Upgrade to 3.29

Update V8 to and update makefiles to support building on
all the relevant platforms.

Bug: 17370214

Change-Id: Ia3407c157fd8d72a93e23d8318ccaf6ecf77fa4e
diff --git a/test/cctest/test-heap-profiler.cc b/test/cctest/test-heap-profiler.cc
index a56f250..8f9b484 100644
--- a/test/cctest/test-heap-profiler.cc
+++ b/test/cctest/test-heap-profiler.cc
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
 // Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+//       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+//       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+//       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+//       with the distribution.
+//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+//       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+//       from this software without specific prior written permission.
 // Tests for heap profiler
-#include "v8.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
-#include "cctest.h"
-#include "heap-profiler.h"
-#include "snapshot.h"
-#include "utils-inl.h"
-#include "../include/v8-profiler.h"
+#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "include/v8-profiler.h"
+#include "src/allocation-tracker.h"
+#include "src/debug.h"
+#include "src/hashmap.h"
+#include "src/heap-profiler.h"
+#include "src/snapshot.h"
+#include "src/utils-inl.h"
+#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
+using i::AllocationTraceNode;
+using i::AllocationTraceTree;
+using i::AllocationTracker;
+using i::HashMap;
+using i::Vector;
 namespace {
@@ -24,22 +60,30 @@
     if (strcmp(entry->name(), "C2") == 0) has_C2 = true;
+  static bool AddressesMatch(void* key1, void* key2) {
+    return key1 == key2;
+  }
   void CheckAllReachables(i::HeapEntry* root) {
+    i::HashMap visited(AddressesMatch);
     i::List<i::HeapEntry*> list(10);
-    root->paint();
     while (!list.is_empty()) {
       i::HeapEntry* entry = list.RemoveLast();
-      i::Vector<i::HeapGraphEdge> children = entry->children();
+      i::Vector<i::HeapGraphEdge*> children = entry->children();
       for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); ++i) {
-        if (children[i].type() == i::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut) continue;
-        i::HeapEntry* child = children[i].to();
-        if (!child->painted()) {
-          list.Add(child);
-          child->paint();
-          CheckEntry(child);
-        }
+        if (children[i]->type() == i::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut) continue;
+        i::HeapEntry* child = children[i]->to();
+        i::HashMap::Entry* entry = visited.Lookup(
+            reinterpret_cast<void*>(child),
+            static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(child)),
+            true);
+        if (entry->value)
+          continue;
+        entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(1);
+        list.Add(child);
+        CheckEntry(child);
@@ -55,8 +99,9 @@
 static const v8::HeapGraphNode* GetGlobalObject(
     const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot) {
   CHECK_EQ(2, snapshot->GetRoot()->GetChildrenCount());
+  // The 0th-child is (GC Roots), 1st is the user root.
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_obj =
-      snapshot->GetRoot()->GetChild(0)->GetToNode();
+      snapshot->GetRoot()->GetChild(1)->GetToNode();
   CHECK_EQ(0, strncmp("Object", const_cast<i::HeapEntry*>(
       reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapEntry*>(global_obj))->name(), 6));
   return global_obj;
@@ -68,7 +113,7 @@
                                             const char* name) {
   for (int i = 0, count = node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
     const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = node->GetChild(i);
-    v8::String::AsciiValue prop_name(prop->GetName());
+    v8::String::Utf8Value prop_name(prop->GetName());
     if (prop->GetType() == type && strcmp(name, *prop_name) == 0)
       return prop->GetToNode();
@@ -81,7 +126,7 @@
     const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = node->GetChild(i);
     const v8::HeapGraphNode* node = prop->GetToNode();
     if (node->GetType() == v8::HeapGraphNode::kString) {
-      v8::String::AsciiValue node_name(node->GetName());
+      v8::String::Utf8Value node_name(node->GetName());
       if (strcmp(contents, *node_name) == 0) return true;
@@ -89,9 +134,47 @@
+static bool AddressesMatch(void* key1, void* key2) {
+  return key1 == key2;
+// Check that snapshot has no unretained entries except root.
+static bool ValidateSnapshot(const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot, int depth = 3) {
+  i::HeapSnapshot* heap_snapshot = const_cast<i::HeapSnapshot*>(
+      reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapSnapshot*>(snapshot));
+  i::HashMap visited(AddressesMatch);
+  i::List<i::HeapGraphEdge>& edges = heap_snapshot->edges();
+  for (int i = 0; i < edges.length(); ++i) {
+    i::HashMap::Entry* entry = visited.Lookup(
+        reinterpret_cast<void*>(edges[i].to()),
+        static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(edges[i].to())),
+        true);
+    uint32_t ref_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(
+        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(entry->value));
+    entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(ref_count + 1);
+  }
+  uint32_t unretained_entries_count = 0;
+  i::List<i::HeapEntry>& entries = heap_snapshot->entries();
+  for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); ++i) {
+    i::HashMap::Entry* entry = visited.Lookup(
+        reinterpret_cast<void*>(&entries[i]),
+        static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&entries[i])),
+        false);
+    if (!entry && entries[i].id() != 1) {
+        entries[i].Print("entry with no retainer", "", depth, 0);
+        ++unretained_entries_count;
+    }
+  }
+  return unretained_entries_count == 0;
 TEST(HeapSnapshot) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env2;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env2->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env2->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function A2() {}\n"
@@ -101,25 +184,21 @@
       "var b2_1 = new B2(a2), b2_2 = new B2(a2);\n"
       "var c2 = new C2(a2);");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot_env2 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("env2"));
-  i::HeapSnapshot* i_snapshot_env2 =
-      const_cast<i::HeapSnapshot*>(
-          reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapSnapshot*>(snapshot_env2));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("env2"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot_env2));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_env2 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot_env2);
   // Verify, that JS global object of env2 has '..2' properties.
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* a2_node =
-      GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "a2");
+      GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a2");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, a2_node);
-      NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "b2_1"));
+      NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b2_1"));
-      NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "b2_2"));
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "c2"));
+      NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b2_2"));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, GetProperty(global_env2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "c2"));
-  // Paint all nodes reachable from global object.
   NamedEntriesDetector det;
-  i_snapshot_env2->ClearPaint();
       reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapEntry*>(global_env2)));
@@ -129,20 +208,23 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotObjectSizes) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   //   -a-> X1 --a
   // x -b-> X2 <-|
       "function X(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; }\n"
       "x = new X(new X(), new X());\n"
+      "dummy = new X();\n"
       "(function() { x.a.a = x.b; })();");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("sizes"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("sizes"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* x =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "x");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "x");
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* x1 =
       GetProperty(x, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
@@ -152,26 +234,29 @@
   CHECK_NE(NULL, x2);
   // Test sizes.
-  CHECK_EQ(x->GetSelfSize() * 3, x->GetRetainedSize());
-  CHECK_EQ(x1->GetSelfSize(), x1->GetRetainedSize());
-  CHECK_EQ(x2->GetSelfSize(), x2->GetRetainedSize());
+  CHECK_NE(0, static_cast<int>(x->GetShallowSize()));
+  CHECK_NE(0, static_cast<int>(x1->GetShallowSize()));
+  CHECK_NE(0, static_cast<int>(x2->GetShallowSize()));
 TEST(BoundFunctionInSnapshot) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function myFunction(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; }\n"
       "function AAAAA() {}\n"
       "boundFunction = myFunction.bind(new AAAAA(), 20, new Number(12)); \n");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("sizes"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("sizes"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* f =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "boundFunction");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "boundFunction");
-  CHECK_EQ(v8::String::New("native_bind"), f->GetName());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(env->GetIsolate(), "native_bind"),
+           f->GetName());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* bindings =
       GetProperty(f, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "bindings");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, bindings);
@@ -196,14 +281,16 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotEntryChildren) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function A() { }\n"
       "a = new A;");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("children"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("children"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   for (int i = 0, count = global->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
     const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = global->GetChild(i);
@@ -220,8 +307,9 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotCodeObjects) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function lazy(x) { return x - 1; }\n"
@@ -229,22 +317,23 @@
       "var anonymous = (function() { return function() { return 0; } })();\n"
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("code"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("code"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* compiled =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "compiled");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "compiled");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, compiled);
   CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kClosure, compiled->GetType());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* lazy =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "lazy");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "lazy");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, lazy);
   CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kClosure, lazy->GetType());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* anonymous =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "anonymous");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "anonymous");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, anonymous);
   CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kClosure, anonymous->GetType());
-  v8::String::AsciiValue anonymous_name(anonymous->GetName());
+  v8::String::Utf8Value anonymous_name(anonymous->GetName());
   CHECK_EQ("", *anonymous_name);
   // Find references to code.
@@ -255,6 +344,15 @@
       GetProperty(lazy, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "shared");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, lazy_code);
+  // Check that there's no strong next_code_link. There might be a weak one
+  // but might be not, so we can't check that fact.
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* code =
+      GetProperty(compiled_code, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "code");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, code);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* next_code_link =
+      GetProperty(code, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "code");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, next_code_link);
   // Verify that non-compiled code doesn't contain references to "x"
   // literal, while compiled code does. The scope info is stored in FixedArray
   // objects attached to the SharedFunctionInfo.
@@ -285,24 +383,28 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotHeapNumbers) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "a = 1;    // a is Smi\n"
       "b = 2.5;  // b is HeapNumber");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("numbers"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("numbers"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  CHECK_EQ(NULL, GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "a"));
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a"));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* b =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "b");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b");
   CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kHeapNumber, b->GetType());
 TEST(HeapSnapshotSlicedString) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "parent_string = \"123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789."
