(kind + 1);
+  HValue* kind_limit = Add<HConstant>(
+      static_cast<int>(Map::ElementsKindBits::encode(next_kind)));
+  if_builder->If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(bit_field2, kind_limit, Token::LT);
+  if_builder->Then();
+void CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadGenericStub>::BuildFastElementLoad(
+    HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder, HValue* receiver, HValue* key,
+    HValue* instance_type, HValue* bit_field2, ElementsKind kind) {
+  DCHECK(!IsExternalArrayElementsKind(kind));
+  BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(if_builder, bit_field2, kind);
+  IfBuilder js_array_check(this);
+  js_array_check.If<HCompareNumericAndBranch>(
+      instance_type, Add<HConstant>(JS_ARRAY_TYPE), Token::EQ);
+  js_array_check.Then();
+  Push(BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(receiver, key, NULL,
+                                              true, kind,
+                                              LOAD, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE,
+                                              STANDARD_STORE));
+  js_array_check.Else();
+  Push(BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(receiver, key, NULL,
+                                              false, kind,
+                                              LOAD, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE,
+                                              STANDARD_STORE));
+  js_array_check.End();
+void CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadGenericStub>::BuildExternalElementLoad(
+    HGraphBuilder::IfBuilder* if_builder, HValue* receiver, HValue* key,
+    HValue* instance_type, HValue* bit_field2, ElementsKind kind) {
+  DCHECK(IsExternalArrayElementsKind(kind));
+  BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(if_builder, bit_field2, kind);
+  Push(BuildUncheckedMonomorphicElementAccess(receiver, key, NULL,
+                                              false, kind,
+                                              LOAD, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE,
+                                              STANDARD_STORE));
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<KeyedLoadGenericStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  HValue* key = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kNameIndex);
+  // Split into a smi/integer case and unique string case.
+  HIfContinuation index_name_split_continuation(graph()->CreateBasicBlock(),
+                                                graph()->CreateBasicBlock());
+  BuildKeyedIndexCheck(key, &index_name_split_continuation);
+  IfBuilder index_name_split(this, &index_name_split_continuation);
+  index_name_split.Then();
+  {
+    // Key is an index (number)
+    key = Pop();
+    int bit_field_mask = (1 << Map::kIsAccessCheckNeeded) |
+      (1 << Map::kHasIndexedInterceptor);
+    BuildJSObjectCheck(receiver, bit_field_mask);
+    HValue* map = Add<HLoadNamedField>(receiver, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                                       HObjectAccess::ForMap());
+    HValue* instance_type =
+      Add<HLoadNamedField>(map, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                           HObjectAccess::ForMapInstanceType());
+    HValue* bit_field2 = Add<HLoadNamedField>(map,
+                                              static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                                              HObjectAccess::ForMapBitField2());
+    IfBuilder kind_if(this);
+    BuildFastElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                         FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    {
+      BuildFastElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                           FAST_HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS);
+    }
+    kind_if.Else();
+    // The DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS check generates a "kind_if.Then"
+    BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(&kind_if, bit_field2, DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS);
+    {
+      HValue* elements = AddLoadElements(receiver);
+      HValue* hash = BuildElementIndexHash(key);
+      Push(BuildUncheckedDictionaryElementLoad(receiver, elements, key, hash));
+    }
+    kind_if.Else();
+    // The SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS check generates a "kind_if.Then"
+    BuildElementsKindLimitCheck(&kind_if, bit_field2,
+                                SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS);
+    // Non-strict elements are not handled.
+    Add<HDeoptimize>("non-strict elements in KeyedLoadGenericStub",
+                     Deoptimizer::EAGER);
+    Push(graph()->GetConstant0());
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_INT8_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_UINT8_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_INT16_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_UINT16_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_INT32_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_UINT32_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_FLOAT32_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_FLOAT64_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.Else();
+    BuildExternalElementLoad(&kind_if, receiver, key, instance_type, bit_field2,
+                             EXTERNAL_UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS);
+    kind_if.ElseDeopt("ElementsKind unhandled in KeyedLoadGenericStub");
+    kind_if.End();
+  }
+  index_name_split.Else();
+  {
+    // Key is a unique string.
