Added new module, m_oset, which provides a generic data structure, OSet,
which is a sorted set with no duplicates.  This is derived from
m_skiplist, which it will hopefully replace.  The interface has the
following improvements:

- Avoided all mention of how the data structure is implemented in the
  interface, so it could be replaced with another data structure without
  changing external code.
- Two kinds of comparison:  fast -- use the first word of each element
  for comparison;  slow -- use a custom function.  The custom function
  compares a key with an element, so non-overlapping interval lists can
  be supported easily.  m_skiplist only supports the slow variant, and it
  makes things almost 2x faster.
- Users pass in malloc() and free() functions, so m_oset.c it doesn't
  rely on any particular allocator.
- It has a Destroy() function which will deallocate all the nodes.
- It allows variable-sized nodes.
- No static constructor;  I needed the flexibility of being able to
  execute arbitrary code in the constructor.  This also means no type
  internals are exposed.

No part of Valgrind actually uses OSet yet, although I've privately
converted several data structures, and so I'm confident that the
interface is basically sound.  Some functions may be added later.
The implementation uses AVL trees, and has the following

- Lookup is much faster than for skiplists -- around 3x.  This is
  because the inner lookup loop is much tighter.
- Insertion and removal is similar speed to skiplists, maybe a little
  slower, but there's still some fat to be trimmed.
- The code is a bit longer and more complex than the skiplist code.

This was intended to replace the need for the VgHashTable type.  But my
experiments have shown that VgHashTable is really fast, faster than both
AVL trees and skiplists in all but extreme cases (eg. if the hashtable
becomes way too full):  insertion takes constant time, because you always
prepend to chains;  lookup depends on chain length, but the inner loop
is so tight that you need about 20 elements per chain before it gets
worse than the AVL tree;  removal is similar to lookup.  And because
insertion uses prepending, any locality in accesses will help things.  If
VgHashTable had its interface cleaned up to look like OSet's, and was made
to auto-resize when it got too full, it might be a better OSet (although
it's not sorted).

So, it's currently unclear exactly how the AVL tree OSet will be used.
The skiplist could be converted to the new interface (I have a 90%
complete version which I used in the comparison experiments).  If
VgHashTable was converted to the same interface (or as close as
possible) it would make direct comparison of important places (eg.
Memcheck's malloc_lists) simple.

