Update V8 to version

This is a cherry-pick of all commits up to and including the cherry-pick in Chromium.

Original commit message:

Version (cherry-pick)

Merged 206e9136bde0f2b5ae8cb77afbb1e7833e5bd412

Unlink pages from the space page list after evacuation.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/953813002

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/4.1@{#22}
Cr-Branched-From: 2e08d2a7aa9d65d269d8c57aba82eb38a8cb0a18-refs/heads/candidates@{#25353}



Change-Id: I8c23c7bbb70772b4858fe8a47b64fa97ee0d1f8c
diff --git a/src/compiler/pipeline.cc b/src/compiler/pipeline.cc
index 9889b6a..c7432c6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/pipeline.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/pipeline.cc
@@ -4,29 +4,42 @@
 #include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
+#include <fstream>  // NOLINT(readability/streams)
+#include <sstream>
 #include "src/base/platform/elapsed-timer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/ast-graph-builder.h"
+#include "src/compiler/ast-loop-assignment-analyzer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/basic-block-instrumentor.h"
 #include "src/compiler/change-lowering.h"
 #include "src/compiler/code-generator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/common-operator-reducer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/control-reducer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/graph-replay.h"
 #include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/instruction.h"
 #include "src/compiler/instruction-selector.h"
+#include "src/compiler/js-builtin-reducer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/js-context-specialization.h"
 #include "src/compiler/js-generic-lowering.h"
 #include "src/compiler/js-inlining.h"
 #include "src/compiler/js-typed-lowering.h"
+#include "src/compiler/jump-threading.h"
+#include "src/compiler/load-elimination.h"
 #include "src/compiler/machine-operator-reducer.h"
-#include "src/compiler/phi-reducer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/move-optimizer.h"
+#include "src/compiler/pipeline-statistics.h"
 #include "src/compiler/register-allocator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/register-allocator-verifier.h"
 #include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
 #include "src/compiler/scheduler.h"
+#include "src/compiler/select-lowering.h"
 #include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering.h"
 #include "src/compiler/simplified-operator-reducer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/typer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/value-numbering-reducer.h"
 #include "src/compiler/verifier.h"
-#include "src/hydrogen.h"
+#include "src/compiler/zone-pool.h"
 #include "src/ostreams.h"
 #include "src/utils.h"
@@ -34,47 +47,202 @@
 namespace internal {
 namespace compiler {
-class PhaseStats {
+class PipelineData {
+  explicit PipelineData(ZonePool* zone_pool, CompilationInfo* info)
+      : isolate_(info->zone()->isolate()),
+        info_(info),
+        outer_zone_(nullptr),
+        zone_pool_(zone_pool),
+        pipeline_statistics_(nullptr),
+        compilation_failed_(false),
+        code_(Handle<Code>::null()),
+        graph_zone_scope_(zone_pool_),
+        graph_zone_(nullptr),
+        graph_(nullptr),
+        loop_assignment_(nullptr),
+        machine_(nullptr),
+        common_(nullptr),
+        javascript_(nullptr),
+        jsgraph_(nullptr),
+        typer_(nullptr),
+        context_node_(nullptr),
+        schedule_(nullptr),
+        instruction_zone_scope_(zone_pool_),
+        instruction_zone_(nullptr),
+        sequence_(nullptr),
+        frame_(nullptr),
+        register_allocator_(nullptr) {}
-  PhaseStats(CompilationInfo* info, PhaseKind kind, const char* name)
-      : info_(info),
-        kind_(kind),
-        name_(name),
-        size_(info->zone()->allocation_size()) {
-    if (FLAG_turbo_stats) {
-      timer_.Start();
-    }
+  ~PipelineData() {
+    DeleteInstructionZone();
+    DeleteGraphZone();
-  ~PhaseStats() {
-    if (FLAG_turbo_stats) {
-      base::TimeDelta delta = timer_.Elapsed();
-      size_t bytes = info_->zone()->allocation_size() - size_;
-      HStatistics* stats = info_->isolate()->GetTStatistics();
-      stats->SaveTiming(name_, delta, static_cast<int>(bytes));
+  // For main entry point.
+  void Initialize(PipelineStatistics* pipeline_statistics) {
+    PhaseScope scope(pipeline_statistics, "init pipeline data");
+    outer_zone_ = info()->zone();
+    pipeline_statistics_ = pipeline_statistics;
+    graph_zone_ = graph_zone_scope_.zone();
+    graph_ = new (graph_zone()) Graph(graph_zone());
+    source_positions_.Reset(new SourcePositionTable(graph()));
+    machine_ = new (graph_zone()) MachineOperatorBuilder(
+        graph_zone(), kMachPtr,
+        InstructionSelector::SupportedMachineOperatorFlags());
+    common_ = new (graph_zone()) CommonOperatorBuilder(graph_zone());
+    javascript_ = new (graph_zone()) JSOperatorBuilder(graph_zone());
+    jsgraph_ =
+        new (graph_zone()) JSGraph(graph(), common(), javascript(), machine());
+    typer_.Reset(new Typer(graph(), info()->context()));
+    instruction_zone_ = instruction_zone_scope_.zone();
+  }
-      switch (kind_) {
-        case CREATE_GRAPH:
-          stats->IncrementCreateGraph(delta);
-          break;
-        case OPTIMIZATION:
-          stats->IncrementOptimizeGraph(delta);
-          break;
-        case CODEGEN:
-          stats->IncrementGenerateCode(delta);
-          break;
-      }
-    }
+  // For machine graph testing entry point.
