Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/test/cctest/compiler/test-simplified-lowering.cc b/test/cctest/compiler/test-simplified-lowering.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96fb965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cctest/compiler/test-simplified-lowering.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1560 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <limits>
+#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
+#include "src/compiler/control-builders.h"
+#include "src/compiler/generic-node-inl.h"
+#include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
+#include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
+#include "src/compiler/representation-change.h"
+#include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering.h"
+#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/verifier.h"
+#include "src/execution.h"
+#include "src/parser.h"
+#include "src/rewriter.h"
+#include "src/scopes.h"
+#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
+#include "test/cctest/compiler/codegen-tester.h"
+#include "test/cctest/compiler/graph-builder-tester.h"
+#include "test/cctest/compiler/value-helper.h"
+using namespace v8::internal;
+using namespace v8::internal::compiler;
+template <typename ReturnType>
+class SimplifiedLoweringTester : public GraphBuilderTester<ReturnType> {
+ public:
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester(MachineType p0 = kMachNone,
+                           MachineType p1 = kMachNone,
+                           MachineType p2 = kMachNone,
+                           MachineType p3 = kMachNone,
+                           MachineType p4 = kMachNone)
+      : GraphBuilderTester<ReturnType>(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4),
+        typer(this->zone()),
+        javascript(this->zone()),
+        jsgraph(this->graph(), this->common(), &javascript, &typer,
+                this->machine()),
+        lowering(&jsgraph) {}
+  Typer typer;
+  JSOperatorBuilder javascript;
+  JSGraph jsgraph;
+  SimplifiedLowering lowering;
+  void LowerAllNodes() {
+    this->End();
+    lowering.LowerAllNodes();
+  }
+  Factory* factory() { return this->isolate()->factory(); }
+  Heap* heap() { return this->isolate()->heap(); }
+#ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64
+// TODO(titzer): these result in a stub call that doesn't work on ARM64.
+// TODO(titzer): factor these tests out to test-run-simplifiedops.cc.
+// TODO(titzer): test tagged representation for input to NumberToInt32.
+TEST(RunNumberToInt32_float64) {
+  // TODO(titzer): explicit load/stores here are only because of representations
+  double input;
+  int32_t result;
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+  FieldAccess load = {kUntaggedBase, 0, Handle<Name>(), Type::Number(),
+                      kMachFloat64};
+  Node* loaded = t.LoadField(load, t.PointerConstant(&input));
+  Node* convert = t.NumberToInt32(loaded);
+  FieldAccess store = {kUntaggedBase, 0, Handle<Name>(), Type::Signed32(),
+                       kMachInt32};
+  t.StoreField(store, t.PointerConstant(&result), convert);
+  t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    FOR_FLOAT64_INPUTS(i) {
+      input = *i;
+      int32_t expected = DoubleToInt32(*i);
+      t.Call();
+      CHECK_EQ(expected, result);
+    }
+  }
+// TODO(titzer): test tagged representation for input to NumberToUint32.
+TEST(RunNumberToUint32_float64) {
+  // TODO(titzer): explicit load/stores here are only because of representations
+  double input;
+  uint32_t result;
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+  FieldAccess load = {kUntaggedBase, 0, Handle<Name>(), Type::Number(),
+                      kMachFloat64};
+  Node* loaded = t.LoadField(load, t.PointerConstant(&input));
+  Node* convert = t.NumberToUint32(loaded);
+  FieldAccess store = {kUntaggedBase, 0, Handle<Name>(), Type::Unsigned32(),
+                       kMachUint32};
+  t.StoreField(store, t.PointerConstant(&result), convert);
+  t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    FOR_FLOAT64_INPUTS(i) {
+      input = *i;
+      uint32_t expected = DoubleToUint32(*i);
+      t.Call();
+      CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(expected), static_cast<int32_t>(result));
+    }
+  }
+// Create a simple JSObject with a unique map.
+static Handle<JSObject> TestObject() {
+  static int index = 0;
+  char buffer[50];
+  v8::base::OS::SNPrintF(buffer, 50, "({'a_%d':1})", index++);
+  return Handle<JSObject>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*CompileRun(buffer)));
+TEST(RunLoadMap) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+  FieldAccess access = AccessBuilder::ForMap();
+  Node* load = t.LoadField(access, t.Parameter(0));
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<JSObject> src = TestObject();
+    Handle<Map> src_map(src->map());
+    Object* result = t.Call(*src);  // TODO(titzer): raw pointers in call
+    CHECK_EQ(*src_map, result);
+  }
+TEST(RunStoreMap) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<int32_t> t(kMachAnyTagged, kMachAnyTagged);
+  FieldAccess access = AccessBuilder::ForMap();
+  t.StoreField(access, t.Parameter(1), t.Parameter(0));
+  t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<JSObject> src = TestObject();
+    Handle<Map> src_map(src->map());
+    Handle<JSObject> dst = TestObject();
+    CHECK(src->map() != dst->map());
+    t.Call(*src_map, *dst);  // TODO(titzer): raw pointers in call
+    CHECK(*src_map == dst->map());
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadProperties) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+  FieldAccess access = AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectProperties();
+  Node* load = t.LoadField(access, t.Parameter(0));
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<JSObject> src = TestObject();
+    Handle<FixedArray> src_props(src->properties());
+    Object* result = t.Call(*src);  // TODO(titzer): raw pointers in call
+    CHECK_EQ(*src_props, result);
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadStoreMap) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged, kMachAnyTagged);
+  FieldAccess access = AccessBuilder::ForMap();
+  Node* load = t.LoadField(access, t.Parameter(0));
+  t.StoreField(access, t.Parameter(1), load);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<JSObject> src = TestObject();
+    Handle<Map> src_map(src->map());
+    Handle<JSObject> dst = TestObject();
