Move the error management code for Memcheck into a new file,
mc_errors.c, as it is relatively self contained.  This reduces the
size of mc_main.c by about 1350 lines.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/ b/memcheck/
index f1ec930..8414da4 100644
--- a/memcheck/
+++ b/memcheck/
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
 	mc_malloc_wrappers.c \
 	mc_main.c \
 	mc_translate.c \
-	mc_machine.c
+	mc_machine.c \
+	mc_errors.c
 memcheck_x86_linux_SOURCES      = $(MEMCHECK_SOURCES_COMMON)
 memcheck_x86_linux_CPPFLAGS     = $(AM_CPPFLAGS_X86_LINUX)
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_errors.c b/memcheck/mc_errors.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db0450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/memcheck/mc_errors.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@
+/*--- Management, printing, etc, of errors and suppressions.       ---*/
+/*---                                                  mc_errors.c ---*/
+   This file is part of MemCheck, a heavyweight Valgrind tool for
+   detecting memory errors.
+   Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Julian Seward 
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include "pub_tool_basics.h"
+#include "pub_tool_aspacemgr.h"
+#include "pub_tool_hashtable.h"     // For mc_include.h
+#include "pub_tool_libcbase.h"
+#include "pub_tool_libcassert.h"
+#include "pub_tool_libcprint.h"
+#include "pub_tool_machine.h"
+#include "pub_tool_mallocfree.h"
+#include "pub_tool_options.h"
+#include "pub_tool_oset.h"
+#include "pub_tool_replacemalloc.h"
+#include "pub_tool_tooliface.h"
+#include "pub_tool_threadstate.h"
+#include "pub_tool_oset.h"
+#include "pub_tool_debuginfo.h"     // VG_(get_dataname_and_offset)
+#include "mc_include.h"
+#include "memcheck.h"   /* for client requests */
+/*--- Error types                                          ---*/
+/* See comment in mc_include.h */
+Bool MC_(any_value_errors) = False;
+// Different kinds of blocks.
+typedef enum {
+   Block_Mallocd = 111,
+   Block_Freed,
+   Block_Mempool,
+   Block_MempoolChunk,
+   Block_UserG
+} BlockKind;
+/* ------------------ Addresses -------------------- */
+/* The classification of a faulting address. */
+   enum { 
+      Addr_Undescribed, // as-yet unclassified
+      Addr_Unknown,     // classification yielded nothing useful
+      Addr_Block,       // in malloc'd/free'd block
+      Addr_Stack,       // on a thread's stack       
+      Addr_DataSym,     // in a global data sym
+      Addr_Variable,    // variable described by the debug info
+      Addr_SectKind     // last-ditch classification attempt
+   }
+   AddrTag;
+   struct _AddrInfo
+   AddrInfo;
+struct _AddrInfo {
+   AddrTag tag;
+   union {
+      // As-yet unclassified.
+      struct { } Undescribed;
+      // On a stack.
+      struct {
+         ThreadId tid;        // Which thread's stack?
+      } Stack;
+      // This covers heap blocks (normal and from mempools) and user-defined
+      // blocks.
+      struct {
+         BlockKind   block_kind;
+         Char*       block_desc;    // "block", "mempool" or user-defined
+         SizeT       block_szB;
+         OffT        rwoffset;
+         ExeContext* lastchange;
+      } Block;
+      // In a global .data symbol.  This holds the first 63 chars of
+      // the variable's (zero terminated), plus an offset.
+      struct {
+         Char name[128];
+         OffT offset;
+      } DataSym;
+      // Is described by Dwarf debug info.  Arbitrary strings.  Must
+      // be the same length.
+      struct {
+         Char descr1[96];
+         Char descr2[96];
+      } Variable;
+      // Could only narrow it down to be the PLT/GOT/etc of a given
+      // object.  Better than nothing, perhaps.
+      struct {
+         Char       objname[128];
+         VgSectKind kind;
+      } SectKind;
+      // Classification yielded nothing useful.
+      struct { } Unknown;
+   } Addr;
+/* ------------------ Errors ----------------------- */
+/* What kind of error it is. */
+   enum { 
+      Err_Value,
+      Err_Cond,
+      Err_CoreMem,
+      Err_Addr, 
+      Err_Jump, 
+      Err_RegParam,
+      Err_MemParam,
+      Err_User,
+      Err_Free,
+      Err_FreeMismatch,
+      Err_Overlap,
+      Err_Leak,
+      Err_IllegalMempool,
+   }
+   MC_ErrorTag;
+typedef struct _MC_Error MC_Error;
+struct _MC_Error {
+   // Nb: we don't need the tag here, as it's stored in the Error type! Yuk.
+   //MC_ErrorTag tag;
+   union {
+      // Use of an undefined value:
+      // - as a pointer in a load or store
+      // - as a jump target
+      struct {
+         SizeT szB;   // size of value in bytes
+         // Origin info
+         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
+         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
+      } Value;
+      // Use of an undefined value in a conditional branch or move.
+      struct {
+         // Origin info
+         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
+         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
+      } Cond;
+      // Addressability error in core (signal-handling) operation.
+      // It would be good to get rid of this error kind, merge it with
+      // another one somehow.
+      struct {
+      } CoreMem;
+      // Use of an unaddressable memory location in a load or store.
+      struct {
+         Bool     isWrite;    // read or write?
+         SizeT    szB;        // not used for exec (jump) errors
+         Bool     maybe_gcc;  // True if just below %esp -- could be a gcc bug
+         AddrInfo ai;
+      } Addr;
+      // Jump to an unaddressable memory location.
+      struct {
+         AddrInfo ai;
+      } Jump;
+      // System call register input contains undefined bytes.
+      struct {
+         // Origin info
+         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
+         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
+      } RegParam;
+      // System call memory input contains undefined/unaddressable bytes
+      struct {
+         Bool     isAddrErr;  // Addressability or definedness error?
+         AddrInfo ai;
+         // Origin info
+         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
+         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
+      } MemParam;
+      // Problem found from a client request like CHECK_MEM_IS_ADDRESSABLE.
+      struct {
+         Bool     isAddrErr;  // Addressability or definedness error?
+         AddrInfo ai;
+         // Origin info
+         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
+         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
+      } User;
+      // Program tried to free() something that's not a heap block (this
+      // covers double-frees). */
+      struct {
+         AddrInfo ai;
+      } Free;
+      // Program allocates heap block with one function
+      // (malloc/new/new[]/custom) and deallocates with not the matching one.
+      struct {
+         AddrInfo ai;
+      } FreeMismatch;
+      // Call to strcpy, memcpy, etc, with overlapping blocks.
+      struct {
+         Addr src;   // Source block
+         Addr dst;   // Destination block
+         Int  szB;   // Size in bytes;  0 if unused.
+      } Overlap;
+      // A memory leak.
+      struct {
+         UInt        n_this_record;
+         UInt        n_total_records;
+         LossRecord* lossRecord;
+      } Leak;
+      // A memory pool error.
+      struct {
+         AddrInfo ai;
+      } IllegalMempool;
+   } Err;
+/*--- Printing errors                                      ---*/
+static void mc_pp_AddrInfo ( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai, Bool maybe_gcc )
+   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <auxwhat>" : " ";
+   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</auxwhat>"  : "";
+   switch (ai->tag) {
+      case Addr_Unknown:
+         if (maybe_gcc) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%sAddress 0x%llx is just below the stack ptr.  "
+               "To suppress, use: --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes%s",
+               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost
+            );
+	 } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%sAddress 0x%llx "
+               "is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd%s",
+               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost);
+         }
+         break;
+      case Addr_Stack: 
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is on thread %d's stack%s", 
+                      xpre, (ULong)a, ai->Addr.Stack.tid, xpost);
+         break;
+      case Addr_Block: {
+         SizeT block_szB  = ai->Addr.Block.block_szB;
+         OffT  rwoffset   = ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset;
+         SizeT delta;
+         const Char* relative;
+         if (rwoffset < 0) {
+            delta    = (SizeT)(-rwoffset);
+            relative = "before";
+         } else if (rwoffset >= block_szB) {
+            delta    = rwoffset - block_szB;
+            relative = "after";
+         } else {
+            delta    = rwoffset;
+            relative = "inside";
+         }
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+            "%sAddress 0x%lx is %,lu bytes %s a %s of size %,lu %s%s",
+            xpre,
+            a, delta, relative, ai->Addr.Block.block_desc,
+            block_szB,
+            ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Mallocd ? "alloc'd" 
+            : ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Freed ? "free'd" 
+                                                     : "client-defined",
+            xpost);
+         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(ai->Addr.Block.lastchange);
+         break;
+      }
+      case Addr_DataSym:
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is %llu bytes "
+                        "inside data symbol \"%t\"%s", 
+                      xpre, 
+                      (ULong)a, 
+                      (ULong)ai->Addr.DataSym.offset,
+                      ai->, 
+                      xpost);
+         break;
+      case Addr_Variable:
+         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0] != '\0')
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
+                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, xpost);
+         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0] != '\0')
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
+                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, xpost);
+         break;
+      case Addr_SectKind:
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is in the %t segment of %t%s",
+                      xpre, 
+                      (ULong)a, 
+                      VG_(pp_SectKind)(ai->Addr.SectKind.kind),
+                      ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, 
+                      xpost);
+         break;
+      default:
+         VG_(tool_panic)("mc_pp_AddrInfo");
+   }
+static const HChar* str_leak_lossmode ( Reachedness lossmode )
+   const HChar *loss = "?";
+   switch (lossmode) {
+      case Unreached:    loss = "definitely lost"; break;
+      case IndirectLeak: loss = "indirectly lost"; break;
+      case Interior:     loss = "possibly lost"; break;
+      case Proper:       loss = "still reachable"; break;
+   }
+   return loss;
+static const HChar* xml_leak_kind ( Reachedness lossmode )
+   const HChar *loss = "?";
+   switch (lossmode) {
+      case Unreached:    loss = "Leak_DefinitelyLost"; break;
+      case IndirectLeak: loss = "Leak_IndirectlyLost"; break;
+      case Interior:     loss = "Leak_PossiblyLost"; break;
+      case Proper:       loss = "Leak_StillReachable"; break;
+   }
+   return loss;
+static void mc_pp_msg( Char* xml_name, Error* err, const HChar* format, ... )
+   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
+   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
+   Char buf[256];
+   va_list vargs;
+   if (VG_(clo_xml))
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%s</kind>", xml_name);
+   // Stick xpre and xpost on the front and back of the format string.
