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Change-Id: Ief5a53f1b5e5eff9ade45763d895029428266980
diff --git a/include/hardware/sensors.h b/include/hardware/sensors.h
index 4c13848..2abca72 100644
--- a/include/hardware/sensors.h
+++ b/include/hardware/sensors.h
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@
+ * Please see the Sensors section of for an
+ * introduction to and detailed descriptions of Android sensor types:
+ *
+ */
  * The id of this module
@@ -74,74 +80,14 @@
     META_DATA_VERSION   /* always last, leave auto-assigned */
- * Definition of the axis used by the sensor HAL API
- *
- * This API is relative to the screen of the device in its default orientation,
- * that is, if the device can be used in portrait or landscape, this API
- * is only relative to the NATURAL orientation of the screen. In other words,
- * the axis are not swapped when the device's screen orientation changes.
- * Higher level services /may/ perform this transformation.
- *
- *   x<0         x>0
- *                ^
- *                |
- *    +-----------+-->  y>0
- *    |           |
- *    |           |
- *    |           |
- *    |           |   / z<0
- *    |           |  /
- *    |           | /
- *    O-----------+/
- *    |[]  [ ]  []/
- *    +----------/+     y<0
- *              /
- *             /
- *           |/ z>0 (toward the sky)
- *
- *    O: Origin (x=0,y=0,z=0)
- *
- */
- * Interaction with suspend mode
- *
- * Unless otherwise noted, an enabled sensor shall not prevent the
- * SoC to go into suspend mode. It is the responsibility of applications
- * to keep a partial wake-lock should they wish to receive sensor
- * events while the screen is off. While in suspend mode, and unless
- * otherwise noted (batch mode, sensor particularities, ...), enabled sensors'
- * events are lost.
- *
- * Note that conceptually, the sensor itself is not de-activated while in
- * suspend mode -- it's just that the data it returns are lost. As soon as
- * the SoC gets out of suspend mode, operations resume as usual. Of course,
- * in practice sensors shall be disabled while in suspend mode to
- * save power, unless batch mode is active, in which case they must
- * continue fill their internal FIFO (see the documentation of batch() to
- * learn how suspend interacts with batch mode).
- *
- * In batch mode, and only when the flag SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL is
- * set and supported, the specified sensor must be able to wake-up the SoC and
- * be able to buffer at least 10 seconds worth of the requested sensor events.
- *
- * There are notable exceptions to this behavior, which are sensor-dependent
- * (see sensor types definitions below)
- *
- *
- * The sensor type documentation below specifies the wake-up behavior of
- * each sensor:
- *   wake-up: yes     this sensor must wake-up the SoC to deliver events
- *   wake-up: no      this sensor shall not wake-up the SoC, events are dropped
- *
- */
  * Sensor type
  * Each sensor has a type which defines what this sensor measures and how
- * measures are reported. All types are defined below.
+ * measures are reported. See the Base sensors and Composite sensors lists
+ * for complete descriptions:
+ *
+ *
  * Device manufacturers (OEMs) can define their own sensor types, for
  * their private use by applications or services provided by them. Such
@@ -156,47 +102,6 @@
- * Sensor fusion and virtual sensors
- *
- * Many sensor types are or can be implemented as virtual sensors from
- * physical sensors on the device. For instance the rotation vector sensor,
- * orientation sensor, step-detector, step-counter, etc...
- *
- * From the point of view of this API these virtual sensors MUST appear as
- * real, individual sensors. It is the responsibility of the driver and HAL
- * to make sure this is the case.
- *
- * In particular, all sensors must be able to function concurrently.
- * For example, if defining both an accelerometer and a step counter,
- * then both must be able to work concurrently.
- */
- * Trigger modes
- *
- * Sensors can report events in different ways called trigger modes,
- * each sensor type has one and only one trigger mode associated to it.
- * Currently there are four trigger modes defined:
- *
- * continuous: events are reported at a constant rate defined by setDelay().
- *             eg: accelerometers, gyroscopes.
