Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/src/compiler.cc b/src/compiler.cc
index ecac5cb..ea604c9 100644
--- a/src/compiler.cc
+++ b/src/compiler.cc
@@ -1,112 +1,269 @@
 // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-//       with the distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "v8.h"
+#include "src/v8.h"
-#include "compiler.h"
+#include "src/compiler.h"
-#include "bootstrapper.h"
-#include "codegen.h"
-#include "compilation-cache.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "full-codegen.h"
-#include "gdb-jit.h"
-#include "hydrogen.h"
-#include "isolate-inl.h"
-#include "lithium.h"
-#include "liveedit.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#include "rewriter.h"
-#include "runtime-profiler.h"
-#include "scanner-character-streams.h"
-#include "scopeinfo.h"
-#include "scopes.h"
-#include "vm-state-inl.h"
+#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
+#include "src/codegen.h"
+#include "src/compilation-cache.h"
+#include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
+#include "src/cpu-profiler.h"
+#include "src/debug.h"
+#include "src/deoptimizer.h"
+#include "src/full-codegen.h"
+#include "src/gdb-jit.h"
+#include "src/hydrogen.h"
+#include "src/isolate-inl.h"
+#include "src/lithium.h"
+#include "src/liveedit.h"
+#include "src/parser.h"
+#include "src/rewriter.h"
+#include "src/runtime-profiler.h"
+#include "src/scanner-character-streams.h"
+#include "src/scopeinfo.h"
+#include "src/scopes.h"
+#include "src/typing.h"
+#include "src/vm-state-inl.h"
 namespace v8 {
 namespace internal {
-CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<Script> script)
-    : isolate_(script->GetIsolate()),
-      flags_(LanguageModeField::encode(CLASSIC_MODE)),
-      function_(NULL),
-      scope_(NULL),
-      global_scope_(NULL),
-      script_(script),
-      extension_(NULL),
-      pre_parse_data_(NULL),
-      osr_ast_id_(AstNode::kNoNumber) {
-  Initialize(BASE);
+ScriptData::ScriptData(const byte* data, int length)
+    : owns_data_(false), data_(data), length_(length) {
+  if (!IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data), kPointerAlignment)) {
+    byte* copy = NewArray<byte>(length);
+    DCHECK(IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(copy), kPointerAlignment));
+    CopyBytes(copy, data, length);
+    data_ = copy;
+    AcquireDataOwnership();
+  }
-CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info)
-    : isolate_(shared_info->GetIsolate()),
-      flags_(LanguageModeField::encode(CLASSIC_MODE) |
-             IsLazy::encode(true)),
-      function_(NULL),
-      scope_(NULL),
-      global_scope_(NULL),
+CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<Script> script, Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kThisHasUses),
+      script_(script),
+      source_stream_(NULL),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(script->GetIsolate(), BASE, zone);
+CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kThisHasUses),
+      script_(Handle<Script>::null()),
+      source_stream_(NULL),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(isolate, STUB, zone);
+CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info,
+                                 Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kLazy | kThisHasUses),
-      extension_(NULL),
-      pre_parse_data_(NULL),
-      osr_ast_id_(AstNode::kNoNumber) {
-  Initialize(BASE);
+      source_stream_(NULL),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(script_->GetIsolate(), BASE, zone);
-CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<JSFunction> closure)
-    : isolate_(closure->GetIsolate()),
-      flags_(LanguageModeField::encode(CLASSIC_MODE) |
-             IsLazy::encode(true)),
-      function_(NULL),
-      scope_(NULL),
-      global_scope_(NULL),
+CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(Handle<JSFunction> closure, Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kLazy | kThisHasUses),
-      extension_(NULL),
-      pre_parse_data_(NULL),
-      osr_ast_id_(AstNode::kNoNumber) {
-  Initialize(BASE);
+      source_stream_(NULL),
+      context_(closure->context()),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(script_->GetIsolate(), BASE, zone);
-// Disable optimization for the rest of the compilation pipeline.
-void CompilationInfo::DisableOptimization() {
-  bool is_optimizable_closure =
-    FLAG_optimize_closures &&
-    closure_.is_null() &&
-    !scope_->HasTrivialOuterContext() &&
-    !scope_->outer_scope_calls_non_strict_eval() &&
-    !scope_->inside_with();
-  SetMode(is_optimizable_closure ? BASE : NONOPT);
+CompilationInfo::CompilationInfo(HydrogenCodeStub* stub, Isolate* isolate,
+                                 Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kLazy | kThisHasUses),
+      source_stream_(NULL),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(isolate, STUB, zone);
+  code_stub_ = stub;
+    ScriptCompiler::ExternalSourceStream* stream,
+    ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::Encoding encoding, Isolate* isolate,
+    Zone* zone)
+    : flags_(kThisHasUses),
+      source_stream_(stream),
+      source_stream_encoding_(encoding),
+      osr_ast_id_(BailoutId::None()),
+      parameter_count_(0),
+      optimization_id_(-1),
+      ast_value_factory_(NULL),
+      ast_value_factory_owned_(false),
+      aborted_due_to_dependency_change_(false) {
+  Initialize(isolate, BASE, zone);
+void CompilationInfo::Initialize(Isolate* isolate,
+                                 Mode mode,
+                                 Zone* zone) {
+  isolate_ = isolate;
+  function_ = NULL;
+  scope_ = NULL;
+  global_scope_ = NULL;
+  extension_ = NULL;
+  cached_data_ = NULL;
+  compile_options_ = ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions;
+  zone_ = zone;
+  deferred_handles_ = NULL;
+  code_stub_ = NULL;
+  prologue_offset_ = Code::kPrologueOffsetNotSet;
+  opt_count_ = shared_info().is_null() ? 0 : shared_info()->opt_count();
+  no_frame_ranges_ = isolate->cpu_profiler()->is_profiling()
+                   ? new List<OffsetRange>(2) : NULL;
+  for (int i = 0; i < DependentCode::kGroupCount; i++) {
+    dependencies_[i] = NULL;
+  }
+  if (mode == STUB) {
+    mode_ = STUB;
+    return;
+  }
+  mode_ = mode;
+  if (!script_.is_null() && script_->type()->value() == Script::TYPE_NATIVE) {
+    MarkAsNative();
+  }
+  if (isolate_->debug()->is_active()) MarkAsDebug();
+  if (FLAG_context_specialization) MarkAsContextSpecializing();
+  if (FLAG_turbo_inlining) MarkAsInliningEnabled();
+  if (FLAG_turbo_types) MarkAsTypingEnabled();
+  if (!shared_info_.is_null()) {
+    DCHECK(strict_mode() == SLOPPY);
+    SetStrictMode(shared_info_->strict_mode());
+  }
+  bailout_reason_ = kUnknown;
+  if (!shared_info().is_null() && shared_info()->is_compiled()) {
+    // We should initialize the CompilationInfo feedback vector from the
+    // passed in shared info, rather than creating a new one.
+    feedback_vector_ =
+        Handle<TypeFeedbackVector>(shared_info()->feedback_vector(), isolate);
+  }
+CompilationInfo::~CompilationInfo() {
+  if (GetFlag(kDisableFutureOptimization)) {
+    shared_info()->DisableOptimization(bailout_reason());
+  }
+  delete deferred_handles_;
+  delete no_frame_ranges_;
+  if (ast_value_factory_owned_) delete ast_value_factory_;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  // Check that no dependent maps have been added or added dependent maps have
+  // been rolled back or committed.
+  for (int i = 0; i < DependentCode::kGroupCount; i++) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(NULL, dependencies_[i]);
+  }
+#endif  // DEBUG
+void CompilationInfo::CommitDependencies(Handle<Code> code) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < DependentCode::kGroupCount; i++) {
+    ZoneList<Handle<HeapObject> >* group_objects = dependencies_[i];
+    if (group_objects == NULL) continue;
+    DCHECK(!object_wrapper_.is_null());
+    for (int j = 0; j < group_objects->length(); j++) {
+      DependentCode::DependencyGroup group =
+          static_cast<DependentCode::DependencyGroup>(i);
+      DependentCode* dependent_code =
+          DependentCode::ForObject(group_objects->at(j), group);
+      dependent_code->UpdateToFinishedCode(group, this, *code);
+    }
+    dependencies_[i] = NULL;  // Zone-allocated, no need to delete.
+  }
+void CompilationInfo::RollbackDependencies() {
+  // Unregister from all dependent maps if not yet committed.
+  for (int i = 0; i < DependentCode::kGroupCount; i++) {
+    ZoneList<Handle<HeapObject> >* group_objects = dependencies_[i];
+    if (group_objects == NULL) continue;
+    for (int j = 0; j < group_objects->length(); j++) {
+      DependentCode::DependencyGroup group =
+          static_cast<DependentCode::DependencyGroup>(i);
+      DependentCode* dependent_code =
+          DependentCode::ForObject(group_objects->at(j), group);
+      dependent_code->RemoveCompilationInfo(group, this);
+    }
+    dependencies_[i] = NULL;  // Zone-allocated, no need to delete.
