This commit moves some skin-specific stuff out of core, and generally
neatens other things up.

Also, it adds the --gen-suppressions option for automatically generating
suppressions for each error.

Note that it changes the core/skin interface:
SK_(dup_extra_and_update)() is replaced by SK_(update_extra)(), and
SK_(get_error_name)() and SK_(print_extra_suppression_info)() are added.

Removed ac_common.c -- it just #included another .c file;  moved the
#include into ac_main.c.

Introduced "mac_" prefixes for files shared between Addrcheck and Memcheck,
to make it clearer which code is shared.  Also using a "MAC_" prefix for
functions and variables and types that are shared.  Addrcheck doesn't see
the "MC_" prefix at all.

Factored out almost-identical mc_describe_addr() and describe_addr()
(AddrCheck's version) into MAC_(describe_addr)().

Got rid of the "pp_ExeContext" closure passed to SK_(pp_SkinError)(), it
wasn't really necessary.

Introduced MAC_(pp_shared_SkinError)() for the error printing code shared by
Addrcheck and Memcheck.  Fixed some bogus stuff in Addrcheck error messages
about "uninitialised bytes" (there because of an imperfect conversion from

Moved the leak checker out of core (vg_memory.c), into mac_leakcheck.c.
 - This meant the hacky way of recording Leak errors, which was different to
   normal errors, could be changed to something better:  introduced a
   function VG_(unique_error)(), which unlike VG_(maybe_record_error)() just
   prints the error (unless suppressed) but doesn't record it.  Used for
   leaks;  a much better solution all round as it allowed me to remove a lot
   of almost-identical code from leak handling (is_suppressible_leak(),

 - As part of this, changed the horrible SK_(dup_extra_and_update) into the
   slightly less horrible SK_(update_extra), which returns the size of the
   `extra' part for the core to duplicate.

 - Also renamed it from VG_(generic_detect_memory_leaks)() to
   MAC_(do_detect_memory_leaks).  In making the code nicer w.r.t suppressions
   and error reporting, I tied it a bit more closely to Memcheck/Addrcheck,
   and got rid of some of the args.  It's not really "generic" any more, but
   then it never really was.  (This could be undone, but there doesn't seem
   to be much point.)

STREQ and STREQN were #defined in several places, and in two different ways.
Made global macros VG_STREQ, VG_CLO_STREQ and VG_CLO_STREQN in vg_skin.h.

Added the --gen-suppressions code.  This required adding the functions
SK_(get_error_name)() and SK_(print_extra_suppression_info)() for skins that
use the error handling need.

