Improve the documentation of the RenderScript API.

Only the explanations should be changing.

Change-Id: I889b366e3be44f5ac7f44a199e4b9a47353665e2
diff --git a/api/rs_allocation_data.spec b/api/rs_allocation_data.spec
index fd1e215..27fad2e 100644
--- a/api/rs_allocation_data.spec
+++ b/api/rs_allocation_data.spec
@@ -15,54 +15,75 @@
-summary: Allocation routines
+summary: Allocation Data Access Functions
- TODO Adjust documentation.
- Functions that can be used to query the characteristics of an allocation,
- to set and get elements of the allocation.
+ The functions below can be used to get and set the cells that comprise
+ an allocation.
+ <ul>
+ <li>Individual cells are accessed using the rsGetElementAt* and
+   @rsSetElementAt functions.</li>
+ <li>Multiple cells can be copied using the rsAllocationCopy* and
+   rsAllocationV* functions.</li>
+ <li>For getting values through a sampler, use @rsSample.</li>
+ </ul>
+ The @rsGetElementAt and rsSetElement* functions are somewhat misnamed.
+ They don't get or set elements, which are akin to data types; they get
+ or set cells.  Think of them as rsGetCellAt and and rsSetCellAt.
 function: rsAllocationCopy1DRange
 version: 14
 ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation dstAlloc, "Allocation to copy data into."
-arg: uint32_t dstOff, "The offset of the first element to be copied in the destination allocation."
-arg: uint32_t dstMip, "Mip level in the destination allocation."
-arg: uint32_t count, "The number of elements to be copied."
-arg: rs_allocation srcAlloc, "The source data allocation."
-arg: uint32_t srcOff, "The offset of the first element in data to be copied in the source allocation."
-arg: uint32_t srcMip, "Mip level in the source allocation."
-summary: Copy consecutive values between allocations
+arg: rs_allocation dstAlloc, "Allocation to copy cells into."
+arg: uint32_t dstOff, "Offset in the destination of the first cell to be copied into."
+arg: uint32_t dstMip, "Mip level in the destination allocation.  0 if mip mapping is not used."
+arg: uint32_t count, "Number of cells to be copied."
+arg: rs_allocation srcAlloc, "Source allocation."
+arg: uint32_t srcOff, "Offset in the source of the first cell to be copied."
+arg: uint32_t srcMip, "Mip level in the source allocation.  0 if mip mapping is not used."
+summary: Copy consecutive cells between allocations
- Copies part of an allocation into another allocation.
+ Copies the specified number of cells from one allocation to another.
  The two allocations must be different.  Using this function to copy whithin
  the same allocation yields undefined results.
+ The function does not validate whether the offset plus count exceeds the size
+ of either allocation.  Be careful!
+ This function should only be called between 1D allocations.  Calling it
+ on other allocations is undefined.
 test: none
 function: rsAllocationCopy2DRange
 version: 14
 ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation dstAlloc, "Allocation to copy data into."
-arg: uint32_t dstXoff, "X offset of the region to update in the destination allocation."
-arg: uint32_t dstYoff, "Y offset of the region to update in the destination allocation."
-arg: uint32_t dstMip, "Mip level in the destination allocation."
-arg: rs_allocation_cubemap_face dstFace, "Cubemap face of the destination allocation, ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps."
+arg: rs_allocation dstAlloc, "Allocation to copy cells into."
+arg: uint32_t dstXoff, "X offset in the destination of the region to be set."
+arg: uint32_t dstYoff, "Y offset in the destination of the region to be set."
+arg: uint32_t dstMip, "Mip level in the destination allocation.  0 if mip mapping is not used."
+arg: rs_allocation_cubemap_face dstFace, "Cubemap face of the destination allocation.  Ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps."
 arg: uint32_t width, "Width of the incoming region to update."
 arg: uint32_t height, "Height of the incoming region to update."
-arg: rs_allocation srcAlloc, "The source data allocation."
-arg: uint32_t srcXoff, "X offset in data of the source allocation."
-arg: uint32_t srcYoff, "Y offset in data of the source allocation."
-arg: uint32_t srcMip, "Mip level in the source allocation."
-arg: rs_allocation_cubemap_face srcFace, "Cubemap face of the source allocation, ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps."
-summary: Copy a rectangular region between allocations
+arg: rs_allocation srcAlloc, "Source allocation."
+arg: uint32_t srcXoff, "X offset in the source."
+arg: uint32_t srcYoff, "Y offset in the source."
+arg: uint32_t srcMip, "Mip level in the source allocation.  0 if mip mapping is not used."
+arg: rs_allocation_cubemap_face srcFace, "Cubemap face of the source allocation.  Ignored for allocations that aren't cubemaps."
+summary: Copy a rectangular region of cells between allocations
- Copy a rectangular region into the allocation from another allocation.
+ Copies a rectangular region of cells from one allocation to another.
+ (width * heigth) cells are copied.
  The two allocations must be different.  Using this function to copy whithin
  the same allocation yields undefined results.
+ The function does not validate whether the the source or destination region
+ exceeds the size of its respective allocation.  Be careful!
+ This function should only be called between 2D allocations.  Calling it
+ on other allocations is undefined.
 test: none
@@ -71,11 +92,41 @@
 w: 2, 3, 4
 t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
 ret: #2#1
-arg: rs_allocation a
-arg: uint32_t x
+arg: rs_allocation a, "Allocation to get the data from."
+arg: uint32_t x, "X offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied from."
+summary: Get a vector from an allocation of scalars
- Get a single element from an allocation.
+ This function returns a vector composed of successive cells of the allocation.
+ It assumes that the allocation contains scalars.
+ The "X" in the name indicates that successive values are extracted by
+ increasing the X index.  There are currently no functions to get successive
+ values incrementing other dimensions.  Use multiple calls to rsGetElementAt()
+ instead.
+ For example, when calling rsAllocationVLoadX_int4(a, 20, 30),
+ an int4 composed of a[20, 30], a[21, 30], a[22, 30], and a[23, 30] is returned.
+ When retrieving from a three dimensional allocations, use the x, y, z
+ variant.   Similarly, use the x, y variant for two dimensional
+ allocations and x for the mono dimensional allocations.
+ For efficiency, this function does not validate the inputs.  Trying to
+ wrap the X index, exceeding the size of the allocation, or using indexes
+ incompatible with the dimensionality of the allocation yields undefined results.
+ See also @rsAllocationVStoreX().
+test: none
+function: rsAllocationVLoadX_#2#1
+version: 22
+w: 2, 3, 4
+t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
+ret: #2#1
+arg: rs_allocation a
+arg: uint32_t x
+arg: uint32_t y, "Y offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied from."
 test: none
@@ -87,18 +138,7 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: uint32_t x
 arg: uint32_t y
-test: none
-function: rsAllocationVLoadX_#2#1
-version: 22
-w: 2, 3, 4
-t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
-ret: #2#1
-arg: rs_allocation a
-arg: uint32_t x
-arg: uint32_t y
-arg: uint32_t z
+arg: uint32_t z, "Z offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied from."
 test: none
@@ -107,12 +147,43 @@
 w: 2, 3, 4
 t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
 ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation a
-arg: #2#1 val
-arg: uint32_t x
+arg: rs_allocation a, "Allocation to store the data into."
+arg: #2#1 val, "Value to be stored."
+arg: uint32_t x, "X offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied into."
+summary: Store a vector into an allocation of scalars
- Set a single element of an allocation.
+ This function stores the entries of a vector into successive cells of an
+ allocation.  It assumes that the allocation contains scalars.
+ The "X" in the name indicates that successive values are stored by
+ increasing the X index.  There are currently no functions to store successive
+ values incrementing other dimensions.  Use multiple calls to rsSetElementAt()
+ instead.
+ For example, when calling rsAllocationVStoreX_int3(a, v, 20, 30),
+ v.x is stored at a[20, 30], v.y at a[21, 30], and v.z at a[22, 30].
+ When storing into a three dimensional allocations, use the x, y, z
+ variant.   Similarly, use the x, y variant for two dimensional
+ allocations and x for the mono dimensional allocations.
+ For efficiency, this function does not validate the inputs.  Trying to
+ wrap the X index, exceeding the size of the allocation, or using indexes
+ incompatible with the dimensionality of the allocation yiels undefined results.
+ See also @rsAllocationVLoadX().
+test: none
+function: rsAllocationVStoreX_#2#1
+version: 22
+w: 2, 3, 4
+t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
+ret: void
+arg: rs_allocation a
+arg: #2#1 val
+arg: uint32_t x
+arg: uint32_t y, "Y offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied into."
 test: none
@@ -125,19 +196,7 @@
 arg: #2#1 val
 arg: uint32_t x
 arg: uint32_t y
-test: none
-function: rsAllocationVStoreX_#2#1
-version: 22
-w: 2, 3, 4
-t: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64
-ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation a
-arg: #2#1 val
-arg: uint32_t x
-arg: uint32_t y
-arg: uint32_t z
+arg: uint32_t z, "Z offset in the allocation of the first cell to be copied into."
 test: none
@@ -145,9 +204,18 @@
 ret: const void*
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: uint32_t x
-summary: Get an element
+summary: Return a cell from an allocation
- Extract a single element from an allocation.