@@ -310,32 +412,251 @@
       "child_string = parent_string.slice(100);");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("strings"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("strings"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* parent_string =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "parent_string");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "parent_string");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, parent_string);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* child_string =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "child_string");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "child_string");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, child_string);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kSlicedString, child_string->GetType());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* parent =
       GetProperty(child_string, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "parent");
   CHECK_EQ(parent_string, parent);
+  heap_profiler->DeleteAllHeapSnapshots();
+TEST(HeapSnapshotConsString) {
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_template =
+      v8::ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
+  global_template->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
+  LocalContext env(NULL, global_template);
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> global_proxy = env->Global();
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = global_proxy->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>();
+  CHECK_EQ(1, global->InternalFieldCount());
+  i::Factory* factory = CcTest::i_isolate()->factory();
+  i::Handle<i::String> first = factory->NewStringFromStaticChars("0123456789");
+  i::Handle<i::String> second = factory->NewStringFromStaticChars("0123456789");
+  i::Handle<i::String> cons_string =
+      factory->NewConsString(first, second).ToHandleChecked();
+  global->SetInternalField(0, v8::ToApiHandle<v8::String>(cons_string));
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("cons_strings"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_node = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* string_node =
+      GetProperty(global_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "0");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, string_node);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kConsString, string_node->GetType());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* first_node =
+      GetProperty(string_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "first");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kString, first_node->GetType());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* second_node =
+      GetProperty(string_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "second");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kString, second_node->GetType());
+  heap_profiler->DeleteAllHeapSnapshots();
+TEST(HeapSnapshotSymbol) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("a = Symbol('mySymbol');\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("Symbol"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* a =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
+  CHECK_EQ(a->GetType(), v8::HeapGraphNode::kSymbol);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("symbol"), a->GetName());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* name =
+      GetProperty(a, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "name");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, name);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("mySymbol"), name->GetName());
+TEST(HeapSnapshotWeakCollection) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "k = {}; v = {}; s = 'str';\n"
+      "ws = new WeakSet(); ws.add(k); ws.add(v); ws[s] = s;\n"
+      "wm = new WeakMap(); wm.set(k, v); wm[s] = s;\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("WeakCollections"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* k =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "k");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* v =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "v");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* s =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "s");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ws =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "ws");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ws);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, ws->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("WeakSet"), ws->GetName());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ws_table =
+      GetProperty(ws, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "table");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, ws_table->GetType());
+  CHECK_GT(ws_table->GetChildrenCount(), 0);
+  int weak_entries = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, count = ws_table->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = ws_table->GetChild(i);
+    if (prop->GetType() != v8::HeapGraphEdge::kWeak) continue;
+    if (k->GetId() == prop->GetToNode()->GetId()) {
+      ++weak_entries;
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(1, weak_entries);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ws_s =
+      GetProperty(ws, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "str");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ws_s);
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(s->GetId()), static_cast<int>(ws_s->GetId()));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* wm =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "wm");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, wm);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, wm->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("WeakMap"), wm->GetName());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* wm_table =
+      GetProperty(wm, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "table");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, wm_table->GetType());
+  CHECK_GT(wm_table->GetChildrenCount(), 0);
+  weak_entries = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, count = wm_table->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = wm_table->GetChild(i);
+    if (prop->GetType() != v8::HeapGraphEdge::kWeak) continue;
+    const v8::SnapshotObjectId to_node_id = prop->GetToNode()->GetId();
+    if (to_node_id == k->GetId() || to_node_id == v->GetId()) {
+      ++weak_entries;
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(2, weak_entries);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* wm_s =
+      GetProperty(wm, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "str");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, wm_s);
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(s->GetId()), static_cast<int>(wm_s->GetId()));
+TEST(HeapSnapshotCollection) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "k = {}; v = {}; s = 'str';\n"
+      "set = new Set(); set.add(k); set.add(v); set[s] = s;\n"
+      "map = new Map(); map.set(k, v); map[s] = s;\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("Collections"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* k =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "k");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* v =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "v");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* s =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "s");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* set =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, set);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, set->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("Set"), set->GetName());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* set_table =
+      GetProperty(set, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "table");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, set_table->GetType());
+  CHECK_GT(set_table->GetChildrenCount(), 0);
+  int entries = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, count = set_table->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = set_table->GetChild(i);
+    const v8::SnapshotObjectId to_node_id = prop->GetToNode()->GetId();
+    if (to_node_id == k->GetId() || to_node_id == v->GetId()) {
+      ++entries;
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(2, entries);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* set_s =
+      GetProperty(set, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "str");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, set_s);
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(s->GetId()), static_cast<int>(set_s->GetId()));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "map");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, map);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, map->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8_str("Map"), map->GetName());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map_table =
+      GetProperty(map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "table");
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, map_table->GetType());
+  CHECK_GT(map_table->GetChildrenCount(), 0);
+  entries = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, count = map_table->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = map_table->GetChild(i);
+    const v8::SnapshotObjectId to_node_id = prop->GetToNode()->GetId();
+    if (to_node_id == k->GetId() || to_node_id == v->GetId()) {
+      ++entries;
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(2, entries);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map_s =
+      GetProperty(map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "str");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, map_s);
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(s->GetId()), static_cast<int>(map_s->GetId()));
 TEST(HeapSnapshotInternalReferences) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
-  v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_template = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> global_template =
+      v8::ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
   LocalContext env(NULL, global_template);
   v8::Handle<v8::Object> global_proxy = env->Global();
   v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = global_proxy->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>();
   CHECK_EQ(2, global->InternalFieldCount());
-  v8::Local<v8::Object> obj = v8::Object::New();
+  v8::Local<v8::Object> obj = v8::Object::New(isolate);
   global->SetInternalField(0, v8_num(17));
   global->SetInternalField(1, obj);
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("internals"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("internals"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_node = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   // The first reference will not present, because it's a Smi.
   CHECK_EQ(NULL, GetProperty(global_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "0"));
@@ -344,17 +665,59 @@
-// Trying to introduce a check helper for uint64_t causes many
+// Trying to introduce a check helper for uint32_t causes many
 // overloading ambiguities, so it seems easier just to cast
 // them to a signed type.
-#define CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(a, b) \
-  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int64_t>(a), static_cast<int64_t>(b))
-#define CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(a, b) \
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(a), static_cast<int32_t>(b))
   CHECK((a) != (b))  // NOLINT
-TEST(HeapEntryIdsAndArrayShift) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+TEST(HeapSnapshotAddressReuse) {
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "function A() {}\n"
+      "var a = [];\n"
+      "for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)\n"
+      "  a[i] = new A();\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot1 =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot1"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot1));
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId maxId1 = snapshot1->GetMaxSnapshotJSObjectId();
+  CompileRun(
+      "for (var i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)\n"
+      "  a[i] = new A();\n");
+  CcTest::heap()->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot2 =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot2"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot2));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global2 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot2);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* array_node =
+      GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, array_node);
+  int wrong_count = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, count = array_node->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = array_node->GetChild(i);
+    if (prop->GetType() != v8::HeapGraphEdge::kElement)
+      continue;
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId id = prop->GetToNode()->GetId();
+    if (id < maxId1)
+      ++wrong_count;
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(0, wrong_count);
+TEST(HeapEntryIdsAndArrayShift) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function AnObject() {\n"
@@ -365,107 +728,114 @@
       "for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n"
       "  a.push(new AnObject());\n");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot1 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("s1"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("s1"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot1));
       "for (var i = 0; i < 1; ++i)\n"
       "  a.shift();\n");
-  HEAP->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
+  CcTest::heap()->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot2 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("s2"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("s2"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot2));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global1 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global2 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot2);
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, global1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(global1->GetId(), global2->GetId());
+  CHECK_NE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(0, global1->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(global1->GetId(), global2->GetId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* a1 =
       GetProperty(global1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, a1);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* e1 =
-      GetProperty(a1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kHidden, "1");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, e1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* k1 =
-      GetProperty(e1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "elements");
+      GetProperty(a1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "elements");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, k1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* a2 =
       GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, a2);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* e2 =
-      GetProperty(a2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kHidden, "1");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, e2);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* k2 =
-      GetProperty(e2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "elements");
+      GetProperty(a2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "elements");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, k2);
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(a1->GetId(), a2->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(e1->GetId(), e2->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(k1->GetId(), k2->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(a1->GetId(), a2->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(k1->GetId(), k2->GetId());
 TEST(HeapEntryIdsAndGC) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "function A() {}\n"
       "function B(x) { this.x = x; }\n"
       "var a = new A();\n"
       "var b = new B(a);");
+  v8::Local<v8::String> s1_str = v8_str("s1");
+  v8::Local<v8::String> s2_str = v8_str("s2");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot1 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("s1"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(s1_str);
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot1));
-  HEAP->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
+  CcTest::heap()->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot2 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("s2"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(s2_str);
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot2));
+  CHECK_GT(snapshot1->GetMaxSnapshotJSObjectId(), 7000);
+  CHECK(snapshot1->GetMaxSnapshotJSObjectId() <=
+        snapshot2->GetMaxSnapshotJSObjectId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global1 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global2 = GetGlobalObject(snapshot2);
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, global1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(global1->GetId(), global2->GetId());
+  CHECK_NE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(0, global1->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(global1->GetId(), global2->GetId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* A1 =
       GetProperty(global1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "A");
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* A2 =
       GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "A");
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, A1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(A1->GetId(), A2->GetId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* B1 =
       GetProperty(global1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "B");
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* B2 =
       GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "B");
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, B1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(B1->GetId(), B2->GetId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* a1 =
       GetProperty(global1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, a1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* a2 =
       GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, a2);
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, a1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(a1->GetId(), a2->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(a1->GetId(), a2->GetId());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* b1 =
       GetProperty(global1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, b1);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* b2 =
       GetProperty(global2, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, b2);
-  CHECK_NE_UINT64_T(0, b1->GetId());
-  CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(b1->GetId(), b2->GetId());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(b1->GetId(), b2->GetId());
 TEST(HeapSnapshotRootPreservedAfterSorting) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("s"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("s"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* root1 = snapshot->GetRoot();
   const_cast<i::HeapSnapshot*>(reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapSnapshot*>(
@@ -474,66 +844,6 @@
-TEST(HeapEntryDominator) {
-  // The graph looks like this:
-  //
-  //                   -> node1
-  //                  a    |^
-  //          -> node5     ba
-  //         a             v|
-  //   node6           -> node2
-  //         b        a    |^
-  //          -> node4     ba
-  //                  b    v|
-  //                   -> node3
-  //
-  // The dominator for all nodes is node6.
