Separate CPU driver impl from reference driver.

Change-Id: Ifb484edda665959b81d7b1f890d108bfa20a535d
diff --git a/driver/rsdScriptGroup.cpp b/driver/rsdScriptGroup.cpp
index f4f0f1c..ef802a2 100644
--- a/driver/rsdScriptGroup.cpp
+++ b/driver/rsdScriptGroup.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@
 #include "rsdCore.h"
+#include "../cpu_ref/rsd_cpu.h"
-#include <bcc/BCCContext.h>
-#include <bcc/Renderscript/RSCompilerDriver.h>
-#include <bcc/Renderscript/RSExecutable.h>
-#include <bcc/Renderscript/RSInfo.h>
 #include "rsScript.h"
 #include "rsScriptGroup.h"
@@ -31,236 +28,29 @@
 using namespace android::renderscript;
-bool rsdScriptGroupInit(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc,
-                        const android::renderscript::ScriptGroup *sg) {
-    return true;
+bool rsdScriptGroupInit(const Context *rsc, ScriptGroup *sg) {
+    RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv;
+    sg->mHal.drv = dc->mCpuRef->createScriptGroup(sg);
+    return sg->mHal.drv != NULL;
-void rsdScriptGroupSetInput(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc,
-                            const android::renderscript::ScriptGroup *sg,
-                            const android::renderscript::ScriptKernelID *kid,
-                            android::renderscript::Allocation *) {
+void rsdScriptGroupSetInput(const Context *rsc, const ScriptGroup *sg,
+                            const ScriptKernelID *kid, Allocation *) {
-void rsdScriptGroupSetOutput(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc,
-                             const android::renderscript::ScriptGroup *sg,
-                             const android::renderscript::ScriptKernelID *kid,
-                             android::renderscript::Allocation *) {
+void rsdScriptGroupSetOutput(const Context *rsc, const ScriptGroup *sg,
+                             const ScriptKernelID *kid, Allocation *) {
-struct ScriptList {
-    size_t count;
-    Allocation *const* ins;
-    bool const* inExts;
-    Allocation *const* outs;
-    bool const* outExts;
-    const void *const* usrPtrs;
-    size_t const *usrSizes;
-    uint32_t const *sigs;
-    const void *const* fnPtrs;
-    const ScriptKernelID *const* kernels;
-typedef void (*ScriptGroupRootFunc_t)(const RsForEachStubParamStruct *p,
-                                      uint32_t xstart, uint32_t xend,
-                                      uint32_t instep, uint32_t outstep);
-static void ScriptGroupRoot(const RsForEachStubParamStruct *p,
-                            uint32_t xstart, uint32_t xend,
-                            uint32_t instep, uint32_t outstep) {
-    const ScriptList *sl = (const ScriptList *)p->usr;
-    RsForEachStubParamStruct *mp = (RsForEachStubParamStruct *)p;
-    const void *oldUsr = p->usr;
-    for(size_t ct=0; ct < sl->count; ct++) {
-        ScriptGroupRootFunc_t func;
-        func = (ScriptGroupRootFunc_t)sl->fnPtrs[ct];
-        mp->usr = sl->usrPtrs[ct];
-        mp->ptrIn = NULL;
-        mp->in = NULL;
-        mp->ptrOut = NULL;
-        mp->out = NULL;
-        if (sl->ins[ct]) {
-            DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)sl->ins[ct]->mHal.drv;
-            mp->ptrIn = (const uint8_t *)drv->lod[0].mallocPtr;
-            mp->in = mp->ptrIn;
-            if (sl->inExts[ct]) {
-                mp->in = mp->ptrIn + drv->lod[0].stride * p->y;
-            } else {
-                if (drv->lod[0].dimY > p->lid) {
-                    mp->in = mp->ptrIn + drv->lod[0].stride * p->lid;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (sl->outs[ct]) {
-            DrvAllocation *drv = (DrvAllocation *)sl->outs[ct]->mHal.drv;
-            mp->ptrOut = (uint8_t *)drv->lod[0].mallocPtr;
-            mp->out = mp->ptrOut;
-            if (sl->outExts[ct]) {
-                mp->out = mp->ptrOut + drv->lod[0].stride * p->y;
-            } else {
-                if (drv->lod[0].dimY > p->lid) {
-                    mp->out = mp->ptrOut + drv->lod[0].stride * p->lid;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //ALOGE("kernel %i %p,%p  %p,%p", ct, mp->ptrIn, mp->in, mp->ptrOut, mp->out);
-        func(p, xstart, xend, instep, outstep);
-    }
-    //ALOGE("script group root");
-    //ConvolveParams *cp = (ConvolveParams *)p->usr;
-    mp->usr = oldUsr;
+void rsdScriptGroupExecute(const Context *rsc, const ScriptGroup *sg) {
+    RsdCpuReference::CpuScriptGroup *sgi = (RsdCpuReference::CpuScriptGroup *)sg->mHal.drv;
+    sgi->execute();
-void rsdScriptGroupExecute(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc,
-                           const android::renderscript::ScriptGroup *sg) {
-    Vector<Allocation *> ins;
-    Vector<bool> inExts;
-    Vector<Allocation *> outs;
-    Vector<bool> outExts;
-    Vector<const ScriptKernelID *> kernels;
-    bool fieldDep = false;
-    for (size_t ct=0; ct < sg->mNodes.size(); ct++) {
-        ScriptGroup::Node *n = sg->mNodes[ct];
-        Script *s = n->mKernels[0]->mScript;
-        //ALOGE("node %i, order %i, in %i out %i", (int)ct, n->mOrder, (int)n->mInputs.size(), (int)n->mOutputs.size());
