Remove the assumption, in m_debuginfo, that each address is associated
with only one symbol.  Instead, allow an address to have arbitrarily
many names.  This reflects reality better, particularly for systemy
libraries such as glibc and, and is background work needed for
fixing #275284.  This is not in itself a fix for #275284.  A followup
commit to un-break compilation on OSX will follow shortly.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/include/pub_tool_debuginfo.h b/include/pub_tool_debuginfo.h
index 2259047..53695ad 100644
--- a/include/pub_tool_debuginfo.h
+++ b/include/pub_tool_debuginfo.h
@@ -202,18 +202,22 @@
 const DebugInfo* VG_(next_DebugInfo)    ( const DebugInfo *di );
 /* Functions for traversing all the symbols in a DebugInfo.  _howmany
-   tells how many there are.  _getidx retrieves the n'th, for n in 0
-   .. _howmany-1.  You may not modify the function name thereby
-   acquired; if you want to do so, first strdup it. */
+   tells how many symbol table entries there are.  _getidx retrieves
+   the n'th entry, for n in 0 .. _howmany-1.  You may not modify the
+   function names thereby acquired; if you want to do so, first strdup
+   them.  The primary name is returned in *pri_name, and *sec_names is
+   set either to NULL or to a NULL terminated vector containing
+   pointers to the secondary names. */
 Int  VG_(DebugInfo_syms_howmany) ( const DebugInfo *di );
 void VG_(DebugInfo_syms_getidx)  ( const DebugInfo *di, 
                                    Int idx,
-                                   /*OUT*/Addr*   avma,
-                                   /*OUT*/Addr*   tocptr,
-                                   /*OUT*/UInt*   size,
-                                   /*OUT*/HChar** name,
-                                   /*OUT*/Bool*   isText,
-                                   /*OUT*/Bool*   isIFunc );
+                                   /*OUT*/Addr*    avma,
+                                   /*OUT*/Addr*    tocptr,
+                                   /*OUT*/UInt*    size,
+                                   /*OUT*/UChar**  pri_name,
+                                   /*OUT*/UChar*** sec_names,
+                                   /*OUT*/Bool*    isText,
+                                   /*OUT*/Bool*    isIFunc );
 /* A simple enumeration to describe the 'kind' of various kinds of
    segments that arise from the mapping of object files. */