+  }
+int CompilationInfo::num_parameters() const {
+  if (IsStub()) {
+    DCHECK(parameter_count_ > 0);
+    return parameter_count_;
+  } else {
+    return scope()->num_parameters();
+  }
+int CompilationInfo::num_heap_slots() const {
+  if (IsStub()) {
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return scope()->num_heap_slots();
+  }
+Code::Flags CompilationInfo::flags() const {
+  if (IsStub()) {
+    return Code::ComputeFlags(code_stub()->GetCodeKind(),
+                              code_stub()->GetICState(),
+                              code_stub()->GetExtraICState(),
+                              code_stub()->GetStubType());
+  } else {
+    return Code::ComputeFlags(Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION);
+  }
@@ -114,112 +271,83 @@
 // profiler, so they trigger their own optimization when they're called
 // for the SharedFunctionInfo::kCallsUntilPrimitiveOptimization-th time.
 bool CompilationInfo::ShouldSelfOptimize() {
-  return FLAG_self_optimization &&
-      FLAG_crankshaft &&
+  return FLAG_crankshaft &&
       !function()->flags()->Contains(kDontSelfOptimize) &&
-      !function()->flags()->Contains(kDontOptimize) &&
-      function()->scope()->AllowsLazyRecompilation() &&
+      !function()->dont_optimize() &&
+      function()->scope()->AllowsLazyCompilation() &&
       (shared_info().is_null() || !shared_info()->optimization_disabled());
-void CompilationInfo::AbortOptimization() {
-  Handle<Code> code(shared_info()->code());
-  SetCode(code);
+void CompilationInfo::PrepareForCompilation(Scope* scope) {
+  DCHECK(scope_ == NULL);
+  scope_ = scope;
+  int length = function()->slot_count();
+  if (feedback_vector_.is_null()) {
+    // Allocate the feedback vector too.
+    feedback_vector_ = isolate()->factory()->NewTypeFeedbackVector(length);
+  }
+  DCHECK(feedback_vector_->length() == length);
-// Determine whether to use the full compiler for all code. If the flag
-// --always-full-compiler is specified this is the case. For the virtual frame
-// based compiler the full compiler is also used if a debugger is connected, as
-// the code from the full compiler supports mode precise break points. For the
-// crankshaft adaptive compiler debugging the optimized code is not possible at
-// all. However crankshaft support recompilation of functions, so in this case
-// the full compiler need not be be used if a debugger is attached, but only if
-// break points has actually been set.
-static bool is_debugging_active() {
-  Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
-  return V8::UseCrankshaft() ?
-    isolate->debug()->has_break_points() :
-    isolate->debugger()->IsDebuggerActive();
-  return false;
-static bool AlwaysFullCompiler() {
-  return FLAG_always_full_compiler || is_debugging_active();
-static void FinishOptimization(Handle<JSFunction> function, int64_t start) {
-  int opt_count = function->shared()->opt_count();
-  function->shared()->set_opt_count(opt_count + 1);
-  double ms = static_cast<double>(OS::Ticks() - start) / 1000;
-  if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
-    PrintF("[optimizing: ");
-    function->PrintName();
-    PrintF(" / %" V8PRIxPTR, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(*function));
-    PrintF(" - took %0.3f ms]\n", ms);
-  }
-  if (FLAG_trace_opt_stats) {
-    static double compilation_time = 0.0;
-    static int compiled_functions = 0;
-    static int code_size = 0;
-    compilation_time += ms;
-    compiled_functions++;
-    code_size += function->shared()->SourceSize();
-    PrintF("Compiled: %d functions with %d byte source size in %fms.\n",
-           compiled_functions,
-           code_size,
-           compilation_time);
-  }
-static bool MakeCrankshaftCode(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  // Test if we can optimize this function when asked to. We can only
-  // do this after the scopes are computed.
-  if (!V8::UseCrankshaft()) {
-    info->DisableOptimization();
+class HOptimizedGraphBuilderWithPositions: public HOptimizedGraphBuilder {
+ public:
+  explicit HOptimizedGraphBuilderWithPositions(CompilationInfo* info)
+      : HOptimizedGraphBuilder(info) {
-  // In case we are not optimizing simply return the code from
-  // the full code generator.
-  if (!info->IsOptimizing()) {
-    return FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(info);
+#define DEF_VISIT(type)                                 \
+  virtual void Visit##type(type* node) OVERRIDE {    \
+    if (node->position() != RelocInfo::kNoPosition) {   \
+      SetSourcePosition(node->position());              \
+    }                                                   \
+    HOptimizedGraphBuilder::Visit##type(node);          \
+#undef DEF_VISIT
-  // We should never arrive here if there is not code object on the
-  // shared function object.
-  Handle<Code> code(info->shared_info()->code());
-  ASSERT(code->kind() == Code::FUNCTION);
+#define DEF_VISIT(type)                                          \
+  virtual void Visit##type(type* node) OVERRIDE {             \
+    if (node->position() != RelocInfo::kNoPosition) {            \
+      SetSourcePosition(node->position());                       \
+    }                                                            \
+    HOptimizedGraphBuilder::Visit##type(node);                   \
+  }
+#undef DEF_VISIT
+#define DEF_VISIT(type)                                            \
+  virtual void Visit##type(type* node) OVERRIDE {               \
+    HOptimizedGraphBuilder::Visit##type(node);                     \
+  }
+#undef DEF_VISIT
+OptimizedCompileJob::Status OptimizedCompileJob::CreateGraph() {
+  DCHECK(isolate()->use_crankshaft());
+  DCHECK(info()->IsOptimizing());
+  DCHECK(!info()->IsCompilingForDebugging());
   // We should never arrive here if optimization has been disabled on the
   // shared function info.
-  ASSERT(!info->shared_info()->optimization_disabled());
+  DCHECK(!info()->shared_info()->optimization_disabled());
-  // Fall back to using the full code generator if it's not possible
-  // to use the Hydrogen-based optimizing compiler. We already have
-  // generated code for this from the shared function object.
-  if (AlwaysFullCompiler()) {
-    info->SetCode(code);
-    return true;
+  // Do not use crankshaft if we need to be able to set break points.
+  if (isolate()->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
+    return RetryOptimization(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints);
   // Limit the number of times we re-compile a functions with
   // the optimizing compiler.
   const int kMaxOptCount =
-      FLAG_deopt_every_n_times == 0 ? Compiler::kDefaultMaxOptCount : 1000;
-  if (info->shared_info()->opt_count() > kMaxOptCount) {
-    info->AbortOptimization();
-    info->shared_info()->DisableOptimization();
-    // True indicates the compilation pipeline is still going, not
-    // necessarily that we optimized the code.
-    return true;
+      FLAG_deopt_every_n_times == 0 ? FLAG_max_opt_count : 1000;
+  if (info()->opt_count() > kMaxOptCount) {
+    return AbortOptimization(kOptimizedTooManyTimes);
   // Due to an encoding limit on LUnallocated operands in the Lithium
@@ -229,526 +357,215 @@
   // The encoding is as a signed value, with parameters and receiver using
   // the negative indices and locals the non-negative ones.
-  const int parameter_limit = -LUnallocated::kMinFixedIndex;
-  const int locals_limit = LUnallocated::kMaxFixedIndex;
-  Scope* scope = info->scope();
-  if ((scope->num_parameters() + 1) > parameter_limit ||
-      (info->osr_ast_id() != AstNode::kNoNumber &&
-       scope->num_parameters() + 1 + scope->num_stack_slots() > locals_limit)) {
-    info->AbortOptimization();
-    info->shared_info()->DisableOptimization();
-    // True indicates the compilation pipeline is still going, not
-    // necessarily that we optimized the code.
-    return true;
+  const int parameter_limit = -LUnallocated::kMinFixedSlotIndex;
+  Scope* scope = info()->scope();
+  if ((scope->num_parameters() + 1) > parameter_limit) {
+    return AbortOptimization(kTooManyParameters);
-  // Take --hydrogen-filter into account.
-  Handle<String> name = info->function()->debug_name();
-  if (*FLAG_hydrogen_filter != '\0') {
-    Vector<const char> filter = CStrVector(FLAG_hydrogen_filter);
-    if ((filter[0] == '-'
-         && name->IsEqualTo(filter.SubVector(1, filter.length())))
-        || (filter[0] != '-' && !name->IsEqualTo(filter))) {
-      info->SetCode(code);
-      return true;
-    }
+  const int locals_limit = LUnallocated::kMaxFixedSlotIndex;
+  if (info()->is_osr() &&
+      scope->num_parameters() + 1 + scope->num_stack_slots() > locals_limit) {
+    return AbortOptimization(kTooManyParametersLocals);
+  if (scope->HasIllegalRedeclaration()) {
+    return AbortOptimization(kFunctionWithIllegalRedeclaration);
+  }
+  // Check the whitelist for Crankshaft.
+  if (!info()->closure()->PassesFilter(FLAG_hydrogen_filter)) {
+    return AbortOptimization(kHydrogenFilter);
+  }
+  // Crankshaft requires a version of fullcode with deoptimization support.
   // Recompile the unoptimized version of the code if the current version
-  // doesn't have deoptimization support. Alternatively, we may decide to
-  // run the full code generator to get a baseline for the compile-time
-  // performance of the hydrogen-based compiler.