+   VG_(snprintf)(buf, 256, "%s%s%s", xpre, format, xpost);
+   va_start(vargs, format);
+   VG_(vmessage) ( Vg_UserMsg, buf, vargs );
+   va_end(vargs);
+   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
+static void mc_pp_origin ( ExeContext* ec, UInt okind )
+   HChar* src   = NULL;
+   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : " ";
+   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
+   tl_assert(ec);
+   switch (okind) {
+      case MC_OKIND_STACK:   src = " by a stack allocation"; break;
+      case MC_OKIND_HEAP:    src = " by a heap allocation"; break;
+      case MC_OKIND_USER:    src = " by a client request"; break;
+      case MC_OKIND_UNKNOWN: src = ""; break;
+   }
+   tl_assert(src); /* guards against invalid 'okind' */
+   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <origin>");
+   }
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%sUninitialised value was created%s%s",
+                            xpre, src, xpost);
+   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( ec );
+   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  </origin>");
+   }
+void MC_(pp_Error) ( Error* err )
+   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
+   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
+      case Err_CoreMem: {
+         /* What the hell *is* a CoreMemError? jrs 2005-May-18 */
+         /* As of 2006-Dec-14, it's caused by unaddressable bytes in a
+            signal handler frame.  --njn */
+         mc_pp_msg("CoreMemError", err,
+                   "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)", 
+                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+         break;
+      } 
+      case Err_Value:
+         MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
+         if (1 || extra->Err.Value.otag == 0) {
+            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
+                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d",
+                      extra->Err.Value.szB);
+         } else {
+            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
+                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d (otag %u)",
+                      extra->Err.Value.szB, extra->Err.Value.otag);
+         }
+         if (extra->Err.Value.origin_ec)
+            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
+                          extra->Err.Value.otag & 3 );
+         break;
+      case Err_Cond:
+         MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
+         if (1 || extra->Err.Cond.otag == 0) {
+            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
+                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
+                      " on uninitialised value(s)");
+         } else {
+            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
+                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
+                      " on uninitialised value(s) (otag %u)",
+                      extra->Err.Cond.otag);
+         }
+         if (extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec)
+            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
+                          extra->Err.Cond.otag & 3 );
+         break;
+      case Err_RegParam:
+         MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
+         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
+                   "Syscall param %s contains uninitialised byte(s)",
+                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+         if (extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec)
+            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
+                          extra->Err.RegParam.otag & 3 );
+         break;
+      case Err_MemParam:
+         if (!extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
+            MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
+         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
+                   "Syscall param %s points to %s byte(s)",
+                   VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                   ( extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr 
+                     ? "unaddressable" : "uninitialised" ));
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                        &extra->, False);
+         if (extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec && !extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
+            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
+                          extra->Err.MemParam.otag & 3 );
+         break;
+      case Err_User:
+         if (!extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
+            MC_(any_value_errors) = True;
+         mc_pp_msg("ClientCheck", err,
+                   "%s byte(s) found during client check request", 
+                   ( extra->Err.User.isAddrErr
+                     ? "Unaddressable" : "Uninitialised" ));
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                        False);
+         if (extra->Err.User.origin_ec && !extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
+            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
+                          extra->Err.User.otag & 3 );
+         break;
+      case Err_Free:
+         mc_pp_msg("InvalidFree", err,
+                   "Invalid free() / delete / delete[]");
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                        &extra->, False);
+         break;
+      case Err_FreeMismatch:
+         mc_pp_msg("MismatchedFree", err,
+                   "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []");
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                        &extra->, False);
+         break;
+      case Err_Addr:
+         if (extra->Err.Addr.isWrite) {
+            mc_pp_msg("InvalidWrite", err,
+                      "Invalid write of size %d", 
+                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
+         } else {
+            mc_pp_msg("InvalidRead", err,
+                      "Invalid read of size %d", 
+                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
+         }
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                        extra->Err.Addr.maybe_gcc);
+         break;
+      case Err_Jump:
+         mc_pp_msg("InvalidJump", err,
+                   "Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line");
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
+                        False);
+         break;
+      case Err_Overlap:
+         if (extra->Err.Overlap.szB == 0)
+            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
+                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p)",
+                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src);
+         else
+            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
+                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p, %d)",
+                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src,
+                      extra->Err.Overlap.szB);
+         break;
+      case Err_IllegalMempool:
+         mc_pp_msg("InvalidMemPool", err,
+                   "Illegal memory pool address");
+         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                        &extra->, False);
+         break;
+      case Err_Leak: {
+         HChar*      xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
+         HChar*      xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
+         UInt        n_this_record   = extra->Err.Leak.n_this_record;
+         UInt        n_total_records = extra->Err.Leak.n_total_records;
+         LossRecord* l               = extra->Err.Leak.lossRecord;
+         if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%t</kind>",
+                         xml_leak_kind(l->loss_mode));
+         } else {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
+         }
+         if (l->indirect_bytes) {
+            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%s%,lu (%,lu direct, %,lu indirect) bytes in %,u blocks"
+               " are %s in loss record %,u of %,u%s",
+               xpre,
+               l->total_bytes + l->indirect_bytes, 
+               l->total_bytes, l->indirect_bytes, l->num_blocks,
+               str_leak_lossmode(l->loss_mode), n_this_record, n_total_records,
+               xpost
+            );
+            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+               // Nb: don't put commas in these XML numbers 
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%lu</leakedbytes>", 
+                                        l->total_bytes + l->indirect_bytes);
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%u</leakedblocks>", 
+                                        l->num_blocks);
+            }
+         } else {
+            VG_(message)(
+               Vg_UserMsg, 
+               "%s%,lu bytes in %,u blocks are %s in loss record %,u of %,u%s",
+               xpre,
+               l->total_bytes, l->num_blocks,
+               str_leak_lossmode(l->loss_mode), n_this_record, n_total_records,
+               xpost
+            );
+            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%d</leakedbytes>", 
+                                        l->total_bytes);
+               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%d</leakedblocks>", 
+                                        l->num_blocks);
+            }
+         }
+         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(l->allocated_at);
+         break;
+      }
+      default: 
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown Memcheck error code %d\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_kind)(err));
+         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown error code in mc_pp_Error)");
+   }
+/*--- Recording errors                                     ---*/
+/* These many bytes below %ESP are considered addressible if we're
+   doing the --workaround-gcc296-bugs hack. */
+#define VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP 1024
+/* Is this address within some small distance below %ESP?  Used only
+   for the --workaround-gcc296-bugs kludge. */
+static Bool is_just_below_ESP( Addr esp, Addr aa )
+   if (esp > aa && (esp - aa) <= VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP)
+      return True;
+   else
+      return False;
+/* --- Called from generated and non-generated code --- */
+void MC_(record_address_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, Int szB,
+                                 Bool isWrite )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   Bool     just_below_esp;
+   if (MC_(in_ignored_range)(a)) 
+      return;
+#  if defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
+   /* AIX zero-page handling.  On AIX, reads from page zero are,
+      bizarrely enough, legitimate.  Writes to page zero aren't,
+      though.  Since memcheck can't distinguish reads from writes, the
+      best we can do is to 'act normal' and mark the A bits in the
+      normal way as noaccess, but then hide any reads from that page
+      that get reported here. */
+   if ((!isWrite) && a >= 0 && a < 4096 && a+szB <= 4096) 
+      return;
+   /* Appalling AIX hack.  It suppresses reads done by glink
+      fragments.  Getting rid of this would require figuring out
+      somehow where the referenced data areas are (and their
+      sizes). */
+   if ((!isWrite) && szB == sizeof(Word)) { 
+      UInt i1, i2;
+      UInt* pc = (UInt*)VG_(get_IP)(tid);
+      if (sizeof(Word) == 4) {
+         i1 = 0x800c0000; /* lwz r0,0(r12) */
+         i2 = 0x804c0004; /* lwz r2,4(r12) */
+      } else {
+         i1 = 0xe80c0000; /* ld  r0,0(r12) */
+         i2 = 0xe84c0008; /* ld  r2,8(r12) */
+      }
+      if (pc[0] == i1 && pc[1] == i2) return;
+      if (pc[0] == i2 && pc[-1] == i1) return;
+   }
+#  endif
+   just_below_esp = is_just_below_ESP( VG_(get_SP)(tid), a );
+   /* If this is caused by an access immediately below %ESP, and the
+      user asks nicely, we just ignore it. */
+   if (MC_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) && just_below_esp)
+      return;
+   extra.Err.Addr.isWrite   = isWrite;
+   extra.Err.Addr.szB       = szB;
+   extra.Err.Addr.maybe_gcc = just_below_esp;
+    = Addr_Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Addr, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+void MC_(record_value_error) ( ThreadId tid, Int szB, UInt otag )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
+   if (otag > 0)
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
+   extra.Err.Value.szB       = szB;
+   extra.Err.Value.otag      = otag;
+   extra.Err.Value.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Value, /*addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+void MC_(record_cond_error) ( ThreadId tid, UInt otag )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
+   if (otag > 0)
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
+   extra.Err.Cond.otag      = otag;
+   extra.Err.Cond.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Cond, /*addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+/* --- Called from non-generated code --- */
+/* This is for memory errors in pthread functions, as opposed to pthread API
+   errors which are found by the core. */
+void MC_(record_core_mem_error) ( ThreadId tid, Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg )
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_CoreMem, /*addr*/0, msg, /*extra*/NULL );
+void MC_(record_regparam_error) ( ThreadId tid, Char* msg, UInt otag )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+   if (otag > 0)
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
+   extra.Err.RegParam.otag      = otag;
+   extra.Err.RegParam.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_RegParam, /*addr*/0, msg, &extra );
+void MC_(record_memparam_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, 
+                                  Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg, UInt otag )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+   if (!isAddrErr) 
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
+   if (otag != 0) {
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
+      tl_assert( !isAddrErr );
+   }
+   extra.Err.MemParam.isAddrErr = isAddrErr;
+    = Addr_Undescribed;
+   extra.Err.MemParam.otag      = otag;
+   extra.Err.MemParam.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_MemParam, a, msg, &extra );
+void MC_(record_jump_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+ = Addr_Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Jump, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+void MC_(record_free_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ) 
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+ = Addr_Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Free, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+void MC_(record_freemismatch_error) ( ThreadId tid, MC_Chunk* mc )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   AddrInfo* ai = &;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+   ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+   ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mallocd;  // Nb: Not 'Block_Freed'
+   ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
+   ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
+   ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = 0;
+   ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_FreeMismatch, mc->data, /*s*/NULL,
+                            &extra );
+void MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ) 
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+ = Addr_Undescribed;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_IllegalMempool, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+void MC_(record_overlap_error) ( ThreadId tid, Char* function,
+                                 Addr src, Addr dst, SizeT szB )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+   extra.Err.Overlap.src = src;
+   extra.Err.Overlap.dst = dst;
+   extra.Err.Overlap.szB = szB;
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( 
+      tid, Err_Overlap, /*addr*/0, /*s*/function, &extra );
+Bool MC_(record_leak_error) ( ThreadId tid, UInt n_this_record,
+                              UInt n_total_records, LossRecord* lossRecord,
+                              Bool print_record )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   extra.Err.Leak.n_this_record   = n_this_record;
+   extra.Err.Leak.n_total_records = n_total_records;
+   extra.Err.Leak.lossRecord      = lossRecord;
+   return
+   VG_(unique_error) ( tid, Err_Leak, /*Addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra,
+                       lossRecord->allocated_at, print_record,
+                       /*allow_GDB_attach*/False, /*count_error*/False );
+void MC_(record_user_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
+                              Bool isAddrErr, UInt otag )
+   MC_Error extra;
+   if (otag != 0) {
+      tl_assert(!isAddrErr);
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
+   }
+   if (!isAddrErr) {
+      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
+   }
+   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
+   extra.Err.User.isAddrErr = isAddrErr;
+    = Addr_Undescribed;
+   extra.Err.User.otag      = otag;
+   extra.Err.User.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
+   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_User, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
+/*--- Other error operations                               ---*/
+/* Compare error contexts, to detect duplicates.  Note that if they
+   are otherwise the same, the faulting addrs and associated rwoffsets
+   are allowed to be different.  */
+Bool MC_(eq_Error) ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 )
+   MC_Error* extra1 = VG_(get_error_extra)(e1);
+   MC_Error* extra2 = VG_(get_error_extra)(e2);
+   /* Guaranteed by calling function */
+   tl_assert(VG_(get_error_kind)(e1) == VG_(get_error_kind)(e2));
+   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(e1)) {
+      case Err_CoreMem: {
+         Char *e1s, *e2s;
+         e1s = VG_(get_error_string)(e1);
+         e2s = VG_(get_error_string)(e2);
+         if (e1s == e2s)                   return True;
+         if (VG_STREQ(e1s, e2s))           return True;
+         return False;
+      }
+      case Err_RegParam:
+         return VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(e1), VG_(get_error_string)(e2));
+      // Perhaps we should also check the addrinfo.akinds for equality.
