sf: Fixes for resolution change in SurfaceFlinger

1. Use active config from HWC when querying display attributes

   When we query the display attributes we should use the active
   config as reported by HWC in cases where HWC version is 1.4.
   In all other cases we should revert to the default config,
   config 0, as the active config.

2. Set/update the display config if HWC config change was successful

   The new config should only be applied if HWC succeeded in changing
   the active config. This would otherwise cause failure or undefined
   behavior if the client sets an invalid/unsupported display config.

3. Set the active config at display creation time

   When a new display device is added update the active config by
   querying HWC.

Change-Id: If55b9b308750f17bb44eab555d17e31972bc3968
3 files changed