+ This function extracts a single cell from an allocation.
+ When retrieving from a three dimensional allocations, use the x, y, z
+ variant.   Similarly, use the x, y variant for two dimensional
+ allocations and x for the mono dimensional allocations.
+ This function has two styles.  One returns the address of the value using a
+ void*, the other returns the actual value, e.g. rsGetElementAt() vs.
+ rsGetElementAt_int4().  For primitive types, always use the latter as it is
+ more efficient.
 test: none
@@ -246,11 +314,15 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: uint32_t x
 arg: uint32_t y
+summary: Get the U component of an allocation of YUVs
- Extract a single element from an allocation.
+ Extracts the U component of a single YUV value from a 2D allocation of YUVs.
- Coordinates are in the dimensions of the Y plane
+ Inside an allocation, Y, U, and V components may be stored if different planes
+ and at different resolutions.  The x, y coordinates provided here are in the
+ dimensions of the Y plane.
+ See @rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_Y().
 test: none
@@ -260,11 +332,15 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: uint32_t x
 arg: uint32_t y
+summary: Get the V component of an allocation of YUVs
- Extract a single element from an allocation.
+ Extracts the V component of a single YUV value from a 2D allocation of YUVs.
- Coordinates are in the dimensions of the Y plane
+ Inside an allocation, Y, U, and V components may be stored if different planes
+ and at different resolutions.  The x, y coordinates provided here are in the
+ dimensions of the Y plane.
+ See @rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_Y().
 test: none
@@ -274,24 +350,32 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: uint32_t x
 arg: uint32_t y
+summary: Get the Y component of an allocation of YUVs
- Extract a single element from an allocation.
+ Extracts the Y component of a single YUV value from a 2D allocation of YUVs.
+ Inside an allocation, Y, U, and V components may be stored if different planes
+ and at different resolutions.  The x, y coordinates provided here are in the
+ dimensions of the Y plane.
+ See @rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_U() and @rsGetElementAtYuv_uchar_V().
 test: none
 function: rsSample
 version: 16
 ret: float4
-arg: rs_allocation a, "allocation to sample from"
-arg: rs_sampler s, "sampler state"
-arg: float location, "location to sample from"
+arg: rs_allocation a, "Allocation to sample from."
+arg: rs_sampler s, "Sampler state."
+arg: float location, "Location to sample from."
+summary: Sample a value from a texture allocation
- Fetch allocation in a way described by the sampler
+ Fetches a value from a texture allocation in a way described by the sampler.
- If your allocation is 1D, use the variant with float for location.
- For 2D, use the float2 variant.
+ If your allocation is 1D, use the variant with float for location.  For 2D,
+ use the float2 variant.
+ See <a href=''>android.renderscript.Sampler</a> for more details.
 test: none
@@ -301,7 +385,7 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: rs_sampler s
 arg: float location
-arg: float lod, "mip level to sample from, for fractional values mip levels will be interpolated if RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR is used"
+arg: float lod, "Mip level to sample from, for fractional values mip levels will be interpolated if RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR_MIP_LINEAR is used."
 test: none
@@ -330,9 +414,20 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 arg: void* ptr
 arg: uint32_t x
-summary: Set an element
+summary: Set a cell of an allocation
- Set single element of an allocation.
+ This function stores a value into a single cell of an allocation.
+ When storing into a three dimensional allocations, use the x, y, z
+ variant.   Similarly, use the x, y variant for two dimensional
+ allocations and x for the mono dimensional allocations.
+ This function has two styles.  One passes the value to be stored using
+ a void*, the other has the actual value as an argument, e.g. rsSetElementAt()
+ vs. rsSetElementAt_int4().  For primitive types, always use the latter as it is
+ more efficient.
+ See also @rsGetElementAt().
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_atomic.spec b/api/rs_atomic.spec
index 8add583..7bee720 100644
--- a/api/rs_atomic.spec
+++ b/api/rs_atomic.spec
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
-summary: Atomic routines
+summary: Atomic Update Functions
  To update values shared between multiple threads, use the functions below.
  They ensure that the values are atomically updated, i.e. that the memory
- reads, the updates, and the memory writes are all done in the right order.
+ reads, the updates, and the memory writes are done in the right order.
- These functions are slower than just doing the non-atomic variants, so use
+ These functions are slower than their non-atomic equivalents, so use
  them only when synchronization is needed.
  Note that in RenderScript, your code is likely to be running in separate
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
 function: rsAtomicAdd
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: int32_t value, "Amount to add"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: int32_t value, "Amount to add."
 summary: Thread-safe addition
  Atomicly adds a value to the value at addr, i.e. <code>*addr += value</code>.
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
 function: rsAtomicAnd
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: int32_t value, "Value to and with"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: int32_t value, "Value to and with."
 summary: Thread-safe bitwise and
  Atomicly performs a bitwise and of two values, storing the result back at addr,
- i.e. <code>*addr &= value</code>
+ i.e. <code>*addr &= value</code>.
 test: none
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
 function: rsAtomicCas
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "The address to compare and replace if the compare passes."
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "The address of the value to compare and replace if the test passes."
 arg: int32_t compareValue, "The value to test *addr against."
 arg: int32_t newValue, "The value to write if the test passes."
 summary: Thread-safe compare and set
  If the value at addr matches compareValue then the newValue is written at addr,
- i.e. <code>if (*addr == compareValue) { *addr = newValue; }</code>
+ i.e. <code>if (*addr == compareValue) { *addr = newValue; }</code>.
  You can check that the value was written by checking that the value returned
- by rsAtomicCas is compareValue.
+ by rsAtomicCas() is compareValue.
 test: none
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
 function: rsAtomicDec
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to decrement"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to decrement."
 summary: Thread-safe decrement
- Atomicly subtracts one from the value at addr.  Equal to <code>@rsAtomicSub(addr, 1)</code>
+ Atomicly subtracts one from the value at addr.  This is equivalent to <code>@rsAtomicSub(addr, 1)</code>.
 test: none
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
 function: rsAtomicInc
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to increment"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to increment."
 summary: Thread-safe increment
- Atomicly adds one to the value at addr.  Equal to <code>@rsAtomicAdd(addr, 1)</code>
+ Atomicly adds one to the value at addr.  This is equivalent to <code>@rsAtomicAdd(addr, 1)</code>.
 test: none
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@
 function: rsAtomicMax
 version: 14
-ret: uint32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile uint32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: uint32_t value, "Comparison value"
+ret: uint32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile uint32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: uint32_t value, "Comparison value."
 summary: Thread-safe maximum
- Atomicly sets the value at addr to the maximum of addr and value, i.e.
- <code>*addr = max(*addr, value)</code>
+ Atomicly sets the value at addr to the maximum of *addr and value, i.e.
+ <code>*addr = max(*addr, value)</code>.
 test: none
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@
 function: rsAtomicMin
 version: 14
-ret: uint32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile uint32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: uint32_t value, "Comparison value"
+ret: uint32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile uint32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: uint32_t value, "Comparison value."
 summary: Thread-safe minimum
- Atomicly sets the value at addr to the minimum of addr and value, i.e.
- <code>*addr = min(*addr, value)</code>
+ Atomicly sets the value at addr to the minimum of *addr and value, i.e.
+ <code>*addr = min(*addr, value)</code>.
 test: none
@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@
 function: rsAtomicOr
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: int32_t value, "Value to or with"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: int32_t value, "Value to or with."
 summary: Thread-safe bitwise or
  Atomicly perform a bitwise or two values, storing the result at addr,
- i.e. <code>*addr |= value</code>
+ i.e. <code>*addr |= value</code>.
 test: none
@@ -191,12 +191,12 @@
 function: rsAtomicSub
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: int32_t value, "Amount to subtract"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: int32_t value, "Amount to subtract."
 summary: Thread-safe subtraction
- Atomicly subtracts a value from the value at addr, i.e. <code>*addr -= value</code>
+ Atomicly subtracts a value from the value at addr, i.e. <code>*addr -= value</code>.
 test: none
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@
 function: rsAtomicXor
 version: 14
-ret: int32_t, "Old value"
-arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify"
-arg: int32_t value, "Value to xor with"
+ret: int32_t, "Value of *addr prior to the operation."
+arg: volatile int32_t* addr, "Address of the value to modify."
+arg: int32_t value, "Value to xor with."
 summary: Thread-safe bitwise exclusive or
  Atomicly performs a bitwise xor of two values, storing the result at addr,
- i.e. <code>*addr ^= value</code>
+ i.e. <code>*addr ^= value</code>.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_convert.spec b/api/rs_convert.spec
index 8e38a4a..596e66f 100644
--- a/api/rs_convert.spec
+++ b/api/rs_convert.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
-summary: Conversion functions
+summary: Conversion Functions
- TODO Add desc.
+ The functions below convert from a numerical vector type to another,
+ of from one color representation to another.
 function: convert_#3#1
@@ -28,13 +29,17 @@
 t: u8, u16, u32, i8, i16, i32, f32
 ret: #3#1
 arg: #2#1 v, compatible(#3)
-summary: Converts numerical vectors
+summary: Convert numerical vectors
- Component wise conversion from a numerical type to another.
+ Converts a vector from one numerical type to another.  The conversion are
+ done entry per entry.