+    CHECK(src->map() != dst->map());
+    Object* result = t.Call(*src, *dst);  // TODO(titzer): raw pointers in call
+    CHECK(result->IsMap());
+    CHECK_EQ(*src_map, result);
+    CHECK(*src_map == dst->map());
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadStoreFixedArrayIndex) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+  ElementAccess access = AccessBuilder::ForFixedArrayElement();
+  Node* load = t.LoadElement(access, t.Parameter(0), t.Int32Constant(0),
+                             t.Int32Constant(2));
+  t.StoreElement(access, t.Parameter(0), t.Int32Constant(1), t.Int32Constant(2),
+                 load);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<FixedArray> array = t.factory()->NewFixedArray(2);
+    Handle<JSObject> src = TestObject();
+    Handle<JSObject> dst = TestObject();
+    array->set(0, *src);
+    array->set(1, *dst);
+    Object* result = t.Call(*array);
+    CHECK_EQ(*src, result);
+    CHECK_EQ(*src, array->get(0));
+    CHECK_EQ(*src, array->get(1));
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadStoreArrayBuffer) {
+  SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+  const int index = 12;
+  const int array_length = 2 * index;
+  ElementAccess buffer_access =
+      AccessBuilder::ForBackingStoreElement(kMachInt8);
+  Node* backing_store = t.LoadField(
+      AccessBuilder::ForJSArrayBufferBackingStore(), t.Parameter(0));
+  Node* load =
+      t.LoadElement(buffer_access, backing_store, t.Int32Constant(index),
+                    t.Int32Constant(array_length));
+  t.StoreElement(buffer_access, backing_store, t.Int32Constant(index + 1),
+                 t.Int32Constant(array_length), load);
+  t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+  t.LowerAllNodes();
+  t.GenerateCode();
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    Handle<JSArrayBuffer> array = t.factory()->NewJSArrayBuffer();
+    Runtime::SetupArrayBufferAllocatingData(t.isolate(), array, array_length);
+    uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(array->backing_store());
+    for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
+      data[i] = i;
+    }
+    // TODO(titzer): raw pointers in call
+    Object* result = t.Call(*array);
+    CHECK_EQ(t.isolate()->heap()->true_value(), result);
+    for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
+      uint8_t expected = i;
+      if (i == (index + 1)) expected = index;
+      CHECK_EQ(data[i], expected);
+    }
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadFieldFromUntaggedBase) {
+  Smi* smis[] = {Smi::FromInt(1), Smi::FromInt(2), Smi::FromInt(3)};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(smis); i++) {
+    int offset = static_cast<int>(i * sizeof(Smi*));
+    FieldAccess access = {kUntaggedBase, offset, Handle<Name>(),
+                          Type::Integral32(), kMachAnyTagged};
+    SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+    Node* load = t.LoadField(access, t.PointerConstant(smis));
+    t.Return(load);
+    t.LowerAllNodes();
+    if (!Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) continue;
+    for (int j = -5; j <= 5; j++) {
+      Smi* expected = Smi::FromInt(j);
+      smis[i] = expected;
+      CHECK_EQ(expected, t.Call());
+    }
+  }
+TEST(RunStoreFieldToUntaggedBase) {
+  Smi* smis[] = {Smi::FromInt(1), Smi::FromInt(2), Smi::FromInt(3)};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(smis); i++) {
+    int offset = static_cast<int>(i * sizeof(Smi*));
+    FieldAccess access = {kUntaggedBase, offset, Handle<Name>(),
+                          Type::Integral32(), kMachAnyTagged};
+    SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+    Node* p0 = t.Parameter(0);
+    t.StoreField(access, t.PointerConstant(smis), p0);
+    t.Return(p0);
+    t.LowerAllNodes();
+    if (!Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) continue;
+    for (int j = -5; j <= 5; j++) {
+      Smi* expected = Smi::FromInt(j);
+      smis[i] = Smi::FromInt(-100);
+      CHECK_EQ(expected, t.Call(expected));
+      CHECK_EQ(expected, smis[i]);
+    }
+  }
+TEST(RunLoadElementFromUntaggedBase) {
+  Smi* smis[] = {Smi::FromInt(1), Smi::FromInt(2), Smi::FromInt(3),
+                 Smi::FromInt(4), Smi::FromInt(5)};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(smis); i++) {    // for header sizes
+    for (size_t j = 0; (i + j) < arraysize(smis); j++) {  // for element index
+      int offset = static_cast<int>(i * sizeof(Smi*));
+      ElementAccess access = {kUntaggedBase, offset, Type::Integral32(),
+                              kMachAnyTagged};
+      SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+      Node* load = t.LoadElement(
+          access, t.PointerConstant(smis), t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(j)),
+          t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(arraysize(smis))));
+      t.Return(load);
+      t.LowerAllNodes();
+      if (!Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) continue;
+      for (int k = -5; k <= 5; k++) {
+        Smi* expected = Smi::FromInt(k);
+        smis[i + j] = expected;
+        CHECK_EQ(expected, t.Call());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+TEST(RunStoreElementFromUntaggedBase) {
+  Smi* smis[] = {Smi::FromInt(1), Smi::FromInt(2), Smi::FromInt(3),
+                 Smi::FromInt(4), Smi::FromInt(5)};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(smis); i++) {    // for header sizes
+    for (size_t j = 0; (i + j) < arraysize(smis); j++) {  // for element index
+      int offset = static_cast<int>(i * sizeof(Smi*));
+      ElementAccess access = {kUntaggedBase, offset, Type::Integral32(),
+                              kMachAnyTagged};
+      SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t(kMachAnyTagged);
+      Node* p0 = t.Parameter(0);
+      t.StoreElement(access, t.PointerConstant(smis),
+                     t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(j)),
+                     t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(arraysize(smis))), p0);
+      t.Return(p0);
+      t.LowerAllNodes();
+      if (!Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) continue;
+      for (int k = -5; k <= 5; k++) {
+        Smi* expected = Smi::FromInt(k);
+        smis[i + j] = Smi::FromInt(-100);
+        CHECK_EQ(expected, t.Call(expected));
+        CHECK_EQ(expected, smis[i + j]);
+      }
+      // TODO(titzer): assert the contents of the array.