Added documentation for --gen-suppressions, and fixed some other minor document

Various other minor related changes too.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c b/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d3ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/memcheck/mac_leakcheck.c
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+/*--- The leak checker, shared between Memcheck and Addrcheck.     ---*/
+/*---                                              mac_leakcheck.c ---*/
+   This file is part of MemCheck, a heavyweight Valgrind skin for
+   detecting memory errors, and AddrCheck, a lightweight Valgrind skin 
+   for detecting memory errors.
+   Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Julian Seward 
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include "mac_shared.h"
+/* Define to debug the memory-leak-detector. */
+/* #define VG_DEBUG_LEAKCHECK */
+/*--- Low-level address-space scanning, for the leak       ---*/
+/*--- detector.                                            ---*/
+jmp_buf memscan_jmpbuf;
+void vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler ( Int sigNo )
+   __builtin_longjmp(memscan_jmpbuf, 1);
+/* Safely (avoiding SIGSEGV / SIGBUS) scan the entire valid address
+   space and pass the addresses and values of all addressible,
+   defined, aligned words to notify_word.  This is the basis for the
+   leak detector.  Returns the number of calls made to notify_word.
+   Addresses are validated 3 ways.  First we enquire whether (addr >>
+   16) denotes a 64k chunk in use, by asking is_valid_64k_chunk().  If
+   so, we decide for ourselves whether each x86-level (4 K) page in
+   the chunk is safe to inspect.  If yes, we enquire with
+   is_valid_address() whether or not each of the 1024 word-locations
+   on the page is valid.  Only if so are that address and its contents
+   passed to notify_word.
+   This is all to avoid duplication of this machinery between the
+   memcheck and addrcheck skins.  
+UInt vg_scan_all_valid_memory ( Bool is_valid_64k_chunk ( UInt ),
+                                Bool is_valid_address ( Addr ),
+                                void (*notify_word)( Addr, UInt ) )
+   /* All volatile, because some gccs seem paranoid about longjmp(). */
+   volatile Bool anyValid;
+   volatile Addr pageBase, addr;
+   volatile UInt res, numPages, page, primaryMapNo;
+   volatile UInt page_first_word, nWordsNotified;
+   vki_ksigaction sigbus_saved;
+   vki_ksigaction sigbus_new;
+   vki_ksigaction sigsegv_saved;
+   vki_ksigaction sigsegv_new;
+   vki_ksigset_t  blockmask_saved;
+   vki_ksigset_t  unblockmask_new;
+   /* Temporarily install a new sigsegv and sigbus handler, and make
+      sure SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGTERM are unblocked.  (Perhaps the
+      first two can never be blocked anyway?)  */
+   sigbus_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
+   sigbus_new.ksa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
+   sigbus_new.ksa_restorer = NULL;
+   res = VG_(ksigemptyset)( &sigbus_new.ksa_mask );
+   sk_assert(res == 0);
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_handler = vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler;
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_flags = VKI_SA_ONSTACK | VKI_SA_RESTART;
+   sigsegv_new.ksa_restorer = NULL;
+   res = VG_(ksigemptyset)( &sigsegv_new.ksa_mask );
+   sk_assert(res == 0+0);
+   res =  VG_(ksigemptyset)( &unblockmask_new );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGBUS );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGSEGV );
+   res |= VG_(ksigaddset)( &unblockmask_new, VKI_SIGTERM );
+   sk_assert(res == 0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_new, &sigbus_saved );
+   sk_assert(res == 0+0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_new, &sigsegv_saved );
+   sk_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0);
+   res = VG_(ksigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblockmask_new, &blockmask_saved );
+   sk_assert(res == 0+0+0+0+0+0);
+   /* The signal handlers are installed.  Actually do the memory scan. */
+   numPages = 1 << (32-VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS);
+   sk_assert(numPages == 1048576);
+   sk_assert(4096 == (1 << VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS));
+   nWordsNotified = 0;
+   for (page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
+      /* Base address of this 4k page. */
+      pageBase = page << VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE_BITS;
+      /* Skip if this page is in an unused 64k chunk. */
+      primaryMapNo = pageBase >> 16;
+      if (!is_valid_64k_chunk(primaryMapNo))