- * on-change:  events are reported only if the sensor's value has changed.
- *             setDelay() is used to set a lower limit to the reporting
- *             period (minimum time between two events).
- *             The HAL must return an event immediately when an on-change
- *             sensor is activated.
- *             eg: proximity, light sensors
- * one-shot:   upon detection of an event, the sensor deactivates itself and
- *             then sends a single event. Order matters to avoid race
- *             conditions. No other event is sent until the sensor get
- *             reactivated. setDelay() is ignored.
- *             eg: significant motion sensor
- * special:    see details in the sensor type specification below
- *
- */
  * trigger-mode: n/a
  * wake-up sensor: n/a
@@ -237,30 +142,6 @@
  *  All values are in SI units (m/s^2) and measure the acceleration of the
  *  device minus the force of gravity.
- *  Acceleration sensors return sensor events for all 3 axes at a constant
- *  rate defined by setDelay().
- *
- *  x: Acceleration on the x-axis
- *  y: Acceleration on the y-axis
- *  z: Acceleration on the z-axis
- *
- * Note that the readings from the accelerometer include the acceleration
- * due to gravity (which is opposite to the direction of the gravity vector).
- *
- *  Examples:
- *    The norm of <x, y, z>  should be close to 0 when in free fall.
- *
- *    When the device lies flat on a table and is pushed on its left side
- *    toward the right, the x acceleration value is positive.
- *
- *    When the device lies flat on a table, the acceleration value is +9.81,
- *    which correspond to the acceleration of the device (0 m/s^2) minus the
- *    force of gravity (-9.81 m/s^2).
- *
- *    When the device lies flat on a table and is pushed toward the sky, the
- *    acceleration value is greater than +9.81, which correspond to the
- *    acceleration of the device (+A m/s^2) minus the force of
- *    gravity (-9.81 m/s^2).
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER                    (1)
@@ -272,12 +153,6 @@
  *  All values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the geomagnetic
  *  field in the X, Y and Z axis.
- *  Returned values include calibration mechanisms such that the vector is
- *  aligned with the magnetic declination and heading of the earth's
- *  geomagnetic field.
- *
- *  Magnetic Field sensors return sensor events for all 3 axes at a constant
- *  rate defined by setDelay().
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_GEOMAGNETIC_FIELD                (2)
@@ -286,39 +161,11 @@
  * trigger-mode: continuous
  * wake-up sensor: no
- * 
+ *
  * All values are angles in degrees.
- * 
+ *
  * Orientation sensors return sensor events for all 3 axes at a constant
  * rate defined by setDelay().
- *
- * azimuth: angle between the magnetic north direction and the Y axis, around 
- *  the Z axis (0<=azimuth<360).
- *      0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West
- * 
- * pitch: Rotation around X axis (-180<=pitch<=180), with positive values when
- *  the z-axis moves toward the y-axis.
- *
- * roll: Rotation around Y axis (-90<=roll<=90), with positive values when
- *  the x-axis moves towards the z-axis.
- *
- * Note: For historical reasons the roll angle is positive in the clockwise
- *  direction (mathematically speaking, it should be positive in the
- *  counter-clockwise direction):
- *
- *                Z
- *                ^
- *  (+roll)  .--> |
- *          /     |
- *         |      |  roll: rotation around Y axis
- *     X <-------(.)
- *                 Y
- *       note that +Y == -roll
- *
- *
- *
- * Note: This definition is different from yaw, pitch and roll used in aviation
- *  where the X axis is along the long side of the plane (tail to nose).
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION                      (3)
@@ -328,17 +175,7 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  *  All values are in radians/second and measure the rate of rotation
- *  around the X, Y and Z axis.  The coordinate system is the same as is
- *  used for the acceleration sensor. Rotation is positive in the
- *  counter-clockwise direction (right-hand rule). That is, an observer
- *  looking from some positive location on the x, y or z axis at a device
- *  positioned on the origin would report positive rotation if the device
- *  appeared to be rotating counter clockwise. Note that this is the
- *  standard mathematical definition of positive rotation and does not agree
- *  with the definition of roll given earlier.
