libgui: add BQ consumer buffer free notifications

This change adds a new callback for BufferQueue consumers to be notified
when the BufferQueue frees some or all of its buffers.  This is needed
to retain SurfaceTexture behavior where all buffers would be freed when
the producer disconnects.  This change also modifies the
SurfaceTextureGLToGLTest.EglDestroySurfaceUnrefsBuffers test to catch
when the buffers are not freed.

The implementation is a little complicated because it needs to avoid
circular sp<> references across what will be a binder interface (so wp<>
can't be used directly).  It also needs to avoid the possibility of
locking the BufferQueue and consumer (e.g. SurfaceTexture) mutexes in
the wrong order.

This change also includes a few additional fixes and test cleanups.

Change-Id: I27b77d0af15cb4b135f4b63573f634f5f0da2182
diff --git a/include/gui/BufferQueue.h b/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
index 46d1854..c01f2be 100644
--- a/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
+++ b/include/gui/BufferQueue.h
@@ -42,18 +42,57 @@
     enum { NO_CONNECTED_API = 0 };
     enum { INVALID_BUFFER_SLOT = -1 };
-    struct FrameAvailableListener : public virtual RefBase {
-        // onFrameAvailable() is called from queueBuffer() each time an
-        // additional frame becomes available for consumption. This means that
-        // frames that are queued while in asynchronous mode only trigger the
-        // callback if no previous frames are pending. Frames queued while in
-        // synchronous mode always trigger the callback.
+    // ConsumerListener is the interface through which the BufferQueue notifies
+    // the consumer of events that the consumer may wish to react to.  Because
+    // the consumer will generally have a mutex that is locked during calls from
+    // teh consumer to the BufferQueue, these calls from the BufferQueue to the
+    // consumer *MUST* be called only when the BufferQueue mutex is NOT locked.
+    struct ConsumerListener : public virtual RefBase {
+        // onFrameAvailable is called from queueBuffer each time an additional
+        // frame becomes available for consumption. This means that frames that
+        // are queued while in asynchronous mode only trigger the callback if no
+        // previous frames are pending. Frames queued while in synchronous mode
+        // always trigger the callback.
         // This is called without any lock held and can be called concurrently
         // by multiple threads.
         virtual void onFrameAvailable() = 0;
+        // onBuffersReleased is called to notify the buffer consumer that the
+        // BufferQueue has released its references to one or more GraphicBuffers
+        // contained in its slots.  The buffer consumer should then call
+        // BufferQueue::getReleasedBuffers to retrieve the list of buffers
+        //
+        // This is called without any lock held and can be called concurrently
+        // by multiple threads.
+        virtual void onBuffersReleased() = 0;
+    // ProxyConsumerListener is a ConsumerListener implementation that keeps a weak
+    // reference to the actual consumer object.  It forwards all calls to that
+    // consumer object so long as it exists.
+    //
+    // This class exists to avoid having a circular reference between the
+    // BufferQueue object and the consumer object.  The reason this can't be a weak
+    // reference in the BufferQueue class is because we're planning to expose the
+    // consumer side of a BufferQueue as a binder interface, which doesn't support
+    // weak references.
+    class ProxyConsumerListener : public BufferQueue::ConsumerListener {
+    public:
+        ProxyConsumerListener(const wp<BufferQueue::ConsumerListener>& consumerListener);
+        virtual ~ProxyConsumerListener();
+        virtual void onFrameAvailable();
+        virtual void onBuffersReleased();
+    private:
+        // mConsumerListener is a weak reference to the ConsumerListener.  This is
+        // the raison d'etre of ProxyConsumerListener.
+        wp<BufferQueue::ConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
+    };
     // BufferQueue manages a pool of gralloc memory slots to be used
     // by producers and consumers.
     // allowSynchronousMode specifies whether or not synchronous mode can be
@@ -168,21 +207,39 @@
     // The following public functions is the consumer facing interface
-    // acquire consumes a buffer by transferring its ownership to a consumer.
-    // buffer contains the GraphicBuffer and its corresponding information.
-    // buffer.mGraphicsBuffer will be NULL when the buffer has been already
-    // acquired by the consumer.
-    status_t acquire(BufferItem *buffer);
+    // acquireBuffer attempts to acquire ownership of the next pending buffer in
+    // the BufferQueue.  If no buffer is pending then it returns -EINVAL.  If a
+    // buffer is successfully acquired, the information about the buffer is
+    // returned in BufferItem.  If the buffer returned had previously been
+    // acquired then the BufferItem::mGraphicBuffer field of buffer is set to
+    // NULL and it is assumed that the consumer still holds a reference to the
+    // buffer.
+    status_t acquireBuffer(BufferItem *buffer);
     // releaseBuffer releases a buffer slot from the consumer back to the
     // BufferQueue pending a fence sync.
+    //
+    // Note that the dependencies on EGL will be removed once we switch to using
+    // the Android HW Sync HAL.
     status_t releaseBuffer(int buf, EGLDisplay display, EGLSyncKHR fence);
+    // consumerConnect connects a consumer to the BufferQueue.  Only one
+    // consumer may be connected, and when that consumer disconnects the
+    // BufferQueue is placed into the "abandoned" state, causing most
+    // interactions with the BufferQueue by the producer to fail.
+    status_t consumerConnect(const sp<ConsumerListener>& consumer);
     // consumerDisconnect disconnects a consumer from the BufferQueue. All
-    // buffers will be freed.
+    // buffers will be freed and the BufferQueue is placed in the "abandoned"
+    // state, causing most interactions with the BufferQueue by the producer to
+    // fail.
     status_t consumerDisconnect();
+    // getReleasedBuffers sets the value pointed to by slotMask to a bit mask
+    // indicating which buffer slots the have been released by the BufferQueue
+    // but have not yet been released by the consumer.
+    status_t getReleasedBuffers(uint32_t* slotMask);
     // setDefaultBufferSize is used to set the size of buffers returned by
     // requestBuffers when a with and height of zero is requested.
     status_t setDefaultBufferSize(uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
@@ -199,10 +256,6 @@
     // setConsumerName sets the name used in logging
     void setConsumerName(const String8& name);
-    // setFrameAvailableListener sets the listener object that will be notified
-    // when a new frame becomes available.
-    void setFrameAvailableListener(const sp<FrameAvailableListener>& listener);
     // setDefaultBufferFormat allows the BufferQueue to create
     // GraphicBuffers of a defaultFormat if no format is specified
     // in dequeueBuffer
@@ -384,10 +437,10 @@
     // allocate new GraphicBuffer objects.
     sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> mGraphicBufferAlloc;
-    // mFrameAvailableListener is the listener object that will be called when a
-    // new frame becomes available. If it is not NULL it will be called from
-    // queueBuffer.
-    sp<FrameAvailableListener> mFrameAvailableListener;
+    // mConsumerListener is used to notify the connected consumer of
+    // asynchronous events that it may wish to react to.  It is initially set
+    // to NULL and is written by consumerConnect and consumerDisconnect.
+    sp<ConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
     // mSynchronousMode whether we're in synchronous mode or not
     bool mSynchronousMode;