Apply changes to migrate to LLVM upstream Oct 20th 2011.

- StructType::isAnonymous is renamed to StructType::isLiteral.

- PassManagerBuilder has been moved from
  llvm/Support/PassManagerBuilder.h to

- Include llvm/Transforms/IPO.h for llvm::createInternalizePass.

- clang::DiagClient has be renamed to clang::DiagnosticConsumer.
  Besides, we have to implement one additional pure virtual method
  'clone' for create a clone of slang::DiagnosticBuffer.

- llvm::Linker::LinkModules comes with one additional parameter.
  Passing llvm::Linker::DestroySource should be equivalent to
  the old code we were using.

- slang::Slang is now derived from clang::ModuleLoader and implemented
  loadModule pure virtual method (though we will always return NULL.)

- clang::Preprocessor is taking one additional parameter for

- clang::Diagnostic has been changed.  A lot of the method has been
  moved to clang::DiagnosticsEngine, and we can no longer 'Report' a
  diagnostic from clang::Diagnostic.  We have to use
  clang::DiagnosticEngine instead.

- llvm::setCodeModel has been removed.

Change-Id: I1f2a4cbeaf61a8ed1d0d635a5a0e1baa90d99d07
21 files changed