- Conversions of floating point values to integer will truncate.
+ E.g calling <code>a = convert_short3(b)</code> is equivalent to doing
+ <code>a.x = (short)b.x; a.y = (short)b.y; a.z = (short)b.z;</code>.
- Conversions of numbers too large to fit the destination type yield undefined results.
+ Converting floating point values to integer types truncates.
+ Converting numbers too large to fit the destination type yields undefined results.
  For example, converting a float that contains 1.0e18 to a short is undefined.
  Use @clamp() to avoid this.
@@ -72,15 +77,18 @@
 function: rsPackColorTo8888
 attrib: const
 ret: uchar4
-arg: float r
-arg: float g
-arg: float b
+arg: float r, "Red component."
+arg: float g, "Green component."
+arg: float b, "Blue component."
+summary: Create a uchar4 RGBA from floats
- Pack floating point (0-1) RGB values into a uchar4.
+ Packs three or four floating point RGBA values into a uchar4.  The RGBA values should
+ be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.  Values outside of this range are clamped to
+ this range.  However numbers greater than INT_MAX or less than INT_MIN can result
+ in undefined behavior.
- For the float3 variant and the variant that only specifies r, g, b,
- the alpha component is set to 255 (1.0).
+ If the alpha component is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.0, i.e. the
+ result will have an alpha set to 255.
 test: none
@@ -90,14 +98,14 @@
 arg: float r
 arg: float g
 arg: float b
-arg: float a
+arg: float a, "Alpha component."
 test: none
 function: rsPackColorTo8888
 attrib: const
 ret: uchar4
-arg: float3 color
+arg: float3 color, "Vector of 3 or 4 floats containing the R, G, B, and A values."
 test: none
@@ -109,12 +117,16 @@
 function: rsUnpackColor8888
+# NOTE: The = below indicates that the generator should not add "overloadable" by default.
+# We're doing this to stay backward compatible with the unusual declaration used when this
+# function was introduced.
 attrib: =const
 ret: float4
 arg: uchar4 c
+summary: Create a float4 RGBA from uchar4
- Unpack a uchar4 color to float4.  The resulting float range will be (0-1).
+ Unpacks a uchar4 color to float4.  The resulting floats will be between 0.0 and
+ 1.0 inclusive.
 test: none
@@ -123,11 +135,13 @@
 w: 4
 t: u8, f32
 ret: #2#1
-arg: uchar y
-arg: uchar u
-arg: uchar v
+arg: uchar y, "Luminance component"
+arg: uchar u, "U chrominance component"
+arg: uchar v, "V chrominance component"
+summary: Convert a YUV value to RGBA
- Convert from YUV to RGBA.
+ Converts a color from a YUV representation to RGBA.
+ We currently don't provide a function to do the reverse conversion.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_core.spec b/api/rs_core.spec
index 6177d44..51b5dd7 100644
--- a/api/rs_core.spec
+++ b/api/rs_core.spec
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-summary: TODO
+summary: Overview
 # TODO move elsewhere?
  RenderScript is a high-performance runtime that provides
diff --git a/api/rs_debug.spec b/api/rs_debug.spec
index b357b33..4f91a68 100644
--- a/api/rs_debug.spec
+++ b/api/rs_debug.spec
@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@
-summary: Utility debugging routines
+summary: Debugging Functions
- Routines intended to be used during application developement.  These should
- not be used in shipping applications.  All print a string and value pair to
- the standard log.
+ The functions below are intended to be used during application developement.
+ They should not be used in shipping applications.
  #define RS_DEBUG(a) rsDebug(#a, a)
  #define RS_DEBUG_MARKER rsDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__)
@@ -30,9 +29,12 @@
 ret: void
 arg: const char* message
 arg: #1 a
+summary: Log a message and values
- Debug function.  Prints a string and value to the log.
+ This function prints a message to the standard log, followed by the provided values.
+ This function is intended for debugging only and should not be used in shipping
+ applications.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_for_each.spec b/api/rs_for_each.spec
index a16da5f..00d2152 100644
--- a/api/rs_for_each.spec
+++ b/api/rs_for_each.spec
@@ -15,66 +15,99 @@
-summary: TODO Add documentation
+summary: Kernel Invocation Functions and Types
- TODO Add documentation
+ The @rsForEach() function can be used to invoke the root kernel of a script.
+ The other functions are used to get the characteristics of the invocation of
+ an executing kernel, like dimensions and current indexes.  These functions take
+ a @rs_kernel_context as argument.
 type: rs_for_each_strategy_t
 enum: rs_for_each_strategy
-summary: Launch order hint for rsForEach calls
+value: RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_SERIAL = 0, "Prefer contiguous memory regions."
+value: RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_DONT_CARE = 1, "No prefrences."
+#TODO explain this better
+value: RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_SMALL = 3, "Prefer processing small rectangular regions."
+value: RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_MEDIUM = 4, "Prefer processing medium rectangular regions."
+value: RS_FOR_EACH_STRATEGY_TILE_LARGE = 5, "Prefer processing large rectangular regions."
+summary: Suggested cell processing order
- Launch order hint for rsForEach calls.  This provides a hint to the system to
- determine in which order the root function of the target is called with each
- cell of the allocation.
+ This type is used to suggest how the invoked kernel should iterate over the cells of the
+ allocations.  This is a hint only.  Implementations may not follow the suggestion.
- This is a hint and implementations may not obey the order.
+ This specification can help the caching behavior of the running kernel, e.g. the cache
+ locality when the processing is distributed over multiple cores.
 type: rs_kernel_context
 version: 23
 simple: const struct rs_kernel_context_t *
-summary: Opaque handle to RenderScript kernel invocation context
+summary: Handle to a kernel invocation context
+ The kernel context contains common characteristics of the allocations being iterated
+ over, like dimensions, and rarely used indexes, like the Array0 index or the current
+ level of detail.
+ A kernel may be executed in parallel over multiple threads.  Each thread will have its
+ own context.
+ You can access the context by adding a rs_kernel_context argument to your
+ kernel function.  See @rsGetDimX() and @rsGetArray0() for examples.
 type: rs_script_call_t
 struct: rs_script_call
-field: rs_for_each_strategy_t strategy
-field: uint32_t xStart
-field: uint32_t xEnd
-field: uint32_t yStart
-field: uint32_t yEnd
-field: uint32_t zStart
-field: uint32_t zEnd
-field: uint32_t arrayStart
-field: uint32_t arrayEnd
-summary: Provides extra information to a rsForEach call
+field: rs_for_each_strategy_t strategy, "Currently ignored.  In the future, will be suggested cell iteration strategy."
+field: uint32_t xStart, "Starting index in the X dimension."
+field: uint32_t xEnd, "Ending index (exclusive) in the X dimension."
+field: uint32_t yStart, "Starting index in the Y dimension."
+field: uint32_t yEnd, "Ending index (exclusive) in the Y dimension."
+field: uint32_t zStart, "Starting index in the Z dimension."
+field: uint32_t zEnd, "Ending index (exclusive) in the Z dimension."
+field: uint32_t arrayStart, "Starting index in the Array0 dimension."
+field: uint32_t arrayEnd, "Ending index (exclusive) in the Array0 dimension."
+summary: Cell iteration information
- Structure to provide extra information to a rsForEach call.  Primarly used to
- restrict the call to a subset of cells in the allocation.
+ This structure is used to provide iteration information to a rsForEach call.
+ It is currently used to restrict processing to a subset of cells.  In future
+ versions, it will also be used to provide hint on how to best iterate over
+ the cells.
+ The Start fields are inclusive and the End fields are exclusive.  E.g. to iterate
+ over cells 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the X dimension, set xStart to 4 and xEnd to 8.
 function: rsForEach
 version: 9 13
 ret: void
-arg: rs_script script, "The target script to call"
-arg: rs_allocation input, "The allocation to source data from"
-arg: rs_allocation output, "the allocation to write date into"
-arg: const void* usrData, "The user defined params to pass to the root script.  May be NULL."
-arg: const rs_script_call_t* sc, "Extra control infomation used to select a sub-region of the allocation to be processed or suggest a walking strategy.  May be NULL."
+arg: rs_script script, "Script to call."
+arg: rs_allocation input, "Allocation to source data from."
+arg: rs_allocation output, "Allocation to write date into."
+arg: const void* usrData, "User defined data to pass to the script.  May be NULL."
+arg: const rs_script_call_t* sc, "Extra control information used to select a sub-region of the allocation to be processed or suggest a walking strategy.  May be NULL."
+summary: Invoke the root kernel of a script
- Make a script to script call to launch work. One of the input or output is
- required to be a valid object. The input and output must be of the same
- dimensions.
+ Invoke the kernel named "root" of the specified script.  Like other kernels, this root()
+ function will be invoked repeatedly over the cells of the specificed allocation, filling
+ the output allocation with the results.
+ When rsForEach is called, the root script is launched immediately.  rsForEach returns
+ only when the script has completed and the output allocation is ready to use.
+ The rs_script argument is typically initialized using a global variable set from Java.
+ The kernel can be invoked with just an input allocation or just an output allocation.
