AudioFlinger: offload playback, non-blocking write

- Added specialized playback thread class for offload playback,
derived from directoutput thread.
This thread type handles specific state transitions for offloaded
tracks and offloading commands (pause/resume/drain/flush..) to audio HAL.
As opposed to other threads, does not go to standby if the track is paused.

- Added support for asynchronous write and drain operations at audio HAL.
Use a thread to handle async callback events from HAL: this avoids locking
playback thread mutex when executing the callback and cause deadlocks when
calling audio HAL functions with the playback thread mutex locked.

- Better accouting for track activity: call start/stop and release Output
methods in audio policy manager when tracks are actually added and removed
from the active tracks list.
Added a command thread in audio policy service to handle stop/release commands
asynchronously and avoid deadlocks with playback thread.

- Track terminated status is not a state anymore. This condition is othogonal
to state to permitted state transitions while terminated.

Change-Id: Id157f4b3277620568d8eace7535d9186602564de
13 files changed