+  void InitializeTorTesting(Graph* graph, Schedule* schedule) {
+    graph_ = graph;
+    source_positions_.Reset(new SourcePositionTable(graph));
+    schedule_ = schedule;
+    instruction_zone_ = instruction_zone_scope_.zone();
+  }
+  // For register allocation testing entry point.
+  void InitializeTorTesting(InstructionSequence* sequence) {
+    instruction_zone_ = sequence->zone();
+    sequence_ = sequence;
+  }
+  Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+  CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
+  ZonePool* zone_pool() const { return zone_pool_; }
+  PipelineStatistics* pipeline_statistics() { return pipeline_statistics_; }
+  bool compilation_failed() const { return compilation_failed_; }
+  void set_compilation_failed() { compilation_failed_ = true; }
+  Handle<Code> code() { return code_; }
+  void set_code(Handle<Code> code) {
+    DCHECK(code_.is_null());
+    code_ = code;
+  }
+  // RawMachineAssembler generally produces graphs which cannot be verified.
+  bool MayHaveUnverifiableGraph() const { return outer_zone_ == nullptr; }
+  Zone* graph_zone() const { return graph_zone_; }
+  Graph* graph() const { return graph_; }
+  SourcePositionTable* source_positions() const {
+    return source_positions_.get();
+  }
+  MachineOperatorBuilder* machine() const { return machine_; }
+  CommonOperatorBuilder* common() const { return common_; }
+  JSOperatorBuilder* javascript() const { return javascript_; }
+  JSGraph* jsgraph() const { return jsgraph_; }
+  Typer* typer() const { return typer_.get(); }
+  LoopAssignmentAnalysis* loop_assignment() const { return loop_assignment_; }
+  void set_loop_assignment(LoopAssignmentAnalysis* loop_assignment) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, loop_assignment_);
+    loop_assignment_ = loop_assignment;
+  }
+  Node* context_node() const { return context_node_; }
+  void set_context_node(Node* context_node) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, context_node_);
+    context_node_ = context_node;
+  }
+  Schedule* schedule() const { return schedule_; }
+  void set_schedule(Schedule* schedule) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, schedule_);
+    schedule_ = schedule;
+  }
+  Zone* instruction_zone() const { return instruction_zone_; }
+  InstructionSequence* sequence() const { return sequence_; }
+  Frame* frame() const { return frame_; }
+  RegisterAllocator* register_allocator() const { return register_allocator_; }
+  void DeleteGraphZone() {
+    // Destroy objects with destructors first.
+    source_positions_.Reset(nullptr);
+    typer_.Reset(nullptr);
+    if (graph_zone_ == nullptr) return;
+    // Destroy zone and clear pointers.
+    graph_zone_scope_.Destroy();
+    graph_zone_ = nullptr;
+    graph_ = nullptr;
+    loop_assignment_ = nullptr;
+    machine_ = nullptr;
+    common_ = nullptr;
+    javascript_ = nullptr;
+    jsgraph_ = nullptr;
+    context_node_ = nullptr;
+    schedule_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  void DeleteInstructionZone() {
+    if (instruction_zone_ == nullptr) return;
+    instruction_zone_scope_.Destroy();
+    instruction_zone_ = nullptr;
+    sequence_ = nullptr;
+    frame_ = nullptr;
+    register_allocator_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  void InitializeInstructionSequence() {
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, sequence_);
+    InstructionBlocks* instruction_blocks =
+        InstructionSequence::InstructionBlocksFor(instruction_zone(),
+                                                  schedule());
+    sequence_ = new (instruction_zone())
+        InstructionSequence(instruction_zone(), instruction_blocks);
+  }
+  void InitializeRegisterAllocator(Zone* local_zone,
+                                   const RegisterConfiguration* config,
+                                   const char* debug_name) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, register_allocator_);
+    DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, frame_);
+    frame_ = new (instruction_zone()) Frame();
+    register_allocator_ = new (instruction_zone())
+        RegisterAllocator(config, local_zone, frame(), sequence(), debug_name);
+  Isolate* isolate_;
   CompilationInfo* info_;
-  PhaseKind kind_;
-  const char* name_;
-  size_t size_;
-  base::ElapsedTimer timer_;
+  Zone* outer_zone_;
+  ZonePool* const zone_pool_;
+  PipelineStatistics* pipeline_statistics_;
+  bool compilation_failed_;
+  Handle<Code> code_;
+  // All objects in the following group of fields are allocated in graph_zone_.
+  // They are all set to NULL when the graph_zone_ is destroyed.
+  ZonePool::Scope graph_zone_scope_;
+  Zone* graph_zone_;
+  Graph* graph_;
+  // TODO(dcarney): make this into a ZoneObject.
+  SmartPointer<SourcePositionTable> source_positions_;
+  LoopAssignmentAnalysis* loop_assignment_;
+  MachineOperatorBuilder* machine_;
+  CommonOperatorBuilder* common_;
+  JSOperatorBuilder* javascript_;
+  JSGraph* jsgraph_;
+  // TODO(dcarney): make this into a ZoneObject.