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
-  LocalContext env;
-  CompileRun(
-      "function X(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; }\n"
-      "node6 = new X(new X(new X()), new X(new X(),new X()));\n"
-      "(function(){\n"
-      "node6.a.a.b = node6.b.a;  // node1 -> node2\n"
-      "node6.b.a.a = node6.a.a;  // node2 -> node1\n"
-      "node6.b.a.b = node6.b.b;  // node2 -> node3\n"
-      "node6.b.b.a = node6.b.a;  // node3 -> node2\n"
-      "})();");
-  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("dominators"));
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node6 =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "node6");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node6);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node5 =
-      GetProperty(node6, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node5);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node4 =
-      GetProperty(node6, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node4);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node3 =
-      GetProperty(node4, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "b");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node3);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node2 =
-      GetProperty(node4, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node2);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node1 =
-      GetProperty(node5, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, node1);
-  CHECK_EQ(node6, node1->GetDominatorNode());
-  CHECK_EQ(node6, node2->GetDominatorNode());
-  CHECK_EQ(node6, node3->GetDominatorNode());
-  CHECK_EQ(node6, node4->GetDominatorNode());
-  CHECK_EQ(node6, node5->GetDominatorNode());
 namespace {
 class TestJSONStream : public v8::OutputStream {
@@ -548,21 +858,26 @@
     if (abort_countdown_ == 0) return kAbort;
     CHECK_GT(chars_written, 0);
     i::Vector<char> chunk = buffer_.AddBlock(chars_written, '\0');
-    memcpy(chunk.start(), buffer, chars_written);
+    i::MemCopy(chunk.start(), buffer, chars_written);
     return kContinue;
+  virtual WriteResult WriteUint32Chunk(uint32_t* buffer, int chars_written) {
+    DCHECK(false);
+    return kAbort;
+  }
   void WriteTo(i::Vector<char> dest) { buffer_.WriteTo(dest); }
   int eos_signaled() { return eos_signaled_; }
   int size() { return buffer_.size(); }
   i::Collector<char> buffer_;
   int eos_signaled_;
   int abort_countdown_;
-class AsciiResource: public v8::String::ExternalAsciiStringResource {
+class OneByteResource : public v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource {
-  explicit AsciiResource(i::Vector<char> string): data_(string.start()) {
+  explicit OneByteResource(i::Vector<char> string) : data_(string.start()) {
     length_ = string.length();
   virtual const char* data() const { return data_; }
@@ -575,8 +890,9 @@
 }  // namespace
 TEST(HeapSnapshotJSONSerialization) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   "\"String \\n\\r\\u0008\\u0081\\u0101\\u0801\\u8001\""
@@ -586,7 +902,9 @@
       "var a = new A(" STRING_LITERAL_FOR_TEST ");\n"
       "var b = new B(a);");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("json"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("json"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   TestJSONStream stream;
   snapshot->Serialize(&stream, v8::HeapSnapshot::kJSON);
   CHECK_GT(stream.size(), 0);
@@ -595,8 +913,9 @@
   // Verify that snapshot string is valid JSON.
-  AsciiResource json_res(json);
-  v8::Local<v8::String> json_string = v8::String::NewExternal(&json_res);
+  OneByteResource* json_res = new OneByteResource(json);
+  v8::Local<v8::String> json_string =
+      v8::String::NewExternal(env->GetIsolate(), json_res);
   env->Global()->Set(v8_str("json_snapshot"), json_string);
   v8::Local<v8::Value> snapshot_parse_result = CompileRun(
       "var parsed = JSON.parse(json_snapshot); true;");
@@ -607,42 +926,45 @@
+  CHECK(parsed_snapshot->Has(v8_str("edges")));
   // Get node and edge "member" offsets.
   v8::Local<v8::Value> meta_analysis_result = CompileRun(
-      "var parsed_meta = parsed.nodes[0];\n"
-      "var children_count_offset ="
-      "    parsed_meta.fields.indexOf('children_count');\n"
-      "var children_offset ="
-      "    parsed_meta.fields.indexOf('children');\n"
-      "var children_meta ="
-      "    parsed_meta.types[children_offset];\n"
-      "var child_fields_count = children_meta.fields.length;\n"
-      "var child_type_offset ="
-      "    children_meta.fields.indexOf('type');\n"
-      "var child_name_offset ="
-      "    children_meta.fields.indexOf('name_or_index');\n"
-      "var child_to_node_offset ="
-      "    children_meta.fields.indexOf('to_node');\n"
+      "var meta = parsed.snapshot.meta;\n"
+      "var edge_count_offset = meta.node_fields.indexOf('edge_count');\n"
+      "var node_fields_count = meta.node_fields.length;\n"
+      "var edge_fields_count = meta.edge_fields.length;\n"
+      "var edge_type_offset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf('type');\n"
+      "var edge_name_offset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf('name_or_index');\n"
+      "var edge_to_node_offset = meta.edge_fields.indexOf('to_node');\n"
       "var property_type ="
-      "    children_meta.types[child_type_offset].indexOf('property');\n"
+      "    meta.edge_types[edge_type_offset].indexOf('property');\n"
       "var shortcut_type ="
-      "    children_meta.types[child_type_offset].indexOf('shortcut');");
+      "    meta.edge_types[edge_type_offset].indexOf('shortcut');\n"
+      "var node_count = parsed.nodes.length / node_fields_count;\n"
+      "var first_edge_indexes = parsed.first_edge_indexes = [];\n"
+      "for (var i = 0, first_edge_index = 0; i < node_count; ++i) {\n"
+      "  first_edge_indexes[i] = first_edge_index;\n"
+      "  first_edge_index += edge_fields_count *\n"
+      "      parsed.nodes[i * node_fields_count + edge_count_offset];\n"
+      "}\n"
+      "first_edge_indexes[node_count] = first_edge_index;\n");
   // A helper function for processing encoded nodes.
       "function GetChildPosByProperty(pos, prop_name, prop_type) {\n"
       "  var nodes = parsed.nodes;\n"
+      "  var edges = parsed.edges;\n"
       "  var strings = parsed.strings;\n"
-      "  for (var i = 0,\n"
-      "      count = nodes[pos + children_count_offset] * child_fields_count;\n"
-      "      i < count; i += child_fields_count) {\n"
-      "    var child_pos = pos + children_offset + i;\n"
-      "    if (nodes[child_pos + child_type_offset] === prop_type\n"
-      "       && strings[nodes[child_pos + child_name_offset]] === prop_name)\n"
-      "        return nodes[child_pos + child_to_node_offset];\n"
+      "  var node_ordinal = pos / node_fields_count;\n"
+      "  for (var i = parsed.first_edge_indexes[node_ordinal],\n"
+      "      count = parsed.first_edge_indexes[node_ordinal + 1];\n"
+      "      i < count; i += edge_fields_count) {\n"
+      "    if (edges[i + edge_type_offset] === prop_type\n"
+      "        && strings[edges[i + edge_name_offset]] === prop_name)\n"
+      "      return edges[i + edge_to_node_offset];\n"
       "  }\n"
       "  return null;\n"
@@ -651,8 +973,8 @@
       "  GetChildPosByProperty(\n"
       "    GetChildPosByProperty("
-      "      parsed.nodes[1 + children_offset + child_to_node_offset],"
-      "      \"b\",shortcut_type),\n"
+      "      parsed.edges[edge_fields_count + edge_to_node_offset],"
+      "      \"b\", property_type),\n"
       "    \"x\", property_type),"
       "  \"s\", property_type)");
@@ -675,16 +997,270 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotJSONSerializationAborting) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("abort"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("abort"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   TestJSONStream stream(5);
   snapshot->Serialize(&stream, v8::HeapSnapshot::kJSON);
   CHECK_GT(stream.size(), 0);
   CHECK_EQ(0, stream.eos_signaled());
+namespace {
+class TestStatsStream : public v8::OutputStream {
+ public:
+  TestStatsStream()
+    : eos_signaled_(0),
+      updates_written_(0),
+      entries_count_(0),
+      entries_size_(0),
+      intervals_count_(0),
+      first_interval_index_(-1) { }
+  TestStatsStream(const TestStatsStream& stream)
+    : v8::OutputStream(stream),
+      eos_signaled_(stream.eos_signaled_),
+      updates_written_(stream.updates_written_),
+      entries_count_(stream.entries_count_),
+      entries_size_(stream.entries_size_),
+      intervals_count_(stream.intervals_count_),
+      first_interval_index_(stream.first_interval_index_) { }
+  virtual ~TestStatsStream() {}
+  virtual void EndOfStream() { ++eos_signaled_; }
+  virtual WriteResult WriteAsciiChunk(char* buffer, int chars_written) {
+    DCHECK(false);
+    return kAbort;
+  }
+  virtual WriteResult WriteHeapStatsChunk(v8::HeapStatsUpdate* buffer,
+                                          int updates_written) {
+    ++intervals_count_;
+    DCHECK(updates_written);
+    updates_written_ += updates_written;
+    entries_count_ = 0;
+    if (first_interval_index_ == -1 && updates_written != 0)
+      first_interval_index_ = buffer[0].index;
+    for (int i = 0; i < updates_written; ++i) {
+      entries_count_ += buffer[i].count;
+      entries_size_ += buffer[i].size;
+    }
+    return kContinue;
+  }
+  int eos_signaled() { return eos_signaled_; }
+  int updates_written() { return updates_written_; }
+  uint32_t entries_count() const { return entries_count_; }
+  uint32_t entries_size() const { return entries_size_; }
+  int intervals_count() const { return intervals_count_; }
+  int first_interval_index() const { return first_interval_index_; }
+ private:
+  int eos_signaled_;
+  int updates_written_;
+  uint32_t entries_count_;
+  uint32_t entries_size_;
+  int intervals_count_;
+  int first_interval_index_;
+}  // namespace
+static TestStatsStream GetHeapStatsUpdate(
+    v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler,
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId* object_id = NULL) {
+  TestStatsStream stream;
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId last_seen_id = heap_profiler->GetHeapStats(&stream);
+  if (object_id)
+    *object_id = last_seen_id;
+  CHECK_EQ(1, stream.eos_signaled());
+  return stream;
+TEST(HeapSnapshotObjectsStats) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects();
+  // We have to call GC 6 times. In other case the garbage will be
+  // the reason of flakiness.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+    CcTest::heap()->CollectAllGarbage(i::Heap::kNoGCFlags);
+  }
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId initial_id;
+  {
+    // Single chunk of data expected in update. Initial data.
