Update V8 to version

This is a cherry-pick of all commits up to and including the cherry-pick in Chromium.

Original commit message:

Version (cherry-pick)

Merged 206e9136bde0f2b5ae8cb77afbb1e7833e5bd412

Unlink pages from the space page list after evacuation.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/953813002

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/4.1@{#22}
Cr-Branched-From: 2e08d2a7aa9d65d269d8c57aba82eb38a8cb0a18-refs/heads/candidates@{#25353}



Change-Id: I8c23c7bbb70772b4858fe8a47b64fa97ee0d1f8c
diff --git a/src/compiler/mips64/OWNERS b/src/compiler/mips64/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5508ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/mips64/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/compiler/mips64/code-generator-mips64.cc b/src/compiler/mips64/code-generator-mips64.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee7705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/mips64/code-generator-mips64.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1444 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/compiler/code-generator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/code-generator-impl.h"
+#include "src/compiler/gap-resolver.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
+#include "src/mips/macro-assembler-mips.h"
+#include "src/scopes.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+#define __ masm()->
+// TODO(plind): Possibly avoid using these lithium names.
+#define kScratchReg kLithiumScratchReg
+#define kScratchReg2 kLithiumScratchReg2
+#define kScratchDoubleReg kLithiumScratchDouble
+// TODO(plind): consider renaming these macros.
+#define TRACE_MSG(msg)                                                      \
+  PrintF("code_gen: \'%s\' in function %s at line %d\n", msg, __FUNCTION__, \
+         __LINE__)
+#define TRACE_UNIMPL()                                                       \
+  PrintF("UNIMPLEMENTED code_generator_mips: %s at line %d\n", __FUNCTION__, \
+         __LINE__)
+// Adds Mips-specific methods to convert InstructionOperands.
+class MipsOperandConverter FINAL : public InstructionOperandConverter {
+ public:
+  MipsOperandConverter(CodeGenerator* gen, Instruction* instr)
+      : InstructionOperandConverter(gen, instr) {}
+  FloatRegister OutputSingleRegister(int index = 0) {
+    return ToSingleRegister(instr_->OutputAt(index));
+  }
+  FloatRegister InputSingleRegister(int index) {
+    return ToSingleRegister(instr_->InputAt(index));
+  }
+  FloatRegister ToSingleRegister(InstructionOperand* op) {
+    // Single (Float) and Double register namespace is same on MIPS,
+    // both are typedefs of FPURegister.
+    return ToDoubleRegister(op);
+  }
+  Operand InputImmediate(int index) {
+    Constant constant = ToConstant(instr_->InputAt(index));
+    switch (constant.type()) {
+      case Constant::kInt32:
+        return Operand(constant.ToInt32());
+      case Constant::kInt64:
+        return Operand(constant.ToInt64());
+      case Constant::kFloat32:
+        return Operand(
+            isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(constant.ToFloat32(), TENURED));
+      case Constant::kFloat64:
+        return Operand(
+            isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(constant.ToFloat64(), TENURED));
+      case Constant::kExternalReference:
+      case Constant::kHeapObject:
+        // TODO(plind): Maybe we should handle ExtRef & HeapObj here?
+        //    maybe not done on arm due to const pool ??
+        break;
+      case Constant::kRpoNumber:
+        UNREACHABLE();  // TODO(titzer): RPO immediates on mips?
+        break;
+    }
+    return Operand(zero_reg);
+  }
+  Operand InputOperand(int index) {
+    InstructionOperand* op = instr_->InputAt(index);
+    if (op->IsRegister()) {
+      return Operand(ToRegister(op));
+    }
+    return InputImmediate(index);
+  }
+  MemOperand MemoryOperand(int* first_index) {
+    const int index = *first_index;
+    switch (AddressingModeField::decode(instr_->opcode())) {
+      case kMode_None:
+        break;
+      case kMode_MRI:
+        *first_index += 2;
+        return MemOperand(InputRegister(index + 0), InputInt32(index + 1));
+      case kMode_MRR:
+        // TODO(plind): r6 address mode, to be implemented ...
+        UNREACHABLE();
+    }
+    return MemOperand(no_reg);
+  }
+  MemOperand MemoryOperand(int index = 0) { return MemoryOperand(&index); }
+  MemOperand ToMemOperand(InstructionOperand* op) const {
+    DCHECK(op != NULL);
+    DCHECK(!op->IsRegister());
+    DCHECK(!op->IsDoubleRegister());
+    DCHECK(op->IsStackSlot() || op->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+    // The linkage computes where all spill slots are located.
+    FrameOffset offset = linkage()->GetFrameOffset(op->index(), frame(), 0);
+    return MemOperand(offset.from_stack_pointer() ? sp : fp, offset.offset());
+  }
+static inline bool HasRegisterInput(Instruction* instr, int index) {
+  return instr->InputAt(index)->IsRegister();
+namespace {
+class OutOfLineLoadSingle FINAL : public OutOfLineCode {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineLoadSingle(CodeGenerator* gen, FloatRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineCode(gen), result_(result) {}
+  void Generate() FINAL {
+    __ Move(result_, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+  }
+ private:
+  FloatRegister const result_;
+class OutOfLineLoadDouble FINAL : public OutOfLineCode {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineLoadDouble(CodeGenerator* gen, DoubleRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineCode(gen), result_(result) {}
+  void Generate() FINAL {
+    __ Move(result_, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
+  }
+ private:
+  DoubleRegister const result_;
+class OutOfLineLoadInteger FINAL : public OutOfLineCode {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineLoadInteger(CodeGenerator* gen, Register result)
+      : OutOfLineCode(gen), result_(result) {}
+  void Generate() FINAL { __ mov(result_, zero_reg); }
+ private:
+  Register const result_;
+class OutOfLineRound : public OutOfLineCode {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineRound(CodeGenerator* gen, DoubleRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineCode(gen), result_(result) {}
+  void Generate() FINAL {
+    // Handle rounding to zero case where sign has to be preserved.
+    // High bits of double input already in kScratchReg.
