Put all the system call stuff in a new module, m_syscalls.  This
required moving a lot of stuff around.  I deleted
VG_(set_return_from_syscall_shadow)() and VG_(get_exit_status_shadow)(),
which screwed up the modularity and weren't being used and can be
simulated in other ways with a bit of care.

What are the chances that I've added and moved all the files correctly
in this commit, and not broken the amd64 port?

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@3636 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/core.h b/coregrind/core.h
index d9f7025..566cc46 100644
--- a/coregrind/core.h
+++ b/coregrind/core.h
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
 #define __CORE_H
+   [This comment is not longer accurate -- we're switching to an easier to
+   understand module-based approach, with one or two headers per module,
+   rather than having monolithic headers as described.  --njn 07-May-2005]
    Header hierarchy:
    - core C   files include core.h
@@ -822,6 +826,7 @@
 extern void   VG_(env_remove_valgrind_env_stuff) ( Char** env ); 
 extern void   VG_(nanosleep)(struct vki_timespec *);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Exports of vg_message.c
    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
@@ -977,440 +982,6 @@
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-   Exports of vg_syscalls.c
-   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-extern HChar* VG_(resolve_filename_nodup)(Int fd);
-extern HChar* VG_(resolve_filename)(Int fd);
-/* Simple Valgrind-internal atfork mechanism */
-extern void VG_(do_atfork_pre)   (ThreadId tid);
-extern void VG_(do_atfork_parent)(ThreadId tid);
-extern void VG_(do_atfork_child) (ThreadId tid);
-extern void VG_(client_syscall) ( ThreadId tid );
-extern void VG_(post_syscall)   ( ThreadId tid );
-extern Bool VG_(is_kerror) ( Word res );
-/* Internal atfork handlers */
-typedef void (*vg_atfork_t)(ThreadId);
-extern void VG_(atfork)(vg_atfork_t pre, vg_atfork_t parent, vg_atfork_t child);
-/* fd leakage calls. */
-extern void VG_(init_preopened_fds) ( void );
-extern void VG_(show_open_fds) ( void );
-// Return true if address range entirely contained within client
-// address space.
-Bool VG_(valid_client_addr)(Addr start, SizeT size, ThreadId tid,
-                            const Char *syscallname);
-// Return true if we're allowed to use or create this fd.
-Bool VG_(fd_allowed)(Int fd, const Char *syscallname, ThreadId tid, Bool soft);
-void VG_(record_fd_open)(ThreadId tid, Int fd, char *pathname);
-// Used when killing threads -- we must not kill a thread if it's the thread
-// that would do Valgrind's final cleanup and output.
-Bool VG_(do_sigkill)(Int pid, Int tgid);
-// Flags describing syscall wrappers
-#define Special    (1 << 0)	/* handled specially			*/
-#define MayBlock   (1 << 1)	/* may block				*/
-#define PostOnFail (1 << 2)	/* call POST() function on failure	*/
-#define PadAddr	   (1 << 3)	/* pad+unpad address space around syscall */
-#define Done       (1 << 4)	/* used if a PRE() did the syscall	*/
-// Templates for generating the PRE and POST macros.  For ones that must be
-// publically visible, use an empty 'qual', 'prefix' should start with
-// "vgArch_" or similar, and there should be corresponding global
-// declarations (like the GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER ones below).  Otherwise, use
-// "static" for 'qual', and "vgArch_" should not be in the 'prefix'.
-#define PRE_TEMPLATE(qual, prefix, name, f) \
-   qual UInt prefix##_##name##_flags = f; \
-   qual void prefix##_##name##_before(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
-#define POST_TEMPLATE(qual, prefix, name) \
-   qual void prefix##_##name##_after (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
-// This macro is used to write other macros which making writing syscall
-// tables easier.
-#define SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_X_(prefix, const, name) \
-   [const] = { &prefix##_##name##_flags, \
-                prefix##_##name##_before, NULL }
-#define SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_XY(prefix, const, name) \
-   [const] = { &prefix##_##name##_flags, \
-                prefix##_##name##_before, \
-                prefix##_##name##_after }
-// Macros for adding generic wrappers to a syscall table.
