fix a bug in ComponentSizeChooser where it could pick a software EGLConfig instead of a better h/w one.

We now just try to honor the stencil / depth buffer "at least", while doing a "shortest distance" on the colors.
diff --git a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
index 445e681..d51b333 100644
--- a/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
+++ b/opengl/libs/EGL/Loader.cpp
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@
 void *Loader::load_driver(const char* driver, gl_hooks_t* hooks, uint32_t mask)
-    //LOGD("%s", driver);
     void* dso = dlopen(driver, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
-    LOGE_IF(!dso, "%s", dlerror());
     if (dso == 0)
         return 0;
+    LOGD("loaded %s", driver);
     if (mask & EGL) {
         getProcAddress = (getProcAddressType)dlsym(dso, "eglGetProcAddress");