+    __ dsrl(at, kScratchReg, 31);
+    __ dsll(at, at, 31);
+    __ mthc1(at, result_);
+  }
+ private:
+  DoubleRegister const result_;
+class OutOfLineTruncate FINAL : public OutOfLineRound {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineTruncate(CodeGenerator* gen, DoubleRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineRound(gen, result) {}
+class OutOfLineFloor FINAL : public OutOfLineRound {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineFloor(CodeGenerator* gen, DoubleRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineRound(gen, result) {}
+class OutOfLineCeil FINAL : public OutOfLineRound {
+ public:
+  OutOfLineCeil(CodeGenerator* gen, DoubleRegister result)
+      : OutOfLineRound(gen, result) {}
+}  // namespace
+#define ASSEMBLE_CHECKED_LOAD_FLOAT(width, asm_instr)                         \
+  do {                                                                        \
+    auto result = i.Output##width##Register();                                \
+    auto ool = new (zone()) OutOfLineLoad##width(this, result);               \
+    if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsRegister()) {                                    \
+      auto offset = i.InputRegister(0);                                       \
+      __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, ool->entry(), hs, offset, i.InputOperand(1)); \
+      __ Daddu(at, i.InputRegister(2), offset);                               \
+      __ asm_instr(result, MemOperand(at, 0));                                \
+    } else {                                                                  \
+      auto offset = i.InputOperand(0).immediate();                            \
+      __ Branch(ool->entry(), ls, i.InputRegister(1), Operand(offset));       \
+      __ asm_instr(result, MemOperand(i.InputRegister(2), offset));           \
+    }                                                                         \
+    __ bind(ool->exit());                                                     \
+  } while (0)
+#define ASSEMBLE_CHECKED_LOAD_INTEGER(asm_instr)                              \
+  do {                                                                        \
+    auto result = i.OutputRegister();                                         \
+    auto ool = new (zone()) OutOfLineLoadInteger(this, result);               \
+    if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsRegister()) {                                    \
+      auto offset = i.InputRegister(0);                                       \
+      __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, ool->entry(), hs, offset, i.InputOperand(1)); \
+      __ Daddu(at, i.InputRegister(2), offset);                               \
+      __ asm_instr(result, MemOperand(at, 0));                                \
+    } else {                                                                  \
+      auto offset = i.InputOperand(0).immediate();                            \
+      __ Branch(ool->entry(), ls, i.InputRegister(1), Operand(offset));       \
+      __ asm_instr(result, MemOperand(i.InputRegister(2), offset));           \
+    }                                                                         \
+    __ bind(ool->exit());                                                     \
+  } while (0)
+#define ASSEMBLE_CHECKED_STORE_FLOAT(width, asm_instr)                 \
+  do {                                                                 \
+    Label done;                                                        \
+    if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsRegister()) {                             \
+      auto offset = i.InputRegister(0);                                \
+      auto value = i.Input##width##Register(2);                        \
+      __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, hs, offset, i.InputOperand(1)); \
+      __ Daddu(at, i.InputRegister(3), offset);                        \
+      __ asm_instr(value, MemOperand(at, 0));                          \
+    } else {                                                           \
+      auto offset = i.InputOperand(0).immediate();                     \
+      auto value = i.Input##width##Register(2);                        \
+      __ Branch(&done, ls, i.InputRegister(1), Operand(offset));       \
+      __ asm_instr(value, MemOperand(i.InputRegister(3), offset));     \
+    }                                                                  \
+    __ bind(&done);                                                    \
+  } while (0)
+#define ASSEMBLE_CHECKED_STORE_INTEGER(asm_instr)                      \
+  do {                                                                 \
+    Label done;                                                        \
+    if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsRegister()) {                             \
+      auto offset = i.InputRegister(0);                                \
+      auto value = i.InputRegister(2);                                 \
+      __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, hs, offset, i.InputOperand(1)); \
+      __ Daddu(at, i.InputRegister(3), offset);                        \
+      __ asm_instr(value, MemOperand(at, 0));                          \
+    } else {                                                           \
+      auto offset = i.InputOperand(0).immediate();                     \
+      auto value = i.InputRegister(2);                                 \
+      __ Branch(&done, ls, i.InputRegister(1), Operand(offset));       \
+      __ asm_instr(value, MemOperand(i.InputRegister(3), offset));     \
+    }                                                                  \
+    __ bind(&done);                                                    \
+  } while (0)
+#define ASSEMBLE_ROUND_DOUBLE_TO_DOUBLE(asm_instr, operation)                  \
+  do {                                                                         \
+    auto ool =                                                                 \
+        new (zone()) OutOfLine##operation(this, i.OutputDoubleRegister());     \
+    Label done;                                                                \
+    __ mfhc1(kScratchReg, i.InputDoubleRegister(0));                           \
+    __ Ext(at, kScratchReg, HeapNumber::kExponentShift,                        \
+           HeapNumber::kExponentBits);                                         \
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, hs, at,                                   \
+              Operand(HeapNumber::kExponentBias + HeapNumber::kMantissaBits)); \
+    __ mov_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0));              \
+    __ asm_instr(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0));          \
+    __ dmfc1(at, i.OutputDoubleRegister());                                    \
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, ool->entry(), eq, at, Operand(zero_reg));        \
+    __ cvt_d_l(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.OutputDoubleRegister());            \
+    __ bind(ool->exit());                                                      \
+    __ bind(&done);                                                            \
+  } while (0)
+// Assembles an instruction after register allocation, producing machine code.
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleArchInstruction(Instruction* instr) {
+  MipsOperandConverter i(this, instr);
+  InstructionCode opcode = instr->opcode();
+  switch (ArchOpcodeField::decode(opcode)) {
+    case kArchCallCodeObject: {
+      EnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt();
+      if (instr->InputAt(0)->IsImmediate()) {
+        __ Call(Handle<Code>::cast(i.InputHeapObject(0)),
+                RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
+      } else {
+        __ daddiu(at, i.InputRegister(0), Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
+        __ Call(at);
+      }
+      AddSafepointAndDeopt(instr);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kArchCallJSFunction: {
+      EnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt();
+      Register func = i.InputRegister(0);
+      if (FLAG_debug_code) {
+        // Check the function's context matches the context argument.
+        __ ld(kScratchReg, FieldMemOperand(func, JSFunction::kContextOffset));
+        __ Assert(eq, kWrongFunctionContext, cp, Operand(kScratchReg));
+      }
+      __ ld(at, FieldMemOperand(func, JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset));
+      __ Call(at);
+      AddSafepointAndDeopt(instr);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kArchJmp:
+      AssembleArchJump(i.InputRpo(0));
+      break;
+    case kArchNop:
+      // don't emit code for nops.
+      break;
+    case kArchRet:
+      AssembleReturn();
+      break;
+    case kArchStackPointer:
+      __ mov(i.OutputRegister(), sp);
+      break;
+    case kArchTruncateDoubleToI:
+      __ TruncateDoubleToI(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Add:
+      __ Addu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dadd:
+      __ Daddu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sub:
+      __ Subu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dsub:
+      __ Dsubu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Mul:
+      __ Mul(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64MulHigh:
+      __ Mulh(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64MulHighU:
+      __ Mulhu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Div:
+      __ Div(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64DivU:
+      __ Divu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Mod:
+      __ Mod(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64ModU:
+      __ Modu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dmul:
+      __ Dmul(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Ddiv:
+      __ Ddiv(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64DdivU:
+      __ Ddivu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dmod:
+      __ Dmod(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64DmodU:
+      __ Dmodu(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+      __ And(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64And:
+      __ And(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Or:
+      __ Or(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Xor:
+      __ Xor(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Shl:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ sllv(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        __ sll(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Shr:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ srlv(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        __ srl(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sar:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ srav(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        __ sra(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Ext:
+      __ Ext(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputInt8(1),
+             i.InputInt8(2));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dext:
+      __ Dext(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputInt8(1),
+              i.InputInt8(2));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dshl:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ dsllv(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        if (imm < 32) {
+          __ dsll(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+        } else {
+          __ dsll32(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm - 32);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dshr:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ dsrlv(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        if (imm < 32) {
+          __ dsrl(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+        } else {
+          __ dsrl32(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm - 32);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dsar:
+      if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+        __ dsrav(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(1));
+      } else {
+        int32_t imm = i.InputOperand(1).immediate();
+        if (imm < 32) {
+          __ dsra(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm);
+        } else {
+          __ dsra32(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), imm - 32);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64Ror:
+      __ Ror(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Dror:
+      __ Dror(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64Tst:
+    case kMips64Tst32:
+      // Pseudo-instruction used for cmp/branch. No opcode emitted here.
+      break;
+    case kMips64Cmp:
+    case kMips64Cmp32:
+      // Pseudo-instruction used for cmp/branch. No opcode emitted here.
+      break;
+    case kMips64Mov:
+      // TODO(plind): Should we combine mov/li like this, or use separate instr?
+      //    - Also see x64 ASSEMBLE_BINOP & RegisterOrOperandType
+      if (HasRegisterInput(instr, 0)) {
+        __ mov(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputRegister(0));
+      } else {
+        __ li(i.OutputRegister(), i.InputOperand(0));
+      }
+      break;
+    case kMips64CmpD:
+      // Psuedo-instruction used for FP cmp/branch. No opcode emitted here.
+      break;
+    case kMips64AddD:
+      // TODO(plind): add special case: combine mult & add.
+      __ add_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+               i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64SubD:
+      __ sub_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+               i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64MulD:
+      // TODO(plind): add special case: right op is -1.0, see arm port.
+      __ mul_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+               i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64DivD:
+      __ div_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+               i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+      break;
+    case kMips64ModD: {
+      // TODO(bmeurer): We should really get rid of this special instruction,
+      // and generate a CallAddress instruction instead.
+      FrameScope scope(masm(), StackFrame::MANUAL);
+      __ PrepareCallCFunction(0, 2, kScratchReg);
+      __ MovToFloatParameters(i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+                              i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+      __ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::mod_two_doubles_operation(isolate()),
+                       0, 2);
+      // Move the result in the double result register.
+      __ MovFromFloatResult(i.OutputDoubleRegister());
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64Float64Floor: {
+      ASSEMBLE_ROUND_DOUBLE_TO_DOUBLE(floor_l_d, Floor);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64Float64Ceil: {
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64Float64RoundTruncate: {
+      ASSEMBLE_ROUND_DOUBLE_TO_DOUBLE(trunc_l_d, Truncate);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64SqrtD: {
+      __ sqrt_d(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64CvtSD: {
+      __ cvt_s_d(i.OutputSingleRegister(), i.InputDoubleRegister(0));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64CvtDS: {
+      __ cvt_d_s(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputSingleRegister(0));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64CvtDW: {
+      FPURegister scratch = kScratchDoubleReg;
+      __ mtc1(i.InputRegister(0), scratch);
+      __ cvt_d_w(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), scratch);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64CvtDUw: {
+      FPURegister scratch = kScratchDoubleReg;
+      __ Cvt_d_uw(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.InputRegister(0), scratch);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64TruncWD: {
+      FPURegister scratch = kScratchDoubleReg;
+      // Other arches use round to zero here, so we follow.
