Fix bug #191182, where printing the leak checker results was really slow if
there were a lot of loss records.

The fix was:
- Avoid the O(m * n) looping over the chunks when creating the loss
  records, by putting loss records into an OSet instead of a list, which
  makes duplicate detection for each chunk an O(log n) operation instead of
  an O(n) operation.
- Avoid the looping over loss records which was used to do a poor
  man's sort, but was O(n^2).  Instead copy pointers to the loss records
  from the OSet into an array and sort it normally with VG_(ssort) (n log n,
  usually) before printing.

This approach was similar to that used in the patch Philippe attached to the
bug report.

Other changes:
- Added Philippe's test programs in the new memcheck/perf directory.  It
  used to take 57s on my machine, now it takes 1.6s.
- Cleaned up massif/perf/ to be consistent with other Makefiles.
- Improved some comments relating to VgHashTable and OSet.
- Avoided a redundant traversal of the hash table in VG_(HT_to_array), also
  identified by Philippe..
- Made memcheck/tests/mempool's results independent of the pointer size, and
  thus was able to remove its .stderr.exp64 file.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_include.h b/memcheck/mc_include.h
index 6d4cc07..74c36a7 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_include.h
+++ b/memcheck/mc_include.h
@@ -230,13 +230,15 @@
    enum { 
-      Unreached    =0,  // Not reached, ie. leaked. 
-                        //   (At best, only reachable from itself via a cycle.
-      IndirectLeak =1,  // Leaked, but reachable from another leaked block
-                        //   (be it Unreached or IndirectLeak).
-      Possible     =2,  // Possibly reachable from root-set;  involves at
+      // Nb: the order is important -- it dictates the order of loss records
+      // of equal sizes.
+      Reachable    =0,  // Definitely reachable from root-set.
+      Possible     =1,  // Possibly reachable from root-set;  involves at
                         //   least one interior-pointer along the way.
-      Reachable    =3   // Definitely reachable from root-set.
+      IndirectLeak =2,  // Leaked, but reachable from another leaked block
+                        //   (be it Unreached or IndirectLeak).
+      Unreached    =3,  // Not reached, ie. leaked. 
+                        //   (At best, only reachable from itself via a cycle.)
@@ -262,17 +264,23 @@
+/* When a LossRecord is put into an OSet, these elements represent the key. */
+   struct _LossRecordKey {
+      Reachedness  state;        // LC_Extra.state value shared by all blocks.
+      ExeContext*  allocated_at; // Where they were allocated.
+   } 
+   LossRecordKey;
 /* A loss record, used for generating err msgs.  Multiple leaked blocks can be
  * merged into a single loss record if they have the same state and similar
  * enough allocation points (controlled by --leak-resolution). */
    struct _LossRecord {
-      struct _LossRecord* next;
-      ExeContext*  allocated_at; // Where they were allocated.
-      Reachedness  state;        // LC_Extra.state value shared by all blocks.
-      SizeT        szB;          // Sum of all MC_Chunk.szB values.
-      SizeT        indirect_szB; // Sum of all LC_Extra.indirect_szB values.
-      UInt         num_blocks;   // Number of blocks represented by the record.
+      LossRecordKey key;  // Key, when used in an OSet.
+      SizeT szB;          // Sum of all MC_Chunk.szB values.
+      SizeT indirect_szB; // Sum of all LC_Extra.indirect_szB values.
+      UInt  num_blocks;   // Number of blocks represented by the record.