Adding Massif, the heap profiler.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/massif/ms_main.c b/massif/ms_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c4cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/massif/ms_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1815 @@
+/*--- Massif: a heap profiling skin.                     ms_main.c ---*/
+   This file is part of Massif, a Valgrind skin for profiling memory
+   usage of programs.
+   Copyright (C) 2003 Nicholas Nethercote
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+// Memory profiler.  Produces a graph, gives lots of information about
+// allocation contexts, in terms of space.time values (ie. area under the
+// graph).  Allocation context information is hierarchical, and can thus
+// be inspected step-wise to an appropriate depth.  See comments on data
+// structures below for more info on how things work.
+#include "vg_skin.h"
+//#include "vg_profile.c"
+#include "valgrind.h"           // For {MALLOC,FREE}LIKE_BLOCK
+/*--- Overview of operation                                ---*/
+// Heap blocks are tracked, and the amount of space allocated by various
+// contexts (ie. lines of code, more or less) is also tracked.
+// Periodically, a census is taken, and the amount of space used, at that
+// point, by the most significant (highly allocating) contexts is recorded.
+// Census start off frequently, but are scaled back as the program goes on,
+// so that there are always a good number of them.  At the end, overall
+// spacetimes for different contexts (of differing levels of precision) is
+// calculated, the graph is printed, and the text giving spacetimes for the
+// increasingly precise contexts is given.
+// Measures the following:
+// - heap blocks
+// - heap admin bytes
+// - stack(s)
+// - code (code segments loaded at startup, and loaded with mmap)
+// - data (data segments loaded at startup, and loaded/created with mmap,
+//         and brk()d segments)
+/*--- Main types                                           ---*/
+// An XPt represents an "execution point", ie. a code address.  Each XPt is
+// part of a tree of XPts (an "execution tree", or "XTree").  Each
+// top-to-bottom path through an XTree gives an execution context ("XCon"),
+// and is equivalent to a traditional Valgrind ExeContext.  
+// The XPt at the top of an XTree (but below "alloc_xpt") is called a
+// "top-XPt".  The XPts are the bottom of an XTree (leaf nodes) are
+// "bottom-XPTs".  The number of XCons in an XTree is equal to the number of
+// bottom-XPTs in that XTree.
+// All XCons have the same top-XPt, "alloc_xpt", which represents all
+// allocation functions like malloc().  It's a bit of a fake XPt, though,
+// and is only used because it makes some of the code simpler.
+// XTrees are bi-directional.
+//     > parent <       Example: if child1() calls parent() and child2()
+//    /    |     \      also calls parent(), and parent() calls malloc(),
+//   |    / \     |     the XTree will look like this.
+//   |   v   v    |
+//  child1   child2
+typedef struct _XPt XPt;
+struct _XPt {
+   Addr  eip;              // code address
+   // Bottom-XPts: space for the precise context.
+   // Other XPts:  space of all the descendent bottom-XPts.
+   // Nb: this value goes up and down as the program executes.
+   UInt  curr_space;
+   // An approximate space.time calculation used along the way for selecting
+   // which contexts to include at each census point.
+   // !!! top-XPTs only !!!
+   ULong spacetime; 
+   // spacetime2 is an exact space.time calculation done at the end, and
+   // used in the results.
+   // Note that it is *doubled*, to avoid rounding errors.
+   // !!! not used for 'alloc_xpt' !!!
+   ULong spacetime2;
+   // n_children and max_children are integers;  a very big program might
+   // have more than 65536 allocation points (Konqueror startup has 1800).
+   XPt*  parent;           // pointer to parent XPt
+   UInt  n_children;       // number of children
+   UInt  max_children;     // capacity of children array
+   XPt** children;         // pointers to children XPts
+// Each census snapshots the most significant XTrees, each XTree having a
+// top-XPt as its root.  The 'curr_space' element for each XPt is recorded 
+// in the snapshot.  The snapshot contains all the XTree's XPts, not in a
+// tree structure, but flattened into an array.  This flat snapshot is used
+// at the end for computing spacetime2 for each XPt.
+// Graph resolution, x-axis: no point having more than about 200 census
+// x-points;  you can't see them on the graph.  Therefore:
+//   - do a census every 1 ms for first 200 --> 200, all          (200 ms)
+//   - halve (drop half of them)            --> 100, every 2nd    (200 ms)
+//   - do a census every 2 ms for next 200  --> 200, every 2nd    (400 ms)
+//   - halve                                --> 100, every 4th    (400 ms)
+//   - do a census every 4 ms for next 400  --> 200, every 4th    (800 ms)
+//   - etc.
+// This isn't exactly right, because we actually drop (N/2)-1 when halving,
+// but it shows the basic idea.
+#define MAX_N_CENSI           200  // Keep it even, for simplicity
+// Graph resolution, y-axis: hp2ps only draws the 19 biggest (in space-time)
+// bands, rest get lumped into OTHERS.  I only print the top N
+// (cumulative-so-far space-time) at each point.  N should be a bit bigger
+// than 19 in case the cumulative space-time doesn't fit with the eventual
+// space-time computed by hp2ps (but it should be close if the samples are
+// evenly spread, since hp2ps does an approximate per-band space-time
+// calculation that just sums the totals;  ie. it assumes all samples are
+// the same distance apart).
+#define MAX_SNAPSHOTS         32
+   struct {
+      XPt* xpt;
+      UInt space;
+   }
+   XPtSnapshot;
+// An XTree snapshot is stored as an array of of XPt snapshots.
+typedef XPtSnapshot* XTreeSnapshot;
+   struct {
+      Int           ms_time;     // Int: must allow -1
+      XTreeSnapshot xtree_snapshots[MAX_SNAPSHOTS+1]; // +1 for zero-termination
+      UInt          others_space;
+      UInt          heap_admin_space;
+      UInt          stacks_space;
+   } 
+   Census;
+// Metadata for heap blocks.  Each one contains a pointer to a bottom-XPt,
+// which is a foothold into the XCon at which it was allocated.  From
+// HP_Chunks, XPt 'space' fields are incremented (at allocation) and
+// decremented (at deallocation).
+// Nb: first two fields must match core's VgHashNode.
+   struct _HP_Chunk {
+      struct _HP_Chunk* next;
+      Addr              data;    // Ptr to actual block
+      UInt              size;    // Size requested
+      XPt*              where;   // Where allocated; bottom-XPt
+   }
+   HP_Chunk;
+/*--- Profiling events                                     ---*/
+   enum {
+      VgpGetXPt = VgpFini+1,
+      VgpGetXPtSearch,
+      VgpCensus,
+      VgpCensusHeap,
+      VgpCensusSnapshot,
+      VgpCensusTreeSize,
+      VgpUpdateXCon,
+      VgpCalcSpacetime2,
+      VgpPrintHp,
+      VgpPrintXPts,
+   }
+   VgpSkinCC;
+/*--- Statistics                                           ---*/
+// Konqueror startup, to give an idea of the numbers involved with a biggish
+// program, with default depth:
+//  depth=3                   depth=40
+//  - 310,000 allocations
+//  - 300,000 frees
+//  -  15,000 XPts            800,000 XPts
+//  -   1,800 top-XPts
+static UInt n_xpts               = 0;
+static UInt n_bot_xpts           = 0;
+static UInt n_allocs             = 0;
+static UInt n_zero_allocs        = 0;
+static UInt n_frees              = 0;
+static UInt n_children_reallocs  = 0;
+static UInt n_snapshot_frees     = 0;
+static UInt n_halvings           = 0;
+static UInt n_real_censi         = 0;
+static UInt n_fake_censi         = 0;
+static UInt n_attempted_censi    = 0;
+/*--- Globals                                              ---*/
+#define FILENAME_LEN    256
+#define SPRINTF(zz_buf, fmt, args...) \
+   do { Int len = VG_(sprintf)(zz_buf, fmt, ## args); \
+        VG_(write)(fd, (void*)zz_buf, len); \
+   } while (0)
+#define BUF_LEN         1024     // general purpose
+static Char buf [BUF_LEN];
+static Char buf2[BUF_LEN];
+static Char buf3[BUF_LEN];
+static UInt sigstacks_space = 0;    // Current signal stacks space sum
+static VgHashTable malloc_list  = NULL;   // HP_Chunks
+static UInt n_heap_blocks = 0;
+#define MAX_ALLOC_FNS      32      // includes the builtin ones
+// First six filled in, rest should be zeroed.  argc/argv-style vector.