-  int64_t start = OS::Ticks();
-  bool should_recompile = !info->shared_info()->has_deoptimization_support();
+  // doesn't have deoptimization support already.
+  // Otherwise, if we are gathering compilation time and space statistics
+  // for hydrogen, gather baseline statistics for a fullcode compilation.
+  bool should_recompile = !info()->shared_info()->has_deoptimization_support();
   if (should_recompile || FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
-    HPhase phase(HPhase::kFullCodeGen);
-    CompilationInfo unoptimized(info->shared_info());
-    // Note that we use the same AST that we will use for generating the
-    // optimized code.
-    unoptimized.SetFunction(info->function());
-    unoptimized.SetScope(info->scope());
-    if (should_recompile) unoptimized.EnableDeoptimizationSupport();
-    bool succeeded = FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(&unoptimized);
-    if (should_recompile) {
-      if (!succeeded) return false;
-      Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
-      shared->EnableDeoptimizationSupport(*unoptimized.code());
-      // The existing unoptimized code was replaced with the new one.
-      Compiler::RecordFunctionCompilation(
-          Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, &unoptimized, shared);
+    base::ElapsedTimer timer;
+    if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
+      timer.Start();
+    }
+    if (!Compiler::EnsureDeoptimizationSupport(info())) {
+      return SetLastStatus(FAILED);
+    }
+    if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
+      isolate()->GetHStatistics()->IncrementFullCodeGen(timer.Elapsed());
-  // Check that the unoptimized, shared code is ready for
-  // optimizations.  When using the always_opt flag we disregard the
-  // optimizable marker in the code object and optimize anyway. This
-  // is safe as long as the unoptimized code has deoptimization
-  // support.
-  ASSERT(FLAG_always_opt || code->optimizable());
-  ASSERT(info->shared_info()->has_deoptimization_support());
+  DCHECK(info()->shared_info()->has_deoptimization_support());
+  // Check the whitelist for TurboFan.
+  if ((FLAG_turbo_asm && info()->shared_info()->asm_function()) ||
+      info()->closure()->PassesFilter(FLAG_turbo_filter)) {
+    compiler::Pipeline pipeline(info());
+    pipeline.GenerateCode();
+    if (!info()->code().is_null()) {
+      if (FLAG_turbo_deoptimization) {
+        info()->context()->native_context()->AddOptimizedCode(*info()->code());
+      }
+      return SetLastStatus(SUCCEEDED);
+    }
+  }
   if (FLAG_trace_hydrogen) {
+    Handle<String> name = info()->function()->debug_name();
-    PrintF("Compiling method %s using hydrogen\n", *name->ToCString());
-    HTracer::Instance()->TraceCompilation(info->function());
+    PrintF("Compiling method %s using hydrogen\n", name->ToCString().get());
+    isolate()->GetHTracer()->TraceCompilation(info());
-  Handle<Context> global_context(info->closure()->context()->global_context());
-  TypeFeedbackOracle oracle(code, global_context, info->isolate());
-  HGraphBuilder builder(info, &oracle);
-  HPhase phase(HPhase::kTotal);
-  HGraph* graph = builder.CreateGraph();
-  if (info->isolate()->has_pending_exception()) {
-    info->SetCode(Handle<Code>::null());
-    return false;
+  // Type-check the function.
+  AstTyper::Run(info());
+  graph_builder_ = (FLAG_hydrogen_track_positions || FLAG_trace_ic)
+      ? new(info()->zone()) HOptimizedGraphBuilderWithPositions(info())
+      : new(info()->zone()) HOptimizedGraphBuilder(info());
+  Timer t(this, &time_taken_to_create_graph_);
+  info()->set_this_has_uses(false);
+  graph_ = graph_builder_->CreateGraph();
+  if (isolate()->has_pending_exception()) {
+    return SetLastStatus(FAILED);
-  if (graph != NULL) {
-    Handle<Code> optimized_code = graph->Compile(info);
-    if (!optimized_code.is_null()) {
-      info->SetCode(optimized_code);
-      FinishOptimization(info->closure(), start);
-      return true;
-    }
+  if (graph_ == NULL) return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
+  if (info()->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange()) {
+    // Dependency has changed during graph creation. Let's try again later.
+    return RetryOptimization(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange);
-  // Keep using the shared code.
-  info->AbortOptimization();
-  if (!builder.inline_bailout()) {
-    // Mark the shared code as unoptimizable unless it was an inlined
-    // function that bailed out.
-    info->shared_info()->DisableOptimization();
-  }
-  // True indicates the compilation pipeline is still going, not necessarily
-  // that we optimized the code.
-  return true;
+  return SetLastStatus(SUCCEEDED);
-static bool GenerateCode(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  return info->IsCompilingForDebugging() || !V8::UseCrankshaft() ?
-      FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(info) :
-      MakeCrankshaftCode(info);
+OptimizedCompileJob::Status OptimizedCompileJob::OptimizeGraph() {
+  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
+  DisallowHandleAllocation no_handles;
+  DisallowHandleDereference no_deref;
+  DisallowCodeDependencyChange no_dependency_change;
-static bool MakeCode(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  // Precondition: code has been parsed.  Postcondition: the code field in
-  // the compilation info is set if compilation succeeded.
-  ASSERT(info->function() != NULL);
-  return Rewriter::Rewrite(info) && Scope::Analyze(info) && GenerateCode(info);
-bool Compiler::MakeCodeForLiveEdit(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  // Precondition: code has been parsed.  Postcondition: the code field in
-  // the compilation info is set if compilation succeeded.
-  bool succeeded = MakeCode(info);
-  if (!info->shared_info().is_null()) {
-    Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope());
-    info->shared_info()->set_scope_info(*scope_info);
+  DCHECK(last_status() == SUCCEEDED);
+  // TODO(turbofan): Currently everything is done in the first phase.
+  if (!info()->code().is_null()) {
+    return last_status();
-  return succeeded;
+  Timer t(this, &time_taken_to_optimize_);
+  DCHECK(graph_ != NULL);
+  BailoutReason bailout_reason = kNoReason;
+  if (graph_->Optimize(&bailout_reason)) {
+    chunk_ = LChunk::NewChunk(graph_);
+    if (chunk_ != NULL) return SetLastStatus(SUCCEEDED);
+  } else if (bailout_reason != kNoReason) {
+    graph_builder_->Bailout(bailout_reason);
+  }
+  return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
-static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> MakeFunctionInfo(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
-  ZoneScope zone_scope(isolate, DELETE_ON_EXIT);
-  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate);
+OptimizedCompileJob::Status OptimizedCompileJob::GenerateCode() {
+  DCHECK(last_status() == SUCCEEDED);
+  // TODO(turbofan): Currently everything is done in the first phase.
+  if (!info()->code().is_null()) {
+    RecordOptimizationStats();
+    return last_status();
+  }
-  ASSERT(!isolate->global_context().is_null());
-  Handle<Script> script = info->script();
-  script->set_context_data((*isolate->global_context())->data());
-  if (info->is_eval()) {
-    Script::CompilationType compilation_type = Script::COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL;
-    script->set_compilation_type(Smi::FromInt(compilation_type));
-    // For eval scripts add information on the function from which eval was
-    // called.
-    if (info->is_eval()) {
-      StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate);
-      if (!it.done()) {
-        script->set_eval_from_shared(
-            JSFunction::cast(it.frame()->function())->shared());
-        Code* code = it.frame()->LookupCode();
-        int offset = static_cast<int>(
-            it.frame()->pc() - code->instruction_start());
-        script->set_eval_from_instructions_offset(Smi::FromInt(offset));
+  DCHECK(!info()->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange());
+  DisallowCodeDependencyChange no_dependency_change;
+  DisallowJavascriptExecution no_js(isolate());
+  {  // Scope for timer.
+    Timer timer(this, &time_taken_to_codegen_);
+    DCHECK(chunk_ != NULL);
+    DCHECK(graph_ != NULL);
+    // Deferred handles reference objects that were accessible during
+    // graph creation.  To make sure that we don't encounter inconsistencies
+    // between graph creation and code generation, we disallow accessing
+    // objects through deferred handles during the latter, with exceptions.
+    DisallowDeferredHandleDereference no_deferred_handle_deref;
+    Handle<Code> optimized_code = chunk_->Codegen();
+    if (optimized_code.is_null()) {
+      if (info()->bailout_reason() == kNoReason) {
+        return AbortOptimization(kCodeGenerationFailed);
+      return SetLastStatus(BAILED_OUT);
+    info()->SetCode(optimized_code);
-  // Notify debugger
-  isolate->debugger()->OnBeforeCompile(script);
-  // Only allow non-global compiles for eval.
-  ASSERT(info->is_eval() || info->is_global());
-  ParsingFlags flags = kNoParsingFlags;
-  if (info->pre_parse_data() != NULL ||
-      String::cast(script->source())->length() > FLAG_min_preparse_length) {
-    flags = kAllowLazy;
-  }
-  if (!ParserApi::Parse(info, flags)) {
-    return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
-  }
-  // Measure how long it takes to do the compilation; only take the
-  // rest of the function into account to avoid overlap with the
-  // parsing statistics.
