Add comments giving an overview of the origin tracking implementation.
Also, rename "ocache" to "ocacheL1" to be more consistent with the
comments and the rest of the otag cache code.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_main.c b/memcheck/mc_main.c
index 2d54fb9..a4026ce 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_main.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_main.c
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@
+/*--- Comments on the origin tracking implementation       ---*/
+/* See detailed comment entitled
+   which is contained further on in this file. */
 /*--- V bits and A bits                                    ---*/
@@ -1712,8 +1721,8 @@
 /*--- Origin tracking stuff - cache basics                 ---*/
-/* Some background comments on the origin tracking implementation
-   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Note that this implementation draws inspiration from the "origin
    tracking by value piggybacking" scheme described in "Tracking Bad
@@ -1722,14 +1731,209 @@
    Kathryn McKinley, OOPSLA07, Montreal, Oct 2007) but in fact it is
    implemented completely differently.
-   This implementation tracks the defining point of all values using
-   so called "origin tags", which are 32-bit integers, rather than
-   using the values themselves to encode the origins.  The latter,
-   so-called value piggybacking", is what the OOPSLA07 paper
+   Origin tags and ECUs -- about the shadow values
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   This implementation tracks the defining point of all uninitialised
+   values using so called "origin tags", which are 32-bit integers,
+   rather than using the values themselves to encode the origins.  The
+   latter, so-called value piggybacking", is what the OOPSLA07 paper
    Origin tags, as tracked by the machinery below, are 32-bit unsigned
-   ints (UInts), regardless of the machine's word size.
+   ints (UInts), regardless of the machine's word size.  Each tag
+   comprises an upper 30-bit ECU field and a lower 2-bit
+   'kind' field.  The ECU field is a number given out by m_execontext
+   and has a 1-1 mapping with ExeContext*s.  An ECU can be used
+   directly as an origin tag (otag), but in fact we want to put
+   additional information 'kind' field to indicate roughly where the
+   tag came from.  This helps print more understandable error messages
+   for the user -- it has no other purpose.  In summary:
+   * Both ECUs and origin tags are represented as 32-bit words
+   * m_execontext and the core-tool interface deal purely in ECUs.
+     They have no knowledge of origin tags - that is a purely
+     Memcheck-internal matter.
+   * all valid ECUs have the lowest 2 bits zero and at least
+     one of the upper 30 bits nonzero (see VG_(is_plausible_ECU))
+   * to convert from an ECU to an otag, OR in one of the MC_OKIND_
+     constants defined in mc_include.h.
+   * to convert an otag back to an ECU, AND it with ~3
+   One important fact is that no valid otag is zero.  A zero otag is
+   used by the implementation to indicate "no origin", which could
+   mean that either the value is defined, or it is undefined but the
+   implementation somehow managed to lose the origin.
+   The ECU used for memory created by malloc etc is derived from the
+   stack trace at the time the malloc etc happens.  This means the
+   mechanism can show the exact allocation point for heap-created
+   uninitialised values.
+   In contrast, it is simply too expensive to create a complete
+   backtrace for each stack allocation.  Therefore we merely use a
+   depth-1 backtrace for stack allocations, which can be done once at
+   translation time, rather than N times at run time.  The result of
+   this is that, for stack created uninitialised values, Memcheck can
+   only show the allocating function, and not what called it.
+   Furthermore, compilers tend to move the stack pointer just once at
+   the start of the function, to allocate all locals, and so in fact
+   the stack origin almost always simply points to the opening brace
+   of the function.  Net result is, for stack origins, the mechanism
+   can tell you in which function the undefined value was created, but
+   that's all.  Users will need to carefully check all locals in the
+   specified function.
+   Shadowing registers and memory
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   Memory is shadowed using a two level cache structure (ocacheL1 and
+   ocacheL2).  Memory references are first directed to ocacheL1.  This
+   is a traditional 2-way set associative cache with 32-byte lines and
+   approximate LRU replacement within each set.
+   A naive implementation would require storing one 32 bit otag for
+   each byte of memory covered, a 4:1 space overhead.  Instead, there
+   is one otag for every 4 bytes of memory covered, plus a 4-bit mask
+   that shows which of the 4 bytes have that shadow value and which
+   have a shadow value of zero (indicating no origin).  Hence a lot of
+   space is saved, but the cost is that only one different origin per
+   4 bytes of address space can be represented.  This is a source of
+   imprecision, but how much of a problem it really is remains to be
+   seen.
