Documentation on the new XML output facility and format.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6865c9
--- /dev/null
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+As of May 2005, Valgrind can produce its output in XML form.  The
+intention is to provide an easily parsed, stable format which is
+suitable for GUIs to read.
+Design goals
+* Produce XML output which is easily parsed
+* Have a stable output format which does not change much over time, so
+  that investments in parser-writing by GUI developers is not lost as
+  new versions of Valgrind appear.
+* Have an extensive output format, so that future changes to the
+  format do not break backwards compatibility with existing parsers of
+  it.
+* Produce output in a form which suitable for both offline GUIs (run
+  all the way to the end, then examine output) and interactive GUIs
+  (parse XML incrementally, update display as we go).
+* Put as much information as possible into the XML and let the GUIs
+  decide what to show the user (a.k.a provide mechanism, not policy).
+How to use
+Run with flag --xml=yes.  That's all.  Note however several 
+* At the present time only Memcheck is supported.  The scheme extends
+  easily enough to cover Addrcheck and Helgrind if needed.
+* When XML output is selected, various other settings are made.
+  This is in order that the output format is more controlled.
+  The settings which are changed are:
+  - Suppression generation is disabled, as that would require user
+    input.
+  - Attaching to GDB is disabled for the same reason.
+  - The verbosity level is set to 1 (-v).
+  - Error limits are disabled.  Usually if the program generates a lot
+    of errors, Valgrind slows down and eventually stops collecting
+    them.  When outputting XML this is not the case.
+  - VEX emulation warnings are not shown.
+  - File descriptor leak checking is disabled.  This could be
+    re-enabled at some future point.
+  - Maximum-detail leak checking is selected (--leak-check=full).
+The output format
+For the most part this should be self descriptive.  It is printed
+in a sort-of human-readable way for easy understanding.
+All tags are balanced: a <foo> tag is always closed by </foo>.  Hence
+in the description that follows, mention of a tag <foo> implicitly
+means there is a matching closing tag </foo>.
+Symbols in CAPITALS are nonterminals in the grammar and are defined
+somewhere below.  The root nonterminal is TOPLEVEL.
+The following nonterminals are not described further:
+   INT   is a 64-bit signed decimal integer.
+   TEXT  is arbitrary text.
+   HEX64 is a 64-bit hexadecimal number.
+All output is contained within the tag-pair <valgrindoutput>.
+Inside that, the first entity is an indication of the protocol
+version.  This is provided so that existing parsers can identify XML
+created by future versions of Valgrind merely by observing that the
+protocol version is one they don't understand.  Hence TOPLEVEL is:
+  <valgrindoutput>
+    <protocolversion>INT<protocolversion>
+  </valgrindoutput>
+The only currently defined protocol version number is 1.  This
+document only defines protocol version 1.
+This is the main top-level construction.  Roughly speaking, it
+contains a load of preamble, the errors from the run of the
+program, and the result of the final leak check.  Hence the
+following in sequence:
+* Various preamble lines which give version info for the various
+  components.  The text in them can be anything; it is not intended
+  for interpretation by the GUI:
+     <preamble>Misc version/copyright text</preamble>
+* The PID of this process and of its parent:
+     <pid>INT</pid>
+     <ppid>INT</ppid>
+* The name of the tool being used:
+     <tool>TEXT</tool>
+* The program and args being run.  Note, the program name is not
+  distinguished; it is merely the first presented TEXT:
+     <argv>
+       <arg>TEXT</arg>
+       (one or more of)
+     </argv>
+* The following, indicating that the program has now started:
+     <status>RUNNING</status>
+* Zero or more of (either ERROR or ERRORCOUNTS).
+* The following, indicating that the program has now finished, and
+  that the wrapup (leak checking) is happening.
+     <status>FINISHED</status>
+* SUPPCOUNTS, indicating how many times each suppression was used.
+* Zero or more ERRORs, each of which is a complaint from the
+  leak checker.
+That's it.
+This shows an error, and is the most complex nonterminal.  The format
+is as follows:
+  <error>
+     <unique>HEX64</unique>
+     <tid>INT</tid>
+     <kind>KIND</kind>
+     <what>TEXT</what>
+     optionally: <leakedbytes>INT</leakedbytes>
+     optionally: <leakedblocks>INT</leakedblocks>
+     STACK
+     optionally: <auxwhat>TEXT</auxwhat>
+     optionally: STACK
+  </error>
+* Each error contains a unique, arbitrary 64-bit hex number.  This is
+  used to refer to the error in ERRORCOUNTS nonterminals (see below).