+      // That would result in more error reports, but only in cases where
+      // a register contains uninitialised bytes and points to memory
+      // containing uninitialised bytes.  Currently, the 2nd of those to be
+      // detected won't be reported.  That is (nearly?) always the memory
+      // error, which is good.
+      case Err_MemParam:
+         if (!VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(e1),
+                       VG_(get_error_string)(e2))) return False;
+         // fall through
+      case Err_User:
+         return ( extra1->Err.User.isAddrErr == extra2->Err.User.isAddrErr
+                ? True : False );
+      case Err_Free:
+      case Err_FreeMismatch:
+      case Err_Jump:
+      case Err_IllegalMempool:
+      case Err_Overlap:
+      case Err_Cond:
+         return True;
+      case Err_Addr:
+         return ( extra1->Err.Addr.szB == extra2->Err.Addr.szB
+                ? True : False );
+      case Err_Value:
+         return ( extra1->Err.Value.szB == extra2->Err.Value.szB
+                ? True : False );
+      case Err_Leak:
+         VG_(tool_panic)("Shouldn't get Err_Leak in mc_eq_Error,\n"
+                         "since it's handled with VG_(unique_error)()!");
+      default: 
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown error code %d\n",
+                     VG_(get_error_kind)(e1));
+         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown error code in mc_eq_Error");
+   }
+/* Function used when searching MC_Chunk lists */
+static Bool addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(MC_Chunk* mc, Addr a)
+   // Nb: this is not quite right!  It assumes that the heap block has
+   // a redzone of size MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB.  That's true for malloc'd
+   // blocks, but not necessarily true for custom-alloc'd blocks.  So
+   // in some cases this could result in an incorrect description (eg.
+   // saying "12 bytes after block A" when really it's within block B.
+   // Fixing would require adding redzone size to MC_Chunks, though.
+   return VG_(addr_is_in_block)( a, mc->data, mc->szB,
+                                 MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );
+// Forward declaration
+static Bool client_block_maybe_describe( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
+/* Describe an address as best you can, for error messages,
+   putting the result in ai. */
+static void describe_addr ( Addr a, /*OUT*/AddrInfo* ai )
+   MC_Chunk*  mc;
+   ThreadId   tid;
+   Addr       stack_min, stack_max;
+   VgSectKind sect;
+   tl_assert(Addr_Undescribed == ai->tag);
+   /* Perhaps it's a user-def'd block? */
+   if (client_block_maybe_describe( a, ai )) {
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Search for a recently freed block which might bracket it. */
+   mc = MC_(get_freed_list_head)();
+   while (mc) {
+      if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
+         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Freed;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
+         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
+         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
+         return;
+      }
+      mc = mc->next; 
+   }
+   /* Search for a currently malloc'd block which might bracket it. */
+   VG_(HT_ResetIter)(MC_(malloc_list));
+   while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(malloc_list))) ) {
+      if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
+         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mallocd;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
+         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
+         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
+         return;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Perhaps the variable type/location data describes it? */
+   tl_assert(sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1) 
+             == sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
+   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, 
+                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1));
+   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, 
+                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
+   if (VG_(get_data_description)(
+             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0],
+             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0],
+             sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1, 
+             a )) {
+      ai->tag = Addr_Variable;
+      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1
+                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1 ] == 0);
+      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr2
+                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2)-1 ] == 0);
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Have a look at the low level data symbols - perhaps it's in
+      there. */
+   VG_(memset)( &ai->,
+                0, sizeof(ai->;
+   if (VG_(get_datasym_and_offset)(
+             a, &ai->[0],
+             sizeof(ai->,
+             &ai->Addr.DataSym.offset )) {
+      ai->tag = Addr_DataSym;
+      tl_assert( ai->
+                    [ sizeof(ai-> ] == 0);
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Perhaps it's on a thread's stack? */
+   VG_(thread_stack_reset_iter)(&tid);
+   while ( VG_(thread_stack_next)(&tid, &stack_min, &stack_max) ) {
+      if (stack_min - VG_STACK_REDZONE_SZB <= a && a <= stack_max) {
+         ai->tag            = Addr_Stack;
+         ai->Addr.Stack.tid = tid;
+         return;
+      }
+   }
+   /* last ditch attempt at classification */
+   tl_assert( sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname) > 4 );
+   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, 
+                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname));
+   VG_(strcpy)( ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, "???" );
+   sect = VG_(seginfo_sect_kind)( &ai->Addr.SectKind.objname[0],
+                                  sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname)-1, a);
+   if (sect != Vg_SectUnknown) {
+      ai->tag = Addr_SectKind;
+      ai->Addr.SectKind.kind = sect;
+      tl_assert( ai->Addr.SectKind.objname
+                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname)-1 ] == 0);
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Clueless ... */
+   ai->tag = Addr_Unknown;
+   return;
+/* Fill in *origin_ec as specified by otag, or NULL it out if otag
+   does not refer to a known origin. */
+static void update_origin ( /*OUT*/ExeContext** origin_ec,
+                            UInt otag )
+   UInt ecu = otag & ~3;
+   *origin_ec = NULL;
+   if (VG_(is_plausible_ECU)(ecu)) {
+      *origin_ec = VG_(get_ExeContext_from_ECU)( ecu );
+   }
+/* Updates the copy with address info if necessary (but not for all errors). */
+UInt MC_(update_Error_extra)( Error* err )
+   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
+   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
+   // These ones don't have addresses associated with them, and so don't
+   // need any updating.
+   case Err_CoreMem:
+   //case Err_Value:
+   //case Err_Cond:
+   case Err_Overlap:
+   // For Err_Leaks the returned size does not matter -- they are always
+   // shown with VG_(unique_error)() so they 'extra' not copied.  But
+   // we make it consistent with the others.
+   case Err_Leak:
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   // For value errors, get the ExeContext corresponding to the
+   // origin tag.  Note that it is a kludge to assume that 
+   // a length-1 trace indicates a stack origin.  FIXME.
+   case Err_Value:
+      update_origin( &extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
+                     extra->Err.Value.otag );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_Cond:
+      update_origin( &extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
+                     extra->Err.Cond.otag );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_RegParam:
+      update_origin( &extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
+                     extra->Err.RegParam.otag );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   // These ones always involve a memory address.
+   case Err_Addr:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_MemParam:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      update_origin( &extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
+                     extra->Err.MemParam.otag );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_Jump:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_User:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      update_origin( &extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
+                     extra->Err.User.otag );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_Free:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   case Err_IllegalMempool:
+      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
+                      &extra-> );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   // Err_FreeMismatches have already had their address described;  this is
+   // possible because we have the MC_Chunk on hand when the error is
+   // detected.  However, the address may be part of a user block, and if so
+   // we override the pre-determined description with a user block one.
+   case Err_FreeMismatch: {
+      tl_assert(extra && Block_Mallocd ==
+                extra->;
+      (void)client_block_maybe_describe( VG_(get_error_address)(err), 
+                                        &extra-> );
+      return sizeof(MC_Error);
+   }
+   default: VG_(tool_panic)("mc_update_extra: bad errkind");
+   }
+// FIXME: does this perhaps want to live somewhere else
+// in this file?
+static Bool client_block_maybe_describe( Addr a,
+                                         /*OUT*/AddrInfo* ai )
+   UInt i;
+   CGenBlock* cgbs = NULL;
+   UWord      cgb_used = 0;
+   MC_(get_ClientBlock_array)( &cgbs, &cgb_used );
+   if (cgbs == NULL)
+      tl_assert(cgb_used == 0);
+   /* Perhaps it's a general block ? */
+   for (i = 0; i < cgb_used; i++) {
+      if (cgbs[i].start == 0 && cgbs[i].size == 0) 
+         continue;
+      // Use zero as the redzone for client blocks.
+      if (VG_(addr_is_in_block)(a, cgbs[i].start, cgbs[i].size, 0)) {
+         /* OK - maybe it's a mempool, too? */
+         MC_Mempool* mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list),
+                                          (UWord)cgbs[i].start);
+         if (mp != NULL) {
+            if (mp->chunks != NULL) {
+               MC_Chunk* mc;
+               VG_(HT_ResetIter)(mp->chunks);
+               while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(mp->chunks)) ) {
+                  if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
+                     ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+                     ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_MempoolChunk;
+                     ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
+                     ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
+                     ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
+                     ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
+                     return True;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+            ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mempool;
+            ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "mempool";
+            ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = cgbs[i].size;
+            ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(cgbs[i].start);
+            ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = cgbs[i].where;
+            return True;
+         }
+         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_UserG;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = cgbs[i].desc;
+         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = cgbs[i].size;
+         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(cgbs[i].start);
+         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = cgbs[i].where;
+         return True;
+      }
+   }
+   return False;
+/*--- Suppressions                                         ---*/
+   enum { 
+      ParamSupp,     // Bad syscall params
+      UserSupp,      // Errors arising from client-request checks
+      CoreMemSupp,   // Memory errors in core (pthread ops, signal handling)
+      // Undefined value errors of given size
+      Value1Supp, Value2Supp, Value4Supp, Value8Supp, Value16Supp,
+      // Undefined value error in conditional.
+      CondSupp,
+      // Unaddressable read/write attempt at given size
+      Addr1Supp, Addr2Supp, Addr4Supp, Addr8Supp, Addr16Supp,
+      JumpSupp,      // Jump to unaddressable target
+      FreeSupp,      // Invalid or mismatching free
+      OverlapSupp,   // Overlapping blocks in memcpy(), strcpy(), etc
+      LeakSupp,      // Something to be suppressed in a leak check.
+      MempoolSupp,   // Memory pool suppression.
