Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/src/code-stubs.h b/src/code-stubs.h
index b67e961..3b31399 100644
--- a/src/code-stubs.h
+++ b/src/code-stubs.h
@@ -1,97 +1,126 @@
 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-//       with the distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
 #ifndef V8_CODE_STUBS_H_
 #define V8_CODE_STUBS_H_
-#include "allocation.h"
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "codegen.h"
+#include "src/allocation.h"
+#include "src/assembler.h"
+#include "src/codegen.h"
+#include "src/globals.h"
+#include "src/ic/ic-state.h"
+#include "src/interface-descriptors.h"
+#include "src/macro-assembler.h"
+#include "src/ostreams.h"
 namespace v8 {
 namespace internal {
 // List of code stubs used on all platforms.
-  V(CallFunction)                        \
-  V(CallConstruct)                       \
-  V(UnaryOp)                             \
-  V(BinaryOp)                            \
-  V(StringAdd)                           \
-  V(SubString)                           \
-  V(StringCompare)                       \
-  V(Compare)                             \
-  V(CompareIC)                           \
-  V(MathPow)                             \
-  V(RecordWrite)                         \
-  V(StoreBufferOverflow)                 \
-  V(RegExpExec)                          \
-  V(TranscendentalCache)                 \
-  V(Instanceof)                          \
-  V(ConvertToDouble)                     \
-  V(WriteInt32ToHeapNumber)              \
-  V(StackCheck)                          \
-  V(Interrupt)                           \
-  V(FastNewClosure)                      \
-  V(FastNewContext)                      \
-  V(FastNewBlockContext)                 \
-  V(FastCloneShallowArray)               \
-  V(FastCloneShallowObject)              \
-  V(ToBoolean)                           \
-  V(ToNumber)                            \
-  V(ArgumentsAccess)                     \
-  V(RegExpConstructResult)               \
-  V(NumberToString)                      \
-  V(CEntry)                              \
-  V(JSEntry)                             \
-  V(KeyedLoadElement)                    \
-  V(KeyedStoreElement)                   \
-  V(DebuggerStatement)                   \
-  V(StringDictionaryLookup)              \
-  V(ElementsTransitionAndStore)          \
-  V(StoreArrayLiteralElement)
+  /* PlatformCodeStubs */                   \
+  V(ArgumentsAccess)                        \
+  V(ArrayConstructor)                       \
+  V(BinaryOpICWithAllocationSite)           \
+  V(CallApiFunction)                        \
+  V(CallApiGetter)                          \
+  V(CallConstruct)                          \
+  V(CallFunction)                           \
+  V(CallIC)                                 \
+  V(CallIC_Array)                           \
+  V(CEntry)                                 \
+  V(CompareIC)                              \
+  V(DoubleToI)                              \
+  V(FunctionPrototype)                      \
+  V(Instanceof)                             \
+  V(InternalArrayConstructor)               \
+  V(JSEntry)                                \
+  V(KeyedLoadICTrampoline)                  \
+  V(LoadICTrampoline)                       \
+  V(LoadIndexedInterceptor)                 \
+  V(MathPow)                                \
+  V(ProfileEntryHook)                       \
+  V(RecordWrite)                            \
+  V(RegExpExec)                             \
+  V(StoreArrayLiteralElement)               \
+  V(StoreBufferOverflow)                    \
+  V(StoreElement)                           \
+  V(StringCompare)                          \
+  V(StubFailureTrampoline)                  \
+  V(SubString)                              \
+  /* HydrogenCodeStubs */                   \
+  V(ArrayNArgumentsConstructor)             \
+  V(ArrayNoArgumentConstructor)             \
+  V(ArraySingleArgumentConstructor)         \
+  V(BinaryOpIC)                             \
+  V(BinaryOpWithAllocationSite)             \
+  V(CompareNilIC)                           \
+  V(CreateAllocationSite)                   \
+  V(ElementsTransitionAndStore)             \
+  V(FastCloneShallowArray)                  \
+  V(FastCloneShallowObject)                 \
+  V(FastNewClosure)                         \
+  V(FastNewContext)                         \
+  V(InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructor)     \
+  V(InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructor)     \
+  V(InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructor) \
+  V(KeyedLoadGeneric)                       \
+  V(LoadDictionaryElement)                  \
+  V(LoadFastElement)                        \
+  V(MegamorphicLoad)                        \
+  V(NameDictionaryLookup)                   \
+  V(NumberToString)                         \
+  V(RegExpConstructResult)                  \
+  V(StoreFastElement)                       \
+  V(StringAdd)                              \
+  V(ToBoolean)                              \
+  V(ToNumber)                               \
+  V(TransitionElementsKind)                 \
+  V(VectorKeyedLoad)                        \
+  V(VectorLoad)                             \
+  /* IC Handler stubs */                    \
+  V(LoadConstant)                           \
+  V(LoadField)                              \
+  V(KeyedLoadSloppyArguments)               \
+  V(StoreField)                             \
+  V(StoreGlobal)                            \
+  V(StringLength)
-// List of code stubs only used on ARM platforms.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM(V)  \
-  V(GetProperty)               \
-  V(SetProperty)               \
-  V(InvokeBuiltin)             \
-  V(RegExpCEntry)              \
-  V(DirectCEntry)
+// List of code stubs only used on ARM 32 bits platforms.
+#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM(V) \
+  V(DirectCEntry)             \
+  V(WriteInt32ToHeapNumber)
+// List of code stubs only used on ARM 64 bits platforms.
+#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM64(V) \
+  V(DirectCEntry)               \
+  V(RestoreRegistersState)      \
+  V(StoreRegistersState)
+#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM64(V)
 // List of code stubs only used on MIPS platforms.
 #define CODE_STUB_LIST_MIPS(V)  \
-  V(RegExpCEntry)               \
-  V(DirectCEntry)
+  V(DirectCEntry)               \
+  V(RestoreRegistersState)      \
+  V(StoreRegistersState)        \
+  V(WriteInt32ToHeapNumber)
+#define CODE_STUB_LIST_MIPS(V)  \
+  V(DirectCEntry)               \
+  V(RestoreRegistersState)      \
+  V(StoreRegistersState)        \
+  V(WriteInt32ToHeapNumber)
@@ -100,13 +129,9 @@
 #define CODE_STUB_LIST(V)            \
   CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM(V)              \
+  CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM64(V)           \
-// Mode to overwrite BinaryExpression values.
 // Stub is base classes of all stubs.
 class CodeStub BASE_EMBEDDED {
@@ -121,34 +146,30 @@
   // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
   Handle<Code> GetCode();
+  // Retrieve the code for the stub, make and return a copy of the code.
+  Handle<Code> GetCodeCopy(const Code::FindAndReplacePattern& pattern);
   static Major MajorKeyFromKey(uint32_t key) {
     return static_cast<Major>(MajorKeyBits::decode(key));
-  static int MinorKeyFromKey(uint32_t key) {
+  static uint32_t MinorKeyFromKey(uint32_t key) {
     return MinorKeyBits::decode(key);
   // Gets the major key from a code object that is a code stub or binary op IC.
   static Major GetMajorKey(Code* code_stub) {
-    return static_cast<Major>(code_stub->major_key());
+    return MajorKeyFromKey(code_stub->stub_key());
+  static uint32_t NoCacheKey() { return MajorKeyBits::encode(NoCache); }
   static const char* MajorName(Major major_key, bool allow_unknown_keys);
+  explicit CodeStub(Isolate* isolate) : minor_key_(0), isolate_(isolate) {}
   virtual ~CodeStub() {}
-  bool CompilingCallsToThisStubIsGCSafe() {
-    bool is_pregenerated = IsPregenerated();
-    Code* code = NULL;
-    CHECK(!is_pregenerated || FindCodeInCache(&code));
-    return is_pregenerated;
-  }
-  // See comment above, where Instanceof is defined.
-  virtual bool IsPregenerated() { return false; }
-  static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime();
-  static void GenerateFPStubs();
+  static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  static void GenerateFPStubs(Isolate* isolate);
   // Some stubs put untagged junk on the stack that cannot be scanned by the
   // GC.  This means that we must be statically sure that no GC can occur while
@@ -161,21 +182,59 @@
   // Lookup the code in the (possibly custom) cache.
   bool FindCodeInCache(Code** code_out);
- protected:
-  static const int kMajorBits = 6;
-  static const int kMinorBits = kBitsPerInt - kSmiTagSize - kMajorBits;
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() = 0;
- private:
-  // Nonvirtual wrapper around the stub-specific Generate function.  Call
-  // this function to set up the macro assembler and generate the code.
-  void GenerateCode(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  virtual void InitializeDescriptor(CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) {}
+  static void InitializeDescriptor(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key,
+                                   CodeStubDescriptor* desc);
+  static MaybeHandle<Code> GetCode(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key);
+  // Returns information for computing the number key.
+  virtual Major MajorKey() const = 0;
+  uint32_t MinorKey() const { return minor_key_; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const { return UNINITIALIZED; }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const { return kNoExtraICState; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() {
+    return Code::NORMAL;
+  }
+  friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const CodeStub& s) {
+    s.PrintName(os);
+    return os;
+  }
+  Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+ protected:
+  CodeStub(uint32_t key, Isolate* isolate)
+      : minor_key_(MinorKeyFromKey(key)), isolate_(isolate) {}
   // Generates the assembler code for the stub.
-  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) = 0;
+  virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() = 0;
+  // Returns whether the code generated for this stub needs to be allocated as
+  // a fixed (non-moveable) code object.
