Rollup fixes for Helgrind:

* tracking of barriers: add support for resizable barriers

* resync TSan-compatible client requests with latest changes

* add direct access to the client requests used in hg_intercepts.c

* add a client request pair to disable and re-enable tracking
  of arbitrary address ranges

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/helgrind/helgrind.h b/helgrind/helgrind.h
index 317695b..000a077 100644
--- a/helgrind/helgrind.h
+++ b/helgrind/helgrind.h
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_POSIX_SEM_DESTROY_PRE,      /* sem_t* */
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_POSIX_SEM_POST_PRE,         /* sem_t* */
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_POSIX_SEM_WAIT_POST,        /* sem_t* */
-      _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT_PRE,   /* pth_bar_t*, ulong */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT_PRE,   /* pth_bar_t*, ulong, ulong */
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_WAIT_PRE,   /* pth_bar_t* */
@@ -109,29 +109,192 @@
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_USERSO_SEND_PRE,        /* arbitrary UWord SO-tag */
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_USERSO_RECV_POST,       /* arbitrary UWord SO-tag */
       _VG_USERREQ__HG_RESERVED1,              /* Do not use */
-      _VG_USERREQ__HG_RESERVED2               /* Do not use */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_RESERVED2,              /* Do not use */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_RESERVED3,              /* Do not use */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_RESERVED4,              /* Do not use */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_ARANGE_MAKE_UNTRACKED, /* Addr a, ulong len */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_ARANGE_MAKE_TRACKED,   /* Addr a, ulong len */
+      _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_RESIZE_PRE /* pth_bar_t*, ulong */
    } Vg_TCheckClientRequest;
-/*--- An implementation-only request -- not for end user use   ---*/
+/*---                                                          ---*/
+/*--- Implementation-only facilities.  Not for end-user use.   ---*/
+/*--- For end-user facilities see below (the next section in   ---*/
+/*--- this file.)                                              ---*/
+/*---                                                          ---*/
-#define _HG_CLIENTREQ_UNIMP(_qzz_str)                            \
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_qzz_res, 0,                     \
-                                _VG_USERREQ__HG_CLIENTREQ_UNIMP, \
-                                _qzz_str, 0, 0, 0, 0);           \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while(0)
+/* Do a client request.  These are macros rather than a functions so
+   as to avoid having an extra frame in stack traces.
+   NB: these duplicate definitions in hg_intercepts.c.  But here, we
+   have to make do with weaker typing (no definition of Word etc) and
+   no assertions, whereas in helgrind.h we can use those facilities.
+   Obviously it's important the two sets of definitions are kept in
+   sync.
+   The commented-out asserts should actually hold, but unfortunately
+   they can't be allowed to be visible here, because that would
+   require the end-user code to #include <assert.h>.