+   } 
+   MC_SuppKind;
+Bool MC_(is_recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, Supp* su )
+   SuppKind skind;
+   if      (VG_STREQ(name, "Param"))   skind = ParamSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "User"))    skind = UserSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "CoreMem")) skind = CoreMemSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr1"))   skind = Addr1Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr2"))   skind = Addr2Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr4"))   skind = Addr4Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr8"))   skind = Addr8Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr16"))  skind = Addr16Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Jump"))    skind = JumpSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Free"))    skind = FreeSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Leak"))    skind = LeakSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Overlap")) skind = OverlapSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Mempool")) skind = MempoolSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Cond"))    skind = CondSupp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value0"))  skind = CondSupp; /* backwards compat */
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value1"))  skind = Value1Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value2"))  skind = Value2Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value4"))  skind = Value4Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value8"))  skind = Value8Supp;
+   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value16")) skind = Value16Supp;
+   else 
+      return False;
+   VG_(set_supp_kind)(su, skind);
+   return True;
+Bool MC_(read_extra_suppression_info) ( Int fd, Char* buf,
+                                        Int nBuf, Supp *su )
+   Bool eof;
+   if (VG_(get_supp_kind)(su) == ParamSupp) {
+      eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, nBuf );
+      if (eof) return False;
+      VG_(set_supp_string)(su, VG_(strdup)(buf));
+   }
+   return True;
+Bool MC_(error_matches_suppression) ( Error* err, Supp* su )
+   Int       su_szB;
+   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
+   ErrorKind ekind = VG_(get_error_kind )(err);
+   switch (VG_(get_supp_kind)(su)) {
+      case ParamSupp:
+         return ((ekind == Err_RegParam || ekind == Err_MemParam)
+              && VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(err), 
+                          VG_(get_supp_string)(su)));
+      case UserSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_User);
+      case CoreMemSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_CoreMem
+              && VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(err),
+                          VG_(get_supp_string)(su)));
+      case Value1Supp: su_szB = 1; goto value_case;
+      case Value2Supp: su_szB = 2; goto value_case;
+      case Value4Supp: su_szB = 4; goto value_case;
+      case Value8Supp: su_szB = 8; goto value_case;
+      case Value16Supp:su_szB =16; goto value_case;
+      value_case:
+         return (ekind == Err_Value && extra->Err.Value.szB == su_szB);
+      case CondSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_Cond);
+      case Addr1Supp: su_szB = 1; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr2Supp: su_szB = 2; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr4Supp: su_szB = 4; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr8Supp: su_szB = 8; goto addr_case;
+      case Addr16Supp:su_szB =16; goto addr_case;
+      addr_case:
+         return (ekind == Err_Addr && extra->Err.Addr.szB == su_szB);
+      case JumpSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_Jump);
+      case FreeSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_Free || ekind == Err_FreeMismatch);
+      case OverlapSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_Overlap);
+      case LeakSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_Leak);
+      case MempoolSupp:
+         return (ekind == Err_IllegalMempool);
+      default:
+         VG_(printf)("Error:\n"
+                     "  unknown suppression type %d\n",
+                     VG_(get_supp_kind)(su));
+         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown suppression type in "
+                         "MC_(error_matches_suppression)");
+   }
+Char* MC_(get_error_name) ( Error* err )
+   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
+   case Err_RegParam:       return "Param";
+   case Err_MemParam:       return "Param";
+   case Err_User:           return "User";
+   case Err_FreeMismatch:   return "Free";
+   case Err_IllegalMempool: return "Mempool";
+   case Err_Free:           return "Free";
+   case Err_Jump:           return "Jump";
+   case Err_CoreMem:        return "CoreMem";
+   case Err_Overlap:        return "Overlap";
+   case Err_Leak:           return "Leak";
+   case Err_Cond:           return "Cond";
+   case Err_Addr: {
+      MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
+      switch ( extra->Err.Addr.szB ) {
+      case 1:               return "Addr1";
+      case 2:               return "Addr2";
+      case 4:               return "Addr4";
+      case 8:               return "Addr8";
+      case 16:              return "Addr16";
+      default:              VG_(tool_panic)("unexpected size for Addr");
+      }
+   }
+   case Err_Value: {
+      MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
+      switch ( extra->Err.Value.szB ) {
+      case 1:               return "Value1";
+      case 2:               return "Value2";
+      case 4:               return "Value4";
+      case 8:               return "Value8";
+      case 16:              return "Value16";
+      default:              VG_(tool_panic)("unexpected size for Value");
+      }
+   }
+   default:                 VG_(tool_panic)("get_error_name: unexpected type");
+   }
+void MC_(print_extra_suppression_info) ( Error* err )
+   ErrorKind ekind = VG_(get_error_kind )(err);
+   if (Err_RegParam == ekind || Err_MemParam == ekind) {
+      VG_(printf)("   %s\n", VG_(get_error_string)(err));
+   }
+/*--- end                                              mc_errors.c ---*/
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_include.h b/memcheck/mc_include.h
index fb0e26b..ed4c789 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_include.h
+++ b/memcheck/mc_include.h
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
 #define MC_(str)    VGAPPEND(vgMemCheck_,str)
+/* This is a private header file for use only within the
+   memcheck/ directory. */
 /*--- Tracking the heap                                    ---*/
@@ -282,14 +286,78 @@
 /*--- Errors and suppressions                              ---*/
-extern void MC_(record_free_error)            ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ); 
-extern void MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a );
-extern void MC_(record_freemismatch_error)    ( ThreadId tid, MC_Chunk* mc );
-extern Bool MC_(record_leak_error)            ( ThreadId tid,
-                                                UInt n_this_record,
-                                                UInt n_total_records,
-                                                LossRecord* lossRecord,
-                                                Bool print_record );
+/* Did we show to the user, any errors for which an uninitialised
+   value origin could have been collected (but wasn't) ?  If yes,
+   then, at the end of the run, print a 1 line message advising that a
+   rerun with --track-origins=yes might help. */
+Bool MC_(any_value_errors);
+/* Standard functions for error and suppressions as required by the
+   core/tool iface */
+Bool MC_(eq_Error) ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 );
+void MC_(pp_Error) ( Error* err );
+UInt MC_(update_Error_extra)( Error* err );
+Bool MC_(is_recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, Supp* su );
+Bool MC_(read_extra_suppression_info) ( Int fd, Char* buf,
+                                        Int nBuf, Supp *su );
+Bool MC_(error_matches_suppression) ( Error* err, Supp* su );
+void MC_(print_extra_suppression_info) ( Error* err );
+Char* MC_(get_error_name) ( Error* err );
+/* Recording of errors */
+void MC_(record_address_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, Int szB,
+                                 Bool isWrite );
+void MC_(record_cond_error)    ( ThreadId tid, UInt otag );
+void MC_(record_value_error)   ( ThreadId tid, Int szB, UInt otag );
+void MC_(record_jump_error)    ( ThreadId tid, Addr a );
+void MC_(record_free_error)            ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ); 
+void MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a );
+void MC_(record_freemismatch_error)    ( ThreadId tid, MC_Chunk* mc );
+void MC_(record_overlap_error)  ( ThreadId tid, Char* function,
+                                  Addr src, Addr dst, SizeT szB );
+void MC_(record_core_mem_error) ( ThreadId tid, Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg );
+void MC_(record_regparam_error) ( ThreadId tid, Char* msg, UInt otag );
+void MC_(record_memparam_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, 
+                                  Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg, UInt otag );
+void MC_(record_user_error)     ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
+                                  Bool isAddrErr, UInt otag );
+Bool MC_(record_leak_error)     ( ThreadId tid,
+                                  UInt n_this_record,
+                                  UInt n_total_records,
+                                  LossRecord* lossRecord,
+                                  Bool print_record );
+/* Is this address in a user-specified "ignored range" ? */
+Bool MC_(in_ignored_range) ( Addr a );
+/*--- Client blocks                                        ---*/
+/* Describes a client block.  See mc_main.c.  An unused block has
+   start == size == 0.  */
+   struct {
+      Addr        start;
+      SizeT       size;
+      ExeContext* where;
+      Char*       desc;
+   } 
+   CGenBlock;
+/* Get access to the client block array. */
+void MC_(get_ClientBlock_array)( /*OUT*/CGenBlock** blocks,
+                                 /*OUT*/UWord* nBlocks );
 /*--- Command line options + defaults                      ---*/
diff --git a/memcheck/mc_main.c b/memcheck/mc_main.c
index e4b7e13..a89d3c4 100644
--- a/memcheck/mc_main.c
+++ b/memcheck/mc_main.c
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@
 static IgnoreRanges ignoreRanges;
-static INLINE Bool in_ignored_range ( Addr a )
+INLINE Bool MC_(in_ignored_range) ( Addr a )
    Int i;
    if (LIKELY(ignoreRanges.used == 0))
@@ -1137,15 +1137,6 @@
 /* --------------- Load/store slow cases. --------------- */
-// Forward declarations
-static void mc_record_address_error  ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
-                                       Int size, Bool isWrite );
-static void mc_record_core_mem_error ( ThreadId tid, Bool isAddrErr, Char* s );
-static void mc_record_regparam_error ( ThreadId tid, Char* msg, UInt otag );
-static void mc_record_memparam_error ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
-                                       Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg, UInt otag );
-static void mc_record_jump_error     ( ThreadId tid, Addr a );
@@ -1229,7 +1220,7 @@
                                    && n_addrs_bad < VG_WORDSIZE;
    if (n_addrs_bad > 0 && !partial_load_exemption_applies)
-      mc_record_address_error( VG_(get_running_tid)(), a, szB, False );
+      MC_(record_address_error)( VG_(get_running_tid)(), a, szB, False );
    return vbits64;
@@ -1318,7 +1309,7 @@
    /* If an address error has happened, report it. */
    if (n_addrs_bad > 0)
-      mc_record_address_error( VG_(get_running_tid)(), a, szB, True );
+      MC_(record_address_error)( VG_(get_running_tid)(), a, szB, True );
@@ -3387,12 +3378,12 @@
    if (!ok) {
       switch (part) {
       case Vg_CoreSysCall:
-         mc_record_memparam_error ( tid, bad_addr, 
-                                    /*isAddrErr*/True, s, 0/*otag*/ );
+         MC_(record_memparam_error) ( tid, bad_addr, 
+                                      /*isAddrErr*/True, s, 0/*otag*/ );
       case Vg_CoreSignal:
-         mc_record_core_mem_error( tid, /*isAddrErr*/True, s );
+         MC_(record_core_mem_error)( tid, /*isAddrErr*/True, s );
@@ -3414,14 +3405,14 @@
       switch (part) {
       case Vg_CoreSysCall:
-         mc_record_memparam_error ( tid, bad_addr, isAddrErr, s,
-                                    isAddrErr ? 0 : otag );
+         MC_(record_memparam_error) ( tid, bad_addr, isAddrErr, s,
+                                      isAddrErr ? 0 : otag );
       /* If we're being asked to jump to a silly address, record an error 
          message before potentially crashing the entire system. */
       case Vg_CoreTranslate:
-         mc_record_jump_error( tid, bad_addr );
+         MC_(record_jump_error)( tid, bad_addr );
@@ -3442,8 +3433,8 @@
    res = mc_is_defined_asciiz ( (Addr)str, &bad_addr, &otag );
    if (MC_Ok != res) {
       Bool isAddrErr = ( MC_AddrErr == res ? True : False );
-      mc_record_memparam_error ( tid, bad_addr, isAddrErr, s,
-                                 isAddrErr ? 0 : otag );
+      MC_(record_memparam_error) ( tid, bad_addr, isAddrErr, s,
+                                   isAddrErr ? 0 : otag );
@@ -3561,1266 +3552,11 @@
    /* We've found some undefinedness.  See if we can also find an
       origin for it. */
    otag = mb_get_origin_for_guest_offset( tid, offset, size );
-   mc_record_regparam_error ( tid, s, otag );
+   MC_(record_regparam_error) ( tid, s, otag );
-/*--- Error types                                          ---*/
-/* Did we show to the user, any errors for which an uninitialised
-   value origin could have been collected (but wasn't) ?  If yes,
-   then, at the end of the run, print a 1 line message advising that a
-   rerun with --track-origins=yes might help. */
-static Bool any_value_errors = False;
-// Different kinds of blocks.