-  HistogramTimer* rate = info->is_eval()
-      ? info->isolate()->counters()->compile_eval()
-      : info->isolate()->counters()->compile();
-  HistogramTimerScope timer(rate);
-  // Compile the code.
-  FunctionLiteral* lit = info->function();
-  LiveEditFunctionTracker live_edit_tracker(isolate, lit);
-  if (!MakeCode(info)) {
-    if (!isolate->has_pending_exception()) isolate->StackOverflow();
-    return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
-  }
-  // Allocate function.
-  ASSERT(!info->code().is_null());
-  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result =
-      isolate->factory()->NewSharedFunctionInfo(
-          lit->name(),
-          lit->materialized_literal_count(),
-          info->code(),
-          ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope()));
-  ASSERT_EQ(RelocInfo::kNoPosition, lit->function_token_position());
-  Compiler::SetFunctionInfo(result, lit, true, script);
-  if (script->name()->IsString()) {
-    PROFILE(isolate, CodeCreateEvent(
-        info->is_eval()
-            ? Logger::EVAL_TAG
-            : Logger::ToNativeByScript(Logger::SCRIPT_TAG, *script),
-        *info->code(),
-        *result,
-        String::cast(script->name())));
-    GDBJIT(AddCode(Handle<String>(String::cast(script->name())),
-                   script,
-                   info->code(),
-                   info));
-  } else {
-    PROFILE(isolate, CodeCreateEvent(
-        info->is_eval()
-            ? Logger::EVAL_TAG
-            : Logger::ToNativeByScript(Logger::SCRIPT_TAG, *script),
-        *info->code(),
-        *result,
-        isolate->heap()->empty_string()));
-    GDBJIT(AddCode(Handle<String>(), script, info->code(), info));
-  }
-  // Hint to the runtime system used when allocating space for initial
-  // property space by setting the expected number of properties for
-  // the instances of the function.
-  SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(result, lit->expected_property_count());
-  script->set_compilation_state(
-      Smi::FromInt(Script::COMPILATION_STATE_COMPILED));
-  // Notify debugger
-  isolate->debugger()->OnAfterCompile(
-      script, Debugger::NO_AFTER_COMPILE_FLAGS);
-  live_edit_tracker.RecordFunctionInfo(result, lit);
-  return result;
+  RecordOptimizationStats();
+  // Add to the weak list of optimized code objects.
+  info()->context()->native_context()->AddOptimizedCode(*info()->code());
+  return SetLastStatus(SUCCEEDED);
-Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::Compile(Handle<String> source,
-                                             Handle<Object> script_name,
-                                             int line_offset,
-                                             int column_offset,
-                                             v8::Extension* extension,
-                                             ScriptDataImpl* pre_data,
-                                             Handle<Object> script_data,
-                                             NativesFlag natives) {
-  Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
-  int source_length = source->length();
-  isolate->counters()->total_load_size()->Increment(source_length);
-  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(source_length);
-  // The VM is in the COMPILER state until exiting this function.
-  VMState state(isolate, COMPILER);
-  CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
-  // Do a lookup in the compilation cache but not for extensions.
-  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result;
-  if (extension == NULL) {
-    result = compilation_cache->LookupScript(source,
-                                             script_name,
-                                             line_offset,
-                                             column_offset);
+void OptimizedCompileJob::RecordOptimizationStats() {
+  Handle<JSFunction> function = info()->closure();
+  if (!function->IsOptimized()) {
+    // Concurrent recompilation and OSR may race.  Increment only once.
+    int opt_count = function->shared()->opt_count();
+    function->shared()->set_opt_count(opt_count + 1);
-  if (result.is_null()) {
-    // No cache entry found. Do pre-parsing, if it makes sense, and compile
-    // the script.
-    // Building preparse data that is only used immediately after is only a
-    // saving if we might skip building the AST for lazily compiled functions.
-    // I.e., preparse data isn't relevant when the lazy flag is off, and
-    // for small sources, odds are that there aren't many functions
-    // that would be compiled lazily anyway, so we skip the preparse step
-    // in that case too.
-    // Create a script object describing the script to be compiled.
-    Handle<Script> script = FACTORY->NewScript(source);
-    if (natives == NATIVES_CODE) {
-      script->set_type(Smi::FromInt(Script::TYPE_NATIVE));
-    }
-    if (!script_name.is_null()) {
-      script->set_name(*script_name);
-      script->set_line_offset(Smi::FromInt(line_offset));
-      script->set_column_offset(Smi::FromInt(column_offset));
-    }
-    script->set_data(script_data.is_null() ? HEAP->undefined_value()
-                                           : *script_data);
-    // Compile the function and add it to the cache.
-    CompilationInfo info(script);
-    info.MarkAsGlobal();
-    info.SetExtension(extension);
-    info.SetPreParseData(pre_data);
-    if (FLAG_use_strict) {
-      info.SetLanguageMode(FLAG_harmony_scoping ? EXTENDED_MODE : STRICT_MODE);
-    }
-    result = MakeFunctionInfo(&info);
-    if (extension == NULL && !result.is_null()) {
-      compilation_cache->PutScript(source, result);
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (result->ic_age() != HEAP->global_ic_age()) {
-      result->ResetForNewContext(HEAP->global_ic_age());
-    }
+  double ms_creategraph = time_taken_to_create_graph_.InMillisecondsF();
+  double ms_optimize = time_taken_to_optimize_.InMillisecondsF();
+  double ms_codegen = time_taken_to_codegen_.InMillisecondsF();
+  if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+    PrintF("[optimizing ");
+    function->ShortPrint();
+    PrintF(" - took %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f ms]\n", ms_creategraph, ms_optimize,
+           ms_codegen);
+  if (FLAG_trace_opt_stats) {
+    static double compilation_time = 0.0;
+    static int compiled_functions = 0;
+    static int code_size = 0;
-  if (result.is_null()) isolate->ReportPendingMessages();
-  return result;
+    compilation_time += (ms_creategraph + ms_optimize + ms_codegen);
+    compiled_functions++;
+    code_size += function->shared()->SourceSize();
+    PrintF("Compiled: %d functions with %d byte source size in %fms.\n",
+           compiled_functions,
+           code_size,
+           compilation_time);
+  }
+  if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
+    isolate()->GetHStatistics()->IncrementSubtotals(time_taken_to_create_graph_,
+                                                    time_taken_to_optimize_,
+                                                    time_taken_to_codegen_);
+  }
-Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileEval(Handle<String> source,
-                                                 Handle<Context> context,
-                                                 bool is_global,
-                                                 LanguageMode language_mode,
-                                                 int scope_position) {
-  Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
-  int source_length = source->length();
-  isolate->counters()->total_eval_size()->Increment(source_length);
-  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(source_length);
+// Sets the expected number of properties based on estimate from compiler.
+void SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
+                                          int estimate) {
+  // If no properties are added in the constructor, they are more likely
+  // to be added later.
+  if (estimate == 0) estimate = 2;
-  // The VM is in the COMPILER state until exiting this function.
-  VMState state(isolate, COMPILER);
-  // Do a lookup in the compilation cache; if the entry is not there, invoke
-  // the compiler and add the result to the cache.
-  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result;
-  CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
-  result = compilation_cache->LookupEval(source,
-                                         context,
-                                         is_global,
-                                         language_mode,
-                                         scope_position);
-  if (result.is_null()) {
-    // Create a script object describing the script to be compiled.
-    Handle<Script> script = isolate->factory()->NewScript(source);
-    CompilationInfo info(script);
-    info.MarkAsEval();
-    if (is_global) info.MarkAsGlobal();
-    info.SetLanguageMode(language_mode);
-    info.SetCallingContext(context);
-    result = MakeFunctionInfo(&info);
-    if (!result.is_null()) {
-      // Explicitly disable optimization for eval code. We're not yet prepared
-      // to handle eval-code in the optimizing compiler.
-      result->DisableOptimization();
-      // If caller is strict mode, the result must be in strict mode or
-      // extended mode as well, but not the other way around. Consider:
-      // eval("'use strict'; ...");
-      ASSERT(language_mode != STRICT_MODE || !result->is_classic_mode());
-      // If caller is in extended mode, the result must also be in
-      // extended mode.
-      ASSERT(language_mode != EXTENDED_MODE ||
-             result->is_extended_mode());
-      compilation_cache->PutEval(
-          source, context, is_global, result, scope_position);
-    }
+  // TODO(yangguo): check whether those heuristics are still up-to-date.
+  // We do not shrink objects that go into a snapshot (yet), so we adjust
+  // the estimate conservatively.
+  if (shared->GetIsolate()->serializer_enabled()) {
+    estimate += 2;
+  } else if (FLAG_clever_optimizations) {
+    // Inobject slack tracking will reclaim redundant inobject space later,
+    // so we can afford to adjust the estimate generously.
+    estimate += 8;
   } else {
-    if (result->ic_age() != HEAP->global_ic_age()) {
-      result->ResetForNewContext(HEAP->global_ic_age());
-    }
+    estimate += 3;
-  return result;
-bool Compiler::CompileLazy(CompilationInfo* info) {
-  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
-  ZoneScope zone_scope(isolate, DELETE_ON_EXIT);
-  // The VM is in the COMPILER state until exiting this function.
