Merge in the COMPVBITS branch to the trunk.  This is a big change to
Memcheck, replacing the 9-bits-per-byte shadow memory representation to a
2-bits-per-byte representation (with possibly a little more on the side) by
taking advantage of the fact that extremely few memory bytes are partially

For the SPEC2k benchmarks with "test" inputs, this speeds up Memcheck by a
(geometric mean) factor of 1.20, and reduces the size of shadow memory by a
(geometric mean) factor of 4.26.

At the same time, Addrcheck is removed.  It hadn't worked for quite some
time, and with these improvements in Memcheck its raisons-d'etre have
shrivelled so much that it's not worth the effort to keep around.  Hooray!

Nb: this code hasn't been tested on PPC.  If things go wrong, look first in
the fast stack-handling functions (eg. mc_new_mem_stack_160,

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_include.h b/memcheck/mc_include.h
index 4de9f52..4541749 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_include.h
+++ b/memcheck/mc_include.h
@@ -29,27 +29,236 @@
    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
-/* Note: this header should contain declarations that are for use by
-   Memcheck only -- declarations shared with Addrcheck go in mac_shared.h.
 #ifndef __MC_INCLUDE_H
 #define __MC_INCLUDE_H
-#include "mac_shared.h"
 #define MC_(str)    VGAPPEND(vgMemCheck_,str)
-/*--- Command line options                                 ---*/
+/*--- Tracking the heap                                    ---*/
-/* There are no memcheck-specific ones, only mac-specific
-   ones (those shared by both memcheck and addrcheck). */
+/* We want at least a 16B redzone on client heap blocks for Memcheck */
+#define MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB    16
+/* For malloc()/new/new[] vs. free()/delete/delete[] mismatch checking. */
+   enum {
+      MC_AllocMalloc = 0,
+      MC_AllocNew    = 1,
+      MC_AllocNewVec = 2,
+      MC_AllocCustom = 3
+   }
+   MC_AllocKind;
+/* Nb: first two fields must match core's VgHashNode. */
+   struct _MC_Chunk {
+      struct _MC_Chunk* next;
+      Addr         data;            // ptr to actual block
+      SizeT        size : (sizeof(UWord)*8)-2; // size requested; 30 or 62 bits
+      MC_AllocKind allockind : 2;   // which wrapper did the allocation
+      ExeContext*  where;           // where it was allocated
+   }
+   MC_Chunk;
+/* Memory pool.  Nb: first two fields must match core's VgHashNode. */
+   struct _MC_Mempool {
+      struct _MC_Mempool* next;
+      Addr          pool;           // pool identifier
+      SizeT         rzB;            // pool red-zone size
+      Bool          is_zeroed;      // allocations from this pool are zeroed
+      VgHashTable   chunks;         // chunks associated with this pool
+   }
+   MC_Mempool;
+extern void* MC_(new_block)  ( ThreadId tid,
+                               Addr p, SizeT size, SizeT align, UInt rzB,
+                               Bool is_zeroed, MC_AllocKind kind,
+                               VgHashTable table);
+extern void MC_(handle_free) ( ThreadId tid,
+                                Addr p, UInt rzB, MC_AllocKind kind );
+extern void MC_(create_mempool)  ( Addr pool, UInt rzB, Bool is_zeroed );
+extern void MC_(destroy_mempool) ( Addr pool );
+extern void MC_(mempool_alloc)   ( ThreadId tid, Addr pool,
+                                   Addr addr, SizeT size );
+extern void MC_(mempool_free)    ( Addr pool, Addr addr );
+extern MC_Chunk* MC_(get_freed_list_head)( void );
+/* For tracking malloc'd blocks */
+extern VgHashTable MC_(malloc_list);
+/* For tracking memory pools. */
+extern VgHashTable MC_(mempool_list);
+/* Shadow memory functions */
+extern Bool MC_(check_noaccess)( Addr a, SizeT len, Addr* bad_addr );
+extern void MC_(make_noaccess) ( Addr a, SizeT len );
+extern void MC_(make_writable) ( Addr a, SizeT len );
+extern void MC_(make_readable) ( Addr a, SizeT len );
+extern void MC_(copy_address_range_state) ( Addr src, Addr dst, SizeT len );
+extern void MC_(print_malloc_stats) ( void );
+extern void* MC_(malloc)               ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n );
+extern void* MC_(__builtin_new)        ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n );
+extern void* MC_(__builtin_vec_new)    ( ThreadId tid, SizeT n );
+extern void* MC_(memalign)             ( ThreadId tid, SizeT align, SizeT n );
+extern void* MC_(calloc)               ( ThreadId tid, SizeT nmemb, SizeT size1 );
+extern void  MC_(free)                 ( ThreadId tid, void* p );
+extern void  MC_(__builtin_delete)     ( ThreadId tid, void* p );
+extern void  MC_(__builtin_vec_delete) ( ThreadId tid, void* p );
+extern void* MC_(realloc)              ( ThreadId tid, void* p, SizeT new_size );
-/*--- Functions                                            ---*/
+/*--- Errors and suppressions                              ---*/
+/* Extra info for overlap errors */
+   struct {
+      Addr src;
+      Addr dst;
+      Int  len;   // -1 if unused
+   }
+   OverlapExtra;
+extern void MC_(record_free_error)            ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ); 
+extern void MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a );
+extern void MC_(record_freemismatch_error)    ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
+                                                MC_Chunk* mc );
+extern Bool MC_(record_leak_error)            ( ThreadId tid, 
+                                                void* leak_extra,
+                                                ExeContext* where,
+                                                Bool print_record );
+/*--- Profiling of memory events                           ---*/
+/* Define to collect detailed performance info. */
+/* #define MC_PROFILE_MEMORY */