- *  The range should at least be 17.45 rad/s (ie: ~1000 deg/s).
- *
- *  automatic gyro-drift compensation is allowed but not required.
+ *  around the X, Y and Z axis.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE                        (4)
@@ -368,10 +205,7 @@
  * trigger-mode: on-change
  * wake-up sensor: yes
- * The distance value is measured in centimeters.  Note that some proximity
- * sensors only support a binary "close" or "far" measurement.  In this case,
- * the sensor should report its maxRange value in the "far" state and a value
- * less than maxRange in the "near" state.
+ * The value corresponds to the distance to the nearest object in centimeters.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_PROXIMITY                        (8)
@@ -381,10 +215,7 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  * A gravity output indicates the direction of and magnitude of gravity in
- * the devices's coordinates.  On Earth, the magnitude is 9.8 m/s^2.
- * Units are m/s^2.  The coordinate system is the same as is used for the
- * acceleration sensor. When the device is at rest, the output of the
- * gravity sensor should be identical to that of the accelerometer.
+ * the devices's coordinates.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_GRAVITY                          (9)
@@ -395,13 +226,6 @@
  * Indicates the linear acceleration of the device in device coordinates,
  * not including gravity.
- *
- * The output is conceptually:
- *    output of TYPE_ACCELERATION - output of TYPE_GRAVITY
- *
- * Readings on all axes should be close to 0 when device lies on a table.
- * Units are m/s^2.
- * The coordinate system is the same as is used for the acceleration sensor.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION             (10)
@@ -412,46 +236,7 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  * The rotation vector symbolizes the orientation of the device relative to the
- * East-North-Up coordinates frame. It is usually obtained by integration of
- * accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer readings.
- *
- * The East-North-Up coordinate system is defined as a direct orthonormal basis
- * where:
- * - X points east and is tangential to the ground.
- * - Y points north and is tangential to the ground.
- * - Z points towards the sky and is perpendicular to the ground.
- *
- * The orientation of the phone is represented by the rotation necessary to
- * align the East-North-Up coordinates with the phone's coordinates. That is,
- * applying the rotation to the world frame (X,Y,Z) would align them with the
- * phone coordinates (x,y,z).
- *
- * The rotation can be seen as rotating the phone by an angle theta around
- * an axis rot_axis to go from the reference (East-North-Up aligned) device
- * orientation to the current device orientation.
- *
- * The rotation is encoded as the 4 (reordered) components of a unit quaternion:
- *[0] = rot_axis.x*sin(theta/2)
- *[1] = rot_axis.y*sin(theta/2)
- *[2] = rot_axis.z*sin(theta/2)
- *[3] = cos(theta/2)
- * where
- *   - rot_axis.x,y,z are the North-East-Up coordinates of a unit length vector
- *     representing the rotation axis
- *   - theta is the rotation angle
- *
- * The quaternion must be of norm 1 (it is a unit quaternion). Failure to ensure
- * this will cause erratic client behaviour.
- *
- * In addition, this sensor reports an estimated heading accuracy.
- *[4] = estimated_accuracy (in radians)
- * The heading error must be less than estimated_accuracy 95% of the time
- *
- * This sensor must use a gyroscope and an accelerometer as main orientation
- * change input.
- *
- * This sensor can also include magnetometer input to make up for gyro drift,
- * but it cannot be implemented using only a magnetometer.
+ * East-North-Up coordinates frame.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR                 (11)
@@ -481,35 +266,6 @@
  *  Similar to SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD, but the hard iron calibration is
  *  reported separately instead of being included in the measurement.
- *  Factory calibration and temperature compensation should still be applied to
- *  the "uncalibrated" measurement.
- *  Separating away the hard iron calibration estimation allows the system to
- *  better recover from bad hard iron estimation.
- *
- *  All values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the ambient magnetic
- *  field in the X, Y and Z axis. Assumptions that the the magnetic field
- *  is due to the Earth's poles should be avoided.