-        for (size_t ct2=0; ct2 < n->mInputs.size(); ct2++) {
-            if (n->mInputs[ct2]->mDstField.get() && n->mInputs[ct2]->mDstField->mScript) {
-                //ALOGE("field %p %zu", n->mInputs[ct2]->mDstField->mScript, n->mInputs[ct2]->mDstField->mSlot);
-                s->setVarObj(n->mInputs[ct2]->mDstField->mSlot, n->mInputs[ct2]->mAlloc.get());
-            }
-        }
-        for (size_t ct2=0; ct2 < n->mKernels.size(); ct2++) {
-            const ScriptKernelID *k = n->mKernels[ct2];
-            Allocation *ain = NULL;
-            Allocation *aout = NULL;
-            bool inExt = false;
-            bool outExt = false;
-            for (size_t ct3=0; ct3 < n->mInputs.size(); ct3++) {
-                if (n->mInputs[ct3]->mDstKernel.get() == k) {
-                    ain = n->mInputs[ct3]->mAlloc.get();
-                    //ALOGE(" link in %p", ain);
-                }
-            }
-            for (size_t ct3=0; ct3 < sg->mInputs.size(); ct3++) {
-                if (sg->mInputs[ct3]->mKernel == k) {
-                    ain = sg->mInputs[ct3]->mAlloc.get();
-                    inExt = true;
-                    //ALOGE(" io in %p", ain);
-                }
-            }
-            for (size_t ct3=0; ct3 < n->mOutputs.size(); ct3++) {
-                if (n->mOutputs[ct3]->mSource.get() == k) {
-                    aout = n->mOutputs[ct3]->mAlloc.get();
-                    if(n->mOutputs[ct3]->mDstField.get() != NULL) {
-                        fieldDep = true;
-                    }
-                    //ALOGE(" link out %p", aout);
-                }
-            }
-            for (size_t ct3=0; ct3 < sg->mOutputs.size(); ct3++) {
-                if (sg->mOutputs[ct3]->mKernel == k) {
-                    aout = sg->mOutputs[ct3]->mAlloc.get();
-                    outExt = true;
-                    //ALOGE(" io out %p", aout);
-                }
-            }
-            if ((k->mHasKernelOutput == (aout != NULL)) &&
-                (k->mHasKernelInput == (ain != NULL))) {
-                ins.add(ain);
-                inExts.add(inExt);
-                outs.add(aout);
-                outExts.add(outExt);
-                kernels.add(k);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    RsdHal * dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv;
-    MTLaunchStruct mtls;
-    if(fieldDep) {
-        for (size_t ct=0; ct < ins.size(); ct++) {
-            Script *s = kernels[ct]->mScript;
-            DrvScript *drv = (DrvScript *)s->mHal.drv;
-            uint32_t slot = kernels[ct]->mSlot;
-            rsdScriptInvokeForEachMtlsSetup(rsc, ins[ct], outs[ct], NULL, 0, NULL, &mtls);
-            mtls.script = s;
-            if (drv->mIntrinsicID) {
-                mtls.kernel = (void (*)())drv->mIntrinsicFuncs.root;
-                mtls.fep.usr = drv->mIntrinsicData;
-            } else {
-                mtls.kernel = reinterpret_cast<ForEachFunc_t>(
-                                  drv->mExecutable->getExportForeachFuncAddrs()[slot]);
-                rsAssert(mtls.kernel != NULL);
-                mtls.sig = drv->mExecutable->getInfo().getExportForeachFuncs()[slot].second;
-            }
-            rsdScriptLaunchThreads(rsc, s->, ins[ct], outs[ct],
-                                   NULL, 0, NULL, &mtls);
-        }
-    } else {
-        ScriptList sl;
-        sl.ins = ins.array();
-        sl.outs = outs.array();
-        sl.kernels = kernels.array();
-        sl.count = kernels.size();
-        Vector<const void *> usrPtrs;
-        Vector<const void *> fnPtrs;
-        Vector<uint32_t> sigs;
-        for (size_t ct=0; ct < kernels.size(); ct++) {
-            Script *s = kernels[ct]->mScript;
-            DrvScript *drv = (DrvScript *)s->mHal.drv;
-            if (drv->mIntrinsicID) {
-                fnPtrs.add((void *)drv->mIntrinsicFuncs.root);
-                usrPtrs.add(drv->mIntrinsicData);
-                sigs.add(0);
-            } else {
-                int slot = kernels[ct]->mSlot;
-                fnPtrs.add((void *)drv->mExecutable->getExportForeachFuncAddrs()[slot]);
-                usrPtrs.add(NULL);
-                sigs.add(drv->mExecutable->getInfo().getExportForeachFuncs()[slot].second);
-            }
-        }
-        sl.sigs = sigs.array();
-        sl.usrPtrs = usrPtrs.array();
-        sl.fnPtrs = fnPtrs.array();
-        sl.inExts = inExts.array();
-        sl.outExts = outExts.array();
-        rsdScriptInvokeForEachMtlsSetup(rsc, ins[0], outs[0], NULL, 0, NULL, &mtls);
-        mtls.script = NULL;
-        mtls.kernel = (void (*)())&ScriptGroupRoot;
-        mtls.fep.usr = &sl;
-        rsdScriptLaunchThreads(rsc, true, ins[0], outs[0], NULL, 0, NULL, &mtls);
-    }
-void rsdScriptGroupDestroy(const android::renderscript::Context *rsc,
-                           const android::renderscript::ScriptGroup *sg) {
+void rsdScriptGroupDestroy(const Context *rsc, const ScriptGroup *sg) {
+    RsdCpuReference::CpuScriptGroup *sgi = (RsdCpuReference::CpuScriptGroup *)sg->mHal.drv;
+    delete sgi;