When dieing because a fatal signal was received, print a stack trace for
the location where the signal was received rather then the signal handler.

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@2725 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/coregrind/core.h b/coregrind/core.h
index 6b00112..0084d8d 100644
--- a/coregrind/core.h
+++ b/coregrind/core.h
@@ -1018,6 +1018,8 @@
                                     Int line, const Char* fn );
 __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
 extern void  VG_(core_panic)      ( Char* str );
+__attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
+extern void  VG_(core_panic_at)   ( Char* str, ExeContext *ec );
 /* Tools use VG_(strdup)() which doesn't expose ArenaId */
 extern Char* VG_(arena_strdup) ( ArenaId aid, const Char* s);