+  virtual bool NeedsImmovableCode() { return false; }
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const;        // NOLINT
+  virtual void PrintBaseName(OStream& os) const;    // NOLINT
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const { ; }  // NOLINT
+  // Computes the key based on major and minor.
+  uint32_t GetKey() {
+    DCHECK(static_cast<int>(MajorKey()) < NUMBER_OF_IDS);
+    return MinorKeyBits::encode(MinorKey()) | MajorKeyBits::encode(MajorKey());
+  }
+  uint32_t minor_key_;
+ private:
   // Perform bookkeeping required after code generation when stub code is
   // initially generated.
-  void RecordCodeGeneration(Code* code, MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void RecordCodeGeneration(Handle<Code> code);
   // Finish the code object after it has been generated.
   virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) { }
@@ -184,17 +243,8 @@
   // registering stub in the stub cache.
   virtual void Activate(Code* code) { }
-  // Returns information for computing the number key.
-  virtual Major MajorKey() = 0;
-  virtual int MinorKey() = 0;
   // BinaryOpStub needs to override this.
-  virtual int GetCodeKind();
-  // BinaryOpStub needs to override this.
-  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() {
-    return UNINITIALIZED;
-  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const;
   // Add the code to a specialized cache, specific to an individual
   // stub type. Please note, this method must add the code object to a
@@ -202,30 +252,227 @@
   virtual void AddToSpecialCache(Handle<Code> new_object) { }
   // Find code in a specialized cache, work is delegated to the specific stub.
-  virtual bool FindCodeInSpecialCache(Code** code_out) { return false; }
+  virtual bool FindCodeInSpecialCache(Code** code_out) {
+    return false;
+  }
   // If a stub uses a special cache override this.
   virtual bool UseSpecialCache() { return false; }
-  // Returns a name for logging/debugging purposes.
-  SmartArrayPointer<const char> GetName();
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  // We use this dispatch to statically instantiate the correct code stub for
+  // the given stub key and call the passed function with that code stub.
+  typedef void (*DispatchedCall)(CodeStub* stub, void** value_out);
+  static void Dispatch(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key, void** value_out,
+                       DispatchedCall call);
-  // Returns whether the code generated for this stub needs to be allocated as
-  // a fixed (non-moveable) code object.
-  virtual bool NeedsImmovableCode() { return false; }
+  static void GetCodeDispatchCall(CodeStub* stub, void** value_out);
-  // Computes the key based on major and minor.
-  uint32_t GetKey() {
-    ASSERT(static_cast<int>(MajorKey()) < NUMBER_OF_IDS);
-    return MinorKeyBits::encode(MinorKey()) |
-           MajorKeyBits::encode(MajorKey());
-  }
-  class MajorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t, 0, kMajorBits> {};
-  class MinorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t, kMajorBits, kMinorBits> {};
+  STATIC_ASSERT(NUMBER_OF_IDS < (1 << kStubMajorKeyBits));
+  class MajorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t, 0, kStubMajorKeyBits> {};
+  class MinorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t,
+      kStubMajorKeyBits, kStubMinorKeyBits> {};  // NOLINT
   friend class BreakPointIterator;
+  Isolate* isolate_;
+#define DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(NAME, SUPER)                      \
+ public:                                                        \
+  NAME(uint32_t key, Isolate* isolate) : SUPER(key, isolate) {} \
+                                                                \
+ private:                                                       \
+#define DEFINE_CODE_STUB(NAME, SUPER)              \
+ protected:                                        \
+  virtual inline Major MajorKey() const OVERRIDE { \
+    return NAME;                                   \
+  };                                               \
+ private:                                               \
+  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) OVERRIDE; \
+#define DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(NAME, SUPER)                                \
+ public:                                                                      \
+  virtual void InitializeDescriptor(CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) OVERRIDE; \
+  virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() OVERRIDE;                               \
+ public:                                        \
+  virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() OVERRIDE; \
+#define DEFINE_CALL_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR(NAME)                            \
+ public:                                                                  \
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE { \
+    return NAME##Descriptor(isolate());                                   \
+  }
+// There are some code stubs we just can't describe right now with a
+// CallInterfaceDescriptor. Isolate behavior for those cases with this macro.
+// An attempt to retrieve a descriptor will fail.
+#define DEFINE_NULL_CALL_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR()                           \
+ public:                                                                  \
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE { \
+    UNREACHABLE();                                                        \
+    return CallInterfaceDescriptor();                                     \
+  }
+class PlatformCodeStub : public CodeStub {
+ public:
+  // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
+  virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() OVERRIDE;
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::STUB; }
+ protected:
+  explicit PlatformCodeStub(Isolate* isolate) : CodeStub(isolate) {}
+  // Generates the assembler code for the stub.
+  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) = 0;
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(PlatformCodeStub, CodeStub);
+enum HandlerArgumentsMode { DONT_PASS_ARGUMENTS, PASS_ARGUMENTS };
+class CodeStubDescriptor {
+ public:
+  explicit CodeStubDescriptor(CodeStub* stub);
+  CodeStubDescriptor(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t stub_key);
+  void Initialize(Address deoptimization_handler = NULL,
+                  int hint_stack_parameter_count = -1,
+                  StubFunctionMode function_mode = NOT_JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE);
+  void Initialize(Register stack_parameter_count,
+                  Address deoptimization_handler = NULL,
+                  int hint_stack_parameter_count = -1,
+                  StubFunctionMode function_mode = NOT_JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE,
+                  HandlerArgumentsMode handler_mode = DONT_PASS_ARGUMENTS);
+  void SetMissHandler(ExternalReference handler) {
+    miss_handler_ = handler;
+    has_miss_handler_ = true;
+    // Our miss handler infrastructure doesn't currently support
+    // variable stack parameter counts.
+    DCHECK(!stack_parameter_count_.is_valid());
+  }
+  void set_call_descriptor(CallInterfaceDescriptor d) { call_descriptor_ = d; }
+  CallInterfaceDescriptor call_descriptor() const { return call_descriptor_; }
+  int GetEnvironmentParameterCount() const {
+    return call_descriptor().GetEnvironmentParameterCount();
+  }
+  Representation GetEnvironmentParameterRepresentation(int index) const {
+    return call_descriptor().GetEnvironmentParameterRepresentation(index);
+  }
+  ExternalReference miss_handler() const {
+    DCHECK(has_miss_handler_);
+    return miss_handler_;
+  }
+  bool has_miss_handler() const {
+    return has_miss_handler_;
+  }
+  bool IsEnvironmentParameterCountRegister(int index) const {
+    return call_descriptor().GetEnvironmentParameterRegister(index).is(
+        stack_parameter_count_);
+  }
+  int GetHandlerParameterCount() const {
+    int params = call_descriptor().GetEnvironmentParameterCount();
+    if (handler_arguments_mode_ == PASS_ARGUMENTS) {
+      params += 1;
+    }
+    return params;
+  }
+  int hint_stack_parameter_count() const { return hint_stack_parameter_count_; }
+  Register stack_parameter_count() const { return stack_parameter_count_; }
+  StubFunctionMode function_mode() const { return function_mode_; }
+  Address deoptimization_handler() const { return deoptimization_handler_; }
+ private:
+  CallInterfaceDescriptor call_descriptor_;
+  Register stack_parameter_count_;
+  // If hint_stack_parameter_count_ > 0, the code stub can optimize the
+  // return sequence. Default value is -1, which means it is ignored.
+  int hint_stack_parameter_count_;
+  StubFunctionMode function_mode_;
+  Address deoptimization_handler_;
+  HandlerArgumentsMode handler_arguments_mode_;
+  ExternalReference miss_handler_;
+  bool has_miss_handler_;
+class HydrogenCodeStub : public CodeStub {
+ public:
+  enum InitializationState {
+  };
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::STUB; }
+  template<class SubClass>
+  static Handle<Code> GetUninitialized(Isolate* isolate) {
+    SubClass::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate);
+    return SubClass().GetCode(isolate);
+  }
+  // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
+  virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() = 0;
+  bool IsUninitialized() const { return IsMissBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  Handle<Code> GenerateLightweightMissCode(ExternalReference miss);
+  template<class StateType>
+  void TraceTransition(StateType from, StateType to);
+ protected:
+  explicit HydrogenCodeStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                            InitializationState state = INITIALIZED)
+      : CodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = IsMissBits::encode(state == UNINITIALIZED);
+  }
+  void set_sub_minor_key(uint32_t key) {
+    minor_key_ = SubMinorKeyBits::update(minor_key_, key);
+  }
+  uint32_t sub_minor_key() const { return SubMinorKeyBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  static const int kSubMinorKeyBits = kStubMinorKeyBits - 1;
+ private:
+  class IsMissBits : public BitField<bool, kSubMinorKeyBits, 1> {};
+  class SubMinorKeyBits : public BitField<int, 0, kSubMinorKeyBits> {};
+  void GenerateLightweightMiss(MacroAssembler* masm, ExternalReference miss);
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(HydrogenCodeStub, CodeStub);
@@ -245,16 +492,23 @@
 } }  // namespace v8::internal
-#include "ia32/code-stubs-ia32.h"
+#include "src/ia32/code-stubs-ia32.h"
 #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
-#include "x64/code-stubs-x64.h"
+#include "src/x64/code-stubs-x64.h"
+#include "src/arm64/code-stubs-arm64.h"
-#include "arm/code-stubs-arm.h"
+#include "src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h"
-#include "mips/code-stubs-mips.h"
+#include "src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h"
+#include "src/mips64/code-stubs-mips64.h"
+#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X87
+#include "src/x87/code-stubs-x87.h"
 #error Unsupported target architecture.