+    }
+  }
+// A helper class for accessing fields and elements of various types, on both
+// tagged and untagged base pointers. Contains both tagged and untagged buffers
+// for testing direct memory access from generated code.
+template <typename E>
+class AccessTester : public HandleAndZoneScope {
+ public:
+  bool tagged;
+  MachineType rep;
+  E* original_elements;
+  size_t num_elements;
+  E* untagged_array;
+  Handle<ByteArray> tagged_array;  // TODO(titzer): use FixedArray for tagged.
+  AccessTester(bool t, MachineType r, E* orig, size_t num)
+      : tagged(t),
+        rep(r),
+        original_elements(orig),
+        num_elements(num),
+        untagged_array(static_cast<E*>(malloc(ByteSize()))),
+        tagged_array(main_isolate()->factory()->NewByteArray(
+            static_cast<int>(ByteSize()))) {
+    Reinitialize();
+  }
+  ~AccessTester() { free(untagged_array); }
+  size_t ByteSize() { return num_elements * sizeof(E); }
+  // Nuke both {untagged_array} and {tagged_array} with {original_elements}.
+  void Reinitialize() {
+    memcpy(untagged_array, original_elements, ByteSize());
+    CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(ByteSize()), tagged_array->length());
+    E* raw = reinterpret_cast<E*>(tagged_array->GetDataStartAddress());
+    memcpy(raw, original_elements, ByteSize());
+  }
+  // Create and run code that copies the element in either {untagged_array}
+  // or {tagged_array} at index {from_index} to index {to_index}.
+  void RunCopyElement(int from_index, int to_index) {
+    // TODO(titzer): test element and field accesses where the base is not
+    // a constant in the code.
+    BoundsCheck(from_index);
+    BoundsCheck(to_index);
+    ElementAccess access = GetElementAccess();
+    SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+    Node* ptr = GetBaseNode(&t);
+    Node* load = t.LoadElement(access, ptr, t.Int32Constant(from_index),
+                               t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(num_elements)));
+    t.StoreElement(access, ptr, t.Int32Constant(to_index),
+                   t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(num_elements)), load);
+    t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+    t.LowerAllNodes();
+    t.GenerateCode();
+    if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+      Object* result = t.Call();
+      CHECK_EQ(t.isolate()->heap()->true_value(), result);
+    }
+  }
+  // Create and run code that copies the field in either {untagged_array}
+  // or {tagged_array} at index {from_index} to index {to_index}.
+  void RunCopyField(int from_index, int to_index) {
+    BoundsCheck(from_index);
+    BoundsCheck(to_index);
+    FieldAccess from_access = GetFieldAccess(from_index);
+    FieldAccess to_access = GetFieldAccess(to_index);
+    SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+    Node* ptr = GetBaseNode(&t);
+    Node* load = t.LoadField(from_access, ptr);
+    t.StoreField(to_access, ptr, load);
+    t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+    t.LowerAllNodes();
+    t.GenerateCode();
+    if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+      Object* result = t.Call();
+      CHECK_EQ(t.isolate()->heap()->true_value(), result);
+    }
+  }
+  // Create and run code that copies the elements from {this} to {that}.
+  void RunCopyElements(AccessTester<E>* that) {
+// TODO(titzer): Rewrite this test without StructuredGraphBuilder support.
+#if 0
+    SimplifiedLoweringTester<Object*> t;
+    Node* one = t.Int32Constant(1);
+    Node* index = t.Int32Constant(0);
+    Node* limit = t.Int32Constant(static_cast<int>(num_elements));
+    t.environment()->Push(index);
+    Node* src = this->GetBaseNode(&t);
+    Node* dst = that->GetBaseNode(&t);
+    {
+      LoopBuilder loop(&t);
+      loop.BeginLoop();
+      // Loop exit condition
+      index = t.environment()->Top();
+      Node* condition = t.Int32LessThan(index, limit);
+      loop.BreakUnless(condition);
+      // dst[index] = src[index]
+      index = t.environment()->Pop();
+      Node* load = t.LoadElement(this->GetElementAccess(), src, index);
+      t.StoreElement(that->GetElementAccess(), dst, index, load);
+      // index++
+      index = t.Int32Add(index, one);
+      t.environment()->Push(index);
+      // continue
+      loop.EndBody();
+      loop.EndLoop();
+    }
+    index = t.environment()->Pop();
+    t.Return(t.jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+    t.LowerAllNodes();
+    t.GenerateCode();
+    if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+      Object* result = t.Call();
+      CHECK_EQ(t.isolate()->heap()->true_value(), result);
+    }
+  }
+  E GetElement(int index) {
+    BoundsCheck(index);
+    if (tagged) {
+      E* raw = reinterpret_cast<E*>(tagged_array->GetDataStartAddress());
+      return raw[index];
+    } else {
+      return untagged_array[index];
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  ElementAccess GetElementAccess() {
+    ElementAccess access = {tagged ? kTaggedBase : kUntaggedBase,
+                            tagged ? FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize : 0,
+                            Type::Any(), rep};
+    return access;
+  }
+  FieldAccess GetFieldAccess(int field) {
+    int offset = field * sizeof(E);
+    FieldAccess access = {tagged ? kTaggedBase : kUntaggedBase,
+                          offset + (tagged ? FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize : 0),
+                          Handle<Name>(), Type::Any(), rep};
+    return access;
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  Node* GetBaseNode(SimplifiedLoweringTester<T>* t) {
+    return tagged ? t->HeapConstant(tagged_array)
+                  : t->PointerConstant(untagged_array);
+  }
+  void BoundsCheck(int index) {
+    CHECK_GE(index, 0);
+    CHECK_LT(index, static_cast<int>(num_elements));
+    CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(ByteSize()), tagged_array->length());
+  }
+template <typename E>
+static void RunAccessTest(MachineType rep, E* original_elements, size_t num) {
+  int num_elements = static_cast<int>(num);
+  for (int taggedness = 0; taggedness < 2; taggedness++) {
+    AccessTester<E> a(taggedness == 1, rep, original_elements, num);
+    for (int field = 0; field < 2; field++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_elements - 1; i++) {
+        a.Reinitialize();
+        if (field == 0) {
+          a.RunCopyField(i, i + 1);  // Test field read/write.