-  VMState state(isolate, COMPILER);
-  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate);
-  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
-  int compiled_size = shared->end_position() - shared->start_position();
-  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(compiled_size);
-  // Generate the AST for the lazily compiled function.
-  if (ParserApi::Parse(info, kNoParsingFlags)) {
-    // Measure how long it takes to do the lazy compilation; only take the
-    // rest of the function into account to avoid overlap with the lazy
-    // parsing statistics.
-    HistogramTimerScope timer(isolate->counters()->compile_lazy());
-    // After parsing we know the function's language mode. Remember it.
-    LanguageMode language_mode = info->function()->language_mode();
-    info->SetLanguageMode(language_mode);
-    shared->set_language_mode(language_mode);
-    // Compile the code.
-    if (!MakeCode(info)) {
-      if (!isolate->has_pending_exception()) {
-        isolate->StackOverflow();
-      }
-    } else {
-      ASSERT(!info->code().is_null());
-      Handle<Code> code = info->code();
-      // Set optimizable to false if this is disallowed by the shared
-      // function info, e.g., we might have flushed the code and must
-      // reset this bit when lazy compiling the code again.
-      if (shared->optimization_disabled()) code->set_optimizable(false);
-      Handle<JSFunction> function = info->closure();
-      RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info, shared);
-      if (info->IsOptimizing()) {
-        ASSERT(shared->scope_info() != ScopeInfo::Empty());
-        function->ReplaceCode(*code);
-      } else {
-        // Update the shared function info with the compiled code and the
-        // scope info.  Please note, that the order of the shared function
-        // info initialization is important since set_scope_info might
-        // trigger a GC, causing the ASSERT below to be invalid if the code
-        // was flushed. By setting the code object last we avoid this.
-        Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope());
-        shared->set_scope_info(*scope_info);
-        shared->set_code(*code);
-        if (!function.is_null()) {
-          function->ReplaceCode(*code);
-          ASSERT(!function->IsOptimized());
-        }
-        // Set the expected number of properties for instances.
-        FunctionLiteral* lit = info->function();
-        int expected = lit->expected_property_count();
-        SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(shared, expected);
-        // Set the optimization hints after performing lazy compilation, as
-        // these are not set when the function is set up as a lazily
-        // compiled function.
-        shared->SetThisPropertyAssignmentsInfo(
-            lit->has_only_simple_this_property_assignments(),
-            *lit->this_property_assignments());
-        // Check the function has compiled code.
-        ASSERT(shared->is_compiled());
-        shared->set_code_age(0);
-        shared->set_dont_optimize(lit->flags()->Contains(kDontOptimize));
-        shared->set_dont_inline(lit->flags()->Contains(kDontInline));
-        shared->set_ast_node_count(lit->ast_node_count());
-        if (V8::UseCrankshaft()&&
-            !function.is_null() &&
-            !shared->optimization_disabled()) {
-          // If we're asked to always optimize, we compile the optimized
-          // version of the function right away - unless the debugger is
-          // active as it makes no sense to compile optimized code then.
-          if (FLAG_always_opt &&
-              !Isolate::Current()->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
-            CompilationInfo optimized(function);
-            optimized.SetOptimizing(AstNode::kNoNumber);
-            return CompileLazy(&optimized);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  ASSERT(info->code().is_null());
-  return false;
-Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::BuildFunctionInfo(FunctionLiteral* literal,
-                                                       Handle<Script> script) {
-  // Precondition: code has been parsed and scopes have been analyzed.
-  CompilationInfo info(script);
-  info.SetFunction(literal);
-  info.SetScope(literal->scope());
-  info.SetLanguageMode(literal->scope()->language_mode());
-  LiveEditFunctionTracker live_edit_tracker(info.isolate(), literal);
-  // Determine if the function can be lazily compiled. This is necessary to
-  // allow some of our builtin JS files to be lazily compiled. These
-  // builtins cannot be handled lazily by the parser, since we have to know
-  // if a function uses the special natives syntax, which is something the
-  // parser records.
-  bool allow_lazy = literal->AllowsLazyCompilation() &&
-      !LiveEditFunctionTracker::IsActive(info.isolate());
-  Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info(ScopeInfo::Empty());
-  // Generate code
-  if (FLAG_lazy && allow_lazy) {
-    Handle<Code> code = info.isolate()->builtins()->LazyCompile();
-    info.SetCode(code);
-  } else if ((V8::UseCrankshaft() && MakeCrankshaftCode(&info)) ||
-             (!V8::UseCrankshaft() && FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(&info))) {
-    ASSERT(!info.code().is_null());
-    scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info.scope());
-  } else {
-    return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
-  }
-  // Create a shared function info object.
-  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result =
-      FACTORY->NewSharedFunctionInfo(literal->name(),
-                                     literal->materialized_literal_count(),
-                                     info.code(),
-                                     scope_info);
-  SetFunctionInfo(result, literal, false, script);
-  RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, &info, result);
-  result->set_allows_lazy_compilation(allow_lazy);
-  // Set the expected number of properties for instances and return
-  // the resulting function.
-  SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(result,
-                                       literal->expected_property_count());
-  live_edit_tracker.RecordFunctionInfo(result, literal);
-  return result;
+  shared->set_expected_nof_properties(estimate);
@@ -756,10 +573,10 @@
 // The start_position points to the first '(' character after the function name
 // in the full script source. When counting characters in the script source the
 // the first character is number 0 (not 1).
-void Compiler::SetFunctionInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
-                               FunctionLiteral* lit,
-                               bool is_toplevel,
-                               Handle<Script> script) {
+static void SetFunctionInfo(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info,
+                            FunctionLiteral* lit,
+                            bool is_toplevel,
+                            Handle<Script> script) {
@@ -770,57 +587,851 @@
-  function_info->SetThisPropertyAssignmentsInfo(
-      lit->has_only_simple_this_property_assignments(),
-      *lit->this_property_assignments());
-  function_info->set_language_mode(lit->language_mode());
+  function_info->set_allows_lazy_compilation_without_context(
+      lit->AllowsLazyCompilationWithoutContext());
+  function_info->set_strict_mode(lit->strict_mode());
   function_info->set_uses_arguments(lit->scope()->arguments() != NULL);
-  function_info->set_dont_optimize(lit->flags()->Contains(kDontOptimize));
-  function_info->set_dont_inline(lit->flags()->Contains(kDontInline));
+  function_info->set_bailout_reason(lit->dont_optimize_reason());
+  function_info->set_dont_cache(lit->flags()->Contains(kDontCache));
+  function_info->set_kind(lit->kind());
+  function_info->set_asm_function(lit->scope()->asm_function());
-void Compiler::RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
-                                         CompilationInfo* info,
-                                         Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
+static void RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag,
+                                      CompilationInfo* info,
+                                      Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
   // SharedFunctionInfo is passed separately, because if CompilationInfo
   // was created using Script object, it will not have it.
   // Log the code generation. If source information is available include
   // script name and line number. Check explicitly whether logging is
   // enabled as finding the line number is not free.
-  if (info->isolate()->logger()->is_logging() ||
-      CpuProfiler::is_profiling(info->isolate())) {
+  if (info->isolate()->logger()->is_logging_code_events() ||
+      info->isolate()->cpu_profiler()->is_profiling()) {
     Handle<Script> script = info->script();
     Handle<Code> code = info->code();
-    if (*code == info->isolate()->builtins()->builtin(Builtins::kLazyCompile))
+    if (code.is_identical_to(info->isolate()->builtins()->CompileLazy())) {
-    if (script->name()->IsString()) {
-      int line_num = GetScriptLineNumber(script, shared->start_position()) + 1;
-      USE(line_num);
-      PROFILE(info->isolate(),
-              CodeCreateEvent(Logger::ToNativeByScript(tag, *script),
-                              *code,
-                              *shared,
-                              String::cast(script->name()),
-                              line_num));
-    } else {
-      PROFILE(info->isolate(),
-              CodeCreateEvent(Logger::ToNativeByScript(tag, *script),
-                              *code,
-                              *shared,
-                              shared->DebugName()));
+    int line_num = Script::GetLineNumber(script, shared->start_position()) + 1;
+    int column_num =
+        Script::GetColumnNumber(script, shared->start_position()) + 1;
+    String* script_name = script->name()->IsString()
+                              ? String::cast(script->name())
+                              : info->isolate()->heap()->empty_string();
+    Logger::LogEventsAndTags log_tag = Logger::ToNativeByScript(tag, *script);
+    PROFILE(info->isolate(),
+            CodeCreateEvent(log_tag, *code, *shared, info, script_name,
+                            line_num, column_num));
-                 Handle<Script>(info->script()),
-                 Handle<Code>(info->code()),
+                 Handle<Script>(info->script()), Handle<Code>(info->code()),
+static bool CompileUnoptimizedCode(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  DCHECK(AllowCompilation::IsAllowed(info->isolate()));
+  DCHECK(info->function() != NULL);
+  if (!Rewriter::Rewrite(info)) return false;
+  if (!Scope::Analyze(info)) return false;
+  DCHECK(info->scope() != NULL);
+  if (!FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(info)) {
+    Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+    if (!isolate->has_pending_exception()) isolate->StackOverflow();
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Code> GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(
+    CompilationInfo* info) {
+  VMState<COMPILER> state(info->isolate());
+  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(info->isolate());
+  // Parse and update CompilationInfo with the results.
