donut snapshot
diff --git a/tools/aapt/Command.cpp b/tools/aapt/Command.cpp
index 6f3461d..e04491d 100644
--- a/tools/aapt/Command.cpp
+++ b/tools/aapt/Command.cpp
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
             printf("\nNo resource table found.\n");
         } else {
             printf("\nResource table:\n");
-            res.print();
+            res.print(false);
         Asset* manifestAsset = assets.openNonAsset("AndroidManifest.xml",
@@ -268,17 +268,19 @@
     return str ? String8(str, len) : String8();
-static int32_t getIntegerAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes, String8* outError)
+static int32_t getIntegerAttribute(const ResXMLTree& tree, uint32_t attrRes,
+        String8* outError, int32_t defValue = -1)
     ssize_t idx = indexOfAttribute(tree, attrRes);
     if (idx < 0) {
-        return -1;
+        return defValue;
     Res_value value;
     if (tree.getAttributeValue(idx, &value) != NO_ERROR) {
-        if (value.dataType != Res_value::TYPE_INT_DEC) {
+        if (value.dataType < Res_value::TYPE_FIRST_INT
+                || value.dataType > Res_value::TYPE_LAST_INT) {
             if (outError != NULL) *outError = "attribute is not an integer value";
-            return -1;
+            return defValue;
@@ -318,7 +320,18 @@
     VERSION_NAME_ATTR = 0x0101021c,
     LABEL_ATTR = 0x01010001,
     ICON_ATTR = 0x01010002,
-    MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x0101020c
+    MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x0101020c,
+    REQ_TOUCH_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010227,
+    REQ_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ATTR = 0x01010228,
+    REQ_HARD_KEYBOARD_ATTR = 0x01010229,
+    REQ_NAVIGATION_ATTR = 0x0101022a,
+    REQ_FIVE_WAY_NAV_ATTR = 0x01010232,
+    TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR = 0x01010270,
+    TEST_ONLY_ATTR = 0x01010272,
+    DENSITY_ATTR = 0x0101026c,
+    SMALL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010284,
+    NORMAL_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010285,
+    LARGE_SCREEN_ATTR = 0x01010286,
 const char *getComponentName(String8 &pkgName, String8 &componentName) {
@@ -357,7 +370,8 @@
     const char* filename = bundle->getFileSpecEntry(1);
     AssetManager assets;
-    if (!assets.addAssetPath(String8(filename), NULL)) {
+    void* assetsCookie;
+    if (!assets.addAssetPath(String8(filename), &assetsCookie)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: dump failed because assets could not be loaded\n");
         return 1;
@@ -369,7 +383,7 @@
     if (strcmp("resources", option) == 0) {
-        res.print();
+        res.print(bundle->getValues());
     } else if (strcmp("xmltree", option) == 0) {
         if (bundle->getFileSpecCount() < 3) {
@@ -488,6 +502,10 @@
             bool isLauncherActivity = false;
             bool withinApplication = false;
             bool withinReceiver = false;
+            int targetSdk = 0;
+            int smallScreen = 1;
+            int normalScreen = 1;
+            int largeScreen = 1;
             String8 pkg;
             String8 activityName;
             String8 activityLabel;
@@ -543,15 +561,90 @@
                             goto bail;
                         printf("icon='%s'\n", icon.string());
-                    } else if (tag == "uses-sdk") {
-                        int32_t sdkVersion = getIntegerAttribute(tree, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+                        int32_t testOnly = getIntegerAttribute(tree, TEST_ONLY_ATTR, &error, 0);
                         if (error != "") {
-                            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:minSdkVersion' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
+                            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:testOnly' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
                             goto bail;
-                        if (sdkVersion != -1) {
-                            printf("sdkVersion:'%d'\n", sdkVersion);
+                        if (testOnly != 0) {
+                            printf("testOnly='%d'\n", testOnly);
+                    } else if (tag == "uses-sdk") {
+                        int32_t code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+                        if (error != "") {
+                            error = "";
+                            String8 name = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, MIN_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+                            if (error != "") {
+                                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:minSdkVersion' attribute: %s\n",
+                                        error.string());
+                                goto bail;
+                            }
+                            if (name == "Donut") targetSdk = 4;
+                            printf("sdkVersion:'%s'\n", name.string());
+                        } else if (code != -1) {
+                            targetSdk = code;
+                            printf("sdkVersion:'%d'\n", code);
+                        }
+                        code = getIntegerAttribute(tree, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+                        if (error != "") {
+                            error = "";
+                            String8 name = getResolvedAttribute(&res, tree, TARGET_SDK_VERSION_ATTR, &error);
+                            if (error != "") {
+                                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:targetSdkVersion' attribute: %s\n",
+                                        error.string());
+                                goto bail;
+                            }
+                            if (name == "Donut" && targetSdk < 4) targetSdk = 4;
+                            printf("targetSdkVersion:'%s'\n", name.string());
+                        } else if (code != -1) {
+                            if (targetSdk < code) {
+                                targetSdk = code;
+                            }
+                            printf("targetSdkVersion:'%d'\n", code);
+                        }
+                    } else if (tag == "uses-configuration") {
+                        int32_t reqTouchScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                REQ_TOUCH_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 0);
+                        int32_t reqKeyboardType = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                REQ_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ATTR, NULL, 0);