git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
diff --git a/include/pub_tool_oset.h b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed8e2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/pub_tool_oset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/*--- OSet: a fast data structure with no dups.    pub_tool_oset.h ---*/
+   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
+   framework.
+   Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Julian Seward
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+   License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307, USA.
+   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#ifndef __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
+#define __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
+// This module implements an ordered set, a data structure with fast
+// (eg. amortised log(n) or better) insertion, lookup and deletion of
+// elements.  It does not allow duplicates, and will assert if you insert a
+// duplicate to an OSet.
+// The structure is totally generic.  The user provides the allocation and
+// deallocation functions.  Also, each element has a key, which the lookup
+// is done with.  The key may be the whole element (eg. in an OSet of
+// integers, each integer serves both as an element and a key), or it may be
+// only part of it (eg. if the key is a single field in a struct).  The user
+// can provide a function that compares an element with a key;  this is very
+// flexible, and with the right comparison function even a (non-overlapping)
+// interval list can be created.  But the cost of calling a function for
+// every comparison can be high during lookup.  If no comparison function is
+// provided, we assume that keys are (signed or unsigned) words, and that
+// the key is the first word in each element.  This fast comparison is
+// suitable for an OSet of Ints, or an OSet containing structs where the
+// first element is an Addr, for example.
+// Each OSet also has an iterator, which makes it simple to traverse all the
+// nodes in order.  Note that the iterator maintains state and so is
+// non-reentrant.
+// Note that once you insert an element into an OSet, if you modify any part
+// of it looked at by your cmp() function, this may cause incorrect
+// behaviour as the sorted order maintained will be wrong.
+/*--- Types                                                        ---*/
+typedef struct _OSet     OSet;
+typedef struct _OSetNode OSetNode;
+typedef Int   (*OSetCmp_t)   ( void* key, void* elem );
+typedef void* (*OSetAlloc_t) ( SizeT szB );
+typedef void  (*OSetFree_t)  ( void* p );
+/*--- Creating and destroying OSets and OSet members               ---*/
+// * Create: allocates an initialises the OSet.  Arguments:
+//   - keyOff    The offset of the key within the element.
+//   - elemSize  The size of the element.
+//   - cmp       The comparison function between keys and elements, or NULL
+//               if the OSet should use fast comparisons.
+//   - alloc     The allocation function used for allocating the OSet itself;
+//               it's also called for each invocation of VG_(OSet_AllocNode)().
+//   - free      The deallocation function used by VG_(OSet_FreeNode)() and
+//               VG_(OSet_Destroy)().
+//   If cmp is NULL, keyOff must be zero.  This is checked.
+// * Destroy: frees all nodes in the table, plus the memory used by
+//   the table itself.
+// * AllocNode: Allocate and zero memory for a node to go into the OSet.
+//   Uses the alloc function given to VG_(OSet_Create)() to allocated a node
+//   which is big enough for both an element and the OSet metadata.
+//   Not all elements in one OSet have to be the same size.
+//   Note that the element allocated will be at most word-aligned, which may
+//   be less aligned than the element type would normally be.
+// * FreeNode: Deallocate a node allocated with OSet_AllocNode().  Using
+//   a deallocation function (such as VG_(free)()) directly will likely
+//   lead to assertions in Valgrind's allocator.
+extern OSet* VG_(OSet_Create)    ( OffT keyOff, OSetCmp_t cmp,
+                                   OSetAlloc_t alloc, OSetFree_t free );
+extern void  VG_(OSet_Destroy)   ( OSet* os );
+extern void* VG_(OSet_AllocNode) ( OSet* os, SizeT elemSize );
+extern void  VG_(OSet_FreeNode)  ( OSet* os, void* elem );
+/*--- Operations on OSets                                          ---*/
+// * Size: The number of elements in the set.
+// * Contains: Determines if any element in the OSet matches the key.
+// * Lookup: Returns a pointer to the element matching the key, if there is
+//   one, otherwise returns NULL.
+// * Insert: Inserts a new element into the list.  Note that 'elem' must
+//   have been allocated using VG_(OSet_AllocNode)(), otherwise you will get
+//   assertion failures about "bad magic".  Duplicates are forbidden, and
+//   will also cause assertion failures.
+// * Remove: Removes the element matching the key, if there is one.  Returns
+//   NULL if no element matches the key.
+// * ResetIter: Each OSet has an iterator.  This resets it to point to the
+//   first element in the OSet.
+// * Next: Returns a pointer to the element pointed to by the OSet's
+//   iterator, and advances the iterator by one;  the elements are visited
+//   in order.  Or, returns NULL if the iterator has reached the OSet's end.
+//   You can thus iterate in order through an OSet like this:
+//     VG_(OSet_ResetIter)(oset);
+//     while ( (elem = VG_(OSet_Next)(oset)) ) {
+//        ... do stuff with 'elem' ...
+//     }
+//   Note that iterators are cleared any time an element is inserted or
+//   removed from the OSet, to avoid possible mayhem caused by the iterator
+//   getting out of sync with the OSet's contents.  "Cleared" means that
+//   they will return NULL if VG_(OSet_Next)() is called without an
+//   intervening call to VG_(OSet_ResetIter)().
+extern Int   VG_(OSet_Size)      ( OSet* os );
+extern void  VG_(OSet_Insert)    ( OSet* os, void* elem );
+extern Bool  VG_(OSet_Contains)  ( OSet* os, void* key  );
+extern void* VG_(OSet_Lookup)    ( OSet* os, void* key  );
+extern void* VG_(OSet_Remove)    ( OSet* os, void* key  );
+extern void  VG_(OSet_ResetIter) ( OSet* os );
+extern void* VG_(OSet_Next)      ( OSet* os );
+#endif   // __PUB_TOOL_OSET_H
+/*--- end                                                          ---*/