+  if (!Parser::Parse(info)) return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
+  FunctionLiteral* lit = info->function();
+  shared->set_strict_mode(lit->strict_mode());
+  SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(shared, lit->expected_property_count());
+  shared->set_bailout_reason(lit->dont_optimize_reason());
+  shared->set_ast_node_count(lit->ast_node_count());
+  // Compile unoptimized code.
+  if (!CompileUnoptimizedCode(info)) return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+  CHECK_EQ(Code::FUNCTION, info->code()->kind());
+  RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info, shared);
+  // Update the shared function info with the scope info. Allocating the
+  // ScopeInfo object may cause a GC.
+  Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope(), info->zone());
+  shared->set_scope_info(*scope_info);
+  // Update the code and feedback vector for the shared function info.
+  shared->ReplaceCode(*info->code());
+  if (shared->optimization_disabled()) info->code()->set_optimizable(false);
+  shared->set_feedback_vector(*info->feedback_vector());
+  return info->code();
+MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Code> GetCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+    Handle<JSFunction> function, BailoutId osr_ast_id) {
+  if (FLAG_cache_optimized_code) {
+    Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
+    // Bound functions are not cached.
+    if (shared->bound()) return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+    int index = shared->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
+        function->context()->native_context(), osr_ast_id);
+    if (index > 0) {
+      if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+        PrintF("[found optimized code for ");
+        function->ShortPrint();
+        if (!osr_ast_id.IsNone()) {
+          PrintF(" at OSR AST id %d", osr_ast_id.ToInt());
+        }
+        PrintF("]\n");
+      }
+      FixedArray* literals = shared->GetLiteralsFromOptimizedCodeMap(index);
+      if (literals != NULL) function->set_literals(literals);
+      return Handle<Code>(shared->GetCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap(index));
+    }
+  }
+  return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+static void InsertCodeIntoOptimizedCodeMap(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  Handle<Code> code = info->code();
+  if (code->kind() != Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION) return;  // Nothing to do.
+  // Context specialization folds-in the context, so no sharing can occur.
+  if (code->is_turbofanned() && info->is_context_specializing()) return;
+  // Cache optimized code.
+  if (FLAG_cache_optimized_code) {
+    Handle<JSFunction> function = info->closure();
+    Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared());
+    // Do not cache bound functions.
+    if (shared->bound()) return;
+    Handle<FixedArray> literals(function->literals());
+    Handle<Context> native_context(function->context()->native_context());
+    SharedFunctionInfo::AddToOptimizedCodeMap(shared, native_context, code,
+                                              literals, info->osr_ast_id());
+  }
+static bool CompileOptimizedPrologue(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  if (!Parser::Parse(info)) return false;
+  if (!Rewriter::Rewrite(info)) return false;
+  if (!Scope::Analyze(info)) return false;
+  DCHECK(info->scope() != NULL);
+  return true;
+static bool GetOptimizedCodeNow(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  if (!CompileOptimizedPrologue(info)) return false;
+  TimerEventScope<TimerEventRecompileSynchronous> timer(info->isolate());
+  OptimizedCompileJob job(info);
+  if (job.CreateGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED ||
+      job.OptimizeGraph() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED ||
+      job.GenerateCode() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+    if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+      PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
+      info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+      PrintF(" because: %s]\n", GetBailoutReason(info->bailout_reason()));
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Success!
+  DCHECK(!info->isolate()->has_pending_exception());
+  InsertCodeIntoOptimizedCodeMap(info);
+  RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info,
+                            info->shared_info());
+  if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+    PrintF("[completed optimizing ");
+    info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+    PrintF("]\n");
+  }
+  return true;
+static bool GetOptimizedCodeLater(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+  if (!isolate->optimizing_compiler_thread()->IsQueueAvailable()) {
+    if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
+      PrintF("  ** Compilation queue full, will retry optimizing ");
+      info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+      PrintF(" later.\n");
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  CompilationHandleScope handle_scope(info);
+  if (!CompileOptimizedPrologue(info)) return false;
+  info->SaveHandles();  // Copy handles to the compilation handle scope.
+  TimerEventScope<TimerEventRecompileSynchronous> timer(info->isolate());
+  OptimizedCompileJob* job = new (info->zone()) OptimizedCompileJob(info);
+  OptimizedCompileJob::Status status = job->CreateGraph();
+  if (status != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) return false;
+  isolate->optimizing_compiler_thread()->QueueForOptimization(job);
+  if (FLAG_trace_concurrent_recompilation) {
+    PrintF("  ** Queued ");
+    info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+    if (info->is_osr()) {
+      PrintF(" for concurrent OSR at %d.\n", info->osr_ast_id().ToInt());
+    } else {
+      PrintF(" for concurrent optimization.\n");
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+MaybeHandle<Code> Compiler::GetUnoptimizedCode(Handle<JSFunction> function) {
+  DCHECK(!function->GetIsolate()->has_pending_exception());
+  DCHECK(!function->is_compiled());
+  if (function->shared()->is_compiled()) {
+    return Handle<Code>(function->shared()->code());
+  }
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
+  Handle<Code> result;
+  ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(info.isolate(), result,
+                             GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(&info),
+                             Code);
+  return result;
+MaybeHandle<Code> Compiler::GetLazyCode(Handle<JSFunction> function) {
+  DCHECK(!function->GetIsolate()->has_pending_exception());
+  DCHECK(!function->is_compiled());
+  if (FLAG_turbo_asm && function->shared()->asm_function()) {
+    CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
+    VMState<COMPILER> state(info.isolate());
+    PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(info.isolate());
+    info.SetOptimizing(BailoutId::None(),
+                       Handle<Code>(function->shared()->code()));
+    info.MarkAsContextSpecializing();
+    info.MarkAsTypingEnabled();
+    info.MarkAsInliningDisabled();
+    if (GetOptimizedCodeNow(&info)) return info.code();
+  }
+  if (function->shared()->is_compiled()) {
+    return Handle<Code>(function->shared()->code());
+  }
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
+  Handle<Code> result;
+  ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(info.isolate(), result,
+                             GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(&info), Code);
+  if (FLAG_always_opt &&
+      info.isolate()->use_crankshaft() &&
+      !info.shared_info()->optimization_disabled() &&
+      !info.isolate()->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
+    Handle<Code> opt_code;
+    if (Compiler::GetOptimizedCode(
+            function, result,
+            Compiler::NOT_CONCURRENT).ToHandle(&opt_code)) {
+      result = opt_code;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+MaybeHandle<Code> Compiler::GetUnoptimizedCode(
+    Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) {
+  DCHECK(!shared->GetIsolate()->has_pending_exception());
+  DCHECK(!shared->is_compiled());
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(shared);
+  return GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(&info);
+bool Compiler::EnsureCompiled(Handle<JSFunction> function,
+                              ClearExceptionFlag flag) {
+  if (function->is_compiled()) return true;
+  MaybeHandle<Code> maybe_code = Compiler::GetLazyCode(function);
+  Handle<Code> code;
+  if (!maybe_code.ToHandle(&code)) {
+    if (flag == CLEAR_EXCEPTION) {
+      function->GetIsolate()->clear_pending_exception();
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  function->ReplaceCode(*code);
+  DCHECK(function->is_compiled());
+  return true;
+// TODO(turbofan): In the future, unoptimized code with deopt support could
+// be generated lazily once deopt is triggered.
+bool Compiler::EnsureDeoptimizationSupport(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  if (!info->shared_info()->has_deoptimization_support()) {
+    CompilationInfoWithZone unoptimized(info->shared_info());
+    // Note that we use the same AST that we will use for generating the
+    // optimized code.
+    unoptimized.SetFunction(info->function());
+    unoptimized.PrepareForCompilation(info->scope());
+    unoptimized.SetContext(info->context());
+    unoptimized.EnableDeoptimizationSupport();
+    if (!FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(&unoptimized)) return false;
+    Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
+    shared->EnableDeoptimizationSupport(*unoptimized.code());
+    shared->set_feedback_vector(*unoptimized.feedback_vector());
+    // The scope info might not have been set if a lazily compiled
+    // function is inlined before being called for the first time.
+    if (shared->scope_info() == ScopeInfo::Empty(info->isolate())) {
+      Handle<ScopeInfo> target_scope_info =
+          ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope(), info->zone());
+      shared->set_scope_info(*target_scope_info);
+    }
+    // The existing unoptimized code was replaced with the new one.
+    RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, &unoptimized, shared);
+  }
+  return true;
+// Compile full code for debugging. This code will have debug break slots
+// and deoptimization information. Deoptimization information is required
+// in case that an optimized version of this function is still activated on
+// the stack. It will also make sure that the full code is compiled with
+// the same flags as the previous version, that is flags which can change
+// the code generated. The current method of mapping from already compiled
+// full code without debug break slots to full code with debug break slots
+// depends on the generated code is otherwise exactly the same.
+// If compilation fails, just keep the existing code.