+         continue;
+      /* Next, establish whether or not we want to consider any
+         locations on this page.  We need to do so before actually
+         prodding it, because prodding it when in fact it is not
+         needed can cause a page fault which under some rare
+         circumstances can cause the kernel to extend the stack
+         segment all the way down to here, which is seriously bad.
+         Hence: */
+      anyValid = False;
+      for (addr = pageBase; addr < pageBase+VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE; addr += 4) {
+         if (is_valid_address(addr)) {
+            anyValid = True;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      if (!anyValid)
+         continue;  /* nothing interesting here .. move to the next page */
+      /* Ok, we have to prod cautiously at the page and see if it
+         explodes or not. */
+      if (__builtin_setjmp(memscan_jmpbuf) == 0) {
+         /* try this ... */
+         page_first_word = * (volatile UInt*)pageBase;
+         /* we get here if we didn't get a fault */
+         /* Scan the page */
+         for (addr = pageBase; addr < pageBase+VKI_BYTES_PER_PAGE; addr += 4) {
+            if (is_valid_address(addr)) {
+               nWordsNotified++;
+               notify_word ( addr, *(UInt*)addr );
+	    }
+         }
+      } else {
+         /* We get here if reading the first word of the page caused a
+            fault, which in turn caused the signal handler to longjmp.
+            Ignore this page. */
+         if (0)
+         VG_(printf)(
+            "vg_scan_all_valid_memory_sighandler: ignoring page at %p\n",
+            (void*)pageBase 
+         );
+      }
+   }
+   /* Restore signal state to whatever it was before. */
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGBUS, &sigbus_saved, NULL );
+   sk_assert(res == 0 +0);
+   res = VG_(ksigaction)( VKI_SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_saved, NULL );
+   sk_assert(res == 0 +0 +0);
+   res = VG_(ksigprocmask)( VKI_SIG_SETMASK, &blockmask_saved, NULL );
+   sk_assert(res == 0 +0 +0 +0);
+   return nWordsNotified;
+/*--- Detecting leaked (unreachable) malloc'd blocks.      ---*/
+/* A block is either 
+   -- Proper-ly reached; a pointer to its start has been found
+   -- Interior-ly reached; only an interior pointer to it has been found
+   -- Unreached; so far, no pointers to any part of it have been found. 
+   enum { Unreached, Interior, Proper } 
+   Reachedness;
+/* A block record, used for generating err msgs. */
+   struct _LossRecord {
+      struct _LossRecord* next;
+      /* Where these lost blocks were allocated. */
+      ExeContext*  allocated_at;
+      /* Their reachability. */
+      Reachedness  loss_mode;
+      /* Number of blocks and total # bytes involved. */
+      UInt         total_bytes;
+      UInt         num_blocks;
+   }
+   LossRecord;
+/* Find the i such that ptr points at or inside the block described by
+   shadows[i].  Return -1 if none found.  This assumes that shadows[]
+   has been sorted on the ->data field. */
+/* Used to sanity-check the fast binary-search mechanism. */
+Int find_shadow_for_OLD ( Addr          ptr, 
+                          ShadowChunk** shadows,
+                          Int           n_shadows )
+   Int  i;
+   Addr a_lo, a_hi;
+   PROF_EVENT(70);
+   for (i = 0; i < n_shadows; i++) {
+      PROF_EVENT(71);
+      a_lo = shadows[i]->data;
+      a_hi = ((Addr)shadows[i]->data) + shadows[i]->size - 1;
+      if (a_lo <= ptr && ptr <= a_hi)
+         return i;
+   }
+   return -1;
+Int find_shadow_for ( Addr          ptr, 
+                      ShadowChunk** shadows,
+                      Int           n_shadows )
+   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
+   Int lo, mid, hi, retVal;
+   /* VG_(printf)("find shadow for %p = ", ptr); */
+   retVal = -1;
+   lo = 0;
+   hi = n_shadows-1;
+   while (True) {
+      /* invariant: current unsearched space is from lo to hi,
+         inclusive. */
+      if (lo > hi) break; /* not found */
+      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
+      a_mid_lo = VG_(get_sc_data)(shadows[mid]);
+      a_mid_hi = VG_(get_sc_data)(shadows[mid]) + 
+                 VG_(get_sc_size)(shadows[mid]) - 1;
+      if (ptr < a_mid_lo) {
+         hi = mid-1;
+         continue;
+      } 
+      if (ptr > a_mid_hi) {
+         lo = mid+1;
+         continue;
+      }
+      sk_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
+      retVal = mid;
+      break;
+   }
+   sk_assert(retVal == find_shadow_for_OLD ( ptr, shadows, n_shadows ));
+#  endif
+   /* VG_(printf)("%d\n", retVal); */
+   return retVal;