+#define DO_CREQ_v_W(_creqF, _ty1F,_arg1F)                \
+   do {                                                  \
+      long int _unused_res, _arg1;                       \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty1F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      _arg1 = (long int)(_arg1F);                        \
+      VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_unused_res, 0,         \
+                                 (_creqF),               \
+                                 _arg1, 0,0,0,0);        \
+   } while (0)
+#define DO_CREQ_v_WW(_creqF, _ty1F,_arg1F, _ty2F,_arg2F) \
+   do {                                                  \
+      long int _unused_res, _arg1, _arg2;                \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty1F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty2F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      _arg1 = (long int)(_arg1F);                        \
+      _arg2 = (long int)(_arg2F);                        \
+      VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_unused_res, 0,         \
+                                 (_creqF),               \
+                                 _arg1,_arg2,0,0,0);     \
+   } while (0)
+#define DO_CREQ_v_WWW(_creqF, _ty1F,_arg1F,              \
+                      _ty2F,_arg2F, _ty3F, _arg3F)       \
+   do {                                                  \
+      long int _unused_res, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3;         \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty1F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty2F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      /* assert(sizeof(_ty3F) == sizeof(long int)); */   \
+      _arg1 = (long int)(_arg1F);                        \
+      _arg2 = (long int)(_arg2F);                        \
+      _arg3 = (long int)(_arg3F);                        \
+      VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_unused_res, 0,         \
+                                 (_creqF),               \
+                                 _arg1,_arg2,_arg3,0,0); \
+   } while (0)
+#define _HG_CLIENTREQ_UNIMP(_qzz_str)                    \
+               (char*),(_qzz_str))
-/*--- Misc requests                                            ---*/
+/*---                                                          ---*/
+/*--- Helgrind-native requests.  These allow access to         ---*/
+/*--- the same set of annotation primitives that are used      ---*/
+/*--- to build the POSIX pthread wrappers.                     ---*/
+/*---                                                          ---*/
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------
+   For describing ordinary mutexes (non-rwlocks).  For rwlock
+   descriptions see ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_* below.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Notify here immediately after mutex creation.  _mbRec == 0 for a
+   non-recursive mutex, 1 for a recursive mutex. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_INIT_POST(_mutex, _mbRec)          \
+                void*,(_mutex), long,(_mbRec))
+/* Notify here immediately before mutex acquisition.  _isTryLock == 0
+   for a normal acquisition, 1 for a "try" style acquisition. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_LOCK_PRE(_mutex, _isTryLock)       \
+                void*,(_mutex), long,(_isTryLock))
+/* Notify here immediately after a successful mutex acquisition. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_LOCK_POST(_mutex)                  \
+               void*,(_mutex))
+/* Notify here immediately before a mutex release. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_UNLOCK_PRE(_mutex)                 \
+               void*,(_mutex))
+/* Notify here immediately after a mutex release. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_UNLOCK_POST(_mutex)                \
+               void*,(_mutex))
+/* Notify here immediately before mutex destruction. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_MUTEX_DESTROY_PRE(_mutex)                \
+               void*,(_mutex))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------
+   For describing semaphores.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Notify here immediately after semaphore creation. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_SEM_INIT_POST(_sem, _value)              \
+                void*, (_sem), unsigned long, (_value))
+/* Notify here immediately after a semaphore wait (an acquire-style
+   operation) */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_SEM_WAIT_POST(_sem)                      \
+               void*,(_sem))
+/* Notify here immediately before semaphore post (a release-style
+   operation) */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_SEM_POST_PRE(_sem)                       \
+               void*,(_sem))
+/* Notify here immediately before semaphore destruction. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_SEM_DESTROY_PRE(_sem)                    \
+               void*, (_sem))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------
+   For describing barriers.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Notify here immediately before barrier creation.  _count is the
+   capacity.  _resizable == 0 means the barrier may not be resized, 1
+   means it may be. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_BARRIER_INIT_PRE(_bar, _count, _resizable) \
+                 void*,(_bar),                               \
+                 unsigned long,(_count),                     \
+                 unsigned long,(_resizable))
+/* Notify here immediately before arrival at a barrier. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_BARRIER_WAIT_PRE(_bar)                   \
+               void*,(_bar))
+/* Notify here immediately before a resize (change of barrier
+   capacity).  If _newcount >= the existing capacity, then there is no
+   change in the state of any threads waiting at the barrier.  If
+   _newcount < the existing capacity, and >= _newcount threads are
+   currently waiting at the barrier, then this notification is
+   considered to also have the effect of telling the checker that all
+   waiting threads have now moved past the barrier.  (I can't think of
+   any other sane semantics.) */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_BARRIER_RESIZE_PRE(_bar, _newcount)      \
+                void*,(_bar),                                \
+                unsigned long,(_newcount))
+/* Notify here immediately before barrier destruction. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_BARRIER_DESTROY_PRE(_bar)                \
+               void*,(_bar))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------
+   For describing memory ownership changes.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* Clean memory state.  This makes Helgrind forget everything it knew
    about the specified memory range.  Effectively this announces that
    the specified memory range now "belongs" to the calling thread, so
@@ -139,27 +302,51 @@
    synchronisation, and (2) all other threads must sync with this one
    to access it safely.  This is particularly useful for memory
    allocators that wish to recycle memory. */
-#define VALGRIND_HG_CLEAN_MEMORY(_qzz_start, _qzz_len) \
-   do {                                                \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                           \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                       \
-        (_qzz_res), 0, VG_USERREQ__HG_CLEAN_MEMORY,    \
-        (_qzz_start), (_qzz_len), 0, 0, 0              \
-     );                                                \
-     (void)0;                                          \
-   } while(0)
+#define VALGRIND_HG_CLEAN_MEMORY(_qzz_start, _qzz_len)       \
+   DO_CREQ_v_WW(VG_USERREQ__HG_CLEAN_MEMORY,                 \
+                void*,(_qzz_start),                          \
+                unsigned long,(_qzz_len))
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------
+   For error control.