+  SmartPointer<Typer> typer_;
+  Node* context_node_;
+  Schedule* schedule_;
+  // All objects in the following group of fields are allocated in
+  // instruction_zone_.  They are all set to NULL when the instruction_zone_ is
+  // destroyed.
+  ZonePool::Scope instruction_zone_scope_;
+  Zone* instruction_zone_;
+  InstructionSequence* sequence_;
+  Frame* frame_;
+  RegisterAllocator* register_allocator_;
@@ -87,41 +255,46 @@
-void Pipeline::VerifyAndPrintGraph(Graph* graph, const char* phase) {
-  if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
-    char buffer[256];
-    Vector<char> filename(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
-    if (!info_->shared_info().is_null()) {
-      SmartArrayPointer<char> functionname =
-          info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString();
-      if (strlen(functionname.get()) > 0) {
-        SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%s-%s.dot", functionname.get(), phase);
-      } else {
-        SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%p-%s.dot", static_cast<void*>(info_), phase);
-      }
-    } else {
-      SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-none-%s.dot", phase);
-    }
-    std::replace(filename.start(), filename.start() + filename.length(), ' ',
-                 '_');
-    FILE* file = base::OS::FOpen(filename.start(), "w+");
-    OFStream of(file);
-    of << AsDOT(*graph);
-    fclose(file);
+struct TurboCfgFile : public std::ofstream {
+  explicit TurboCfgFile(Isolate* isolate)
+      : std::ofstream(isolate->GetTurboCfgFileName().c_str(),
+                      std::ios_base::app) {}
-    OFStream os(stdout);
-    os << "-- " << phase << " graph printed to file " << filename.start()
-       << "\n";
+static void TraceSchedule(Schedule* schedule) {
+  if (!FLAG_trace_turbo_graph && !FLAG_trace_turbo_scheduler) return;
+  OFStream os(stdout);
+  os << "-- Schedule --------------------------------------\n" << *schedule;
+static SmartArrayPointer<char> GetDebugName(CompilationInfo* info) {
+  SmartArrayPointer<char> name;
+  if (info->IsStub()) {
+    if (info->code_stub() != NULL) {
+      CodeStub::Major major_key = info->code_stub()->MajorKey();
+      const char* major_name = CodeStub::MajorName(major_key, false);
+      size_t len = strlen(major_name);
+      name.Reset(new char[len]);
+      memcpy(name.get(), major_name, len);
+    }
+  } else {
+    AllowHandleDereference allow_deref;
+    name = info->function()->debug_name()->ToCString();
-  if (VerifyGraphs()) Verifier::Run(graph);
+  return name;
 class AstGraphBuilderWithPositions : public AstGraphBuilder {
-  explicit AstGraphBuilderWithPositions(CompilationInfo* info, JSGraph* jsgraph,
-                                        SourcePositionTable* source_positions)
-      : AstGraphBuilder(info, jsgraph), source_positions_(source_positions) {}
+  AstGraphBuilderWithPositions(Zone* local_zone, CompilationInfo* info,
+                               JSGraph* jsgraph,
+                               LoopAssignmentAnalysis* loop_assignment,
+                               SourcePositionTable* source_positions)
+      : AstGraphBuilder(local_zone, info, jsgraph, loop_assignment),
+        source_positions_(source_positions) {}
   bool CreateGraph() {
     SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(source_positions_,
@@ -130,7 +303,7 @@
 #define DEF_VISIT(type)                                               \
-  virtual void Visit##type(type* node) OVERRIDE {                  \
+  void Visit##type(type* node) OVERRIDE {                             \
     SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(source_positions_,                 \
                                    SourcePosition(node->position())); \
     AstGraphBuilder::Visit##type(node);                               \
@@ -138,220 +311,613 @@
 #undef DEF_VISIT
+  Node* GetFunctionContext() { return AstGraphBuilder::GetFunctionContext(); }
   SourcePositionTable* source_positions_;
-static void TraceSchedule(Schedule* schedule) {
-  if (!FLAG_trace_turbo) return;
-  OFStream os(stdout);
-  os << "-- Schedule --------------------------------------\n" << *schedule;
+class PipelineRunScope {
+ public:
+  PipelineRunScope(PipelineData* data, const char* phase_name)
+      : phase_scope_(
+            phase_name == nullptr ? nullptr : data->pipeline_statistics(),
+            phase_name),
+        zone_scope_(data->zone_pool()) {}
+  Zone* zone() { return zone_scope_.zone(); }
+ private:
+  PhaseScope phase_scope_;
+  ZonePool::Scope zone_scope_;
+template <typename Phase>
+void Pipeline::Run() {
+  PipelineRunScope scope(this->data_, Phase::phase_name());
+  Phase phase;
+  phase.Run(this->data_, scope.zone());
+template <typename Phase, typename Arg0>
+void Pipeline::Run(Arg0 arg_0) {
+  PipelineRunScope scope(this->data_, Phase::phase_name());
+  Phase phase;
+  phase.Run(this->data_, scope.zone(), arg_0);
+struct LoopAssignmentAnalysisPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "loop assignment analysis"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    AstLoopAssignmentAnalyzer analyzer(data->graph_zone(), data->info());
+    LoopAssignmentAnalysis* loop_assignment = analyzer.Analyze();
+    data->set_loop_assignment(loop_assignment);
+  }
+struct GraphBuilderPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "graph builder"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    AstGraphBuilderWithPositions graph_builder(
+        temp_zone, data->info(), data->jsgraph(), data->loop_assignment(),
+        data->source_positions());
+    if (graph_builder.CreateGraph()) {
+      data->set_context_node(graph_builder.GetFunctionContext());
+    } else {
+      data->set_compilation_failed();
+    }
+  }
+struct ContextSpecializerPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "context specializing"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    JSContextSpecializer spec(data->info(), data->jsgraph(),
+                              data->context_node());
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(data->graph(), temp_zone);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&spec);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+struct InliningPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "inlining"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    JSInliner inliner(temp_zone, data->info(), data->jsgraph());
+    inliner.Inline();
+  }
+struct TyperPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "typer"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) { data->typer()->Run(); }
+struct TypedLoweringPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "typed lowering"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    ValueNumberingReducer vn_reducer(temp_zone);
+    LoadElimination load_elimination;
+    JSBuiltinReducer builtin_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    JSTypedLowering typed_lowering(data->jsgraph(), temp_zone);
+    SimplifiedOperatorReducer simple_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    CommonOperatorReducer common_reducer;
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(data->graph(), temp_zone);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&vn_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&builtin_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&typed_lowering);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&load_elimination);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&simple_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&common_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+struct SimplifiedLoweringPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "simplified lowering"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    SimplifiedLowering lowering(data->jsgraph(), temp_zone);