+        } else {
+          a.RunCopyElement(i, i + 1);  // Test element read/write.
+        }
+        if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {  // verify.
+          for (int j = 0; j < num_elements; j++) {
+            E expect =
+                j == (i + 1) ? original_elements[i] : original_elements[j];
+            CHECK_EQ(expect, a.GetElement(j));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Test array copy.
+  for (int tf = 0; tf < 2; tf++) {
+    for (int tt = 0; tt < 2; tt++) {
+      AccessTester<E> a(tf == 1, rep, original_elements, num);
+      AccessTester<E> b(tt == 1, rep, original_elements, num);
+      a.RunCopyElements(&b);
+      if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {  // verify.
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) {
+          CHECK_EQ(a.GetElement(i), b.GetElement(i));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+TEST(RunAccessTests_uint8) {
+  uint8_t data[] = {0x07, 0x16, 0x25, 0x34, 0x43, 0x99,
+                    0xab, 0x78, 0x89, 0x19, 0x2b, 0x38};
+  RunAccessTest<uint8_t>(kMachInt8, data, arraysize(data));
+TEST(RunAccessTests_uint16) {
+  uint16_t data[] = {0x071a, 0x162b, 0x253c, 0x344d, 0x435e, 0x7777};
+  RunAccessTest<uint16_t>(kMachInt16, data, arraysize(data));
+TEST(RunAccessTests_int32) {
+  int32_t data[] = {-211, 211, 628347, 2000000000, -2000000000, -1, -100000034};
+  RunAccessTest<int32_t>(kMachInt32, data, arraysize(data));
+#define V8_2PART_INT64(a, b) (((static_cast<int64_t>(a) << 32) + 0x##b##u))
+TEST(RunAccessTests_int64) {
+  if (kPointerSize != 8) return;
+  int64_t data[] = {V8_2PART_INT64(0x10111213, 14151617),
+                    V8_2PART_INT64(0x20212223, 24252627),
+                    V8_2PART_INT64(0x30313233, 34353637),
+                    V8_2PART_INT64(0xa0a1a2a3, a4a5a6a7),
+                    V8_2PART_INT64(0xf0f1f2f3, f4f5f6f7)};
+  RunAccessTest<int64_t>(kMachInt64, data, arraysize(data));
+TEST(RunAccessTests_float64) {
+  double data[] = {1.25, -1.25, 2.75, 11.0, 11100.8};
+  RunAccessTest<double>(kMachFloat64, data, arraysize(data));
+TEST(RunAccessTests_Smi) {
+  Smi* data[] = {Smi::FromInt(-1),    Smi::FromInt(-9),
+                 Smi::FromInt(0),     Smi::FromInt(666),
+                 Smi::FromInt(77777), Smi::FromInt(Smi::kMaxValue)};
+  RunAccessTest<Smi*>(kMachAnyTagged, data, arraysize(data));
+// Fills in most of the nodes of the graph in order to make tests shorter.
+class TestingGraph : public HandleAndZoneScope, public GraphAndBuilders {
+ public:
+  Typer typer;
+  JSOperatorBuilder javascript;
+  JSGraph jsgraph;
+  Node* p0;
+  Node* p1;
+  Node* p2;
+  Node* start;
+  Node* end;
+  Node* ret;
+  explicit TestingGraph(Type* p0_type, Type* p1_type = Type::None(),
+                        Type* p2_type = Type::None())
+      : GraphAndBuilders(main_zone()),
+        typer(main_zone()),
+        javascript(main_zone()),
+        jsgraph(graph(), common(), &javascript, &typer, machine()) {
+    start = graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(2));
+    graph()->SetStart(start);
+    ret =
+        graph()->NewNode(common()->Return(), jsgraph.Constant(0), start, start);
+    end = graph()->NewNode(common()->End(), ret);
+    graph()->SetEnd(end);
+    p0 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), start);
+    p1 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(1), start);
+    p2 = graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(2), start);
+    NodeProperties::SetBounds(p0, Bounds(p0_type));
+    NodeProperties::SetBounds(p1, Bounds(p1_type));
+    NodeProperties::SetBounds(p2, Bounds(p2_type));
+  }
+  void CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::Value expected, const Operator* op) {
+    Node* node = Return(graph()->NewNode(op, p0, p1));
+    Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(expected, node->opcode());
+  }
+  void CheckLoweringTruncatedBinop(IrOpcode::Value expected, const Operator* op,
+                                   const Operator* trunc) {
+    Node* node = graph()->NewNode(op, p0, p1);
+    Return(graph()->NewNode(trunc, node));
+    Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(expected, node->opcode());
+  }
+  void Lower() {
+    SimplifiedLowering lowering(&jsgraph);
+    lowering.LowerAllNodes();
+  }
+  // Inserts the node as the return value of the graph.
+  Node* Return(Node* node) {
+    ret->ReplaceInput(0, node);
+    return node;
+  }
+  // Inserts the node as the effect input to the return of the graph.
+  void Effect(Node* node) { ret->ReplaceInput(1, node); }
+  Node* ExampleWithOutput(MachineType type) {
+    // TODO(titzer): use parameters with guaranteed representations.
