Callgrind manual: rewriting start of section about avoding cycles

This hopefully makes the whole issue with cycles easier to understand.
And no, this does not get rid of the description of cycles, carefully
crafted by Julian ;-)

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/callgrind/docs/cl-manual.xml b/callgrind/docs/cl-manual.xml
index b631820..bb76a17 100644
--- a/callgrind/docs/cl-manual.xml
+++ b/callgrind/docs/cl-manual.xml
@@ -385,30 +385,65 @@
   a third function H is called from inside S and calls back into S,
   then H is also part of the cycle and should be included in S.</para>
-  <para>If a call chain goes multiple times around inside a cycle,
-  with profiling, you can not distinguish event counts coming from the
-  first, second or subsequent rounds.
-  Thus, it makes no sense to attach any inclusive
-  cost to a call among functions inside of one cycle.
-  If "A &gt; B" appears multiple times in a call chain, you
-  have no way to partition the one big sum of all appearances of "A &gt;
-  B".  Thus, for profile data presentation, all functions of a cycle are
-  seen as one big virtual function.</para>
+  <para>Recursion is quite usual in programs, and therefore, cycles
+  sometimes appear in the call graph output of Callgrind. However,
+  the title of this chapter should raise two questions: What is bad
+  about cycles which makes you want to avoid them? And: How can
+  cycles be avoided without changing program code?</para>
-  <para>Unfortunately, if you have an application using some callback
-  mechanism (like any GUI program), or even with normal polymorphism (as
-  in OO languages like C++), it's quite possible to get large cycles.
-  As it is often impossible to say anything about performance behaviour
-  inside of cycles, it is useful to introduce some mechanisms to avoid
-  cycles in call graphs.  This is done by treating the same
-  function in different ways, depending on the current execution
-  context, either by giving them different names, or by ignoring calls to
-  functions.</para>
+  <para>Cycles are not bad in itself, but tend to make performance
+  analysis of your code harder. This is because inclusive costs
+  for calls inside of a cycle are meaningless. The definition of
+  inclusive cost, ie. self cost of a function plus inclusive cost
+  of its callers, needs a topological order among functions. For
+  cycles, this does not hold true: callees of a function in a cycle include
+  the function itself. Therefore, KCachegrind does cycle detection
+  and skips visualization of any inclusive cost for calls inside
+  of cycles. Further, all functions in a cycle are collapsed into artifical
+  functions called like <computeroutput>Cycle 1</computeroutput>.</para>
-  <para>There is an option to ignore calls to a function with
-  <option><xref linkend="opt.fn-skip"/>=funcprefix</option>.  For
-  example you
-  usually do not want to see the trampoline functions in the PLT sections
+  <para>Now, when a program exposes really big cycles (as is
+  true for some GUI code, or in general code using event or callback based
+  programming style), you loose the nice property to let you pinpoint
+  the bottlenecks by following call chains from
+  <computeroutput>main()</computeroutput>, guided via
+  inclusive cost. In addition, KCachegrind looses its ability to show
+  interesting parts of the call graph, as it uses inclusive costs to
+  cut off uninteresting areas.</para>
+  <para>Despite the meaningless of inclusive costs in cycles, the big
+  drawback for visualization motivates the possibility to temporarely
+  switch off cycle detection in KCachegrind, which can lead to
+  misguiding visualization. However, often cycles appear because of
+  unlucky superposition of independant call chains in a way that
+  the profile result will see a cycle. Neglecting uninteresting
+  calls with very small measured inclusive cost would break these
+  cycles. In such cases, incorrect handling of cycles by not detecting
+  them still gives meaningful profiling visualization.</para>
+  <para>It has to be noted that currently, <command>callgrind_annotate</command>
+  does not do any cycle detection at all. For program executions with function
+  recursion, it e.g. can print nonsense inclusive costs way above 100%.</para>
+  <para>After describing why cycles are bad for profiling, it is worth
+  talking about cycle avoidance. The key insight here is that symbols in
+  the profile data do not have to exactly match the symbols found in the
+  program. Instead, the symbol name could encode additional information
+  from the current execution context such as recursion level of the
+  current function, or even some part of the call chain leading to the
+  function. While encoding of additional information into symbols is
+  quite capable of avoiding cycles, it has to be used carefully to not cause
+  symbol explosion. The latter imposes large memory requirement for Callgrind
+  with possible out-of-memory conditions, and big profile data files.</para>
+  <para>A further possibility to avoid cycles in Callgrinds profile data
+  output is to simply leave out given functions in the call graph. Of course, this
+  also skips any call information from and to an ignored function, and thus can
+  break a cycle. Candidates for this typically are dispatcher functions in event
+  driven code. The option to ignore calls to a function is
+  <option><xref linkend="opt.fn-skip"/>=funcprefix</option>. Aside from
+  possibly breaking cycles, this is used in Callgrind to skip
+  trampoline functions in the PLT sections
   for calls to functions in shared libraries. You can see the difference
   if you profile with <option><xref linkend="opt.skip-plt"/>=no</option>.
   If a call is ignored, its cost events will be propagated to the