+   ---------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Tell H that an address range is not to be "tracked" until further
+   notice.  This puts it in the NOACCESS state, in which case we
+   ignore all reads and writes to it.  Useful for ignoring ranges of
+   memory where there might be races we don't want to see.  If the
+   memory is subsequently reallocated via malloc/new/stack allocation,
+   then it is put back in the trackable state.  Hence it is safe in
+   the situation where checking is disabled, the containing area is
+   deallocated and later reallocated for some other purpose. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_DISABLE_CHECKING(_qzz_start, _qzz_len)   \
+                 void*,(_qzz_start),                         \
+                 unsigned long,(_qzz_len))
+/* And put it back into the normal "tracked" state, that is, make it
+   once again subject to the normal race-checking machinery.  This
+   puts it in the same state as new memory allocated by this thread --
+   that is, basically owned exclusively by this thread. */
+#define VALGRIND_HG_ENABLE_CHECKING(_qzz_start, _qzz_len)    \
+                 void*,(_qzz_start),                         \
+                 unsigned long,(_qzz_len))
+/*---                                                          ---*/
 /*--- ThreadSanitizer-compatible requests                      ---*/
+/*--- (mostly unimplemented)                                   ---*/
+/*---                                                          ---*/
 /* A quite-broad set of annotations, as used in the ThreadSanitizer
    project.  This implementation aims to be a (source-level)
    compatible implementation of the macros defined in:
-  \
-                         /browse/trunk/src/base/dynamic_annotations.h
+          /browse/trunk/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h
    (some of the comments below are taken from the above file)
@@ -240,22 +427,10 @@
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_qzz_res, 0,                     \
-                                _VG_USERREQ__HG_USERSO_SEND_PRE, \
-                                obj, 0, 0, 0, 0);                \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while (0)
-   do {                                                           \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                      \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(_qzz_res, 0,                      \
-                                _VG_USERREQ__HG_USERSO_RECV_POST, \
-                                obj, 0, 0, 0, 0);                 \
-     (void)0;                                                     \
-   } while (0)
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -274,6 +449,12 @@
 #define ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) \
+/* DEPRECATED. Don't use it. */
+/* #define ANNOTATE_UNPUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) */
+/* DEPRECATED. Don't use it. */
+/* #define ANNOTATE_SWAP_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) */
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
    TSan sources say:
@@ -289,8 +470,11 @@
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -354,16 +538,21 @@
-/* Report that we may have a benign race on ADDRESS.  Insert at the
-   point where ADDRESS has been allocated, preferably close to the
-   point where the race happens.  See also ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC.
+/* Report that we may have a benign race at "pointer", with size
+   "sizeof(*(pointer))". "pointer" must be a non-void* pointer.  Insert at the
+   point where "pointer" has been allocated, preferably close to the point
+   where the race happens.  See also ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC.