+    if (type & kTypeInt32) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Add(), jsgraph.Int32Constant(1),
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kTypeUint32) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Shr(), jsgraph.Int32Constant(1),
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kRepFloat64) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Float64Add(),
+                              jsgraph.Float64Constant(1),
+                              jsgraph.Float64Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kRepBit) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Word32Equal(),
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1),
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kRepWord64) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int64Add(), Int64Constant(1),
+                              Int64Constant(1));
+    } else {
+      CHECK(type & kRepTagged);
+      return p0;
+    }
+  }
+  Node* Use(Node* node, MachineType type) {
+    if (type & kTypeInt32) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32LessThan(), node,
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kTypeUint32) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Uint32LessThan(), node,
+                              jsgraph.Int32Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kRepFloat64) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Float64Add(), node,
+                              jsgraph.Float64Constant(1));
+    } else if (type & kRepWord64) {
+      return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int64LessThan(), node,
+                              Int64Constant(1));
+    } else {
+      return graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Any()), node,
+                              jsgraph.TrueConstant());
+    }
+  }
+  Node* Branch(Node* cond) {
+    Node* br = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(), cond, start);
+    Node* tb = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), br);
+    Node* fb = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), br);
+    Node* m = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), tb, fb);
+    NodeProperties::ReplaceControlInput(ret, m);
+    return br;
+  }
+  Node* Int64Constant(int64_t v) {
+    return graph()->NewNode(common()->Int64Constant(v));
+  }
+  SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* simplified() { return &main_simplified_; }
+  MachineOperatorBuilder* machine() { return &main_machine_; }
+  CommonOperatorBuilder* common() { return &main_common_; }
+  Graph* graph() { return main_graph_; }
+TEST(LowerBooleanNot_bit_bit) {
+  // BooleanNot(x: kRepBit) used as kRepBit
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.ExampleWithOutput(kRepBit);
+  Node* inv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanNot(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Branch(inv);
+  t.Lower();
+  Node* cmp = use->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cmp->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cmp->InputAt(0) || b == cmp->InputAt(1));
+  Node* f = t.jsgraph.Int32Constant(0);
+  CHECK(f == cmp->InputAt(0) || f == cmp->InputAt(1));
+TEST(LowerBooleanNot_bit_tagged) {
+  // BooleanNot(x: kRepBit) used as kRepTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.ExampleWithOutput(kRepBit);
+  Node* inv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanNot(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(inv, kRepTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeBitToBool, use->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  Node* cmp = use->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cmp->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cmp->InputAt(0) || b == cmp->InputAt(1));
+  Node* f = t.jsgraph.Int32Constant(0);
+  CHECK(f == cmp->InputAt(0) || f == cmp->InputAt(1));
+TEST(LowerBooleanNot_tagged_bit) {
+  // BooleanNot(x: kRepTagged) used as kRepBit
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.p0;
+  Node* inv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanNot(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Branch(inv);
+  t.Lower();
+  Node* cmp = use->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cmp->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cmp->InputAt(0) || b == cmp->InputAt(1));
+  Node* f = t.jsgraph.FalseConstant();
+  CHECK(f == cmp->InputAt(0) || f == cmp->InputAt(1));
+TEST(LowerBooleanNot_tagged_tagged) {
+  // BooleanNot(x: kRepTagged) used as kRepTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.p0;
+  Node* inv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanNot(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(inv, kRepTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeBitToBool, use->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  Node* cmp = use->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cmp->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cmp->InputAt(0) || b == cmp->InputAt(1));
+  Node* f = t.jsgraph.FalseConstant();
+  CHECK(f == cmp->InputAt(0) || f == cmp->InputAt(1));
+TEST(LowerBooleanToNumber_bit_int32) {
+  // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepBit) used as kMachInt32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.ExampleWithOutput(kRepBit);
+  Node* cnv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanToNumber(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(cnv, kMachInt32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(b, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerBooleanToNumber_tagged_int32) {
+  // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepTagged) used as kMachInt32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.p0;
+  Node* cnv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanToNumber(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(cnv, kMachInt32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cnv->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cnv->InputAt(0) || b == cnv->InputAt(1));
+  Node* c = t.jsgraph.TrueConstant();
+  CHECK(c == cnv->InputAt(0) || c == cnv->InputAt(1));
+TEST(LowerBooleanToNumber_bit_tagged) {
+  // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepBit) used as kMachAnyTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.ExampleWithOutput(kRepBit);
+  Node* cnv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanToNumber(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(cnv, kMachAnyTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(b, use->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0));
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToTagged, use->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+TEST(LowerBooleanToNumber_tagged_tagged) {
+  // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepTagged) used as kMachAnyTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Boolean());
+  Node* b = t.p0;
+  Node* cnv = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->BooleanToNumber(), b);
+  Node* use = t.Use(cnv, kMachAnyTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(cnv, use->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0));
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToTagged, use->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode(), cnv->opcode());
+  CHECK(b == cnv->InputAt(0) || b == cnv->InputAt(1));
+  Node* c = t.jsgraph.TrueConstant();
+  CHECK(c == cnv->InputAt(0) || c == cnv->InputAt(1));
+static Type* test_types[] = {Type::Signed32(), Type::Unsigned32(),
+                             Type::Number(), Type::Any()};
+TEST(LowerNumberCmp_to_int32) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32(), Type::Signed32());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kWord32Equal, t.simplified()->NumberEqual());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan,