+ This can be done by defining an rs_allocation variable and not initializing it.  E.g.<code><br/>
+ rs_script gCustomScript;<br/>
+ void specializedProcessing(rs_allocation in) {<br/>
+   rs_allocation ignoredOut;<br/>
+   rsForEach(gCustomScript, in, ignoredOut);<br/>
+ }<br/></code>
+ If both input and output allocations are specified, they must have the same dimensions.
 test: none
@@ -288,6 +321,8 @@
  function.  E.g.<br/>
  <code>int4 RS_KERNEL myKernel(int4 value, rs_kernel_context context) {<br/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;uint32_t size = rsGetDimX(context); //...<br/></code>
+ To get the dimension of specific allocation, use @rsAllocationGetDimX().
 test: none
@@ -301,6 +336,8 @@
  See @rsGetDimX() for an explanation of the context.
  Returns 0 if the Y dimension is not present.
+ To get the dimension of specific allocation, use @rsAllocationGetDimY().
 test: none
@@ -314,6 +351,8 @@
  See @rsGetDimX() for an explanation of the context.
  Returns 0 if the Z dimension is not present.
+ To get the dimension of specific allocation, use @rsAllocationGetDimZ().
 test: none
@@ -335,7 +374,7 @@
 version: 23
 ret: uint32_t
 arg: rs_kernel_context ctxt
-summary: Index in the Levels of Detail dimension for the specified context.
+summary: Index in the Levels of Detail dimension for the specified context
  Returns the index in the Levels of Detail dimension of the cell being
  processed, as specified by the supplied context.  See @rsGetArray0() for
diff --git a/api/rs_graphics.spec b/api/rs_graphics.spec
index f90a4f4..4f9d971 100644
--- a/api/rs_graphics.spec
+++ b/api/rs_graphics.spec
@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
-summary: RenderScript graphics API
+summary: Graphics Functions and Types
- NOTE: RenderScript Graphics has been deprecated.  Do not use.
- A set of graphics functions used by RenderScript.
+ The graphics subsystem of RenderScript has been deprecated.
  #ifdef __LP64__
  // TODO We need to fix some of the builds before enabling this error:
@@ -34,16 +32,17 @@
 version: 16
 size: 32
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_ZERO                   = 0
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_ONE                    = 1
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_DST_COLOR              = 2
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_SRC_ALPHA              = 4
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_DST_ALPHA              = 6
-value: RS_BLEND_SRC_INVALID                = 100
+value: RS_BLEND_SRC_ZERO = 0
+value: RS_BLEND_SRC_ONE = 1
+value: RS_BLEND_SRC_INVALID = 100
 summary: Blend source function
@@ -52,15 +51,16 @@
 version: 16
 size: 32
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_ZERO                   = 0
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_ONE                    = 1
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_SRC_COLOR              = 2
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_SRC_ALPHA              = 4
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_DST_ALPHA              = 6
-value: RS_BLEND_DST_INVALID                = 100
+value: RS_BLEND_DST_ZERO = 0
+value: RS_BLEND_DST_ONE = 1
+value: RS_BLEND_DST_INVALID = 100
 summary: Blend destination function
@@ -69,10 +69,11 @@
 version: 16
 size: 32
-value: RS_CULL_BACK     = 0
-value: RS_CULL_FRONT    = 1
-value: RS_CULL_NONE     = 2
-value: RS_CULL_INVALID  = 100
+value: RS_CULL_BACK = 0
+value: RS_CULL_FRONT = 1
+value: RS_CULL_NONE = 2
+value: RS_CULL_INVALID = 100
 summary: Culling mode
@@ -81,14 +82,15 @@
 version: 16
 size: 32
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_ALWAYS        = 0, "Always drawn"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_LESS          = 1, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is less than that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_LEQUAL        = 2, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is less or equal to that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_GREATER       = 3, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is greater than that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_GEQUAL        = 4, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is greater or equal to that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_EQUAL         = 5, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is equal to that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_NOTEQUAL      = 6, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is not equal to that in the depth buffer"
-value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_INVALID       = 100, "Invalid depth function"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_ALWAYS = 0, "Always drawn"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_LESS = 1, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is less than that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_LEQUAL = 2, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is less or equal to that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_GREATER = 3, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is greater than that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_GEQUAL = 4, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is greater or equal to that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_EQUAL = 5, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is equal to that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_NOTEQUAL = 6, "Drawn if the incoming depth value is not equal to that in the depth buffer"
+value: RS_DEPTH_FUNC_INVALID = 100, "Invalid depth function"
 summary: Depth function
  Specifies conditional drawing depending on the comparison of the incoming
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@
 value: RS_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 4, "Vertices will be rendered as a connected triangle strip defined by the first three vertices with each additional triangle defined by a new vertex"
 value: RS_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN = 5, "Vertices will be rendered as a sequence of triangles that all share first vertex as the origin"
 value: RS_PRIMITIVE_INVALID = 100, "Invalid primitive"
 summary: How to intepret mesh vertex data
  Describes the way mesh vertex data is interpreted when rendering
@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@
 type: rs_font
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a Font
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript font object.
@@ -124,6 +128,7 @@
 type: rs_mesh
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a Mesh
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript mesh object.
@@ -133,6 +138,7 @@
 type: rs_program_fragment
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a ProgramFragment
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript ProgramFragment object.
@@ -142,6 +148,7 @@
 type: rs_program_vertex
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a ProgramVertex
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript ProgramVertex object.
@@ -151,6 +158,7 @@
 type: rs_program_raster
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a ProgramRaster
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript ProgramRaster object.
@@ -160,6 +168,7 @@
 type: rs_program_store
 size: 32
 simple: _RS_HANDLE
 summary: Handle to a ProgramStore
  Opaque handle to a RenderScript ProgramStore object.
@@ -195,7 +204,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_allocation alloc
+summary: Sync the contents of an allocation
  Sync the contents of an allocation.
@@ -221,7 +231,8 @@
 ret: void
 arg: rs_allocation colorTarget
 arg: uint slot
+summary: Set the color target
  Set the color target used for all subsequent rendering calls
 test: none
@@ -233,7 +244,8 @@
 arg: rs_program_fragment ps, "program fragment object"
 arg: uint slot, "index of the constant buffer on the program"
 arg: rs_allocation c, "constants to bind"
+summary: Bind a constant allocation
  Bind a new Allocation object to a ProgramFragment or ProgramVertex.
  The Allocation must be a valid constant input for the Program.
@@ -254,7 +266,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_allocation depthTarget
+summary: Set the depth target
  Set the depth target used for all subsequent rendering calls
 test: none
@@ -264,7 +277,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_font font, "object to bind"
+summary: Bind a font object
  Binds the font object to be used for all subsequent font rendering calls
 test: none
@@ -274,7 +288,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_program_fragment pf
+summary: Bind a ProgramFragment
  Bind a new ProgramFragment to the rendering context.
 test: none
@@ -284,7 +299,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_program_raster pr
+summary: Bind a ProgramRaster
  Bind a new ProgramRaster to the rendering context.
 test: none
@@ -294,7 +310,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_program_store ps
+summary: Bind a ProgramStore
  Bind a new ProgramStore to the rendering context.
 test: none
@@ -304,7 +321,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_program_vertex pv
+summary: Bind a ProgramVertex
  Bind a new ProgramVertex to the rendering context.
 test: none
@@ -316,7 +334,8 @@
 arg: rs_program_fragment fragment
 arg: uint slot
 arg: rs_sampler sampler
+summary: Bind a sampler
  Bind a new Sampler object to a ProgramFragment.  The sampler will
  operate on the texture bound at the matching slot.
@@ -329,7 +348,8 @@
 arg: rs_program_fragment v
 arg: uint slot
 arg: rs_allocation alloc
+summary: Bind a texture allocation
  Bind a new Allocation object to a ProgramFragment.  The
  Allocation must be a valid texture for the Program.  The sampling
@@ -342,7 +362,8 @@
 version: 14
 size: 32
 ret: void
+summary: Clear all color and depth targets
  Clear all color and depth targets and resume rendering into
  the framebuffer
@@ -356,7 +377,8 @@
 arg: float g
 arg: float b
 arg: float a
+summary: Clear the specified color from the surface
  Clears the rendering surface to the specified color.
 test: none
@@ -367,7 +389,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: uint slot
+summary: Clear the color target
  Clear the previously set color target
 test: none
@@ -377,7 +400,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: float value
+summary: Clear the depth surface
  Clears the depth suface to the specified value.
 test: none
@@ -387,7 +411,8 @@
 version: 14
 size: 32
 ret: void
+summary: Clear the depth target
  Clear the previously set depth target
 test: none
@@ -397,7 +422,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_mesh ism, "mesh object to render"
+summary: Draw a mesh
  Draw a mesh using the current context state.
@@ -442,7 +468,8 @@
 arg: float x4
 arg: float y4
 arg: float z4
+summary: Draw a quad
  Low performance utility function for drawing a simple quad.  Not intended for
  drawing large quantities of geometry.
@@ -472,7 +499,8 @@
 arg: float z4
 arg: float u4
 arg: float v4
+summary: Draw a textured quad
  Low performance utility function for drawing a textured quad.  Not intended
  for drawing large quantities of geometry.
@@ -487,7 +515,8 @@
 arg: float x2
 arg: float y2
 arg: float z
+summary: Draw a rectangle
  Low performance utility function for drawing a simple rectangle.  Not
  intended for drawing large quantities of geometry.