+   A cache line that contains all zeroes ("no origins") contains no
+   useful information, and can be ejected from the L1 cache "for
+   free", in the sense that a read miss on the L1 causes a line of
+   zeroes to be installed.  However, ejecting a line containing
+   nonzeroes risks losing origin information permanently.  In order to
+   prevent such lossage, ejected nonzero lines are placed in a
+   secondary cache (ocacheL2), which is an OSet (AVL tree) of cache
+   lines.  This can grow arbitrarily large, and so should ensure that
+   Memcheck runs out of memory in preference to losing useful origin
+   info due to cache size limitations.
+   Shadowing registers is a bit tricky, because the shadow values are
+   32 bits, regardless of the size of the register.  That gives a
+   problem for registers smaller than 32 bits.  The solution is to
+   find spaces in the guest state that are unused, and use those to
+   shadow guest state fragments smaller than 32 bits.  For example, on
+   ppc32/64, each vector register is 16 bytes long.  If 4 bytes of the
+   shadow are allocated for the register's otag, then there are still
+   12 bytes left over which could be used to shadow 3 other values.
+   This implies there is some non-obvious mapping from guest state
+   (start,length) pairs to the relevant shadow offset (for the origin
+   tags).  And it is unfortunately guest-architecture specific.  The
+   mapping is contained in mc_machine.c, which is quite lengthy but
+   straightforward.
+   Instrumenting the IR
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   Instrumentation is largely straightforward, and done by the
+   functions schemeE and schemeS in mc_translate.c.  These generate
+   code for handling the origin tags of expressions (E) and statements
+   (S) respectively.  The rather strange names are a reference to the
+   "compilation schemes" shown in Simon Peyton Jones' book "The
+   Implementation of Functional Programming Languages" (Prentice Hall,
+   1987, see
+   schemeS merely arranges to move shadow values around the guest
+   state to track the incoming IR.  schemeE is largely trivial too.
+   The only significant point is how to compute the otag corresponding
+   to binary (or ternary, quaternary, etc) operator applications.  The
+   rule is simple: just take whichever value is larger (32-bit
+   unsigned max).  Constants get the special value zero.  Hence this
+   rule always propagates a nonzero (known) otag in preference to a
+   zero (unknown, or more likely, value-is-defined) tag, as we want.
+   If two different undefined values are inputs to a binary operator
+   application, then which is propagated is arbitrary, but that
+   doesn't matter, since the program is erroneous in using either of
+   the values, and so there's no point in attempting to propagate
+   both.
+   Since constants are abstracted to (otag) zero, much of the
+   instrumentation code can be folded out without difficulty by the
+   generic post-instrumentation IR cleanup pass, using these rules:
+   Max32U(0,x) -> x, Max32U(x,0) -> x, Max32(x,y) where x and y are
+   constants is evaluated at JIT time.  And the resulting dead code
+   removal.  In practice this causes surprisingly few Max32Us to
+   survive through to backend code generation.
+   Integration with the V-bits machinery
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   This is again largely straightforward.  Mostly the otag and V bits
+   stuff are independent.  The only point of interaction is when the V
+   bits instrumenter creates a call to a helper function to report an
+   uninitialised value error -- in that case it must first use schemeE
+   to get hold of the origin tag expression for the value, and pass
+   that to the helper too.
+   There is the usual stuff to do with setting address range
+   permissions.  When memory is painted undefined, we must also know
+   the origin tag to paint with, which involves some tedious plumbing,
+   particularly to do with the fast case stack handlers.  When memory
+   is painted defined or noaccess then the origin tags must be forced
+   to zero.
+   One of the goals of the implementation was to ensure that the
+   non-origin tracking mode isn't slowed down at all.  To do this,
+   various functions to do with memory permissions setting (again,
+   mostly pertaining to the stack) are duplicated for the with- and
+   without-otag case.
+   Dealing with stack redzones, and the NIA cache
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   This is one of the few non-obvious parts of the implementation.
