Merge V8 5.2.361.47  DO NOT MERGE


Change-Id: Ibec421b85a9b88cb3a432ada642e469fe7e78346
(cherry picked from commit bcf72ee8e3b26f1d0726869c7ddb3921c68b09a8)
diff --git a/tools/ignition/ b/tools/ignition/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9cef75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ignition/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import linux_perf_report as ipr
+import StringIO
+import unittest
+# This line is a comment
+# This should be ignored too
+#    cdefab01  aRandomSymbol::Name(to, be, ignored)
+   00000000 firstSymbol
+   00000123 secondSymbol
+   01234567 foo
+   abcdef76 BytecodeHandler:bar
+   76543210 baz
+# Indentation shouldn't matter (neither should this line)
+    01234567 foo
+      abcdef76 BytecodeHandler:bar
+        76543210 baz
+      01234567 beep
+   abcdef76 BytecodeHandler:bar
+    76543210 baz
+   01234567 hello
+   abcdef76 v8::internal::Compiler
+   00000000 Stub:CEntryStub
+   76543210 world
+   11111111 BytecodeHandler:nope
+   00000000 Lost
+   11111111 Builtin:InterpreterEntryTrampoline
+   22222222 bar
+   11111111 Builtin:InterpreterEntryTrampoline
+   22222222 bar
+class LinuxPerfReportTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def test_collapsed_callchains_generator(self):
+    perf_stream = StringIO.StringIO(PERF_SCRIPT_OUTPUT)
+    callchains = list(ipr.collapsed_callchains_generator(perf_stream))
+    self.assertListEqual(callchains, [
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["[entry trampoline]"],
+    ])
+  def test_collapsed_callchains_generator_show_other(self):
+    perf_stream = StringIO.StringIO(PERF_SCRIPT_OUTPUT)
+    callchains = list(ipr.collapsed_callchains_generator(perf_stream,
+                                                         show_all=True))
+    self.assertListEqual(callchains, [
+      ['firstSymbol', 'secondSymbol', '[other]'],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["hello", "v8::internal::Compiler", "[compiler]"],
+      ["Lost", "[misattributed]"],
+      ["[entry trampoline]"],
+    ])
+  def test_calculate_samples_count_per_callchain(self):
+    counters = ipr.calculate_samples_count_per_callchain([
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["hello", "v8::internal::Compiler", "[compiler]"],
+    ])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(counters, [
+      ('BytecodeHandler:bar;foo', 2),
+      ('BytecodeHandler:bar;beep', 1),
+      ('[compiler];v8::internal::Compiler;hello', 1),
+    ])
+  def test_calculate_samples_count_per_callchain(self):
+    counters = ipr.calculate_samples_count_per_callchain([
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+    ])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(counters, [
+      ('BytecodeHandler:bar;foo', 2),
+      ('BytecodeHandler:bar;beep', 1),
+    ])
+  def test_calculate_samples_count_per_handler_show_compile(self):
+    counters = ipr.calculate_samples_count_per_handler([
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["hello", "v8::internal::Compiler", "[compiler]"],
+    ])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(counters, [
+      ("bar", 3),
+      ("[compiler]", 1)
+    ])
+  def test_calculate_samples_count_per_handler_(self):
+    counters = ipr.calculate_samples_count_per_handler([
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+      ["beep", "BytecodeHandler:bar"],
+    ])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(counters, [("bar", 3)])
+  def test_multiple_handlers(self):
+    perf_stream = StringIO.StringIO("""
+        0000 foo(bar)
+        1234 BytecodeHandler:first
+        5678 a::random::call<to>(something, else)
+        9abc BytecodeHandler:second
+        def0 otherIrrelevant(stuff)
+        1111 entrypoint
+    """)
+    callchains = list(ipr.collapsed_callchains_generator(perf_stream, False))
+    self.assertListEqual(callchains, [
+      ["foo", "BytecodeHandler:first"],
+    ])
+  def test_compiler_symbols_regex(self):
+    compiler_symbols = [
+      "v8::internal::Parser",
+      "v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::Compile",
+      "v8::internal::Compiler::foo",
+    ]
+    for compiler_symbol in compiler_symbols:
+      self.assertTrue(ipr.COMPILER_SYMBOLS_RE.match(compiler_symbol))
+  def test_strip_function_parameters(self):
+    def should_match(signature, name):
+      self.assertEqual(ipr.strip_function_parameters(signature), name)
+    should_match("foo(bar)", "foo"),
+    should_match("Foo(foomatic::(anonymous)::bar(baz))", "Foo"),
+    should_match("v8::(anonymous ns)::bar<thing(with, parentheses)>(baz, poe)",
+       "v8::(anonymous ns)::bar<thing(with, parentheses)>")