+/* Globals, for the following callback used by VG_(detect_memory_leaks). */
+static ShadowChunk**  vglc_shadows;
+static Int            vglc_n_shadows;
+static Reachedness*   vglc_reachedness;
+static Addr           vglc_min_mallocd_addr;
+static Addr           vglc_max_mallocd_addr;
+void vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr ( Addr a, UInt word_at_a )
+   Int  sh_no;
+   Addr ptr;
+   /* Rule out some known causes of bogus pointers.  Mostly these do
+      not cause much trouble because only a few false pointers can
+      ever lurk in these places.  This mainly stops it reporting that
+      blocks are still reachable in stupid test programs like this
+         int main (void) { char* a = malloc(100); return 0; }
+      which people seem inordinately fond of writing, for some reason.  
+      Note that this is a complete kludge.  It would be better to
+      ignore any addresses corresponding to's .bss and
+      .data segments, but I cannot think of a reliable way to identify
+      where the .bss segment has been put.  If you can, drop me a
+      line.  
+   */
+   if (VG_(within_stack)(a))                return;
+   if (VG_(within_m_state_static)(a))       return;
+   if (a == (Addr)(&vglc_min_mallocd_addr)) return;
+   if (a == (Addr)(&vglc_max_mallocd_addr)) return;
+   /* OK, let's get on and do something Useful for a change. */
+   ptr = (Addr)word_at_a;
+   if (ptr >= vglc_min_mallocd_addr && ptr <= vglc_max_mallocd_addr) {
+      /* Might be legitimate; we'll have to investigate further. */
+      sh_no = find_shadow_for ( ptr, vglc_shadows, vglc_n_shadows );
+      if (sh_no != -1) {
+         /* Found a block at/into which ptr points. */
+         sk_assert(sh_no >= 0 && sh_no < vglc_n_shadows);
+         sk_assert(ptr < VG_(get_sc_data)(vglc_shadows[sh_no])
+                       + VG_(get_sc_size)(vglc_shadows[sh_no]));
+         /* Decide whether Proper-ly or Interior-ly reached. */
+         if (ptr == VG_(get_sc_data)(vglc_shadows[sh_no])) {
+            if (0) VG_(printf)("pointer at %p to %p\n", a, word_at_a );
+            vglc_reachedness[sh_no] = Proper;
+         } else {
+            if (vglc_reachedness[sh_no] == Unreached)
+               vglc_reachedness[sh_no] = Interior;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+/* Used for printing leak errors, avoids exposing the LossRecord type (which
+   comes in as void*, requiring a cast. */
+void MAC_(pp_LeakError)(void* vl, UInt n_this_record, UInt n_total_records)
+   LossRecord* l = (LossRecord*)vl;
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                "%d bytes in %d blocks are %s in loss record %d of %d",
+                l->total_bytes, l->num_blocks,
+                l->loss_mode==Unreached ?    "definitely lost"
+                 : (l->loss_mode==Interior ? "possibly lost"
+                                           : "still reachable"),
+                n_this_record, n_total_records
+   );
+   VG_(pp_ExeContext)(l->allocated_at);
+/* Top level entry point to leak detector.  Call here, passing in
+   suitable address-validating functions (see comment at top of
+   vg_scan_all_valid_memory above).  All this is to avoid duplication
+   of the leak-detection code for the Memcheck and Addrcheck skins.
+   Also pass in a skin-specific function to extract the .where field
+   for allocated blocks, an indication of the resolution wanted for
+   distinguishing different allocation points, and whether or not
+   reachable blocks should be shown.
+void MAC_(do_detect_memory_leaks) (
+   Bool is_valid_64k_chunk ( UInt ),
+   Bool is_valid_address ( Addr )
+   Int    i;
+   Int    blocks_leaked, bytes_leaked;
+   Int    blocks_dubious, bytes_dubious;
+   Int    blocks_reachable, bytes_reachable;
+   Int    blocks_suppressed, bytes_suppressed;
+   Int    n_lossrecords;
+   UInt   bytes_notified;
+   Bool   is_suppressed;
+   LossRecord* errlist;
+   LossRecord* p;
+   /* VG_(get_malloc_shadows) allocates storage for shadows */
+   vglc_shadows = VG_(get_malloc_shadows)( &vglc_n_shadows );
+   if (vglc_n_shadows == 0) {
+      sk_assert(vglc_shadows == NULL);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                   "No malloc'd blocks -- no leaks are possible.");
+      return;
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "searching for pointers to %d not-freed blocks.", 
+                vglc_n_shadows );
+   vglc_min_mallocd_addr = VG_(get_sc_data)(vglc_shadows[0]);
+   vglc_max_mallocd_addr = VG_(get_sc_data)(vglc_shadows[vglc_n_shadows-1])
+                         + VG_(get_sc_size)(vglc_shadows[vglc_n_shadows-1]) - 1;
+   vglc_reachedness = VG_(malloc)( vglc_n_shadows * sizeof(Reachedness) );