+#  define N_PROF_EVENTS 500
+extern UInt   MC_(event_ctr)[N_PROF_EVENTS];
+extern HChar* MC_(event_ctr_name)[N_PROF_EVENTS];
+#  define PROF_EVENT(ev, name)                                \
+   do { tl_assert((ev) >= 0 && (ev) < N_PROF_EVENTS);         \
+        /* crude and inaccurate check to ensure the same */   \
+        /* event isn't being used with > 1 name */            \
+        if (MC_(event_ctr_name)[ev])                         \
+           tl_assert(name == MC_(event_ctr_name)[ev]);       \
+        MC_(event_ctr)[ev]++;                                \
+        MC_(event_ctr_name)[ev] = (name);                    \
+   } while (False);
+#  define PROF_EVENT(ev, name) /* */
+#endif   /* MC_PROFILE_MEMORY */
+/*--- V and A bits (Victoria & Albert ?)                   ---*/
+/* The number of entries in the primary map can be altered.  However
+   we hardwire the assumption that each secondary map covers precisely
+   64k of address space. */
+#define SM_SIZE 65536            /* DO NOT CHANGE */
+#define SM_MASK (SM_SIZE-1)      /* DO NOT CHANGE */
+#define V_BIT_DEFINED         0
+#define V_BIT_UNDEFINED       1
+#define V_BITS8_DEFINED       0
+#define V_BITS8_UNDEFINED     0xFF
+#define V_BITS16_DEFINED      0
+#define V_BITS16_UNDEFINED    0xFFFF
+#define V_BITS32_DEFINED      0
+#define V_BITS64_DEFINED      0ULL
+/*--- Leak checking                                        ---*/
+/* For VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAKS client request */
+extern SizeT MC_(bytes_leaked);
+extern SizeT MC_(bytes_indirect);
+extern SizeT MC_(bytes_dubious);
+extern SizeT MC_(bytes_reachable);
+extern SizeT MC_(bytes_suppressed);
+/* For leak checking */
+extern void MC_(pp_LeakError)(void* extra);
+   enum {
+      LC_Off,
+      LC_Summary,
+      LC_Full,
+   }
+   LeakCheckMode;
+extern void MC_(do_detect_memory_leaks) (
+          ThreadId tid, LeakCheckMode mode,
+          Bool (*is_within_valid_secondary) ( Addr ),
+          Bool (*is_valid_aligned_word)     ( Addr )
+       );
+/*--- Command line options + defaults                      ---*/
+/* Allow loads from partially-valid addresses?  default: YES */
+extern Bool MC_(clo_partial_loads_ok);
+/* Max volume of the freed blocks queue. */
+extern Int MC_(clo_freelist_vol);
+/* Do leak check at exit?  default: NO */
+extern LeakCheckMode MC_(clo_leak_check);
+/* How closely should we compare ExeContexts in leak records? default: 2 */
+extern VgRes MC_(clo_leak_resolution);
+/* In leak check, show reachable-but-not-freed blocks?  default: NO */
+extern Bool MC_(clo_show_reachable);
+/* Assume accesses immediately below %esp are due to gcc-2.96 bugs.
+ * default: NO */
+extern Bool MC_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs);
+/* Do undefined value checking? "No" gives Addrcheck-style behaviour, ie.
+ * faster but fewer errors found.  Note that although Addrcheck had 1 bit
+ * per byte overhead vs the old Memcheck's 9 bits per byte, with this mode
+ * and compressed V bits, no memory is saved with this mode -- it's still
+ * 2 bits per byte overhead.  This is a little wasteful -- it could be done
+ * with 1 bit per byte -- but lets us reuse the many shadow memory access
+ * functions.  Note also that in this mode the secondary V bit table is
+ * never used.
+ *
+ * default: YES */
+extern Bool MC_(clo_undef_value_errors);
+/*--- Instrumentation                                      ---*/
 /* Functions defined in mc_main.c */
@@ -59,21 +268,21 @@
 extern void MC_(helperc_value_check1_fail) ( void );
 extern void MC_(helperc_value_check0_fail) ( void );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) void MC_(helperc_STOREV8be) ( Addr, ULong );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) void MC_(helperc_STOREV8le) ( Addr, ULong );
-extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV4be) ( Addr, UWord );
-extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV4le) ( Addr, UWord );
-extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV2be) ( Addr, UWord );
-extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV2le) ( Addr, UWord );
-extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV1)   ( Addr, UWord );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) void MC_(helperc_STOREV64be) ( Addr, ULong );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) void MC_(helperc_STOREV64le) ( Addr, ULong );
+extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV32be) ( Addr, UWord );
+extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV32le) ( Addr, UWord );
+extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV16be) ( Addr, UWord );
+extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV16le) ( Addr, UWord );
+extern VG_REGPARM(2) void MC_(helperc_STOREV8)   ( Addr, UWord );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) ULong MC_(helperc_LOADV8be) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) ULong MC_(helperc_LOADV8le) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV4be) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV4le) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV2be) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV2le) ( Addr );
-extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV1)   ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) ULong MC_(helperc_LOADV64be) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) ULong MC_(helperc_LOADV64le) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV32be) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV32le) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV16be) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV16le) ( Addr );
+extern VG_REGPARM(1) UWord MC_(helperc_LOADV8)    ( Addr );
 extern void MC_(helperc_MAKE_STACK_UNINIT) ( Addr base, UWord len );