@@ -286,148 +540,134 @@
-class StackCheckStub : public CodeStub {
+class ToNumberStub: public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  StackCheckStub() { }
+  explicit ToNumberStub(Isolate* isolate) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return StackCheck; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ToNumber, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class InterruptStub : public CodeStub {
+class NumberToStringStub FINAL : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  InterruptStub() { }
+  explicit NumberToStringStub(Isolate* isolate) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {}
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kNumber = 0;
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return Interrupt; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(NumberToString, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class ToNumberStub: public CodeStub {
+class FastNewClosureStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  ToNumberStub() { }
+  FastNewClosureStub(Isolate* isolate, StrictMode strict_mode,
+                     FunctionKind kind)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK(IsValidFunctionKind(kind));
+    set_sub_minor_key(StrictModeBits::encode(strict_mode) |
+                      FunctionKindBits::encode(kind));
+  }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  StrictMode strict_mode() const {
+    return StrictModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  FunctionKind kind() const {
+    return FunctionKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  bool is_arrow() const { return IsArrowFunction(kind()); }
+  bool is_generator() const { return IsGeneratorFunction(kind()); }
+  bool is_concise_method() const { return IsConciseMethod(kind()); }
-  Major MajorKey() { return ToNumber; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+  class StrictModeBits : public BitField<StrictMode, 0, 1> {};
+  class FunctionKindBits : public BitField<FunctionKind, 1, 3> {};
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(FastNewClosure, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class FastNewClosureStub : public CodeStub {
- public:
-  explicit FastNewClosureStub(LanguageMode language_mode)
-    : language_mode_(language_mode) { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return FastNewClosure; }
-  int MinorKey() { return language_mode_ == CLASSIC_MODE
-        ? kNonStrictMode : kStrictMode; }
-  LanguageMode language_mode_;
-class FastNewContextStub : public CodeStub {
+class FastNewContextStub FINAL : public HydrogenCodeStub {
   static const int kMaximumSlots = 64;
-  explicit FastNewContextStub(int slots) : slots_(slots) {
-    ASSERT(slots_ > 0 && slots_ <= kMaximumSlots);
+  FastNewContextStub(Isolate* isolate, int slots) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK(slots > 0 && slots <= kMaximumSlots);
+    set_sub_minor_key(SlotsBits::encode(slots));
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  int slots() const { return SlotsBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kFunction = 0;
-  int slots_;
+  class SlotsBits : public BitField<int, 0, 8> {};
-  Major MajorKey() { return FastNewContext; }
-  int MinorKey() { return slots_; }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(FastNewContext, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class FastNewBlockContextStub : public CodeStub {
+class FastCloneShallowArrayStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  static const int kMaximumSlots = 64;
-  explicit FastNewBlockContextStub(int slots) : slots_(slots) {
-    ASSERT(slots_ > 0 && slots_ <= kMaximumSlots);
+  FastCloneShallowArrayStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                            AllocationSiteMode allocation_site_mode)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(AllocationSiteModeBits::encode(allocation_site_mode));
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  AllocationSiteMode allocation_site_mode() const {
+    return AllocationSiteModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
-  int slots_;
+  class AllocationSiteModeBits: public BitField<AllocationSiteMode, 0, 1> {};
-  Major MajorKey() { return FastNewBlockContext; }
-  int MinorKey() { return slots_; }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(FastCloneShallowArray, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class FastCloneShallowArrayStub : public CodeStub {
- public:
-  // Maximum length of copied elements array.
-  static const int kMaximumClonedLength = 8;
-  enum Mode {
-  };
-  FastCloneShallowArrayStub(Mode mode, int length)
-      : mode_(mode),
-        length_((mode == COPY_ON_WRITE_ELEMENTS) ? 0 : length) {
-    ASSERT_GE(length_, 0);
-    ASSERT_LE(length_, kMaximumClonedLength);
-  }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  Mode mode_;
-  int length_;
-  Major MajorKey() { return FastCloneShallowArray; }
-  int MinorKey() {
-    ASSERT(mode_ == 0 || mode_ == 1 || mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 3);
-    return length_ * 4 +  mode_;
-  }
-class FastCloneShallowObjectStub : public CodeStub {
+class FastCloneShallowObjectStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
   // Maximum number of properties in copied object.
   static const int kMaximumClonedProperties = 6;
-  explicit FastCloneShallowObjectStub(int length) : length_(length) {
-    ASSERT_GE(length_, 0);
-    ASSERT_LE(length_, kMaximumClonedProperties);
+  FastCloneShallowObjectStub(Isolate* isolate, int length)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
+    DCHECK_LE(length, kMaximumClonedProperties);
+    set_sub_minor_key(LengthBits::encode(length));
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  int length() const { return LengthBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
-  int length_;
+  class LengthBits : public BitField<int, 0, 4> {};
-  Major MajorKey() { return FastCloneShallowObject; }
-  int MinorKey() { return length_; }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(FastCloneShallowObject, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class InstanceofStub: public CodeStub {
+class CreateAllocationSiteStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit CreateAllocationSiteStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) { }
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(CreateAllocationSite, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class InstanceofStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
   enum Flags {
     kNoFlags = 0,
@@ -436,321 +676,858 @@
     kReturnTrueFalseObject = 1 << 2
-  explicit InstanceofStub(Flags flags) : flags_(flags) { }
-  static Register left();
-  static Register right();
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return Instanceof; }
-  int MinorKey() { return static_cast<int>(flags_); }
-  bool HasArgsInRegisters() const {
-    return (flags_ & kArgsInRegisters) != 0;
+  InstanceofStub(Isolate* isolate, Flags flags) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = FlagBits::encode(flags);
+  static Register left() { return InstanceofDescriptor::left(); }
+  static Register right() { return InstanceofDescriptor::right(); }
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE {
+    if (HasArgsInRegisters()) {
+      return InstanceofDescriptor(isolate());
+    }
+    return ContextOnlyDescriptor(isolate());
+  }
+ private:
+  Flags flags() const { return FlagBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  bool HasArgsInRegisters() const { return (flags() & kArgsInRegisters) != 0; }
   bool HasCallSiteInlineCheck() const {
-    return (flags_ & kCallSiteInlineCheck) != 0;
+    return (flags() & kCallSiteInlineCheck) != 0;
   bool ReturnTrueFalseObject() const {
-    return (flags_ & kReturnTrueFalseObject) != 0;
+    return (flags() & kReturnTrueFalseObject) != 0;
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
-  Flags flags_;
+  class FlagBits : public BitField<Flags, 0, 3> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(Instanceof, PlatformCodeStub);
-class MathPowStub: public CodeStub {
- public:
-  enum ExponentType { INTEGER, DOUBLE, TAGGED, ON_STACK};
+enum AllocationSiteOverrideMode {
-  explicit MathPowStub(ExponentType exponent_type)
-      : exponent_type_(exponent_type) { }
-  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+class ArrayConstructorStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  enum ArgumentCountKey { ANY, NONE, ONE, MORE_THAN_ONE };
+  ArrayConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate, int argument_count);
+  explicit ArrayConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate);
-  virtual CodeStub::Major MajorKey() { return MathPow; }
-  virtual int MinorKey() { return exponent_type_; }
+  ArgumentCountKey argument_count() const {
+    return ArgumentCountBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
-  ExponentType exponent_type_;
+  void GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(MacroAssembler* masm,
+                                   AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode);
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+  class ArgumentCountBits : public BitField<ArgumentCountKey, 0, 2> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(ArrayConstructor, PlatformCodeStub);
-class ICCompareStub: public CodeStub {
+class InternalArrayConstructorStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
-  ICCompareStub(Token::Value op, CompareIC::State state)
-      : op_(op), state_(state) {
-    ASSERT(Token::IsCompareOp(op));
+  explicit InternalArrayConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate);
+ private:
+  void GenerateCase(MacroAssembler* masm, ElementsKind kind);
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(InternalArrayConstructor, PlatformCodeStub);
+class MathPowStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  enum ExponentType { INTEGER, DOUBLE, TAGGED, ON_STACK };
+  MathPowStub(Isolate* isolate, ExponentType exponent_type)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = ExponentTypeBits::encode(exponent_type);
-  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE {
+    if (exponent_type() == TAGGED) {
+      return MathPowTaggedDescriptor(isolate());
+    } else if (exponent_type() == INTEGER) {
+      return MathPowIntegerDescriptor(isolate());
+    }
+    // A CallInterfaceDescriptor doesn't specify double registers (yet).
+    return ContextOnlyDescriptor(isolate());
+  }
+ private:
+  ExponentType exponent_type() const {
+    return ExponentTypeBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  class ExponentTypeBits : public BitField<ExponentType, 0, 2> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(MathPow, PlatformCodeStub);
+class CallICStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  CallICStub(Isolate* isolate, const CallICState& state)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = state.GetExtraICState();
+  }
+  static int ExtractArgcFromMinorKey(int minor_key) {
+    CallICState state(static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key));
+    return state.arg_count();
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE { return Code::CALL_IC; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const OVERRIDE { return DEFAULT; }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_);
+  }
+ protected:
+  bool CallAsMethod() const {
+    return state().call_type() == CallICState::METHOD;
+  }
+  int arg_count() const { return state().arg_count(); }
+  CallICState state() const {
+    return CallICState(static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_));
+  }
+  // Code generation helpers.