+    key = Pop();
+    int bit_field_mask = (1 << Map::kIsAccessCheckNeeded) |
+        (1 << Map::kHasNamedInterceptor);
+    BuildJSObjectCheck(receiver, bit_field_mask);
+    HIfContinuation continuation;
+    BuildTestForDictionaryProperties(receiver, &continuation);
+    IfBuilder if_dict_properties(this, &continuation);
+    if_dict_properties.Then();
+    {
+      //  Key is string, properties are dictionary mode
+      BuildNonGlobalObjectCheck(receiver);
+      HValue* properties = Add<HLoadNamedField>(
+          receiver, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+          HObjectAccess::ForPropertiesPointer());
+      HValue* hash =
+          Add<HLoadNamedField>(key, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+          HObjectAccess::ForNameHashField());
+      hash = AddUncasted<HShr>(hash, Add<HConstant>(Name::kHashShift));
+      HValue* value = BuildUncheckedDictionaryElementLoad(receiver,
+                                                          properties,
+                                                          key,
+                                                          hash);
+      Push(value);
+    }
+    if_dict_properties.Else();
+    {
+      //  Key is string, properties are fast mode
+      HValue* hash = BuildKeyedLookupCacheHash(receiver, key);
+      ExternalReference cache_keys_ref =
+          ExternalReference::keyed_lookup_cache_keys(isolate());
+      HValue* cache_keys = Add<HConstant>(cache_keys_ref);
+      HValue* map = Add<HLoadNamedField>(receiver, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                                         HObjectAccess::ForMap());
+      HValue* base_index = AddUncasted<HMul>(hash, Add<HConstant>(2));
+      base_index->ClearFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow);
+      HIfContinuation inline_or_runtime_continuation(
+          graph()->CreateBasicBlock(), graph()->CreateBasicBlock());
+      {
+        IfBuilder lookup_ifs[KeyedLookupCache::kEntriesPerBucket];
+        for (int probe = 0; probe < KeyedLookupCache::kEntriesPerBucket;
+             ++probe) {
+          IfBuilder* lookup_if = &lookup_ifs[probe];
+          lookup_if->Initialize(this);
+          int probe_base = probe * KeyedLookupCache::kEntryLength;
+          HValue* map_index = AddUncasted<HAdd>(
+              base_index,
+              Add<HConstant>(probe_base + KeyedLookupCache::kMapIndex));
+          map_index->ClearFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow);
+          HValue* key_index = AddUncasted<HAdd>(
+              base_index,
+              Add<HConstant>(probe_base + KeyedLookupCache::kKeyIndex));
+          key_index->ClearFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow);
+          HValue* map_to_check =
+              Add<HLoadKeyed>(cache_keys, map_index, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                              FAST_ELEMENTS, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE, 0);
+          lookup_if->If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(map_to_check, map);
+          lookup_if->And();
+          HValue* key_to_check =
+              Add<HLoadKeyed>(cache_keys, key_index, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+                              FAST_ELEMENTS, NEVER_RETURN_HOLE, 0);
+          lookup_if->If<HCompareObjectEqAndBranch>(key_to_check, key);
+          lookup_if->Then();
+          {
+            ExternalReference cache_field_offsets_ref =
+                ExternalReference::keyed_lookup_cache_field_offsets(isolate());
+            HValue* cache_field_offsets =
+                Add<HConstant>(cache_field_offsets_ref);
+            HValue* index = AddUncasted<HAdd>(hash, Add<HConstant>(probe));
+            index->ClearFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow);
+            HValue* property_index = Add<HLoadKeyed>(
+                cache_field_offsets, index, static_cast<HValue*>(NULL),
+            Push(property_index);
+          }
+          lookup_if->Else();
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < KeyedLookupCache::kEntriesPerBucket; ++i) {
+          lookup_ifs[i].JoinContinuation(&inline_or_runtime_continuation);
+        }
+      }
+      IfBuilder inline_or_runtime(this, &inline_or_runtime_continuation);
+      inline_or_runtime.Then();
+      {
+        // Found a cached index, load property inline.
+        Push(Add<HLoadFieldByIndex>(receiver, Pop()));
+      }
+      inline_or_runtime.Else();
+      {
+        // KeyedLookupCache miss; call runtime.
+        Add<HPushArguments>(receiver, key);
+        Push(Add<HCallRuntime>(
+            isolate()->factory()->empty_string(),
+            Runtime::FunctionForId(Runtime::kKeyedGetProperty), 2));
+      }
+      inline_or_runtime.End();
+    }
+    if_dict_properties.End();
+  }
+  index_name_split.End();
+  return Pop();
+Handle<Code> KeyedLoadGenericStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<VectorLoadStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(VectorLoadICDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  Add<HDeoptimize>("Always deopt", Deoptimizer::EAGER);
+  return receiver;
+Handle<Code> VectorLoadStub::GenerateCode() { return DoGenerateCode(this); }
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<VectorKeyedLoadStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(VectorLoadICDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  Add<HDeoptimize>("Always deopt", Deoptimizer::EAGER);
+  return receiver;
+Handle<Code> VectorKeyedLoadStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+Handle<Code> MegamorphicLoadStub::GenerateCode() {
+  return DoGenerateCode(this);
+template <>
+HValue* CodeStubGraphBuilder<MegamorphicLoadStub>::BuildCodeStub() {
+  // The return address is on the stack.
+  HValue* receiver = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kReceiverIndex);
+  HValue* name = GetParameter(LoadDescriptor::kNameIndex);
+  // Probe the stub cache.
+  Code::Flags flags = Code::RemoveTypeAndHolderFromFlags(
+      Code::ComputeHandlerFlags(Code::LOAD_IC));
+  Add<HTailCallThroughMegamorphicCache>(receiver, name, flags);
+  // We never continue.
+  return graph()->GetConstant0();
+} }  // namespace v8::internal