    XXX: what's this actually supposed to do?  And what's the type of
    DESCRIPTION?  When does the annotation stop having an effect?
-#define ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description) \
+#define ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(pointer, description) \
+/* Same as ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description), but applies to
+   the memory range [address, address+size). */
+#define ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) \
 /* Request the analysis tool to ignore all reads in the current thread
    until ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END is called.  Useful to ignore
@@ -429,49 +618,51 @@
 /* Report that a lock has just been created at address LOCK. */
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                                 \
-        _qzz_res, 0, _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INIT_POST,   \
-        lock, 0, 0, 0, 0                                         \
-     );                                                          \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while(0)
+#define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock)                         \
+               void*,(lock))
 /* Report that the lock at address LOCK is about to be destroyed. */
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                                 \
-        lock, 0, 0, 0, 0                                         \
-     );                                                          \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while(0)
+#define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock)                        \
+               void*,(lock))
 /* Report that the lock at address LOCK has just been acquired.
    is_w=1 for writer lock, is_w=0 for reader lock. */
-#define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) \
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                                 \
-        _qzz_res, 0, _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_LOCK_POST,   \
-        lock, is_w ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0                              \
-     );                                                          \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while(0)
+#define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w)                 \
+               void*,(lock), unsigned long,(is_w))
 /* Report that the lock at address LOCK is about to be released. */
-  #define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) \
-   do {                                                          \
-     unsigned long _qzz_res;                                     \
-     VALGRIND_DO_CLIENT_REQUEST(                                 \
-        _qzz_res, 0, _VG_USERREQ__HG_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_UNLOCK_PRE,  \
-        lock, 0, 0, 0, 0                                         \
-     );                                                          \
-     (void)0;                                                    \
-   } while(0)
+#define ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w)                 \
+              void*,(lock)) /* is_w is ignored */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------
+   Annotations useful when implementing barriers.  They are not
+   normally needed by modules that merely use barriers.
+   The "barrier" argument is a pointer to the barrier object.
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Report that the "barrier" has been initialized with initial
+   "count".  If 'reinitialization_allowed' is true, initialization is
+   allowed to happen multiple times w/o calling barrier_destroy() */
+#define ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) \
+/* Report that we are about to enter barrier_wait("barrier"). */
+/* Report that we just exited barrier_wait("barrier"). */
+/* Report that the "barrier" has been destroyed. */
+#define ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) \
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -488,5 +679,9 @@
 #define ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) \
+/* Force the race detector to flush its state. The actual effect depends on
+ * the implementation of the detector. */
 #endif /* __HELGRIND_H */
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c b/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
index 8c17cc7..f5dc283 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_intercepts.c
@@ -70,8 +70,19 @@
-// Do a client request.  This is a macro rather than a function 
-// so as to avoid having an extra function in the stack trace.
+// Do a client request.  These are macros rather than a functions so
+// as to avoid having an extra frame in stack traces.
+// NB: these duplicate definitions in helgrind.h.  But here, we
+// can have better typing (Word etc) and assertions, whereas
+// in helgrind.h we can't.  Obviously it's important the two
+// sets of definitions are kept in sync.
+// nuke the previous definitions
+#undef DO_CREQ_v_W
+#undef DO_CREQ_v_WW
+#undef DO_CREQ_W_WW
+#undef DO_CREQ_v_WWW
 #define DO_CREQ_v_W(_creqF, _ty1F,_arg1F)                \
    do {                                                  \
@@ -957,9 +968,10 @@
-                pthread_barrier_t*,bar,
-                unsigned long,count);
+                 pthread_barrier_t*, bar,
+                 unsigned long, count,
+                 unsigned long, 0/*!resizable*/);
    CALL_FN_W_WWW(ret, fn, bar,attr,count);
diff --git a/helgrind/hg_main.c b/helgrind/hg_main.c
index 294dcc8..19dd1f9 100644
--- a/helgrind/hg_main.c
+++ b/helgrind/hg_main.c
@@ -1084,6 +1084,13 @@
    libhb_srange_noaccess( thr->hbthr, aIN, len );
+static void shadow_mem_make_Untracked ( Thread* thr, Addr aIN, SizeT len )
+   if (0 && len > 500)
+      VG_(printf)("make Untracked ( %#lx, %ld )\n", aIN, len );
+   libhb_srange_untrack( thr->hbthr, aIN, len );
 /*--- Event handlers (evh__* functions)                        ---*/
@@ -1531,6 +1538,7 @@
 void evh__die_mem ( Addr a, SizeT len ) {
+   // urr, libhb ignores this.