+                       t.simplified()->NumberLessThan());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual,
+                       t.simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual());
+TEST(LowerNumberCmp_to_uint32) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::Unsigned32());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kWord32Equal, t.simplified()->NumberEqual());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan,
+                       t.simplified()->NumberLessThan());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual,
+                       t.simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual());
+TEST(LowerNumberCmp_to_float64) {
+  static Type* types[] = {Type::Number(), Type::Any()};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(types); i++) {
+    TestingGraph t(types[i], types[i]);
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64Equal,
+                         t.simplified()->NumberEqual());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThan,
+                         t.simplified()->NumberLessThan());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThanOrEqual,
+                         t.simplified()->NumberLessThanOrEqual());
+  }
+TEST(LowerNumberAddSub_to_int32) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32(), Type::Signed32());
+  t.CheckLoweringTruncatedBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32Add,
+                                t.simplified()->NumberAdd(),
+                                t.simplified()->NumberToInt32());
+  t.CheckLoweringTruncatedBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32Sub,
+                                t.simplified()->NumberSubtract(),
+                                t.simplified()->NumberToInt32());
+TEST(LowerNumberAddSub_to_uint32) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::Unsigned32());
+  t.CheckLoweringTruncatedBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32Add,
+                                t.simplified()->NumberAdd(),
+                                t.simplified()->NumberToUint32());
+  t.CheckLoweringTruncatedBinop(IrOpcode::kInt32Sub,
+                                t.simplified()->NumberSubtract(),
+                                t.simplified()->NumberToUint32());
+TEST(LowerNumberAddSub_to_float64) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_types); i++) {
+    TestingGraph t(test_types[i], test_types[i]);
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64Add, t.simplified()->NumberAdd());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64Sub,
+                         t.simplified()->NumberSubtract());
+  }
+TEST(LowerNumberDivMod_to_float64) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_types); i++) {
+    TestingGraph t(test_types[i], test_types[i]);
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64Div, t.simplified()->NumberDivide());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod,
+                         t.simplified()->NumberModulus());
+  }
+static void CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::Value change, Node* of, Node* node) {
+  CHECK_EQ(change, node->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(of, node->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_nop) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeInt32) used as kRepTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kRepTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_ChangeTaggedToFloat64) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeInt32) used as kRepFloat64
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kRepFloat64);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_ChangeTaggedToInt32) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeInt32) used as kRepWord32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kTypeInt32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32, t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_TruncateFloat64ToInt32) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kRepFloat64) used as kMachInt32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number());
+  Node* p0 = t.ExampleWithOutput(kMachFloat64);
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kMachInt32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToInt32, p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_TruncateFloat64ToInt32_with_change) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kTypeNumber | kRepTagged) used as kMachInt32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToInt32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kMachInt32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  Node* node = use->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToInt32, node->opcode());
+  Node* of = node->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, of->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, of->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_ChangeFloat64ToTagged) {
+  // TODO(titzer): NumberToInt32(x: kRepFloat64 | kTypeInt32) used as kRepTagged
+TEST(LowerNumberToInt32_to_ChangeFloat64ToInt32) {
+  // TODO(titzer): NumberToInt32(x: kRepFloat64 | kTypeInt32) used as kRepWord32
+  // | kTypeInt32
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_nop) {
+  // NumberToUint32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeUint32) used as kRepTagged
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kRepTagged);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_ChangeTaggedToFloat64) {
+  // NumberToUint32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeUint32) used as kRepWord32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kRepFloat64);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_ChangeTaggedToUint32) {
+  // NumberToUint32(x: kRepTagged | kTypeUint32) used as kRepWord32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kTypeUint32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToUint32, t.p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_TruncateFloat64ToInt32) {
+  // NumberToUint32(x: kRepFloat64) used as kMachUint32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number());
+  Node* p0 = t.ExampleWithOutput(kMachFloat64);
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kMachUint32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToInt32, p0, use->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_TruncateFloat64ToInt32_with_change) {
+  // NumberToInt32(x: kTypeNumber | kRepTagged) used as kMachUint32
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number());
+  Node* trunc = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->NumberToUint32(), t.p0);
+  Node* use = t.Use(trunc, kMachUint32);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  Node* node = use->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kTruncateFloat64ToInt32, node->opcode());
+  Node* of = node->InputAt(0);
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, of->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, of->InputAt(0));
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_ChangeFloat64ToTagged) {
+  // TODO(titzer): NumberToUint32(x: kRepFloat64 | kTypeUint32) used as
+  // kRepTagged
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_ChangeFloat64ToUint32) {
+  // TODO(titzer): NumberToUint32(x: kRepFloat64 | kTypeUint32) used as
+  // kRepWord32
+TEST(LowerNumberToUint32_to_TruncateFloat64ToUint32) {
+  // TODO(titzer): NumberToUint32(x: kRepFloat64) used as kRepWord32
+TEST(LowerReferenceEqual_to_wordeq) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Any());
+  IrOpcode::Value opcode =
+      static_cast<IrOpcode::Value>(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode());
+  t.CheckLoweringBinop(opcode, t.simplified()->ReferenceEqual(Type::Any()));
+TEST(LowerStringOps_to_call_and_compare) {
+  if (Pipeline::SupportedTarget()) {
+    // These tests need linkage for the calls.