- *
- *  The uncalibrated_magnetic event contains
- *  - 3 fields for uncalibrated measurement: x_uncalib, y_uncalib, z_uncalib.
- *    Each is a component of the measured magnetic field, with soft iron
- *    and temperature compensation applied, but not hard iron calibration.
- *    These values should be continuous (no re-calibration should cause a jump).
- *  - 3 fields for hard iron bias estimates: x_bias, y_bias, z_bias.
- *    Each field is a component of the estimated hard iron calibration.
- *    They represent the offsets to apply to the calibrated readings to obtain
- *    uncalibrated readings (x_uncalib ~= x_calibrated + x_bias)
- *    These values are expected to jump as soon as the estimate of the hard iron
- *    changes, and they should be stable the rest of the time.
- *
- *  If this sensor is present, then the corresponding
- *  SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD must be present and both must return the
- *  same sensor_t::name and sensor_t::vendor.
- *
- *  Minimum filtering should be applied to this sensor. In particular, low pass
- *  filters should be avoided.
- *
- * See SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD for more information
@@ -519,21 +275,7 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  *  Similar to SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, but not using the geomagnetic
- *  field. Therefore the Y axis doesn't point north, but instead to some other
- *  reference. That reference is allowed to drift by the same order of
- *  magnitude than the gyroscope drift around the Z axis.
- *
- *  This sensor does not report an estimated heading accuracy:
- *[4] is reserved and should be set to 0
- *
- *  In the ideal case, a phone rotated and returning to the same real-world
- *  orientation should report the same game rotation vector
- *  (without using the earth's geomagnetic field).
- *
- *  This sensor must be based on a gyroscope. It cannot be implemented using
- *  a magnetometer.
- *
- * see SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR for more details
+ *  field.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR            (15)
@@ -543,44 +285,10 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  *  All values are in radians/second and measure the rate of rotation
- *  around the X, Y and Z axis. An estimation of the drift on each axis is
- *  reported as well.
- *
- *  No gyro-drift compensation shall be performed.
- *  Factory calibration and temperature compensation should still be applied
- *  to the rate of rotation (angular speeds).
- *
- *  The coordinate system is the same as is
- *  used for the acceleration sensor. Rotation is positive in the
- *  counter-clockwise direction (right-hand rule). That is, an observer
- *  looking from some positive location on the x, y or z axis at a device
- *  positioned on the origin would report positive rotation if the device
- *  appeared to be rotating counter clockwise. Note that this is the
- *  standard mathematical definition of positive rotation and does not agree
- *  with the definition of roll given earlier.
- *  The range should at least be 17.45 rad/s (ie: ~1000 deg/s).
- *
- *  Content of an uncalibrated_gyro event: (units are rad/sec)
- *   x_uncalib : angular speed (w/o drift compensation) around the X axis
- *   y_uncalib : angular speed (w/o drift compensation) around the Y axis
- *   z_uncalib : angular speed (w/o drift compensation) around the Z axis
- *   x_bias : estimated drift around X axis in rad/s
- *   y_bias : estimated drift around Y axis in rad/s
- *   z_bias : estimated drift around Z axis in rad/s
- *
- *
- *  If the implementation is not able to estimate the drift, then this
- *  sensor MUST NOT be reported by this HAL. Instead, the regular
- *  SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE is used without drift compensation.
- *
- *  If this sensor is present, then the corresponding
- *  SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE must be present and both must return the
- *  same sensor_t::name and sensor_t::vendor.
+ *  around the X, Y and Z axis.
  * trigger-mode: one-shot
@@ -589,45 +297,6 @@
  * A sensor of this type triggers an event each time significant motion
  * is detected and automatically disables itself.
  * The only allowed value to return is 1.0.
- *
- * A significant motion is a motion that might lead to a change in the user
- * location.
- * Examples of such motions are:
- *   walking, biking, sitting in a moving car, coach or train.