    if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 2)
       VG_(printf)("evh__die_mem(%p, %lu)\n", (void*)a, len );
    shadow_mem_make_NoAccess( get_current_Thread(), a, len );
@@ -1539,6 +1547,16 @@
+void evh__untrack_mem ( Addr a, SizeT len ) {
+   // whereas it doesn't ignore this
+   if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 2)
+      VG_(printf)("evh__untrack_mem(%p, %lu)\n", (void*)a, len );
+   shadow_mem_make_Untracked( get_current_Thread(), a, len );
+   if (len >= SCE_BIGRANGE_T && (HG_(clo_sanity_flags) & SCE_BIGRANGE))
+      all__sanity_check("evh__untrack_mem-post");
 void evh__copy_mem ( Addr src, Addr dst, SizeT len ) {
    if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 2)
       VG_(printf)("evh__copy_mem(%p, %p, %lu)\n", (void*)src, (void*)dst, len );
@@ -2701,6 +2719,7 @@
    struct {
       Bool    initted; /* has it yet been initted by guest? */
+      Bool    resizable; /* is resizing allowed? */
       UWord   size;    /* declared size */
       XArray* waiting; /* XA of Thread*.  # present is 0 .. .size */
@@ -2760,15 +2779,16 @@
 static void evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT_PRE ( ThreadId tid,
                                                void* barrier,
-                                               UWord count )
+                                               UWord count,
+                                               UWord resizable )
    Thread* thr;
    Bar*    bar;
    if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 1)
-                  "(tid=%d, barrier=%p, count=%lu)\n", 
-                  (Int)tid, (void*)barrier, count );
+                  "(tid=%d, barrier=%p, count=%lu, resizable=%lu)\n", 
+                  (Int)tid, (void*)barrier, count, resizable );
    thr = map_threads_maybe_lookup( tid );
    tl_assert(thr); /* cannot fail - Thread* must already exist */
@@ -2779,6 +2799,12 @@
+   if (resizable != 0 && resizable != 1) {
+      HG_(record_error_Misc)(
+         thr, "pthread_barrier_init: invalid 'resizable' argument"
+      );
+   }
    bar = map_barrier_to_Bar_lookup_or_alloc(barrier);
@@ -2802,8 +2828,9 @@
    tl_assert(VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting) == 0);
-   bar->initted = True;
-   bar->size    = count;
+   bar->initted   = True;
+   bar->resizable = resizable == 1 ? True : False;
+   bar->size      = count;
@@ -2851,6 +2878,43 @@
+/* All the threads have arrived.  Now do the Interesting Bit.  Get a
+   new synchronisation object and do a weak send to it from all the
+   participating threads.  This makes its vector clocks be the join of
+   all the individual threads' vector clocks.  Then do a strong
+   receive from it back to all threads, so that their VCs are a copy
+   of it (hence are all equal to the join of their original VCs.) */
+static void do_barrier_cross_sync_and_empty ( Bar* bar )
+   /* XXX check bar->waiting has no duplicates */
+   UWord i;
+   SO*   so = libhb_so_alloc();
+   tl_assert(bar->waiting);
+   tl_assert(VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting) == bar->size);
+   /* compute the join ... */
+   for (i = 0; i < bar->size; i++) {
+      Thread* t = *(Thread**)VG_(indexXA)(bar->waiting, i);
+      Thr* hbthr = t->hbthr;
+      libhb_so_send( hbthr, so, False/*weak send*/ );
+   }
+   /* ... and distribute to all threads */
+   for (i = 0; i < bar->size; i++) {