+    TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler,
+                                                      &initial_id);
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+    CHECK_LT(0, stats_update.entries_size());
+    CHECK_EQ(0, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+  }
+  // No data expected in update because nothing has happened.
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId same_id;
+  CHECK_EQ(0, GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler, &same_id).updates_written());
+  CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(initial_id, same_id);
+  {
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId additional_string_id;
+    v8::HandleScope inner_scope_1(env->GetIsolate());
+    v8_str("string1");
+    {
+      // Single chunk of data with one new entry expected in update.
+      TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler,
+                                                        &additional_string_id);
+      CHECK_LT(same_id, additional_string_id);
+      CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+      CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+      CHECK_LT(0, stats_update.entries_size());
+      CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.entries_count());
+      CHECK_EQ(2, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+    }
+    // No data expected in update because nothing happened.
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId last_id;
+    CHECK_EQ(0, GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler, &last_id).updates_written());
+    CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(additional_string_id, last_id);
+    {
+      v8::HandleScope inner_scope_2(env->GetIsolate());
+      v8_str("string2");
+      uint32_t entries_size;
+      {
+        v8::HandleScope inner_scope_3(env->GetIsolate());
+        v8_str("string3");
+        v8_str("string4");
+        {
+          // Single chunk of data with three new entries expected in update.
+          TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+          CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+          CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+          CHECK_LT(0, entries_size = stats_update.entries_size());
+          CHECK_EQ(3, stats_update.entries_count());
+          CHECK_EQ(4, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+        }
+      }
+      {
+        // Single chunk of data with two left entries expected in update.
+        TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+        CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+        CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+        CHECK_GT(entries_size, stats_update.entries_size());
+        CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.entries_count());
+        // Two strings from forth interval were released.
+        CHECK_EQ(4, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      // Single chunk of data with 0 left entries expected in update.
+      TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+      CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+      CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+      CHECK_EQ(0, stats_update.entries_size());
+      CHECK_EQ(0, stats_update.entries_count());
+      // The last string from forth interval was released.
+      CHECK_EQ(4, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    // Single chunk of data with 0 left entries expected in update.
+    TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+    CHECK_EQ(0, stats_update.entries_size());
+    CHECK_EQ(0, stats_update.entries_count());
+    // The only string from the second interval was released.
+    CHECK_EQ(2, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+  }
+  v8::Local<v8::Array> array = v8::Array::New(env->GetIsolate());
+  CHECK_EQ(0, array->Length());
+  // Force array's buffer allocation.
+  array->Set(2, v8_num(7));
+  uint32_t entries_size;
+  {
+    // Single chunk of data with 2 entries expected in update.
+    TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.updates_written());
+    CHECK_LT(0, entries_size = stats_update.entries_size());
+    // They are the array and its buffer.
+    CHECK_EQ(2, stats_update.entries_count());
+    CHECK_EQ(8, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+    array->Set(i, v8_num(i));
+  {
+    // Single chunk of data with 1 entry expected in update.
+    TestStatsStream stats_update = GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+    CHECK_EQ(1, stats_update.intervals_count());
+    // The first interval was changed because old buffer was collected.
+    // The second interval was changed because new buffer was allocated.
+    CHECK_EQ(2, stats_update.updates_written());
+    CHECK_LT(entries_size, stats_update.entries_size());
+    CHECK_EQ(2, stats_update.entries_count());
+    CHECK_EQ(8, stats_update.first_interval_index());
+  }
+  heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+TEST(HeapObjectIds) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const int kLength = 10;
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> objects[kLength];
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId ids[kLength];
+  heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(false);
+  for (int i = 0; i < kLength; i++) {
+    objects[i] = v8::Object::New(isolate);
+  }
+  GetHeapStatsUpdate(heap_profiler);
+  for (int i = 0; i < kLength; i++) {
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId id = heap_profiler->GetObjectId(objects[i]);
+    CHECK_NE(v8::HeapProfiler::kUnknownObjectId, static_cast<int>(id));
+    ids[i] = id;
+  }
+  heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+  CcTest::heap()->CollectAllAvailableGarbage();
+  for (int i = 0; i < kLength; i++) {
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId id = heap_profiler->GetObjectId(objects[i]);
+    CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(ids[i]), static_cast<int>(id));
+    v8::Handle<v8::Value> obj = heap_profiler->FindObjectById(ids[i]);
+    CHECK_EQ(objects[i], obj);
+  }
+  heap_profiler->ClearObjectIds();
+  for (int i = 0; i < kLength; i++) {
+    v8::SnapshotObjectId id = heap_profiler->GetObjectId(objects[i]);
+    CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapProfiler::kUnknownObjectId, static_cast<int>(id));
+    v8::Handle<v8::Value> obj = heap_profiler->FindObjectById(ids[i]);
+    CHECK(obj.IsEmpty());
+  }
 static void CheckChildrenIds(const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
                              const v8::HeapGraphNode* node,
@@ -695,7 +1271,7 @@
     const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = node->GetChild(i);
     const v8::HeapGraphNode* child =
-    CHECK_EQ_UINT64_T(prop->GetToNode()->GetId(), child->GetId());
+    CHECK_EQ_SNAPSHOT_OBJECT_ID(prop->GetToNode()->GetId(), child->GetId());
     CHECK_EQ(prop->GetToNode(), child);
     CheckChildrenIds(snapshot, child, level + 1, max_level);
@@ -703,11 +1279,13 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotGetNodeById) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("id"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("id"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* root = snapshot->GetRoot();
   CheckChildrenIds(snapshot, root, 0, 3);
   // Check a big id, which should not exist yet.
@@ -715,6 +1293,45 @@
+TEST(HeapSnapshotGetSnapshotObjectId) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("globalObject = {};\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("get_snapshot_object_id"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_object =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "globalObject");
+  CHECK(global_object);
+  v8::Local<v8::Value> globalObjectHandle = env->Global()->Get(
+      v8::String::NewFromUtf8(env->GetIsolate(), "globalObject"));
+  CHECK(!globalObjectHandle.IsEmpty());
+  CHECK(globalObjectHandle->IsObject());
+  v8::SnapshotObjectId id = heap_profiler->GetObjectId(globalObjectHandle);
+  CHECK_NE(static_cast<int>(v8::HeapProfiler::kUnknownObjectId),
+           id);
+  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(id), global_object->GetId());
+TEST(HeapSnapshotUnknownSnapshotObjectId) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("globalObject = {};\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("unknown_object_id"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node =
+      snapshot->GetNodeById(v8::HeapProfiler::kUnknownObjectId);
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, node);
 namespace {
 class TestActivityControl : public v8::ActivityControl {
@@ -736,27 +1353,29 @@
-TEST(TakeHeapSnapshotAborting) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
-  LocalContext env;
-  const int snapshots_count = v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount();
+TEST(TakeHeapSnapshotAborting) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const int snapshots_count = heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount();
   TestActivityControl aborting_control(1);
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* no_snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("abort"),
-                                     v8::HeapSnapshot::kFull,
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("abort"),
   CHECK_EQ(NULL, no_snapshot);
-  CHECK_EQ(snapshots_count, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(snapshots_count, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   CHECK_GT(aborting_control.total(), aborting_control.done());
   TestActivityControl control(-1);  // Don't abort.
