Modularised m_scheduler.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/core.h b/coregrind/core.h
index 40ba161..8dbfa0e 100644
--- a/coregrind/core.h
+++ b/coregrind/core.h
@@ -37,10 +37,11 @@
 #include "core_os.h"       // OS-specific stuff,    eg. linux/core_os.h
-#include "pub_core_mallocfree.h"  // for type 'ArenaId'
-#include "pub_core_stacktrace.h"  // for type 'StackTrace'
+#include <setjmp.h>        // for jmp_buf
-#include <setjmp.h>       /* for jmp_buf         */
+#include "pub_core_mallocfree.h"  // for type 'ArenaId'
+#include "pub_core_scheduler.h"   // for types 'ThreadState', 'ThreadArchState'
+#include "pub_core_stacktrace.h"  // for type 'StackTrace'
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Global macros.
@@ -137,230 +138,6 @@
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-   Exports of vg_scheduler.c
-   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-   Thread state machine:
-   Empty -> Init -> Runnable <=> WaitSys/Yielding
-     ^                 |
-     \---- Zombie -----/		       
- */
-   enum ThreadStatus { 
-      VgTs_Empty,      /* this slot is not in use */
-      VgTs_Init,       /* just allocated */
-      VgTs_Runnable,   /* ready to run */
-      VgTs_WaitSys,    /* waiting for a syscall to complete */
-      VgTs_Yielding,   /* temporarily yielding the CPU */
-      VgTs_Zombie,     /* transient state just before exiting */
-   }
-   ThreadStatus;
-/* Return codes from the scheduler. */
-   enum { 
-      VgSrc_None,	 /* not exiting yet */
-      VgSrc_ExitSyscall, /* client called exit().  This is the normal
-                            route out. */
-      VgSrc_FatalSig	 /* Killed by the default action of a fatal
-			    signal */
-   }
-   VgSchedReturnCode;
-#if defined(VGA_x86)
-   typedef VexGuestX86State   VexGuestArchState;
-#elif defined(VGA_amd64)
-   typedef VexGuestAMD64State VexGuestArchState;
-#elif defined(VGA_arm)
-   typedef VexGuestARMState   VexGuestArchState;
-#  error Unknown architecture
-   struct {
-      /* --- BEGIN vex-mandated guest state --- */
-      /* Saved machine context. */
-      VexGuestArchState vex;
-      /* Saved shadow context. */
-      VexGuestArchState vex_shadow;
-      /* Spill area. */
-      UChar vex_spill[LibVEX_N_SPILL_BYTES];
-      /* --- END vex-mandated guest state --- */
-   } 
-   ThreadArchState;
-typedef struct {
-   /* ThreadId == 0 (and hence vg_threads[0]) is NEVER USED.
-      The thread identity is simply the index in vg_threads[].
-      ThreadId == 1 is the root thread and has the special property
-      that we don't try and allocate or deallocate its stack.  For
-      convenience of generating error message, we also put the
-      ThreadId in this tid field, but be aware that it should
-      ALWAYS == the index in vg_threads[]. */
-   ThreadId tid;
-   /* Current scheduling status. */
-   ThreadStatus status;
-   /* This is set if the thread is in the process of exiting for any
-      reason.  The precise details of the exit are in the OS-specific
-      state. */
-   VgSchedReturnCode exitreason;
-   /* Architecture-specific thread state. */
-   ThreadArchState arch;
-   /* This thread's blocked-signals mask.  Semantics is that for a
-      signal to be delivered to this thread, the signal must not be
-      blocked by this signal mask.  If more than one thread accepts a
-      signal, then it will be delivered to one at random.  If all
-      threads block the signal, it will remain pending until either a
-      thread unblocks it or someone uses sigwaitsig/sigtimedwait. */
-   vki_sigset_t sig_mask;
-   /* tmp_sig_mask is usually the same as sig_mask, and is kept in
-      sync whenever sig_mask is changed.  The only time they have
-      different values is during the execution of a sigsuspend, where
-      tmp_sig_mask is the temporary mask which sigsuspend installs.
-      It is only consulted to compute the signal mask applied to a
-      signal handler. */
-   vki_sigset_t tmp_sig_mask;
-   /* A little signal queue for signals we can't get the kernel to
-      queue for us.  This is only allocated as needed, since it should
-      be rare. */
-   struct SigQueue *sig_queue;
-   /* Syscall the Thread is currently running; -1 if none.  Should only
-      be set while Thread is in VgTs_WaitSys. */
-   Int syscallno;
-   /* Client stacks.  When a thread slot is freed, we don't deallocate its
-      stack; we just leave it lying around for the next use of the
-      slot.  If the next use of the slot requires a larger stack,
-      only then is the old one deallocated and a new one
-      allocated. 
