am d1da80a4: am ba77a3f9: Add support for the "compilation" tag in mp3, mp4 and ogg, and also add support for two common ways of specifying album artist in ogg files. b/3311831

* commit 'd1da80a4b3d50c1be120b0e873363da711428a81':
  Add support for the "compilation" tag in mp3, mp4 and ogg, and also add support for two common ways of specifying album artist in ogg files. b/3311831
tree: 1a9363b2e35928f3d126e20c54d8ba76a2cad37a
  1. camera/
  2. cmds/
  3. drm/
  4. include/
  5. media/
  6. services/