+MaybeHandle<Code> Compiler::GetDebugCode(Handle<JSFunction> function) {
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
+  Isolate* isolate = info.isolate();
+  VMState<COMPILER> state(isolate);
+  info.MarkAsDebug();
+  DCHECK(!isolate->has_pending_exception());
+  Handle<Code> old_code(function->shared()->code());
+  DCHECK(old_code->kind() == Code::FUNCTION);
+  DCHECK(!old_code->has_debug_break_slots());
+  info.MarkCompilingForDebugging();
+  if (old_code->is_compiled_optimizable()) {
+    info.EnableDeoptimizationSupport();
+  } else {
+    info.MarkNonOptimizable();
+  }
+  MaybeHandle<Code> maybe_new_code = GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(&info);
+  Handle<Code> new_code;
+  if (!maybe_new_code.ToHandle(&new_code)) {
+    isolate->clear_pending_exception();
+  } else {
+    DCHECK_EQ(old_code->is_compiled_optimizable(),
+              new_code->is_compiled_optimizable());
+  }
+  return maybe_new_code;
+void Compiler::CompileForLiveEdit(Handle<Script> script) {
+  // TODO(635): support extensions.
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(info.isolate());
+  VMState<COMPILER> state(info.isolate());
+  info.MarkAsGlobal();
+  if (!Parser::Parse(&info)) return;
+  LiveEditFunctionTracker tracker(info.isolate(), info.function());
+  if (!CompileUnoptimizedCode(&info)) return;
+  if (!info.shared_info().is_null()) {
+    Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info.scope(),
+                                                     info.zone());
+    info.shared_info()->set_scope_info(*scope_info);
+  }
+  tracker.RecordRootFunctionInfo(info.code());
+static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompileToplevel(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate);
+  DCHECK(!isolate->native_context().is_null());
+  Handle<Script> script = info->script();
+  // TODO(svenpanne) Obscure place for this, perhaps move to OnBeforeCompile?
+  FixedArray* array = isolate->native_context()->embedder_data();
+  script->set_context_data(array->get(0));
+  isolate->debug()->OnBeforeCompile(script);
+  DCHECK(info->is_eval() || info->is_global());
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result;
+  { VMState<COMPILER> state(info->isolate());
+    if (info->function() == NULL) {
+      // Parse the script if needed (if it's already parsed, function() is
+      // non-NULL).
+      bool parse_allow_lazy =
+          (info->compile_options() == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeParserCache ||
+           String::cast(script->source())->length() >
+               FLAG_min_preparse_length) &&
+          !Compiler::DebuggerWantsEagerCompilation(info);
+      if (!parse_allow_lazy &&
+          (info->compile_options() == ScriptCompiler::kProduceParserCache ||
+           info->compile_options() == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeParserCache)) {
+        // We are going to parse eagerly, but we either 1) have cached data
+        // produced by lazy parsing or 2) are asked to generate cached data.
+        // Eager parsing cannot benefit from cached data, and producing cached
+        // data while parsing eagerly is not implemented.
+        info->SetCachedData(NULL, ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions);
+      }
+      if (!Parser::Parse(info, parse_allow_lazy)) {
+        return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
+      }
+    }
+    FunctionLiteral* lit = info->function();
+    LiveEditFunctionTracker live_edit_tracker(isolate, lit);
+    // Measure how long it takes to do the compilation; only take the
+    // rest of the function into account to avoid overlap with the
+    // parsing statistics.
+    HistogramTimer* rate = info->is_eval()
+          ? info->isolate()->counters()->compile_eval()
+          : info->isolate()->counters()->compile();
+    HistogramTimerScope timer(rate);
+    // Compile the code.
+    if (!CompileUnoptimizedCode(info)) {
+      return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
+    }
+    // Allocate function.
+    DCHECK(!info->code().is_null());
+    result = isolate->factory()->NewSharedFunctionInfo(
+        lit->name(), lit->materialized_literal_count(), lit->kind(),
+        info->code(), ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope(), info->zone()),
+        info->feedback_vector());
+    DCHECK_EQ(RelocInfo::kNoPosition, lit->function_token_position());
+    SetFunctionInfo(result, lit, true, script);
+    Handle<String> script_name = script->name()->IsString()
+        ? Handle<String>(String::cast(script->name()))
+        : isolate->factory()->empty_string();
+    Logger::LogEventsAndTags log_tag = info->is_eval()
+        ? Logger::EVAL_TAG
+        : Logger::ToNativeByScript(Logger::SCRIPT_TAG, *script);
+    PROFILE(isolate, CodeCreateEvent(
+                log_tag, *info->code(), *result, info, *script_name));
+    GDBJIT(AddCode(script_name, script, info->code(), info));
+    // Hint to the runtime system used when allocating space for initial
+    // property space by setting the expected number of properties for
+    // the instances of the function.
+    SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(result,
+                                         lit->expected_property_count());
+    if (!script.is_null())
+      script->set_compilation_state(Script::COMPILATION_STATE_COMPILED);
+    live_edit_tracker.RecordFunctionInfo(result, lit, info->zone());
+  }
+  isolate->debug()->OnAfterCompile(script);
+  return result;
+MaybeHandle<JSFunction> Compiler::GetFunctionFromEval(
+    Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> outer_info,
+    Handle<Context> context, StrictMode strict_mode,
+    ParseRestriction restriction, int scope_position) {
+  Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
+  int source_length = source->length();
+  isolate->counters()->total_eval_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
+  MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> maybe_shared_info =
+      compilation_cache->LookupEval(source, outer_info, context, strict_mode,
+                                    scope_position);
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info;
+  if (!maybe_shared_info.ToHandle(&shared_info)) {
+    Handle<Script> script = isolate->factory()->NewScript(source);
+    CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+    info.MarkAsEval();
+    if (context->IsNativeContext()) info.MarkAsGlobal();
+    info.SetStrictMode(strict_mode);
+    info.SetParseRestriction(restriction);
+    info.SetContext(context);
+    Debug::RecordEvalCaller(script);
+    shared_info = CompileToplevel(&info);
+    if (shared_info.is_null()) {
+      return MaybeHandle<JSFunction>();
+    } else {
+      // Explicitly disable optimization for eval code. We're not yet prepared
+      // to handle eval-code in the optimizing compiler.
+      shared_info->DisableOptimization(kEval);
+      // If caller is strict mode, the result must be in strict mode as well.
+      DCHECK(strict_mode == SLOPPY || shared_info->strict_mode() == STRICT);
+      if (!shared_info->dont_cache()) {
+        compilation_cache->PutEval(source, outer_info, context, shared_info,
+                                   scope_position);
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (shared_info->ic_age() != isolate->heap()->global_ic_age()) {
+    shared_info->ResetForNewContext(isolate->heap()->global_ic_age());
+  }
+  return isolate->factory()->NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
+      shared_info, context, NOT_TENURED);
+Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
+    Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> script_name, int line_offset,
+    int column_offset, bool is_shared_cross_origin, Handle<Context> context,
+    v8::Extension* extension, ScriptData** cached_data,
+    ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options, NativesFlag natives) {
+  if (compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions) {
+    cached_data = NULL;
+  } else if (compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceParserCache ||
+             compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache) {
+    DCHECK(cached_data && !*cached_data);
+    DCHECK(extension == NULL);
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeParserCache ||
+           compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeCodeCache);
+    DCHECK(cached_data && *cached_data);
+    DCHECK(extension == NULL);
+  }
+  Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
+  int source_length = source->length();
+  isolate->counters()->total_load_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  CompilationCache* compilation_cache = isolate->compilation_cache();
+  // Do a lookup in the compilation cache but not for extensions.
+  MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> maybe_result;
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result;
+  if (extension == NULL) {
+    if (FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
+        compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeCodeCache &&
+        !isolate->debug()->is_loaded()) {
+      HistogramTimerScope timer(isolate->counters()->compile_deserialize());
+      return CodeSerializer::Deserialize(isolate, *cached_data, source);
+    } else {
+      maybe_result = compilation_cache->LookupScript(
+          source, script_name, line_offset, column_offset,
+          is_shared_cross_origin, context);
+    }
+  }
+  base::ElapsedTimer timer;
+  if (FLAG_profile_deserialization && FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
+      compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache) {
+    timer.Start();
+  }
+  if (!maybe_result.ToHandle(&result)) {
+    // No cache entry found. Compile the script.
+    // Create a script object describing the script to be compiled.
+    Handle<Script> script = isolate->factory()->NewScript(source);
+    if (natives == NATIVES_CODE) {
+      script->set_type(Smi::FromInt(Script::TYPE_NATIVE));
+    }
+    if (!script_name.is_null()) {
+      script->set_name(*script_name);
+      script->set_line_offset(Smi::FromInt(line_offset));
+      script->set_column_offset(Smi::FromInt(column_offset));
+    }
+    script->set_is_shared_cross_origin(is_shared_cross_origin);
+    // Compile the function and add it to the cache.