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("full"),
-                                     v8::HeapSnapshot::kFull,
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("full"),
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   CHECK_NE(NULL, snapshot);
-  CHECK_EQ(snapshots_count + 1, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(snapshots_count + 1, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   CHECK_EQ(control.total(), control.done());
   CHECK_GT(control.total(), 0);
@@ -798,16 +1417,16 @@
       uint16_t class_id, v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper) {
     if (class_id == 1) {
       if (wrapper->IsString()) {
-        v8::String::AsciiValue ascii(wrapper);
-        if (strcmp(*ascii, "AAA") == 0)
+        v8::String::Utf8Value utf8(wrapper);
+        if (strcmp(*utf8, "AAA") == 0)
           return new TestRetainedObjectInfo(1, "aaa-group", "aaa", 100);
-        else if (strcmp(*ascii, "BBB") == 0)
+        else if (strcmp(*utf8, "BBB") == 0)
           return new TestRetainedObjectInfo(1, "aaa-group", "aaa", 100);
     } else if (class_id == 2) {
       if (wrapper->IsString()) {
-        v8::String::AsciiValue ascii(wrapper);
-        if (strcmp(*ascii, "CCC") == 0)
+        v8::String::Utf8Value utf8(wrapper);
+        if (strcmp(*utf8, "CCC") == 0)
           return new TestRetainedObjectInfo(2, "ccc-group", "ccc");
@@ -819,7 +1438,6 @@
   bool disposed_;
-  int category_;
   int hash_;
   const char* group_label_;
   const char* label_;
@@ -848,25 +1466,25 @@
 TEST(HeapSnapshotRetainedObjectInfo) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
-  v8::HeapProfiler::DefineWrapperClass(
+  heap_profiler->SetWrapperClassInfoProvider(
       1, TestRetainedObjectInfo::WrapperInfoCallback);
-  v8::HeapProfiler::DefineWrapperClass(
+  heap_profiler->SetWrapperClassInfoProvider(
       2, TestRetainedObjectInfo::WrapperInfoCallback);
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_AAA =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("AAA"));
+  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_AAA(isolate, v8_str("AAA"));
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_BBB =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("BBB"));
+  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_BBB(isolate, v8_str("BBB"));
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_CCC =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("CCC"));
+  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_CCC(isolate, v8_str("CCC"));
   CHECK_EQ(0, TestRetainedObjectInfo::instances.length());
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("retained"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("retained"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   CHECK_EQ(3, TestRetainedObjectInfo::instances.length());
   for (int i = 0; i < TestRetainedObjectInfo::instances.length(); ++i) {
@@ -912,50 +1530,58 @@
   explicit GraphWithImplicitRefs(LocalContext* env) {
     CHECK_EQ(NULL, instance_);
     instance_ = this;
+    isolate_ = (*env)->GetIsolate();
     for (int i = 0; i < kObjectsCount; i++) {
-      objects_[i] = v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(v8::Object::New());
+      objects_[i].Reset(isolate_, v8::Object::New(isolate_));
-    (*env)->Global()->Set(v8_str("root_object"), objects_[0]);
+    (*env)->Global()->Set(v8_str("root_object"),
+                          v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(isolate_, objects_[0]));
   ~GraphWithImplicitRefs() {
     instance_ = NULL;
-  static void gcPrologue() {
+  static void gcPrologue(v8::GCType type, v8::GCCallbackFlags flags) {
   void AddImplicitReferences() {
     // 0 -> 1
-    v8::V8::AddImplicitReferences(
-        v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::Cast(objects_[0]), &objects_[1], 1);
-    // Adding two more references(note length=2 in params): 1 -> 2, 1 -> 3
-    v8::V8::AddImplicitReferences(
-        v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::Cast(objects_[1]), &objects_[2], 2);
+    isolate_->SetObjectGroupId(objects_[0],
+                               v8::UniqueId(1));
+    isolate_->SetReferenceFromGroup(
+        v8::UniqueId(1), objects_[1]);
+    // Adding two more references: 1 -> 2, 1 -> 3
+    isolate_->SetReference(objects_[1].As<v8::Object>(),
+                           objects_[2]);
+    isolate_->SetReference(objects_[1].As<v8::Object>(),
+                           objects_[3]);
   v8::Persistent<v8::Value> objects_[kObjectsCount];
   static GraphWithImplicitRefs* instance_;
+  v8::Isolate* isolate_;
 GraphWithImplicitRefs* GraphWithImplicitRefs::instance_ = NULL;
 TEST(HeapSnapshotImplicitReferences) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   GraphWithImplicitRefs graph(&env);
-  v8::V8::SetGlobalGCPrologueCallback(&GraphWithImplicitRefs::gcPrologue);
+  v8::V8::AddGCPrologueCallback(&GraphWithImplicitRefs::gcPrologue);
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("implicit_refs"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("implicit_refs"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_object = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  // Use kShortcut type to skip intermediate JSGlobalPropertyCell
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj0 = GetProperty(
-      global_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "root_object");
+      global_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "root_object");
   CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, obj0->GetType());
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj1 = GetProperty(
@@ -964,144 +1590,167 @@
   int implicit_targets_count = 0;
   for (int i = 0, count = obj1->GetChildrenCount(); i < count; ++i) {
     const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = obj1->GetChild(i);
-    v8::String::AsciiValue prop_name(prop->GetName());
+    v8::String::Utf8Value prop_name(prop->GetName());
     if (prop->GetType() == v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal &&
         strcmp("native", *prop_name) == 0) {
   CHECK_EQ(2, implicit_targets_count);
-  v8::V8::SetGlobalGCPrologueCallback(NULL);
+  v8::V8::RemoveGCPrologueCallback(&GraphWithImplicitRefs::gcPrologue);
 TEST(DeleteAllHeapSnapshots) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  v8::HeapProfiler::DeleteAllSnapshots();
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("1")));
-  CHECK_EQ(1, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  v8::HeapProfiler::DeleteAllSnapshots();
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("1")));
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("2")));
-  CHECK_EQ(2, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  v8::HeapProfiler::DeleteAllSnapshots();
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  heap_profiler->DeleteAllHeapSnapshots();
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("1")));
+  CHECK_EQ(1, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  heap_profiler->DeleteAllHeapSnapshots();
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("1")));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("2")));
+  CHECK_EQ(2, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  heap_profiler->DeleteAllHeapSnapshots();
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+static const v8::HeapSnapshot* FindHeapSnapshot(v8::HeapProfiler* profiler,
+                                                unsigned uid) {
+  int length = profiler->GetSnapshotCount();
+  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+    const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot = profiler->GetHeapSnapshot(i);
+    if (snapshot->GetUid() == uid) {
+      return snapshot;
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
 TEST(DeleteHeapSnapshot) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* s1 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("1"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("1"));
   CHECK_NE(NULL, s1);
-  CHECK_EQ(1, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(1, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   unsigned uid1 = s1->GetUid();
-  CHECK_EQ(s1, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid1));
+  CHECK_EQ(s1, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid1));
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  CHECK_EQ(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid1));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid1));
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* s2 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("2"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("2"));
   CHECK_NE(NULL, s2);
-  CHECK_EQ(1, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(1, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   unsigned uid2 = s2->GetUid();
   CHECK_NE(static_cast<int>(uid1), static_cast<int>(uid2));
-  CHECK_EQ(s2, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid2));
+  CHECK_EQ(s2, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid2));
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* s3 =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("3"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("3"));
   CHECK_NE(NULL, s3);
-  CHECK_EQ(2, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(2, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
   unsigned uid3 = s3->GetUid();
   CHECK_NE(static_cast<int>(uid1), static_cast<int>(uid3));
-  CHECK_EQ(s3, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid3));
+  CHECK_EQ(s3, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid3));
-  CHECK_EQ(1, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  CHECK_EQ(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid2));
-  CHECK_EQ(s3, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid3));
+  CHECK_EQ(1, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid2));
+  CHECK_EQ(s3, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid3));
-  CHECK_EQ(0, v8::HeapProfiler::GetSnapshotsCount());
-  CHECK_EQ(NULL, v8::HeapProfiler::FindSnapshot(uid3));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, heap_profiler->GetSnapshotCount());
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, FindHeapSnapshot(heap_profiler, uid3));
-TEST(DocumentURL) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+class NameResolver : public v8::HeapProfiler::ObjectNameResolver {
+ public:
+  virtual const char* GetName(v8::Handle<v8::Object> object) {
+    return "Global object name";
+  }
+TEST(GlobalObjectName) {
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   CompileRun("document = { URL:\"abcdefgh\" };");
+  NameResolver name_resolver;
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("document"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("document"),
+      NULL,
+      &name_resolver);
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
-  CHECK_EQ("Object / abcdefgh",
+  CHECK_EQ("Object / Global object name" ,
                reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapEntry*>(global))->name());
-TEST(DocumentWithException) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+TEST(GlobalObjectFields) {
   LocalContext env;
-  CompileRun(
-      "this.__defineGetter__(\"document\", function() { throw new Error(); })");
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("obj = {};");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("document"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
-  CHECK_EQ("Object",
-           const_cast<i::HeapEntry*>(
-               reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapEntry*>(global))->name());
-TEST(DocumentURLWithException) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
-  LocalContext env;
-  CompileRun(
-      "function URLWithException() {}\n"
-      "URLWithException.prototype = { get URL() { throw new Error(); } };\n"
-      "document = { URL: new URLWithException() };");
-  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("document"));
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
-  CHECK_EQ("Object",
-           const_cast<i::HeapEntry*>(
-               reinterpret_cast<const i::HeapEntry*>(global))->name());
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* builtins =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "builtins");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, builtins);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* native_context =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "native_context");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, native_context);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_context =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "global_context");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_context);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_proxy =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "global_proxy");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_proxy);
 TEST(NoHandleLeaks) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   CompileRun("document = { URL:\"abcdefgh\" };");
   v8::Handle<v8::String> name(v8_str("leakz"));
-  int count_before = i::HandleScope::NumberOfHandles();
-  v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(name);
-  int count_after = i::HandleScope::NumberOfHandles();
+  i::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
+  int count_before = i::HandleScope::NumberOfHandles(isolate);
+  heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(name);
+  int count_after = i::HandleScope::NumberOfHandles(isolate);
   CHECK_EQ(count_before, count_after);
 TEST(NodesIteration) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("iteration"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("iteration"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
   // Verify that we can find this object by iteration.