+* The <tid> tag indicates the Valgrind thread number.  This value
+  is arbitrary but may be used to determine which threads produced
+  which errors (at least, the first instance of each error).
+* The <kind> tag specifies one of a small number of fixed error
+  types (enumerated below), so that GUIs may roughly categorise
+  errors by type if they want.
+* The <what> tag gives a human-understandable description of the
+  error.
+* For <kind> tags specifying a KIND of the form "Leak_*", the
+  optional <leakedbytes> and <leakedblocks> indicate the number of
+  bytes and blocks leaked by this error.
+* The primary STACK for this error, indicating where it occurred.
+* Some error types may have auxiliary information attached:
+     <auxwhat>TEXT</auxwhat> gives an auxiliary human-readable
+     description (usually of invalid addresses)
+     STACK gives an auxiliary stack (usually the allocation/free
+     point of a block).  If this STACK is present then 
+     <auxwhat>TEXT</auxwhat> will precede it.
+This is a small enumeration indicating roughly the nature of an error.
+The possible values are:
+   InvalidFree
+      free/delete/delete[] on an invalid pointer
+   MismatchedFree
+      free/delete/delete[] does not match allocation function
+      (eg doing new[] then free on the result)
+   InvalidRead
+      read of an invalid address
+   InvalidWrite
+      write of an invalid address
+   InvalidJump
+      jump to an invalid address
+   Overlap
+      args overlap other otherwise bogus in eg memcpy
+   InvalidMemPool
+      invalid mem pool specified in client request
+   UninitCondition
+      conditional jump/move depends on undefined value
+   UninitValue
+      other use of undefined value (primarily memory addresses)
+   SyscallParam
+      system call params are undefined or point to
+      undefined/unaddressible memory
+   ClientCheck
+      "error" resulting from a client check request
+   Leak_DefinitelyLost
+      memory leak; the referenced blocks are definitely lost
+   Leak_IndirectlyLost
+      memory leak; the referenced blocks are lost because all pointers
+      to them are also in leaked blocks
+   Leak_PossiblyLost
+      memory leak; only interior pointers to referenced blocks were
+      found
+   Leak_StillReachable
+      memory leak; pointers to un-freed blocks are still available
+STACK indicates locations in the program being debugged.  A STACK
+is one or more FRAMEs.  The first is the innermost frame, the
+next its caller, etc.  
+   <stack>
+      one or more FRAME
+   </stack>
+FRAME records a single program location:
+   <frame>
+      <ip>HEX64</ip>
+      optionally <obj>TEXT</obj>
+      optionally <fn>TEXT</fn>
+      optionally <file>TEXT</file>
+      optionally <line>INT</line>
+   </frame>
+Only the <ip> field is guaranteed to be present.  It indicates a
+code ("instruction pointer") address.
+The optional fields, if present, appear in the order stated:
+* obj: gives the name of the ELF object containing the code address
+* fn: gives the name of the function containing the code address
+* file: gives the name of the source file containing the code address
+* line: gives the line number in the source file
+This specifies, for each error that has been so far presented,
+the number of occurrences of that error.
+  <errorcounts>
+     zero or more of
+        <pair> <count>INT</count> <unique>HEX64</unique> </pair>
+  </errorcounts>
+Each <pair> gives the current error count <count> for the error with
+unique tag </unique>.  The counts do not have to give a count for each
+error so far presented - partial information is allowable.
+As at Valgrind rev 3792, error counts are only emitted at program
+termination.  However, it is perfectly acceptable to periodically emit
+error counts as the program is running.  Doing so would facilitate a
+GUI to dynamically update its error-count display as the program runs.
+A SUPPCOUNTS block appears exactly once, after the program terminates.
+It specifies the number of times each error-suppression was used.
+Suppressions not mentioned were used zero times.
+  <suppcounts>
+     zero or more of
+        <supp> <count>INT</count> <name>TEXT</name> </supp>
+  </suppcounts>
+The <name> is as specified in the suppression name fields in .supp