- * Examples of situations that should not trigger significant motion:
- * - phone in pocket and person is not moving
- * - phone is on a table, even if the table shakes a bit due to nearby traffic
- *   or washing machine
- *
- * A note on false positive / false negative / power consumption tradeoff
- *  - The goal of this sensor is to save power.
- *  - Triggering an event when the user is not moving (false positive) is costly
- *    in terms of power, so it should be avoided.
- *  - Not triggering an event when the user is moving (false negative) is
- *    acceptable as long as it is not done repeatedly. If the user has been
- *    walking for 10 seconds, not triggering an event within those 10 seconds
- *    is not acceptable.
- *
- *  IMPORTANT NOTE: this sensor type is very different from other types
- *  in that it must work when the screen is off without the need of
- *  holding a partial wake-lock and MUST allow the SoC to go into suspend.
- *  When significant motion is detected, the sensor must awaken the SoC and
- *  the event be reported.
- *
- *  If a particular hardware cannot support this mode of operation then this
- *  sensor type MUST NOT be reported by the HAL. ie: it is not acceptable
- *  to "emulate" this sensor in the HAL.
- *
- *  The whole point of this sensor type is to save power by keeping the
- *  SoC in suspend mode when the device is at rest.
- *
- *  When the sensor is not activated, it must also be deactivated in the
- *  hardware: it must not wake up the SoC anymore, even in case of
- *  significant motion.
- *
- *  setDelay() has no effect and is ignored.
- *  Once a "significant motion" event is returned, a sensor of this type
- *  must disables itself automatically, as if activate(..., 0) had been called.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION              (17)
@@ -639,21 +308,8 @@
  * wake-up sensor: no
  * A sensor of this type triggers an event each time a step is taken
- * by the user. The only allowed value to return is 1.0 and an event is
- * generated for each step. Like with any other event, the timestamp
- * indicates when the event (here the step) occurred, this corresponds to when
- * the foot hit the ground, generating a high variation in acceleration.
- *
- * While this sensor operates, it shall not disrupt any other sensors, in
- * particular, but not limited to, the accelerometer; which might very well
- * be in use as well.
- *
- * This sensor must be low power. That is, if the step detection cannot be
- * done in hardware, this sensor should not be defined. Also, when the
- * step detector is activated and the accelerometer is not, only steps should
- * trigger interrupts (not accelerometer data).
- *
- * setDelay() has no impact on this sensor type
+ * by the user. The only allowed value to return is 1.0 and an event
+ * is generated for each step.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR                   (18)
@@ -667,46 +323,6 @@
  * A sensor of this type returns the number of steps taken by the user since
  * the last reboot while activated. The value is returned as a uint64_t and is
  * reset to zero only on a system / android reboot.
- *
- * The timestamp of the event is set to the time when the first step
- * for that event was taken.
- * See SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR for the signification of the time of a step.
- *
- *  The minimum size of the hardware's internal counter shall be 16 bits
- *  (this restriction is here to avoid too frequent wake-ups when the
- *  delay is very large).
- *
- *  IMPORTANT NOTE: this sensor type is different from other types
- *  in that it must work when the screen is off without the need of
- *  holding a partial wake-lock and MUST allow the SoC to go into suspend.
- *  Unlike other sensors, while in suspend mode this sensor must stay active,
- *  no events are reported during that time but, steps continue to be
- *  accounted for; an event will be reported as soon as the SoC resumes if
- *  the timeout has expired.
- *
- *    In other words, when the screen is off and the device allowed to
- *    go into suspend mode, we don't want to be woken up, regardless of the
- *    setDelay() value, but the steps shall continue to be counted.
- *
- *    The driver must however ensure that the internal step count never
- *    overflows. It is allowed in this situation to wake the SoC up so the
- *    driver can do the counter maintenance.
- *
- *  While this sensor operates, it shall not disrupt any other sensors, in
- *  particular, but not limited to, the accelerometer; which might very well
- *  be in use as well.
