Overhauled the docs.  Removed all the HTML files, put in XML files as
converted by Donna.  Hooked it into the build system so they are only
built when specifically asked for, and when doing "make dist".

They're not perfect;  in particular, there are the following problems:
- The plain-text FAQ should be built from FAQ.xml, but this is not
  currently done.  (The text FAQ has been left in for now.)

- The PS/PDF building doesn't work -- it fails with an incomprehensible
  error message which I haven't yet deciphered.

Nonetheless, I'm putting it in so others can see it.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@3153 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/docs/README b/docs/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f947d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+Valgrind Documentation
+This text assumes the following directory structure:
+Distribution text files (eg. README):
+  valgrind/
+Main /docs/ dir:
+  valgrind/docs/
+Top-level XML files: 
+  valgrind/docs/xml/
+Tool specific XML docs:
+  valgrind/<toolname>/docs/
+All images used in the docs:
+  valgrind/docs/images/
+Stylesheets, catalogs, parsing/formatting scripts:
+  valgrind/docs/lib/
+Some files of note:
+  docs/xml/index.xml:       Top-level book-set wrapper
+  docs/xml/FAQ.xml:         The FAQ
+  docs/xml/vg-entities.xml: Various strings, dates etc. used all over
+  docs/xml/xml_help.txt:    Basic guide to common XML tags.
+The Documentation Set contains all books, articles,
+etc. pertaining to Valgrind, and is designed to be built as:
+- chunked html files
+- PDF file
+- PS file
+The whole thing is a "book set", made up of multiple books (the user
+manual, the FAQ, the tech-docs, the licenses).  Each book could be
+made individually, but the build system doesn't do that.
+CSS: the style-sheet used by the docs is the same as that used by the
+website (consistency is king).  It might be worth doing a pre-build diff
+to check whether the website stylesheet has changed.
+The build process
+It's not obvious exactly when things get built, and so on.  Here's an
+- The HTML docs can be built manually by running 'make html-docs' in
+  valgrind/docs/.  (Don't use 'make html'; that is a valid built-in
+  automake target, but does nothing.)  Likewise for PDF/PS with 'make
+  print-docs'.
+- 'make dist' puts the XML files into the tarball.  It also builds the
+  HTML docs and puts them in too, in valgrind/docs/html/ (including
+  style sheets, images, etc).
+- 'make install' installs the HTML docs in
+  $(install)/share/doc/valgrind/html/, if they are present.  (They will
+  be present if you are installing from the result of a 'make dist'.
+  They might not be present if you are developing in a Subversion
+  workspace and have not built them.)  It doesn't install the XML docs,
+  as they're not useful installed.
+If the XML processing tools ever mature enough to become standard, we
+could just build the docs from XML when doing 'make install', which
+would be simpler.
+The XML Toolchain
+I spent some time on the docbook-apps list in order to ascertain
+the most-useful / widely-available / least-fragile / advanced
+toolchain.  Basically, everything has problems of one sort or
+another, so I ended up going with what I felt was the
+least-problematical of the various options.
+The maintainer is responsible for ensure the following tools are
+present on his system:
+- xmllint:   using libxml version 20607
+- xsltproc:  using libxml 20607, libxslt 10102 and libexslt 802
+             (Nb:be sure to use a version based on libxml2 
+              version 2.6.11 or later.  There was a bug in 
+	            xml:base processing in versions before that.)
+- pdfxmltex: pdfTeX (Web2C 7.4.5) 3.14159-1.10b
+- pdftops:   version 3.00
+- DocBook:   version 4.2
+- bzip2
+- lynx
+A big problem is latency.  Norman Walsh is constantly updating
+DocBook, but the tools tend to lag behind somewhat.  It is
+important that the versions get on with each other.  If you
+decide to upgrade something, then it is your responsibility to
+ascertain whether things still work nicely - this *cannot* be
+Print output: if make expires with an error, cat output.
+If you see something like this:
+  ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=436070]
+then look at this:
+  http://lists.debian.org/debian-doc/2003/12/msg00020.html
+and modify your texmf files accordingly.
+Catalog Locations
+Suse 9.1: 
+/usr/share/xml/docbook/ stylesheet/nwalsh/1.64.1/html/docbook.xsl
+/usr/share/xml/docbook/ schema/dtd/4.2/docbookx.dtd
+/usr/share/xml/docbook/ schema/dtd/4.2/catalog.xml
+- the end of file.xml must have only ONE newline after the last tag:
+  </book>
+- pdfxmltex barfs if given a filename with an underscore in it
+- samba have got all the stuff
+excellent on-line howto reference:
+- http://www.cogent.ca/
+using automake with docbook:
+- http://www.movement.uklinux.net/docs/docbook-autotools/index.html
+Debugging catalog processing:
+- http://xmlsoft.org/catalog.html#Declaring
+  xmlcatalog -v <catalog-file>
+shell script to generate xml catalogs for docbook 4.1.2:
+- http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/docbook.html
+configure.in re pdfxmltex
+- http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/logreport/service/configure.in?rev=1.325
+some useful xls stylesheets in cvs:
+- http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/perl-xml/perl-xml-faq/
+- get rid of blank pages in fo output
+- concat titlepage + subtitle page in fo output
+- generate an index for the user manual (??)
+- fix tex so it does not run out of memory
+- run through and check for not-linked hrefs: grep on 'http'
+- run through and check for bad email addresses: grep on '@' etc.
+- when we move to svn, change all refs to sourceforge.cvs
+- go through and wrap refs+addresses in '<address>' tags