Add the Renderscript library. (Not in the build by default yet.)

This library can be used to create animated 3D User Interfaces.

This library is currently under heavy development, so it's not part of
the build by default.

In order to build this library, you must define


in your build environment.

You will also have to manually edit


And add libRS and libRS_jni at the end like this (exact address may change.)                0x9A100000            0x9A000000
diff --git a/spec.lex b/spec.lex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f8e9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec.lex
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%option stack
+%x comment
+%x api_entry
+%x api_entry2
+%x api_entry_param
+%x var_type
+DIGIT    [0-9]
+ID       [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
+   int num_lines = 0;
+   typedef struct {
+      int isConst;
+      int type;
+      int bits;
+      int ptrLevel;
+      char name[256];
+      char typename[256];
+   } VarType;
+   VarType *currType = 0;
+   typedef struct {
+      char name[256];
+      int sync;
+      int paramCount;
+      VarType ret;
+      VarType params[16];
+   } ApiEntry;
+   ApiEntry apis[128];
+   int apiCount = 0;
+   int typeNextState;
+"/*"         BEGIN(comment);
+<comment>[^*\n]*        /* eat anything that's not a '*' */
+<comment>"*"+[^*/\n]*   /* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */
+<comment>\n             ++num_lines;
+<comment>"*"+"/"        BEGIN(INITIAL);
+<*>" "   //printf("found ' '\n");
+<*>"\n"  ++num_lines; //printf("found lf \n");
+{ID} {
+    memset(&apis[apiCount], 0, sizeof(ApiEntry));
+    memcpy(apis[apiCount].name, yytext, yyleng);
+    BEGIN(api_entry);
+    }
+<api_entry>"{" {
+    BEGIN(api_entry2);
+    }
+<api_entry2>"sync" {
+    apis[apiCount].sync = 1;
+    }
+<api_entry2>"ret" {
+    currType = &apis[apiCount].ret;
+    typeNextState = api_entry2;
+    BEGIN(var_type);
+    }
+<api_entry2>"param" {
+    currType = &apis[apiCount].params[apis[apiCount].paramCount];
+    apis[apiCount].paramCount++;
+    typeNextState = api_entry_param;
+    BEGIN(var_type);
+    }
+<var_type>"const" {
+    currType->isConst = 1;
+    }
+<var_type>"i8" {
+    currType->type = 1;
+    currType->bits = 8;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"i16" {
+    currType->type = 1;
+    currType->bits = 16;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"i32" {
+    currType->type = 1;
+    currType->bits = 32;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"i64" {
+    currType->type = 1;
+    currType->bits = 64;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"u8" {
+    currType->type = 2;
+    currType->bits = 8;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"u16" {
+    currType->type = 2;
+    currType->bits = 16;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"u32" {
+    currType->type = 2;
+    currType->bits = 32;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"u64" {
+    currType->type = 2;
+    currType->bits = 64;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"f" {
+    currType->type = 3;
+    currType->bits = 32;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>"d" {
+    currType->type = 3;
+    currType->bits = 64;
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<var_type>{ID} {
+    currType->type = 4;
+    currType->bits = 32;
+    memcpy(currType->typename, yytext, yyleng);
+    BEGIN(typeNextState);
+    }
+<api_entry_param>"*" {
+    currType->ptrLevel ++;
+    }
+<api_entry_param>{ID} {
+    memcpy(currType->name, yytext, yyleng);
+    BEGIN(api_entry2);
+    }
+<api_entry2>"}" {
+    apiCount++;
+    }
+int yywrap()
+    return 1;