@@ -1115,74 +1764,78 @@
-TEST(GetHeapValue) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+TEST(GetHeapValueForNode) {
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
-  CompileRun("a = { s_prop: \'value\', n_prop: 0.1 };");
+  CompileRun("a = { s_prop: \'value\', n_prop: \'value2\' };");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("value"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("value"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
-  CHECK(global->GetHeapValue()->IsObject());
+  CHECK(heap_profiler->FindObjectById(global->GetId())->IsObject());
   v8::Local<v8::Object> js_global =
-  CHECK(js_global == global->GetHeapValue());
+  CHECK(js_global == heap_profiler->FindObjectById(global->GetId()));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj = GetProperty(
-      global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "a");
-  CHECK(obj->GetHeapValue()->IsObject());
+      global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
+  CHECK(heap_profiler->FindObjectById(obj->GetId())->IsObject());
   v8::Local<v8::Object> js_obj = js_global->Get(v8_str("a")).As<v8::Object>();
-  CHECK(js_obj == obj->GetHeapValue());
+  CHECK(js_obj == heap_profiler->FindObjectById(obj->GetId()));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* s_prop =
       GetProperty(obj, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "s_prop");
   v8::Local<v8::String> js_s_prop =
-  CHECK(js_s_prop == s_prop->GetHeapValue());
+  CHECK(js_s_prop == heap_profiler->FindObjectById(s_prop->GetId()));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* n_prop =
       GetProperty(obj, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "n_prop");
-  v8::Local<v8::Number> js_n_prop =
-      js_obj->Get(v8_str("n_prop")).As<v8::Number>();
-  CHECK(js_n_prop == n_prop->GetHeapValue());
+  v8::Local<v8::String> js_n_prop =
+      js_obj->Get(v8_str("n_prop")).As<v8::String>();
+  CHECK(js_n_prop == heap_profiler->FindObjectById(n_prop->GetId()));
 TEST(GetHeapValueForDeletedObject) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   // It is impossible to delete a global property, so we are about to delete a
   // property of the "a" object. Also, the "p" object can't be an empty one
   // because the empty object is static and isn't actually deleted.
   CompileRun("a = { p: { r: {} } };");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj = GetProperty(
-      global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "a");
+      global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "a");
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* prop = GetProperty(
       obj, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "p");
     // Perform the check inside a nested local scope to avoid creating a
     // reference to the object we are deleting.
-    v8::HandleScope scope;
-    CHECK(prop->GetHeapValue()->IsObject());
+    v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+    CHECK(heap_profiler->FindObjectById(prop->GetId())->IsObject());
   CompileRun("delete a.p;");
-  CHECK(prop->GetHeapValue()->IsUndefined());
+  CHECK(heap_profiler->FindObjectById(prop->GetId()).IsEmpty());
 static int StringCmp(const char* ref, i::String* act) {
   i::SmartArrayPointer<char> s_act = act->ToCString();
-  int result = strcmp(ref, *s_act);
+  int result = strcmp(ref, s_act.get());
   if (result != 0)
-    fprintf(stderr, "Expected: \"%s\", Actual: \"%s\"\n", ref, *s_act);
+    fprintf(stderr, "Expected: \"%s\", Actual: \"%s\"\n", ref, s_act.get());
   return result;
 TEST(GetConstructorName) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
       "function Constructor1() {};\n"
@@ -1210,12 +1863,16 @@
       "Constructor2", i::V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(*js_obj2)));
   v8::Local<v8::Object> obj3 = js_global->Get(v8_str("obj3")).As<v8::Object>();
   i::Handle<i::JSObject> js_obj3 = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*obj3);
-  CHECK_EQ(0, StringCmp(
-      "Constructor3", i::V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(*js_obj3)));
+  // TODO(verwaest): Restore to Constructor3 once supported by the
+  // heap-snapshot-generator.
+      0, StringCmp("Object", i::V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(*js_obj3)));
   v8::Local<v8::Object> obj4 = js_global->Get(v8_str("obj4")).As<v8::Object>();
   i::Handle<i::JSObject> js_obj4 = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*obj4);
-  CHECK_EQ(0, StringCmp(
-      "Constructor4", i::V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(*js_obj4)));
+  // TODO(verwaest): Restore to Constructor4 once supported by the
+  // heap-snapshot-generator.
+      0, StringCmp("Object", i::V8HeapExplorer::GetConstructorName(*js_obj4)));
   v8::Local<v8::Object> obj5 = js_global->Get(v8_str("obj5")).As<v8::Object>();
   i::Handle<i::JSObject> js_obj5 = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*obj5);
   CHECK_EQ(0, StringCmp(
@@ -1227,9 +1884,10 @@
-TEST(FastCaseGetter) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+TEST(FastCaseAccessors) {
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
   CompileRun("var obj1 = {};\n"
              "obj1.__defineGetter__('propWithGetter', function Y() {\n"
@@ -1239,19 +1897,133 @@
              "  return this.value_ = value;\n"
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("fastCaseGetter"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("fastCaseAccessors"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj1 =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "obj1");
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "obj1");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, obj1);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* getterFunction =
-      GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "get-propWithGetter");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, getterFunction);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* setterFunction =
-      GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set-propWithSetter");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, setterFunction);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* func;
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "get propWithGetter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set propWithGetter");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set propWithSetter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "get propWithSetter");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, func);
+TEST(SlowCaseAccessors) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("var obj1 = {};\n"
+             "for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) obj1['z' + i] = {};"
+             "obj1.__defineGetter__('propWithGetter', function Y() {\n"
+             "  return 42;\n"
+             "});\n"
+             "obj1.__defineSetter__('propWithSetter', function Z(value) {\n"
+             "  return this.value_ = value;\n"
+             "});\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("slowCaseAccessors"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj1 =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "obj1");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, obj1);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* func;
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "get propWithGetter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set propWithGetter");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "set propWithSetter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, func);
+  func = GetProperty(obj1, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "get propWithSetter");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, func);
+TEST(HiddenPropertiesFastCase) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "function C(x) { this.a = this; this.b = x; }\n"
+      "c = new C(2012);\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("HiddenPropertiesFastCase1"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* c =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "c");
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* hidden_props =
+      GetProperty(c, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "hidden_properties");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, hidden_props);
+  v8::Handle<v8::Value> cHandle =
+      env->Global()->Get(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(env->GetIsolate(), "c"));
+  CHECK(!cHandle.IsEmpty() && cHandle->IsObject());
+  cHandle->ToObject()->SetHiddenValue(v8_str("key"), v8_str("val"));
+  snapshot = heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(
+      v8_str("HiddenPropertiesFastCase2"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  c = GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "c");
+  hidden_props = GetProperty(c, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
+      "hidden_properties");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, hidden_props);
+TEST(AccessorInfo) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("function foo(x) { }\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("AccessorInfoTest"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* foo =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "foo");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, foo);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map =
+      GetProperty(foo, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "map");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, map);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* descriptors =
+      GetProperty(map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "descriptors");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, descriptors);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* length_name =
+      GetProperty(descriptors, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "2");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, length_name);
+  CHECK_EQ("length", *v8::String::Utf8Value(length_name->GetName()));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* length_accessor =
+      GetProperty(descriptors, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "4");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, length_accessor);
+  CHECK_EQ("system / ExecutableAccessorInfo",
+           *v8::String::Utf8Value(length_accessor->GetName()));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* name =
+      GetProperty(length_accessor, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "name");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, name);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* getter =
+      GetProperty(length_accessor, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "getter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, getter);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* setter =
+      GetProperty(length_accessor, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "setter");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, setter);
@@ -1265,104 +2037,770 @@
 bool HasWeakGlobalHandle() {
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("weaks"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("weaks"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* gc_roots = GetNode(
-      snapshot->GetRoot(), v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, "(GC roots)");
+      snapshot->GetRoot(), v8::HeapGraphNode::kSynthetic, "(GC roots)");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, gc_roots);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_handles = GetNode(
-      gc_roots, v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, "(Global handles)");
+      gc_roots, v8::HeapGraphNode::kSynthetic, "(Global handles)");
   CHECK_NE(NULL, global_handles);
   return HasWeakEdge(global_handles);
-static void PersistentHandleCallback(v8::Persistent<v8::Value> handle, void*) {
-  handle.Dispose();
+static void PersistentHandleCallback(
+    const v8::WeakCallbackData<v8::Object, v8::Persistent<v8::Object> >& data) {
+  data.GetParameter()->Reset();
+  delete data.GetParameter();
 TEST(WeakGlobalHandle) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
-  v8::Persistent<v8::Object> handle =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(v8::Object::New());
-  handle.MakeWeak(NULL, PersistentHandleCallback);
+  v8::Persistent<v8::Object> handle(env->GetIsolate(),
+                                    v8::Object::New(env->GetIsolate()));
+  handle.SetWeak(&handle, PersistentHandleCallback);
-TEST(WeakGlobalContextRefs) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
-  LocalContext env;
-  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("weaks"));
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* gc_roots = GetNode(
-      snapshot->GetRoot(), v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, "(GC roots)");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, gc_roots);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_handles = GetNode(
-      gc_roots, v8::HeapGraphNode::kObject, "(Global handles)");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_handles);
-  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_context = GetNode(
-      global_handles, v8::HeapGraphNode::kHidden, "system / GlobalContext");
-  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_context);
-  CHECK(HasWeakEdge(global_context));
 TEST(SfiAndJsFunctionWeakRefs) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
   LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
       "fun = (function (x) { return function () { return x + 1; } })(1);");
   const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
-      v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(v8_str("fun"));
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("fun"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
   CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* fun =
-      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut, "fun");
-  CHECK(HasWeakEdge(fun));
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "fun");
+  CHECK(!HasWeakEdge(fun));
   const v8::HeapGraphNode* shared =
       GetProperty(fun, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "shared");
-  CHECK(HasWeakEdge(shared));
+  CHECK(!HasWeakEdge(shared));
-TEST(PersistentHandleCount) {
-  v8::HandleScope scope;
+TEST(NoDebugObjectInSnapshot) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CHECK(CcTest::i_isolate()->debug()->Load());
+  CompileRun("foo = {};");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* root = snapshot->GetRoot();
+  int globals_count = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < root->GetChildrenCount(); ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* edge = root->GetChild(i);
+    if (edge->GetType() == v8::HeapGraphEdge::kShortcut) {
+      ++globals_count;
+      const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = edge->GetToNode();
+      const v8::HeapGraphNode* foo =
+          GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "foo");
+      CHECK_NE(NULL, foo);
+    }
+  }
+  CHECK_EQ(1, globals_count);
+TEST(AllStrongGcRootsHaveNames) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("foo = {};");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* gc_roots = GetNode(
+      snapshot->GetRoot(), v8::HeapGraphNode::kSynthetic, "(GC roots)");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, gc_roots);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* strong_roots = GetNode(
+      gc_roots, v8::HeapGraphNode::kSynthetic, "(Strong roots)");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, strong_roots);
+  for (int i = 0; i < strong_roots->GetChildrenCount(); ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* edge = strong_roots->GetChild(i);
+    CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, edge->GetType());
+    v8::String::Utf8Value name(edge->GetName());
+    CHECK(isalpha(**name));
+  }
+TEST(NoRefsToNonEssentialEntries) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("global_object = {};\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_object =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "global_object");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_object);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* properties =
+      GetProperty(global_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "properties");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, properties);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* elements =
+      GetProperty(global_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "elements");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, elements);
+TEST(MapHasDescriptorsAndTransitions) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("obj = { a: 10 };\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_object =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "obj");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global_object);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map =
+      GetProperty(global_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "map");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, map);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* own_descriptors = GetProperty(
+      map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "descriptors");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, own_descriptors);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* own_transitions = GetProperty(
+      map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "transitions");
+  CHECK_EQ(NULL, own_transitions);
+TEST(ManyLocalsInSharedContext) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  int num_objects = 6000;
+  CompileRun(
+      "var n = 6000;"
+      "var result = [];"
+      "result.push('(function outer() {');"
+      "for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {"
+      "    var f = 'function f_' + i + '() { ';"
+      "    if (i > 0)"
+      "        f += 'f_' + (i - 1) + '();';"
+      "    f += ' }';"
+      "    result.push(f);"
+      "}"
+      "result.push('return f_' + (n - 1) + ';');"
+      "result.push('})()');"
+      "var ok = eval(result.join('\\n'));");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ok_object =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "ok");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ok_object);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* context_object =
+      GetProperty(ok_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "context");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, context_object);
+  // Check the objects are not duplicated in the context.