-      For the main thread (threadid == 0), this mechanism doesn't
-      apply.  We don't know the size of the stack since we didn't
-      allocate it, and furthermore we never reallocate it. */
-   /* The allocated size of this thread's stack (permanently zero
-      if this is ThreadId == 0, since we didn't allocate its stack) */
-   SizeT client_stack_szB;
-   /* Address of the highest legitimate word in this stack.  This is
-      used for error messages only -- not critical for execution
-      correctness.  Is is set for all stacks, specifically including
-      ThreadId == 0 (the main thread). */
-   Addr client_stack_highest_word;
-   /* Alternate signal stack */
-   vki_stack_t altstack;
-   /* OS-specific thread state */
-   os_thread_t os_state;
-   /* Used in the syscall handlers.  Set to True to indicate that the
-      PRE routine for a syscall has set the syscall result already and
-      so the syscall does not need to be handed to the kernel. */
-   Bool syscall_result_set;
-   /* Per-thread jmp_buf to resume scheduler after a signal */
-   Bool    sched_jmpbuf_valid;
-   jmp_buf sched_jmpbuf;
-/* The thread table. */
-extern ThreadState VG_(threads)[VG_N_THREADS];
-/* Allocate a new ThreadState */
-extern ThreadId VG_(alloc_ThreadState)(void);
-/* A thread exits.  tid must currently be running. */
-extern void VG_(exit_thread)(ThreadId tid);
-/* Kill a thread.  This interrupts whatever a thread is doing, and
-   makes it exit ASAP.  This does not set the exitreason or
-   exitcode. */
-extern void VG_(kill_thread)(ThreadId tid);
-/* Check that tid is in range and denotes a non-Empty thread. */
-extern Bool VG_(is_valid_tid) ( ThreadId tid );
-/* Get the ThreadState for a particular thread */
-extern ThreadState *VG_(get_ThreadState)(ThreadId tid);
-/* Given an LWP id (ie, real kernel thread id), find the corresponding
-   ThreadId */
-extern ThreadId VG_(get_lwp_tid)(Int lwpid);
-/* Returns true if a thread is currently running (ie, has the CPU lock) */
-extern Bool VG_(is_running_thread)(ThreadId tid);
-/* Returns true if the thread is in the process of exiting */
-extern Bool VG_(is_exiting)(ThreadId tid);
-/* Return the number of non-dead Threads */
-extern Int VG_(count_living_threads)(void);
-/* Nuke all threads except tid. */
-extern void VG_(nuke_all_threads_except) ( ThreadId me,
-                                           VgSchedReturnCode reason );
-/* Make a thread the running thread.  The thread must previously been
-   sleeping, and not holding the CPU semaphore. This will set the
-   thread state to VgTs_Runnable, and the thread will attempt to take
-   the CPU semaphore.  By the time it returns, tid will be the running
-   thread. */
-extern void VG_(set_running) ( ThreadId tid );
-/* Set a thread into a sleeping state.  Before the call, the thread
-   must be runnable, and holding the CPU semaphore.  When this call
-   returns, the thread will be set to the specified sleeping state,
-   and will not be holding the CPU semaphore.  Note that another
-   thread could be running by the time this call returns, so the
-   caller must be careful not to touch any shared state.  It is also
-   the caller's responsibility to actually block until the thread is
-   ready to run again. */
-extern void VG_(set_sleeping) ( ThreadId tid, ThreadStatus state );
-/* Yield the CPU for a while */
-extern void VG_(vg_yield)(void);
-// The scheduler.
-extern VgSchedReturnCode VG_(scheduler) ( ThreadId tid );
-// Do everything which needs doing before the process finally ends,
-// like printing reports, etc
-extern void VG_(shutdown_actions_NORETURN) (
-               ThreadId tid, 
-               VgSchedReturnCode tids_schedretcode 
-            );
-extern void VG_(scheduler_init) ( void );
-extern void VG_(pp_sched_status) ( void );
-// Longjmp back to the scheduler and thus enter the sighandler immediately.
-extern void VG_(resume_scheduler) ( ThreadId tid );
-/* If true, a fault is Valgrind-internal (ie, a bug) */
-extern Bool VG_(my_fault);
-/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Exports of vg_signals.c
    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */