Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/src/mips64/code-stubs-mips64.h b/src/mips64/code-stubs-mips64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c324bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mips64/code-stubs-mips64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+void ArrayNativeCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* call_generic_code);
+class StringHelper : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+  // Generate code for copying a large number of characters. This function
+  // is allowed to spend extra time setting up conditions to make copying
+  // faster. Copying of overlapping regions is not supported.
+  // Dest register ends at the position after the last character written.
+  static void GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm,
+                                     Register dest,
+                                     Register src,
+                                     Register count,
+                                     Register scratch,
+                                     String::Encoding encoding);
+  // Compares two flat one-byte strings and returns result in v0.
+  static void GenerateCompareFlatOneByteStrings(
+      MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1,
+      Register scratch2, Register scratch3, Register scratch4);
+  // Compares two flat one-byte strings for equality and returns result in v0.
+  static void GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
+                                              Register left, Register right,
+                                              Register scratch1,
+                                              Register scratch2,
+                                              Register scratch3);
+ private:
+  static void GenerateOneByteCharsCompareLoop(
+      MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register length,
+      Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Register scratch3,
+      Label* chars_not_equal);
+ private:
+class StoreRegistersStateStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit StoreRegistersStateStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+ private:
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(StoreRegistersState, PlatformCodeStub);
+class RestoreRegistersStateStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit RestoreRegistersStateStub(Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+ private:
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(RestoreRegistersState, PlatformCodeStub);
+// This stub can convert a signed int32 to a heap number (double).  It does
+// not work for int32s that are in Smi range!  No GC occurs during this stub
+// so you don't have to set up the frame.
+class WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub(Isolate* isolate, Register the_int,
+                             Register the_heap_number, Register scratch,
+                             Register scratch2)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = IntRegisterBits::encode(the_int.code()) |
+                 HeapNumberRegisterBits::encode(the_heap_number.code()) |
+                 ScratchRegisterBits::encode(scratch.code()) |
+                 SignRegisterBits::encode(scratch2.code());
+    DCHECK(IntRegisterBits::is_valid(the_int.code()));
+    DCHECK(HeapNumberRegisterBits::is_valid(the_heap_number.code()));
+    DCHECK(ScratchRegisterBits::is_valid(scratch.code()));
+    DCHECK(SignRegisterBits::is_valid(scratch2.code()));
+  }
+  static void GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
+ private:
+  void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  Register the_int() const {
+    return Register::from_code(IntRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register the_heap_number() const {
+    return Register::from_code(HeapNumberRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register scratch() const {
+    return Register::from_code(ScratchRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register sign() const {
+    return Register::from_code(SignRegisterBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  // Minor key encoding in 16 bits.
+  class IntRegisterBits: public BitField<int, 0, 4> {};
+  class HeapNumberRegisterBits: public BitField<int, 4, 4> {};
+  class ScratchRegisterBits: public BitField<int, 8, 4> {};
+  class SignRegisterBits: public BitField<int, 12, 4> {};
+  DEFINE_CODE_STUB(WriteInt32ToHeapNumber, PlatformCodeStub);
+class RecordWriteStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  RecordWriteStub(Isolate* isolate,
+                  Register object,
+                  Register value,
+                  Register address,
+                  RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action,
+                  SaveFPRegsMode fp_mode)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate),
+        regs_(object,   // An input reg.
+              address,  // An input reg.
+              value) {  // One scratch reg.