+    TestingGraph t(Type::String(), Type::String());
+    IrOpcode::Value compare_eq =
+        static_cast<IrOpcode::Value>(t.machine()->WordEqual()->opcode());
+    IrOpcode::Value compare_lt =
+        static_cast<IrOpcode::Value>(t.machine()->IntLessThan()->opcode());
+    IrOpcode::Value compare_le = static_cast<IrOpcode::Value>(
+        t.machine()->IntLessThanOrEqual()->opcode());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(compare_eq, t.simplified()->StringEqual());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(compare_lt, t.simplified()->StringLessThan());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(compare_le, t.simplified()->StringLessThanOrEqual());
+    t.CheckLoweringBinop(IrOpcode::kCall, t.simplified()->StringAdd());
+  }
+void CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::Value expected, MachineType from,
+                          MachineType to) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any());
+  Node* in = t.ExampleWithOutput(from);
+  Node* use = t.Use(in, to);
+  t.Return(use);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(expected, use->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(in, use->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0));
+TEST(InsertBasicChanges) {
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToInt32, kRepFloat64,
+                       kTypeInt32);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToUint32, kRepFloat64,
+                       kTypeUint32);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32, kRepTagged, kTypeInt32);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToUint32, kRepTagged,
+                       kTypeUint32);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToTagged, kRepFloat64,
+                       kRepTagged);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, kRepTagged,
+                       kRepFloat64);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToFloat64, kTypeInt32,
+                       kRepFloat64);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToTagged, kTypeInt32, kRepTagged);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToFloat64, kTypeUint32,
+                       kRepFloat64);
+  CheckChangeInsertion(IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToTagged, kTypeUint32,
+                       kRepTagged);
+static void CheckChangesAroundBinop(TestingGraph* t, const Operator* op,
+                                    IrOpcode::Value input_change,
+                                    IrOpcode::Value output_change) {
+  Node* binop = t->graph()->NewNode(op, t->p0, t->p1);
+  t->Return(binop);
+  t->Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(input_change, binop->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(input_change, binop->InputAt(1)->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t->p0, binop->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0));
+  CHECK_EQ(t->p1, binop->InputAt(1)->InputAt(0));
+  CHECK_EQ(output_change, t->ret->InputAt(0)->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(binop, t->ret->InputAt(0)->InputAt(0));
+TEST(InsertChangesAroundInt32Binops) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32(), Type::Signed32());
+  const Operator* ops[] = {t.machine()->Int32Add(),  t.machine()->Int32Sub(),
+                           t.machine()->Int32Mul(),  t.machine()->Int32Div(),
+                           t.machine()->Int32Mod(),  t.machine()->Word32And(),
+                           t.machine()->Word32Or(),  t.machine()->Word32Xor(),
+                           t.machine()->Word32Shl(), t.machine()->Word32Sar()};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ops); i++) {
+    CheckChangesAroundBinop(&t, ops[i], IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32,
+                            IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToTagged);
+  }
+TEST(InsertChangesAroundInt32Cmp) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Signed32(), Type::Signed32());
+  const Operator* ops[] = {t.machine()->Int32LessThan(),
+                           t.machine()->Int32LessThanOrEqual()};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ops); i++) {
+    CheckChangesAroundBinop(&t, ops[i], IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32,
+                            IrOpcode::kChangeBitToBool);
+  }
+TEST(InsertChangesAroundUint32Cmp) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::Unsigned32());
+  const Operator* ops[] = {t.machine()->Uint32LessThan(),
+                           t.machine()->Uint32LessThanOrEqual()};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ops); i++) {
+    CheckChangesAroundBinop(&t, ops[i], IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToUint32,
+                            IrOpcode::kChangeBitToBool);
+  }
+TEST(InsertChangesAroundFloat64Binops) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number(), Type::Number());
+  const Operator* ops[] = {
+      t.machine()->Float64Add(), t.machine()->Float64Sub(),
+      t.machine()->Float64Mul(), t.machine()->Float64Div(),
+      t.machine()->Float64Mod(),
+  };
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ops); i++) {
+    CheckChangesAroundBinop(&t, ops[i], IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64,
+                            IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToTagged);
+  }
+TEST(InsertChangesAroundFloat64Cmp) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Number(), Type::Number());
+  const Operator* ops[] = {t.machine()->Float64Equal(),
+                           t.machine()->Float64LessThan(),
+                           t.machine()->Float64LessThanOrEqual()};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(ops); i++) {
+    CheckChangesAroundBinop(&t, ops[i], IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64,
+                            IrOpcode::kChangeBitToBool);
+  }
+void CheckFieldAccessArithmetic(FieldAccess access, Node* load_or_store) {
+  Int32Matcher index = Int32Matcher(load_or_store->InputAt(1));
+  CHECK(index.Is(access.offset - access.tag()));
+Node* CheckElementAccessArithmetic(ElementAccess access, Node* load_or_store) {
+  Int32BinopMatcher index(load_or_store->InputAt(1));
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt32Add, index.node()->opcode());
+  CHECK(index.right().Is(access.header_size - access.tag()));
+  int element_size = ElementSizeOf(access.machine_type);
+  if (element_size != 1) {
+    Int32BinopMatcher mul(index.left().node());
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kInt32Mul, mul.node()->opcode());
+    CHECK(mul.right().Is(element_size));
+    return mul.left().node();
+  } else {
+    return index.left().node();
+  }
+static const MachineType machine_reps[] = {
+    kRepBit,    kMachInt8,    kMachInt16,    kMachInt32,
+    kMachInt64, kMachFloat64, kMachAnyTagged};
+TEST(LowerLoadField_to_load) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(machine_reps); i++) {
+    FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                          Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), machine_reps[i]};
+    Node* load =
+        t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadField(access), t.p0, t.start);
+    Node* use = t.Use(load, machine_reps[i]);
+    t.Return(use);
+    t.Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+    CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+    CheckFieldAccessArithmetic(access, load);
+    MachineType rep = OpParameter<MachineType>(load);
+    CHECK_EQ(machine_reps[i], rep);
+  }
+TEST(LowerStoreField_to_store) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(machine_reps); i++) {
+    FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                          Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), machine_reps[i]};
+    Node* val = t.ExampleWithOutput(machine_reps[i]);
+    Node* store = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreField(access), t.p0,
+                                     val, t.start, t.start);
+    t.Effect(store);
+    t.Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+    CHECK_EQ(val, store->InputAt(2));