+   Some ABIs (amd64-ELF, ppc64-ELF, ppc32/64-XCOFF) define a small
+   reserved area below the stack pointer, that can be used as scratch
+   space by compiler generated code for functions.  In the Memcheck
+   sources this is referred to as the "stack redzone".  The important
+   thing here is that such redzones are considered volatile across
+   function calls and returns.  So Memcheck takes care to mark them as
+   undefined for each call and return, on the afflicted platforms.
+   Past experience shows this is essential in order to get reliable
+   messages about uninitialised values that come from the stack.
+   So the question is, when we paint a redzone undefined, what origin
+   tag should we use for it?  Consider a function f() calling g().  If
+   we paint the redzone using an otag derived from the ExeContext of
+   the CALL/BL instruction in f, then any errors in g causing it to
+   use uninitialised values that happen to lie in the redzone, will be
+   reported as having their origin in f.  Which is highly confusing.
+   The same applies for returns: if, on a return, we paint the redzone
+   using a origin tag derived from the ExeContext of the RET/BLR
+   instruction in g, then any later errors in f causing it to use
+   uninitialised values in the redzone, will be reported as having
+   their origin in g.  Which is just as confusing.
+   To do it right, in both cases we need to use an origin tag which
+   pertains to the instruction which dynamically follows the CALL/BL
+   or RET/BLR.  In short, one derived from the NIA - the "next
+   instruction address".
+   To make this work, Memcheck's redzone-painting helper,
+   MC_(helperc_MAKE_STACK_UNINIT), now takes a third argument, the
+   NIA.  It converts the NIA to a 1-element ExeContext, and uses that
+   ExeContext's ECU as the basis for the otag used to paint the
+   redzone.  The expensive part of this is converting an NIA into an
+   ECU, since this happens once for every call and every return.  So
+   we use a simple 511-line, 2-way set associative cache
+   (nia_to_ecu_cache) to cache the mappings, and that knocks most of
+   the cost out.
+   Further background comments
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > Question: why is otag a UInt?  Wouldn't a UWord be better?  Isn't
    > it really just the address of the relevant ExeContext?
@@ -1737,13 +1941,14 @@
    Well, it's not the address, but a value which has a 1-1 mapping
    with ExeContexts, and is guaranteed not to be zero, since zero
    denotes (to memcheck) "unknown origin or defined value".  So these
-   UInts are just numbers starting at 1; each ExeContext is given a
-   number when it is created.
+   UInts are just numbers starting at 4 and incrementing by 4; each
+   ExeContext is given a number when it is created.  (*** NOTE this
+   confuses otags and ECUs; see comments above ***).
    Making these otags 32-bit regardless of the machine's word size
    makes the 64-bit implementation easier (next para).  And it doesn't
    really limit us in any way, since for the tags to overflow would
-   require that the program somehow caused 2^32-1 different
+   require that the program somehow caused 2^30-1 different
    ExeContexts to be created, in which case it is probably in deep
    trouble.  Not to mention V will have soaked up many tens of
    gigabytes of memory merely to store them all.
@@ -1788,7 +1993,9 @@
      information.  Interestingly, a line containing all zeroes can be
      evicted "free" from the cache, since it contains no useful
      information, so there is scope perhaps for some cleverer cache
-     management schemes.