+    lowering.LowerAllNodes();
+    ValueNumberingReducer vn_reducer(temp_zone);
+    SimplifiedOperatorReducer simple_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    MachineOperatorReducer machine_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    CommonOperatorReducer common_reducer;
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(data->graph(), temp_zone);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&vn_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&simple_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&machine_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&common_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+struct ChangeLoweringPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "change lowering"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    Linkage linkage(data->graph_zone(), data->info());
+    ValueNumberingReducer vn_reducer(temp_zone);
+    SimplifiedOperatorReducer simple_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    ChangeLowering lowering(data->jsgraph(), &linkage);
+    MachineOperatorReducer machine_reducer(data->jsgraph());
+    CommonOperatorReducer common_reducer;
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(data->graph(), temp_zone);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&vn_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&simple_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&lowering);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&machine_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&common_reducer);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+struct ControlReductionPhase {
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    ControlReducer::ReduceGraph(temp_zone, data->jsgraph(), data->common());
+  }
+struct EarlyControlReductionPhase : ControlReductionPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "early control reduction"; }
+struct LateControlReductionPhase : ControlReductionPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "late control reduction"; }
+struct GenericLoweringPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "generic lowering"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(data->source_positions(),
+                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
+    JSGenericLowering generic(data->info(), data->jsgraph());
+    SelectLowering select(data->jsgraph()->graph(), data->jsgraph()->common());
+    GraphReducer graph_reducer(data->graph(), temp_zone);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&generic);
+    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&select);
+    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  }
+struct ComputeSchedulePhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "scheduling"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    Schedule* schedule = Scheduler::ComputeSchedule(temp_zone, data->graph());
+    TraceSchedule(schedule);
+    if (VerifyGraphs()) ScheduleVerifier::Run(schedule);
+    data->set_schedule(schedule);
+  }
+struct InstructionSelectionPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "select instructions"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone, Linkage* linkage) {
+    InstructionSelector selector(temp_zone, data->graph(), linkage,
+                                 data->sequence(), data->schedule(),
+                                 data->source_positions());
+    selector.SelectInstructions();
+  }
+struct MeetRegisterConstraintsPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "meet register constraints"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->MeetRegisterConstraints();
+  }
+struct ResolvePhisPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "resolve phis"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->ResolvePhis();
+  }
+struct BuildLiveRangesPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "build live ranges"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->BuildLiveRanges();
+  }
+struct AllocateGeneralRegistersPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "allocate general registers"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->AllocateGeneralRegisters();
+  }
+struct AllocateDoubleRegistersPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "allocate double registers"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->AllocateDoubleRegisters();
+  }
+struct ReuseSpillSlotsPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "reuse spill slots"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->ReuseSpillSlots();
+  }
+struct CommitAssignmentPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "commit assignment"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->CommitAssignment();
+  }
+struct PopulatePointerMapsPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "populate pointer maps"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->PopulatePointerMaps();
+  }
+struct ConnectRangesPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "connect ranges"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->ConnectRanges();
+  }
+struct ResolveControlFlowPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "resolve control flow"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    data->register_allocator()->ResolveControlFlow();
+  }
+struct OptimizeMovesPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "optimize moves"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    MoveOptimizer move_optimizer(temp_zone, data->sequence());
+    move_optimizer.Run();
+  }
+struct JumpThreadingPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "jump threading"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone) {
+    ZoneVector<BasicBlock::RpoNumber> result(temp_zone);
+    if (JumpThreading::ComputeForwarding(temp_zone, result, data->sequence())) {
+      JumpThreading::ApplyForwarding(result, data->sequence());
+    }
+  }
+struct GenerateCodePhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return "generate code"; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone, Linkage* linkage) {
+    CodeGenerator generator(data->frame(), linkage, data->sequence(),
+                            data->info());
+    data->set_code(generator.GenerateCode());
+  }
+struct PrintGraphPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return nullptr; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone, const char* phase) {
+    CompilationInfo* info = data->info();
+    Graph* graph = data->graph();
+    char buffer[256];
+    Vector<char> filename(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    SmartArrayPointer<char> functionname;
+    if (!info->shared_info().is_null()) {
+      functionname = info->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString();
+      if (strlen(functionname.get()) > 0) {
+        SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%s-%s", functionname.get(), phase);
+      } else {
+        SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-%p-%s", static_cast<void*>(info), phase);
+      }
+    } else {
+      SNPrintF(filename, "turbo-none-%s", phase);
+    }
+    std::replace(filename.start(), filename.start() + filename.length(), ' ',
+                 '_');
+    {  // Print dot.