+static UInt  n_alloc_fns = 8;
+static Char* alloc_fns[MAX_ALLOC_FNS] = { 
+   "malloc",
+   "operator new(unsigned)",
+   "operator new[](unsigned)",
+   "__builtin_new",
+   "__builtin_vec_new",
+   "calloc",
+   "realloc",
+   "my_malloc",   // from vg_libpthread.c
+/*--- Command line args                                    ---*/
+#define MAX_DEPTH       50
+   enum {
+      XText, XHTML,
+   }
+   XFormat;
+static Bool clo_heap        = True;
+static UInt clo_heap_admin  = 8;
+static Bool clo_stacks      = True;
+static Bool clo_depth       = 3;
+static XFormat clo_format   = XText;
+Bool SK_(process_cmd_line_option)(Char* arg)
+   if      (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--heap=yes"))
+      clo_heap = True;
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--heap=no"))
+      clo_heap = False;
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(13, arg, "--heap-admin=")) {
+      clo_heap_admin = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[13]);
+      if (clo_heap_admin > 100) {
+         VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,
+            "Admin size for heap blocks too large");
+         VG_(bad_option)(arg);
+      }
+   }
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--stacks=yes"))
+      clo_stacks = True;
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--stacks=no"))
+      clo_stacks = False;
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(8, arg, "--depth=")) {
+      clo_depth = (Int)VG_(atoll)(&arg[8]);
+      if (clo_depth < 1)          clo_depth = 1;
+      if (clo_depth >= MAX_DEPTH) clo_depth = MAX_DEPTH;
+   }
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQN(11, arg, "--alloc-fn=")) {
+      alloc_fns[n_alloc_fns] = & arg[11];
+      n_alloc_fns++;
+      if (n_alloc_fns >= MAX_ALLOC_FNS) {
+         VG_(printf)("Too many alloc functions specified, sorry");
+         VG_(bad_option)(arg);
+      }
+   }
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--format=text"))
+      clo_format = XText;
+   else if (VG_CLO_STREQ(arg, "--format=html"))
+      clo_format = XHTML;
+   else
+      return VG_(replacement_malloc_process_cmd_line_option)(arg);
+   return True;
+void SK_(print_usage)(void)
+   VG_(printf)( 
+"    --heap=no|yes             profile heap blocks [yes]\n"
+"    --heap-admin=<number>     average admin bytes per heap block [8]\n"
+"    --stacks=no|yes           profile stack(s) [yes]\n"
+"    --depth=<number>          depth of contexts [3]\n"
+"    --alloc-fn=<name>         specify <fn> as an alloc function [empty]\n"
+"    --format=text|html        format of textual output [text]\n"
+   );
+   VG_(replacement_malloc_print_usage)();
+void SK_(print_debug_usage)(void)
+   VG_(replacement_malloc_print_debug_usage)();
+/*--- Execution contexts                                   ---*/
+// Fake XPt representing all allocation functions like malloc().  Acts as
+// parent node to all top-XPts.
+static XPt* alloc_xpt;
+// Cheap allocation for blocks that never need to be freed.  Saves about 10%
+// for Konqueror startup with --depth=40.
+static void* perm_malloc(UInt n_bytes)
+   static Addr hp     = 0;    // current heap pointer
+   static Addr hp_lim = 0;    // maximum usable byte in current block
+   #define SUPERBLOCK_SIZE  (1 << 20)         // 1 MB
+   if (hp + n_bytes > hp_lim) {
+      hp     = (Addr)VG_(get_memory_from_mmap)(SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, "perm_malloc");
+      hp_lim = hp + SUPERBLOCK_SIZE - 1;
+   }
+   hp += n_bytes;
+   return (void*)(hp - n_bytes);
+static XPt* new_XPt(Addr eip, XPt* parent, Bool is_bottom)
+   XPt* xpt          = perm_malloc(sizeof(XPt));
+   xpt->eip          = eip;
+   xpt->curr_space   = 0;
+   xpt->spacetime    = 0;
+   xpt->spacetime2   = 0;
+   xpt->parent       = parent;
+   sk_assert(parent == NULL || 0xffffffff != parent->eip);
+   xpt->n_children   = 0;
+   // If a bottom-XPt, don't allocate space for children.  This can be 50%
+   // or more, although it tends to drop as --depth increases (eg. 10% for
+   // konqueror with --depth=20).
+   if ( is_bottom ) {
+      xpt->max_children = 0;
+      xpt->children     = NULL;
+      n_bot_xpts++;
+   } else {
+      xpt->max_children = 4;
+      xpt->children     = VG_(malloc)( xpt->max_children * sizeof(XPt*) );
+   }
+   // Update statistics
+   n_xpts++;
+   return xpt;
+static Bool is_alloc_fn(Addr eip)
+   Int i;
+   if ( VG_(get_fnname)(eip, buf, BUF_LEN) ) {
+      for (i = 0; i < n_alloc_fns; i++) {
+         if (VG_STREQ(buf, alloc_fns[i]))
+            return True;
+      }
+   }
+   return False;
+// Returns an XCon, from the bottom-XPt.  Nb: the XPt returned must be a
+// bottom-XPt now and must always remain a bottom-XPt.  We go to some effort
+// to ensure this in certain cases.  See comments below.
+static XPt* get_XCon( ThreadId tid, Bool custom_malloc )
+   // Static to minimise stack size.  +1 for added 0xffffffff %eip.
+   static Addr eips[MAX_DEPTH + MAX_ALLOC_FNS + 1];
+   XPt* xpt = alloc_xpt;
+   UInt n_eips, L, A, B, nC;
+   UInt overestimate;
+   Bool reached_bottom;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpGetXPt);
+   // Want at least clo_depth non-alloc-fn entries in the snapshot.
+   // However, because we have 1 or more (an unknown number, at this point)
+   // alloc-fns ignored, we overestimate the size needed for the stack
+   // snapshot.  Then, if necessary, we repeatedly increase the size until
+   // it is enough.
+   overestimate = 2;
+   while (True) {
+      n_eips = VG_(stack_snapshot)( tid, eips, clo_depth + overestimate );
+      // Now we add a dummy "unknown" %eip at the end.  This is only used if we
+      // run out of %eips before hitting clo_depth.  It's done to ensure the
+      // XPt we return is (now and forever) a bottom-XPt.  If the returned XPt
+      // wasn't a bottom-XPt (now or later) it would cause problems later (eg.
+      // the parent's spacetime wouldn't be equal to the total of the
+      // childrens' spacetimes).  
+      eips[ n_eips++ ] = 0xffffffff;
+      // Skip over alloc functions in eips[]. 
