Fixes 282230  group allocator for small fixed size, use it for MC_Chunk/SEc vbit

* new files include/pub_tool_groupalloc.h and coregrind/m_groupalloc.c
  implementing a group allocator (based on helgrind group alloc).
* include/ coregrind/ : added pub_tool_groupalloc.h
  and m_groupalloc.c
* helgrind/libhb_core.c : use pub_tool_groupalloc.h/m_groupalloc.c
  instead  of the local implementation.
* include/pub_tool_oset.h coregrind/m_oset.c : new function
  allowing to create an oset that will use a pool allocator.
  new function allowing to clone an oset (so as to share the pool alloc)
* memcheck/tests/unit_oset.c drd/tests/unit_bitmap.c : modified
  so that it compiles with the new m_oset.c
* memcheck/mc_main.c : use group alloc for MC_Chunk
  memcheck/mc_include.h : declare the MC_Chunk group alloc
* memcheck/mc_main.c : use group alloc for the nodes of the secVBitTable OSet
* include/pub_tool_hashtable.h coregrind/m_hashtable.c : pass the free node
  function in the VG_(HT_destruct).
  (needed as the hashtable user can allocate a node with its own alloc,
  the hash table destroy must be able to free the nodes with the user
  own free).
* coregrind/m_gdbserver/m_gdbserver.c : pass free function to VG_(HT_destruct)
* memcheck/mc_replace_strmem.c memcheck/mc_machine.c
  memcheck/mc_malloc_wrappers.c memcheck/mc_leakcheck.c
  memcheck/mc_errors.c memcheck/mc_translate.c : new include needed
  due to group alloc.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/include/pub_tool_oset.h b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
index 204e54b..cf6709a 100644
--- a/include/pub_tool_oset.h
+++ b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
@@ -160,11 +160,18 @@
 //   - cmp       The comparison function between keys and elements, or NULL
 //               if the OSet should use fast comparisons.
 //   - alloc     The allocation function used for allocating the OSet itself;
-//               it's also called for each invocation of
-//               VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)().
+//               If a pool allocator is used, it's called to allocate pool of
+//               nodes.
+//               If no pool allocator is used, it's called for each
+//               invocation of VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)().
 //   - cc        Cost centre string used by 'alloc'.
-//   - free      The deallocation function used by VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)() and
+//   - free      If no pool allocator is used, this is the deallocation
+//               function used by VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)() and
 //               VG_(OSetGen_Destroy)().
+//               If a pool allocator is used, the memory used by the nodes is
+//               deallocated when the pool is deleted.
+//   (for more details about pool allocators, see pub_tool_poolalloc.h).
 //   If cmp is NULL, keyOff must be zero.  This is checked.
@@ -174,9 +181,13 @@
 //   called.
 // * AllocNode: Allocate and zero memory for a node to go into the OSet.
-//   Uses the alloc function given to VG_(OSetGen_Create)() to allocated a
-//   node which is big enough for both an element and the OSet metadata.
+//   If a pool allocator is used, it uses the pool allocator to allocate a node.
+//   Otherwise, uses the alloc function given to VG_(OSetGen_Create)() to
+//   allocate a node which is big enough for both an element and the OSet
+//   metadata.
 //   Not all elements in one OSet have to be the same size.
+//   However, if a pool allocator is used, elements will all have a size equal
+//   to the max user data size given at creation + the node meta data size.
 //   Note that the element allocated will be at most word-aligned, which may
 //   be less aligned than the element type would normally be.
@@ -187,12 +198,48 @@
 extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_Create)    ( PtrdiffT keyOff, OSetCmp_t cmp,
                                       OSetAlloc_t alloc, HChar* cc,
-                                      OSetFree_t _free );
+                                      OSetFree_t _free);
+extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_Create_With_Pool)    ( PtrdiffT keyOff, OSetCmp_t cmp,
+                                                OSetAlloc_t alloc, HChar* cc,
+                                                OSetFree_t _free,
+                                                SizeT poolSize,
+                                                SizeT maxEltSize);
+// Same as VG_(OSetGen_Create) but created OSet will use a pool allocator to
+// allocate the nodes.
+// The node size is the sum of a fixed small meta data size needed for OSet
+// + the size of the user data element.
+// The maximum size for the user data element is specified by maxEltSize.
+// (if poolSize is 0, maxEltSize is not relevant for the OSet).
+// It is interesting to use a pool allocator when an OSet has many elements,
+// and these elements have a small fixed size, or have a variable size, but
+// always <= than a (small) maximum value.
+// In such a case, allocating the nodes in pools reduces significantly
+// the memory overhead needed by each node.
+// When a node is freed (i.e. OsetGen_Freenode is called), the node is
+// put back in the pool allocator free list (for sub-sequent re-use by
+// Osetgen_Allocnode). Note that the pool memory is only released when
+// the pool is destroyed : calls to VG_(OSetGen_Free) do not cause
+// any calls to OsetFree_t _free function.
+// If there are several OSet managing similar such elements, it might be
+// interesting to use a shared pool for these OSet.
+// To have multiple OSets sharing a pool allocator, create the first OSet
+// with VG_(OSetGen_Create). Create subsequent OSet with
+// VG_(OSetGen_EmptyClone).
 extern void  VG_(OSetGen_Destroy)   ( OSet* os );
 extern void* VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode) ( OSet* os, SizeT elemSize );
 extern void  VG_(OSetGen_FreeNode)  ( OSet* os, void* elem );
+extern OSet* VG_(OSetGen_EmptyClone) (OSet* os);
+// Creates a new empty OSet.
+// The new OSet will have the same characteristics as os.
+// If os uses a pool allocator, this pool allocator will be shared with
+// the new OSet. A shared pool allocator is only deleted (and its memory is
+// released) when the last OSet using the shared pool is destroyed.
 /*--- Operations on OSets (Gen)                                    ---*/