+                        int32_t reqHardKeyboard = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                REQ_HARD_KEYBOARD_ATTR, NULL, 0);
+                        int32_t reqNavigation = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                REQ_NAVIGATION_ATTR, NULL, 0);
+                        int32_t reqFiveWayNav = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                REQ_FIVE_WAY_NAV_ATTR, NULL, 0);
+                        printf("uses-configuation:");
+                        if (reqTouchScreen != 0) {
+                            printf(" reqTouchScreen='%d'", reqTouchScreen);
+                        }
+                        if (reqKeyboardType != 0) {
+                            printf(" reqKeyboardType='%d'", reqKeyboardType);
+                        }
+                        if (reqHardKeyboard != 0) {
+                            printf(" reqHardKeyboard='%d'", reqHardKeyboard);
+                        }
+                        if (reqNavigation != 0) {
+                            printf(" reqNavigation='%d'", reqNavigation);
+                        }
+                        if (reqFiveWayNav != 0) {
+                            printf(" reqFiveWayNav='%d'", reqFiveWayNav);
+                        }
+                        printf("\n");
+                    } else if (tag == "supports-density") {
+                        int32_t dens = getIntegerAttribute(tree, DENSITY_ATTR, &error);
+                        if (error != "") {
+                            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:density' attribute: %s\n",
+                                    error.string());
+                            goto bail;
+                        }
+                        printf("supports-density:'%d'\n", dens);
+                    } else if (tag == "supports-screens") {
+                        smallScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                SMALL_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1);
+                        normalScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                NORMAL_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1);
+                        largeScreen = getIntegerAttribute(tree,
+                                LARGE_SCREEN_ATTR, NULL, 1);
                 } else if (depth == 3 && withinApplication) {
                     withinActivity = false;
@@ -592,18 +685,18 @@
                 } else if (depth == 5) {
-                        if (withinActivity) {
-                            if (tag == "action") {
-                                //printf("LOG: action tag\n");
-                                String8 action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
-                                if (error != "") {
-                                    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
-                                    goto bail;
-                                }
-                                if (action == "android.intent.action.MAIN") {
-                                    isMainActivity = true;
-                                    //printf("LOG: isMainActivity==true\n");
-                                }
+                    if (withinActivity) {
+                        if (tag == "action") {
+                            //printf("LOG: action tag\n");
+                            String8 action = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
+                            if (error != "") {
+                                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR getting 'android:name' attribute: %s\n", error.string());
+                                goto bail;
+                            }
+                            if (action == "android.intent.action.MAIN") {
+                                isMainActivity = true;
+                                //printf("LOG: isMainActivity==true\n");
+                            }
                         } else if (tag == "category") {
                             String8 category = getAttribute(tree, NAME_ATTR, &error);
                             if (error != "") {
@@ -659,11 +752,31 @@
+            // Determine default values for any unspecified screen sizes,
+            // based on the target SDK of the package.  As of 4 (donut)
+            // the screen size support was introduced, so all default to
+            // enabled.
+            if (smallScreen > 0) {
+                smallScreen = targetSdk >= 4 ? -1 : 0;
+            }
+            if (normalScreen > 0) {
+                normalScreen = -1;
+            }
+            if (largeScreen > 0) {
+                largeScreen = targetSdk >= 4 ? -1 : 0;
+            }
+            printf("supports-screens:");
+            if (smallScreen != 0) printf(" 'small'");
+            if (normalScreen != 0) printf(" 'normal'");
+            if (largeScreen != 0) printf(" 'large'");
+            printf("\n");
             Vector<String8> locales;
-            const size_t N = locales.size();
-            for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+            const size_t NL = locales.size();
+            for (size_t i=0; i<NL; i++) {
                 const char* localeStr =  locales[i].string();
                 if (localeStr == NULL || strlen(localeStr) == 0) {
                     localeStr = "--_--";
@@ -671,6 +784,35 @@
                 printf(" '%s'", localeStr);
+            Vector<ResTable_config> configs;
+            res.getConfigurations(&configs);
+            SortedVector<int> densities;
+            const size_t NC = configs.size();
+            for (size_t i=0; i<NC; i++) {
+                int dens = configs[i].density;
+                if (dens == 0) dens = 160;
+                densities.add(dens);
+            }
+            printf("densities:");
+            const size_t ND = densities.size();
+            for (size_t i=0; i<ND; i++) {
+                printf(" '%d'", densities[i]);
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            AssetDir* dir = assets.openNonAssetDir(assetsCookie, "lib");
+            if (dir != NULL) {
+                if (dir->getFileCount() > 0) {
+                    printf("native-code:");
+                    for (size_t i=0; i<dir->getFileCount(); i++) {
+                        printf(" '%s'", dir->getFileName(i).string());
+                    }
+                    printf("\n");
+                }
+                delete dir;
+            }
         } else if (strcmp("configurations", option) == 0) {
             Vector<ResTable_config> configs;