+    minor_key_ = ObjectBits::encode(object.code()) |
+                 ValueBits::encode(value.code()) |
+                 AddressBits::encode(address.code()) |
+                 RememberedSetActionBits::encode(remembered_set_action) |
+                 SaveFPRegsModeBits::encode(fp_mode);
+  }
+  RecordWriteStub(uint32_t key, Isolate* isolate)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(key, isolate), regs_(object(), address(), value()) {}
+  enum Mode {
+  };
+  virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
+  static void PatchBranchIntoNop(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) {
+    const unsigned offset = masm->instr_at(pos) & kImm16Mask;
+    masm->instr_at_put(pos, BNE | (zero_reg.code() << kRsShift) |
+        (zero_reg.code() << kRtShift) | (offset & kImm16Mask));
+    DCHECK(Assembler::IsBne(masm->instr_at(pos)));
+  }
+  static void PatchNopIntoBranch(MacroAssembler* masm, int pos) {
+    const unsigned offset = masm->instr_at(pos) & kImm16Mask;
+    masm->instr_at_put(pos, BEQ | (zero_reg.code() << kRsShift) |
+        (zero_reg.code() << kRtShift) | (offset & kImm16Mask));
+    DCHECK(Assembler::IsBeq(masm->instr_at(pos)));
+  }
+  static Mode GetMode(Code* stub) {
+    Instr first_instruction = Assembler::instr_at(stub->instruction_start());
+    Instr second_instruction = Assembler::instr_at(stub->instruction_start() +
+                                                   2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
+    if (Assembler::IsBeq(first_instruction)) {
+      return INCREMENTAL;
+    }
+    DCHECK(Assembler::IsBne(first_instruction));
+    if (Assembler::IsBeq(second_instruction)) {
+    }
+    DCHECK(Assembler::IsBne(second_instruction));
+    return STORE_BUFFER_ONLY;
+  }
+  static void Patch(Code* stub, Mode mode) {
+    MacroAssembler masm(NULL,
+                        stub->instruction_start(),
+                        stub->instruction_size());
+    switch (mode) {
+      case STORE_BUFFER_ONLY:
+        DCHECK(GetMode(stub) == INCREMENTAL ||
+               GetMode(stub) == INCREMENTAL_COMPACTION);
+        PatchBranchIntoNop(&masm, 0);
+        PatchBranchIntoNop(&masm, 2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
+        break;
+      case INCREMENTAL:
+        DCHECK(GetMode(stub) == STORE_BUFFER_ONLY);
+        PatchNopIntoBranch(&masm, 0);
+        break;
+        DCHECK(GetMode(stub) == STORE_BUFFER_ONLY);
+        PatchNopIntoBranch(&masm, 2 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
+        break;
+    }
+    DCHECK(GetMode(stub) == mode);
+    CpuFeatures::FlushICache(stub->instruction_start(),
+                             4 * Assembler::kInstrSize);
+  }
+ private:
+  // This is a helper class for freeing up 3 scratch registers.  The input is
+  // two registers that must be preserved and one scratch register provided by
+  // the caller.
+  class RegisterAllocation {
+   public:
+    RegisterAllocation(Register object,
+                       Register address,
+                       Register scratch0)
+        : object_(object),
+          address_(address),
+          scratch0_(scratch0) {
+      DCHECK(!AreAliased(scratch0, object, address, no_reg));
+      scratch1_ = GetRegisterThatIsNotOneOf(object_, address_, scratch0_);
+    }
+    void Save(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+      DCHECK(!AreAliased(object_, address_, scratch1_, scratch0_));
+      // We don't have to save scratch0_ because it was given to us as
+      // a scratch register.
+      masm->push(scratch1_);
+    }
+    void Restore(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+      masm->pop(scratch1_);
+    }
+    // If we have to call into C then we need to save and restore all caller-
+    // saved registers that were not already preserved.  The scratch registers
+    // will be restored by other means so we don't bother pushing them here.