-typedef enum {
-   Block_Mallocd = 111,
-   Block_Freed,
-   Block_Mempool,
-   Block_MempoolChunk,
-   Block_UserG
-} BlockKind;
-/* ------------------ Addresses -------------------- */
-/* The classification of a faulting address. */
-   enum { 
-      Addr_Undescribed, // as-yet unclassified
-      Addr_Unknown,     // classification yielded nothing useful
-      Addr_Block,       // in malloc'd/free'd block
-      Addr_Stack,       // on a thread's stack       
-      Addr_DataSym,     // in a global data sym
-      Addr_Variable,    // variable described by the debug info
-      Addr_SectKind     // last-ditch classification attempt
-   }
-   AddrTag;
-   struct _AddrInfo
-   AddrInfo;
-struct _AddrInfo {
-   AddrTag tag;
-   union {
-      // As-yet unclassified.
-      struct { } Undescribed;
-      // On a stack.
-      struct {
-         ThreadId tid;        // Which thread's stack?
-      } Stack;
-      // This covers heap blocks (normal and from mempools) and user-defined
-      // blocks.
-      struct {
-         BlockKind   block_kind;
-         Char*       block_desc;    // "block", "mempool" or user-defined
-         SizeT       block_szB;
-         OffT        rwoffset;
-         ExeContext* lastchange;
-      } Block;
-      // In a global .data symbol.  This holds the first 63 chars of
-      // the variable's (zero terminated), plus an offset.
-      struct {
-         Char name[128];
-         OffT offset;
-      } DataSym;
-      // Is described by Dwarf debug info.  Arbitrary strings.  Must
-      // be the same length.
-      struct {
-         Char descr1[96];
-         Char descr2[96];
-      } Variable;
-      // Could only narrow it down to be the PLT/GOT/etc of a given
-      // object.  Better than nothing, perhaps.
-      struct {
-         Char       objname[128];
-         VgSectKind kind;
-      } SectKind;
-      // Classification yielded nothing useful.
-      struct { } Unknown;
-   } Addr;
-/* ------------------ Errors ----------------------- */
-/* What kind of error it is. */
-   enum { 
-      Err_Value,
-      Err_Cond,
-      Err_CoreMem,
-      Err_Addr, 
-      Err_Jump, 
-      Err_RegParam,
-      Err_MemParam,
-      Err_User,
-      Err_Free,
-      Err_FreeMismatch,
-      Err_Overlap,
-      Err_Leak,
-      Err_IllegalMempool,
-   }
-   MC_ErrorTag;
-typedef struct _MC_Error MC_Error;
-struct _MC_Error {
-   // Nb: we don't need the tag here, as it's stored in the Error type! Yuk.
-   //MC_ErrorTag tag;
-   union {
-      // Use of an undefined value:
-      // - as a pointer in a load or store
-      // - as a jump target
-      struct {
-         SizeT szB;   // size of value in bytes
-         // Origin info
-         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
-         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
-      } Value;
-      // Use of an undefined value in a conditional branch or move.
-      struct {
-         // Origin info
-         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
-         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
-      } Cond;
-      // Addressability error in core (signal-handling) operation.
-      // It would be good to get rid of this error kind, merge it with
-      // another one somehow.
-      struct {
-      } CoreMem;
-      // Use of an unaddressable memory location in a load or store.
-      struct {
-         Bool     isWrite;    // read or write?
-         SizeT    szB;        // not used for exec (jump) errors
-         Bool     maybe_gcc;  // True if just below %esp -- could be a gcc bug
-         AddrInfo ai;
-      } Addr;
-      // Jump to an unaddressable memory location.
-      struct {
-         AddrInfo ai;
-      } Jump;
-      // System call register input contains undefined bytes.
-      struct {
-         // Origin info
-         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
-         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
-      } RegParam;
-      // System call memory input contains undefined/unaddressable bytes
-      struct {
-         Bool     isAddrErr;  // Addressability or definedness error?
-         AddrInfo ai;
-         // Origin info
-         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
-         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
-      } MemParam;
-      // Problem found from a client request like CHECK_MEM_IS_ADDRESSABLE.
-      struct {
-         Bool     isAddrErr;  // Addressability or definedness error?
-         AddrInfo ai;
-         // Origin info
-         UInt        otag;      // origin tag
-         ExeContext* origin_ec; // filled in later
-      } User;
-      // Program tried to free() something that's not a heap block (this
-      // covers double-frees). */
-      struct {
-         AddrInfo ai;
-      } Free;
-      // Program allocates heap block with one function
-      // (malloc/new/new[]/custom) and deallocates with not the matching one.
-      struct {
-         AddrInfo ai;
-      } FreeMismatch;
-      // Call to strcpy, memcpy, etc, with overlapping blocks.
-      struct {
-         Addr src;   // Source block
-         Addr dst;   // Destination block
-         Int  szB;   // Size in bytes;  0 if unused.
-      } Overlap;
-      // A memory leak.
-      struct {
-         UInt        n_this_record;
-         UInt        n_total_records;
-         LossRecord* lossRecord;
-      } Leak;
-      // A memory pool error.
-      struct {
-         AddrInfo ai;
-      } IllegalMempool;
-   } Err;
-/*--- Printing errors                                      ---*/
-static void mc_pp_AddrInfo ( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai, Bool maybe_gcc )
-   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <auxwhat>" : " ";
-   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</auxwhat>"  : "";
-   switch (ai->tag) {
-      case Addr_Unknown:
-         if (maybe_gcc) {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%sAddress 0x%llx is just below the stack ptr.  "
-               "To suppress, use: --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes%s",
-               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost
-            );
-	 } else {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%sAddress 0x%llx "
-               "is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd%s",
-               xpre, (ULong)a, xpost);
-         }
-         break;
-      case Addr_Stack: 
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is on thread %d's stack%s", 
-                      xpre, (ULong)a, ai->Addr.Stack.tid, xpost);
-         break;
-      case Addr_Block: {
-         SizeT block_szB  = ai->Addr.Block.block_szB;
-         OffT  rwoffset   = ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset;
-         SizeT delta;
-         const Char* relative;
-         if (rwoffset < 0) {
-            delta    = (SizeT)(-rwoffset);
-            relative = "before";
-         } else if (rwoffset >= block_szB) {
-            delta    = rwoffset - block_szB;
-            relative = "after";
-         } else {
-            delta    = rwoffset;
-            relative = "inside";
-         }
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-            "%sAddress 0x%lx is %,lu bytes %s a %s of size %,lu %s%s",
-            xpre,
-            a, delta, relative, ai->Addr.Block.block_desc,
-            block_szB,
-            ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Mallocd ? "alloc'd" 
-            : ai->Addr.Block.block_kind==Block_Freed ? "free'd" 
-                                                     : "client-defined",
-            xpost);
-         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(ai->Addr.Block.lastchange);
-         break;
-      }
-      case Addr_DataSym:
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is %llu bytes "
-                        "inside data symbol \"%t\"%s", 
-                      xpre, 
-                      (ULong)a, 
-                      (ULong)ai->Addr.DataSym.offset,
-                      ai->, 
-                      xpost);
-         break;
-      case Addr_Variable:
-         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0] != '\0')
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
-                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, xpost);
-         if (ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0] != '\0')
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%s%s%s",
-                         xpre, ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, xpost);
-         break;
-      case Addr_SectKind:
-         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-                      "%sAddress 0x%llx is in the %t segment of %t%s",
-                      xpre, 
-                      (ULong)a, 
-                      VG_(pp_SectKind)(ai->Addr.SectKind.kind),
-                      ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, 
-                      xpost);
-         break;
-      default:
-         VG_(tool_panic)("mc_pp_AddrInfo");
-   }
-static const HChar* str_leak_lossmode ( Reachedness lossmode )
-   const HChar *loss = "?";
-   switch (lossmode) {
-      case Unreached:    loss = "definitely lost"; break;
-      case IndirectLeak: loss = "indirectly lost"; break;
-      case Interior:     loss = "possibly lost"; break;
-      case Proper:       loss = "still reachable"; break;
-   }
-   return loss;
-static const HChar* xml_leak_kind ( Reachedness lossmode )
-   const HChar *loss = "?";
-   switch (lossmode) {
-      case Unreached:    loss = "Leak_DefinitelyLost"; break;
-      case IndirectLeak: loss = "Leak_IndirectlyLost"; break;
-      case Interior:     loss = "Leak_PossiblyLost"; break;
-      case Proper:       loss = "Leak_StillReachable"; break;
-   }
-   return loss;
-static void mc_pp_msg( Char* xml_name, Error* err, const HChar* format, ... )
-   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
-   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
-   Char buf[256];
-   va_list vargs;
-   if (VG_(clo_xml))
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%s</kind>", xml_name);
-   // Stick xpre and xpost on the front and back of the format string.