+    CheckFieldAccessArithmetic(access, store);
+    StoreRepresentation rep = OpParameter<StoreRepresentation>(store);
+    if (machine_reps[i] & kRepTagged) {
+      CHECK_EQ(kFullWriteBarrier, rep.write_barrier_kind());
+    }
+    CHECK_EQ(machine_reps[i], rep.machine_type());
+  }
+TEST(LowerLoadElement_to_load) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(machine_reps); i++) {
+    ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                            Type::Any(), machine_reps[i]};
+    Node* load =
+        t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadElement(access), t.p0, t.p1,
+                           t.jsgraph.Int32Constant(1024), t.start);
+    Node* use = t.Use(load, machine_reps[i]);
+    t.Return(use);
+    t.Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+    CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+    CheckElementAccessArithmetic(access, load);
+    MachineType rep = OpParameter<MachineType>(load);
+    CHECK_EQ(machine_reps[i], rep);
+  }
+TEST(LowerStoreElement_to_store) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(machine_reps); i++) {
+    ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                            Type::Any(), machine_reps[i]};
+    Node* val = t.ExampleWithOutput(machine_reps[i]);
+    Node* store = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreElement(access), t.p0,
+                                     t.p1, t.jsgraph.Int32Constant(1024), val,
+                                     t.start, t.start);
+    t.Effect(store);
+    t.Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+    CHECK_EQ(val, store->InputAt(2));
+    CheckElementAccessArithmetic(access, store);
+    StoreRepresentation rep = OpParameter<StoreRepresentation>(store);
+    if (machine_reps[i] & kRepTagged) {
+      CHECK_EQ(kFullWriteBarrier, rep.write_barrier_kind());
+    }
+    CHECK_EQ(machine_reps[i], rep.machine_type());
+  }
+TEST(InsertChangeForLoadElementIndex) {
+  // LoadElement(obj: Tagged, index: kTypeInt32 | kRepTagged, length) =>
+  //   Load(obj, Int32Add(Int32Mul(ChangeTaggedToInt32(index), #k), #k))
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32(), Type::Any());
+  ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize, Type::Any(),
+                          kMachAnyTagged};
+  Node* load = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadElement(access), t.p0,
+                                  t.p1, t.p2, t.start);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+  Node* index = CheckElementAccessArithmetic(access, load);
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32, t.p1, index);
+TEST(InsertChangeForStoreElementIndex) {
+  // StoreElement(obj: Tagged, index: kTypeInt32 | kRepTagged, length, val) =>
+  //   Store(obj, Int32Add(Int32Mul(ChangeTaggedToInt32(index), #k), #k), val)
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32(), Type::Any());
+  ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize, Type::Any(),
+                          kMachAnyTagged};
+  Node* store =
+      t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreElement(access), t.p0, t.p1, t.p2,
+                         t.jsgraph.TrueConstant(), t.start, t.start);
+  t.Effect(store);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, store->InputAt(0));
+  Node* index = CheckElementAccessArithmetic(access, store);
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToInt32, t.p1, index);
+TEST(InsertChangeForLoadElement) {
+  // TODO(titzer): test all load/store representation change insertions.
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32(), Type::Any());
+  ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize, Type::Any(),
+                          kMachFloat64};
+  Node* load = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadElement(access), t.p0,
+                                  t.p1, t.p1, t.start);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToTagged, load, t.ret->InputAt(0));
+TEST(InsertChangeForLoadField) {
+  // TODO(titzer): test all load/store representation change insertions.
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                        Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), kMachFloat64};
+  Node* load =
+      t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadField(access), t.p0, t.start);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToTagged, load, t.ret->InputAt(0));
+TEST(InsertChangeForStoreElement) {
+  // TODO(titzer): test all load/store representation change insertions.
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32(), Type::Any());
+  ElementAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize, Type::Any(),
+                          kMachFloat64};
+  Node* store = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreElement(access), t.p0,
+                                   t.jsgraph.Int32Constant(0), t.p2, t.p1,
+                                   t.start, t.start);
+  t.Effect(store);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, store->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, t.p1, store->InputAt(2));
+TEST(InsertChangeForStoreField) {
+  // TODO(titzer): test all load/store representation change insertions.
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                        Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), kMachFloat64};
+  Node* store = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreField(access), t.p0,
+                                   t.p1, t.start, t.start);
+  t.Effect(store);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, store->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, t.p1, store->InputAt(2));
+TEST(UpdatePhi) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  static const MachineType kMachineTypes[] = {kMachInt32, kMachUint32,
+                                              kMachFloat64};
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kMachineTypes); i++) {
+    FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                          Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), kMachineTypes[i]};
+    Node* load0 =
+        t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadField(access), t.p0, t.start);
+    Node* load1 =
+        t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadField(access), t.p1, t.start);
+    Node* phi = t.graph()->NewNode(t.common()->Phi(kMachAnyTagged, 2), load0,
+                                   load1, t.start);
+    t.Return(t.Use(phi, kMachineTypes[i]));
+    t.Lower();
+    CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kPhi, phi->opcode());
+    CHECK_EQ(RepresentationOf(kMachineTypes[i]),
+             RepresentationOf(OpParameter<MachineType>(phi)));
+  }
+// TODO(titzer): this tests current behavior of assuming an implicit
+// representation change in loading float32s. Fix when float32 is fully
+// supported.
+TEST(ImplicitFloat32ToFloat64InLoads) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any());
+  FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                        Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), kMachFloat32};
+  Node* load =
+      t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->LoadField(access), t.p0, t.start);
+  t.Return(load);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kLoad, load->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, load->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToTagged, load, t.ret->InputAt(0));
+TEST(ImplicitFloat64ToFloat32InStores) {
+  TestingGraph t(Type::Any(), Type::Signed32());
+  FieldAccess access = {kTaggedBase, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize,
+                        Handle<Name>::null(), Type::Any(), kMachFloat32};
+  Node* store = t.graph()->NewNode(t.simplified()->StoreField(access), t.p0,
+                                   t.p1, t.start, t.start);
+  t.Effect(store);
+  t.Lower();
+  CHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kStore, store->opcode());
+  CHECK_EQ(t.p0, store->InputAt(0));
+  CheckChangeOf(IrOpcode::kChangeTaggedToFloat64, t.p1, store->InputAt(2));