Factorises the address code description and printing
of memcheck and helgrind in a common module:
  pub_tool_addrinfo.h pub_core_addrinfo.h m_addrinfo.c

At the same time, the factorised code is made usable by other
tools also (and is used by the gdbserver command 'v.info location'
which replaces the helgrind 'describe addr' introduced 1 week ago
and which is now callable by all tools).

The new address description code can describe more addresses
(e.g. for memcheck, if the block is not on the free list anymore,
but is in an arena free list, this will also be described).

Similarly, helgrind address description can now describe more addresses
when --read-var-info=no is given (e.g. global symbols are
described, or addresses on the stack are described as
being on the stack, freed blocks in the arena free list are
described, ...).
See e.g. the change in helgrind/tests/annotate_rwlock.stderr.exp
or locked_vs_unlocked2.stderr.exp

The patch touches many files, but is basically a lot of improvements
in helgrind output files.
The code changes are mostly refactorisation of existing code.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@13965 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_addrdescr.h b/helgrind/hg_addrdescr.h
index 319ea8e..b90f747 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_addrdescr.h
+++ b/helgrind/hg_addrdescr.h
@@ -33,45 +33,22 @@
 #ifndef __HG_ADDRDESCR_H
 #define __HG_ADDRDESCR_H
-/*--- Address Description                                      ---*/
-/*--- Used e.g. to describe an address in a Race cond. error   ---*/
-/*--- or a lock.                                               ---*/
-   struct  {
-      /* descr1/2 provide a description of stack/global locs */
-      XArray*     descr1; /* XArray* of HChar */
-      XArray*     descr2; /* XArray* of HChar */
-      /* hctxt/haddr/hszB describe the addr if it is a heap block. */
-      ExeContext* hctxt;
-      Addr        haddr;
-      SizeT       hszB;
-   }
-   AddrDescr;
-/* Initialises an empty AddrDescr. */
-void HG_(init_AddrDescr) ( AddrDescr* ad );
 /* Describe an address as best you can, for error messages or
-   lock description, putting the result in ad.
-   This allocates some memory in ad, to be cleared with VG_(clear_addrdesc). */
-extern void HG_(describe_addr) ( Addr a, /*OUT*/AddrDescr* ad );
+   lock description, putting the result in ai.
+   This might allocate some memory in ai, to be cleared with
+   VG_(clear_addrinfo). */
+extern void HG_(describe_addr) ( Addr a, /*OUT*/AddrInfo* ai );
-/* Prints (using *print) the readable description of addr given in ad.
+/* Prints (using *print) the readable description of addr given in ai.
    "what" identifies the type pointed to by addr (e.g. a lock). */
 extern void HG_(pp_addrdescr) (Bool xml, const HChar* what, Addr addr,
-                               AddrDescr* ad,
+                               AddrInfo* ai,
                                void(*print)(const HChar *format, ...));
 /* Get a readable description of addr, then print it using HG_(pp_addrdescr)
    using xml False and VG_(printf) to emit the characters.
    Returns True if a description was found/printed, False otherwise. */
-extern Bool HG_(get_and_pp_addrdescr) (const HChar* what, Addr a);
-/* Free all memory allocated by HG_(describe_addr)
-   Sets all elements of ad to 0/NULL. */
-extern void HG_(clear_addrdesc) ( AddrDescr* ad);
+extern Bool HG_(get_and_pp_addrdescr) (Addr a);
 /* For error creation/address description:
    map 'data_addr' to a malloc'd chunk, if any.