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows; i++)
+      vglc_reachedness[i] = Unreached;
+   /* Do the scan of memory. */
+   bytes_notified
+         * vg_scan_all_valid_memory (
+              is_valid_64k_chunk,
+              is_valid_address,
+              &vg_detect_memory_leaks_notify_addr
+           );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "checked %d bytes.", bytes_notified);
+   /* Common up the lost blocks so we can print sensible error messages. */
+   n_lossrecords = 0;
+   errlist       = NULL;
+   for (i = 0; i < vglc_n_shadows; i++) {
+      ExeContext* where = MAC_(get_where) ( vglc_shadows[i] );
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->loss_mode == vglc_reachedness[i]
+             && VG_(eq_ExeContext) ( MAC_(clo_leak_resolution),
+                                     p->allocated_at, 
+                                     where) ) {
+            break;
+	 }
+      }
+      if (p != NULL) {
+         p->num_blocks  ++;
+         p->total_bytes += VG_(get_sc_size)(vglc_shadows[i]);
+      } else {
+         n_lossrecords ++;
+         p = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(LossRecord));
+         p->loss_mode    = vglc_reachedness[i];
+         p->allocated_at = where;
+         p->total_bytes  = VG_(get_sc_size)(vglc_shadows[i]);
+         p->num_blocks   = 1;
+         p->next         = errlist;
+         errlist         = p;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Print out the commoned-up blocks and collect summary stats. */
+   blocks_leaked     = bytes_leaked     = 0;
+   blocks_dubious    = bytes_dubious    = 0;
+   blocks_reachable  = bytes_reachable  = 0;
+   blocks_suppressed = bytes_suppressed = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < n_lossrecords; i++) {
+      Bool        print_record;
+      LossRecord* p_min = NULL;
+      UInt        n_min = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+      for (p = errlist; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+         if (p->num_blocks > 0 && p->total_bytes < n_min) {
+            n_min = p->total_bytes;
+            p_min = p;
+         }
+      }
+      sk_assert(p_min != NULL);
+      /* Ok to have tst==NULL;  it's only used if --gdb-attach=yes, and
+         we disallow that when --leak-check=yes.  
+         Prints the error if not suppressed, unless it's reachable (Proper)
+         and --show-reachable=no */
+      print_record = ( MAC_(clo_show_reachable) || Proper != p_min->loss_mode );
+      is_suppressed = 
+         VG_(unique_error) ( /*tst*/NULL, LeakErr, (UInt)i+1,
+                             (Char*)n_lossrecords, (void*) p_min,
+                             p_min->allocated_at, print_record );
+      if (is_suppressed) {
+         blocks_suppressed += p_min->num_blocks;
+         bytes_suppressed  += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Unreached == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_leaked     += p_min->num_blocks;
+         bytes_leaked      += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Interior  == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_dubious    += p_min->num_blocks;
+         bytes_dubious     += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else if (Proper    == p_min->loss_mode) {
+         blocks_reachable  += p_min->num_blocks;
+         bytes_reachable   += p_min->total_bytes;
+      } else {
+         VG_(skin_panic)("generic_detect_memory_leaks: unknown loss mode");
+      }
+      p_min->num_blocks = 0;
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "LEAK SUMMARY:");
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   definitely lost: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_leaked, blocks_leaked );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   possibly lost:   %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_dubious, blocks_dubious );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "   still reachable: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_reachable, blocks_reachable );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "        suppressed: %d bytes in %d blocks.", 
+                            bytes_suppressed, blocks_suppressed );
+   if (!MAC_(clo_show_reachable)) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+        "Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.");
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+         "To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes");
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+   VG_(free) ( vglc_shadows );
+   VG_(free) ( vglc_reachedness );
+/*--- end                                          mac_leakcheck.c ---*/