ProCamera: Fix waitForFrameBuffer not handling multiple outstanding frames

If the CpuConsumer triggered multiple onFrameAvailable callbacks in between
a single waitForFrameBuffer call, the old code would only handle 1 callback.

This meant on two subsequent waitForFrameBuffer calls the second would always
timeout when two buffers were already available to be unlocked.

Bug: 8238112
Change-Id: Ibefca35005ac5c408e5ada97ec4a4344a9e3e497
diff --git a/camera/tests/ProCameraTests.cpp b/camera/tests/ProCameraTests.cpp
index 33c9179..f93e5cd 100644
--- a/camera/tests/ProCameraTests.cpp
+++ b/camera/tests/ProCameraTests.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
+#define TEST_FRAME_PROCESSING_DELAY_US 200000 // 200 ms
 #define dout std::cerr
@@ -888,7 +890,7 @@
     // Consume a couple of results
     for (int i = 0; i < TEST_CPU_FRAME_COUNT; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_OK(mCamera->waitForFrameBuffer(streamId));
+        EXPECT_EQ(1, mCamera->waitForFrameBuffer(streamId));
         CpuConsumer::LockedBuffer buf;
@@ -942,7 +944,7 @@
         // Get the buffers
-        EXPECT_OK(mCamera->waitForFrameBuffer(depthStreamId));
+        EXPECT_EQ(1, mCamera->waitForFrameBuffer(depthStreamId));
           * Guaranteed to be able to consume the depth frame,
@@ -978,7 +980,58 @@
+TEST_F(ProCameraTest, WaitForSingleStreamBufferAndDropFrames) {
+    if (HasFatalFailure()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    const int NUM_REQUESTS = 20 * TEST_CPU_FRAME_COUNT;
+    int streamId = -1;
+    sp<CpuConsumer> consumer;
+    EXPECT_OK(mCamera->createStreamCpu(/*width*/1280, /*height*/960,
+                  TEST_FORMAT_MAIN, TEST_CPU_HEAP_COUNT, &consumer, &streamId));
+    EXPECT_NE(-1, streamId);
+    EXPECT_OK(mCamera->exclusiveTryLock());
+    uint8_t streams[] = { streamId };
+    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(createSubmitRequestForStreams(streams, /*count*/1,
+                                                     /*requests*/NUM_REQUESTS));
+    // Consume a couple of results
+    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REQUESTS; ++i) {
+        // Process at 10fps, stream is at 15fps.
+        // This means we will definitely fill up the buffer queue with
+        // extra buffers and need to drop them.
+        int numFrames;
+        EXPECT_TRUE((numFrames = mCamera->waitForFrameBuffer(streamId)) > 0);
+        // Drop all but the newest framebuffer
+        EXPECT_EQ(numFrames-1, mCamera->dropFrameBuffer(streamId, numFrames-1));
+        dout << "Dropped " << (numFrames - 1) << " frames" << std::endl;
+        // Skip the counter ahead, don't try to consume these frames again
+        i += numFrames-1;
+        // "Consume" the buffer
+        CpuConsumer::LockedBuffer buf;
+        EXPECT_OK(consumer->lockNextBuffer(&buf));
+        dout << "Buffer synchronously received on streamId = " << streamId <<
+                ", dataPtr = " << (void*) <<
+                ", timestamp = " << buf.timestamp << std::endl;
+        EXPECT_OK(consumer->unlockBuffer(buf));
+    }
+    // Done: clean up
+    EXPECT_OK(mCamera->deleteStream(streamId));
+    EXPECT_OK(mCamera->exclusiveUnlock());