Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/test/cctest/compiler/test-instruction.cc b/test/cctest/compiler/test-instruction.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9feaac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cctest/compiler/test-instruction.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
+#include "src/compiler/code-generator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
+#include "src/compiler/instruction.h"
+#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
+#include "src/compiler/machine-operator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node.h"
+#include "src/compiler/operator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
+#include "src/compiler/scheduler.h"
+#include "src/lithium.h"
+using namespace v8::internal;
+using namespace v8::internal::compiler;
+typedef v8::internal::compiler::Instruction TestInstr;
+typedef v8::internal::compiler::InstructionSequence TestInstrSeq;
+// A testing helper for the register code abstraction.
+class InstructionTester : public HandleAndZoneScope {
+ public:  // We're all friends here.
+  InstructionTester()
+      : isolate(main_isolate()),
+        graph(zone()),
+        schedule(zone()),
+        info(static_cast<HydrogenCodeStub*>(NULL), main_isolate()),
+        linkage(&info),
+        common(zone()),
+        code(NULL) {}
+  ~InstructionTester() { delete code; }
+  Isolate* isolate;
+  Graph graph;
+  Schedule schedule;
+  CompilationInfoWithZone info;
+  Linkage linkage;
+  CommonOperatorBuilder common;
+  MachineOperatorBuilder machine;
+  TestInstrSeq* code;
+  Zone* zone() { return main_zone(); }
+  void allocCode() {
+    if (schedule.rpo_order()->size() == 0) {
+      // Compute the RPO order.
+      Scheduler::ComputeSpecialRPO(&schedule);
+      DCHECK(schedule.rpo_order()->size() > 0);
+    }
+    code = new TestInstrSeq(&linkage, &graph, &schedule);
+  }
+  Node* Int32Constant(int32_t val) {
+    Node* node = graph.NewNode(common.Int32Constant(val));
+    schedule.AddNode(schedule.start(), node);
+    return node;
+  }
+  Node* Float64Constant(double val) {
+    Node* node = graph.NewNode(common.Float64Constant(val));
+    schedule.AddNode(schedule.start(), node);
+    return node;
+  }
+  Node* Parameter(int32_t which) {
+    Node* node = graph.NewNode(common.Parameter(which));
+    schedule.AddNode(schedule.start(), node);
+    return node;
+  }
+  Node* NewNode(BasicBlock* block) {
+    Node* node = graph.NewNode(common.Int32Constant(111));
+    schedule.AddNode(block, node);
+    return node;
+  }
+  int NewInstr(BasicBlock* block) {
+    InstructionCode opcode = static_cast<InstructionCode>(110);
+    TestInstr* instr = TestInstr::New(zone(), opcode);
+    return code->AddInstruction(instr, block);
+  }
+  UnallocatedOperand* NewUnallocated(int vreg) {
+    UnallocatedOperand* unallocated =
+        new (zone()) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::ANY);
+    unallocated->set_virtual_register(vreg);
+    return unallocated;
+  }
+TEST(InstructionBasic) {
+  InstructionTester R;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    R.Int32Constant(i);  // Add some nodes to the graph.
+  }
+  BasicBlock* last = R.schedule.start();
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+    BasicBlock* block = R.schedule.NewBasicBlock();
+    R.schedule.AddGoto(last, block);
+    last = block;
+  }
+  R.allocCode();
+  CHECK_EQ(R.graph.NodeCount(), R.code->ValueCount());
+  BasicBlockVector* blocks = R.schedule.rpo_order();
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(blocks->size()), R.code->BasicBlockCount());
+  int index = 0;
+  for (BasicBlockVectorIter i = blocks->begin(); i != blocks->end();
+       i++, index++) {
+    BasicBlock* block = *i;
+    CHECK_EQ(block, R.code->BlockAt(index));
+    CHECK_EQ(-1, R.code->GetLoopEnd(block));
+  }
+TEST(InstructionGetBasicBlock) {
+  InstructionTester R;
+  BasicBlock* b0 = R.schedule.start();
+  BasicBlock* b1 = R.schedule.NewBasicBlock();
+  BasicBlock* b2 = R.schedule.NewBasicBlock();
+  BasicBlock* b3 = R.schedule.end();
+  R.schedule.AddGoto(b0, b1);
+  R.schedule.AddGoto(b1, b2);
+  R.schedule.AddGoto(b2, b3);
+  R.allocCode();
+  R.code->StartBlock(b0);
+  int i0 = R.NewInstr(b0);
+  int i1 = R.NewInstr(b0);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b0);
+  R.code->StartBlock(b1);
+  int i2 = R.NewInstr(b1);
+  int i3 = R.NewInstr(b1);
+  int i4 = R.NewInstr(b1);
+  int i5 = R.NewInstr(b1);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b1);
+  R.code->StartBlock(b2);
+  int i6 = R.NewInstr(b2);
+  int i7 = R.NewInstr(b2);
+  int i8 = R.NewInstr(b2);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b2);
+  R.code->StartBlock(b3);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b3);
+  CHECK_EQ(b0, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i0));
+  CHECK_EQ(b0, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i1));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i2));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i3));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i4));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i5));
+  CHECK_EQ(b2, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i6));
+  CHECK_EQ(b2, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i7));
+  CHECK_EQ(b2, R.code->GetBasicBlock(i8));
+  CHECK_EQ(b0, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b0->first_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b0, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b0->last_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b1->first_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b1, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b1->last_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b2, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b2->first_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b2, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b2->last_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b3, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b3->first_instruction_index()));