@@ -502,7 +531,8 @@
 arg: float z
 arg: float w
 arg: float h
+summary: Draw rectangles in screenspace
  Low performance function for drawing rectangles in screenspace.  This
  function uses the default passthough ProgramVertex.  Any bound ProgramVertex
@@ -517,7 +547,8 @@
 arg: const char* text
 arg: int x
 arg: int y
+summary: Draw a text string
  Draws text given a string and location
 test: none
@@ -536,7 +567,8 @@
 version: 14
 size: 32
 ret: uint
+summary: End rendering commands
  Force RenderScript to finish all rendering commands
 test: none
@@ -549,7 +581,8 @@
 arg: float g, "green component"
 arg: float b, "blue component"
 arg: float a, "alpha component"
+summary: Set the font color
  Sets the font color for all subsequent rendering calls
 test: none
@@ -558,7 +591,8 @@
 function: rsgGetHeight
 size: 32
 ret: uint
+summary: Get the surface height
  Get the height of the current rendering surface.
 test: none
@@ -567,7 +601,8 @@
 function: rsgGetWidth
 size: 32
 ret: uint
+summary: Get the surface width
  Get the width of the current rendering surface.
 test: none
@@ -581,7 +616,8 @@
 arg: int* right
 arg: int* top
 arg: int* bottom
+summary: Get the bounding box for a text string
  Returns the bounding box of the text relative to (0, 0)
  Any of left, right, top, bottom could be NULL
@@ -609,7 +645,8 @@
 arg: float* maxX
 arg: float* maxY
 arg: float* maxZ
+summary: Compute a bounding box
  Computes an axis aligned bounding box of a mesh object
 test: none
@@ -640,7 +677,8 @@
 ret: rs_allocation, "allocation containing index data"
 arg: rs_mesh m, "mesh to get data from"
 arg: uint32_t index, "index of the index allocation"
+summary: Return an allocation containing index data
  Returns an allocation containing index data or a null
  allocation if only the primitive is specified
@@ -653,7 +691,8 @@
 ret: rs_primitive, "primitive describing how the mesh is rendered"
 arg: rs_mesh m, "mesh to get data from"
 arg: uint32_t index, "index of the primitive"
+summary: Return the primitive
  Returns the primitive describing how a part of the mesh is
@@ -665,7 +704,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: uint32_t, "number of primitive groups in the mesh. This would include simple primitives as well as allocations containing index data"
 arg: rs_mesh m, "mesh to get data from"
+summary: Return the number of index sets
  Meshes could have multiple index sets, this function returns
  the number.
@@ -678,7 +718,8 @@
 ret: rs_allocation, "allocation containing vertex data"
 arg: rs_mesh m, "mesh to get data from"
 arg: uint32_t index, "index of the vertex allocation"
+summary: Return a vertex allocation
  Returns an allocation that is part of the mesh and contains
  vertex data, e.g. positions, normals, texcoords
@@ -690,7 +731,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: uint32_t, "number of allocations in the mesh that contain vertex data"
 arg: rs_mesh m, "mesh to get data from"
+summary: Return the number of vertex allocations
  Returns the number of allocations in the mesh that contain
  vertex data
@@ -705,7 +747,8 @@
 arg: float g
 arg: float b
 arg: float a
+summary: Set the constant color for a fixed function emulation program
  Set the constant color for a fixed function emulation program.
 test: none
@@ -715,7 +758,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: rs_matrix4x4* proj, "matrix to store the current projection matrix into"
+summary: Get the projection matrix for a fixed function vertex program
  Get the projection matrix for a currently bound fixed function
  vertex program. Calling this function with a custom vertex shader
@@ -727,7 +771,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: const rs_matrix4x4* model, "model matrix"
+summary: Load the model matrix for a bound fixed function vertex program
  Load the model matrix for a currently bound fixed function
  vertex program. Calling this function with a custom vertex shader
@@ -739,7 +784,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: const rs_matrix4x4* proj, "projection matrix"
+summary: Load the projection matrix for a bound fixed function vertex program
  Load the projection matrix for a currently bound fixed function
  vertex program. Calling this function with a custom vertex shader
@@ -751,7 +797,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: void
 arg: const rs_matrix4x4* tex, "texture matrix"
+summary:  Load the texture matrix for a bound fixed function vertex program
  Load the texture matrix for a currently bound fixed function
  vertex program. Calling this function with a custom vertex shader
@@ -764,7 +811,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: rs_cull_mode
 arg: rs_program_raster pr, "program raster to query"
+summary: Get program raster cull mode
  Get program raster cull mode
 test: none
@@ -775,7 +823,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_raster pr, "program raster to query"
+summary: Get program raster point sprite state
  Get program raster point sprite state
 test: none
@@ -786,7 +835,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: rs_blend_dst_func
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store blend destination function
  Get program store blend destination function
 test: none
@@ -797,7 +847,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: rs_blend_src_func
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store blend source function
  Get program store blend source function
 test: none
@@ -808,7 +859,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: rs_depth_func
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store depth function
  Get program store depth function
 test: none
@@ -819,7 +871,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store alpha component color mask
  Get program store alpha component color mask
 test: none
@@ -830,7 +883,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store blur component color mask
  Get program store blur component color mask
 test: none
@@ -841,7 +895,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store green component color mask
  Get program store green component color mask
 test: none
@@ -852,7 +907,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store red component color mask
  Get program store red component color mask
 test: none
@@ -863,7 +919,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store depth mask
  Get program store depth mask
 test: none
@@ -874,7 +931,8 @@
 size: 32
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_program_store ps, "program store to query"
+summary: Get program store dither state
  Get program store dither state
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_io.spec b/api/rs_io.spec
index 05722b7..eca2259 100644
--- a/api/rs_io.spec
+++ b/api/rs_io.spec
@@ -15,64 +15,79 @@
-summary: Input/output functions
+summary: Input/Output Functions
- TODO Add documentation
+ These functions are used to:<ul>
+ <li>Send information to the Java client, and</li>
+#TODO We need better documentation for:
+ <li>Send the processed allocation or receive the next allocation to process.</li></ul>
 function: rsAllocationIoReceive
 version: 16
 ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation a, "allocation to work on"
+arg: rs_allocation a, "Allocation to work on."
 summary: Receive new content from the queue
  Receive a new set of contents from the queue.
+#TODO We need better documentation.
 test: none
 function: rsAllocationIoSend
 version: 16
 ret: void
-arg: rs_allocation a, "allocation to work on"
+arg: rs_allocation a, "Allocation to work on."
 summary: Send new content to the queue
  Send the contents of the Allocation to the queue.
+#TODO We need better documentation.
 test: none
 function: rsSendToClient
 ret: bool
 arg: int cmdID
+summary: Send a message to the client, non-blocking
- Send a message back to the client.  Will not block and returns true
- if the message was sendable and false if the fifo was full.
- A message ID is required.  Data payload is optional.
+ Sends a message back to the client.  This call does not block.
+ It returns true if the message was sent and false if the
+ message queue is full.
+ A message ID is required.  The data payload is optional.
+ See <a href=''>RenderScript.RSMessageHandler</a>.
 test: none
 function: rsSendToClient
 ret: bool
 arg: int cmdID
-arg: const void* data
-arg: uint len
+arg: const void* data, "Application specific data."
+arg: uint len, "Length of the data, in bytes."
 test: none
 function: rsSendToClientBlocking
 ret: void
 arg: int cmdID
+summary: Send a message to the client, blocking
- Send a message back to the client, blocking until the message is queued.
- A message ID is required.  Data payload is optional.
+ Sends a message back to the client.  This function will block
+ until there is room on the message queue for this message.
+ This function may return before the message was delivered and
+ processed by the client.
+ A message ID is required.  The data payload is optional.
+ See <a href=''>RenderScript.RSMessageHandler</a>.
 test: none
 function: rsSendToClientBlocking
 ret: void
 arg: int cmdID
-arg: const void* data
-arg: uint len
+arg: const void* data, "Application specific data."
+arg: uint len, "Length of the data, in bytes."
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_math.spec b/api/rs_math.spec
index 01bc563..a175e82 100644
--- a/api/rs_math.spec
+++ b/api/rs_math.spec
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
-summary: Mathematical functions
+summary: Mathematical Constants and Functions
- Most mathematical functions can be applied to scalars and vectors.
+ The mathematical functions below can be applied to scalars and vectors.
  When applied to vectors, a vector of the function applied to each entry
  of the input is returned.
@@ -31,9 +31,8 @@
  a = sin(b);<br/>
-# TODO Adjust documentation
- A few functions like @distance() and @length() interpret instead the input
- as a single vector in n-dimensional space.
+ See <a href='rs_vector_math.html'>"Vector math functions"</a> for functions like @distance() and @length()
+ that interpret instead the input as a single vector in n-dimensional space.
  The precision of the mathematical operations is affected by the pragmas
 # TODO Create an anchor for the section of that details rs_fp_* and link them here.
@@ -64,8 +63,10 @@
 constant: M_2_PIl
 value: 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448f
-summary: Deprecated.  Use M_2_PI instead.
+deprecated: Use M_2_PI instead.