+    void SaveCallerSaveRegisters(MacroAssembler* masm, SaveFPRegsMode mode) {
+      masm->MultiPush((kJSCallerSaved | ra.bit()) & ~scratch1_.bit());
+      if (mode == kSaveFPRegs) {
+        masm->MultiPushFPU(kCallerSavedFPU);
+      }
+    }
+    inline void RestoreCallerSaveRegisters(MacroAssembler*masm,
+                                           SaveFPRegsMode mode) {
+      if (mode == kSaveFPRegs) {
+        masm->MultiPopFPU(kCallerSavedFPU);
+      }
+      masm->MultiPop((kJSCallerSaved | ra.bit()) & ~scratch1_.bit());
+    }
+    inline Register object() { return object_; }
+    inline Register address() { return address_; }
+    inline Register scratch0() { return scratch0_; }
+    inline Register scratch1() { return scratch1_; }
+   private:
+    Register object_;
+    Register address_;
+    Register scratch0_;
+    Register scratch1_;
+    friend class RecordWriteStub;
+  };
+  enum OnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker {
+    kReturnOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker,
+    kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker
+  };
+  virtual inline Major MajorKey() const FINAL OVERRIDE { return RecordWrite; }
+  virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) OVERRIDE;
+  void GenerateIncremental(MacroAssembler* masm, Mode mode);
+  void CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker(
+      MacroAssembler* masm,
+      OnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker on_no_need,
+      Mode mode);
+  void InformIncrementalMarker(MacroAssembler* masm);
+  void Activate(Code* code) {
+    code->GetHeap()->incremental_marking()->ActivateGeneratedStub(code);
+  }
+  Register object() const {
+    return Register::from_code(ObjectBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register value() const {
+    return Register::from_code(ValueBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  Register address() const {
+    return Register::from_code(AddressBits::decode(minor_key_));
+  }
+  RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action() const {
+    return RememberedSetActionBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  SaveFPRegsMode save_fp_regs_mode() const {
+    return SaveFPRegsModeBits::decode(minor_key_);
+  }
+  class ObjectBits: public BitField<int, 0, 5> {};
+  class ValueBits: public BitField<int, 5, 5> {};
+  class AddressBits: public BitField<int, 10, 5> {};
+  class RememberedSetActionBits: public BitField<RememberedSetAction, 15, 1> {};
+  class SaveFPRegsModeBits: public BitField<SaveFPRegsMode, 16, 1> {};
+  Label slow_;
+  RegisterAllocation regs_;
+// Trampoline stub to call into native code. To call safely into native code
+// in the presence of compacting GC (which can move code objects) we need to
+// keep the code which called into native pinned in the memory. Currently the
+// simplest approach is to generate such stub early enough so it can never be
+// moved by GC
+class DirectCEntryStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  explicit DirectCEntryStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
+  void GenerateCall(MacroAssembler* masm, Register target);
+ private:
+  bool NeedsImmovableCode() { return true; }
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(DirectCEntry, PlatformCodeStub);
+class NameDictionaryLookupStub: public PlatformCodeStub {
+ public:
+  NameDictionaryLookupStub(Isolate* isolate, LookupMode mode)
+      : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
+    minor_key_ = LookupModeBits::encode(mode);
+  }
+  static void GenerateNegativeLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
+                                     Label* miss,
+                                     Label* done,
+                                     Register receiver,
+                                     Register properties,
+                                     Handle<Name> name,
+                                     Register scratch0);
+  static void GeneratePositiveLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
+                                     Label* miss,
+                                     Label* done,
+                                     Register elements,
+                                     Register name,
+                                     Register r0,
+                                     Register r1);
+  virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return false; }
+ private:
+  static const int kInlinedProbes = 4;
+  static const int kTotalProbes = 20;
+  static const int kCapacityOffset =
+      NameDictionary::kHeaderSize +
+      NameDictionary::kCapacityIndex * kPointerSize;
+  static const int kElementsStartOffset =
+      NameDictionary::kHeaderSize +
+      NameDictionary::kElementsStartIndex * kPointerSize;
+  LookupMode mode() const { return LookupModeBits::decode(minor_key_); }
+  class LookupModeBits: public BitField<LookupMode, 0, 1> {};
+  DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(NameDictionaryLookup, PlatformCodeStub);
+} }  // namespace v8::internal
+#endif  // V8_MIPS_CODE_STUBS_ARM_H_