Fix 3 bugs in fountain test.  Correctly generate the last mip level of a non-square mip chain.  Default the background to not blended and disable dither/depth.
diff --git a/rsType.cpp b/rsType.cpp
index 6b99820..5bb4d60 100644
--- a/rsType.cpp
+++ b/rsType.cpp
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
         mLODs[lod].mOffset = offset;
         //LOGE("txyz %i %i %i", tx, ty, tz);
         offset += tx * rsMax(ty, 1u) * rsMax(tz, 1u) * mElement->getSizeBytes();
-        tx >>= 1;
-        ty >>= 1;
-        tz >>= 1;
+        tx = (tx + 1) >> 1;
+        ty = (ty + 1) >> 1;
+        tz = (tz + 1) >> 1;
     //LOGE("size %i", offset);