Fix bug #191182, where printing the leak checker results was really slow if
there were a lot of loss records.

The fix was:
- Avoid the O(m * n) looping over the chunks when creating the loss
  records, by putting loss records into an OSet instead of a list, which
  makes duplicate detection for each chunk an O(log n) operation instead of
  an O(n) operation.
- Avoid the looping over loss records which was used to do a poor
  man's sort, but was O(n^2).  Instead copy pointers to the loss records
  from the OSet into an array and sort it normally with VG_(ssort) (n log n,
  usually) before printing.

This approach was similar to that used in the patch Philippe attached to the
bug report.

Other changes:
- Added Philippe's test programs in the new memcheck/perf directory.  It
  used to take 57s on my machine, now it takes 1.6s.
- Cleaned up massif/perf/ to be consistent with other Makefiles.
- Improved some comments relating to VgHashTable and OSet.
- Avoided a redundant traversal of the hash table in VG_(HT_to_array), also
  identified by Philippe..
- Made memcheck/tests/mempool's results independent of the pointer size, and
  thus was able to remove its .stderr.exp64 file.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/include/pub_tool_oset.h b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
index 687d34f..2e79448 100644
--- a/include/pub_tool_oset.h
+++ b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 typedef struct _OSet     OSet;
-// - Cmp: returns -1, 0 or 1 if key is <, == or > elem.
+// - Cmp:   returns -1, 0 or 1 if key is <, == or > elem.
 // - Alloc: allocates a chunk of memory.
-// - Free: frees a chunk of memory allocated with Alloc.
+// - Free:  frees a chunk of memory allocated with Alloc.
 typedef Word  (*OSetCmp_t)         ( const void* key, const void* elem );
 typedef void* (*OSetAlloc_t)       ( HChar* ec, SizeT szB );
@@ -219,6 +219,11 @@
 // * ResetIter: Each OSet has an iterator.  This resets it to point to the
 //   first element in the OSet.
+// * ResetIterAt: Like ResetIter, but instead of resetting the iterator to the
+//   smallest element, it resets the iterator to point to the smallest element
+//   in the set whose key is greater-than-or-equal to the given key.  (In many
+//   cases this will be the element whose key equals that of the given key.)
 // * Next: Returns a pointer to the element pointed to by the OSet's
 //   iterator, and advances the iterator by one;  the elements are visited
 //   in order.  Or, returns NULL if the iterator has reached the OSet's end.
@@ -238,19 +243,15 @@
 extern Word  VG_(OSetGen_Size)         ( const OSet* os );
 extern void  VG_(OSetGen_Insert)       ( OSet* os, void* elem );
-extern Bool  VG_(OSetGen_Contains)     ( const OSet* os, const void* key  );
-extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)       ( const OSet* os, const void* key  );
+extern Bool  VG_(OSetGen_Contains)     ( const OSet* os, const void* key );
+extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)       ( const OSet* os, const void* key );
 extern void* VG_(OSetGen_LookupWithCmp)( OSet* os,
                                          const void* key, OSetCmp_t cmp );
-extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Remove)       ( OSet* os, const void* key  );
+extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Remove)       ( OSet* os, const void* key );
 extern void  VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)    ( OSet* os );
+extern void  VG_(OSetGen_ResetIterAt)  ( OSet* os, const void* key );
 extern void* VG_(OSetGen_Next)         ( OSet* os );
-// set up 'oset' for iteration so that the first key subsequently
-// produced VG_(OSetGen_Next) is the smallest key in the map 
-// >= start_at.  Naturally ">=" is defined by the comparison 
-// function supplied to VG_(OSetGen_Create).
-extern void VG_(OSetGen_ResetIterAt) ( OSet* oset, const void* key );
 #endif   // __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H