Update V8 to r3431 as required by WebKit r51976.

Change-Id: I567392c3f8c0a0d5201a4249611ac4ccf468cd5b
diff --git a/src/platform.h b/src/platform.h
index fefe4b8..75e557c 100644
--- a/src/platform.h
+++ b/src/platform.h
@@ -247,9 +247,20 @@
   // for.
   static void LogSharedLibraryAddresses();
+  // The return value indicates the CPU features we are sure of because of the
+  // OS.  For example MacOSX doesn't run on any x86 CPUs that don't have SSE2
+  // instructions.
+  // This is a little messy because the interpretation is subject to the cross
+  // of the CPU and the OS.  The bits in the answer correspond to the bit
+  // positions indicated by the members of the CpuFeature enum from globals.h
+  static uint64_t CpuFeaturesImpliedByPlatform();
   // Returns the double constant NAN
   static double nan_value();
+  // Support runtime detection of VFP3 on ARM CPUs.
+  static bool ArmCpuHasFeature(CpuFeature feature);
   // Returns the activation frame alignment constraint or zero if
   // the platform doesn't care. Guaranteed to be a power of two.
   static int ActivationFrameAlignment();