-   VG_(snprintf)(buf, 256, "%s%s%s", xpre, format, xpost);
-   va_start(vargs, format);
-   VG_(vmessage) ( Vg_UserMsg, buf, vargs );
-   va_end(vargs);
-   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
-static void mc_pp_origin ( ExeContext* ec, UInt okind )
-   HChar* src   = NULL;
-   HChar* xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : " ";
-   HChar* xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
-   tl_assert(ec);
-   switch (okind) {
-      case MC_OKIND_STACK:   src = " by a stack allocation"; break;
-      case MC_OKIND_HEAP:    src = " by a heap allocation"; break;
-      case MC_OKIND_USER:    src = " by a client request"; break;
-      case MC_OKIND_UNKNOWN: src = ""; break;
-   }
-   tl_assert(src); /* guards against invalid 'okind' */
-   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <origin>");
-   }
-   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "%sUninitialised value was created%s%s",
-                            xpre, src, xpost);
-   VG_(pp_ExeContext)( ec );
-   if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  </origin>");
-   }
-static void mc_pp_Error ( Error* err )
-   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
-   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
-      case Err_CoreMem: {
-         /* What the hell *is* a CoreMemError? jrs 2005-May-18 */
-         /* As of 2006-Dec-14, it's caused by unaddressable bytes in a
-            signal handler frame.  --njn */
-         mc_pp_msg("CoreMemError", err,
-                   "%s contains unaddressable byte(s)", 
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
-         break;
-      } 
-      case Err_Value:
-         any_value_errors = True;
-         if (1 || extra->Err.Value.otag == 0) {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
-                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d",
-                      extra->Err.Value.szB);
-         } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitValue", err,
-                      "Use of uninitialised value of size %d (otag %u)",
-                      extra->Err.Value.szB, extra->Err.Value.otag);
-         }
-         if (extra->Err.Value.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.Value.otag & 3 );
-         break;
-      case Err_Cond:
-         any_value_errors = True;
-         if (1 || extra->Err.Cond.otag == 0) {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
-                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
-                      " on uninitialised value(s)");
-         } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("UninitCondition", err,
-                      "Conditional jump or move depends"
-                      " on uninitialised value(s) (otag %u)",
-                      extra->Err.Cond.otag);
-         }
-         if (extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.Cond.otag & 3 );
-         break;
-      case Err_RegParam:
-         any_value_errors = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
-                   "Syscall param %s contains uninitialised byte(s)",
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err));
-         if (extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.RegParam.otag & 3 );
-         break;
-      case Err_MemParam:
-         if (!extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
-            any_value_errors = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("SyscallParam", err,
-                   "Syscall param %s points to %s byte(s)",
-                   VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                   ( extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr 
-                     ? "unaddressable" : "uninitialised" ));
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
-         if (extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec && !extra->Err.MemParam.isAddrErr)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.MemParam.otag & 3 );
-         break;
-      case Err_User:
-         if (!extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
-            any_value_errors = True;
-         mc_pp_msg("ClientCheck", err,
-                   "%s byte(s) found during client check request", 
-                   ( extra->Err.User.isAddrErr
-                     ? "Unaddressable" : "Uninitialised" ));
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        False);
-         if (extra->Err.User.origin_ec && !extra->Err.User.isAddrErr)
-            mc_pp_origin( extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
-                          extra->Err.User.otag & 3 );
-         break;
-      case Err_Free:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidFree", err,
-                   "Invalid free() / delete / delete[]");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
-         break;
-      case Err_FreeMismatch:
-         mc_pp_msg("MismatchedFree", err,
-                   "Mismatched free() / delete / delete []");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
-         break;
-      case Err_Addr:
-         if (extra->Err.Addr.isWrite) {
-            mc_pp_msg("InvalidWrite", err,
-                      "Invalid write of size %d", 
-                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
-         } else {
-            mc_pp_msg("InvalidRead", err,
-                      "Invalid read of size %d", 
-                      extra->Err.Addr.szB); 
-         }
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        extra->Err.Addr.maybe_gcc);
-         break;
-      case Err_Jump:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidJump", err,
-                   "Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err), &extra->,
-                        False);
-         break;
-      case Err_Overlap:
-         if (extra->Err.Overlap.szB == 0)
-            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
-                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p)",
-                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src);
-         else
-            mc_pp_msg("Overlap", err,
-                      "Source and destination overlap in %s(%p, %p, %d)",
-                      VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.dst, extra->Err.Overlap.src,
-                      extra->Err.Overlap.szB);
-         break;
-      case Err_IllegalMempool:
-         mc_pp_msg("InvalidMemPool", err,
-                   "Illegal memory pool address");
-         mc_pp_AddrInfo(VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                        &extra->, False);
-         break;
-      case Err_Leak: {
-         HChar*      xpre  = VG_(clo_xml) ? "  <what>" : "";
-         HChar*      xpost = VG_(clo_xml) ? "</what>"  : "";
-         UInt        n_this_record   = extra->Err.Leak.n_this_record;
-         UInt        n_total_records = extra->Err.Leak.n_total_records;
-         LossRecord* l               = extra->Err.Leak.lossRecord;
-         if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <kind>%t</kind>",
-                         xml_leak_kind(l->loss_mode));
-         } else {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "");
-         }
-         if (l->indirect_bytes) {
-            VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%s%,lu (%,lu direct, %,lu indirect) bytes in %,u blocks"
-               " are %s in loss record %,u of %,u%s",
-               xpre,
-               l->total_bytes + l->indirect_bytes, 
-               l->total_bytes, l->indirect_bytes, l->num_blocks,
-               str_leak_lossmode(l->loss_mode), n_this_record, n_total_records,
-               xpost
-            );
-            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-               // Nb: don't put commas in these XML numbers 
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%lu</leakedbytes>", 
-                                        l->total_bytes + l->indirect_bytes);
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%u</leakedblocks>", 
-                                        l->num_blocks);
-            }
-         } else {
-            VG_(message)(
-               Vg_UserMsg, 
-               "%s%,lu bytes in %,u blocks are %s in loss record %,u of %,u%s",
-               xpre,
-               l->total_bytes, l->num_blocks,
-               str_leak_lossmode(l->loss_mode), n_this_record, n_total_records,
-               xpost
-            );
-            if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedbytes>%d</leakedbytes>", 
-                                        l->total_bytes);
-               VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "  <leakedblocks>%d</leakedblocks>", 
-                                        l->num_blocks);
-            }
-         }
-         VG_(pp_ExeContext)(l->allocated_at);
-         break;
-      }
-      default: 
-         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown Memcheck error code %d\n",
-                     VG_(get_error_kind)(err));
-         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown error code in mc_pp_Error)");
-   }
-/*--- Recording errors                                     ---*/
-/* These many bytes below %ESP are considered addressible if we're
-   doing the --workaround-gcc296-bugs hack. */
-#define VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP 1024
-/* Is this address within some small distance below %ESP?  Used only
-   for the --workaround-gcc296-bugs kludge. */
-static Bool is_just_below_ESP( Addr esp, Addr aa )
-   if (esp > aa && (esp - aa) <= VG_GCC296_BUG_STACK_SLOP)
-      return True;
-   else
-      return False;
-/* --- Called from generated and non-generated code --- */
-static void mc_record_address_error ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, Int szB,
-                                      Bool isWrite )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   Bool     just_below_esp;
-   if (in_ignored_range(a)) 
-      return;
-#  if defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
-   /* AIX zero-page handling.  On AIX, reads from page zero are,
-      bizarrely enough, legitimate.  Writes to page zero aren't,
-      though.  Since memcheck can't distinguish reads from writes, the
-      best we can do is to 'act normal' and mark the A bits in the
-      normal way as noaccess, but then hide any reads from that page
-      that get reported here. */
-   if ((!isWrite) && a >= 0 && a < 4096 && a+szB <= 4096) 
-      return;
-   /* Appalling AIX hack.  It suppresses reads done by glink
-      fragments.  Getting rid of this would require figuring out
-      somehow where the referenced data areas are (and their
-      sizes). */
-   if ((!isWrite) && szB == sizeof(Word)) { 
-      UInt i1, i2;
-      UInt* pc = (UInt*)VG_(get_IP)(tid);
-      if (sizeof(Word) == 4) {
-         i1 = 0x800c0000; /* lwz r0,0(r12) */
-         i2 = 0x804c0004; /* lwz r2,4(r12) */
-      } else {
-         i1 = 0xe80c0000; /* ld  r0,0(r12) */
-         i2 = 0xe84c0008; /* ld  r2,8(r12) */
-      }
-      if (pc[0] == i1 && pc[1] == i2) return;
-      if (pc[0] == i2 && pc[-1] == i1) return;
-   }
-#  endif
-   just_below_esp = is_just_below_ESP( VG_(get_SP)(tid), a );
-   /* If this is caused by an access immediately below %ESP, and the
-      user asks nicely, we just ignore it. */
-   if (MC_(clo_workaround_gcc296_bugs) && just_below_esp)
-      return;
-   extra.Err.Addr.isWrite   = isWrite;
-   extra.Err.Addr.szB       = szB;
-   extra.Err.Addr.maybe_gcc = just_below_esp;
-    = Addr_Undescribed;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Addr, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-static void mc_record_value_error ( ThreadId tid, Int szB, UInt otag )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
-   if (otag > 0)
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
-   extra.Err.Value.szB       = szB;
-   extra.Err.Value.otag      = otag;
-   extra.Err.Value.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Value, /*addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-static void mc_record_cond_error ( ThreadId tid, UInt otag )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
-   if (otag > 0)
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
-   extra.Err.Cond.otag      = otag;
-   extra.Err.Cond.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Cond, /*addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-/* --- Called from non-generated code --- */
-/* This is for memory errors in pthread functions, as opposed to pthread API
-   errors which are found by the core. */
-static void mc_record_core_mem_error ( ThreadId tid, Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg )
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_CoreMem, /*addr*/0, msg, /*extra*/NULL );
-static void mc_record_regparam_error ( ThreadId tid, Char* msg, UInt otag )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
-   if (otag > 0)
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
-   extra.Err.RegParam.otag      = otag;
-   extra.Err.RegParam.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_RegParam, /*addr*/0, msg, &extra );
-static void mc_record_memparam_error ( ThreadId tid, Addr a, 
-                                       Bool isAddrErr, Char* msg, UInt otag )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
-   if (!isAddrErr) 
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
-   if (otag != 0) {
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
-      tl_assert( !isAddrErr );
-   }
-   extra.Err.MemParam.isAddrErr = isAddrErr;
-    = Addr_Undescribed;
-   extra.Err.MemParam.otag      = otag;
-   extra.Err.MemParam.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_MemParam, a, msg, &extra );
-static void mc_record_jump_error ( ThreadId tid, Addr a )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
- = Addr_Undescribed;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Jump, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-void MC_(record_free_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ) 
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
- = Addr_Undescribed;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_Free, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-void MC_(record_freemismatch_error) ( ThreadId tid, MC_Chunk* mc )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   AddrInfo* ai = &;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
-   ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-   ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mallocd;  // Nb: Not 'Block_Freed'
-   ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
-   ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
-   ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = 0;
-   ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_FreeMismatch, mc->data, /*s*/NULL,
-                            &extra );
-void MC_(record_illegal_mempool_error) ( ThreadId tid, Addr a ) 
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
- = Addr_Undescribed;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_IllegalMempool, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-static void mc_record_overlap_error ( ThreadId tid, Char* function,
-                                      Addr src, Addr dst, SizeT szB )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
-   extra.Err.Overlap.src = src;
-   extra.Err.Overlap.dst = dst;
-   extra.Err.Overlap.szB = szB;
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( 
-      tid, Err_Overlap, /*addr*/0, /*s*/function, &extra );
-Bool MC_(record_leak_error) ( ThreadId tid, UInt n_this_record,
-                              UInt n_total_records, LossRecord* lossRecord,
-                              Bool print_record )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   extra.Err.Leak.n_this_record   = n_this_record;
-   extra.Err.Leak.n_total_records = n_total_records;
-   extra.Err.Leak.lossRecord      = lossRecord;
-   return
-   VG_(unique_error) ( tid, Err_Leak, /*Addr*/0, /*s*/NULL, &extra,
-                       lossRecord->allocated_at, print_record,
-                       /*allow_GDB_attach*/False, /*count_error*/False );
-static void mc_record_user_error ( ThreadId tid, Addr a,
-                                   Bool isAddrErr, UInt otag )
-   MC_Error extra;
-   if (otag != 0) {
-      tl_assert(!isAddrErr);
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) == 3 );
-   }
-   if (!isAddrErr) {
-      tl_assert( MC_(clo_mc_level) >= 2 );
-   }
-   tl_assert(VG_INVALID_THREADID != tid);
-   extra.Err.User.isAddrErr = isAddrErr;
-    = Addr_Undescribed;
-   extra.Err.User.otag      = otag;
-   extra.Err.User.origin_ec = NULL;  /* Filled in later */
-   VG_(maybe_record_error)( tid, Err_User, a, /*s*/NULL, &extra );
-/*--- Other error operations                               ---*/
-/* Compare error contexts, to detect duplicates.  Note that if they
-   are otherwise the same, the faulting addrs and associated rwoffsets
-   are allowed to be different.  */
-static Bool mc_eq_Error ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 )
-   MC_Error* extra1 = VG_(get_error_extra)(e1);
-   MC_Error* extra2 = VG_(get_error_extra)(e2);
-   /* Guaranteed by calling function */
-   tl_assert(VG_(get_error_kind)(e1) == VG_(get_error_kind)(e2));
-   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(e1)) {
-      case Err_CoreMem: {
-         Char *e1s, *e2s;
-         e1s = VG_(get_error_string)(e1);
-         e2s = VG_(get_error_string)(e2);
-         if (e1s == e2s)                   return True;
-         if (VG_STREQ(e1s, e2s))           return True;
-         return False;
-      }
-      case Err_RegParam:
-         return VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(e1), VG_(get_error_string)(e2));
-      // Perhaps we should also check the addrinfo.akinds for equality.