+summary: 2 / pi, as a 32 bit float
+ 2 divided by pi, as a 32 bit float.
 constant: M_2_SQRTPI
@@ -2165,11 +2166,10 @@
 arg: #1 amount, "The value to clamp"
 arg: #1 low, "Lower bound"
 arg: #1 high, "Upper bound"
+deprecated: Use @clamp() instead.
 summary: Restrain a value to a range
  Clamp a value between low and high.
- Deprecated.  Use @clamp() instead.
 test: none
@@ -2177,7 +2177,8 @@
 attrib: const
 ret: float
 arg: float v
+deprecated: Use @fract() instead.
+summary: Returns the fractional part of a float
  Returns the fractional part of a float
 test: none
@@ -2186,7 +2187,7 @@
 function: rsRand
 ret: int
 arg: int max_value
+summary: Pseudo-random number
  Return a random value between 0 (or min_value) and max_malue.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_matrix.spec b/api/rs_matrix.spec
index d69ad1a..830dbec 100644
--- a/api/rs_matrix.spec
+++ b/api/rs_matrix.spec
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-summary: Matrix functions
+summary: Matrix Functions
  These functions let you manipulate square matrices of rank 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
  They are particularly useful for graphical transformations and are
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 arg: float4* bottom, "bottom plane"
 arg: float4* near, "near plane"
 arg: float4* far, "far plane"
+summary: Compute frustum planes
  Computes 6 frustum planes from the view projection matrix
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
 arg: float4* bottom, "bottom plane"
 arg: float4* near, "near plane"
 arg: float4* far, "far plane"
+summary: Checks if a sphere is within the frustum planes
- Checks if a sphere is withing the 6 frustum planes
+ Returns true if the sphere is within the 6 frustum planes.
  float distToCenter = dot(left->xyz, sphere->xyz) + left->w;
  if (distToCenter < -sphere->w) {
@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
 test: none
 function: rsMatrixInverseTranspose
 ret: bool
 arg: rs_matrix4x4* m, "The matrix to modify."
@@ -182,7 +181,6 @@
 test: none
 function: rsMatrixLoad
 t: rs_matrix4x4, rs_matrix3x3, rs_matrix2x2
 ret: void
diff --git a/api/rs_object_info.spec b/api/rs_object_info.spec
index de700ac..fb77875 100644
--- a/api/rs_object_info.spec
+++ b/api/rs_object_info.spec
@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@
-summary: Element functions
+summary: Object Characteristics Functions
- The term "element" is used a bit ambiguously in RenderScript, as both
- the type of an item of an allocation and the instantiation of that type:
- <ul>
- <li>@rs_element is a handle to a type specification, and</li>
+ The functions below can be used to query the characteristics of an allocation,
+ element, or sampler object.  These objects are created from Java.
+ The term "element" is used a bit ambiguously in RenderScript, as both
+ the type of an item of an allocation and the instantiation of that type:<ul>
+ <li>@rs_element is a handle to a type specification, and</li>
  <li>In functions like @rsGetElementAt(), "element" means the instantiation
- of the type, i.e. an item of an allocation.</li></ul>
+     of the type, i.e. an item of an allocation.</li></ul>
  The functions below let you query the characteristics of the type specificiation.
@@ -43,17 +44,22 @@
 arg: rs_allocation a
 summary: Presence of more than one face
- If the allocation is a cubemap, this function returns 1 if there's more than one
- face present.  In all other cases, it returns 0.
+ If the allocation is a cubemap, this function returns 1 if there's more than
+ one face present.  In all other cases, it returns 0.
+ Use @rsGetDimHasFaces() to get the dimension of a currently running kernel.
 test: none
 function: rsAllocationGetDimLOD
 ret: uint32_t, "Returns 1 if more than one LOD is present, 0 otherwise."
 arg: rs_allocation a
-summary: Presence of levels of details
+summary: Presence of levels of detail
- Query an allocation for the presence of more than one Level Of Details.  This is useful for mipmaps.
+ Query an allocation for the presence of more than one Level Of Detail.
+ This is useful for mipmaps.
+ Use @rsGetDimLod() to get the dimension of a currently running kernel.
 test: none
@@ -63,6 +69,8 @@
 summary: Size of the X dimension
  Returns the size of the X dimension of the allocation.
+ Use @rsGetDimX() to get the dimension of a currently running kernel.
 test: none
@@ -73,6 +81,8 @@
  Returns the size of the Y dimension of the allocation.
  If the allocation has less than two dimensions, returns 0.
+ Use @rsGetDimY() to get the dimension of a currently running kernel.
 test: none
@@ -83,6 +93,8 @@
  Returns the size of the Z dimension of the allocation.
  If the allocation has less than three dimensions, returns 0.
+ Use @rsGetDimZ() to get the dimension of a currently running kernel.
 test: none
@@ -99,9 +111,14 @@
 t: rs_element, rs_type, rs_allocation, rs_sampler, rs_script
 ret: void
 arg: #1* dst
-summary: For internal use.
+summary: Release an object
+ Tells the run time that this handle will no longer be used to access the
+ the related object.  If this was the last handle to that object, resource
+ recovery may happen.
+ After calling this function, *dst will be set to an empty handle.  See
+ @rsIsObject().
 test: none
@@ -109,9 +126,16 @@
 t: rs_element, rs_type, rs_allocation, rs_sampler, rs_script
 ret: bool
 arg: #1 v
-summary: For internal use.
+summary: Check for an empty handle
+ Returns true if the handle contains a non-null reference.
+ This function does not validate that the internal pointer used in the handle
+ points to an actual valid object; it only checks for null.
+ This function can be used to check the element returned by
+ @rsElementGetSubElement() or see if @rsClearObject() has been called on a
+ handle.
 test: none
@@ -247,14 +271,12 @@
 function: rsGetAllocation
 ret: rs_allocation
 arg: const void* p
+deprecated: This function is deprecated and will be removed from the SDK in a future release.
 summary: Returns the Allocation for a given pointer
  Returns the Allocation for a given pointer.  The pointer should point within
  a valid allocation.  The results are undefined if the pointer is not from a
  valid allocation.
- This function is deprecated and will be removed from the SDK in a future
- release.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_object_types.spec b/api/rs_object_types.spec
index 3d912fb..db41287 100644
--- a/api/rs_object_types.spec
+++ b/api/rs_object_types.spec
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
-summary: Standard RenderScript types
+summary: Object Types
- TODO desc.
+ The types below are used to manipulate RenderScript objects like allocations,
+ samplers, elements, and scripts.  Most of these object are created using the Java
+ RenderScript APIs.
  #define NULL ((void *)0)
@@ -78,40 +80,6 @@
  See: android.renderscript.ScriptC
-type: rs_matrix4x4
-field: float m[16]
-summary: 4x4 matrix of 32 bit floats
- Native holder for RS matrix.  Elements are stored in the array at the
- location [row*4 + col]
-type: rs_matrix3x3
-field: float m[9]
-summary: 3x3 matrix of 32 bit floats
- Native holder for RS matrix.  Elements are stored in the array at the
- location [row*3 + col]
-type: rs_matrix2x2
-field: float m[4]
-summary: 2x2 matrix of 32 bit floats
- Native holder for RS matrix.  Elements are stored in the array at the
- location [row*2 + col]
-type: rs_quaternion
-simple: float4
-summary: Quarternion
- Quaternion type for use with the quaternion functions
 type: rs_allocation_cubemap_face
 version: 14
@@ -142,36 +110,36 @@
 type: rs_data_type
 version: 16
-value: RS_TYPE_NONE             = 0
-value: RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32         = 2
-value: RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64         = 3
-value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8         = 4
-value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16        = 5
-value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32        = 6
-value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_64        = 7
-value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_8       = 8
-value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16      = 9
-value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32      = 10
-value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64      = 11
-value: RS_TYPE_BOOLEAN          = 12
-value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_6_5   = 13
+value: RS_TYPE_NONE = 0
+value: RS_TYPE_FLOAT_32 = 2
+value: RS_TYPE_FLOAT_64 = 3
+value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_8 = 4
+value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_16 = 5
+value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_32 = 6
+value: RS_TYPE_SIGNED_64 = 7
+value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_8 = 8
+value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_16 = 9
+value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_32 = 10
+value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_64 = 11
+value: RS_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 12
+value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_6_5 = 13
 value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1 = 14
 value: RS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4 = 15
-value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_4X4       = 16
-value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_3X3       = 17
-value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_2X2       = 18
-value: RS_TYPE_ELEMENT          = 1000
-value: RS_TYPE_TYPE             = 1001
-value: RS_TYPE_ALLOCATION       = 1002
-value: RS_TYPE_SAMPLER          = 1003
-value: RS_TYPE_SCRIPT           = 1004
-value: RS_TYPE_MESH             = 1005
+value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_4X4 = 16
+value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_3X3 = 17
+value: RS_TYPE_MATRIX_2X2 = 18
+value: RS_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1000
+value: RS_TYPE_TYPE = 1001
+value: RS_TYPE_ALLOCATION = 1002
+value: RS_TYPE_SAMPLER = 1003
+value: RS_TYPE_SCRIPT = 1004
+value: RS_TYPE_MESH = 1005
-value: RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_VERTEX   = 1007
-value: RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_RASTER   = 1008
-value: RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_STORE    = 1009
-value: RS_TYPE_FONT             = 1010
-value: RS_TYPE_INVALID          = 10000
+value: RS_TYPE_PROGRAM_STORE = 1009
+value: RS_TYPE_FONT = 1010
+value: RS_TYPE_INVALID = 10000
 summary: Element data types
  DataType represents the basic type information for a basic element.  The
@@ -213,14 +181,14 @@
 type: rs_sampler_value
 version: 16
-value: RS_SAMPLER_NEAREST              = 0
-value: RS_SAMPLER_LINEAR               = 1
-value: RS_SAMPLER_WRAP                 = 3
-value: RS_SAMPLER_CLAMP                = 4
-value: RS_SAMPLER_INVALID              = 100
+value: RS_SAMPLER_WRAP = 3
+value: RS_SAMPLER_CLAMP = 4
+value: RS_SAMPLER_INVALID = 100
 summary: Sampler wrap T value
diff --git a/api/rs_quaternion.spec b/api/rs_quaternion.spec
index 07051a9..6cb280d 100644
--- a/api/rs_quaternion.spec
+++ b/api/rs_quaternion.spec
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
-summary: Quaternion routines
+summary: Quaternion Functions
 function: rsQuaternionAdd
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "destination quaternion to add to"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "right hand side quaternion to add"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Destination quaternion to add to."
+arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "Quaternion to add."
+summary: Add two quaternions
- Add two quaternions
+ Adds two quaternions, i.e. <code>*q += *rhs;</code>
  q->w *= rhs->w;
  q->x *= rhs->x;
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
 function: rsQuaternionConjugate
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "quaternion to conjugate"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Quaternion to modify."
+summary: Conjugate a quaternion
- Conjugates the quaternion
+ Conjugates the quaternion.
  q->x = -q->x;
  q->y = -q->y;
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
 function: rsQuaternionDot
-ret: float, "dot product between q0 and q1"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* q0, "first quaternion"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* q1, "second quaternion"
+ret: float
+arg: const rs_quaternion* q0, "First quaternion."
+arg: const rs_quaternion* q1, "Second quaternion."
+summary:  Dot product of two quaternions
- Dot product of two quaternions
+ Returns the dot product of two quaternions.
  return q0->w*q1->w + q0->x*q1->x + q0->y*q1->y + q0->z*q1->z;
 test: none
@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@
 function: rsQuaternionGetMatrixUnit
 ret: void
-arg: rs_matrix4x4* m, "resulting matrix"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* q, "normalized quaternion"
+arg: rs_matrix4x4* m, "Resulting matrix."
+arg: const rs_quaternion* q, "Normalized quaternion."
+summary: Get a rotation matrix from a quaternion
- Computes rotation matrix from the normalized quaternion
+ Computes a rotation matrix from the normalized quaternion.
  float xx = q->x * q->x;
  float xy = q->x * q->y;
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@
 function: rsQuaternionLoadRotateUnit
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "quaternion to set"
-arg: float rot, "rot angle to rotate by"
-arg: float x, "component of a vector"
-arg: float y, "component of a vector"
-arg: float z, "component of a vector"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Destination quaternion."
+arg: float rot, "Angle to rotate by, in radians."
+arg: float x, "X component of the vector."
+arg: float y, "Y component of the vector."
+arg: float z, "Z component of the vector."
+summary:  Quaternion that represents a rotation about an arbitrary unit vector
- Loads a quaternion that represents a rotation about an arbitrary unit vector
+ Loads a quaternion that represents a rotation about an arbitrary unit vector.
  rot *= (float)(M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.5f;
  float c = cos(rot);
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@
 function: rsQuaternionSet
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "destination quaternion"
-arg: float w, "component"
-arg: float x, "component"
-arg: float y, "component"
-arg: float z, "component"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Destination quaternion."
+arg: float w, "W component."
+arg: float x, "X component."
+arg: float y, "Y component."
+arg: float z, "Z component."
+summary: Create a quarternion
- Set the quaternion from components or from another quaternion.
+ Creates a quaternion from its four components or from another quaternion.
  q->w = w;
  q->x = x;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 function: rsQuaternionSet
 ret: void
 arg: rs_quaternion* q
-arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "source quaternion"
+arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "Source quaternion."
  q->w = rhs->w;
  q->x = rhs->x;
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@
 function: rsQuaternionLoadRotate
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "quaternion to set"
-arg: float rot, "angle to rotate by"
-arg: float x, "component of a vector"
-arg: float y, "component of a vector"
-arg: float z, "component of a vector"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Destination quaternion."
+arg: float rot, "Angle to rotate by."
+arg: float x, "X component of a vector."
+arg: float y, "Y component of a vector."
+arg: float z, "Z component of a vector."
+summary: Create a rotation quaternion
  Loads a quaternion that represents a rotation about an arbitrary vector
  (doesn't have to be unit)
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@
 function: rsQuaternionNormalize
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "quaternion to normalize"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Quaternion to normalize."
+summary:  Normalize a quaternion
- Normalizes the quaternion
+ Normalizes the quaternion.
  const float len = rsQuaternionDot(q, q);
  if (len != 1) {
@@ -189,23 +189,24 @@
 function: rsQuaternionMultiply
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "destination quaternion"
-arg: float s, "scalar"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Destination quaternion."
+arg: float scalar, "Scalar to multiply the quarternion by."
+summary:  Multiply a quaternion by a scalar or another quaternion
- Multiply quaternion by a scalar or another quaternion
+ Multiplies a quaternion by a scalar or by another quaternion, e.g
+ <code>*q = *q * scalar;</code> or <code>*q = *q * *rhs;</code>.
- q->w *= s;
- q->x *= s;
- q->y *= s;
- q->z *= s;
+ q->w *= scalar;
+ q->x *= scalar;
+ q->y *= scalar;
+ q->z *= scalar;
 test: none
 function: rsQuaternionMultiply
 ret: void
 arg: rs_quaternion* q
-arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "right hand side quaternion to multiply by"
+arg: const rs_quaternion* rhs, "Quarternion to multiply the destination quaternion by."
  rs_quaternion qtmp;
  rsQuaternionSet(&qtmp, q);
@@ -220,13 +221,13 @@
 function: rsQuaternionSlerp
 ret: void
-arg: rs_quaternion* q, "result quaternion from interpolation"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* q0, "first param"
-arg: const rs_quaternion* q1, "second param"
-arg: float t, "how much to interpolate by"
+arg: rs_quaternion* q, "Result quaternion from the interpolation."
+arg: const rs_quaternion* q0, "First input quaternion."
+arg: const rs_quaternion* q1, "Second input quaternion."
+arg: float t, "How much to interpolate by."
+summary: Spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions
- Performs spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions
+ Performs spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
  if (t <= 0.0f) {
      rsQuaternionSet(q, q0);
diff --git a/api/rs_time.spec b/api/rs_time.spec
index 8011393..208cced 100644
--- a/api/rs_time.spec
+++ b/api/rs_time.spec
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@
-summary: RenderScript time routines
+summary: Time Functions and Types
- This file contains RenderScript functions relating to time and date manipulation.
+ The functions below can be used to tell the current clock time and the
+ current system up time.  It's not recommended to call these functions
+ inside of a kernel.
 type: rs_time_t
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@
 function: rsGetDt
 ret: float, "Time in seconds."
+summary: Elapsed time since last call
  Returns the time in seconds since this function was last called in this
@@ -60,31 +62,35 @@
 function: rsLocaltime
-ret: rs_tm*, "Pointer to broken-down time (same as input p local)."
-arg: rs_tm* local, "Broken-down time."
-arg: const rs_time_t* timer, "Input time as calendar time."
+ret: rs_tm*, "Pointer to the output local time, i.e. the same value as the parameter local."
+arg: rs_tm* local, "Pointer to time structure where the local time will be stored."
+arg: const rs_time_t* timer, "Input time as a number of seconds since January 1, 1970."
+summary: Convert to local time
- Converts the time specified by p timer into broken-down time and stores it
- in p local. This function also returns a pointer to p local. If p local
- is NULL, this function does nothing and returns NULL.
+ Converts the time specified by timer into a @rs_tm structure that provides year, month, hour, etc.
+ This value is stored at *local.
+ This functions returns the same pointer that is passed as first argument.
+ If the local parameter is NULL, this function does nothing and returns NULL.
 test: none
 function: rsTime
-ret: rs_time_t, "Seconds since the Epoch."
+ret: rs_time_t, "Seconds since the Epoch, -1 if there's an error."
 arg: rs_time_t* timer, "Location to also store the returned calendar time."
+summary: Seconds since January 1, 1970
  Returns the number of seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1,
- 1970). If p timer is non-NULL, the result is also stored in the memory
- pointed to by this variable. If an error occurs, a value of -1 is returned.
+ 1970).
+ If timer is non-NULL, the result is also stored in the memory pointed to by
+ this variable.
 test: none
 function: rsUptimeMillis
 ret: int64_t, "Uptime in milliseconds."
+summary: System uptime in milliseconds
  Returns the current system clock (uptime) in milliseconds.
 test: none
@@ -92,8 +98,11 @@
 function: rsUptimeNanos
 ret: int64_t, "Uptime in nanoseconds."