+  void GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm);
+ private:
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+class CallIC_ArrayStub: public CallICStub {
+ public:
+  CallIC_ArrayStub(Isolate* isolate, const CallICState& state_in)
+      : CallICStub(isolate, state_in) {}
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return MONOMORPHIC;
+  }
+ private:
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+// TODO(verwaest): Translate to hydrogen code stub.
+class FunctionPrototypeStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit FunctionPrototypeStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::HANDLER; }
+  // TODO(mvstanton): only the receiver register is accessed. When this is
+  // translated to a hydrogen code stub, a new CallInterfaceDescriptor
+  // should be created that just uses that register for more efficient code.
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(FunctionPrototype, PlatformCodeStub);
+// TODO(mvstanton): Translate to hydrogen code stub.
+class LoadIndexedInterceptorStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit LoadIndexedInterceptorStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::HANDLER; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(LoadIndexedInterceptor, PlatformCodeStub);
+class HandlerStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::HANDLER; }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const { return kind(); }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const { return MONOMORPHIC; }
+  virtual void InitializeDescriptor(CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) OVERRIDE;
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+  explicit HandlerStub(Isolate* isolate) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const = 0;
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(HandlerStub, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class LoadFieldStub: public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  LoadFieldStub(Isolate* isolate, FieldIndex index) : HandlerStub(isolate) {
+    int property_index_key = index.GetFieldAccessStubKey();
+    set_sub_minor_key(LoadFieldByIndexBits::encode(property_index_key));
+  }
+  FieldIndex index() const {
+    int property_index_key = LoadFieldByIndexBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+    return FieldIndex::FromFieldAccessStubKey(property_index_key);
+  }
+ protected:
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+ private:
+  class LoadFieldByIndexBits : public BitField<int, 0, 13> {};
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(LoadField, HandlerStub);
+class KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub : public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  explicit KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : HandlerStub(isolate) {}
+ protected:
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+ private:
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(KeyedLoadSloppyArguments, HandlerStub);
+class LoadConstantStub : public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  LoadConstantStub(Isolate* isolate, int constant_index)
+      : HandlerStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ConstantIndexBits::encode(constant_index));
+  }
+  int constant_index() const {
+    return ConstantIndexBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+ protected:
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+ private:
+  class ConstantIndexBits : public BitField<int, 0, kSubMinorKeyBits> {};
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(LoadConstant, HandlerStub);
+class StringLengthStub: public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  explicit StringLengthStub(Isolate* isolate) : HandlerStub(isolate) {}
+ protected:
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(StringLength, HandlerStub);
+class StoreFieldStub : public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  StoreFieldStub(Isolate* isolate, FieldIndex index,
+                 Representation representation)
+      : HandlerStub(isolate) {
+    int property_index_key = index.GetFieldAccessStubKey();
+    uint8_t repr = PropertyDetails::EncodeRepresentation(representation);
+    set_sub_minor_key(StoreFieldByIndexBits::encode(property_index_key) |
+                      RepresentationBits::encode(repr));
+  }
+  FieldIndex index() const {
+    int property_index_key = StoreFieldByIndexBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+    return FieldIndex::FromFieldAccessStubKey(property_index_key);
+  }
+  Representation representation() {
+    uint8_t repr = RepresentationBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+    return PropertyDetails::DecodeRepresentation(repr);
+  }
+ protected:
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::STORE_IC; }
+  virtual Code::StubType GetStubType() { return Code::FAST; }
+ private:
+  class StoreFieldByIndexBits : public BitField<int, 0, 13> {};
+  class RepresentationBits : public BitField<uint8_t, 13, 4> {};
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(StoreField, HandlerStub);
+class StoreGlobalStub : public HandlerStub {
+ public:
+  StoreGlobalStub(Isolate* isolate, bool is_constant, bool check_global)
+      : HandlerStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(IsConstantBits::encode(is_constant) |
+                      CheckGlobalBits::encode(check_global));
+  }
+  static Handle<HeapObject> global_placeholder(Isolate* isolate) {
+    return isolate->factory()->uninitialized_value();
+  }
+  Handle<Code> GetCodeCopyFromTemplate(Handle<GlobalObject> global,
+                                       Handle<PropertyCell> cell) {
+    if (check_global()) {
+      Code::FindAndReplacePattern pattern;
+      pattern.Add(Handle<Map>(global_placeholder(isolate())->map()), global);
+      pattern.Add(isolate()->factory()->meta_map(), Handle<Map>(global->map()));
+      pattern.Add(isolate()->factory()->global_property_cell_map(), cell);
+      return CodeStub::GetCodeCopy(pattern);
+    } else {
+      Code::FindAndReplacePattern pattern;
+      pattern.Add(isolate()->factory()->global_property_cell_map(), cell);
+      return CodeStub::GetCodeCopy(pattern);
+    }
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind kind() const { return Code::STORE_IC; }
+  bool is_constant() const { return IsConstantBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  bool check_global() const { return CheckGlobalBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  void set_is_constant(bool value) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(IsConstantBits::update(sub_minor_key(), value));
+  }
+  Representation representation() {
+    return Representation::FromKind(
+        RepresentationBits::decode(sub_minor_key()));
+  }
+  void set_representation(Representation r) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(RepresentationBits::update(sub_minor_key(), r.kind()));
+  }
+ private:
+  class IsConstantBits: public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
+  class RepresentationBits: public BitField<Representation::Kind, 1, 8> {};
+  class CheckGlobalBits: public BitField<bool, 9, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_HANDLER_CODE_STUB(StoreGlobal, HandlerStub);
+class CallApiFunctionStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  CallApiFunctionStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                      bool is_store,
+                      bool call_data_undefined,
+                      int argc) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = IsStoreBits::encode(is_store) |
+                 CallDataUndefinedBits::encode(call_data_undefined) |
+                 ArgumentBits::encode(argc);
+    DCHECK(!is_store || argc == 1);
+  }
+ private:
+  bool is_store() const { return IsStoreBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  bool call_data_undefined() const {
+    return CallDataUndefinedBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  int argc() const { return ArgumentBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  class IsStoreBits: public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
+  class CallDataUndefinedBits: public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {};
+  class ArgumentBits: public BitField<int, 2, Code::kArgumentsBits> {};
+  STATIC_ASSERT(Code::kArgumentsBits + 2 <= kStubMinorKeyBits);
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallApiFunction, PlatformCodeStub);
+class CallApiGetterStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit CallApiGetterStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallApiGetter, PlatformCodeStub);
+class BinaryOpICStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  BinaryOpICStub(Isolate* isolate, Token::Value op,
+                 OverwriteMode mode = NO_OVERWRITE)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate, UNINITIALIZED) {
+    BinaryOpICState state(isolate, op, mode);
+    set_sub_minor_key(state.GetExtraICState());
+  }
+  BinaryOpICStub(Isolate* isolate, const BinaryOpICState& state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(state.GetExtraICState());
+  }
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE {
+    return Code::BINARY_OP_IC;
+  }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return state().GetICState();
+  }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  BinaryOpICState state() const {
+    return BinaryOpICState(isolate(), GetExtraICState());
+  }
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const FINAL OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kLeft = 0;
+  static const int kRight = 1;
+ private:
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate,
+                                  const BinaryOpICState& state);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(BinaryOpIC, HydrogenCodeStub);
+// TODO(bmeurer): Merge this into the BinaryOpICStub once we have proper tail
+// call support for stubs in Hydrogen.
+class BinaryOpICWithAllocationSiteStub FINAL : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  BinaryOpICWithAllocationSiteStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                                   const BinaryOpICState& state)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = state.GetExtraICState();
+  }
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  Handle<Code> GetCodeCopyFromTemplate(Handle<AllocationSite> allocation_site) {
+    Code::FindAndReplacePattern pattern;
+    pattern.Add(isolate()->factory()->undefined_map(), allocation_site);
+    return CodeStub::GetCodeCopy(pattern);
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE {
+    return Code::BINARY_OP_IC;
+  }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const OVERRIDE {
+    return state().GetICState();
+  }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_);
+  }
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+ private:
+  BinaryOpICState state() const {
+    return BinaryOpICState(isolate(), static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_));
+  }
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate,
+                                  const BinaryOpICState& state);
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(BinaryOpICWithAllocationSite, PlatformCodeStub);
+class BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub FINAL : public BinaryOpICStub {
+ public:
+  BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                                 Token::Value op,
+                                 OverwriteMode mode)
+      : BinaryOpICStub(isolate, op, mode) {}
+  BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub(Isolate* isolate, const BinaryOpICState& state)
+      : BinaryOpICStub(isolate, state) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return Code::STUB;
+  }
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kAllocationSite = 0;
+  static const int kLeft = 1;
+  static const int kRight = 2;
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(BinaryOpWithAllocationSite, BinaryOpICStub);
+enum StringAddFlags {
+  // Omit both parameter checks.
+  // Check left parameter.
+  // Check right parameter.
+  // Check both parameters.