-      // That would result in more error reports, but only in cases where
-      // a register contains uninitialised bytes and points to memory
-      // containing uninitialised bytes.  Currently, the 2nd of those to be
-      // detected won't be reported.  That is (nearly?) always the memory
-      // error, which is good.
-      case Err_MemParam:
-         if (!VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(e1),
-                       VG_(get_error_string)(e2))) return False;
-         // fall through
-      case Err_User:
-         return ( extra1->Err.User.isAddrErr == extra2->Err.User.isAddrErr
-                ? True : False );
-      case Err_Free:
-      case Err_FreeMismatch:
-      case Err_Jump:
-      case Err_IllegalMempool:
-      case Err_Overlap:
-      case Err_Cond:
-         return True;
-      case Err_Addr:
-         return ( extra1->Err.Addr.szB == extra2->Err.Addr.szB
-                ? True : False );
-      case Err_Value:
-         return ( extra1->Err.Value.szB == extra2->Err.Value.szB
-                ? True : False );
-      case Err_Leak:
-         VG_(tool_panic)("Shouldn't get Err_Leak in mc_eq_Error,\n"
-                         "since it's handled with VG_(unique_error)()!");
-      default: 
-         VG_(printf)("Error:\n  unknown error code %d\n",
-                     VG_(get_error_kind)(e1));
-         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown error code in mc_eq_Error");
-   }
-/* Function used when searching MC_Chunk lists */
-static Bool addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(MC_Chunk* mc, Addr a)
-   // Nb: this is not quite right!  It assumes that the heap block has
-   // a redzone of size MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB.  That's true for malloc'd
-   // blocks, but not necessarily true for custom-alloc'd blocks.  So
-   // in some cases this could result in an incorrect description (eg.
-   // saying "12 bytes after block A" when really it's within block B.
-   // Fixing would require adding redzone size to MC_Chunks, though.
-   return VG_(addr_is_in_block)( a, mc->data, mc->szB,
-                                 MC_MALLOC_REDZONE_SZB );
-// Forward declaration
-static Bool client_perm_maybe_describe( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai );
-/* Describe an address as best you can, for error messages,
-   putting the result in ai. */
-static void describe_addr ( Addr a, /*OUT*/AddrInfo* ai )
-   MC_Chunk*  mc;
-   ThreadId   tid;
-   Addr       stack_min, stack_max;
-   VgSectKind sect;
-   tl_assert(Addr_Undescribed == ai->tag);
-   /* Perhaps it's a user-def'd block? */
-   if (client_perm_maybe_describe( a, ai )) {
-      return;
-   }
-   /* Search for a recently freed block which might bracket it. */
-   mc = MC_(get_freed_list_head)();
-   while (mc) {
-      if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
-         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Freed;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
-         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
-         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
-         return;
-      }
-      mc = mc->next; 
-   }
-   /* Search for a currently malloc'd block which might bracket it. */
-   VG_(HT_ResetIter)(MC_(malloc_list));
-   while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(MC_(malloc_list))) ) {
-      if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
-         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mallocd;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
-         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
-         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
-         return;
-      }
-   }
-   /* Perhaps the variable type/location data describes it? */
-   tl_assert(sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1) 
-             == sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1, 
-                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1));
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2, 
-                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2));
-   if (VG_(get_data_description)(
-             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr1[0],
-             &ai->Addr.Variable.descr2[0],
-             sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1, 
-             a )) {
-      ai->tag = Addr_Variable;
-      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr1
-                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr1)-1 ] == 0);
-      tl_assert( ai->Addr.Variable.descr2
-                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.Variable.descr2)-1 ] == 0);
-      return;
-   }
-   /* Have a look at the low level data symbols - perhaps it's in
-      there. */
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->,
-                0, sizeof(ai->;
-   if (VG_(get_datasym_and_offset)(
-             a, &ai->[0],
-             sizeof(ai->,
-             &ai->Addr.DataSym.offset )) {
-      ai->tag = Addr_DataSym;
-      tl_assert( ai->
-                    [ sizeof(ai-> ] == 0);
-      return;
-   }
-   /* Perhaps it's on a thread's stack? */
-   VG_(thread_stack_reset_iter)(&tid);
-   while ( VG_(thread_stack_next)(&tid, &stack_min, &stack_max) ) {
-      if (stack_min - VG_STACK_REDZONE_SZB <= a && a <= stack_max) {
-         ai->tag            = Addr_Stack;
-         ai->Addr.Stack.tid = tid;
-         return;
-      }
-   }
-   /* last ditch attempt at classification */
-   tl_assert( sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname) > 4 );
-   VG_(memset)( &ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, 
-                0, sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname));
-   VG_(strcpy)( ai->Addr.SectKind.objname, "???" );
-   sect = VG_(seginfo_sect_kind)( &ai->Addr.SectKind.objname[0],
-                                  sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname)-1, a);
-   if (sect != Vg_SectUnknown) {
-      ai->tag = Addr_SectKind;
-      ai->Addr.SectKind.kind = sect;
-      tl_assert( ai->Addr.SectKind.objname
-                    [ sizeof(ai->Addr.SectKind.objname)-1 ] == 0);
-      return;
-   }
-   /* Clueless ... */
-   ai->tag = Addr_Unknown;
-   return;
-/* Fill in *origin_ec as specified by otag, or NULL it out if otag
-   does not refer to a known origin. */
-static void update_origin ( /*OUT*/ExeContext** origin_ec,
-                            UInt otag )
-   UInt ecu = otag & ~3;
-   *origin_ec = NULL;
-   if (VG_(is_plausible_ECU)(ecu)) {
-      *origin_ec = VG_(get_ExeContext_from_ECU)( ecu );
-   }
-/* Updates the copy with address info if necessary (but not for all errors). */
-static UInt mc_update_extra( Error* err )
-   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
-   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
-   // These ones don't have addresses associated with them, and so don't
-   // need any updating.
-   case Err_CoreMem:
-   //case Err_Value:
-   //case Err_Cond:
-   case Err_Overlap:
-   // For Err_Leaks the returned size does not matter -- they are always
-   // shown with VG_(unique_error)() so they 'extra' not copied.  But
-   // we make it consistent with the others.
-   case Err_Leak:
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   // For value errors, get the ExeContext corresponding to the
-   // origin tag.  Note that it is a kludge to assume that 
-   // a length-1 trace indicates a stack origin.  FIXME.
-   case Err_Value:
-      update_origin( &extra->Err.Value.origin_ec,
-                     extra->Err.Value.otag );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_Cond:
-      update_origin( &extra->Err.Cond.origin_ec,
-                     extra->Err.Cond.otag );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_RegParam:
-      update_origin( &extra->Err.RegParam.origin_ec,
-                     extra->Err.RegParam.otag );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   // These ones always involve a memory address.
-   case Err_Addr:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_MemParam:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      update_origin( &extra->Err.MemParam.origin_ec,
-                     extra->Err.MemParam.otag );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_Jump:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_User:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      update_origin( &extra->Err.User.origin_ec,
-                     extra->Err.User.otag );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_Free:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   case Err_IllegalMempool:
-      describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err),
-                      &extra-> );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   // Err_FreeMismatches have already had their address described;  this is
-   // possible because we have the MC_Chunk on hand when the error is
-   // detected.  However, the address may be part of a user block, and if so
-   // we override the pre-determined description with a user block one.
-   case Err_FreeMismatch: {
-      tl_assert(extra && Block_Mallocd ==
-                extra->;
-      (void)client_perm_maybe_describe( VG_(get_error_address)(err), 
-                                        &extra-> );
-      return sizeof(MC_Error);
-   }
-   default: VG_(tool_panic)("mc_update_extra: bad errkind");
-   }
-/*--- Suppressions                                         ---*/
-   enum { 
-      ParamSupp,     // Bad syscall params
-      UserSupp,      // Errors arising from client-request checks
-      CoreMemSupp,   // Memory errors in core (pthread ops, signal handling)
-      // Undefined value errors of given size
-      Value1Supp, Value2Supp, Value4Supp, Value8Supp, Value16Supp,
-      // Undefined value error in conditional.
-      CondSupp,
-      // Unaddressable read/write attempt at given size
-      Addr1Supp, Addr2Supp, Addr4Supp, Addr8Supp, Addr16Supp,
-      JumpSupp,      // Jump to unaddressable target
-      FreeSupp,      // Invalid or mismatching free
-      OverlapSupp,   // Overlapping blocks in memcpy(), strcpy(), etc
-      LeakSupp,      // Something to be suppressed in a leak check.
-      MempoolSupp,   // Memory pool suppression.