+     management schemes.  (*** NOTE, with the introduction of the
+     second level origin tag cache, ocacheL2, this is no longer a
+     problem. ***)
    * The origin cache only stores one otag per 32-bits of address
      space, plus 4 bits indicating which of the 4 bytes has that tag
@@ -1896,24 +2103,24 @@
-static OCache* ocache = NULL;
-static UWord   ocache_event_ctr = 0;
+static OCache* ocacheL1 = NULL;
+static UWord   ocacheL1_event_ctr = 0;
 static void init_ocacheL2 ( void ); /* fwds */
 static void init_OCache ( void )
    UWord line, set;
    tl_assert(MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 3);
-   tl_assert(ocache == NULL);
-   ocache = VG_(am_shadow_alloc)(sizeof(OCache));
-   if (ocache == NULL) {
-      VG_(out_of_memory_NORETURN)( "memcheck:allocate the OCache", 
+   tl_assert(ocacheL1 == NULL);
+   ocacheL1 = VG_(am_shadow_alloc)(sizeof(OCache));
+   if (ocacheL1 == NULL) {
+      VG_(out_of_memory_NORETURN)( "memcheck:allocating ocacheL1", 
                                    sizeof(OCache) );
-   tl_assert(ocache != NULL);
+   tl_assert(ocacheL1 != NULL);
    for (set = 0; set < OC_N_SETS; set++) {
       for (line = 0; line < OC_LINES_PER_SET; line++) {
-         ocache->set[set].line[line].tag = 1/*invalid*/;
+         ocacheL1->set[set].line[line].tag = 1/*invalid*/;
@@ -2023,18 +2230,18 @@
    /* we already tried line == 0; skip therefore. */
    for (line = 1; line < OC_LINES_PER_SET; line++) {
-      if (ocache->set[setno].line[line].tag == tag) {
+      if (ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line].tag == tag) {
          if (line == 1) {
          } else {
-         if (UNLIKELY(0 == (ocache_event_ctr++ 
+         if (UNLIKELY(0 == (ocacheL1_event_ctr++ 
                             & ((1<<OC_MOVE_FORWARDS_EVERY_BITS)-1)))) {
-            moveLineForwards( &ocache->set[setno], line );
+            moveLineForwards( &ocacheL1->set[setno], line );
-         return &ocache->set[setno].line[line];
+         return &ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line];
@@ -2046,7 +2253,7 @@
    tl_assert(line > 0);
    /* First, move the to-be-ejected line to the L2 cache. */
-   victim = &ocache->set[setno].line[line];
+   victim = &ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line];
    c = classify_OCacheLine(victim);
    switch (c) {
       case 'e':
@@ -2081,19 +2288,19 @@
    inL2 = ocacheL2_find_tag( tag );
    if (inL2) {
       /* We're in luck.  It's in the L2. */
-      ocache->set[setno].line[line] = *inL2;
+      ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line] = *inL2;
    } else {
       /* Missed at both levels of the cache hierarchy.  We have to
          declare it as full of zeroes (unknown origins). */
-      zeroise_OCacheLine( &ocache->set[setno].line[line], tag );
+      zeroise_OCacheLine( &ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line], tag );
    /* Move it one forwards */
-   moveLineForwards( &ocache->set[setno], line );
+   moveLineForwards( &ocacheL1->set[setno], line );
-   return &ocache->set[setno].line[line];
+   return &ocacheL1->set[setno].line[line];
 static INLINE OCacheLine* find_OCacheLine ( Addr a )
@@ -2109,8 +2316,8 @@
       tl_assert(0 == (tag & (4 * OC_W32S_PER_LINE - 1)));
-   if (LIKELY(ocache->set[setno].line[0].tag == tag)) {
-      return &ocache->set[setno].line[0];
+   if (LIKELY(ocacheL1->set[setno].line[0].tag == tag)) {
+      return &ocacheL1->set[setno].line[0];
    return find_OCacheLine_SLOW( a );
@@ -5264,10 +5471,10 @@
       if we need it. */
    if (MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 3) {
-      tl_assert(ocache   != NULL);
+      tl_assert(ocacheL1 != NULL);
       tl_assert(ocacheL2 != NULL);
    } else {
-      tl_assert(ocache   == NULL);
+      tl_assert(ocacheL1 == NULL);
       tl_assert(ocacheL2 == NULL);
@@ -5390,7 +5597,7 @@
                       " niacache: %,12lu refs   %,12lu misses",
                       stats__nia_cache_queries, stats__nia_cache_misses);
       } else {
-         tl_assert(ocache == NULL);
+         tl_assert(ocacheL1 == NULL);
          tl_assert(ocacheL2 == NULL);
@@ -5518,10 +5725,10 @@
    /* This is small.  Always initialise it. */
-   /* We can't initialise ocache/ocacheL2 yet, since we don't know if
-      we need to, since the command line args haven't been processed
-      yet.  Hence defer it to mc_post_clo_init. */
-   tl_assert(ocache   == NULL);
+   /* We can't initialise ocacheL1/ocacheL2 yet, since we don't know
+      if we need to, since the command line args haven't been
+      processed yet.  Hence defer it to mc_post_clo_init. */
+   tl_assert(ocacheL1 == NULL);
    tl_assert(ocacheL2 == NULL);
    /* Check some important stuff.  See extensive comments above