+      Thread* t = *(Thread**)VG_(indexXA)(bar->waiting, i);
+      Thr* hbthr = t->hbthr;
+      libhb_so_recv( hbthr, so, True/*strong recv*/ );
+   }
+   /* finally, we must empty out the waiting vector */
+   VG_(dropTailXA)(bar->waiting, VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting));
+   /* and we don't need this any more.  Perhaps a stack-allocated
+      SO would be better? */
+   libhb_so_dealloc(so);
 static void evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_WAIT_PRE ( ThreadId tid,
                                                void* barrier )
@@ -2896,8 +2960,7 @@
    Thread* thr;
    Bar*    bar;
-   SO*     so;
-   UWord   present, i;
+   UWord   present;
    if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 1)
@@ -2930,39 +2993,74 @@
    if (present < bar->size)
-   /* All the threads have arrived.  Now do the Interesting Bit.  Get
-      a new synchronisation object and do a weak send to it from all
-      the participating threads.  This makes its vector clocks be the
-      join of all the individual threads' vector clocks.  Then do a
-      strong receive from it back to all threads, so that their VCs
-      are a copy of it (hence are all equal to the join of their
-      original VCs.) */
-   so = libhb_so_alloc();
+   do_barrier_cross_sync_and_empty(bar);
-   /* XXX check ->waiting has no duplicates */
+static void evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_RESIZE_PRE ( ThreadId tid,
+                                                 void* barrier,
+                                                 UWord newcount )
+   Thread* thr;
+   Bar*    bar;
+   UWord   present;
+   if (SHOW_EVENTS >= 1)
+      VG_(printf)("evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_RESIZE_PRE"
+                  "(tid=%d, barrier=%p, newcount=%lu)\n", 
+                  (Int)tid, (void*)barrier, newcount );
+   thr = map_threads_maybe_lookup( tid );
+   tl_assert(thr); /* cannot fail - Thread* must already exist */
+   bar = map_barrier_to_Bar_lookup_or_alloc(barrier);
+   tl_assert(bar);
+   if (!bar->initted) {
+      HG_(record_error_Misc)(
+         thr, "pthread_barrier_resize: barrier is uninitialised"
+      );
+      return; /* client is broken .. avoid assertions below */
+   }
+   if (!bar->resizable) {
+      HG_(record_error_Misc)(
+         thr, "pthread_barrier_resize: barrier is may not be resized"
+      );
+      return; /* client is broken .. avoid assertions below */
+   }
+   if (newcount == 0) {
+      HG_(record_error_Misc)(
+         thr, "pthread_barrier_resize: 'newcount' argument is zero"
+      );
+      return; /* client is broken .. avoid assertions below */
+   }
+   /* guaranteed by _INIT_PRE above */
+   tl_assert(bar->size > 0);
-   tl_assert(VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting) == bar->size);
+   /* Guaranteed by this fn */
+   tl_assert(newcount > 0);
-   /* compute the join ... */
-   for (i = 0; i < bar->size; i++) {
-      Thread* t = *(Thread**)VG_(indexXA)(bar->waiting, i);
-      Thr* hbthr = t->hbthr;
-      libhb_so_send( hbthr, so, False/*weak send*/ );
+   if (newcount >= bar->size) {
+      /* Increasing the capacity.  There's no possibility of threads
+         moving on from the barrier in this situation, so just note
+         the fact and do nothing more. */
+      bar->size = newcount;
+   } else {
+      /* Decreasing the capacity.  If we decrease it to be equal or
