[3229973, 3247470, ...] set EGLNativeWindowSurface's format in EGL

(there are multiple bugs this should fix)

we now use the EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID of a config to set
the ANativeWindow's format from eglCreateWindowSurface(),
this guarantees that the surface's format will match
whatever EGLConfig the user chose.

this should fix all current and future config/surface format
mismatch and allow users to easily select 32-bits surfaces.

Change-Id: I3835d0eb70c75eeecded3c3509a0a8207554c98b
1 file changed
tree: 9721ea4be4c7daf316c1adb909ccdbbcb268b8ad
  1. cmds/
  2. include/
  3. libs/
  4. opengl/
  5. services/
  6. vpn/