+      for (L = 0; is_alloc_fn(eips[L]) && L < n_eips; L++) { }
+      // Must be at least one alloc function, unless client used
+      if (!custom_malloc) sk_assert(L > 0);    
+      // Should be at least one non-alloc function.  If not, try again.
+      if (L == n_eips) {
+         overestimate += 2;
+         if (overestimate > MAX_ALLOC_FNS)
+            VG_(skin_panic)("No stk snapshot big enough to find non-alloc fns");
+      } else {
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   A = L;
+   B = n_eips - 1;
+   reached_bottom = False;
+   // By this point, the eips we care about are in eips[A]..eips[B]
+   // Now do the search/insertion of the XCon. 'L' is the loop counter,
+   // being the index into eips[].
+   while (True) {
+      // Look for %eip in xpt's children.
+      // XXX: linear search, ugh -- about 10% of time for konqueror startup
+      // XXX: tried cacheing last result, only hit about 4% for konqueror
+      // Nb:  this search hits about 98% of the time for konqueror
+      VGP_PUSHCC(VgpGetXPtSearch);
+      // If we've searched/added deep enough, or run out of EIPs, this is
+      // the bottom XPt.
+      if (L - A + 1 == clo_depth || L == B) 
+         reached_bottom = True;
+      nC = 0;
+      while (True) {
+         if (nC == xpt->n_children) {
+            // not found, insert new XPt
+            sk_assert(xpt->max_children != 0);
+            sk_assert(xpt->n_children <= xpt->max_children);
+            // Expand 'children' if necessary
+            if (xpt->n_children == xpt->max_children) {
+               xpt->max_children *= 2;
+               xpt->children = VG_(realloc)( xpt->children,
+                                             xpt->max_children * sizeof(XPt*) );
+               n_children_reallocs++;
+            }
+            // Make new XPt for %eip, insert in list
+            xpt->children[ xpt->n_children++ ] = 
+               new_XPt(eips[L], xpt, reached_bottom);
+            break;
+         }
+         if (eips[L] == xpt->children[nC]->eip) break;   // found the %eip
+         nC++;                                           // keep looking
+      }
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpGetXPtSearch);
+      // Return found/built bottom-XPt.
+      if (reached_bottom) {
+         sk_assert(0 == xpt->children[nC]->n_children);   // Must be bottom-XPt
+         VGP_POPCC(VgpGetXPt);
+         return xpt->children[nC];
+      }
+      // Descend to next level in XTree, the newly found/built non-bottom-XPt
+      xpt = xpt->children[nC];
+      L++;
+   }
+// Update 'curr_space' of every XPt in the XCon, by percolating upwards.
+static void update_XCon(XPt* xpt, Int space_delta)
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpUpdateXCon);
+   sk_assert(True == clo_heap);
+   sk_assert(0    != space_delta);
+   sk_assert(NULL != xpt);
+   sk_assert(0    == xpt->n_children);    // must be bottom-XPt
+   while (xpt != alloc_xpt) {
+      if (space_delta < 0) sk_assert(xpt->curr_space >= -space_delta);
+      xpt->curr_space += space_delta;
+      xpt = xpt->parent;
+   } 
+   if (space_delta < 0) sk_assert(alloc_xpt->curr_space >= -space_delta);
+   alloc_xpt->curr_space += space_delta;
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpUpdateXCon);
+// Actually want a reverse sort, biggest to smallest
+static Int XPt_cmp_spacetime(void* n1, void* n2)
+   XPt* xpt1 = *(XPt**)n1;
+   XPt* xpt2 = *(XPt**)n2;
+   return (xpt1->spacetime < xpt2->spacetime ? 1 : -1);
+static Int XPt_cmp_spacetime2(void* n1, void* n2)
+   XPt* xpt1 = *(XPt**)n1;
+   XPt* xpt2 = *(XPt**)n2;
+   return (xpt1->spacetime2 < xpt2->spacetime2 ? 1 : -1);
+/*--- A generic Queue                                      ---*/
+   struct {
+      UInt   head;         // Index of first entry
+      UInt   tail;         // Index of final+1 entry, ie. next free slot
+      UInt   max_elems;
+      void** elems;
+   }
+   Queue;
+static Queue* construct_queue(UInt size)
+   UInt i;
+   Queue* q     = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(Queue));
+   q->head      = 0;
+   q->tail      = 0;
+   q->max_elems = size;
+   q->elems     = VG_(malloc)(size * sizeof(void*));
+   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+      q->elems[i] = NULL;
+   return q;
+static void destruct_queue(Queue* q)
+   VG_(free)(q->elems);
+   VG_(free)(q);
+static void shuffle(Queue* dest_q, void** old_elems)
+   UInt i, j;
+   for (i = 0, j = dest_q->head;   j < dest_q->tail;   i++, j++)
+      dest_q->elems[i] = old_elems[j];
+   dest_q->head = 0;
+   dest_q->tail = i;
+   for (  ; i < dest_q->max_elems; i++)
+      dest_q->elems[i] = NULL;      // paranoia
+// Shuffles elements down.  If not enough slots free, increase size. (We
+// don't wait until we've completely run out of space, because there could
+// be lots of shuffling just before that point which would be slow.)
+static void adjust(Queue* q)
+   void** old_elems;
+   sk_assert(q->tail == q->max_elems);
+   if (q->head < 10) {
+      old_elems     = q->elems;
+      q->max_elems *= 2; 
+      q->elems      = VG_(malloc)(q->max_elems * sizeof(void*));
+      shuffle(q, old_elems);
+      VG_(free)(old_elems);
+   } else {
+      shuffle(q, q->elems);
+   }
+static void enqueue(Queue* q, void* elem)
+   if (q->tail == q->max_elems)
+      adjust(q);
+   q->elems[q->tail++] = elem;
+static Bool is_empty_queue(Queue* q)
+   return (q->head == q->tail);
+static void* dequeue(Queue* q)
+   if (is_empty_queue(q))
+      return NULL;         // Queue empty
+   else
+      return q->elems[q->head++];
+/*--- malloc() et al replacement wrappers                  ---*/
+static __inline__ 
+void add_HP_Chunk(HP_Chunk* hc)
+   n_heap_blocks++;
+   VG_(HT_add_node) ( malloc_list, (VgHashNode*)hc );
+static __inline__ 
+HP_Chunk* get_HP_Chunk(void* p, HP_Chunk*** prev_chunks_next_ptr)
+   return (HP_Chunk*)VG_(HT_get_node) ( malloc_list, (UInt)p,
+                                        (VgHashNode***)prev_chunks_next_ptr );
+static __inline__
+void remove_HP_Chunk(HP_Chunk* hc, HP_Chunk** prev_chunks_next_ptr)
+   sk_assert(n_heap_blocks > 0);
+   n_heap_blocks--;
+   *prev_chunks_next_ptr = hc->next;
+// Forward declaration
+static void hp_census(void);
+static __inline__
+void new_block_meta ( void* p, Int size, Bool custom_malloc )
+   HP_Chunk* hc;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   if (0 == size) n_zero_allocs++;
+   // Make new HP_Chunk node, add to malloclist
+   hc       = VG_(malloc)(sizeof(HP_Chunk));
+   hc->size = size;
+   hc->data = (Addr)p;
+   if (clo_heap) {
+      hc->where = get_XCon( VG_(get_current_or_recent_tid)(), custom_malloc );
+      if (size != 0) 
+         update_XCon(hc->where, size);
+   } else {
+      hc->where = NULL;    // paranoia
+   }
+   add_HP_Chunk( hc );
+   hp_census();      // do a census!
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+static __inline__
+void* new_block ( Int size, UInt align, Bool is_zeroed )
+   void* p;
+   if (size < 0) return NULL;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   // Update statistics
+   n_allocs++;
+   p = VG_(cli_malloc)( align, size );
+   if (is_zeroed) VG_(memset)(p, 0, size);
+   new_block_meta(p, size, /*custom_malloc*/False);
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   return p;
+static __inline__
+void die_block ( void* p, Bool custom_free )
+   HP_Chunk*  hc;
+   HP_Chunk** remove_handle;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   // Update statistics
+   n_frees++;
+   hc = get_HP_Chunk ( p, &remove_handle );
+   if (hc == NULL)
+      return;   // must have been a bogus free(), or p==NULL
+   sk_assert(hc->data == (Addr)p);
+   if (clo_heap && hc->size != 0)
+      update_XCon(hc->where, -hc->size);
+   // Actually free the heap block
+   if (!custom_free)
+      VG_(cli_free)( p );
+   // Remove HP_Chunk from malloclist, destroy
+   remove_HP_Chunk(hc, remove_handle);
+   hp_census();      // do a census!
+   VG_(free)( hc );
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+void* SK_(malloc) ( Int n )
+   return new_block( n, VG_(clo_alignment), /*is_zeroed*/False );
+void* SK_(__builtin_new) ( Int n )
+   return new_block( n, VG_(clo_alignment), /*is_zeroed*/False );
+void* SK_(__builtin_vec_new) ( Int n )
+   return new_block( n, VG_(clo_alignment), /*is_zeroed*/False );
+void* SK_(calloc) ( Int m, Int size )
+   return new_block( m*size, VG_(clo_alignment), /*is_zeroed*/True );
+void SK_(free) ( void* p )
+   die_block( p, /*custom_free*/False );
+void SK_(__builtin_delete) ( void* p )
+   die_block( p, /*custom_free*/False);
+void SK_(__builtin_vec_delete) ( void* p )
+   die_block( p, /*custom_free*/False );
+void* SK_(realloc) ( void* p_old, Int new_size )
+   HP_Chunk*    hc;
+   HP_Chunk**   remove_handle;
+   Int          i;
+   void*        p_new;
+   UInt         old_size;
+   XPt         *old_where, *new_where;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   // First try and find the block.
+   hc = get_HP_Chunk ( p_old, &remove_handle );
+   if (hc == NULL) {
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+      return NULL;   // must have been a bogus free()
+   }
+   sk_assert(hc->data == (Addr)p_old);
+   old_size = hc->size;
+   if (new_size <= old_size) {
+      // new size is smaller or same;  block not moved
+      p_new = p_old;
+   } else {
+      // new size is bigger;  make new block, copy shared contents, free old
+      p_new = VG_(cli_malloc)(VG_(clo_alignment), new_size);
+      for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++)
+         ((UChar*)p_new)[i] = ((UChar*)p_old)[i];
+      VG_(cli_free)(p_old);
+   }
+   old_where = hc->where;
+   new_where = get_XCon( VG_(get_current_or_recent_tid)(),
+                         /*custom_malloc*/False);
+   // Update HP_Chunk
+   hc->data  = (Addr)p_new;
+   hc->size  = new_size;
+   hc->where = new_where;
+   // Update XPt curr_space fields
+   if (clo_heap) {
+      if (0 != old_size) update_XCon(old_where, -old_size);
+      if (0 != new_size) update_XCon(new_where,  new_size);
+   }
+   // If block has moved, have to remove and reinsert in the malloclist
+   // (since the updated 'data' field is the hash lookup key).
+   if (p_new != p_old) {
+      remove_HP_Chunk(hc, remove_handle);
+      add_HP_Chunk(hc);
+   }
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCliMalloc);
+   return p_new;
+/*--- Taking a census                                      ---*/
+static Census censi[MAX_N_CENSI];
+static UInt   curr_census = 0;
+// Must return False so that all stacks are traversed
+static UInt count_stack_size_counter;
+static Bool count_stack_size( Addr stack_min, Addr stack_max )
+   count_stack_size_counter += (stack_max - stack_min);
+   return False;
+static UInt get_xtree_size(XPt* xpt, UInt ix)
+   UInt i;
+//   VG_(printf)("%4d ", xpt->curr_space);
+   // If this one has size zero, all the children will be size zero too, so
+   // nothing interesting to record.
+//   if (0 != xpt->curr_space || 0 == ix) {
+   if (xpt->curr_space / (double)alloc_xpt->curr_space > 0.002 || 0 == ix) {
+      ix++;
+      // Count all (non-zero) descendent XPts
+      for (i = 0; i < xpt->n_children; i++)
+         ix = get_xtree_size(xpt->children[i], ix);
+   }
+   return ix;
+UInt do_space_snapshot(XPt xpt[], XTreeSnapshot xtree_snapshot, UInt ix)
+   UInt i;
+   // Snapshot this XPt, if non-zero space, or the first one
+//   if (0 != xpt->curr_space || 0 == ix) {
+   if (xpt->curr_space / (double)alloc_xpt->curr_space > 0.002 || 0 == ix) {
+      xtree_snapshot[ix].xpt   = xpt;
+      xtree_snapshot[ix].space = xpt->curr_space;
+      ix++;
+      // Snapshot all (non-zero) descendent XPts
+      for (i = 0; i < xpt->n_children; i++)
+         ix = do_space_snapshot(xpt->children[i], xtree_snapshot, ix);
+   }
+   return ix;
+static UInt ms_interval;
+static UInt do_every_nth_census = 30;
+// Weed out half the censi;  we choose those that represent the smallest
+// time-spans, because that loses the least information.
+// Algorithm for N censi:  We find the census representing the smallest
+// timeframe, and remove it.  We repeat this until (N/2)-1 censi are gone.
+// (It's (N/2)-1 because we never remove the first and last censi.)
+// We have to do this one census at a time, rather than finding the (N/2)-1
+// smallest censi in one hit, because when a census is removed, it's
+// neighbours immediately cover greater timespans.  So it's N^2, but N only
+// equals 200, and this is only done every 100 censi, which is not too often.
+static void halve_censi(void)
+   Int     i, jp, j, jn, k;
+   Census* min_census;
+   n_halvings++;
+   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Halving censi...");
+   // Sets j to the index of the first not-yet-removed census at or after i
+   #define FIND_CENSUS(i, j) \
+      for (j = i; -1 == censi[j].ms_time; j++) { }
+   for (i = 2; i < MAX_N_CENSI; i += 2) {
+      // Find the censi representing the smallest timespan.  The timespan
+      // for census n = d(N-1,N)+d(N,N+1), where d(A,B) is the time between
+      // censi A and B.  We don't consider the first and last censi for
+      // removal.
+      Int min_span = 0x7fffffff;
+      Int min_j    = 0;
+      // Initial triple: (prev, curr, next) == (jp, j, jn)
+      jp = 0;
+      FIND_CENSUS(1,   j);
+      FIND_CENSUS(j+1, jn);
+      while (jn < MAX_N_CENSI) {
+         Int timespan = censi[jn].ms_time - censi[jp].ms_time;
+         sk_assert(timespan >= 0);
+         if (timespan < min_span) {
+            min_span = timespan;
+            min_j    = j;
+         }
+         // Move on to next triple
+         jp = j; 
+         j  = jn;
+         FIND_CENSUS(jn+1, jn);
+      }
+      // We've found the least important census, now remove it
+      min_census = & censi[ min_j ];
+      for (k = 0; NULL != min_census->xtree_snapshots[k]; k++) {
+         n_snapshot_frees++;
+         VG_(free)(min_census->xtree_snapshots[k]); 
+         min_census->xtree_snapshots[k] = NULL;
+      }
+      min_census->ms_time = -1;
+   }
+   // Slide down the remaining censi over the removed ones.  The '<=' is
+   // because we are removing on (N/2)-1, rather than N/2.