+class StringAddStub FINAL : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  StringAddStub(Isolate* isolate, StringAddFlags flags,
+                PretenureFlag pretenure_flag)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(StringAddFlagsBits::encode(flags) |
+                      PretenureFlagBits::encode(pretenure_flag));
+  }
+  StringAddFlags flags() const {
+    return StringAddFlagsBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  PretenureFlag pretenure_flag() const {
+    return PretenureFlagBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kLeft = 0;
+  static const int kRight = 1;
+ private:
+  class StringAddFlagsBits: public BitField<StringAddFlags, 0, 2> {};
+  class PretenureFlagBits: public BitField<PretenureFlag, 2, 1> {};
+  virtual void PrintBaseName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(StringAdd, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class CompareICStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  CompareICStub(Isolate* isolate, Token::Value op, CompareICState::State left,
+                CompareICState::State right, CompareICState::State state)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK(Token::IsCompareOp(op));
+    minor_key_ = OpBits::encode(op - Token::EQ) | LeftStateBits::encode(left) |
+                 RightStateBits::encode(right) | StateBits::encode(state);
+  }
   void set_known_map(Handle<Map> map) { known_map_ = map; }
- private:
-  class OpField: public BitField<int, 0, 3> { };
-  class StateField: public BitField<int, 3, 5> { };
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const;
-  virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) {
-    code->set_compare_state(state_);
+  Token::Value op() const {
+    return static_cast<Token::Value>(Token::EQ + OpBits::decode(minor_key_));
-  virtual CodeStub::Major MajorKey() { return CompareIC; }
-  virtual int MinorKey();
+  CompareICState::State left() const {
+    return LeftStateBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  CompareICState::State right() const {
+    return RightStateBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  CompareICState::State state() const { return StateBits::decode(minor_key_); }
-  virtual int GetCodeKind() { return Code::COMPARE_IC; }
+ private:
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::COMPARE_IC; }
   void GenerateSmis(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  void GenerateHeapNumbers(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  void GenerateSymbols(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateNumbers(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateInternalizedStrings(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateStrings(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateUniqueNames(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateObjects(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateKnownObjects(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  bool strict() const { return op_ == Token::EQ_STRICT; }
-  Condition GetCondition() const { return CompareIC::ComputeCondition(op_); }
+  bool strict() const { return op() == Token::EQ_STRICT; }
+  Condition GetCondition() const;
   virtual void AddToSpecialCache(Handle<Code> new_object);
   virtual bool FindCodeInSpecialCache(Code** code_out);
-  virtual bool UseSpecialCache() { return state_ == CompareIC::KNOWN_OBJECTS; }
-  Token::Value op_;
-  CompareIC::State state_;
-  Handle<Map> known_map_;
-// Flags that control the compare stub code generation.
-enum CompareFlags {
-  CANT_BOTH_BE_NAN = 1 << 2
-enum NaNInformation {
-  kBothCouldBeNaN,
-  kCantBothBeNaN
-class CompareStub: public CodeStub {
- public:
-  CompareStub(Condition cc,
-              bool strict,
-              CompareFlags flags,
-              Register lhs,
-              Register rhs) :
-     cc_(cc),
-      strict_(strict),
-      never_nan_nan_((flags & CANT_BOTH_BE_NAN) != 0),
-      include_number_compare_((flags & NO_NUMBER_COMPARE_IN_STUB) == 0),
-      include_smi_compare_((flags & NO_SMI_COMPARE_IN_STUB) == 0),
-      lhs_(lhs),
-      rhs_(rhs) { }
-  CompareStub(Condition cc,
-              bool strict,
-              CompareFlags flags) :
-      cc_(cc),
-      strict_(strict),
-      never_nan_nan_((flags & CANT_BOTH_BE_NAN) != 0),
-      include_number_compare_((flags & NO_NUMBER_COMPARE_IN_STUB) == 0),
-      include_smi_compare_((flags & NO_SMI_COMPARE_IN_STUB) == 0),
-      lhs_(no_reg),
-      rhs_(no_reg) { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  Condition cc_;
-  bool strict_;
-  // Only used for 'equal' comparisons.  Tells the stub that we already know
-  // that at least one side of the comparison is not NaN.  This allows the
-  // stub to use object identity in the positive case.  We ignore it when
-  // generating the minor key for other comparisons to avoid creating more
-  // stubs.
-  bool never_nan_nan_;
-  // Do generate the number comparison code in the stub. Stubs without number
-  // comparison code is used when the number comparison has been inlined, and
-  // the stub will be called if one of the operands is not a number.
-  bool include_number_compare_;
-  // Generate the comparison code for two smi operands in the stub.
-  bool include_smi_compare_;
-  // Register holding the left hand side of the comparison if the stub gives
-  // a choice, no_reg otherwise.
-  Register lhs_;
-  // Register holding the right hand side of the comparison if the stub gives
-  // a choice, no_reg otherwise.
-  Register rhs_;
-  // Encoding of the minor key in 16 bits.
-  class StrictField: public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
-  class NeverNanNanField: public BitField<bool, 1, 1> {};
-  class IncludeNumberCompareField: public BitField<bool, 2, 1> {};
-  class IncludeSmiCompareField: public  BitField<bool, 3, 1> {};
-  class RegisterField: public BitField<bool, 4, 1> {};
-  class ConditionField: public BitField<int, 5, 11> {};
-  Major MajorKey() { return Compare; }
-  int MinorKey();
-  virtual int GetCodeKind() { return Code::COMPARE_IC; }
-  virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) {
-    code->set_compare_state(CompareIC::GENERIC);
+  virtual bool UseSpecialCache() {
+    return state() == CompareICState::KNOWN_OBJECT;
-  // Branch to the label if the given object isn't a symbol.
-  void BranchIfNonSymbol(MacroAssembler* masm,
-                         Label* label,
-                         Register object,
-                         Register scratch);
+  class OpBits : public BitField<int, 0, 3> {};
+  class LeftStateBits : public BitField<CompareICState::State, 3, 4> {};
+  class RightStateBits : public BitField<CompareICState::State, 7, 4> {};
+  class StateBits : public BitField<CompareICState::State, 11, 4> {};
-  // Unfortunately you have to run without snapshots to see most of these
-  // names in the profile since most compare stubs end up in the snapshot.
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  Handle<Map> known_map_;
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CompareIC, PlatformCodeStub);
-class CEntryStub : public CodeStub {
+class CompareNilICStub : public HydrogenCodeStub  {
-  explicit CEntryStub(int result_size,
-                      SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = kDontSaveFPRegs)
-      : result_size_(result_size), save_doubles_(save_doubles) { }
+  Type* GetType(Zone* zone, Handle<Map> map = Handle<Map>());
+  Type* GetInputType(Zone* zone, Handle<Map> map);
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  CompareNilICStub(Isolate* isolate, NilValue nil) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(NilValueBits::encode(nil));
+  }
+  CompareNilICStub(Isolate* isolate, ExtraICState ic_state,
+                   InitializationState init_state = INITIALIZED)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate, init_state) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ic_state);
+  }
+  static Handle<Code> GetUninitialized(Isolate* isolate,
+                                       NilValue nil) {
+    return CompareNilICStub(isolate, nil, UNINITIALIZED).GetCode();
+  }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const {
+    State state = this->state();
+    if (state.Contains(GENERIC)) {
+      return MEGAMORPHIC;
+    } else if (state.Contains(MONOMORPHIC_MAP)) {
+      return MONOMORPHIC;
+    } else {
+      return PREMONOMORPHIC;
+    }
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::COMPARE_NIL_IC; }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const { return sub_minor_key(); }
+  void UpdateStatus(Handle<Object> object);
+  bool IsMonomorphic() const { return state().Contains(MONOMORPHIC_MAP); }
+  NilValue nil_value() const { return NilValueBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  void ClearState() {
+    set_sub_minor_key(TypesBits::update(sub_minor_key(), 0));
+  }
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;     // NOLINT
+  virtual void PrintBaseName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+ private:
+  CompareNilICStub(Isolate* isolate, NilValue nil,
+                   InitializationState init_state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate, init_state) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(NilValueBits::encode(nil));
+  }
+  enum CompareNilType {
+  };
+  // At most 6 different types can be distinguished, because the Code object
+  // only has room for a single byte to hold a set and there are two more
+  // boolean flags we need to store. :-P
+  class State : public EnumSet<CompareNilType, byte> {
+   public:
+    State() : EnumSet<CompareNilType, byte>(0) { }
+    explicit State(byte bits) : EnumSet<CompareNilType, byte>(bits) { }
+  };
+  friend OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const State& s);
+  State state() const { return State(TypesBits::decode(sub_minor_key())); }
+  class NilValueBits : public BitField<NilValue, 0, 1> {};
+  class TypesBits : public BitField<byte, 1, NUMBER_OF_TYPES> {};
+  friend class CompareNilIC;
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(CompareNilIC, HydrogenCodeStub);
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const CompareNilICStub::State& s);
+class CEntryStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  CEntryStub(Isolate* isolate, int result_size,
+             SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = kDontSaveFPRegs)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = SaveDoublesBits::encode(save_doubles == kSaveFPRegs);
+    DCHECK(result_size == 1 || result_size == 2);
+#ifdef _WIN64
+    minor_key_ = ResultSizeBits::update(minor_key_, result_size);
+#endif  // _WIN64
+  }
   // The version of this stub that doesn't save doubles is generated ahead of
   // time, so it's OK to call it from other stubs that can't cope with GC during
   // their code generation.  On machines that always have gp registers (x64) we
   // can generate both variants ahead of time.
-  virtual bool IsPregenerated();
-  static void GenerateAheadOfTime();
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
-  void GenerateCore(MacroAssembler* masm,
-                    Label* throw_normal_exception,
-                    Label* throw_termination_exception,
-                    Label* throw_out_of_memory_exception,
-                    bool do_gc,
-                    bool always_allocate_scope);
-  // Number of pointers/values returned.