-#define GENX_(const, name)    SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_X_(vgArch_gen, const, name)
-#define GENXY(const, name)    SYS_WRAPPER_ENTRY_XY(vgArch_gen, const, name)
-// Space-saving macros for syscall PRE() and POST() wrappers
-#define RES    ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_RET)
-#define SYSNO  ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_NUM)
-#define ARG1   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG1)
-#define ARG2   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG2)
-#define ARG3   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG3)
-#define ARG4   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG4)
-#define ARG5   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG5)
-#define ARG6   ((tst->arch).vex.VGP_SYSCALL_ARG6)
-// For setting the result of a syscall in a wrapper
-#define SET_RESULT(val)                            \
-   do { VGP_SET_SYSCALL_RESULT(tst->arch, (val));  \
-        tst->syscall_result_set = True;            \
-   } while (0)
-#define PRINT(format, args...)  \
-   if (VG_(clo_trace_syscalls))        \
-      VG_(printf)(format, ## args)
-// Generic (platform-independent) syscall wrappers.  These are generally
-// POSIX or something like that;  those that are not POSIX are annotated
-// with what standards they are part of, as stated in the Linux man pages.
-// For many of them, it's unclear if they are generic, or Linux-specific, or
-// x86/Linux-specific, or something else again.
-// Nb: This list may change over time... ones thought at first to be generic
-// may turn out not to be, and so be moved into OS-specific or
-// platform-specific files.  If there's any doubt, I'm leaving them in here.
-// Nb 2: if porting to a new OS, you should really check all these generic
-// wrappers to make sure they match your OS, painful as it might be.
-// For each generic ("gen") wrapper, we declare the pre-wrapper, the
-// post-wrapper (which is actually not always needed), and the associated
-// flags.
-   extern UInt VGA_(gen_##x##_flags); \
-   extern void VGA_(gen_##x##_before)(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst); \
-   extern void VGA_(gen_##x##_after) (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ni_syscall);            // * P -- unimplemented
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_execve);    // (*??) P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fcntl);        // POSIX (but complicated)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mremap);    // POSIX, but Linux arg order may be odd
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_timer_create);    // Linux: varies across archs?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgroups);             // SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN, 4.3BSD
-// These ones aren't POSIX, but are in some standard and look reasonably
-// generic, and are the same for all architectures under Linux.
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_nice);      // SVr4, SVID EXT, AT&T, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sync);      // SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_brk);       // 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_acct);      // SVR4, non-POSIX
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_chroot);    // SVr4, SVID, 4.4BSD, X/OPEN
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_readlink);  // X/OPEN, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fchdir);    // SVr4, SVID, POSIX, X/OPEN, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getdents);  // SVr4,SVID
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_select);    // 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_flock);     // 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_poll);      // XPG4-UNIX
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getrusage); // SVr4, 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_stime);	    // SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_settimeofday); // SVr4, 4.3BSD (non-POSIX)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getpriority);  // SVr4, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setpriority);  // SVr4, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setitimer);    // SVr4, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getitimer);    // SVr4, 4.4BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setreuid);     // 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setregid);     // 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fchown);       // SVr4,4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgid);       // SVr4,SVID
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_utimes);       // 4.3BSD
-// These ones may be Linux specific... not sure.  They use 16-bit gid_t and
-// uid_t types.  The similarly named (minus the "16" suffix) ones below use
-// 32-bit versions of these types.
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setuid16);              // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getuid16);              // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgid16);              // ## SVr4,SVID
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getgid16);              // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_geteuid16);             // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getegid16);             // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setreuid16);            // ## BSD4.3
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setregid16);            // ## BSD4.3
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getgroups16);           // ## P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setgroups16);           // ## SVr4, SVID, X/OPEN, 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fchown16);              // ## SVr4,BSD4.3
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_chown16);               // ## P
-// Linux's funny many-in-one socketcall is certainly not generic, but I
-// didn't want to move it until necessary because it's big and has a lot of
-// associated junk.