+   for (i = 0, j = 0; i <= MAX_N_CENSI / 2; i++, j++) {
+      FIND_CENSUS(j, j);
+      if (i != j) {
+         censi[i] = censi[j];
+      }
+   }
+   curr_census = i;
+   // Double intervals
+   ms_interval         *= 2;
+   do_every_nth_census *= 2;
+   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "...done");
+// Take a census.  Census time seems to be insignificant (usually <= 0 ms,
+// almost always <= 1ms) so don't have to worry about subtracting it from
+// running time in any way.
+// XXX: NOT TRUE!  with bigger depths, konqueror censuses can easily take
+//      50ms!
+static void hp_census(void)
+   static UInt ms_prev_census = 0;
+   static UInt ms_next_census = 0;     // zero allows startup census
+   Int     ms_time, ms_time_since_prev;
+   Int     i, K;
+   Census* census;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCensus);
+   // Only do a census if it's time
+   ms_time            = VG_(read_millisecond_timer)();
+   ms_time_since_prev = ms_time - ms_prev_census;
+   if (ms_time < ms_next_census) {
+      n_fake_censi++;
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpCensus);
+      return;
+   }
+   n_real_censi++;
+   census = & censi[curr_census];
+   census->ms_time = ms_time;
+   // Heap: snapshot the K most significant XTrees -------------------
+   if (clo_heap) {
+      K = ( alloc_xpt->n_children < MAX_SNAPSHOTS 
+          ? alloc_xpt->n_children
+          : MAX_SNAPSHOTS);     // max out
+      // Update .spacetime field (approximatively) for all top-XPts.
+      // We *do not* do it for any non-top-XPTs.
+      for (i = 0; i < alloc_xpt->n_children; i++) {
+         XPt* top_XPt = alloc_xpt->children[i];
+         top_XPt->spacetime += top_XPt->curr_space * ms_time_since_prev;
+      }
+      // Sort top-XPts by spacetime2 field.
+      VG_(ssort)(alloc_xpt->children, alloc_xpt->n_children, sizeof(XPt*),
+                 XPt_cmp_spacetime);
+      VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCensusHeap);
+      // For each significant top-level XPt, record space info about its
+      // entire XTree, in a single census entry.
+      // Nb: the xtree_size count/snapshot buffer allocation, and the actual
+      // snapshot, take similar amounts of time (measured with the
+      // millesecond counter).
+      for (i = 0; i < K; i++) {
+         UInt xtree_size, xtree_size2;
+//         VG_(printf)("%7u ", alloc_xpt->children[i]->spacetime);
+         // Count how many XPts are in the XTree;  make array of that size
+         // (+1 for zero termination, which calloc() does for us).
+         VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCensusTreeSize);
+         xtree_size = get_xtree_size( alloc_xpt->children[i], 0 );
+         VGP_POPCC(VgpCensusTreeSize);
+         census->xtree_snapshots[i] =
+            VG_(calloc)(xtree_size+1, sizeof(XPtSnapshot));
+         if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1)
+            VG_(printf)("calloc: %d (%d B)\n", xtree_size+1,
+                        (xtree_size+1) * sizeof(XPtSnapshot));
+         // Take space-snapshot: copy 'curr_space' for every XPt in the
+         // XTree into the snapshot array, along with pointers to the XPts.
+         // (Except for ones with curr_space==0, which wouldn't contribute
+         // to the final spacetime2 calculation anyway;  excluding them
+         // saves a lot of memory and up to 40% time with big --depth valus.
+         VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCensusSnapshot);
+         xtree_size2 = do_space_snapshot(alloc_xpt->children[i],
+                                         census->xtree_snapshots[i], 0);
+         sk_assert(xtree_size == xtree_size2);
+         VGP_POPCC(VgpCensusSnapshot);
+      }
+//      VG_(printf)("\n\n");
+      // Zero-terminate 'xtree_snapshot' array
+      census->xtree_snapshots[i] = NULL;
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpCensusHeap);
+      //VG_(printf)("printed %d censi\n", K);
+      // Lump the rest into a single "others" entry.
+      census->others_space = 0;
+      for (i = K; i < alloc_xpt->n_children; i++) {
+         census->others_space += alloc_xpt->children[i]->curr_space;
+      }
+   }
+   // Heap admin -------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_heap_admin > 0)
+      census->heap_admin_space = clo_heap_admin * n_heap_blocks;
+   // Stack(s) ---------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_stacks) {
+      count_stack_size_counter = sigstacks_space;
+      // slightly abusing this function
+      VG_(first_matching_thread_stack)( count_stack_size );
+      census->stacks_space = count_stack_size_counter;
+      i++;
+   }
+   // Finish, update interval if necessary -----------------------------
+   curr_census++;
+   census = NULL;    // don't use again now that curr_census changed
+   // Halve the entries, if our census table is full
+   if (MAX_N_CENSI == curr_census) {
+      halve_censi();
+   }
+   // Take time for next census from now, rather than when this census
+   // should have happened.  Because, if there's a big gap due to a kernel
+   // operation, there's no point doing catch-up censi every BB for a while
+   // -- that would just give N censi at almost the same time.
+   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "census: %d ms (took %d ms)", ms_time, 
+                               VG_(read_millisecond_timer)() - ms_time );
+   }
+   ms_prev_census = ms_time;
+   ms_next_census = ms_time + ms_interval;
+   //ms_next_census += ms_interval;
+   //VG_(printf)("Next: %d ms\n", ms_next_census);
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCensus);
+/*--- Tracked events                                       ---*/
+static void new_mem_stack_signal(Addr a, UInt len)
+   sigstacks_space += len;
+static void die_mem_stack_signal(Addr a, UInt len)
+   sk_assert(sigstacks_space >= len);
+   sigstacks_space -= len;
+/*--- Client Requests                                      ---*/
+Bool SK_(handle_client_request) ( ThreadId tid, UInt* argv, UInt* ret )
+   switch (argv[0]) {
+      void* p         = (void*)argv[1];
+      UInt  sizeB     =        argv[2];
+      *ret            = 0;
+      new_block_meta( p, sizeB, /*custom_malloc*/True );
+      return True;
+   }
+      void* p         = (void*)argv[1];
+      *ret            = 0;
+      die_block( p, /*custom_free*/True );
+      return True;
+   }
+   default:
+      *ret = 0;
+      return False;
+   }
+/*--- Initialisation                                       ---*/
+// Current directory at startup.
+static Char* base_dir;
+UInt VG_(vg_malloc_redzone_szB) = 0;
+void SK_(pre_clo_init)()
+   VG_(details_name)            ("Massif");
+   VG_(details_version)         ("0.0.3");
+   VG_(details_description)     ("a space profiler");
+   VG_(details_copyright_author)("Copyright (C) 2003, Nicholas Nethercote");
+   VG_(details_bug_reports_to)  ("");
+   // Needs
+   VG_(needs_libc_freeres)();
+   VG_(needs_command_line_options)();
+   VG_(needs_client_requests)     ();
+   // Events to track
+   VG_(init_new_mem_stack_signal) ( new_mem_stack_signal );
+   VG_(init_die_mem_stack_signal) ( die_mem_stack_signal );
+   // Profiling events
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpGetXPt,         "get-XPt");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpGetXPtSearch,   "get-XPt-search");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpCensus,         "census");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpCensusHeap,     "census-heap");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpCensusSnapshot, "census-snapshot");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpCensusTreeSize, "census-treesize");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpUpdateXCon,     "update-XCon");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpCalcSpacetime2, "calc-spacetime2");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpPrintHp,        "print-hp");
+   VGP_(register_profile_event)(VgpPrintXPts,      "print-XPts");
+   // HP_Chunks
+   malloc_list  = VG_(HT_construct)();
+   // Dummy node at top of the context structure.