+      char dot_buffer[256];
+      Vector<char> dot_filename(dot_buffer, sizeof(dot_buffer));
+      SNPrintF(dot_filename, "%s.dot", filename.start());
+      FILE* dot_file = base::OS::FOpen(dot_filename.start(), "w+");
+      if (dot_file == nullptr) return;
+      OFStream dot_of(dot_file);
+      dot_of << AsDOT(*graph);
+      fclose(dot_file);
+    }
+    {  // Print JSON.
+      char json_buffer[256];
+      Vector<char> json_filename(json_buffer, sizeof(json_buffer));
+      SNPrintF(json_filename, "%s.json", filename.start());
+      FILE* json_file = base::OS::FOpen(json_filename.start(), "w+");
+      if (json_file == nullptr) return;
+      OFStream json_of(json_file);
+      json_of << AsJSON(*graph);
+      fclose(json_file);
+    }
+    OFStream os(stdout);
+    if (FLAG_trace_turbo_graph) {  // Simple textual RPO.
+      os << "-- Graph after " << phase << " -- " << std::endl;
+      os << AsRPO(*graph);
+    }
+    os << "-- " << phase << " graph printed to file " << filename.start()
+       << std::endl;
+  }
+struct VerifyGraphPhase {
+  static const char* phase_name() { return nullptr; }
+  void Run(PipelineData* data, Zone* temp_zone, const bool untyped) {
+    Verifier::Run(data->graph(), FLAG_turbo_types && !untyped
+                                     ? Verifier::TYPED
+                                     : Verifier::UNTYPED);
+  }
+void Pipeline::BeginPhaseKind(const char* phase_kind_name) {
+  if (data_->pipeline_statistics() != NULL) {
+    data_->pipeline_statistics()->BeginPhaseKind(phase_kind_name);
+  }
+void Pipeline::RunPrintAndVerify(const char* phase, bool untyped) {
+  if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
+    Run<PrintGraphPhase>(phase);
+  }
+  if (VerifyGraphs()) {
+    Run<VerifyGraphPhase>(untyped);
+  }
 Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCode() {
+  // This list must be kept in sync with DONT_TURBOFAN_NODE in ast.cc.
   if (info()->function()->dont_optimize_reason() == kTryCatchStatement ||
       info()->function()->dont_optimize_reason() == kTryFinallyStatement ||
       // TODO(turbofan): Make ES6 for-of work and remove this bailout.
       info()->function()->dont_optimize_reason() == kForOfStatement ||
       // TODO(turbofan): Make super work and remove this bailout.
       info()->function()->dont_optimize_reason() == kSuperReference ||
+      // TODO(turbofan): Make class literals work and remove this bailout.
+      info()->function()->dont_optimize_reason() == kClassLiteral ||
       // TODO(turbofan): Make OSR work and remove this bailout.
       info()->is_osr()) {
     return Handle<Code>::null();
-  if (FLAG_turbo_stats) isolate()->GetTStatistics()->Initialize(info_);
+  ZonePool zone_pool(isolate());
+  SmartPointer<PipelineStatistics> pipeline_statistics;
+  if (FLAG_turbo_stats) {
+    pipeline_statistics.Reset(new PipelineStatistics(info(), &zone_pool));
+    pipeline_statistics->BeginPhaseKind("initializing");
+  }
+  PipelineData data(&zone_pool, info());
+  this->data_ = &data;
+  data.Initialize(pipeline_statistics.get());
+  BeginPhaseKind("graph creation");
   if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
     OFStream os(stdout);
     os << "---------------------------------------------------\n"
-       << "Begin compiling method "
-       << info()->function()->debug_name()->ToCString().get()
-       << " using Turbofan" << endl;
+       << "Begin compiling method " << GetDebugName(info()).get()
+       << " using Turbofan" << std::endl;
+    TurboCfgFile tcf(isolate());
+    tcf << AsC1VCompilation(info());
-  // Build the graph.
-  Graph graph(zone());
-  SourcePositionTable source_positions(&graph);
-  source_positions.AddDecorator();
-  // TODO(turbofan): there is no need to type anything during initial graph
-  // construction.  This is currently only needed for the node cache, which the
-  // typer could sweep over later.