-// Some archs on Linux do not match the generic wrapper for sys_pipe().
-// May not be generic for every architecture under Linux.
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigaction);             // (x86) P
-// Funny names, not sure...
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newstat);               // * P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newlstat);              // *
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newfstat);              // * P (SVr4,BSD4.3)
-// For the remainder, not really sure yet
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(old_mmap);                  // x86, weird arg passing
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ptrace);                // (x86?) (almost-P)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigsuspend);            // POSIX, but L (proto varies across archs)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setrlimit);             // SVr4, 4.3BSD
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ioctl);                 // x86? (various)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_old_getrlimit);         // SVr4, 4.3BSD L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_statfs);                // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstatfs);               // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_iopl);                  // (x86/amd64) L
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ipc);                   // (x86) L
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_newuname);              // * P
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_init_module);           // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_quotactl);              // * (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigaction);          // (x86) ()
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigprocmask);        // * ?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigpending);         // * ?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigtimedwait);       // * ?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigqueueinfo);       // * ?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_rt_sigsuspend);         // () ()
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_pread64);               // * (Unix98?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_pwrite64);              // * (Unix98?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_capget);                // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_capset);                // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sigaltstack);           // (x86) (XPG4-UNIX)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getpmsg);               // (?) (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_putpmsg);               // (?) (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getrlimit);             // * (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mmap2);                 // (x86?) P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_truncate64);            // %% (P?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_ftruncate64);           // %% (P?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_stat64);                // %% (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lstat64);               // %% (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstat64);               // %% (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lchown);                // * (L?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mincore);               // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getdents64);            // * (SVr4,SVID?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fcntl64);               // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_setxattr);              // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lsetxattr);             // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fsetxattr);             // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_getxattr);              // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lgetxattr);             // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fgetxattr);             // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_listxattr);             // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_llistxattr);            // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_flistxattr);            // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_removexattr);           // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lremovexattr);          // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fremovexattr);          // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sched_setaffinity);     // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_sched_getaffinity);     // * L?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_lookup_dcookie);        // (*/32/64) L
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_set_tid_address);       // * ?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_statfs64);              // * (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_fstatfs64);             // * (?)
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_open);               // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_unlink);             // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_timedsend);          // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_timedreceive);       // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_notify);             // * P?
-GEN_SYSCALL_WRAPPER(sys_mq_getsetattr);         // * P?
-// Macros used in syscall wrappers
-/* PRRAn == "pre-register-read-argument"
-   PRRSN == "pre-register-read-syscall"
-#define PRRSN \
-      TL_(pre_reg_read)(Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, "(syscallno)", \
-                        O_SYSCALL_NUM, sizeof(UWord));
-#define PRRAn(n,s,t,a) \
-      TL_(pre_reg_read)(Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, s"("#a")", \
-                        O_SYSCALL_ARG##n, sizeof(t));
-#define PRE_REG_READ0(tr, s) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ1(tr, s, t1, a1) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ2(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ3(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ4(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
-      PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ5(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4, t5, a5) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