+    CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+    info.MarkAsGlobal();
+    info.SetCachedData(cached_data, compile_options);
+    info.SetExtension(extension);
+    info.SetContext(context);
+    if (FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
+        compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache) {
+      info.PrepareForSerializing();
+    }
+    if (FLAG_use_strict) info.SetStrictMode(STRICT);
+    result = CompileToplevel(&info);
+    if (extension == NULL && !result.is_null() && !result->dont_cache()) {
+      compilation_cache->PutScript(source, context, result);
+      if (FLAG_serialize_toplevel &&
+          compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache) {
+        HistogramTimerScope histogram_timer(
+            isolate->counters()->compile_serialize());
+        *cached_data = CodeSerializer::Serialize(isolate, result, source);
+        if (FLAG_profile_deserialization) {
+          PrintF("[Compiling and serializing %d bytes took %0.3f ms]\n",
+                 (*cached_data)->length(), timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (result.is_null()) isolate->ReportPendingMessages();
+  } else if (result->ic_age() != isolate->heap()->global_ic_age()) {
+    result->ResetForNewContext(isolate->heap()->global_ic_age());
+  }
+  return result;
+Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileStreamedScript(
+    CompilationInfo* info, int source_length) {
+  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+  isolate->counters()->total_load_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  isolate->counters()->total_compile_size()->Increment(source_length);
+  if (FLAG_use_strict) info->SetStrictMode(STRICT);
+  // TODO(marja): FLAG_serialize_toplevel is not honoured and won't be; when the
+  // real code caching lands, streaming needs to be adapted to use it.
+  return CompileToplevel(info);
+Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::BuildFunctionInfo(
+    FunctionLiteral* literal, Handle<Script> script,
+    CompilationInfo* outer_info) {
+  // Precondition: code has been parsed and scopes have been analyzed.
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info(script);
+  info.SetFunction(literal);
+  info.PrepareForCompilation(literal->scope());
+  info.SetStrictMode(literal->scope()->strict_mode());
+  if (outer_info->will_serialize()) info.PrepareForSerializing();
+  Isolate* isolate = info.isolate();
+  Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
+  LiveEditFunctionTracker live_edit_tracker(isolate, literal);
+  // Determine if the function can be lazily compiled. This is necessary to
+  // allow some of our builtin JS files to be lazily compiled. These
+  // builtins cannot be handled lazily by the parser, since we have to know
+  // if a function uses the special natives syntax, which is something the
+  // parser records.
+  // If the debugger requests compilation for break points, we cannot be
+  // aggressive about lazy compilation, because it might trigger compilation
+  // of functions without an outer context when setting a breakpoint through
+  // Debug::FindSharedFunctionInfoInScript.
+  bool allow_lazy_without_ctx = literal->AllowsLazyCompilationWithoutContext();
+  bool allow_lazy = literal->AllowsLazyCompilation() &&
+      !DebuggerWantsEagerCompilation(&info, allow_lazy_without_ctx);
+  // Generate code
+  Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info;
+  if (FLAG_lazy && allow_lazy && !literal->is_parenthesized()) {
+    Handle<Code> code = isolate->builtins()->CompileLazy();
+    info.SetCode(code);
+    scope_info = Handle<ScopeInfo>(ScopeInfo::Empty(isolate));
+  } else if (FullCodeGenerator::MakeCode(&info)) {
+    DCHECK(!info.code().is_null());
+    scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info.scope(), info.zone());
+  } else {
+    return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
+  }
+  // Create a shared function info object.
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> result = factory->NewSharedFunctionInfo(
+      literal->name(), literal->materialized_literal_count(), literal->kind(),
+      info.code(), scope_info, info.feedback_vector());
+  SetFunctionInfo(result, literal, false, script);
+  RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, &info, result);
+  result->set_allows_lazy_compilation(allow_lazy);
+  result->set_allows_lazy_compilation_without_context(allow_lazy_without_ctx);
+  // Set the expected number of properties for instances and return
+  // the resulting function.
+  SetExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(result,
+                                       literal->expected_property_count());
+  live_edit_tracker.RecordFunctionInfo(result, literal, info.zone());
+  return result;
+MaybeHandle<Code> Compiler::GetOptimizedCode(Handle<JSFunction> function,
+                                             Handle<Code> current_code,
+                                             ConcurrencyMode mode,
+                                             BailoutId osr_ast_id) {
+  Handle<Code> cached_code;
+  if (GetCodeFromOptimizedCodeMap(
+          function, osr_ast_id).ToHandle(&cached_code)) {
+    return cached_code;
+  }
+  SmartPointer<CompilationInfo> info(new CompilationInfoWithZone(function));
+  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+  DCHECK(AllowCompilation::IsAllowed(isolate));
+  VMState<COMPILER> state(isolate);
+  DCHECK(!isolate->has_pending_exception());
+  PostponeInterruptsScope postpone(isolate);
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
+  if (shared->code()->kind() != Code::FUNCTION ||
+      ScopeInfo::Empty(isolate) == shared->scope_info()) {
+    // The function was never compiled. Compile it unoptimized first.
+    // TODO(titzer): reuse the AST and scope info from this compile.
+    CompilationInfoWithZone nested(function);
+    nested.EnableDeoptimizationSupport();
+    if (!GetUnoptimizedCodeCommon(&nested).ToHandle(&current_code)) {
+      return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+    }
+    shared->ReplaceCode(*current_code);
+  }
+  current_code->set_profiler_ticks(0);
+  info->SetOptimizing(osr_ast_id, current_code);
+  if (mode == CONCURRENT) {
+    if (GetOptimizedCodeLater(info.get())) {
+      info.Detach();  // The background recompile job owns this now.
+      return isolate->builtins()->InOptimizationQueue();
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (GetOptimizedCodeNow(info.get())) return info->code();
+  }
+  if (isolate->has_pending_exception()) isolate->clear_pending_exception();
+  return MaybeHandle<Code>();
+Handle<Code> Compiler::GetConcurrentlyOptimizedCode(OptimizedCompileJob* job) {
+  // Take ownership of compilation info.  Deleting compilation info
+  // also tears down the zone and the recompile job.
+  SmartPointer<CompilationInfo> info(job->info());
+  Isolate* isolate = info->isolate();
+  VMState<COMPILER> state(isolate);
+  TimerEventScope<TimerEventRecompileSynchronous> timer(info->isolate());
+  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = info->shared_info();
+  shared->code()->set_profiler_ticks(0);
+  // 1) Optimization on the concurrent thread may have failed.
+  // 2) The function may have already been optimized by OSR.  Simply continue.
+  //    Except when OSR already disabled optimization for some reason.
+  // 3) The code may have already been invalidated due to dependency change.
+  // 4) Debugger may have been activated.
+  // 5) Code generation may have failed.
+  if (job->last_status() == OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+    if (shared->optimization_disabled()) {
+      job->RetryOptimization(kOptimizationDisabled);
+    } else if (info->HasAbortedDueToDependencyChange()) {
+      job->RetryOptimization(kBailedOutDueToDependencyChange);
+    } else if (isolate->DebuggerHasBreakPoints()) {
+      job->RetryOptimization(kDebuggerHasBreakPoints);
+    } else if (job->GenerateCode() == OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED) {
+      RecordFunctionCompilation(Logger::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG, info.get(), shared);
+      if (info->shared_info()->SearchOptimizedCodeMap(
+              info->context()->native_context(), info->osr_ast_id()) == -1) {
+        InsertCodeIntoOptimizedCodeMap(info.get());
+      }
+      if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+        PrintF("[completed optimizing ");
+        info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+        PrintF("]\n");
+      }
+      return Handle<Code>(*info->code());
+    }
+  }
+  DCHECK(job->last_status() != OptimizedCompileJob::SUCCEEDED);
+  if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
+    PrintF("[aborted optimizing ");
+    info->closure()->ShortPrint();
+    PrintF(" because: %s]\n", GetBailoutReason(info->bailout_reason()));
+  }
+  return Handle<Code>::null();
+bool Compiler::DebuggerWantsEagerCompilation(CompilationInfo* info,
+                                             bool allow_lazy_without_ctx) {
+  return LiveEditFunctionTracker::IsActive(info->isolate()) ||
+         (info->isolate()->DebuggerHasBreakPoints() && !allow_lazy_without_ctx);
+CompilationPhase::CompilationPhase(const char* name, CompilationInfo* info)
+    : name_(name), info_(info), zone_(info->isolate()) {
+  if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
+    info_zone_start_allocation_size_ = info->zone()->allocation_size();
+    timer_.Start();
+  }
+CompilationPhase::~CompilationPhase() {
+  if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) {
+    unsigned size = zone()->allocation_size();
+    size += info_->zone()->allocation_size() - info_zone_start_allocation_size_;
+    isolate()->GetHStatistics()->SaveTiming(name_, timer_.Elapsed(), size);
+  }
+bool CompilationPhase::ShouldProduceTraceOutput() const {
+  // Trace if the appropriate trace flag is set and the phase name's first
+  // character is in the FLAG_trace_phase command line parameter.
+  AllowHandleDereference allow_deref;
+  bool tracing_on = info()->IsStub()
+      ? FLAG_trace_hydrogen_stubs
+      : (FLAG_trace_hydrogen &&
+         info()->closure()->PassesFilter(FLAG_trace_hydrogen_filter));
+  return (tracing_on &&
+      base::OS::StrChr(const_cast<char*>(FLAG_trace_phase), name_[0]) != NULL);
 } }  // namespace v8::internal