-  Typer typer(zone());
-  MachineOperatorBuilder machine;
-  CommonOperatorBuilder common(zone());
-  JSOperatorBuilder javascript(zone());
-  JSGraph jsgraph(&graph, &common, &javascript, &typer, &machine);
-  Node* context_node;
-  {
-    PhaseStats graph_builder_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH,
-                                   "graph builder");
-    AstGraphBuilderWithPositions graph_builder(info(), &jsgraph,
-                                               &source_positions);
-    graph_builder.CreateGraph();
-    context_node = graph_builder.GetFunctionContext();
-  }
-  {
-    PhaseStats phi_reducer_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH,
-                                 "phi reduction");
-    PhiReducer phi_reducer;
-    GraphReducer graph_reducer(&graph);
-    graph_reducer.AddReducer(&phi_reducer);
-    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
-    // TODO(mstarzinger): Running reducer once ought to be enough for everyone.
-    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
-    graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  data.source_positions()->AddDecorator();
+  if (FLAG_loop_assignment_analysis) {
+    Run<LoopAssignmentAnalysisPhase>();
-  VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Initial untyped");
+  Run<GraphBuilderPhase>();
+  if (data.compilation_failed()) return Handle<Code>::null();
+  RunPrintAndVerify("Initial untyped", true);
+  Run<EarlyControlReductionPhase>();
+  RunPrintAndVerify("Early Control reduced", true);
   if (info()->is_context_specializing()) {
-    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
     // Specialize the code to the context as aggressively as possible.
-    JSContextSpecializer spec(info(), &jsgraph, context_node);
-    spec.SpecializeToContext();
-    VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Context specialized");
+    Run<ContextSpecializerPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Context specialized", true);
   if (info()->is_inlining_enabled()) {
-    SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                   SourcePosition::Unknown());
-    JSInliner inliner(info(), &jsgraph);
-    inliner.Inline();
-    VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Inlined");
+    Run<InliningPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Inlined", true);
-  // Print a replay of the initial graph.
   if (FLAG_print_turbo_replay) {
-    GraphReplayPrinter::PrintReplay(&graph);
+    // Print a replay of the initial graph.
+    GraphReplayPrinter::PrintReplay(data.graph());
+  // Bailout here in case target architecture is not supported.
+  if (!SupportedTarget()) return Handle<Code>::null();
   if (info()->is_typing_enabled()) {
-    {
-      // Type the graph.
-      PhaseStats typer_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH, "typer");
-      typer.Run(&graph, info()->context());
-      VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Typed");
-    }
-    // All new nodes must be typed.
-    typer.DecorateGraph(&graph);
-    {
-      // Lower JSOperators where we can determine types.
-      PhaseStats lowering_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH,
-                                "typed lowering");
-      SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                     SourcePosition::Unknown());
-      JSTypedLowering lowering(&jsgraph);
-      GraphReducer graph_reducer(&graph);
-      graph_reducer.AddReducer(&lowering);
-      graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
-      VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Lowered typed");
-    }
-    {
-      // Lower simplified operators and insert changes.
-      PhaseStats lowering_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH,
-                                "simplified lowering");
-      SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                     SourcePosition::Unknown());
-      SimplifiedLowering lowering(&jsgraph);
-      lowering.LowerAllNodes();
-      VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Lowered simplified");
-    }
-    {
-      // Lower changes that have been inserted before.
-      PhaseStats lowering_stats(info(), PhaseStats::OPTIMIZATION,
-                                "change lowering");
-      SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                     SourcePosition::Unknown());
-      Linkage linkage(info());
-      // TODO(turbofan): Value numbering disabled for now.
-      // ValueNumberingReducer vn_reducer(zone());
-      SimplifiedOperatorReducer simple_reducer(&jsgraph);
-      ChangeLowering lowering(&jsgraph, &linkage);
-      MachineOperatorReducer mach_reducer(&jsgraph);
-      GraphReducer graph_reducer(&graph);
-      // TODO(titzer): Figure out if we should run all reducers at once here.
-      // graph_reducer.AddReducer(&vn_reducer);
-      graph_reducer.AddReducer(&simple_reducer);
-      graph_reducer.AddReducer(&lowering);
-      graph_reducer.AddReducer(&mach_reducer);
-      graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
-      VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Lowered changes");
-    }
+    // Type the graph.
+    Run<TyperPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Typed");
-  Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>::null();
-  if (SupportedTarget()) {
-    {
-      // Lower any remaining generic JSOperators.
-      PhaseStats lowering_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CREATE_GRAPH,
-                                "generic lowering");
-      SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
-                                     SourcePosition::Unknown());
-      JSGenericLowering lowering(info(), &jsgraph);
-      GraphReducer graph_reducer(&graph);
-      graph_reducer.AddReducer(&lowering);
-      graph_reducer.ReduceGraph();
+  BeginPhaseKind("lowering");
-      VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Lowered generic");
-    }
+  if (info()->is_typing_enabled()) {
+    // Lower JSOperators where we can determine types.
+    Run<TypedLoweringPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Lowered typed");
-    {
-      // Compute a schedule.
-      Schedule* schedule = ComputeSchedule(&graph);
-      // Generate optimized code.
-      PhaseStats codegen_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CODEGEN, "codegen");
-      Linkage linkage(info());
-      code = GenerateCode(&linkage, &graph, schedule, &source_positions);
-      info()->SetCode(code);
-    }
+    // Lower simplified operators and insert changes.
