blob: 1fddeca0bc749973a8f1ef68b4c6716cb0ad50b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var typedArrayConstructors = [
function clone(v) {
// Shallow-copies arrays, returns everything else verbatim.
if (v instanceof Array) {
// Shallow-copy an array.
var newArray = new Array(v.length);
for (var i in v) {
newArray[i] = v[i];
return newArray;
return v;
// Creates a callback function for reduce/reduceRight that tests the number
// of arguments and otherwise behaves as "func", but which also
// records all calls in an array on the function (as arrays of arguments
// followed by result).
function makeRecorder(func, testName) {
var record = [];
var f = function recorder(a, b, i, s) {
assertEquals(4, arguments.length,
testName + "(number of arguments: " + arguments.length + ")");
assertEquals("number", typeof(i), testName + "(index must be number)");
assertEquals(s[i], b, testName + "(current argument is at index)");
if (record.length > 0) {
var prevRecord = record[record.length - 1];
var prevResult = prevRecord[prevRecord.length - 1];
assertEquals(prevResult, a,
testName + "(prev result -> current input)");
var args = [clone(a), clone(b), i, clone(s)];
var result = func.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
f.record = record;
return f;
function testReduce(type,
init) {
var rec = makeRecorder(combine);
var result;
var performsCall;
if (arguments.length > 6) {
result = array[type](rec, init);
} else {
result = array[type](rec);
var calls = rec.record;
assertEquals(expectedCalls.length, calls.length,
testName + " (number of calls)");
for (var i = 0; i < expectedCalls.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedCalls[i], calls[i],
testName + " (call " + (i + 1) + ")");
assertEquals(expectedResult, result, testName + " (result)");
function sum(a, b) { return a + b; }
function prod(a, b) { return a * b; }
function dec(a, b, i, arr) { return a + b * Math.pow(10, arr.length - i - 1); }
function accumulate(acc, elem, i) { acc[i] = elem; return acc; }
for (var constructor of typedArrayConstructors) {
// ---- Test Reduce[Left]
var simpleArray = new constructor([2,4,6])
testReduce("reduce", "SimpleReduceSum", 12,
[[0, 2, 0, simpleArray, 2],
[2, 4, 1, simpleArray, 6],
[6, 6, 2, simpleArray, 12]],
simpleArray, sum, 0);
testReduce("reduce", "SimpleReduceProd", 48,
[[1, 2, 0, simpleArray, 2],
[2, 4, 1, simpleArray, 8],
[8, 6, 2, simpleArray, 48]],
simpleArray, prod, 1);
testReduce("reduce", "SimpleReduceDec", 246,
[[0, 2, 0, simpleArray, 200],
[200, 4, 1, simpleArray, 240],
[240, 6, 2, simpleArray, 246]],
simpleArray, dec, 0);
testReduce("reduce", "SimpleReduceAccumulate", [2, 4, 6],
[[[], 2, 0, simpleArray, [2]],
[[2], 4, 1, simpleArray, [2, 4]],
[[2,4], 6, 2, simpleArray, [2, 4, 6]]],
simpleArray, accumulate, []);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceSum", 0, [], new constructor([]), sum, 0);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceProd", 1, [], new constructor([]), prod, 1);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceDec", 0, [], new constructor([]), dec, 0);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceAccumulate", [], [], new constructor([]), accumulate, []);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceSumNoInit", 0, [], new constructor([0]), sum);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceProdNoInit", 1, [], new constructor([1]), prod);
testReduce("reduce", "EmptyReduceDecNoInit", 0, [], new constructor([0]), dec);
// ---- Test ReduceRight
testReduce("reduceRight", "SimpleReduceRightSum", 12,
[[0, 6, 2, simpleArray, 6],
[6, 4, 1, simpleArray, 10],
[10, 2, 0, simpleArray, 12]],
simpleArray, sum, 0);
testReduce("reduceRight", "SimpleReduceRightProd", 48,
[[1, 6, 2, simpleArray, 6],
[6, 4, 1, simpleArray, 24],
[24, 2, 0, simpleArray, 48]],
simpleArray, prod, 1);
testReduce("reduceRight", "SimpleReduceRightDec", 246,
[[0, 6, 2, simpleArray, 6],
[6, 4, 1, simpleArray, 46],
[46, 2, 0, simpleArray, 246]],
simpleArray, dec, 0);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightSum", 0, [], new constructor([]), sum, 0);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightProd", 1, [], new constructor([]), prod, 1);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightDec", 0, [], new constructor([]), dec, 0);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightAccumulate", [],
[], new constructor([]), accumulate, []);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightSumNoInit", 0, [], new constructor([0]), sum);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightProdNoInit", 1, [], new constructor([1]), prod);
testReduce("reduceRight", "EmptyReduceRightDecNoInit", 0, [], new constructor([0]), dec);
// Ignore non-array properties:
var arrayPlus = new constructor([1,2,3]);
arrayPlus[-1] = NaN;
arrayPlus["00"] = NaN;
arrayPlus["02"] = NaN;
arrayPlus["-0"] = NaN;
arrayPlus.x = NaN;
testReduce("reduce", "ArrayWithNonElementPropertiesReduce", 6,
[[0, 1, 0, arrayPlus, 1],
[1, 2, 1, arrayPlus, 3],
[3, 3, 2, arrayPlus, 6],
], arrayPlus, sum, 0);
testReduce("reduceRight", "ArrayWithNonElementPropertiesReduceRight", 6,
[[0, 3, 2, arrayPlus, 3],
[3, 2, 1, arrayPlus, 5],
[5, 1, 0, arrayPlus, 6],
], arrayPlus, sum, 0);
// Test error conditions:
var exception = false;
try {
new constructor([1]).reduce("not a function");
} catch (e) {
exception = true;
assertTrue(e instanceof TypeError,
"reduce callback not a function not throwing TypeError");
assertTrue(e.message.indexOf(" is not a function") >= 0,
"reduce non function TypeError type");
exception = false;
try {
new constructor([1]).reduceRight("not a function");
} catch (e) {
exception = true;
assertTrue(e instanceof TypeError,
"reduceRight callback not a function not throwing TypeError");
assertTrue(e.message.indexOf(" is not a function") >= 0,
"reduceRight non function TypeError type");
exception = false;
try {
new constructor([]).reduce(sum);
} catch (e) {
exception = true;
assertTrue(e instanceof TypeError,
"reduce no initial value not throwing TypeError");
assertEquals("Reduce of empty array with no initial value", e.message,
"reduce no initial TypeError type");
exception = false;
try {
new constructor([]).reduceRight(sum);
} catch (e) {
exception = true;
assertTrue(e instanceof TypeError,
"reduceRight no initial value not throwing TypeError");
assertEquals("Reduce of empty array with no initial value", e.message,
"reduceRight no initial TypeError type");
// Reduce fails when called on non-TypedArrays
assertThrows(function() {[], function() {}, null);
}, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() {[], function() {}, null);
}, TypeError);
// Shadowing length doesn't affect every, unlike Array.prototype.every
var a = new constructor([1, 2]);
Object.defineProperty(a, 'length', {value: 1});
assertEquals(a.reduce(sum, 0), 3);
assertEquals(, sum, 0), 1);
assertEquals(a.reduceRight(sum, 0), 3);
assertEquals(, sum, 0), 1);
assertEquals(1, constructor.prototype.reduce.length);
assertEquals(1, constructor.prototype.reduceRight.length);