+         below the number of waiting threads, they will now move past
+         the barrier, so need to mess with dep edges in the same way
+         as if the barrier had filled up normally. */
+      present = VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting);
+      tl_assert(present >= 0 && present <= bar->size);
+      if (newcount <= present) {
+         bar->size = present; /* keep the cross_sync call happy */
+         do_barrier_cross_sync_and_empty(bar);
+      }
+      bar->size = newcount;
-   /* ... and distribute to all threads */
-   for (i = 0; i < bar->size; i++) {
-      Thread* t = *(Thread**)VG_(indexXA)(bar->waiting, i);
-      Thr* hbthr = t->hbthr;
-      libhb_so_recv( hbthr, so, True/*strong recv*/ );
-   }
-   /* finally, we must empty out the waiting vector */
-   VG_(dropTailXA)(bar->waiting, VG_(sizeXA)(bar->waiting));
-   /* and we don't need this any more.  Perhaps a stack-allocated
-      SO would be better? */
-   libhb_so_dealloc(so);
@@ -4157,6 +4255,22 @@
+         if (0) VG_(printf)("HG_ARANGE_MAKE_UNTRACKED(%#lx,%ld)\n",
+                            args[1], args[2]);
+         if (args[2] > 0) { /* length */
+            evh__untrack_mem(args[1], args[2]);
+         }
+         break;
+         if (0) VG_(printf)("HG_ARANGE_MAKE_TRACKED(%#lx,%ld)\n",
+                            args[1], args[2]);
+         if (args[2] > 0) { /* length */
+            evh__new_mem(args[1], args[2]);
+         }
+         break;
       /* --- --- Client requests for Helgrind's use only --- --- */
       /* Some thread is telling us its pthread_t value.  Record the
@@ -4327,8 +4441,15 @@
-         /* pth_bar_t*, ulong */
-         evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT_PRE( tid, (void*)args[1], args[2] );
+         /* pth_bar_t*, ulong count, ulong resizable */
+         evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_INIT_PRE( tid, (void*)args[1],
+                                                args[2], args[3] );
+         break;
+         /* pth_bar_t*, ulong newcount */
+         evh__HG_PTHREAD_BARRIER_RESIZE_PRE ( tid, (void*)args[1],
+                                              args[2] );
diff --git a/helgrind/libhb.h b/helgrind/libhb.h
index 9ba465d..ab4ba46 100644
--- a/helgrind/libhb.h
+++ b/helgrind/libhb.h
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
 /* Set memory address ranges to new (freshly allocated), or noaccess
    (no longer accessible). */
 void libhb_srange_new      ( Thr*, Addr, SizeT );
-void libhb_srange_noaccess ( Thr*, Addr, SizeT );
+void libhb_srange_noaccess ( Thr*, Addr, SizeT ); /* IS IGNORED */
+void libhb_srange_untrack  ( Thr*, Addr, SizeT );
 /* For the convenience of callers, we offer to store one void* item in
    a Thr, which we ignore, but the caller can get or set any time. */
diff --git a/helgrind/libhb_core.c b/helgrind/libhb_core.c
index 0a07f4b..e5a0582 100644
--- a/helgrind/libhb_core.c
+++ b/helgrind/libhb_core.c
@@ -5716,6 +5716,16 @@
    /* do nothing */
+void libhb_srange_untrack ( Thr* thr, Addr a, SizeT szB )
+   SVal sv = SVal_NOACCESS;
+   tl_assert(is_sane_SVal_C(sv));
+   if (0 && TRACEME(a,szB)) trace(thr,a,szB,"untrack-before");
+   zsm_sset_range( a, szB, sv );
+   Filter__clear_range( thr->filter, a, szB );
+   if (0 && TRACEME(a,szB)) trace(thr,a,szB,"untrack-after ");
 void* libhb_get_Thr_opaque ( Thr* thr ) {
    return thr->opaque;