-  const int result_size_;
-  SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles_;
-  Major MajorKey() { return CEntry; }
-  int MinorKey();
+  bool save_doubles() const { return SaveDoublesBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+#ifdef _WIN64
+  int result_size() const { return ResultSizeBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+#endif  // _WIN64
   bool NeedsImmovableCode();
+  class SaveDoublesBits : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
+  class ResultSizeBits : public BitField<int, 1, 3> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CEntry, PlatformCodeStub);
-class JSEntryStub : public CodeStub {
+class JSEntryStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
-  JSEntryStub() { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateBody(masm, false); }
- protected:
-  void GenerateBody(MacroAssembler* masm, bool is_construct);
+  JSEntryStub(Isolate* isolate, StackFrame::Type type)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK(type == StackFrame::ENTRY || type == StackFrame::ENTRY_CONSTRUCT);
+    minor_key_ = StackFrameTypeBits::encode(type);
+  }
-  Major MajorKey() { return JSEntry; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
   virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code);
-  int handler_offset_;
-class JSConstructEntryStub : public JSEntryStub {
- public:
-  JSConstructEntryStub() { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateBody(masm, true); }
- private:
-  int MinorKey() { return 1; }
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream) {
-    stream->Add("JSConstructEntryStub");
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE {  // NOLINT
+    os << (type() == StackFrame::ENTRY ? "JSEntryStub"
+                                       : "JSConstructEntryStub");
+  StackFrame::Type type() const {
+    return StackFrameTypeBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  class StackFrameTypeBits : public BitField<StackFrame::Type, 0, 5> {};
+  int handler_offset_;
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(JSEntry, PlatformCodeStub);
-class ArgumentsAccessStub: public CodeStub {
+class ArgumentsAccessStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
   enum Type {
-  explicit ArgumentsAccessStub(Type type) : type_(type) { }
+  ArgumentsAccessStub(Isolate* isolate, Type type) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = TypeBits::encode(type);
+  }
+  virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() OVERRIDE {
+    if (type() == READ_ELEMENT) {
+      return ArgumentsAccessReadDescriptor(isolate());
+    }
+    return ContextOnlyDescriptor(isolate());
+  }
-  Type type_;
+  Type type() const { return TypeBits::decode(minor_key_); }
-  Major MajorKey() { return ArgumentsAccess; }
-  int MinorKey() { return type_; }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateReadElement(MacroAssembler* masm);
   void GenerateNewStrict(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  void GenerateNewNonStrictFast(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  void GenerateNewNonStrictSlow(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateNewSloppyFast(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateNewSloppySlow(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+  class TypeBits : public BitField<Type, 0, 2> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(ArgumentsAccess, PlatformCodeStub);
-class RegExpExecStub: public CodeStub {
+class RegExpExecStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
-  RegExpExecStub() { }
+  explicit RegExpExecStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) { }
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return RegExpExec; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(RegExpExec, PlatformCodeStub);
-class RegExpConstructResultStub: public CodeStub {
+class RegExpConstructResultStub FINAL : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  RegExpConstructResultStub() { }
+  explicit RegExpConstructResultStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) { }
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return RegExpConstructResult; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kLength = 0;
+  static const int kIndex = 1;
+  static const int kInput = 2;
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(RegExpConstructResult, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class CallFunctionStub: public CodeStub {
+class CallFunctionStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
-  CallFunctionStub(int argc, CallFunctionFlags flags)
-      : argc_(argc), flags_(flags) { }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) {
-    code->set_has_function_cache(RecordCallTarget());
+  CallFunctionStub(Isolate* isolate, int argc, CallFunctionFlags flags)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    DCHECK(argc >= 0 && argc <= Code::kMaxArguments);
+    minor_key_ = ArgcBits::encode(argc) | FlagBits::encode(flags);
   static int ExtractArgcFromMinorKey(int minor_key) {
@@ -758,52 +1535,51 @@
-  int argc_;
-  CallFunctionFlags flags_;
+  int argc() const { return ArgcBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  int flags() const { return FlagBits::decode(minor_key_); }
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  bool CallAsMethod() const {
+    return flags() == CALL_AS_METHOD || flags() == WRAP_AND_CALL;
+  }
+  bool NeedsChecks() const { return flags() != WRAP_AND_CALL; }
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
   // Minor key encoding in 32 bits with Bitfield <Type, shift, size>.
-  class FlagBits: public BitField<CallFunctionFlags, 0, 2> {};
-  class ArgcBits: public BitField<unsigned, 2, 32 - 2> {};
+  class FlagBits : public BitField<CallFunctionFlags, 0, 2> {};
+  class ArgcBits : public BitField<unsigned, 2, Code::kArgumentsBits> {};
+  STATIC_ASSERT(Code::kArgumentsBits + 2 <= kStubMinorKeyBits);
-  Major MajorKey() { return CallFunction; }
-  int MinorKey() {
-    // Encode the parameters in a unique 32 bit value.
-    return FlagBits::encode(flags_) | ArgcBits::encode(argc_);
-  }
-  bool ReceiverMightBeImplicit() {
-    return (flags_ & RECEIVER_MIGHT_BE_IMPLICIT) != 0;
-  }
-  bool RecordCallTarget() {
-    return (flags_ & RECORD_CALL_TARGET) != 0;
-  }
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallFunction, PlatformCodeStub);
-class CallConstructStub: public CodeStub {
+class CallConstructStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
-  explicit CallConstructStub(CallFunctionFlags flags) : flags_(flags) {}
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  CallConstructStub(Isolate* isolate, CallConstructorFlags flags)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = FlagBits::encode(flags);
+  }
   virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) {
-  CallFunctionFlags flags_;
+  CallConstructorFlags flags() const { return FlagBits::decode(minor_key_); }
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
-  Major MajorKey() { return CallConstruct; }
-  int MinorKey() { return flags_; }
-  bool RecordCallTarget() {
-    return (flags_ & RECORD_CALL_TARGET) != 0;
+  bool RecordCallTarget() const {
+    return (flags() & RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR_TARGET) != 0;
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
+  class FlagBits : public BitField<CallConstructorFlags, 0, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallConstruct, PlatformCodeStub);
@@ -844,8 +1620,8 @@
         index_flags_(index_flags) {
-    ASSERT(!result_.is(object_));
-    ASSERT(!result_.is(index_));
+    DCHECK(!result_.is(object_));
+    DCHECK(!result_.is(index_));
   // Generates the fast case code. On the fallthrough path |result|
@@ -858,6 +1634,13 @@
   void GenerateSlow(MacroAssembler* masm,
                     const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper);
+  // Skip handling slow case and directly jump to bailout.
+  void SkipSlow(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* bailout) {
+    masm->bind(&index_not_smi_);
+    masm->bind(&call_runtime_);
+    masm->jmp(bailout);
+  }
   Register object_;
   Register index_;
@@ -885,7 +1668,7 @@
                               Register result)
       : code_(code),
         result_(result) {
-    ASSERT(!code_.is(result_));
+    DCHECK(!code_.is(result_));
   // Generates the fast case code. On the fallthrough path |result|
@@ -898,6 +1681,12 @@
   void GenerateSlow(MacroAssembler* masm,
                     const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper);
+  // Skip handling slow case and directly jump to bailout.
+  void SkipSlow(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* bailout) {
+    masm->bind(&slow_case_);
+    masm->jmp(bailout);
+  }
   Register code_;
   Register result_;
@@ -940,13 +1729,25 @@
   // Generates the fast case code. On the fallthrough path |result|
   // register contains the result.
-  void GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+    char_code_at_generator_.GenerateFast(masm);
+    char_from_code_generator_.GenerateFast(masm);
+  }
   // Generates the slow case code. Must not be naturally
   // reachable. Expected to be put after a ret instruction (e.g., in
   // deferred code). Always jumps back to the fast case.
   void GenerateSlow(MacroAssembler* masm,
-                    const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper);
+                    const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
+    char_code_at_generator_.GenerateSlow(masm, call_helper);
+    char_from_code_generator_.GenerateSlow(masm, call_helper);
+  }
+  // Skip handling slow case and directly jump to bailout.