+      __ trunc_w_d(scratch, i.InputDoubleRegister(0));
+      __ mfc1(i.OutputRegister(), scratch);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64TruncUwD: {
+      FPURegister scratch = kScratchDoubleReg;
+      // TODO(plind): Fix wrong param order of Trunc_uw_d() macro-asm function.
+      __ Trunc_uw_d(i.InputDoubleRegister(0), i.OutputRegister(), scratch);
+      break;
+    }
+    // ... more basic instructions ...
+    case kMips64Lbu:
+      __ lbu(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Lb:
+      __ lb(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sb:
+      __ sb(i.InputRegister(2), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Lhu:
+      __ lhu(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Lh:
+      __ lh(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sh:
+      __ sh(i.InputRegister(2), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Lw:
+      __ lw(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Ld:
+      __ ld(i.OutputRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sw:
+      __ sw(i.InputRegister(2), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sd:
+      __ sd(i.InputRegister(2), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Lwc1: {
+      __ lwc1(i.OutputSingleRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64Swc1: {
+      int index = 0;
+      MemOperand operand = i.MemoryOperand(&index);
+      __ swc1(i.InputSingleRegister(index), operand);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64Ldc1:
+      __ ldc1(i.OutputDoubleRegister(), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Sdc1:
+      __ sdc1(i.InputDoubleRegister(2), i.MemoryOperand());
+      break;
+    case kMips64Push:
+      __ Push(i.InputRegister(0));
+      break;
+    case kMips64StackClaim: {
+      int words = MiscField::decode(instr->opcode());
+      __ Dsubu(sp, sp, Operand(words << kPointerSizeLog2));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64StoreToStackSlot: {
+      int slot = MiscField::decode(instr->opcode());
+      __ sd(i.InputRegister(0), MemOperand(sp, slot << kPointerSizeLog2));
+      break;
+    }
+    case kMips64StoreWriteBarrier: {
+      Register object = i.InputRegister(0);
+      Register index = i.InputRegister(1);
+      Register value = i.InputRegister(2);
+      __ daddu(index, object, index);
+      __ sd(value, MemOperand(index));
+      SaveFPRegsMode mode =
+          frame()->DidAllocateDoubleRegisters() ? kSaveFPRegs : kDontSaveFPRegs;
+      RAStatus ra_status = kRAHasNotBeenSaved;
+      __ RecordWrite(object, index, value, ra_status, mode);
+      break;
+    }
+    case kCheckedLoadInt8:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadUint8:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadInt16:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadUint16:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadWord32:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadFloat32:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedLoadFloat64:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedStoreWord8:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedStoreWord16:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedStoreWord32:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedStoreFloat32:
+      break;
+    case kCheckedStoreFloat64:
+      break;
+  }
+#define UNSUPPORTED_COND(opcode, condition)                                  \
+  OFStream out(stdout);                                                      \
+  out << "Unsupported " << #opcode << " condition: \"" << condition << "\""; \
+// Assembles branches after an instruction.
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleArchBranch(Instruction* instr, BranchInfo* branch) {
+  MipsOperandConverter i(this, instr);
+  Label* tlabel = branch->true_label;
+  Label* flabel = branch->false_label;
+  Condition cc = kNoCondition;
+  // MIPS does not have condition code flags, so compare and branch are
+  // implemented differently than on the other arch's. The compare operations
+  // emit mips psuedo-instructions, which are handled here by branch
+  // instructions that do the actual comparison. Essential that the input
+  // registers to compare psuedo-op are not modified before this branch op, as
+  // they are tested here.
+  // TODO(plind): Add CHECK() to ensure that test/cmp and this branch were
+  //    not separated by other instructions.
+  if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Tst) {
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Tst, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ And(at, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    __ Branch(tlabel, cc, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Tst32) {
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Tst32, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    // Zero-extend registers on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+    // branch and compare op. is available.
+    // This is a disadvantage to perform 32-bit operation on MIPS64.
+    // Try to force globally in front-end Word64 representation to be preferred
+    // for MIPS64 even for Word32.
+    __ And(at, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    __ Dext(at, at, 0, 32);
+    __ Branch(tlabel, cc, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Dadd ||
+             instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Dsub) {
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kOverflow:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kNotOverflow:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Dadd, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ dsra32(kScratchReg, i.OutputRegister(), 0);
+    __ sra(at, i.OutputRegister(), 31);
+    __ Branch(tlabel, cc, at, Operand(kScratchReg));
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Cmp) {
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ge;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = gt;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+        cc = lo;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = hs;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ls;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = hi;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ Branch(tlabel, cc, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    if (!branch->fallthru) __ Branch(flabel);  // no fallthru to flabel.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Cmp32) {
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ge;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = gt;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+        cc = lo;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = hs;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ls;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = hi;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp32, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+      case kNotEqual:
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        // Sign-extend registers on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+        // branch and compare op. is available.
+        __ sll(i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(0), 0);
+        if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+          __ sll(i.InputRegister(1), i.InputRegister(1), 0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        // Zero-extend registers on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+        // branch and compare op. is available.
+        __ Dext(i.InputRegister(0), i.InputRegister(0), 0, 32);
+        if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+          __ Dext(i.InputRegister(1), i.InputRegister(1), 0, 32);
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ Branch(tlabel, cc, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    if (!branch->fallthru) __ Branch(flabel);  // no fallthru to flabel.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64CmpD) {
+    // TODO(dusmil) optimize unordered checks to use less instructions
+    // even if we have to unfold BranchF macro.
+    Label* nan = flabel;
+    switch (branch->condition) {
+      case kUnorderedEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        nan = tlabel;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedLessThan:
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ge;
+        nan = tlabel;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedGreaterThan:
+        cc = gt;
+        nan = tlabel;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64CmpD, branch->condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ BranchF(tlabel, nan, cc, i.InputDoubleRegister(0),
+               i.InputDoubleRegister(1));
+    if (!branch->fallthru) __ Branch(flabel);  // no fallthru to flabel.
+  } else {
+    PrintF("AssembleArchBranch Unimplemented arch_opcode: %d\n",
+           instr->arch_opcode());
+  }
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleArchJump(BasicBlock::RpoNumber target) {
+  if (!IsNextInAssemblyOrder(target)) __ Branch(GetLabel(target));
+// Assembles boolean materializations after an instruction.
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleArchBoolean(Instruction* instr,
+                                        FlagsCondition condition) {
+  MipsOperandConverter i(this, instr);
+  Label done;
+  // Materialize a full 32-bit 1 or 0 value. The result register is always the
+  // last output of the instruction.
+  Label false_value;
+  DCHECK_NE(0, instr->OutputCount());
+  Register result = i.OutputRegister(instr->OutputCount() - 1);
+  Condition cc = kNoCondition;
+  // MIPS does not have condition code flags, so compare and branch are
+  // implemented differently than on the other arch's. The compare operations
+  // emit mips pseudo-instructions, which are checked and handled here.
+  // For materializations, we use delay slot to set the result true, and
+  // in the false case, where we fall through the branch, we reset the result
+  // false.
+  if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Tst) {
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Tst, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ And(at, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, cc, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Tst32) {
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Tst, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    // Zero-extend register on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+    // branch and compare op. is available.
+    __ And(at, i.InputRegister(0), i.InputOperand(1));
+    __ Dext(at, at, 0, 32);
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, cc, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Dadd ||
+             instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Dsub) {
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kOverflow:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kNotOverflow:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64DAdd, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ dsra32(kScratchReg, i.OutputRegister(), 0);
+    __ sra(at, i.OutputRegister(), 31);
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, cc, at, Operand(kScratchReg));
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Cmp) {
+    Register left = i.InputRegister(0);
+    Operand right = i.InputOperand(1);
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ge;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = gt;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+        cc = lo;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = hs;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ls;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = hi;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, cc, left, right);
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64Cmp32) {
+    Register left = i.InputRegister(0);
+    Operand right = i.InputOperand(1);
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kNotEqual:
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ge;
+        break;
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = gt;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+        cc = lo;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        cc = hs;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+        cc = ls;
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        cc = hi;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kEqual:
+      case kNotEqual:
+      case kSignedLessThan:
+      case kSignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+      case kSignedLessThanOrEqual:
+      case kSignedGreaterThan:
+        // Sign-extend registers on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+        // branch and compare op. is available.
+        __ sll(left, left, 0);
+        if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+          __ sll(i.InputRegister(1), i.InputRegister(1), 0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case kUnsignedLessThan:
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+      case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+      case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+        // Zero-extend registers on MIPS64 only 64-bit operand
+        // branch and compare op. is available.