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::internal::Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS + num_objects - 1,
+           context_object->GetChildrenCount());
+  // Check all the objects have got their names.
+  // ... well check just every 15th because otherwise it's too slow in debug.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_objects - 1; i += 15) {
+    i::EmbeddedVector<char, 100> var_name;
+    i::SNPrintF(var_name, "f_%d", i);
+    const v8::HeapGraphNode* f_object = GetProperty(
+        context_object, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kContextVariable, var_name.start());
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, f_object);
+  }
+TEST(AllocationSitesAreVisible) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "fun = function () { var a = [3, 2, 1]; return a; }\n"
+      "fun();");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, global);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* fun_code =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "fun");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, fun_code);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* literals =
+      GetProperty(fun_code, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "literals");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, literals);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, literals->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(2, literals->GetChildrenCount());
+  // The second value in the literals array should be the boilerplate,
+  // after an AllocationSite.
+  const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = literals->GetChild(1);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* allocation_site = prop->GetToNode();
+  v8::String::Utf8Value name(allocation_site->GetName());
+  CHECK_EQ("system / AllocationSite", *name);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* transition_info =
+      GetProperty(allocation_site, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
+                  "transition_info");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, transition_info);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* elements =
+      GetProperty(transition_info, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal,
+                  "elements");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, elements);
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphNode::kArray, elements->GetType());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::internal::FixedArray::SizeFor(3),
+           static_cast<int>(elements->GetShallowSize()));
+  v8::Handle<v8::Value> array_val =
+      heap_profiler->FindObjectById(transition_info->GetId());
+  CHECK(array_val->IsArray());
+  v8::Handle<v8::Array> array = v8::Handle<v8::Array>::Cast(array_val);
+  // Verify the array is "a" in the code above.
+  CHECK_EQ(3, array->Length());
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 3),
+           array->Get(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 0)));
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 2),
+           array->Get(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 1)));
+  CHECK_EQ(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 1),
+           array->Get(v8::Integer::New(isolate, 2)));
+TEST(JSFunctionHasCodeLink) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("function foo(x, y) { return x + y; }\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* foo_func =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "foo");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, foo_func);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* code =
+      GetProperty(foo_func, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "code");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, code);
+static const v8::HeapGraphNode* GetNodeByPath(const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
+                                              const char* path[],
+                                              int depth) {
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node = snapshot->GetRoot();
+  for (int current_depth = 0; current_depth < depth; ++current_depth) {
+    int i, count = node->GetChildrenCount();
+    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+      const v8::HeapGraphEdge* edge = node->GetChild(i);
+      const v8::HeapGraphNode* to_node = edge->GetToNode();
+      v8::String::Utf8Value edge_name(edge->GetName());
+      v8::String::Utf8Value node_name(to_node->GetName());
+      i::EmbeddedVector<char, 100> name;
+      i::SNPrintF(name, "%s::%s", *edge_name, *node_name);
+      if (strstr(name.start(), path[current_depth])) {
+        node = to_node;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (i == count) return NULL;
+  }
+  return node;
+TEST(CheckCodeNames) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("var a = 1.1;");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("CheckCodeNames"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const char* stub_path[] = {
+    "::(GC roots)",
+    "::(Strong roots)",
+    "code_stubs::",
+    "::(ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub code)"
+  };
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* node = GetNodeByPath(snapshot,
+      stub_path, arraysize(stub_path));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  const char* builtin_path1[] = {
+    "::(GC roots)",
+    "::(Builtins)",
+    "::(KeyedLoadIC_Generic builtin)"
+  };
+  node = GetNodeByPath(snapshot, builtin_path1, arraysize(builtin_path1));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  const char* builtin_path2[] = {"::(GC roots)", "::(Builtins)",
+                                 "::(CompileLazy builtin)"};
+  node = GetNodeByPath(snapshot, builtin_path2, arraysize(builtin_path2));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  v8::String::Utf8Value node_name(node->GetName());
+  CHECK_EQ("(CompileLazy builtin)", *node_name);
+static const char* record_trace_tree_source =
+"var topFunctions = [];\n"
+"var global = this;\n"
+"function generateFunctions(width, depth) {\n"
+"  var script = [];\n"
+"  for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {\n"
+"    for (var j = 0; j < depth; j++) {\n"
+"      script.push('function f_' + i + '_' + j + '(x) {\\n');\n"
+"      script.push('  try {\\n');\n"
+"      if (j < depth-2) {\n"
+"        script.push('    return f_' + i + '_' + (j+1) + '(x+1);\\n');\n"
+"      } else if (j == depth - 2) {\n"
+"        script.push('    return new f_' + i + '_' + (depth - 1) + '();\\n');\n"
+"      } else if (j == depth - 1) {\n"
+"        script.push('    this.ts = Date.now();\\n');\n"
+"      }\n"
+"      script.push('  } catch (e) {}\\n');\n"
+"      script.push('}\\n');\n"
+"      \n"
+"    }\n"
+"  }\n"
+"  var script = script.join('');\n"
+"  // throw script;\n"
+"  global.eval(script);\n"
+"  for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {\n"
+"    topFunctions.push(this['f_' + i + '_0']);\n"
+"  }\n"
+"var width = 3;\n"
+"var depth = 3;\n"
+"generateFunctions(width, depth);\n"
+"var instances = [];\n"
+"function start() {\n"
+"  for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {\n"
+"    instances.push(topFunctions[i](0));\n"
+"  }\n"
+"for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) start();\n";
+static AllocationTraceNode* FindNode(
+    AllocationTracker* tracker, const Vector<const char*>& names) {
+  AllocationTraceNode* node = tracker->trace_tree()->root();
+  for (int i = 0; node != NULL && i < names.length(); i++) {
+    const char* name = names[i];
+    Vector<AllocationTraceNode*> children = node->children();
+    node = NULL;
+    for (int j = 0; j < children.length(); j++) {
+      unsigned index = children[j]->function_info_index();
+      AllocationTracker::FunctionInfo* info =
+          tracker->function_info_list()[index];
+      if (info && strcmp(info->name, name) == 0) {
+        node = children[j];
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return node;
+TEST(ArrayGrowLeftTrim) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(true);
+  CompileRun(
+    "var a = [];\n"
+    "for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i)\n"
+    "    a[i] = i;\n"
+    "for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)\n"
+    "    a.shift();\n");
+  const char* names[] = {""};
+  AllocationTracker* tracker =
+      reinterpret_cast<i::HeapProfiler*>(heap_profiler)->allocation_tracker();
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, tracker);
+  // Resolve all function locations.
+  tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
+  // Print for better diagnostics in case of failure.
+  tracker->trace_tree()->Print(tracker);
+  AllocationTraceNode* node =
+      FindNode(tracker, Vector<const char*>(names, arraysize(names)));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_count(), 2);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_size(), 4 * 5);
+  heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+TEST(TrackHeapAllocations) {
+  v8::HandleScope scope(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
   LocalContext env;
-  // V8 also uses global handles internally, so we can't test for an absolute
-  // number.
-  int global_handle_count = v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount();
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(true);
-  // Create some persistent handles.
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_AAA =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("AAA"));
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count + 1,
-           v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_BBB =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("BBB"));
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count + 2,
-           v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
-  v8::Persistent<v8::String> p_CCC =
-      v8::Persistent<v8::String>::New(v8_str("CCC"));
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count + 3,
-           v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
+  CompileRun(record_trace_tree_source);
-  // Dipose the persistent handles in a different order.
-  p_AAA.Dispose();
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count + 2,
-           v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
-  p_CCC.Dispose();
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count + 1,
-           v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
-  p_BBB.Dispose();
-  CHECK_EQ(global_handle_count, v8::HeapProfiler::GetPersistentHandleCount());
+  AllocationTracker* tracker =
+      reinterpret_cast<i::HeapProfiler*>(heap_profiler)->allocation_tracker();
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, tracker);
+  // Resolve all function locations.