+  void SkipSlow(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* bailout) {
+    char_code_at_generator_.SkipSlow(masm, bailout);
+    char_from_code_generator_.SkipSlow(masm, bailout);
+  }
   StringCharCodeAtGenerator char_code_at_generator_;
@@ -956,74 +1757,444 @@
-class AllowStubCallsScope {
+class LoadDictionaryElementStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  AllowStubCallsScope(MacroAssembler* masm, bool allow)
-       : masm_(masm), previous_allow_(masm->allow_stub_calls()) {
-    masm_->set_allow_stub_calls(allow);
-  }
-  ~AllowStubCallsScope() {
-    masm_->set_allow_stub_calls(previous_allow_);
-  }
+  explicit LoadDictionaryElementStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {}
- private:
-  MacroAssembler* masm_;
-  bool previous_allow_;
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(LoadDictionaryElement, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class KeyedLoadElementStub : public CodeStub {
+class KeyedLoadGenericStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  explicit KeyedLoadElementStub(ElementsKind elements_kind)
-      : elements_kind_(elements_kind)
-  { }
+  explicit KeyedLoadGenericStub(Isolate* isolate) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {}
-  Major MajorKey() { return KeyedLoadElement; }
-  int MinorKey() { return elements_kind_; }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const { return GENERIC; }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
-  ElementsKind elements_kind_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(KeyedLoadElementStub);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(KeyedLoadGeneric, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class KeyedStoreElementStub : public CodeStub {
+class LoadICTrampolineStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
-  KeyedStoreElementStub(bool is_js_array,
-                        ElementsKind elements_kind,
-                        KeyedAccessGrowMode grow_mode)
-      : is_js_array_(is_js_array),
-        elements_kind_(elements_kind),
-        grow_mode_(grow_mode) { }
-  Major MajorKey() { return KeyedStoreElement; }
-  int MinorKey() {
-    return ElementsKindBits::encode(elements_kind_) |
-        IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_js_array_) |
-        GrowModeBits::encode(grow_mode_);
+  LoadICTrampolineStub(Isolate* isolate, const LoadICState& state)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = state.GetExtraICState();
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return GENERIC;
+  }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_);
+  }
-  class ElementsKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind,    0, 8> {};
-  class GrowModeBits: public BitField<KeyedAccessGrowMode, 8, 1> {};
-  class IsJSArrayBits: public BitField<bool,               9, 1> {};
+  LoadICState state() const {
+    return LoadICState(static_cast<ExtraICState>(minor_key_));
+  }
-  bool is_js_array_;
-  ElementsKind elements_kind_;
-  KeyedAccessGrowMode grow_mode_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(KeyedStoreElementStub);
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(LoadICTrampoline, PlatformCodeStub);
-class ToBooleanStub: public CodeStub {
+class KeyedLoadICTrampolineStub : public LoadICTrampolineStub {
+ public:
+  explicit KeyedLoadICTrampolineStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : LoadICTrampolineStub(isolate, LoadICState(0)) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE {
+    return Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC;
+  }
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(KeyedLoadICTrampoline, LoadICTrampolineStub);
+class MegamorphicLoadStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  MegamorphicLoadStub(Isolate* isolate, const LoadICState& state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(state.GetExtraICState());
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return MEGAMORPHIC;
+  }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(MegamorphicLoad, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class VectorLoadStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit VectorLoadStub(Isolate* isolate, const LoadICState& state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(state.GetExtraICState());
+  }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE { return Code::LOAD_IC; }
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return GENERIC;
+  }
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const FINAL OVERRIDE {
+    return static_cast<ExtraICState>(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+ private:
+  LoadICState state() const { return LoadICState(GetExtraICState()); }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(VectorLoad, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class VectorKeyedLoadStub : public VectorLoadStub {
+ public:
+  explicit VectorKeyedLoadStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : VectorLoadStub(isolate, LoadICState(0)) {}
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const OVERRIDE {
+    return Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC;
+  }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(VectorKeyedLoad, VectorLoadStub);
+class DoubleToIStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  DoubleToIStub(Isolate* isolate, Register source, Register destination,
+                int offset, bool is_truncating, bool skip_fastpath = false)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = SourceRegisterBits::encode(source.code()) |
+                 DestinationRegisterBits::encode(destination.code()) |
+                 OffsetBits::encode(offset) |
+                 IsTruncatingBits::encode(is_truncating) |
+                 SkipFastPathBits::encode(skip_fastpath) |
+                 SSE3Bits::encode(CpuFeatures::IsSupported(SSE3) ? 1 : 0);
+  }
+  virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
+ private:
+  Register source() const {
+    return Register::from_code(SourceRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register destination() const {
+    return Register::from_code(DestinationRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  bool is_truncating() const { return IsTruncatingBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  bool skip_fastpath() const { return SkipFastPathBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  int offset() const { return OffsetBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  static const int kBitsPerRegisterNumber = 6;
+  STATIC_ASSERT((1L << kBitsPerRegisterNumber) >= Register::kNumRegisters);
+  class SourceRegisterBits:
+      public BitField<int, 0, kBitsPerRegisterNumber> {};  // NOLINT
+  class DestinationRegisterBits:
+      public BitField<int, kBitsPerRegisterNumber,
+        kBitsPerRegisterNumber> {};  // NOLINT
+  class IsTruncatingBits:
+      public BitField<bool, 2 * kBitsPerRegisterNumber, 1> {};  // NOLINT
+  class OffsetBits:
+      public BitField<int, 2 * kBitsPerRegisterNumber + 1, 3> {};  // NOLINT
+  class SkipFastPathBits:
+      public BitField<int, 2 * kBitsPerRegisterNumber + 4, 1> {};  // NOLINT
+  class SSE3Bits:
+      public BitField<int, 2 * kBitsPerRegisterNumber + 5, 1> {};  // NOLINT
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(DoubleToI, PlatformCodeStub);
+class LoadFastElementStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  LoadFastElementStub(Isolate* isolate, bool is_js_array,
+                      ElementsKind elements_kind)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ElementsKindBits::encode(elements_kind) |
+                      IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_js_array));
+  }
+  bool is_js_array() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
+    return ElementsKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+ private:
+  class ElementsKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  class IsJSArrayBits: public BitField<bool, 8, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(LoadFastElement, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class StoreFastElementStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  StoreFastElementStub(Isolate* isolate, bool is_js_array,
+                       ElementsKind elements_kind, KeyedAccessStoreMode mode)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ElementsKindBits::encode(elements_kind) |
+                      IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_js_array) |
+                      StoreModeBits::encode(mode));
+  }
+  bool is_js_array() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
+    return ElementsKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode() const {
+    return StoreModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+ private:
+  class ElementsKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind,      0, 8> {};
+  class StoreModeBits: public BitField<KeyedAccessStoreMode, 8, 4> {};
+  class IsJSArrayBits: public BitField<bool,                12, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(StoreFastElement, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class TransitionElementsKindStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  TransitionElementsKindStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                             ElementsKind from_kind,
+                             ElementsKind to_kind,
+                             bool is_js_array) : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(FromKindBits::encode(from_kind) |
+                      ToKindBits::encode(to_kind) |
+                      IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_js_array));
+  }
+  ElementsKind from_kind() const {
+    return FromKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  ElementsKind to_kind() const { return ToKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  bool is_js_array() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+ private:
+  class FromKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind, 8, 8> {};
+  class ToKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  class IsJSArrayBits: public BitField<bool, 16, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(TransitionElementsKind, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class ArrayConstructorStubBase : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  ArrayConstructorStubBase(Isolate* isolate,
+                           ElementsKind kind,
+                           AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    // It only makes sense to override local allocation site behavior
+    // if there is a difference between the global allocation site policy
+    // for an ElementsKind and the desired usage of the stub.
+    DCHECK(override_mode != DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES ||
+           AllocationSite::GetMode(kind) == TRACK_ALLOCATION_SITE);
+    set_sub_minor_key(ElementsKindBits::encode(kind) |
+                      AllocationSiteOverrideModeBits::encode(override_mode));
+  }
+  ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
+    return ElementsKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode() const {
+    return AllocationSiteOverrideModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kConstructor = 0;
+  static const int kAllocationSite = 1;
+ protected:
+  OStream& BasePrintName(OStream& os, const char* name) const;  // NOLINT
+ private:
+  // Ensure data fits within available bits.
+  class ElementsKindBits: public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  class AllocationSiteOverrideModeBits: public
+      BitField<AllocationSiteOverrideMode, 8, 1> {};  // NOLINT
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(ArrayConstructorStubBase, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub : public ArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub(
+      Isolate* isolate,
+      ElementsKind kind,
+      AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = DONT_OVERRIDE)
+      : ArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind, override_mode) {
+  }
+ private:
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE {  // NOLINT
+    BasePrintName(os, "ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub");
+  }
+  DEFINE_CALL_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR(ArrayConstructorConstantArgCount);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ArrayNoArgumentConstructor,
+                            ArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub : public ArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub(
+      Isolate* isolate,
+      ElementsKind kind,
+      AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = DONT_OVERRIDE)
+      : ArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind, override_mode) {
+  }
+ private:
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const {  // NOLINT
+    BasePrintName(os, "ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub");
+  }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ArraySingleArgumentConstructor,
+                            ArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub : public ArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub(
+      Isolate* isolate,
+      ElementsKind kind,
+      AllocationSiteOverrideMode override_mode = DONT_OVERRIDE)
+      : ArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind, override_mode) {
+  }
+ private:
+  virtual void PrintName(OStream& os) const {  // NOLINT
+    BasePrintName(os, "ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub");
+  }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ArrayNArgumentsConstructor,
+                            ArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class InternalArrayConstructorStubBase : public HydrogenCodeStub {
+ public:
+  InternalArrayConstructorStubBase(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind kind)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ElementsKindBits::encode(kind));
+  }
+  static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  static const int kConstructor = 0;
+  ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
+    return ElementsKindBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+ private:
+  class ElementsKindBits : public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(InternalArrayConstructorStubBase, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub : public
+    InternalArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                                         ElementsKind kind)
+      : InternalArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind) { }
+  DEFINE_CALL_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR(InternalArrayConstructorConstantArgCount);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructor,
+                            InternalArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub : public
+    InternalArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                                             ElementsKind kind)
+      : InternalArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind) { }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructor,
+                            InternalArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub : public
+    InternalArrayConstructorStubBase {
+ public:
+  InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind kind)
+      : InternalArrayConstructorStubBase(isolate, kind) { }
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructor,
+                            InternalArrayConstructorStubBase);
+class StoreElementStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  StoreElementStub(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind elements_kind)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = ElementsKindBits::encode(elements_kind);
+  }
+ private:
+  ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
+    return ElementsKindBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  class ElementsKindBits : public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StoreElement, PlatformCodeStub);
+class ToBooleanStub: public HydrogenCodeStub {
   enum Type {
@@ -1032,118 +2203,235 @@
+    SYMBOL,
+  enum ResultMode {
+    RESULT_AS_SMI,             // For Smi(1) on truthy value, Smi(0) otherwise.