+        __ Dext(left, left, 0, 32);
+        if (instr->InputAt(1)->IsRegister()) {
+          __ Dext(i.InputRegister(1), i.InputRegister(1), 0, 32);
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp32, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, cc, left, right);
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot.
+  } else if (instr->arch_opcode() == kMips64CmpD) {
+    FPURegister left = i.InputDoubleRegister(0);
+    FPURegister right = i.InputDoubleRegister(1);
+    // TODO(plind): Provide NaN-testing macro-asm function without need for
+    // BranchF.
+    FPURegister dummy1 = f0;
+    FPURegister dummy2 = f2;
+    switch (condition) {
+      case kUnorderedEqual:
+        // TODO(plind):  improve the NaN testing throughout this function.
+        __ BranchF(NULL, &false_value, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        cc = eq;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedNotEqual:
+        __ BranchF(USE_DELAY_SLOT, NULL, &done, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot - returns 1 on NaN.
+        cc = ne;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedLessThan:
+        __ BranchF(NULL, &false_value, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        cc = lt;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+        __ BranchF(USE_DELAY_SLOT, NULL, &done, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot - returns 1 on NaN.
+        cc = ge;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedLessThanOrEqual:
+        __ BranchF(NULL, &false_value, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        cc = le;
+        break;
+      case kUnorderedGreaterThan:
+        __ BranchF(USE_DELAY_SLOT, NULL, &done, kNoCondition, dummy1, dummy2);
+        __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot - returns 1 on NaN.
+        cc = gt;
+        break;
+      default:
+        UNSUPPORTED_COND(kMips64Cmp, condition);
+        break;
+    }
+    __ BranchF(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &done, NULL, cc, left, right);
+    __ li(result, Operand(1));  // In delay slot - branch taken returns 1.
+                                // Fall-thru (branch not taken) returns 0.
+  } else {
+    PrintF("AssembleArchBranch Unimplemented arch_opcode is : %d\n",
+           instr->arch_opcode());
+  }
+  // Fallthru case is the false materialization.
+  __ bind(&false_value);
+  __ li(result, Operand(static_cast<int64_t>(0)));
+  __ bind(&done);
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleDeoptimizerCall(int deoptimization_id) {
+  Address deopt_entry = Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationEntry(
+      isolate(), deoptimization_id, Deoptimizer::LAZY);
+  __ Call(deopt_entry, RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY);
+void CodeGenerator::AssemblePrologue() {
+  CallDescriptor* descriptor = linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor();
+  if (descriptor->kind() == CallDescriptor::kCallAddress) {
+    __ Push(ra, fp);
+    __ mov(fp, sp);
+    const RegList saves = descriptor->CalleeSavedRegisters();
+    if (saves != 0) {  // Save callee-saved registers.
+      // TODO(plind): make callee save size const, possibly DCHECK it.
+      int register_save_area_size = 0;
+      for (int i = Register::kNumRegisters - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (!((1 << i) & saves)) continue;
+        register_save_area_size += kPointerSize;
+      }
+      frame()->SetRegisterSaveAreaSize(register_save_area_size);
+      __ MultiPush(saves);
+    }
+  } else if (descriptor->IsJSFunctionCall()) {
+    CompilationInfo* info = this->info();
+    __ Prologue(info->IsCodePreAgingActive());
+    frame()->SetRegisterSaveAreaSize(
+        StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp);
+    // Sloppy mode functions and builtins need to replace the receiver with the
+    // global proxy when called as functions (without an explicit receiver
+    // object).
+    // TODO(mstarzinger/verwaest): Should this be moved back into the CallIC?
+    if (info->strict_mode() == SLOPPY && !info->is_native()) {
+      Label ok;
+      // +2 for return address and saved frame pointer.
+      int receiver_slot = info->scope()->num_parameters() + 2;
+      __ ld(a2, MemOperand(fp, receiver_slot * kPointerSize));
+      __ LoadRoot(at, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
+      __ Branch(&ok, ne, a2, Operand(at));
+      __ ld(a2, GlobalObjectOperand());
+      __ ld(a2, FieldMemOperand(a2, GlobalObject::kGlobalProxyOffset));
+      __ sd(a2, MemOperand(fp, receiver_slot * kPointerSize));
+      __ bind(&ok);
+    }
+  } else {
+    __ StubPrologue();
+    frame()->SetRegisterSaveAreaSize(
+        StandardFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp);
+  }
+  int stack_slots = frame()->GetSpillSlotCount();
+  if (stack_slots > 0) {
+    __ Dsubu(sp, sp, Operand(stack_slots * kPointerSize));
+  }
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleReturn() {
+  CallDescriptor* descriptor = linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor();
+  if (descriptor->kind() == CallDescriptor::kCallAddress) {
+    if (frame()->GetRegisterSaveAreaSize() > 0) {
+      // Remove this frame's spill slots first.
+      int stack_slots = frame()->GetSpillSlotCount();
+      if (stack_slots > 0) {
+        __ Daddu(sp, sp, Operand(stack_slots * kPointerSize));
+      }
+      // Restore registers.
+      const RegList saves = descriptor->CalleeSavedRegisters();
+      if (saves != 0) {
+        __ MultiPop(saves);
+      }
+    }
+    __ mov(sp, fp);
+    __ Pop(ra, fp);
+    __ Ret();
+  } else {
+    __ mov(sp, fp);
+    __ Pop(ra, fp);
+    int pop_count = descriptor->IsJSFunctionCall()
+                        ? static_cast<int>(descriptor->JSParameterCount())
+                        : 0;
+    __ DropAndRet(pop_count);
+  }
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleMove(InstructionOperand* source,
+                                 InstructionOperand* destination) {
+  MipsOperandConverter g(this, NULL);
+  // Dispatch on the source and destination operand kinds.  Not all
+  // combinations are possible.
+  if (source->IsRegister()) {
+    DCHECK(destination->IsRegister() || destination->IsStackSlot());
+    Register src = g.ToRegister(source);
+    if (destination->IsRegister()) {
+      __ mov(g.ToRegister(destination), src);
+    } else {
+      __ sd(src, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsStackSlot()) {
+    DCHECK(destination->IsRegister() || destination->IsStackSlot());
+    MemOperand src = g.ToMemOperand(source);
+    if (destination->IsRegister()) {
+      __ ld(g.ToRegister(destination), src);
+    } else {
+      Register temp = kScratchReg;
+      __ ld(temp, src);
+      __ sd(temp, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsConstant()) {
+    Constant src = g.ToConstant(source);
+    if (destination->IsRegister() || destination->IsStackSlot()) {
+      Register dst =
+          destination->IsRegister() ? g.ToRegister(destination) : kScratchReg;
+      switch (src.type()) {
+        case Constant::kInt32:
+          __ li(dst, Operand(src.ToInt32()));
+          break;
+        case Constant::kFloat32:
+          __ li(dst, isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(src.ToFloat32(), TENURED));
+          break;
+        case Constant::kInt64:
+          __ li(dst, Operand(src.ToInt64()));
+          break;
+        case Constant::kFloat64:
+          __ li(dst, isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(src.ToFloat64(), TENURED));
+          break;
+        case Constant::kExternalReference:
+          __ li(dst, Operand(src.ToExternalReference()));
+          break;
+        case Constant::kHeapObject:
+          __ li(dst, src.ToHeapObject());
+          break;
+        case Constant::kRpoNumber:
+          UNREACHABLE();  // TODO(titzer): loading RPO numbers on mips64.
+          break;
+      }
+      if (destination->IsStackSlot()) __ sd(dst, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+    } else if (src.type() == Constant::kFloat32) {
+      if (destination->IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
+        MemOperand dst = g.ToMemOperand(destination);
+        __ li(at, Operand(bit_cast<int32_t>(src.ToFloat32())));
+        __ sw(at, dst);
+      } else {
+        FloatRegister dst = g.ToSingleRegister(destination);
+        __ Move(dst, src.ToFloat32());
+      }
+    } else {
+      DCHECK_EQ(Constant::kFloat64, src.type());
+      DoubleRegister dst = destination->IsDoubleRegister()
+                               ? g.ToDoubleRegister(destination)
+                               : kScratchDoubleReg;
+      __ Move(dst, src.ToFloat64());
+      if (destination->IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
+        __ sdc1(dst, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsDoubleRegister()) {
+    FPURegister src = g.ToDoubleRegister(source);
+    if (destination->IsDoubleRegister()) {
+      FPURegister dst = g.ToDoubleRegister(destination);
+      __ Move(dst, src);
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(destination->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+      __ sdc1(src, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
+    DCHECK(destination->IsDoubleRegister() || destination->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+    MemOperand src = g.ToMemOperand(source);
+    if (destination->IsDoubleRegister()) {
+      __ ldc1(g.ToDoubleRegister(destination), src);
+    } else {
+      FPURegister temp = kScratchDoubleReg;
+      __ ldc1(temp, src);
+      __ sdc1(temp, g.ToMemOperand(destination));
+    }
+  } else {
+  }
+void CodeGenerator::AssembleSwap(InstructionOperand* source,
+                                 InstructionOperand* destination) {
+  MipsOperandConverter g(this, NULL);
+  // Dispatch on the source and destination operand kinds.  Not all
+  // combinations are possible.