+    Run<SimplifiedLoweringPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Lowered simplified");
-    // Print optimized code.
-    v8::internal::CodeGenerator::PrintCode(code, info());
+    // Lower changes that have been inserted before.
+    Run<ChangeLoweringPhase>();
+    // // TODO(jarin, rossberg): Remove UNTYPED once machine typing works.
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Lowered changes", true);
+    Run<LateControlReductionPhase>();
+    RunPrintAndVerify("Late Control reduced");
+  // Lower any remaining generic JSOperators.
+  Run<GenericLoweringPhase>();
+  // TODO(jarin, rossberg): Remove UNTYPED once machine typing works.
+  RunPrintAndVerify("Lowered generic", true);
+  BeginPhaseKind("block building");
+  data.source_positions()->RemoveDecorator();
+  // Compute a schedule.
+  Run<ComputeSchedulePhase>();
+  {
+    // Generate optimized code.
+    Linkage linkage(data.instruction_zone(), info());
+    GenerateCode(&linkage);
+  }
+  Handle<Code> code = data.code();
+  info()->SetCode(code);
+  // Print optimized code.
+  v8::internal::CodeGenerator::PrintCode(code, info());
   if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
     OFStream os(stdout);
-    os << "--------------------------------------------------\n"
-       << "Finished compiling method "
-       << info()->function()->debug_name()->ToCString().get()
-       << " using Turbofan" << endl;
+    os << "---------------------------------------------------\n"
+       << "Finished compiling method " << GetDebugName(info()).get()
+       << " using Turbofan" << std::endl;
   return code;
-Schedule* Pipeline::ComputeSchedule(Graph* graph) {
-  PhaseStats schedule_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CODEGEN, "scheduling");
-  Schedule* schedule = Scheduler::ComputeSchedule(graph);
-  TraceSchedule(schedule);
-  if (VerifyGraphs()) ScheduleVerifier::Run(schedule);
-  return schedule;
+Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCodeForTesting(CompilationInfo* info,
+                                              Graph* graph,
+                                              Schedule* schedule) {
+  CallDescriptor* call_descriptor =
+      Linkage::ComputeIncoming(info->zone(), info);
+  return GenerateCodeForTesting(info, call_descriptor, graph, schedule);
-Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCodeForMachineGraph(Linkage* linkage,
-                                                   Graph* graph,
-                                                   Schedule* schedule) {
-  CHECK(SupportedBackend());
-  if (schedule == NULL) {
-    VerifyAndPrintGraph(graph, "Machine");
-    schedule = ComputeSchedule(graph);
-  }
-  TraceSchedule(schedule);
+Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCodeForTesting(CallDescriptor* call_descriptor,
+                                              Graph* graph,
+                                              Schedule* schedule) {
+  CompilationInfo info(graph->zone()->isolate(), graph->zone());
+  return GenerateCodeForTesting(&info, call_descriptor, graph, schedule);
-  SourcePositionTable source_positions(graph);
-  Handle<Code> code = GenerateCode(linkage, graph, schedule, &source_positions);
+Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCodeForTesting(CompilationInfo* info,
+                                              CallDescriptor* call_descriptor,
+                                              Graph* graph,
+                                              Schedule* schedule) {
+  CHECK(SupportedBackend());
+  ZonePool zone_pool(info->isolate());
+  Pipeline pipeline(info);
+  PipelineData data(&zone_pool, info);
+  pipeline.data_ = &data;
+  data.InitializeTorTesting(graph, schedule);
+  if (schedule == NULL) {
+    // TODO(rossberg): Should this really be untyped?
+    pipeline.RunPrintAndVerify("Machine", true);
+    pipeline.Run<ComputeSchedulePhase>();
+  } else {
+    TraceSchedule(schedule);
+  }
+  Linkage linkage(info->zone(), call_descriptor);
+  pipeline.GenerateCode(&linkage);
+  Handle<Code> code = data.code();
   if (!code.is_null() && FLAG_print_opt_code) {
-    CodeTracer::Scope tracing_scope(isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
+    CodeTracer::Scope tracing_scope(info->isolate()->GetCodeTracer());
     OFStream os(tracing_scope.file());
     code->Disassemble("test code", os);
@@ -360,51 +926,157 @@
-Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCode(Linkage* linkage, Graph* graph,
-                                    Schedule* schedule,
-                                    SourcePositionTable* source_positions) {
-  DCHECK_NOT_NULL(graph);
+bool Pipeline::AllocateRegistersForTesting(const RegisterConfiguration* config,
+                                           InstructionSequence* sequence,
+                                           bool run_verifier) {
+  CompilationInfo info(sequence->zone()->isolate(), sequence->zone());
+  ZonePool zone_pool(sequence->zone()->isolate());
+  PipelineData data(&zone_pool, &info);
+  data.InitializeTorTesting(sequence);
+  Pipeline pipeline(&info);
+  pipeline.data_ = &data;
+  pipeline.AllocateRegisters(config, run_verifier);
+  return !data.compilation_failed();
+void Pipeline::GenerateCode(Linkage* linkage) {
+  PipelineData* data = this->data_;
-  DCHECK_NOT_NULL(schedule);
+  DCHECK_NOT_NULL(data->graph());
+  DCHECK_NOT_NULL(data->schedule());
-  InstructionSequence sequence(linkage, graph, schedule);
+  BasicBlockProfiler::Data* profiler_data = NULL;
+  if (FLAG_turbo_profiling) {
+    profiler_data = BasicBlockInstrumentor::Instrument(info(), data->graph(),
+                                                       data->schedule());
+  }
+  data->InitializeInstructionSequence();
   // Select and schedule instructions covering the scheduled graph.