+    RESULT_AS_ODDBALL,         // For {true} on truthy value, {false} otherwise.
+    RESULT_AS_INVERSE_ODDBALL  // For {false} on truthy value, {true} otherwise.
+  };
   // At most 8 different types can be distinguished, because the Code object
   // only has room for a single byte to hold a set of these types. :-P
-  class Types {
+  class Types : public EnumSet<Type, byte> {
-    Types() {}
-    explicit Types(byte bits) : set_(bits) {}
+    Types() : EnumSet<Type, byte>(0) {}
+    explicit Types(byte bits) : EnumSet<Type, byte>(bits) {}
-    bool IsEmpty() const { return set_.IsEmpty(); }
-    bool Contains(Type type) const { return set_.Contains(type); }
-    void Add(Type type) { set_.Add(type); }
-    byte ToByte() const { return set_.ToIntegral(); }
-    void Print(StringStream* stream) const;
-    void TraceTransition(Types to) const;
-    bool Record(Handle<Object> object);
+    byte ToByte() const { return ToIntegral(); }
+    bool UpdateStatus(Handle<Object> object);
     bool NeedsMap() const;
     bool CanBeUndetectable() const;
+    bool IsGeneric() const { return ToIntegral() == Generic().ToIntegral(); }
-   private:
-    EnumSet<Type, byte> set_;
+    static Types Generic() { return Types((1 << NUMBER_OF_TYPES) - 1); }
-  static Types no_types() { return Types(); }
-  static Types all_types() { return Types((1 << NUMBER_OF_TYPES) - 1); }
+  ToBooleanStub(Isolate* isolate, ResultMode mode, Types types = Types())
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(TypesBits::encode(types.ToByte()) |
+                      ResultModeBits::encode(mode));
+  }
-  explicit ToBooleanStub(Register tos, Types types = Types())
-      : tos_(tos), types_(types) { }
+  ToBooleanStub(Isolate* isolate, ExtraICState state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(TypesBits::encode(static_cast<byte>(state)) |
+                      ResultModeBits::encode(RESULT_AS_SMI));
+  }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  virtual int GetCodeKind() { return Code::TO_BOOLEAN_IC; }
-  virtual void PrintName(StringStream* stream);
+  bool UpdateStatus(Handle<Object> object);
+  Types types() const { return Types(TypesBits::decode(sub_minor_key())); }
+  ResultMode mode() const { return ResultModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  virtual Code::Kind GetCodeKind() const { return Code::TO_BOOLEAN_IC; }
+  virtual void PrintState(OStream& os) const OVERRIDE;  // NOLINT
   virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
- private:
-  Major MajorKey() { return ToBoolean; }
-  int MinorKey() { return (tos_.code() << NUMBER_OF_TYPES) | types_.ToByte(); }
-  virtual void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) {
-    code->set_to_boolean_state(types_.ToByte());
+  static Handle<Code> GetUninitialized(Isolate* isolate) {
+    return ToBooleanStub(isolate, UNINITIALIZED).GetCode();
-  void CheckOddball(MacroAssembler* masm,
-                    Type type,
-                    Heap::RootListIndex value,
-                    bool result);
-  void GenerateTypeTransition(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  virtual ExtraICState GetExtraICState() const { return types().ToIntegral(); }
-  Register tos_;
-  Types types_;
-class ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub : public CodeStub {
- public:
-  ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub(ElementsKind from,
-                                 ElementsKind to,
-                                 bool is_jsarray,
-                                 StrictModeFlag strict_mode,
-                                 KeyedAccessGrowMode grow_mode)
-      : from_(from),
-        to_(to),
-        is_jsarray_(is_jsarray),
-        strict_mode_(strict_mode),
-        grow_mode_(grow_mode) {}
- private:
-  class FromBits:       public BitField<ElementsKind,      0, 8> {};
-  class ToBits:         public BitField<ElementsKind,      8, 8> {};
-  class IsJSArrayBits:  public BitField<bool,              16, 1> {};
-  class StrictModeBits: public BitField<StrictModeFlag,    17, 1> {};
-  class GrowModeBits: public BitField<KeyedAccessGrowMode, 18, 1> {};
-  Major MajorKey() { return ElementsTransitionAndStore; }
-  int MinorKey() {
-    return FromBits::encode(from_) |
-        ToBits::encode(to_) |
-        IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_jsarray_) |
-        StrictModeBits::encode(strict_mode_) |
-        GrowModeBits::encode(grow_mode_);
+  virtual InlineCacheState GetICState() const {
+    if (types().IsEmpty()) {
+      return ::v8::internal::UNINITIALIZED;
+    } else {
+      return MONOMORPHIC;
+    }
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+ private:
+  ToBooleanStub(Isolate* isolate, InitializationState init_state)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate, init_state) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(ResultModeBits::encode(RESULT_AS_SMI));
+  }
-  ElementsKind from_;
-  ElementsKind to_;
-  bool is_jsarray_;
-  StrictModeFlag strict_mode_;
-  KeyedAccessGrowMode grow_mode_;
+  class TypesBits : public BitField<byte, 0, NUMBER_OF_TYPES> {};
+  class ResultModeBits : public BitField<ResultMode, NUMBER_OF_TYPES, 2> {};
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ToBoolean, HydrogenCodeStub);
-class StoreArrayLiteralElementStub : public CodeStub {
+OStream& operator<<(OStream& os, const ToBooleanStub::Types& t);
+class ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub : public HydrogenCodeStub {
-  explicit StoreArrayLiteralElementStub() {}
+  ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind from_kind,
+                                 ElementsKind to_kind, bool is_jsarray,
+                                 KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode)
+      : HydrogenCodeStub(isolate) {
+    set_sub_minor_key(FromBits::encode(from_kind) | ToBits::encode(to_kind) |
+                      IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_jsarray) |
+                      StoreModeBits::encode(store_mode));
+  }
+  ElementsKind from_kind() const { return FromBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  ElementsKind to_kind() const { return ToBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  bool is_jsarray() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(sub_minor_key()); }
+  KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode() const {
+    return StoreModeBits::decode(sub_minor_key());
+  }
+  // Parameters accessed via CodeStubGraphBuilder::GetParameter()
+  enum ParameterIndices {
+    kValueIndex,
+    kMapIndex,
+    kKeyIndex,
+    kObjectIndex,
+    kParameterCount
+  };
+  static const Register ValueRegister() {
+    return ElementTransitionAndStoreDescriptor::ValueRegister();
+  }
+  static const Register MapRegister() {
+    return ElementTransitionAndStoreDescriptor::MapRegister();
+  }
+  static const Register KeyRegister() {
+    return ElementTransitionAndStoreDescriptor::NameRegister();
+  }
+  static const Register ObjectRegister() {
+    return ElementTransitionAndStoreDescriptor::ReceiverRegister();
+  }
-  Major MajorKey() { return StoreArrayLiteralElement; }
-  int MinorKey() { return 0; }
+  class FromBits : public BitField<ElementsKind, 0, 8> {};
+  class ToBits : public BitField<ElementsKind, 8, 8> {};
+  class IsJSArrayBits : public BitField<bool, 16, 1> {};
+  class StoreModeBits : public BitField<KeyedAccessStoreMode, 17, 4> {};
-  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StoreArrayLiteralElementStub);
+  DEFINE_HYDROGEN_CODE_STUB(ElementsTransitionAndStore, HydrogenCodeStub);
+class StoreArrayLiteralElementStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit StoreArrayLiteralElementStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) { }
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StoreArrayLiteralElement, PlatformCodeStub);
+class StubFailureTrampolineStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  StubFailureTrampolineStub(Isolate* isolate, StubFunctionMode function_mode)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = FunctionModeField::encode(function_mode);
+  }
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+ private:
+  StubFunctionMode function_mode() const {
+    return FunctionModeField::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  class FunctionModeField : public BitField<StubFunctionMode, 0, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StubFailureTrampoline, PlatformCodeStub);
+class ProfileEntryHookStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit ProfileEntryHookStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  // The profile entry hook function is not allowed to cause a GC.
+  virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
+  // Generates a call to the entry hook if it's enabled.
+  static void MaybeCallEntryHook(MacroAssembler* masm);
+ private:
+  static void EntryHookTrampoline(intptr_t function,
+                                  intptr_t stack_pointer,
+                                  Isolate* isolate);
+  // ProfileEntryHookStub is called at the start of a function, so it has the
+  // same register set.
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(ProfileEntryHook, PlatformCodeStub);
+class StoreBufferOverflowStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  StoreBufferOverflowStub(Isolate* isolate, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = SaveDoublesBits::encode(save_fp == kSaveFPRegs);
+  }
+  static void GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+  virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
+ private:
+  bool save_doubles() const { return SaveDoublesBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  class SaveDoublesBits : public BitField<bool, 0, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StoreBufferOverflow, PlatformCodeStub);
+class SubStringStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit SubStringStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(SubString, PlatformCodeStub);
+class StringCompareStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit StringCompareStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StringCompare, PlatformCodeStub);
 } }  // namespace v8::internal
 #endif  // V8_CODE_STUBS_H_