+  if (source->IsRegister()) {
+    // Register-register.
+    Register temp = kScratchReg;
+    Register src = g.ToRegister(source);
+    if (destination->IsRegister()) {
+      Register dst = g.ToRegister(destination);
+      __ Move(temp, src);
+      __ Move(src, dst);
+      __ Move(dst, temp);
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(destination->IsStackSlot());
+      MemOperand dst = g.ToMemOperand(destination);
+      __ mov(temp, src);
+      __ ld(src, dst);
+      __ sd(temp, dst);
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsStackSlot()) {
+    DCHECK(destination->IsStackSlot());
+    Register temp_0 = kScratchReg;
+    Register temp_1 = kScratchReg2;
+    MemOperand src = g.ToMemOperand(source);
+    MemOperand dst = g.ToMemOperand(destination);
+    __ ld(temp_0, src);
+    __ ld(temp_1, dst);
+    __ sd(temp_0, dst);
+    __ sd(temp_1, src);
+  } else if (source->IsDoubleRegister()) {
+    FPURegister temp = kScratchDoubleReg;
+    FPURegister src = g.ToDoubleRegister(source);
+    if (destination->IsDoubleRegister()) {
+      FPURegister dst = g.ToDoubleRegister(destination);
+      __ Move(temp, src);
+      __ Move(src, dst);
+      __ Move(dst, temp);
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(destination->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+      MemOperand dst = g.ToMemOperand(destination);
+      __ Move(temp, src);
+      __ ldc1(src, dst);
+      __ sdc1(temp, dst);
+    }
+  } else if (source->IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
+    DCHECK(destination->IsDoubleStackSlot());
+    Register temp_0 = kScratchReg;
+    FPURegister temp_1 = kScratchDoubleReg;
+    MemOperand src0 = g.ToMemOperand(source);
+    MemOperand src1(src0.rm(), src0.offset() + kPointerSize);
+    MemOperand dst0 = g.ToMemOperand(destination);
+    MemOperand dst1(dst0.rm(), dst0.offset() + kPointerSize);
+    __ ldc1(temp_1, dst0);  // Save destination in temp_1.
+    __ lw(temp_0, src0);    // Then use temp_0 to copy source to destination.
+    __ sw(temp_0, dst0);
+    __ lw(temp_0, src1);
+    __ sw(temp_0, dst1);
+    __ sdc1(temp_1, src0);
+  } else {
+    // No other combinations are possible.
+  }
+void CodeGenerator::AddNopForSmiCodeInlining() {
+  // Unused on 32-bit ARM. Still exists on 64-bit arm.
+  // TODO(plind): Unclear when this is called now. Understand, fix if needed.
+  __ nop();  // Maybe PROPERTY_ACCESS_INLINED?
+void CodeGenerator::EnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt() {
+  int space_needed = Deoptimizer::patch_size();
+  if (!info()->IsStub()) {
+    // Ensure that we have enough space after the previous lazy-bailout
+    // instruction for patching the code here.
+    int current_pc = masm()->pc_offset();
+    if (current_pc < last_lazy_deopt_pc_ + space_needed) {
+      // Block tramoline pool emission for duration of padding.
+      v8::internal::Assembler::BlockTrampolinePoolScope block_trampoline_pool(
+          masm());
+      int padding_size = last_lazy_deopt_pc_ + space_needed - current_pc;
+      DCHECK_EQ(0, padding_size % v8::internal::Assembler::kInstrSize);
+      while (padding_size > 0) {
+        __ nop();
+        padding_size -= v8::internal::Assembler::kInstrSize;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  MarkLazyDeoptSite();
+#undef __
+}  // namespace compiler
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8
diff --git a/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-codes-mips64.h b/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-codes-mips64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd019f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-codes-mips64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+// MIPS64-specific opcodes that specify which assembly sequence to emit.
+// Most opcodes specify a single instruction.
+  V(Mips64Add)                     \
+  V(Mips64Dadd)                    \
+  V(Mips64Sub)                     \
+  V(Mips64Dsub)                    \
+  V(Mips64Mul)                     \
+  V(Mips64MulHigh)                 \
+  V(Mips64MulHighU)                \
+  V(Mips64Dmul)                    \
+  V(Mips64Div)                     \
+  V(Mips64Ddiv)                    \
+  V(Mips64DivU)                    \
+  V(Mips64DdivU)                   \
+  V(Mips64Mod)                     \
+  V(Mips64Dmod)                    \
+  V(Mips64ModU)                    \
+  V(Mips64DmodU)                   \
+  V(Mips64And)                     \
+  V(Mips64Or)                      \
+  V(Mips64Xor)                     \
+  V(Mips64Shl)                     \
+  V(Mips64Shr)                     \
+  V(Mips64Sar)                     \
+  V(Mips64Ext)                     \
+  V(Mips64Dext)                    \
+  V(Mips64Dshl)                    \
+  V(Mips64Dshr)                    \
+  V(Mips64Dsar)                    \
+  V(Mips64Ror)                     \
+  V(Mips64Dror)                    \
+  V(Mips64Mov)                     \
+  V(Mips64Tst)                     \
+  V(Mips64Tst32)                   \
+  V(Mips64Cmp)                     \
+  V(Mips64Cmp32)                   \
+  V(Mips64CmpD)                    \
+  V(Mips64AddD)                    \
+  V(Mips64SubD)                    \
+  V(Mips64MulD)                    \
+  V(Mips64DivD)                    \
+  V(Mips64ModD)                    \
+  V(Mips64SqrtD)                   \
+  V(Mips64Float64Floor)            \
+  V(Mips64Float64Ceil)             \
+  V(Mips64Float64RoundTruncate)    \
+  V(Mips64CvtSD)                   \
+  V(Mips64CvtDS)                   \
+  V(Mips64TruncWD)                 \
+  V(Mips64TruncUwD)                \
+  V(Mips64CvtDW)                   \
+  V(Mips64CvtDUw)                  \
+  V(Mips64Lb)                      \
+  V(Mips64Lbu)                     \
+  V(Mips64Sb)                      \
+  V(Mips64Lh)                      \
+  V(Mips64Lhu)                     \
+  V(Mips64Sh)                      \
+  V(Mips64Ld)                      \
+  V(Mips64Lw)                      \
+  V(Mips64Sw)                      \
+  V(Mips64Sd)                      \
+  V(Mips64Lwc1)                    \
+  V(Mips64Swc1)                    \
+  V(Mips64Ldc1)                    \
+  V(Mips64Sdc1)                    \
+  V(Mips64Push)                    \
+  V(Mips64StoreToStackSlot)        \
+  V(Mips64StackClaim)              \
+  V(Mips64StoreWriteBarrier)
+// Addressing modes represent the "shape" of inputs to an instruction.
+// Many instructions support multiple addressing modes. Addressing modes
+// are encoded into the InstructionCode of the instruction and tell the
+// code generator after register allocation which assembler method to call.
+// We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
+// R = register
+// O = register or stack slot
+// D = double register
+// I = immediate (handle, external, int32)
+// MRI = [register + immediate]
+// MRR = [register + register]
+// TODO(plind): Add the new r6 address modes.
+  V(MRI) /* [%r0 + K] */               \
+  V(MRR) /* [%r0 + %r1] */
+}  // namespace compiler
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8
diff --git a/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-selector-mips64.cc b/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-selector-mips64.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ad16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/mips64/instruction-selector-mips64.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/base/bits.h"
+#include "src/compiler/instruction-selector-impl.h"
+#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+#define TRACE_UNIMPL() \
+  PrintF("UNIMPLEMENTED instr_sel: %s at line %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+#define TRACE() PrintF("instr_sel: %s at line %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
+// Adds Mips-specific methods for generating InstructionOperands.