+   alloc_xpt = new_XPt(0, NULL, /*is_bottom*/False);
+   sk_assert( VG_(getcwd_alloc)(&base_dir) );
+void SK_(post_clo_init)(void)
+   ms_interval = 1;
+   // Do an initial sample for t = 0
+   hp_census();
+/*--- Instrumentation                                      ---*/
+UCodeBlock* SK_(instrument)(UCodeBlock* cb_in, Addr orig_addr)
+   return cb_in;
+/*--- Spacetime recomputation                              ---*/
+// Although we've been calculating spacetime along the way, because the
+// earlier calculations were done at a finer timescale, the .spacetime field
+// might not agree with what hp2ps sees, because we've thrown away some of
+// the information.  So recompute it at the scale that hp2ps sees, so we can
+// confidently determine which contexts hp2ps will choose for displaying as
+// distinct bands.  This recomputation only happens to the significant ones
+// that get printed in the .hp file, so it's cheap.
+// The spacetime calculation: 
+//   ( a[0]*d(0,1) + a[1]*(d(0,1) + d(1,2)) + ... + a[N-1]*d(N-2,N-1) ) / 2
+//   where
+//   a[N] is the space at census N
+//   d(A,B) is the time interval between censi A and B
+//   and
+//   d(A,B) + d(B,C) == d(A,C)
+// Key point:  we can calculate the area for a census without knowing the
+// previous or subsequent censi's space;  because any over/underestimates
+// for this census will be reversed in the next, balancing out.  This is
+// important, as getting the previous/next census entry for a particular
+// AP is a pain with this data structure, but getting the prev/next
+// census time is easy.
+// Each heap calculation gets added to its context's spacetime2 field.
+// The ULong* values are all running totals, hence the use of "+=" everywhere.
+// This does the calculations for a single census.
+static void calc_spacetime2b(Census* census, UInt d_t1_t2,
+                             ULong* twice_heap_ST,
+                             ULong* twice_heap_admin_ST,
+                             ULong* twice_stack_ST)
+   UInt i, j;
+   XPtSnapshot* xpt_snapshot;
+   // Heap --------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_heap) {
+      for (i = 0; NULL != census->xtree_snapshots[i]; i++) {
+         // Compute total heap spacetime2 for the entire XTree using only the
+         // top-XPt (the first XPt in xtree_snapshot).
+         *twice_heap_ST += d_t1_t2 * census->xtree_snapshots[i][0].space;
+         // Increment spacetime2 for every XPt in xtree_snapshot (inc. top one)
+         for (j = 0; NULL != census->xtree_snapshots[i][j].xpt; j++) {
+            xpt_snapshot = & census->xtree_snapshots[i][j];
+            xpt_snapshot->xpt->spacetime2 += d_t1_t2 * xpt_snapshot->space;
+         }
+      }
+      *twice_heap_ST += d_t1_t2 * census->others_space;
+   }
+   // Heap admin --------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_heap_admin > 0)
+      *twice_heap_admin_ST += d_t1_t2 * census->heap_admin_space;
+   // Stack(s) ----------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_stacks)
+      *twice_stack_ST += d_t1_t2 * census->stacks_space;
+// This does the calculations for all censi.
+static void calc_spacetime2(ULong* heap2, ULong* heap_admin2, ULong* stack2)
+   UInt i, N = curr_census;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpCalcSpacetime2);
+   *heap2       = 0;
+   *heap_admin2 = 0;
+   *stack2      = 0;
+   if (N <= 1)
+      return;
+   calc_spacetime2b( &censi[0], censi[1].ms_time - censi[0].ms_time,
+                     heap2, heap_admin2, stack2 );
+   for (i = 1; i <= N-2; i++) {
+      calc_spacetime2b( & censi[i], censi[i+1].ms_time - censi[i-1].ms_time,
+                        heap2, heap_admin2, stack2 );
+   }
+   calc_spacetime2b( & censi[N-1], censi[N-1].ms_time - censi[N-2].ms_time,
+                     heap2, heap_admin2, stack2 ); 
+   // Now get rid of the halves.  May lose a 0.5 on each, doesn't matter.
+   *heap2       /= 2;
+   *heap_admin2 /= 2;
+   *stack2      /= 2;
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpCalcSpacetime2);
+/*--- Writing the graph file                               ---*/
+static Char* make_filename(Char* dir, Char* suffix)
+   Char* filename;
+   /* Block is big enough for dir name + massif.<pid>.<suffix> */
+   filename = VG_(malloc)((VG_(strlen)(dir) + 32)*sizeof(Char));
+   VG_(sprintf)(filename, "%s/massif.%d%s", dir, VG_(getpid)(), suffix);
+   return filename;
+// Make string acceptable to hp2ps (sigh): remove spaces, escape parentheses.