+summary: System uptime in nanoseconds
  Returns the current system clock (uptime) in nanoseconds.
+ The granularity of the values return by this call may be much
+ larger than a nanosecond.
 test: none
diff --git a/api/rs_value_types.spec b/api/rs_value_types.spec
index 1e6eeed..a9ffa1e 100644
--- a/api/rs_value_types.spec
+++ b/api/rs_value_types.spec
@@ -15,46 +15,104 @@
-summary: Standard RenderScript types
+summary: Numerical Types
-  Integers:<ul>
-  <li>8 bit: char, int8_t</li>
-  <li>16 bit: short, int16_t</li>
-  <li>32 bit: int, in32_t</li>
-  <li>64 bit: long, long long, int64_t</li></ul>
+ <h5>Scalars:</h5>
-  Unsigned integers:<ul>
-  <li>8 bit: uchar, uint8_t</li>
-  <li>16 bit: ushort, uint16_t</li>
-  <li>32 bit: uint, uint32_t</li>
-  <li>64 bit: ulong, uint64_t</li></ul>
+ RenderScript supports the following scalar numerical types:
-  Floating point:<ul>
-  <li>32 bit: float</li>
-  <li>64 bit: double</li></ul>
+ Integers:<ul>
+ <li>8 bit: char, @int8_t</li>
+ <li>16 bit: short, @int16_t</li>
+ <li>32 bit: int, @int32_t</li>
+ <li>64 bit: long, long long, @int64_t</li></ul>
-  Vectors of length 2, 3, and 4 are supported for all the types above.
+ Unsigned integers:<ul>
+ <li>8 bit: uchar, @uint8_t</li>
+ <li>16 bit: ushort, @uint16_t</li>
+ <li>32 bit: uint, @uint32_t</li>
+ <li>64 bit: ulong, @uint64_t</li></ul>
+ Floating point:<ul>
+ <li>32 bit: float</li>
+ <li>64 bit: double</li></ul>
+ <h5>Vectors:</h5>
+ RenderScript supports fixed size vectors of length 2, 3, and 4.
+ Vectors are declared using the common type name followed by a 2, 3, or 4.
+ E.g. @float4, @int3, @double2, @ulong4.
+ To create vector literals, use the vector type followed by the values enclosed
+ between parentheses, e.g. <code>(float3)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f)</code>.
+ Entries of a vector can be accessed using different naming styles.
+ Single entries can be accessed by following the variable name with a dot and:<ul>
+ <li>The letters x, y, z, and w,</li>
+ <li>The letters r, g, b, and a,</li>
+ <li>The letter s or S, followed by a zero based index.</li></ul>
+ For example, with <code>int4 myVar;</code> the following are equivalent:<code><br/>
+   myVar.x == myVar.r == myVar.s0 == myVar.S0<br/>
+   myVar.y == myVar.g == myVar.s1 == myVar.S1<br/>
+   myVar.z == myVar.b == myVar.s2 == myVar.S2<br/>
+   myVar.w == myVar.a == myVar.s3 == myVar.S3</code>
+ Multiple entries of a vector can be accessed at once by using an identifier
+ that is the concatenation of multiple letters or indices.  The resulting vector
+ has a size equal to the number of entries named.
+ With the example above, the middle two entries can be accessed using
+ <code>myVar.yz</code>, <code></code>, <code>myVar.s12</code>, and <code>myVar.S12</code>.
+ The entries don't have to be contiguous or in increasing order.
+ Entries can even be repeated, as long as we're not trying to assign
+ to it.  You also can't mix the naming styles.
+ Here are examples of what can or can't be done: <code><br/>
+ float4 v4;<br/>
+ float3 v3;<br/>
+ float2 v2;<br/>
+ v2 = v4.xx; // Valid<br/>
+ v3 = v4.zxw; // Valid<br/>
+ v3 = v4.bba; // Valid<br/>
+ v3 = v4.s034; // Valid<br/>
+ v3.s120 = v4.S233; // Valid<br/>
+ v4.yz = v3.rg; // Valid<br/>
+ v4.yzx = v3.rg; // Invalid: mismatched sizes<br/>
+ v4.yzz = v3; // Invalid: z appears twice in an assignment<br/>
+ v3 = v3.xas0; // Invalid: can't mix xyzw with rgba nor s0...<br/>
+ </code>
+ <h5>Matrices and Quaternions:</h5>
+ RenderScript supports fixed size square matrices of floats of size 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4.
+ The types are named @rs_matrix2x2, @rs_matrix3x3, and @rs_matrix4x4.  See
+ <a href='rs_matrix.html'>Matrix Functions</a> for the list of operations.
+ Quaternions are also supported via @rs_quaternion.  See <a href='rs_quaternion.html'>Quaterion Functions</a>. for the list of operations.
 type: int8_t
 simple: char
 summary: 8 bit signed integer
- 8 bit integer type
+ 8 bit signed integer type.
 type: int16_t
 simple: short
 summary: 16 bit signed integer
- 16 bit integer type
+ A 16 bit signed integer type.
 type: int32_t
 simple: int
 summary: 32 bit signed integer
- 32 bit integer type
+ A 32 bit signed integer type.
 type: int64_t
@@ -62,7 +120,7 @@
 simple: long long
 summary: 64 bit signed integer
- 64 bit integer type
+ A 64 bit signed integer type.
 type: int64_t
@@ -74,21 +132,21 @@
 simple: unsigned char
 summary: 8 bit unsigned integer
- 8 bit unsigned integer type
+ 8 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: uint16_t
 simple: unsigned short
 summary: 16 bit unsigned integer
- 16 bit unsigned integer type
+ A 16 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: uint32_t
 simple: unsigned int
 summary: 32 bit unsigned integer
- 32 bit unsigned integer type
+ A 32 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: uint64_t
@@ -96,7 +154,7 @@
 simple: unsigned long long
 summary: 64 bit unsigned integer
- 64 bit unsigned integer type
+ A 64 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: uint64_t
@@ -108,28 +166,28 @@
 simple: uint8_t
 summary: 8 bit unsigned integer
- 8 bit unsigned integer type
+ 8 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: ushort
 simple: uint16_t
 summary: 16 bit unsigned integer
- 16 bit unsigned integer type
+ A 16 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: uint
 simple: uint32_t
 summary: 32 bit unsigned integer
- 32 bit unsigned integer type
+ A 32 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: ulong
 simple: uint64_t
 summary: 64 bit unsigned integer
- Typedef for unsigned long (use for 64-bit unsigned integers)
+ A 64 bit unsigned integer type.
 type: size_t
@@ -137,7 +195,7 @@
 simple: uint64_t
 summary: Unsigned size type
- Typedef for size_t
+ Unsigned size type.  The number of bits depend on the compilation flags.
 type: size_t
@@ -150,7 +208,7 @@
 simple: int64_t
 summary: Signed size type
- Typedef for ssize_t
+ Signed size type.  The number of bits depend on the compilation flags.
 type: ssize_t
@@ -332,6 +390,7 @@
  a single 32 bit field with 32 bit alignment.
 type: short2
 simple: short __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2)))
 summary: Two 16 bit signed integers
@@ -405,3 +464,47 @@
  Vector version of the basic long type. Provides four long fields packed into
  a single 256 bit field with 256 bit alignment.
+type: rs_matrix2x2
+field: float m[4]
+summary: 2x2 matrix of 32 bit floats
+ A square 2x2 matrix of floats.  The entries are stored in the array at the
+ location [row*2 + col].
+ See <a href='rs_matrix.html'>Matrix Functions</a>.
+type: rs_matrix3x3
+field: float m[9]
+summary: 3x3 matrix of 32 bit floats
+ A square 3x3 matrix of floats.  The entries are stored in the array at the
+ location [row*3 + col].
+ See <a href='rs_matrix.html'>Matrix Functions</a>.
+type: rs_matrix4x4
+field: float m[16]
+summary: 4x4 matrix of 32 bit floats
+ A square 4x4 matrix of floats.  The entries are stored in the array at the
+ location [row*4 + col].
+ See <a href='rs_matrix.html'>Matrix Functions</a>.
+type: rs_quaternion
+simple: float4
+summary: Quaternion
+ A square 4x4 matrix of floats that represents a quaternion.
+ See <a href='rs_quaternion.html'>Quaternion Functions</a>.
diff --git a/api/rs_vector_math.spec b/api/rs_vector_math.spec
index d25bb17..176489a 100644
--- a/api/rs_vector_math.spec
+++ b/api/rs_vector_math.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,9 +15,20 @@
-summary: TODO Add documentation
+summary: Vector Math Functions
- TODO Add documentation
+ These functions interpret the input arguments as representation of vectors in n-dimensional space.
+ The precision of the mathematical operations is affected by the pragmas
+# TODO Create an anchor for the section of that details rs_fp_* and link them here.
+ rs_fp_relaxed and rs_fp_full.
+ Different precision/speed tradeoffs can be achieved by using three variants
+ of common math functions.  Functions with a name starting with<ul>
+ <li>native_ may have custom hardware implementations with weaker precision,</li>
+ <li>half_ may perform internal computations using 16 bit floats, and</li>
+ <li>fast_ are n-dimensional space computations that may use 16 bit floats.
+ </ul>
 function: cross