+  tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
+  // Print for better diagnostics in case of failure.
+  tracker->trace_tree()->Print(tracker);
+  const char* names[] = {"", "start", "f_0_0", "f_0_1", "f_0_2"};
+  AllocationTraceNode* node =
+      FindNode(tracker, Vector<const char*>(names, arraysize(names)));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_count(), 100);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_size(), 4 * node->allocation_count());
+  heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+static const char* inline_heap_allocation_source =
+"function f_0(x) {\n"
+"  return f_1(x+1);\n"
+"function f_1(x) {\n"
+"  return new f_2(x+1);\n"
+"function f_2(x) {\n"
+"  this.foo = x;\n"
+"var instances = [];\n"
+"function start() {\n"
+"  instances.push(f_0(0));\n"
+"for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) start();\n";
+TEST(TrackBumpPointerAllocations) {
+  i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const char* names[] = {"", "start", "f_0", "f_1"};
+  // First check that normally all allocations are recorded.
+  {
+    heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(true);
+    CompileRun(inline_heap_allocation_source);
+    AllocationTracker* tracker =
+        reinterpret_cast<i::HeapProfiler*>(heap_profiler)->allocation_tracker();
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, tracker);
+    // Resolve all function locations.
+    tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
+    // Print for better diagnostics in case of failure.
+    tracker->trace_tree()->Print(tracker);
+    AllocationTraceNode* node =
+        FindNode(tracker, Vector<const char*>(names, arraysize(names)));
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+    CHECK_GE(node->allocation_count(), 100);
+    CHECK_GE(node->allocation_size(), 4 * node->allocation_count());
+    heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+  }
+  {
+    heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(true);
+    // Now check that not all allocations are tracked if we manually reenable
+    // inline allocations.
+    CHECK(CcTest::heap()->inline_allocation_disabled());
+    CcTest::heap()->EnableInlineAllocation();
+    CompileRun(inline_heap_allocation_source);
+    AllocationTracker* tracker =
+        reinterpret_cast<i::HeapProfiler*>(heap_profiler)->allocation_tracker();
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, tracker);
+    // Resolve all function locations.
+    tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
+    // Print for better diagnostics in case of failure.
+    tracker->trace_tree()->Print(tracker);
+    AllocationTraceNode* node =
+        FindNode(tracker, Vector<const char*>(names, arraysize(names)));
+    CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+    CHECK_LT(node->allocation_count(), 100);
+    CcTest::heap()->DisableInlineAllocation();
+    heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+  }
+TEST(TrackV8ApiAllocation) {
+  v8::HandleScope scope(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const char* names[] = { "(V8 API)" };
+  heap_profiler->StartTrackingHeapObjects(true);
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> o1 = v8::Object::New(env->GetIsolate());
+  o1->Clone();
+  AllocationTracker* tracker =
+      reinterpret_cast<i::HeapProfiler*>(heap_profiler)->allocation_tracker();
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, tracker);
+  // Resolve all function locations.
+  tracker->PrepareForSerialization();
+  // Print for better diagnostics in case of failure.
+  tracker->trace_tree()->Print(tracker);
+  AllocationTraceNode* node =
+      FindNode(tracker, Vector<const char*>(names, arraysize(names)));
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, node);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_count(), 2);
+  CHECK_GE(node->allocation_size(), 4 * node->allocation_count());
+  heap_profiler->StopTrackingHeapObjects();
+TEST(ArrayBufferAndArrayBufferView) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun("arr1 = new Uint32Array(100);\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* arr1_obj =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "arr1");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, arr1_obj);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* arr1_buffer =
+      GetProperty(arr1_obj, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "buffer");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, arr1_buffer);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* first_view =
+      GetProperty(arr1_buffer, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kWeak, "weak_first_view");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, first_view);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* backing_store =
+      GetProperty(arr1_buffer, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "backing_store");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, backing_store);
+  CHECK_EQ(400, static_cast<int>(backing_store->GetShallowSize()));
+static int GetRetainersCount(const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot,
+                             const v8::HeapGraphNode* node) {
+  int count = 0;
+  for (int i = 0, l = snapshot->GetNodesCount(); i < l; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphNode* parent = snapshot->GetNode(i);
+    for (int j = 0, l2 = parent->GetChildrenCount(); j < l2; ++j) {
+      if (parent->GetChild(j)->GetToNode() == node) {
+        ++count;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+TEST(ArrayBufferSharedBackingStore) {
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = env->GetIsolate();
+  v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
+  v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(isolate, 1024);
+  CHECK_EQ(1024, static_cast<int>(ab->ByteLength()));
+  CHECK(!ab->IsExternal());
+  v8::ArrayBuffer::Contents ab_contents = ab->Externalize();
+  CHECK(ab->IsExternal());
+  CHECK_EQ(1024, static_cast<int>(ab_contents.ByteLength()));
+  void* data = ab_contents.Data();
+  DCHECK(data != NULL);
+  v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> ab2 =
+      v8::ArrayBuffer::New(isolate, data, ab_contents.ByteLength());
+  CHECK(ab2->IsExternal());
+  env->Global()->Set(v8_str("ab1"), ab);
+  env->Global()->Set(v8_str("ab2"), ab2);
+  v8::Handle<v8::Value> result = CompileRun("ab2.byteLength");
+  CHECK_EQ(1024, result->Int32Value());
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ab1_node =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "ab1");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ab1_node);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ab1_data =
+      GetProperty(ab1_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "backing_store");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ab1_data);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ab2_node =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "ab2");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ab2_node);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* ab2_data =
+      GetProperty(ab2_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "backing_store");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, ab2_data);
+  CHECK_EQ(ab1_data, ab2_data);
+  CHECK_EQ(2, GetRetainersCount(snapshot, ab1_data));
+  free(data);
+TEST(BoxObject) {
+  v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+  v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> global_proxy = env->Global();
+  v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = global_proxy->GetPrototype().As<v8::Object>();
+  i::Factory* factory = CcTest::i_isolate()->factory();
+  i::Handle<i::String> string = factory->NewStringFromStaticChars("string");
+  i::Handle<i::Object> box = factory->NewBox(string);
+  global->Set(0, v8::ToApiHandle<v8::Object>(box));
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global_node = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* box_node =
+      GetProperty(global_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kElement, "0");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, box_node);
+  v8::String::Utf8Value box_node_name(box_node->GetName());
+  CHECK_EQ("system / Box", *box_node_name);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* box_value =
+      GetProperty(box_node, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "value");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, box_value);
+TEST(WeakContainers) {
+  i::FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
+  LocalContext env;
+  v8::HandleScope scope(env->GetIsolate());
+  if (!CcTest::i_isolate()->use_crankshaft()) return;
+  v8::HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = env->GetIsolate()->GetHeapProfiler();
+  CompileRun(
+      "function foo(a) { return a.x; }\n"
+      "obj = {x : 123};\n"
+      "foo(obj);\n"
+      "foo(obj);\n"
+      "%OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo);\n"
+      "foo(obj);\n");
+  const v8::HeapSnapshot* snapshot =
+      heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot(v8_str("snapshot"));
+  CHECK(ValidateSnapshot(snapshot));
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* global = GetGlobalObject(snapshot);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* obj =
+      GetProperty(global, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kProperty, "obj");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, obj);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* map =
+      GetProperty(obj, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "map");
+  CHECK_NE(NULL, map);
+  const v8::HeapGraphNode* dependent_code =
+      GetProperty(map, v8::HeapGraphEdge::kInternal, "dependent_code");
+  if (!dependent_code) return;
+  int count = dependent_code->GetChildrenCount();
+  CHECK_NE(0, count);
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+    const v8::HeapGraphEdge* prop = dependent_code->GetChild(i);
+    CHECK_EQ(v8::HeapGraphEdge::kWeak, prop->GetType());
+  }
+static inline i::Address ToAddress(int n) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<i::Address>(n);
+TEST(AddressToTraceMap) {
+  i::AddressToTraceMap map;
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(150)));
+  // [0x100, 0x200) -> 1
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x100), 0x100, 1U);
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x50)));
+  CHECK_EQ(1, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x100)));
+  CHECK_EQ(1, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x150)));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x100 + 0x100)));
+  CHECK_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  // [0x100, 0x200) -> 1, [0x200, 0x300) -> 2
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x200), 0x100, 2U);
+  CHECK_EQ(2, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x2a0)));
+  CHECK_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  // [0x100, 0x180) -> 1, [0x180, 0x280) -> 3, [0x280, 0x300) -> 2
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x180), 0x100, 3U);
+  CHECK_EQ(1, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x17F)));
+  CHECK_EQ(2, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x280)));
+  CHECK_EQ(3, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x180)));
+  CHECK_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  // [0x100, 0x180) -> 1, [0x180, 0x280) -> 3, [0x280, 0x300) -> 2,
+  // [0x400, 0x500) -> 4
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x400), 0x100, 4U);
+  CHECK_EQ(1, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x17F)));
+  CHECK_EQ(2, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x280)));
+  CHECK_EQ(3, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x180)));
+  CHECK_EQ(4, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x450)));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x500)));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x350)));
+  CHECK_EQ(4, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  // [0x100, 0x180) -> 1, [0x180, 0x200) -> 3, [0x200, 0x600) -> 5
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x200), 0x400, 5U);
+  CHECK_EQ(5, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x200)));
+  CHECK_EQ(5, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x400)));
+  CHECK_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  // [0x100, 0x180) -> 1, [0x180, 0x200) -> 7, [0x200, 0x600) ->5
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x180), 0x80, 6U);
+  map.AddRange(ToAddress(0x180), 0x80, 7U);
+  CHECK_EQ(7, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x180)));
+  CHECK_EQ(5, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x200)));
+  CHECK_EQ(3, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  map.Clear();
+  CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(map.size()));
+  CHECK_EQ(0, map.GetTraceNodeId(ToAddress(0x400)));