-  {
-    InstructionSelector selector(&sequence, source_positions);
-    selector.SelectInstructions();
+  Run<InstructionSelectionPhase>(linkage);
+  if (FLAG_trace_turbo && !data->MayHaveUnverifiableGraph()) {
+    TurboCfgFile tcf(isolate());
+    tcf << AsC1V("CodeGen", data->schedule(), data->source_positions(),
+                 data->sequence());
-  if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
-    OFStream os(stdout);
-    os << "----- Instruction sequence before register allocation -----\n"
-       << sequence;
-  }
+  data->DeleteGraphZone();
+  BeginPhaseKind("register allocation");
+  bool run_verifier = false;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  run_verifier = true;
   // Allocate registers.
-  {
-    int node_count = graph->NodeCount();
-    if (node_count > UnallocatedOperand::kMaxVirtualRegisters) {
-      linkage->info()->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersForValues);
-      return Handle<Code>::null();
-    }
-    RegisterAllocator allocator(&sequence);
-    if (!allocator.Allocate()) {
-      linkage->info()->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
-      return Handle<Code>::null();
-    }
+  AllocateRegisters(RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(), run_verifier);
+  if (data->compilation_failed()) {
+    info()->AbortOptimization(kNotEnoughVirtualRegistersRegalloc);
+    return;
-  if (FLAG_trace_turbo) {
+  BeginPhaseKind("code generation");
+  // Optimimize jumps.
+  if (FLAG_turbo_jt) {
+    Run<JumpThreadingPhase>();
+  }
+  // Generate final machine code.
+  Run<GenerateCodePhase>(linkage);
+  if (profiler_data != NULL) {
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    data->code()->Disassemble(NULL, os);
+    profiler_data->SetCode(&os);
+  }
+void Pipeline::AllocateRegisters(const RegisterConfiguration* config,
+                                 bool run_verifier) {
+  PipelineData* data = this->data_;
+  int node_count = data->sequence()->VirtualRegisterCount();
+  if (node_count > UnallocatedOperand::kMaxVirtualRegisters) {
+    data->set_compilation_failed();
+    return;
+  }
+  // Don't track usage for this zone in compiler stats.
+  SmartPointer<Zone> verifier_zone;
+  RegisterAllocatorVerifier* verifier = nullptr;
+  if (run_verifier) {
+    verifier_zone.Reset(new Zone(info()->isolate()));
+    verifier = new (verifier_zone.get()) RegisterAllocatorVerifier(
+        verifier_zone.get(), config, data->sequence());
+  }
+  SmartArrayPointer<char> debug_name;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  debug_name = GetDebugName(data->info());
+  ZonePool::Scope zone_scope(data->zone_pool());
+  data->InitializeRegisterAllocator(zone_scope.zone(), config,
+                                    debug_name.get());
+  Run<MeetRegisterConstraintsPhase>();
+  Run<ResolvePhisPhase>();
+  Run<BuildLiveRangesPhase>();
+  if (FLAG_trace_turbo_graph) {
     OFStream os(stdout);
-    os << "----- Instruction sequence after register allocation -----\n"
-       << sequence;
+    PrintableInstructionSequence printable = {config, data->sequence()};
+    os << "----- Instruction sequence before register allocation -----\n"
+       << printable;
+  }
+  if (verifier != nullptr) {
+    CHECK(!data->register_allocator()->ExistsUseWithoutDefinition());
+  }
+  Run<AllocateGeneralRegistersPhase>();
+  if (!data->register_allocator()->AllocationOk()) {
+    data->set_compilation_failed();
+    return;
+  }
+  Run<AllocateDoubleRegistersPhase>();
+  if (!data->register_allocator()->AllocationOk()) {
+    data->set_compilation_failed();
+    return;
+  }
+  if (FLAG_turbo_reuse_spill_slots) {
+    Run<ReuseSpillSlotsPhase>();
+  }
+  Run<CommitAssignmentPhase>();
+  Run<PopulatePointerMapsPhase>();
+  Run<ConnectRangesPhase>();
+  Run<ResolveControlFlowPhase>();
+  if (FLAG_turbo_move_optimization) {
+    Run<OptimizeMovesPhase>();
-  // Generate native sequence.
-  CodeGenerator generator(&sequence);
-  return generator.GenerateCode();
+  if (FLAG_trace_turbo_graph) {
+    OFStream os(stdout);
+    PrintableInstructionSequence printable = {config, data->sequence()};
+    os << "----- Instruction sequence after register allocation -----\n"
+       << printable;
+  }
+  if (verifier != nullptr) {
+    verifier->VerifyAssignment();
+    verifier->VerifyGapMoves();
+  }
+  if (FLAG_trace_turbo && !data->MayHaveUnverifiableGraph()) {
+    TurboCfgFile tcf(data->isolate());
+    tcf << AsC1VAllocator("CodeGen", data->register_allocator());
+  }