+static Char* clean_fnname(Char *d, Char* s)
+   Char* dorig = d;
+   while (*s) {
+      if      (' ' == *s) { *d   = '%';            }
+      else if ('(' == *s) { *d++ = '\\'; *d = '('; }
+      else if (')' == *s) { *d++ = '\\'; *d = ')'; }
+      else                { *d   = *s;             };
+      s++;
+      d++;
+   }
+   *d = '\0';
+   return dorig;
+static void file_err ( Char* file )
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "error: can't open output file `%s'", file );
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "       ... so profile results will be missing.");
+/* Format, by example:
+   JOB "a.out -p"
+   DATE "Fri Apr 17 11:43:45 1992"
+   SAMPLE_UNIT "seconds"
+   VALUE_UNIT "bytes"
+     SYSTEM 24
+   END_SAMPLE 0.00
+     elim 180
+     insert 24
+     intersect 12
+     disin 60
+     main 12
+     reduce 20
+     SYSTEM 12
+   END_SAMPLE 1.00
+   MARK 1.50
+   MARK 1.75
+   MARK 1.80
+     elim 192
+     insert 24
+     intersect 12
+     disin 84
+     main 12
+     SYSTEM 24
+   END_SAMPLE 2.00
+   END_SAMPLE 2.82
+ */
+static void write_hp_file(void)
+   Int   i, j;
+   Int   fd, res;
+   Char *hp_file, *ps_file, *aux_file;
+   Char* cmdfmt;
+   Char* cmdbuf;
+   Int   cmdlen;
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpPrintHp);
+   // Open file
+   hp_file  = make_filename( base_dir, ".hp" );
+   ps_file  = make_filename( base_dir, ".ps" );
+   aux_file = make_filename( base_dir, ".aux" );
+   fd = VG_(open)(hp_file, VKI_O_CREAT|VKI_O_TRUNC|VKI_O_WRONLY,
+                           VKI_S_IRUSR|VKI_S_IWUSR);
+   if (fd < 0) {
+      file_err( hp_file );
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpPrintHp);
+      return;
+   }
+   // File header, including command line
+   SPRINTF(buf, "JOB         \"");
+   for (i = 0; i < VG_(client_argc); i++)
+      SPRINTF(buf, "%s ", VG_(client_argv)[i]);
+   SPRINTF(buf, /*" (%d ms/sample)\"\n"*/ "\"\n"
+                "DATE        \"\"\n"
+                "SAMPLE_UNIT \"ms\"\n"
+                "VALUE_UNIT  \"bytes\"\n", ms_interval);
+   // Censi
+   for (i = 0; i < curr_census; i++) {
+      Census* census = & censi[i];
+      // Census start
+      SPRINTF(buf, "MARK %d.0\n"
+                   "BEGIN_SAMPLE %d.0\n",
+                   census->ms_time, census->ms_time);
+      // Heap -----------------------------------------------------------
+      if (clo_heap) {
+         // Print all the significant XPts from that census
+         for (j = 0; NULL != census->xtree_snapshots[j]; j++) {
+            // Grab the jth top-XPt
+            XTreeSnapshot xtree_snapshot = & census->xtree_snapshots[j][0];
+            if ( ! VG_(get_fnname)(xtree_snapshot->xpt->eip, buf2, 16)) {
+               VG_(sprintf)(buf2, "???");
+            }
+            SPRINTF(buf, "x%x:%s %d\n", xtree_snapshot->xpt->eip,
+                         clean_fnname(buf3, buf2), xtree_snapshot->space);
+         }
+         // Remaining heap block alloc points, combined
+         if (census->others_space > 0)
+            SPRINTF(buf, "other %d\n", census->others_space);
+      }
+      // Heap admin -----------------------------------------------------
+      if (clo_heap_admin > 0 && census->heap_admin_space)
+         SPRINTF(buf, "heap-admin %d\n", census->heap_admin_space);
+      // Stack(s) -------------------------------------------------------
+      if (clo_stacks)
+         SPRINTF(buf, "stack(s) %d\n", census->stacks_space);
+      // Census end
+      SPRINTF(buf, "END_SAMPLE %d.0\n", census->ms_time);
+   }
+   // Close file
+   sk_assert(fd >= 0);
+   VG_(close)(fd);
+   // Attempt to convert file using hp2ps
+   cmdfmt = "%s/hp2ps -c -t1 %s";
+   cmdlen = VG_(strlen)(VG_(libdir)) + VG_(strlen)(hp_file) 
+                                     + VG_(strlen)(cmdfmt);
+   cmdbuf = VG_(malloc)( sizeof(Char) * cmdlen );
+   VG_(sprintf)(cmdbuf, cmdfmt, VG_(libdir), hp_file);
+   res = VG_(system)(cmdbuf);
+   VG_(free)(cmdbuf);
+   if (res != 0) {      
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, 
+                   "Conversion to PostScript failed.  Try converting manually.");
+   } else {
+      // remove the .hp and .aux file
+      VG_(unlink)(hp_file);
+      VG_(unlink)(aux_file);
+   }
+   VG_(free)(hp_file);
+   VG_(free)(ps_file);
+   VG_(free)(aux_file);
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpPrintHp);
+/*--- Writing the XPt text/HTML file                       ---*/
+static void percentify(Int n, Int pow, Int field_width, char xbuf[])
+   int i, len, space;
+   VG_(sprintf)(xbuf, "%d.%d%%", n / pow, n % pow);
+   len = VG_(strlen)(xbuf);
+   space = field_width - len;
+   if (space < 0) space = 0;     /* Allow for v. small field_width */
+   i = len;
+   /* Right justify in field */
+   for (     ; i >= 0;    i--)  xbuf[i + space] = xbuf[i];
+   for (i = 0; i < space; i++)  xbuf[i] = ' ';
+// Nb: uses a static buffer, each call trashes the last string returned.
+static Char* make_perc(ULong spacetime, ULong total_spacetime)
+   static Char mbuf[32];
+   UInt  p = 10;
+   percentify(spacetime * 100 * p / total_spacetime, p, 5, mbuf); 
+   return mbuf;
+// Nb: passed in XPt is a lower-level XPt;  %eips are grabbed from
+// bottom-to-top of XCon, and then printed in the reverse order.
+static UInt pp_XCon(Int fd, XPt* xpt)
+   Addr  rev_eips[clo_depth+1];
+   Int   i = 0;
+   Int   n = 0;
+   Bool  is_HTML      = ( XHTML == clo_format );
+   Char* maybe_br     = ( is_HTML ? "<br>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_indent = ( is_HTML ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;" : "" );
+   sk_assert(NULL != xpt);
+   while (True) {
+      rev_eips[i] = xpt->eip;
+      n++;
+      if (alloc_xpt == xpt->parent) break;
+      i++;
+      xpt = xpt->parent;
+   }
+   for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      // -1 means point to calling line
+      VG_(describe_eip)(rev_eips[i]-1, buf2, BUF_LEN);
+      SPRINTF(buf, "  %s%s%s\n", maybe_indent, buf2, maybe_br);
+   }
+   return n;
+// Important point:  for HTML, each XPt must be identified uniquely for the
+// HTML links to all match up correctly.  Using xpt->eip is not
+// sufficient, because function pointers mean that you can call more than
+// one other function from a single code location.  So instead we use the
+// address of the xpt struct itself, which is guaranteed to be unique.
+static void pp_all_XPts2(Int fd, Queue* q, ULong heap_spacetime,
+                         ULong total_spacetime)
+   UInt  i;
+   XPt  *xpt, *child;
+   UInt  L   = 0;
+   UInt  c1  = 1;
+   UInt  c2  = 0;
+   ULong sum = 0;
+   UInt  n;
+   Char *eip_desc, *perc;
+   Bool  is_HTML   = ( XHTML == clo_format );
+   Char* maybe_br  = ( is_HTML ?  "<br>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_p   = ( is_HTML ?   "<p>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_ul  = ( is_HTML ?  "<ul>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_li  = ( is_HTML ?  "<li>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_fli = ( is_HTML ? "</li>" : "" );
+   Char* maybe_ful = ( is_HTML ? "</ul>" : "" );
+   Char* end_hr    = ( is_HTML ? "<hr>"  : 
+                                 "=================================" );
+   Char* depth     = ( is_HTML ? "<code>--depth</code>" : "--depth" );
+   SPRINTF(buf, "== %d ===========================%s\n", L, maybe_br);
+   while (NULL != (xpt = (XPt*)dequeue(q))) {
+      // Check that non-top-level XPts have a zero .spacetime field.
+      if (xpt->parent != alloc_xpt) sk_assert( 0 == xpt->spacetime );
+      // Check that the sum of all children .spacetime2s equals parent's
+      // (unless alloc_xpt, when it should == 0).
+      if (alloc_xpt == xpt) {
+         sk_assert(0 == xpt->spacetime2);
+      } else {
+         sum = 0;
+         for (i = 0; i < xpt->n_children; i++) {
+            sum += xpt->children[i]->spacetime2;
+         }
+         //sk_assert(sum == xpt->spacetime2);
+         // It's possible that not all the children were included in the
+         // spacetime2 calculations.  Hopefully almost all of them were, and
+         // all the important ones.
+//         sk_assert(sum <= xpt->spacetime2);
+//         sk_assert(sum * 1.05 > xpt->spacetime2 );
+//         if (sum != xpt->spacetime2) {
+//            VG_(printf)("%ld, %ld\n", sum, xpt->spacetime2);
+//         }
+      }
+      if (xpt == alloc_xpt) {
+         SPRINTF(buf, "Heap allocation functions accounted for "
+                      "%s of measured spacetime%s\n", 
+                      make_perc(heap_spacetime, total_spacetime), maybe_br);
+      } else {
+         // Remember: spacetime2 is space.time *doubled*
+         perc = make_perc(xpt->spacetime2 / 2, total_spacetime);
+         if (is_HTML) {
+            SPRINTF(buf, "<a name=\"b%x\"></a>"
+                         "Context accounted for "
+                         "<a href=\"#a%x\">%s</a> of measured spacetime<br>\n",
+                         xpt, xpt, perc);
+         } else {
+            SPRINTF(buf, "Context accounted for %s of measured spacetime\n",
+                         perc);
+         }
+         n = pp_XCon(fd, xpt);
+         sk_assert(n == L);
+      }
+      // Sort children by spacetime2
+      VG_(ssort)(xpt->children, xpt->n_children, sizeof(XPt*),
+                 XPt_cmp_spacetime2);
+      SPRINTF(buf, "%s\nCalled from:%s\n", maybe_p, maybe_ul);
+      for (i = 0; i < xpt->n_children; i++) {
+         child = xpt->children[i];
+         // Stop when <1% of total spacetime
+         if (child->spacetime2 * 1000 / (total_spacetime * 2) < 5) {
+            UInt  n_insig = xpt->n_children - i;
+            Char* s       = ( n_insig == 1 ? "" : "s" );
+            Char* and     = ( 0 == i ? "" : "and "   );
+            Char* other   = ( 0 == i ? "" : "other " );
+            SPRINTF(buf, "  %s%s%d %sinsignificant place%s%s\n\n",
+                    maybe_li, and, n_insig, other, s, maybe_fli);
+            break;
+         }
+         // Remember: spacetime2 is space.time *doubled*
+         perc     = make_perc(child->spacetime2 / 2, total_spacetime);
+         eip_desc = VG_(describe_eip)(child->eip-1, buf2, BUF_LEN);
+         if (is_HTML) {
+            SPRINTF(buf, "<li><a name=\"a%x\"></a>", child );
+            if (child->n_children > 0) {
+               SPRINTF(buf, "<a href=\"#b%x\">%s</a>", child, perc);
+            } else {
+               SPRINTF(buf, "%s", perc);
+            }
+            SPRINTF(buf, ": %s\n", eip_desc);
+         } else {
+            SPRINTF(buf, "  %6s: %s\n\n", perc, eip_desc);
+         }
+         if (child->n_children > 0) {
+            enqueue(q, (void*)child);
+            c2++;
+         }
+      }
+      SPRINTF(buf, "%s%s", maybe_ful, maybe_p);
+      c1--;
+      // Putting markers between levels of the structure:
+      // c1 tracks how many to go on this level, c2 tracks how many we've
+      // queued up for the next level while finishing off this level.  
+      // When c1 gets to zero, we've changed levels, so print a marker,
+      // move c2 into c1, and zero c2.
+      if (0 == c1) {
+         L++;
+         c1 = c2;
+         c2 = 0;
+         if (! is_empty_queue(q) ) {      // avoid empty one at end
+            SPRINTF(buf, "== %d ===========================%s\n", L, maybe_br);
+         }
+      } else {
+         SPRINTF(buf, "---------------------------------%s\n", maybe_br);
+      }
+   }
+   SPRINTF(buf, "%s\n\nEnd of information.  Rerun with a bigger "
+                "%s value for more.\n", end_hr, depth);
+static void pp_all_XPts(Int fd, XPt* xpt, ULong heap_spacetime,
+                        ULong total_spacetime)
+   Queue* q = construct_queue(100);
+   enqueue(q, xpt);
+   pp_all_XPts2(fd, q, heap_spacetime, total_spacetime);
+   destruct_queue(q);
+static void
+write_text_file(ULong total_ST, ULong heap_ST)
+   Int   fd, i;
+   Char* text_file;
+   Char* maybe_p = ( XHTML == clo_format ? "<p>" : "" );
+   VGP_PUSHCC(VgpPrintXPts);
+   // Open file
+   text_file = make_filename( base_dir, 
+                              ( XText == clo_format ? ".txt" : ".html" ) );
+   fd = VG_(open)(text_file, VKI_O_CREAT|VKI_O_TRUNC|VKI_O_WRONLY,
+                             VKI_S_IRUSR|VKI_S_IWUSR);
+   if (fd < 0) {
+      file_err( text_file );
+      VGP_POPCC(VgpPrintXPts);
+      return;
+   }
+   // Header
+   if (XHTML == clo_format) {
+      SPRINTF(buf, "<html>\n"
+                   "<head>\n"
+                   "<title>%s</title>\n"
+                   "</head>\n"
+                   "<body>\n",
+                   text_file);
+   }
+   // Command line
+   SPRINTF(buf, "Command: ");
+   for (i = 0; i < VG_(client_argc); i++)
+      SPRINTF(buf, "%s ", VG_(client_argv)[i]);
+   SPRINTF(buf, "\n%s\n", maybe_p);
+   if (clo_heap)
+      pp_all_XPts(fd, alloc_xpt, heap_ST, total_ST);
+   sk_assert(fd >= 0);
+   VG_(close)(fd);
+   VGP_POPCC(VgpPrintXPts);
+/*--- Finalisation                                         ---*/
+static void
+print_summary(ULong total_ST, ULong heap_ST, ULong heap_admin_ST,
+              ULong stack_ST)
+   VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Total spacetime:   %,ld ms.B", total_ST);
+   // Heap --------------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_heap)
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "heap:              %s",
+                   make_perc(heap_ST, total_ST) );
+   // Heap admin --------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_heap_admin)
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "heap admin:        %s", 
+                   make_perc(heap_admin_ST, total_ST));
+   sk_assert( VG_(HT_count_nodes)(malloc_list) == n_heap_blocks );
+   // Stack(s) ----------------------------------------------------------
+   if (clo_stacks)
+      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "stack(s):          %s", 
+                   make_perc(stack_ST, total_ST));
+   if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
+      sk_assert(n_xpts > 0);  // always have alloc_xpt
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "    allocs: %u", n_allocs);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "zeroallocs: %u (%d%%)", n_zero_allocs,
+                                n_zero_allocs * 100 / n_allocs );
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "     frees: %u", n_frees);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "      XPts: %u (%d B)", n_xpts,
+                                                         n_xpts*sizeof(XPt));
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "  bot-XPts: %u (%d%%)", n_bot_xpts,
+                                n_bot_xpts * 100 / n_xpts);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "  top-XPts: %u (%d%%)", alloc_xpt->n_children,
+                                alloc_xpt->n_children * 100 / n_xpts);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "c-reallocs: %u", n_children_reallocs);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "snap-frees: %u", n_snapshot_frees);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "atmp censi: %u", n_attempted_censi);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "fake censi: %u", n_fake_censi);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "real censi: %u", n_real_censi);
+      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "  halvings: %u", n_halvings);
+   }
+void SK_(fini)(Int exit_status)
+   ULong total_ST      = 0;
+   ULong heap_ST       = 0;
+   ULong heap_admin_ST = 0;
+   ULong stack_ST      = 0;
+   // Do a final (empty) sample to show program's end
+   hp_census();
+   // Redo spacetimes of significant contexts to match the .hp file.
+   calc_spacetime2(&heap_ST, &heap_admin_ST, &stack_ST);
+   total_ST = heap_ST + heap_admin_ST + stack_ST; 
+   write_hp_file  ( );
+   write_text_file( total_ST, heap_ST );
+   print_summary  ( total_ST, heap_ST, heap_admin_ST, stack_ST );
+/*--- end                                                ms_main.c ---*/