+class Mips64OperandGenerator FINAL : public OperandGenerator {
+ public:
+  explicit Mips64OperandGenerator(InstructionSelector* selector)
+      : OperandGenerator(selector) {}
+  InstructionOperand* UseOperand(Node* node, InstructionCode opcode) {
+    if (CanBeImmediate(node, opcode)) {
+      return UseImmediate(node);
+    }
+    return UseRegister(node);
+  }
+  bool CanBeImmediate(Node* node, InstructionCode opcode) {
+    int64_t value;
+    if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt32Constant)
+      value = OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
+    else if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt64Constant)
+      value = OpParameter<int64_t>(node);
+    else
+      return false;
+    switch (ArchOpcodeField::decode(opcode)) {
+      case kMips64Shl:
+      case kMips64Sar:
+      case kMips64Shr:
+        return is_uint5(value);
+      case kMips64Dshl:
+      case kMips64Dsar:
+      case kMips64Dshr:
+        return is_uint6(value);
+      case kMips64Xor:
+        return is_uint16(value);
+      case kMips64Ldc1:
+      case kMips64Sdc1:
+        return is_int16(value + kIntSize);
+      default:
+        return is_int16(value);
+    }
+  }
+  bool CanBeImmediate(Node* node, InstructionCode opcode,
+                      FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+    int64_t value;
+    if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt32Constant)
+      value = OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
+    else if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kInt64Constant)
+      value = OpParameter<int64_t>(node);
+    else
+      return false;
+    switch (ArchOpcodeField::decode(opcode)) {
+      case kMips64Cmp32:
+        switch (cont->condition()) {
+          case kUnsignedLessThan:
+          case kUnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual:
+          case kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual:
+          case kUnsignedGreaterThan:
+            // Immediate operands for unsigned 32-bit compare operations
+            // should not be sign-extended.
+            return is_uint15(value);
+          default:
+            return false;
+        }
+      default:
+        return is_int16(value);
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  bool ImmediateFitsAddrMode1Instruction(int32_t imm) const {
+    return false;
+  }
+static void VisitRR(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode,
+                    Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+                 g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+static void VisitRRR(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode,
+                     Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+                 g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+                 g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(1)));
+static void VisitRRO(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode,
+                     Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+                 g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+                 g.UseOperand(node->InputAt(1), opcode));
+static void VisitBinop(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                       InstructionCode opcode, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  InstructionOperand* inputs[4];
+  size_t input_count = 0;
+  InstructionOperand* outputs[2];
+  size_t output_count = 0;
+  inputs[input_count++] = g.UseRegister(m.left().node());
+  inputs[input_count++] = g.UseOperand(m.right().node(), opcode);
+  if (cont->IsBranch()) {
+    inputs[input_count++] = g.Label(cont->true_block());
+    inputs[input_count++] = g.Label(cont->false_block());
+  }
+  outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(node);
+  if (cont->IsSet()) {
+    outputs[output_count++] = g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result());
+  }
+  DCHECK_NE(0, input_count);
+  DCHECK_NE(0, output_count);
+  DCHECK_GE(arraysize(inputs), input_count);
+  DCHECK_GE(arraysize(outputs), output_count);
+  Instruction* instr = selector->Emit(cont->Encode(opcode), output_count,
+                                      outputs, input_count, inputs);
+  if (cont->IsBranch()) instr->MarkAsControl();
+static void VisitBinop(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                       InstructionCode opcode) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont;
+  VisitBinop(selector, node, opcode, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitLoad(Node* node) {
+  MachineType rep = RepresentationOf(OpParameter<LoadRepresentation>(node));
+  MachineType typ = TypeOf(OpParameter<LoadRepresentation>(node));
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Node* base = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
+  ArchOpcode opcode;
+  switch (rep) {
+    case kRepFloat32:
+      opcode = kMips64Lwc1;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat64:
+      opcode = kMips64Ldc1;
+      break;
+    case kRepBit:  // Fall through.
+    case kRepWord8:
+      opcode = typ == kTypeUint32 ? kMips64Lbu : kMips64Lb;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord16:
+      opcode = typ == kTypeUint32 ? kMips64Lhu : kMips64Lh;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord32:
+      opcode = kMips64Lw;
+      break;
+    case kRepTagged:  // Fall through.
+    case kRepWord64:
+      opcode = kMips64Ld;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  if (g.CanBeImmediate(index, opcode)) {
+    Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI),
+         g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(base), g.UseImmediate(index));
+  } else {
+    InstructionOperand* addr_reg = g.TempRegister();
+    Emit(kMips64Dadd | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), addr_reg,
+         g.UseRegister(index), g.UseRegister(base));
+    // Emit desired load opcode, using temp addr_reg.
+    Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI),
+         g.DefineAsRegister(node), addr_reg, g.TempImmediate(0));
+  }
+void InstructionSelector::VisitStore(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Node* base = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* index = node->InputAt(1);
+  Node* value = node->InputAt(2);
+  StoreRepresentation store_rep = OpParameter<StoreRepresentation>(node);
+  MachineType rep = RepresentationOf(store_rep.machine_type());
+  if (store_rep.write_barrier_kind() == kFullWriteBarrier) {
+    DCHECK(rep == kRepTagged);
+    // TODO(dcarney): refactor RecordWrite function to take temp registers
+    //                and pass them here instead of using fixed regs
+    // TODO(dcarney): handle immediate indices.
+    InstructionOperand* temps[] = {g.TempRegister(t1), g.TempRegister(t2)};
+    Emit(kMips64StoreWriteBarrier, NULL, g.UseFixed(base, t0),
+         g.UseFixed(index, t1), g.UseFixed(value, t2), arraysize(temps), temps);
+    return;
+  }
+  DCHECK_EQ(kNoWriteBarrier, store_rep.write_barrier_kind());
+  ArchOpcode opcode;
+  switch (rep) {
+    case kRepFloat32:
+      opcode = kMips64Swc1;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat64:
+      opcode = kMips64Sdc1;
+      break;
+    case kRepBit:  // Fall through.
+    case kRepWord8:
+      opcode = kMips64Sb;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord16:
+      opcode = kMips64Sh;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord32:
+      opcode = kMips64Sw;
+      break;
+    case kRepTagged:  // Fall through.
+    case kRepWord64:
+      opcode = kMips64Sd;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  if (g.CanBeImmediate(index, opcode)) {
+    Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI), NULL,
+         g.UseRegister(base), g.UseImmediate(index), g.UseRegister(value));
+  } else {
+    InstructionOperand* addr_reg = g.TempRegister();
+    Emit(kMips64Dadd | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), addr_reg,
+         g.UseRegister(index), g.UseRegister(base));
+    // Emit desired store opcode, using temp addr_reg.
+    Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI), NULL, addr_reg,
+         g.TempImmediate(0), g.UseRegister(value));
+  }
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32And(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64And);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64And(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64And);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Or(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Or);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Or(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Or);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Xor(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Xor);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Xor(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Xor);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Shl(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Shl, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Shr(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Shr, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Sar(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Sar, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Shl(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Dshl, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Shr(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Dshr, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Sar(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Dsar, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Ror(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Ror, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Ror(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRO(this, kMips64Dror, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Add(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  // TODO(plind): Consider multiply & add optimization from arm port.
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Add);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Add(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  // TODO(plind): Consider multiply & add optimization from arm port.
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dadd);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Sub(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Sub);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Sub(Node* node) {
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dsub);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Mul(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  if (m.right().HasValue() && m.right().Value() > 0) {
+    int32_t value = m.right().Value();
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value)) {
+      Emit(kMips64Shl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value)));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value - 1)) {
+      InstructionOperand* temp = g.TempRegister();
+      Emit(kMips64Shl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), temp,
+           g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value - 1)));
+      Emit(kMips64Add | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()), temp);
+      return;
+    }
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value + 1)) {
+      InstructionOperand* temp = g.TempRegister();
+      Emit(kMips64Shl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), temp,
+           g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value + 1)));
+      Emit(kMips64Sub | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), temp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()));
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  Emit(kMips64Mul, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32MulHigh(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64MulHigh, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+       g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(1)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32MulHigh(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  InstructionOperand* const dmul_operand = g.TempRegister();
+  Emit(kMips64MulHighU, dmul_operand, g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+       g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(1)));
+  Emit(kMips64Ext, g.DefineAsRegister(node), dmul_operand, g.TempImmediate(0),
+       g.TempImmediate(32));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Mul(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  // TODO(dusmil): Add optimization for shifts larger than 32.
+  if (m.right().HasValue() && m.right().Value() > 0) {
+    int64_t value = m.right().Value();
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value)) {
+      Emit(kMips64Dshl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value)));
+      return;
+    }
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value - 1)) {
+      InstructionOperand* temp = g.TempRegister();
+      Emit(kMips64Dshl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), temp,
+           g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value - 1)));
+      Emit(kMips64Dadd | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()), temp);
+      return;
+    }
+    if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(value + 1)) {
+      InstructionOperand* temp = g.TempRegister();
+      Emit(kMips64Dshl | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None), temp,
+           g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+           g.TempImmediate(WhichPowerOf2(value + 1)));
+      Emit(kMips64Dsub | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_None),
+           g.DefineAsRegister(node), temp, g.UseRegister(m.left().node()));
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  Emit(kMips64Dmul, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Div(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64Div, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32Div(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64DivU, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32Mod(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64Mod, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32Mod(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64ModU, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Div(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64Ddiv, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint64Div(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64DdivU, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64Mod(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64Dmod, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint64Mod(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  Emit(kMips64DmodU, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(m.left().node()),
+       g.UseRegister(m.right().node()));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeFloat32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64CvtDS, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeInt32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64CvtDW, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeUint32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64CvtDUw, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+       g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeFloat64ToInt32(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64TruncWD, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+       g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeFloat64ToUint32(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64TruncUwD, g.DefineAsRegister(node),
+       g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeInt32ToInt64(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64Shl, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+       g.TempImmediate(0));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitChangeUint32ToUint64(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64Dext, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+       g.TempImmediate(0), g.TempImmediate(32));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitTruncateInt64ToInt32(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64Ext, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)),
+       g.TempImmediate(0), g.TempImmediate(32));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitTruncateFloat64ToFloat32(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64CvtSD, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Add(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRR(this, kMips64AddD, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Sub(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRR(this, kMips64SubD, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Mul(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRR(this, kMips64MulD, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Div(Node* node) {
+  VisitRRR(this, kMips64DivD, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Mod(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64ModD, g.DefineAsFixed(node, f0),
+       g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(0), f12),
+       g.UseFixed(node->InputAt(1), f14))->MarkAsCall();
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Sqrt(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Emit(kMips64SqrtD, g.DefineAsRegister(node), g.UseRegister(node->InputAt(0)));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Floor(Node* node) {
+  VisitRR(this, kMips64Float64Floor, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Ceil(Node* node) {
+  VisitRR(this, kMips64Float64Ceil, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64RoundTruncate(Node* node) {
+  VisitRR(this, kMips64Float64RoundTruncate, node);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64RoundTiesAway(Node* node) {
+void InstructionSelector::VisitCall(Node* node) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  const CallDescriptor* descriptor = OpParameter<const CallDescriptor*>(node);
+  FrameStateDescriptor* frame_state_descriptor = NULL;
+  if (descriptor->NeedsFrameState()) {
+    frame_state_descriptor =
+        GetFrameStateDescriptor(node->InputAt(descriptor->InputCount()));
+  }
+  CallBuffer buffer(zone(), descriptor, frame_state_descriptor);
+  // Compute InstructionOperands for inputs and outputs.
+  InitializeCallBuffer(node, &buffer, true, false);
+  int push_count = buffer.pushed_nodes.size();
+  if (push_count > 0) {
+    Emit(kMips64StackClaim | MiscField::encode(push_count), NULL);
+  }
+  int slot = buffer.pushed_nodes.size() - 1;
+  for (NodeVectorRIter input = buffer.pushed_nodes.rbegin();
+       input != buffer.pushed_nodes.rend(); input++) {
+    Emit(kMips64StoreToStackSlot | MiscField::encode(slot), NULL,
+         g.UseRegister(*input));
+    slot--;
+  }
+  // Select the appropriate opcode based on the call type.
+  InstructionCode opcode;
+  switch (descriptor->kind()) {
+    case CallDescriptor::kCallCodeObject: {
+      opcode = kArchCallCodeObject;
+      break;
+    }
+    case CallDescriptor::kCallJSFunction:
+      opcode = kArchCallJSFunction;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  opcode |= MiscField::encode(descriptor->flags());
+  // Emit the call instruction.
+  Instruction* call_instr =
+      Emit(opcode, buffer.outputs.size(), &buffer.outputs.front(),
+           buffer.instruction_args.size(), &buffer.instruction_args.front());
+  call_instr->MarkAsCall();
+void InstructionSelector::VisitCheckedLoad(Node* node) {
+  MachineType rep = RepresentationOf(OpParameter<MachineType>(node));
+  MachineType typ = TypeOf(OpParameter<MachineType>(node));
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Node* const buffer = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* const offset = node->InputAt(1);
+  Node* const length = node->InputAt(2);
+  ArchOpcode opcode;
+  switch (rep) {
+    case kRepWord8:
+      opcode = typ == kTypeInt32 ? kCheckedLoadInt8 : kCheckedLoadUint8;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord16:
+      opcode = typ == kTypeInt32 ? kCheckedLoadInt16 : kCheckedLoadUint16;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord32:
+      opcode = kCheckedLoadWord32;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat32:
+      opcode = kCheckedLoadFloat32;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat64:
+      opcode = kCheckedLoadFloat64;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  InstructionOperand* offset_operand = g.CanBeImmediate(offset, opcode)
+                                           ? g.UseImmediate(offset)
+                                           : g.UseRegister(offset);
+  InstructionOperand* length_operand =
+      (!g.CanBeImmediate(offset, opcode)) ? g.CanBeImmediate(length, opcode)
+      ? g.UseImmediate(length)
+      : g.UseRegister(length)
+      : g.UseRegister(length);
+  Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI),
+       g.DefineAsRegister(node), offset_operand, length_operand,
+       g.UseRegister(buffer));
+void InstructionSelector::VisitCheckedStore(Node* node) {
+  MachineType rep = RepresentationOf(OpParameter<MachineType>(node));
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(this);
+  Node* const buffer = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* const offset = node->InputAt(1);
+  Node* const length = node->InputAt(2);
+  Node* const value = node->InputAt(3);
+  ArchOpcode opcode;
+  switch (rep) {
+    case kRepWord8:
+      opcode = kCheckedStoreWord8;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord16:
+      opcode = kCheckedStoreWord16;
+      break;
+    case kRepWord32:
+      opcode = kCheckedStoreWord32;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat32:
+      opcode = kCheckedStoreFloat32;
+      break;
+    case kRepFloat64:
+      opcode = kCheckedStoreFloat64;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return;
+  }
+  InstructionOperand* offset_operand = g.CanBeImmediate(offset, opcode)
+                                           ? g.UseImmediate(offset)
+                                           : g.UseRegister(offset);
+  InstructionOperand* length_operand =
+      (!g.CanBeImmediate(offset, opcode)) ? g.CanBeImmediate(length, opcode)
+      ? g.UseImmediate(length)
+      : g.UseRegister(length)
+      : g.UseRegister(length);
+  Emit(opcode | AddressingModeField::encode(kMode_MRI), nullptr, offset_operand,
+       length_operand, g.UseRegister(value), g.UseRegister(buffer));
+namespace {
+// Shared routine for multiple compare operations.
+static void VisitCompare(InstructionSelector* selector, InstructionCode opcode,
+                         InstructionOperand* left, InstructionOperand* right,
+                         FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  opcode = cont->Encode(opcode);
+  if (cont->IsBranch()) {
+    selector->Emit(opcode, NULL, left, right, g.Label(cont->true_block()),
+                   g.Label(cont->false_block()))->MarkAsControl();
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(cont->IsSet());
+    selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result()), left, right);
+  }
+// Shared routine for multiple float compare operations.
+void VisitFloat64Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                         FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  Node* left = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* right = node->InputAt(1);
+  VisitCompare(selector, kMips64CmpD, g.UseRegister(left), g.UseRegister(right),
+               cont);
+// Shared routine for multiple word compare operations.
+void VisitWordCompare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                      InstructionCode opcode, FlagsContinuation* cont,
+                      bool commutative) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  Node* left = node->InputAt(0);
+  Node* right = node->InputAt(1);
+  // Match immediates on left or right side of comparison.
+  if (g.CanBeImmediate(right, opcode, cont)) {
+    VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(left), g.UseImmediate(right),
+                 cont);
+  } else if (g.CanBeImmediate(left, opcode, cont)) {
+    if (!commutative) cont->Commute();
+    VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(right), g.UseImmediate(left),
+                 cont);
+  } else {
+    VisitCompare(selector, opcode, g.UseRegister(left), g.UseRegister(right),
+                 cont);
+  }
+void VisitWord32Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                        FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  VisitWordCompare(selector, node, kMips64Cmp32, cont, false);
+void VisitWord64Compare(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* node,
+                        FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  VisitWordCompare(selector, node, kMips64Cmp, cont, false);
+}  // namespace
+void EmitWordCompareZero(InstructionSelector* selector, InstructionCode opcode,
+                         Node* value, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  Mips64OperandGenerator g(selector);
+  opcode = cont->Encode(opcode);
+  InstructionOperand* const value_operand = g.UseRegister(value);
+  if (cont->IsBranch()) {
+    selector->Emit(opcode, nullptr, value_operand, g.TempImmediate(0),
+                   g.Label(cont->true_block()),
+                   g.Label(cont->false_block()))->MarkAsControl();
+  } else {
+    selector->Emit(opcode, g.DefineAsRegister(cont->result()), value_operand,
+                   g.TempImmediate(0));
+  }
+// Shared routine for word comparisons against zero.
+void VisitWordCompareZero(InstructionSelector* selector, Node* user,
+                          Node* value, FlagsContinuation* cont) {
+  // Initially set comparison against 0 to be 64-bit variant for branches that
+  // cannot combine.
+  InstructionCode opcode = kMips64Cmp;
+  while (selector->CanCover(user, value)) {
+    if (user->opcode() == IrOpcode::kWord32Equal) {
+      opcode = kMips64Cmp32;
+    }
+    switch (value->opcode()) {
+      case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal: {
+        // Combine with comparisons against 0 by simply inverting the
+        // continuation.
+        Int32BinopMatcher m(value);
+        if (m.right().Is(0)) {
+          user = value;
+          value = m.left().node();
+          cont->Negate();
+          opcode = kMips64Cmp32;
+          continue;
+        }
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kEqual);
+        return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      }
+      case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kSignedLessThan);
+        return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kSignedLessThanOrEqual);
+        return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnsignedLessThan);
+        return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual);
+        return VisitWord32Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kWord64Equal: {
+        // Combine with comparisons against 0 by simply inverting the
+        // continuation.
+        Int64BinopMatcher m(value);
+        if (m.right().Is(0)) {
+          user = value;
+          value = m.left().node();
+          cont->Negate();
+          continue;
+        }
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kEqual);
+        return VisitWord64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      }
+      case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThan:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kSignedLessThan);
+        return VisitWord64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThanOrEqual:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kSignedLessThanOrEqual);
+        return VisitWord64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kUint64LessThan:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnsignedLessThan);
+        return VisitWord64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Equal:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnorderedEqual);
+        return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThan:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnorderedLessThan);
+        return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThanOrEqual:
+        cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kUnorderedLessThanOrEqual);
+        return VisitFloat64Compare(selector, value, cont);
+      case IrOpcode::kProjection:
+        // Check if this is the overflow output projection of an
+        // <Operation>WithOverflow node.
+        if (OpParameter<size_t>(value) == 1u) {
+          // We cannot combine the <Operation>WithOverflow with this branch
+          // unless the 0th projection (the use of the actual value of the
+          // <Operation> is either NULL, which means there's no use of the
+          // actual value, or was already defined, which means it is scheduled
+          // *AFTER* this branch).
+          Node* node = value->InputAt(0);
+          Node* result = node->FindProjection(0);
+          if (result == NULL || selector->IsDefined(result)) {
+            switch (node->opcode()) {
+              case IrOpcode::kInt32AddWithOverflow:
+                cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kOverflow);
+                return VisitBinop(selector, node, kMips64Dadd, cont);
+              case IrOpcode::kInt32SubWithOverflow:
+                cont->OverwriteAndNegateIfEqual(kOverflow);
+                return VisitBinop(selector, node, kMips64Dsub, cont);
+              default:
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
+        return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kMips64Tst32, cont, true);
+      case IrOpcode::kWord64And:
+        return VisitWordCompare(selector, value, kMips64Tst, cont, true);
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  // Continuation could not be combined with a compare, emit compare against 0.
+  EmitWordCompareZero(selector, opcode, value, cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitBranch(Node* branch, BasicBlock* tbranch,
+                                      BasicBlock* fbranch) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kNotEqual, tbranch, fbranch);
+  VisitWordCompareZero(this, branch, branch->InputAt(0), &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord32Equal(Node* const node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kEqual, node);
+  Int32BinopMatcher m(node);
+  if (m.right().Is(0)) {
+    return VisitWordCompareZero(this, m.node(), m.left().node(), &cont);
+  }
+  VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32LessThan(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kSignedLessThan, node);
+  VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kSignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
+  VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32LessThan(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnsignedLessThan, node);
+  VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnsignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
+  VisitWord32Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32AddWithOverflow(Node* node) {
+  if (Node* ovf = node->FindProjection(1)) {
+    FlagsContinuation cont(kOverflow, ovf);
+    return VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dadd, &cont);
+  }
+  FlagsContinuation cont;
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dadd, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt32SubWithOverflow(Node* node) {
+  if (Node* ovf = node->FindProjection(1)) {
+    FlagsContinuation cont(kOverflow, ovf);
+    return VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dsub, &cont);
+  }
+  FlagsContinuation cont;
+  VisitBinop(this, node, kMips64Dsub, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitWord64Equal(Node* const node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kEqual, node);
+  Int64BinopMatcher m(node);
+  if (m.right().Is(0)) {
+    return VisitWordCompareZero(this, m.node(), m.left().node(), &cont);
+  }
+  VisitWord64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64LessThan(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kSignedLessThan, node);
+  VisitWord64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitInt64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kSignedLessThanOrEqual, node);
+  VisitWord64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitUint64LessThan(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnsignedLessThan, node);
+  VisitWord64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64Equal(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnorderedEqual, node);
+  VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64LessThan(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnorderedLessThan, node);
+  VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+void InstructionSelector::VisitFloat64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
+  FlagsContinuation cont(kUnorderedLessThanOrEqual, node);
+  VisitFloat64Compare(this, node, &cont);
+// static
+InstructionSelector::SupportedMachineOperatorFlags() {
+  return MachineOperatorBuilder::kFloat64Floor |
+         MachineOperatorBuilder::kFloat64Ceil |
+         MachineOperatorBuilder::kFloat64RoundTruncate;
+}  // namespace compiler
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8
diff --git a/src/compiler/mips64/linkage-mips64.cc b/src/compiler/mips64/linkage-mips64.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e1a590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/mips64/linkage-mips64.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/v8.h"
+#include "src/assembler.h"
+#include "src/code-stubs.h"
+#include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
+#include "src/compiler/linkage-impl.h"
+#include "src/zone.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace compiler {
+struct MipsLinkageHelperTraits {
+  static Register ReturnValueReg() { return v0; }
+  static Register ReturnValue2Reg() { return v1; }
+  static Register JSCallFunctionReg() { return a1; }
+  static Register ContextReg() { return cp; }
+  static Register RuntimeCallFunctionReg() { return a1; }
+  static Register RuntimeCallArgCountReg() { return a0; }
+  static RegList CCalleeSaveRegisters() {
+    return s0.bit() | s1.bit() | s2.bit() | s3.bit() | s4.bit() | s5.bit() |
+           s6.bit() | s7.bit();
+  }
+  static Register CRegisterParameter(int i) {
+    static Register register_parameters[] = {a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7};
+    return register_parameters[i];
+  }
+  static int CRegisterParametersLength() { return 8; }
+typedef LinkageHelper<MipsLinkageHelperTraits> LH;
+CallDescriptor* Linkage::GetJSCallDescriptor(int parameter_count, Zone* zone,
+                                             CallDescriptor::Flags flags) {
+  return LH::GetJSCallDescriptor(zone, parameter_count, flags);
+CallDescriptor* Linkage::GetRuntimeCallDescriptor(
+    Runtime::FunctionId function, int parameter_count,
+    Operator::Properties properties, Zone* zone) {
+  return LH::GetRuntimeCallDescriptor(zone, function, parameter_count,
+                                      properties);
+CallDescriptor* Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(
+    const CallInterfaceDescriptor& descriptor, int stack_parameter_count,
+    CallDescriptor::Flags flags, Operator::Properties properties, Zone* zone) {
+  return LH::GetStubCallDescriptor(zone, descriptor, stack_parameter_count,
+                                   flags, properties);
+CallDescriptor* Linkage::GetSimplifiedCDescriptor(Zone* zone,
+                                                  MachineSignature* sig) {
+  return LH::GetSimplifiedCDescriptor(zone, sig);
+}  // namespace compiler
+}  // namespace internal
+}  // namespace v8