+  CHECK_EQ(b3, R.code->GetBasicBlock(b3->last_instruction_index()));
+TEST(InstructionIsGapAt) {
+  InstructionTester R;
+  BasicBlock* b0 = R.schedule.start();
+  R.schedule.AddReturn(b0, R.Int32Constant(1));
+  R.allocCode();
+  TestInstr* i0 = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 100);
+  TestInstr* g = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 103)->MarkAsControl();
+  R.code->StartBlock(b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(i0, b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(g, b0);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b0);
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->InstructionAt(0)->IsBlockStart());
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(0));   // Label
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(1));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(2));  // i0
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(3));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(4));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(5));  // g
+TEST(InstructionIsGapAt2) {
+  InstructionTester R;
+  BasicBlock* b0 = R.schedule.start();
+  BasicBlock* b1 = R.schedule.end();
+  R.schedule.AddGoto(b0, b1);
+  R.schedule.AddReturn(b1, R.Int32Constant(1));
+  R.allocCode();
+  TestInstr* i0 = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 100);
+  TestInstr* g = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 103)->MarkAsControl();
+  R.code->StartBlock(b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(i0, b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(g, b0);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b0);
+  TestInstr* i1 = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 102);
+  TestInstr* g1 = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 104)->MarkAsControl();
+  R.code->StartBlock(b1);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(i1, b1);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(g1, b1);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b1);
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->InstructionAt(0)->IsBlockStart());
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(0));   // Label
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(1));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(2));  // i0
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(3));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(4));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(5));  // g
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->InstructionAt(6)->IsBlockStart());
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(6));    // Label
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(7));    // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(8));   // i1
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(9));    // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(10));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(11));  // g1
+TEST(InstructionAddGapMove) {
+  InstructionTester R;
+  BasicBlock* b0 = R.schedule.start();
+  R.schedule.AddReturn(b0, R.Int32Constant(1));
+  R.allocCode();
+  TestInstr* i0 = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 100);
+  TestInstr* g = TestInstr::New(R.zone(), 103)->MarkAsControl();
+  R.code->StartBlock(b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(i0, b0);
+  R.code->AddInstruction(g, b0);
+  R.code->EndBlock(b0);
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->InstructionAt(0)->IsBlockStart());
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(0));   // Label
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(1));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(2));  // i0
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(3));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(true, R.code->IsGapAt(4));   // Gap
+  CHECK_EQ(false, R.code->IsGapAt(5));  // g
+  int indexes[] = {0, 1, 3, 4, -1};
+  for (int i = 0; indexes[i] >= 0; i++) {
+    int index = indexes[i];
+    UnallocatedOperand* op1 = R.NewUnallocated(index + 6);
+    UnallocatedOperand* op2 = R.NewUnallocated(index + 12);
+    R.code->AddGapMove(index, op1, op2);
+    GapInstruction* gap = R.code->GapAt(index);
+    ParallelMove* move = gap->GetParallelMove(GapInstruction::START);
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, move);
+    const ZoneList<MoveOperands>* move_operands = move->move_operands();
+    CHECK_EQ(1, move_operands->length());
+    MoveOperands* cur = &move_operands->at(0);
+    CHECK_EQ(op1, cur->source());
+    CHECK_EQ(op2, cur->destination());
+  }
+TEST(InstructionOperands) {
+  Zone zone(CcTest::InitIsolateOnce());
+  {
+    TestInstr* i = TestInstr::New(&zone, 101);
+    CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(i->OutputCount()));
+    CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(i->InputCount()));
+    CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(i->TempCount()));
+  }
+  InstructionOperand* outputs[] = {
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER)};
+  InstructionOperand* inputs[] = {
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER)};
+  InstructionOperand* temps[] = {
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER),
+      new (&zone) UnallocatedOperand(UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER)};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(outputs); i++) {
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(inputs); j++) {
+      for (size_t k = 0; k < arraysize(temps); k++) {
+        TestInstr* m =
+            TestInstr::New(&zone, 101, i, outputs, j, inputs, k, temps);
+        CHECK(i == m->OutputCount());
+        CHECK(j == m->InputCount());
+        CHECK(k == m->TempCount());
+        for (size_t z = 0; z < i; z++) {
+          CHECK_EQ(outputs[z], m->OutputAt(z));
+        }
+        for (size_t z = 0; z < j; z++) {
+          CHECK_EQ(inputs[z], m->InputAt(z));
+        }
+        for (size_t z = 0; z < k; z++) {
+          CHECK_EQ(temps[z], m->TempAt(z));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }