Moved the MALLOCLIKE and FREELIKE client requests out of memcheck.h, and into
valgrind.h.  Although these requests are not implemented by the core, they can
be implemented by skins that track heap blocks, eg. Memcheck, Annelid, Massif.
This is in preparation for committing Massif to the repository.

I think I managed to make the change in a binary-compatible way.  The only
inconvenience for users is that if they have a client program compiled with the
old requests in, Valgrind will abort with an explanatory message that tells
them to recompile.  Once they've done that (no changes to their program are
required), it works again.

I even updated the docs.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/memcheck/memcheck.h b/memcheck/memcheck.h
index b3204f6..5db9900 100644
--- a/memcheck/memcheck.h
+++ b/memcheck/memcheck.h
@@ -80,8 +80,14 @@
+      /* These two have been moved into core, because they are useful for
+         any skin that tracks heap blocks.  Hence the suffix.  But they're
+         still here for backwards compatibility, although Valgrind will
+         abort with an explanatory message if you use them. */
    } Vg_MemCheckClientRequest;
@@ -190,47 +196,23 @@
                             &leaked, &dubious, &reachable, &suppressed);\
-/* Mark a block of memory as having been allocated by a malloc()-like
-   function.  `addr' is the start of the usable block (ie. after any
-   redzone) `rzB' is redzone size if the allocator can apply redzones;
-   use '0' if not.  Adding redzones makes it more likely Valgrind will spot
-   block overruns.  `is_zeroed' indicates if the memory is zeroed, as it is
-   for calloc().  Put it immediately after the point where a block is
-   allocated. 
-   If you're allocating memory via superblocks, and then handing out small
-   chunks of each superblock, if you don't have redzones on your small
-   blocks, it's worth marking the superblock with VALGRIND_MAKE_NOACCESS
-   when it's created, so that block overruns are detected.  But if you can
-   put redzones on, it's probably better to not do this, so that messages
-   for small overruns are described in terms of the small block rather than
-   the superblock (but if you have a big overrun that skips over a redzone,
-   you could miss an error this way).  See memcheck/tests/custom_alloc.c
-   for an example.
-   Nb: block must be freed via a free()-like function specified
-   with VALGRIND_FREELIKE_BLOCK or mismatch errors will occur. */
-#define VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK(addr, sizeB, rzB, is_zeroed)     \
+/* These two have been moved to valgrind.h;  still here so that a warning can
+   be printed out for any programs using the old ones. */
+#define VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK__OLD_DO_NOT_USE(addr, sizeB, rzB, is_zeroed)\
    {unsigned int _qzz_res;                                         \
     VALGRIND_MAGIC_SEQUENCE(_qzz_res, 0,                           \
                             VG_USERREQ__MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK,          \
                             addr, sizeB, rzB, is_zeroed);          \
-/* Mark a block of memory as having been freed by a free()-like function.
-   `rzB' is redzone size;  it must match that given to
-   VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK.  Memory not freed will be detected by the leak
-   checker.  Put it immediately after the point where the block is freed. */
-#define VALGRIND_FREELIKE_BLOCK(addr, rzB)                         \
+#define VALGRIND_FREELIKE_BLOCK__OLD_DO_NOT_USE(addr, rzB)         \
    {unsigned int _qzz_res;                                         \
     VALGRIND_MAGIC_SEQUENCE(_qzz_res, 0,                           \
                             VG_USERREQ__FREELIKE_BLOCK,            \
                             addr, rzB, 0, 0);                      \
 /* Get in zzvbits the validity data for the zznbytes starting at
    zzsrc.  Return values:
       0   if not running on valgrind
@@ -270,3 +252,6 @@
                             czzdst, czzvbits, zznbytes,0 );      \
     _qzz_res;                                                    \