[RenderScript] update exception reporting for copyTo() after
autoPadding added.

 - This CL fixes recent CTS failures about copyPadded after
   lmp-mr1-dev changes pushed to aosp.

Change-Id: Ica1f4fd934cd83ca4357ea7e7c82dcc7f844b689
diff --git a/rs/java/android/renderscript/Allocation.java b/rs/java/android/renderscript/Allocation.java
index 523c8fb..28547cc 100644
--- a/rs/java/android/renderscript/Allocation.java
+++ b/rs/java/android/renderscript/Allocation.java
@@ -1340,15 +1340,22 @@
     private void copyTo(Object array, Element.DataType dt, int arrayLen) {
         Trace.traceBegin(RenderScript.TRACE_TAG, "copyTo");
-        if (dt.mSize * arrayLen < mSize) {
-            throw new RSIllegalArgumentException(
-                "Size of output array cannot be smaller than size of allocation.");
-        }
         boolean usePadding = false;
         if (mAutoPadding && (mType.getElement().getVectorSize() == 3)) {
             usePadding = true;
+        if (usePadding) {
+            if (dt.mSize * arrayLen < mSize / 4 * 3) {
+                throw new RSIllegalArgumentException(
+                    "Size of output array cannot be smaller than size of allocation.");
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (dt.mSize * arrayLen < mSize) {
+                throw new RSIllegalArgumentException(
+                    "Size of output array cannot be smaller than size of allocation.");
+            }
+        }
         mRS.nAllocationRead(getID(mRS), array, dt, mType.mElement.mType.mSize, usePadding);