-   } 
-   MC_SuppKind;
-static Bool mc_recognised_suppression ( Char* name, Supp* su )
-   SuppKind skind;
-   if      (VG_STREQ(name, "Param"))   skind = ParamSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "User"))    skind = UserSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "CoreMem")) skind = CoreMemSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr1"))   skind = Addr1Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr2"))   skind = Addr2Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr4"))   skind = Addr4Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr8"))   skind = Addr8Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Addr16"))  skind = Addr16Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Jump"))    skind = JumpSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Free"))    skind = FreeSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Leak"))    skind = LeakSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Overlap")) skind = OverlapSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Mempool")) skind = MempoolSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Cond"))    skind = CondSupp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value0"))  skind = CondSupp; /* backwards compat */
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value1"))  skind = Value1Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value2"))  skind = Value2Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value4"))  skind = Value4Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value8"))  skind = Value8Supp;
-   else if (VG_STREQ(name, "Value16")) skind = Value16Supp;
-   else 
-      return False;
-   VG_(set_supp_kind)(su, skind);
-   return True;
-Bool mc_read_extra_suppression_info ( Int fd, Char* buf, Int nBuf, Supp *su )
-   Bool eof;
-   if (VG_(get_supp_kind)(su) == ParamSupp) {
-      eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, nBuf );
-      if (eof) return False;
-      VG_(set_supp_string)(su, VG_(strdup)(buf));
-   }
-   return True;
-static Bool mc_error_matches_suppression(Error* err, Supp* su)
-   Int       su_szB;
-   MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
-   ErrorKind ekind = VG_(get_error_kind )(err);
-   switch (VG_(get_supp_kind)(su)) {
-      case ParamSupp:
-         return ((ekind == Err_RegParam || ekind == Err_MemParam)
-              && VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(err), 
-                          VG_(get_supp_string)(su)));
-      case UserSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_User);
-      case CoreMemSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_CoreMem
-              && VG_STREQ(VG_(get_error_string)(err),
-                          VG_(get_supp_string)(su)));
-      case Value1Supp: su_szB = 1; goto value_case;
-      case Value2Supp: su_szB = 2; goto value_case;
-      case Value4Supp: su_szB = 4; goto value_case;
-      case Value8Supp: su_szB = 8; goto value_case;
-      case Value16Supp:su_szB =16; goto value_case;
-      value_case:
-         return (ekind == Err_Value && extra->Err.Value.szB == su_szB);
-      case CondSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_Cond);
-      case Addr1Supp: su_szB = 1; goto addr_case;
-      case Addr2Supp: su_szB = 2; goto addr_case;
-      case Addr4Supp: su_szB = 4; goto addr_case;
-      case Addr8Supp: su_szB = 8; goto addr_case;
-      case Addr16Supp:su_szB =16; goto addr_case;
-      addr_case:
-         return (ekind == Err_Addr && extra->Err.Addr.szB == su_szB);
-      case JumpSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_Jump);
-      case FreeSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_Free || ekind == Err_FreeMismatch);
-      case OverlapSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_Overlap);
-      case LeakSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_Leak);
-      case MempoolSupp:
-         return (ekind == Err_IllegalMempool);
-      default:
-         VG_(printf)("Error:\n"
-                     "  unknown suppression type %d\n",
-                     VG_(get_supp_kind)(su));
-         VG_(tool_panic)("unknown suppression type in "
-                         "MC_(error_matches_suppression)");
-   }
-static Char* mc_get_error_name ( Error* err )
-   switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
-   case Err_RegParam:       return "Param";
-   case Err_MemParam:       return "Param";
-   case Err_User:           return "User";
-   case Err_FreeMismatch:   return "Free";
-   case Err_IllegalMempool: return "Mempool";
-   case Err_Free:           return "Free";
-   case Err_Jump:           return "Jump";
-   case Err_CoreMem:        return "CoreMem";
-   case Err_Overlap:        return "Overlap";
-   case Err_Leak:           return "Leak";
-   case Err_Cond:           return "Cond";
-   case Err_Addr: {
-      MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
-      switch ( extra->Err.Addr.szB ) {
-      case 1:               return "Addr1";
-      case 2:               return "Addr2";
-      case 4:               return "Addr4";
-      case 8:               return "Addr8";
-      case 16:              return "Addr16";
-      default:              VG_(tool_panic)("unexpected size for Addr");
-      }
-   }
-   case Err_Value: {
-      MC_Error* extra = VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
-      switch ( extra->Err.Value.szB ) {
-      case 1:               return "Value1";
-      case 2:               return "Value2";
-      case 4:               return "Value4";
-      case 8:               return "Value8";
-      case 16:              return "Value16";
-      default:              VG_(tool_panic)("unexpected size for Value");
-      }
-   }
-   default:                 VG_(tool_panic)("get_error_name: unexpected type");
-   }
-static void mc_print_extra_suppression_info ( Error* err )
-   ErrorKind ekind = VG_(get_error_kind )(err);
-   if (Err_RegParam == ekind || Err_MemParam == ekind) {
-      VG_(printf)("   %s\n", VG_(get_error_string)(err));
-   }
 /*--- Functions called directly from generated code:       ---*/
 /*--- Load/store handlers.                                 ---*/
@@ -5294,54 +4030,54 @@
 /* Call these ones when an origin is available ... */
 void MC_(helperc_value_check0_fail_w_o) ( UWord origin ) {
-   mc_record_cond_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (UInt)origin );
+   MC_(record_cond_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (UInt)origin );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check1_fail_w_o) ( UWord origin ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 1, (UInt)origin );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 1, (UInt)origin );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check4_fail_w_o) ( UWord origin ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 4, (UInt)origin );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 4, (UInt)origin );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check8_fail_w_o) ( UWord origin ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 8, (UInt)origin );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 8, (UInt)origin );
 void MC_(helperc_value_checkN_fail_w_o) ( HWord sz, UWord origin ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (Int)sz, (UInt)origin );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (Int)sz, (UInt)origin );
 /* ... and these when an origin isn't available. */
 void MC_(helperc_value_check0_fail_no_o) ( void ) {
-   mc_record_cond_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 0/*origin*/ );
+   MC_(record_cond_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 0/*origin*/ );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check1_fail_no_o) ( void ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 1, 0/*origin*/ );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 1, 0/*origin*/ );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check4_fail_no_o) ( void ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 4, 0/*origin*/ );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 4, 0/*origin*/ );
 void MC_(helperc_value_check8_fail_no_o) ( void ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 8, 0/*origin*/ );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), 8, 0/*origin*/ );
 void MC_(helperc_value_checkN_fail_no_o) ( HWord sz ) {
-   mc_record_value_error ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (Int)sz, 0/*origin*/ );
+   MC_(record_value_error) ( VG_(get_running_tid)(), (Int)sz, 0/*origin*/ );
@@ -5413,7 +4149,7 @@
    SecMap* sm = maybe_get_secmap_for ( a );
    if (sm == NULL || sm == &sm_distinguished[SM_DIST_NOACCESS]
-       || in_ignored_range(a)) {
+       || MC_(in_ignored_range)(a)) {
       /* Definitely not in use. */
       return False;
    } else {
@@ -5434,7 +4170,7 @@
    if (is_mem_defined( a, sizeof(UWord), NULL, NULL) == MC_Ok
-       && !in_ignored_range(a)) {
+       && !MC_(in_ignored_range)(a)) {
       return True;
    } else {
       return False;
@@ -5746,7 +4482,7 @@
-/*--- Client requests                                      ---*/
+/*--- Client blocks                                        ---*/
 /* Client block management:
@@ -5761,14 +4497,7 @@
    An unused block has start == size == 0
-   struct {
-      Addr          start;
-      SizeT         size;
-      ExeContext*   where;
-      Char*            desc;
-   } 
-   CGenBlock;
+/* type CGenBlock is defined in mc_include.h */
 /* This subsystem is self-initialising. */
 static UInt       cgb_size = 0;
@@ -5782,6 +4511,15 @@
 static UInt cgb_search   = 0;   /* Number of searches. */
+/* Get access to the client block array. */
+void MC_(get_ClientBlock_array)( /*OUT*/CGenBlock** blocks,
+                                 /*OUT*/UWord* nBlocks )
+   *blocks  = cgbs;
+   *nBlocks = cgb_used;
 Int alloc_client_block ( void )
@@ -5830,54 +4568,10 @@
-static Bool client_perm_maybe_describe( Addr a, AddrInfo* ai )
-   UInt i;
-   /* Perhaps it's a general block ? */
-   for (i = 0; i < cgb_used; i++) {
-      if (cgbs[i].start == 0 && cgbs[i].size == 0) 
-         continue;
-      // Use zero as the redzone for client blocks.
-      if (VG_(addr_is_in_block)(a, cgbs[i].start, cgbs[i].size, 0)) {
-         /* OK - maybe it's a mempool, too? */
-         MC_Mempool* mp = VG_(HT_lookup)(MC_(mempool_list),
-                                          (UWord)cgbs[i].start);
-         if (mp != NULL) {
-            if (mp->chunks != NULL) {
-               MC_Chunk* mc;
-               VG_(HT_ResetIter)(mp->chunks);
-               while ( (mc = VG_(HT_Next)(mp->chunks)) ) {
-                  if (addr_is_in_MC_Chunk(mc, a)) {
-                     ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-                     ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_MempoolChunk;
-                     ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "block";
-                     ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = mc->szB;
-                     ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)a - (Int)mc->data;
-                     ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = mc->where;
-                     return True;
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-            ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_Mempool;
-            ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = "mempool";
-            ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = cgbs[i].size;
-            ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(cgbs[i].start);
-            ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = cgbs[i].where;
-            return True;
-         }
-         ai->tag = Addr_Block;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_kind = Block_UserG;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_desc = cgbs[i].desc;
-         ai->Addr.Block.block_szB  = cgbs[i].size;
-         ai->Addr.Block.rwoffset   = (Int)(a) - (Int)(cgbs[i].start);
-         ai->Addr.Block.lastchange = cgbs[i].where;
-         return True;
-      }
-   }
-   return False;
+/*--- Client requests                                      ---*/
 static Bool mc_handle_client_request ( ThreadId tid, UWord* arg, UWord* ret )
@@ -5886,23 +4580,23 @@
    Addr  bad_addr;
    if (!VG_IS_TOOL_USERREQ('M','C',arg[0])
-    && VG_USERREQ__FREELIKE_BLOCK   != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__CREATE_MEMPOOL   != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__DESTROY_MEMPOOL  != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_ALLOC    != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_FREE     != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_TRIM     != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MOVE_MEMPOOL     != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_CHANGE   != arg[0]
-    && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_EXISTS   != arg[0])
+       && VG_USERREQ__MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__FREELIKE_BLOCK   != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__CREATE_MEMPOOL   != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__DESTROY_MEMPOOL  != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_ALLOC    != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_FREE     != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_TRIM     != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MOVE_MEMPOOL     != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_CHANGE   != arg[0]
+       && VG_USERREQ__MEMPOOL_EXISTS   != arg[0])
       return False;
    switch (arg[0]) {
          ok = is_mem_addressable ( arg[1], arg[2], &bad_addr );
          if (!ok)
-            mc_record_user_error ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/True, 0 );
+            MC_(record_user_error) ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/True, 0 );
          *ret = ok ? (UWord)NULL : bad_addr;
@@ -5911,9 +4605,9 @@
          UInt otag = 0;
          res = is_mem_defined ( arg[1], arg[2], &bad_addr, &otag );
          if (MC_AddrErr == res)
-            mc_record_user_error ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/True, 0 );
+            MC_(record_user_error) ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/True, 0 );
          else if (MC_ValueErr == res)
-            mc_record_user_error ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/False, otag );
+            MC_(record_user_error) ( tid, bad_addr, /*isAddrErr*/False, otag );
          *ret = ( res==MC_Ok ? (UWord)NULL : bad_addr );
@@ -5929,7 +4623,8 @@
-         make_mem_undefined_w_tid_and_okind ( arg[1], arg[2], tid, MC_OKIND_USER );
+         make_mem_undefined_w_tid_and_okind ( arg[1], arg[2], tid, 
+                                              MC_OKIND_USER );
          *ret = -1;
@@ -6018,7 +4713,7 @@
          Addr  dst = (Addr) arg[2];
          Addr  src = (Addr) arg[3];
          SizeT len = (SizeT)arg[4];
-         mc_record_overlap_error(tid, s, src, dst, len);
+         MC_(record_overlap_error)(tid, s, src, dst, len);
          return True;
@@ -6474,7 +5169,6 @@
 /*--- Setup and finalisation                               ---*/
 static void mc_post_clo_init ( void )
    /* If we've been asked to emit XML, mash around various other
@@ -6542,7 +5236,7 @@
-   if (any_value_errors && !VG_(clo_xml) && VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1
+   if (MC_(any_value_errors) && !VG_(clo_xml) && VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1
        && MC_(clo_mc_level) == 2) {
                    "Use --track-origins=yes to see where "
@@ -6663,15 +5357,15 @@
    VG_(needs_core_errors)         ();
-   VG_(needs_tool_errors)         (mc_eq_Error,
-                                   mc_pp_Error,
+   VG_(needs_tool_errors)         (MC_(eq_Error),
+                                   MC_(pp_Error),
                                    True,/*show TIDs for errors*/
-                                   mc_update_extra,
-                                   mc_recognised_suppression,
-                                   mc_read_extra_suppression_info,
-                                   mc_error_matches_suppression,
-                                   mc_get_error_name,
-                                   mc_print_extra_suppression_info);
+                                   MC_(update_Error_extra),
+                                   MC_(is_recognised_suppression),
+                                   MC_(read_extra_suppression_info),
+                                   MC_(error_matches_suppression),
+                                   MC_(get_error_name),
+                                   MC_(print_extra_suppression_info));
    VG_(needs_libc_freeres)        ();
@@ -6765,5 +5459,5 @@
-/*--- end                                                          ---*/
+/*--- end                                                mc_main.c ---*/