-      PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); PRRAn(5,s,t5,a5); \
-   }
-#define PRE_REG_READ6(tr, s, t1, a1, t2, a2, t3, a3, t4, a4, t5, a5, t6, a6) \
-   if (VG_(defined_pre_reg_read)()) { \
-      PRRSN; \
-      PRRAn(1,s,t1,a1); PRRAn(2,s,t2,a2); PRRAn(3,s,t3,a3); \
-      PRRAn(4,s,t4,a4); PRRAn(5,s,t5,a5); PRRAn(6,s,t6,a6); \
-   }
-#define PRE_MEM_READ(zzname, zzaddr, zzlen) \
-   VG_TRACK( pre_mem_read, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr, zzlen)
-#define PRE_MEM_RASCIIZ(zzname, zzaddr) \
-   VG_TRACK( pre_mem_read_asciiz, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr)
-#define PRE_MEM_WRITE(zzname, zzaddr, zzlen) \
-   VG_TRACK( pre_mem_write, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzname, zzaddr, zzlen)
-#define POST_MEM_WRITE(zzaddr, zzlen) \
-   VG_TRACK( post_mem_write, Vg_CoreSysCall, tid, zzaddr, zzlen)
-#define TId ThreadId
-#define UW  UWord
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_socketpair)   ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern UWord VG_(generic_POST_sys_socketpair)  ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern UWord VG_(generic_POST_sys_socket)      ( TId, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_bind)         ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_accept)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern UWord VG_(generic_POST_sys_accept)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_sendto)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_send)         ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_recvfrom)     ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_recvfrom)    ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_recv)         ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_recv)        ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_connect)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_setsockopt)   ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_getsockopt)   ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_getsockopt)  ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_getsockname)  ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_getsockname) ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_getpeername)  ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_getpeername) ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_sendmsg)      ( TId, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_recvmsg)      ( TId, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_recvmsg)     ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_semop)        ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_semtimedop)   ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_semctl)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_semctl)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_msgsnd)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_msgrcv)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_msgrcv)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_msgctl)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_msgctl)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern UWord VG_(generic_PRE_sys_shmat)        ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_shmat)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-extern Bool  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_shmdt)        ( TId, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_shmdt)       ( TId, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_PRE_sys_shmctl)       ( TId, UW, UW, UW );
-extern void  VG_(generic_POST_sys_shmctl)      ( TId, UW, UW, UW, UW );
-#undef TID
-#undef UW
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Exports of vg_transtab.c
    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
@@ -1587,62 +1158,7 @@
 // Platform-specific things defined in eg. x86/*.c
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Offsets for the shadow state
-#define O_SYSCALL_NUM   (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_NUM))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG1  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG1))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG2  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG2))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG3  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG3))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG4  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG4))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG5  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG5))
-#define O_SYSCALL_ARG6  (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_ARG6))
-#define O_SYSCALL_RET   (offsetof(VexGuestArchState, VGP_SYSCALL_RET))
-struct SyscallTableEntry {
-   UInt  *flags_ptr;
-   void        (*before)(ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst /*, UInt *flags*/);
-   void        (*after) (ThreadId tid, ThreadState *tst);
-/* This table is the mapping from __NR_xxx syscall numbers to the PRE/POST
-   wrappers for the relevant syscalls used in the OS kernel for that number.
-   Note that the constant names don't always match the wrapper names in a
-   straightforward way.  For example, on x86/Linux: 
-      __NR_lchown       --> sys_lchown16()
-      __NR_lchown32     --> sys_lchown()
-      __NR_select       --> old_select()
-      __NR__newselect   --> sys_select()
-extern const struct SyscallTableEntry VGA_(syscall_table)[];
-extern const UInt VGA_(syscall_table_size);
-extern void VGA_(restart_syscall)(ThreadArchState* arch);
-  Perform a syscall on behalf of a client thread, using a specific
-  signal mask.  On completion, the signal mask is set to restore_mask
-  (which presumably blocks almost everything).  If a signal happens
-  during the syscall, the handler should call
-  VGA_(interrupted_syscall)() to adjust the thread's context to do the
-  right thing.
-extern void VGA_(client_syscall)(Int syscallno, ThreadState *tst,
-				 const vki_sigset_t *syscall_mask);
-   Fix up the thread's state because a syscall may have been
-   interrupted with a signal.  Returns True if the syscall completed
-   (either interrupted or finished normally), or False if it was
-   restarted (or the signal didn't actually interrupt a syscall).
- */
-extern void VGA_(interrupted_syscall)(ThreadId tid,
-                                      struct vki_ucontext *uc,
-                                      Bool restart);
-   Do any platform specific redirects.
- */
+// Do any platform specific redirects.
 extern void VGP_(setup_redirects)(void);
 ///* ---------------------------------------------------------------------