- *
- *  If a particular hardware cannot support these modes of operation then this
- *  sensor type MUST NOT be reported by the HAL. ie: it is not acceptable
- *  to "emulate" this sensor in the HAL.
- *
- * This sensor must be low power. That is, if the step detection cannot be
- * done in hardware, this sensor should not be defined. Also, when the
- * step counter is activated and the accelerometer is not, only steps should
- * trigger interrupts (not accelerometer data).
- *
- *  The whole point of this sensor type is to save power by keeping the
- *  SoC in suspend mode when the device is at rest.
 #define SENSOR_TYPE_STEP_COUNTER                    (19)
@@ -718,18 +334,6 @@
  *  Similar to SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, but using a magnetometer instead
  *  of using a gyroscope.
- *
- *  This sensor must be based on a magnetometer. It cannot be implemented using
- *  a gyroscope, and gyroscope input cannot be used by this sensor, as the
- *  goal of this sensor is to be low power.
- *  The accelerometer can be (and usually is) used.
- *
- *  Just like SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, this sensor reports an estimated
- *  heading accuracy:
- *[4] = estimated_accuracy (in radians)
- *  The heading error must be less than estimated_accuracy 95% of the time
- *
- * see SENSOR_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR for more details
@@ -966,7 +570,9 @@
  * sensors_poll_device_t is used with SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_0_1
  * and is present for backward binary and source compatibility.
- * (see documentation of the hooks in struct sensors_poll_device_1 below)
+ * See the Sensors HAL interface section for complete descriptions of the
+ * following functions:
+ *
 struct sensors_poll_device_t {
     struct hw_device_t common;
@@ -991,70 +597,24 @@
         struct {
             struct hw_device_t common;
-            /* Activate/de-activate one sensor.
+            /* Activate/de-activate one sensor. Return 0 on success, negative
              * handle is the handle of the sensor to change.
              * enabled set to 1 to enable, or 0 to disable the sensor.
-             * if enabled is set to 1, the sensor is activated even if
-             * setDelay() wasn't called before. In this case, a default rate
-             * should be used.
-             *
-             * unless otherwise noted in the sensor types definitions, an
-             * activated sensor never prevents the SoC to go into suspend
-             * mode; that is, the HAL shall not hold a partial wake-lock on
-             * behalf of applications.
-             *
-             * one-shot sensors de-activate themselves automatically upon
-             * receiving an event and they must still accept to be deactivated
-             * through a call to activate(..., ..., 0).
-             *
-             * if "enabled" is 1 and the sensor is already activated, this
-             * function is a no-op and succeeds.
-             *
-             * if "enabled" is 0 and the sensor is already de-activated,
-             * this function is a no-op and succeeds.
-             *
-             * return 0 on success, negative errno code otherwise
+             * Return 0 on success, negative errno code otherwise.
             int (*activate)(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
                     int handle, int enabled);
              * Set the events's period in nanoseconds for a given sensor.
-             *
-             * What the period_ns parameter means depends on the specified
-             * sensor's trigger mode:
-             *
-             * continuous: setDelay() sets the sampling rate.
-             * on-change: setDelay() limits the delivery rate of events
-             * one-shot: setDelay() is ignored. it has no effect.
-             * special: see specific sensor type definitions
-             *
-             * For continuous and on-change sensors, if the requested value is
-             * less than sensor_t::minDelay, then it's silently clamped to
-             * sensor_t::minDelay unless sensor_t::minDelay is 0, in which
-             * case it is clamped to >= 1ms.
-             *
-             * setDelay will not be called when the sensor is in batching mode.
-             * In this case, batch() will be called with the new period.
-             *
-             * @return 0 if successful, < 0 on error
             int (*setDelay)(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
                     int handle, int64_t period_ns);
              * Returns an array of sensor data.
-             * This function must block until events are available.
-             *
-             * return the number of events read on success, or -errno in case
-             * of an error.
-             *
-             * The number of events returned in data must be less or equal
-             * to the "count" argument.
-             *
-             * This function shall never return 0 (no event).
             int (*poll)(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
                     sensors_event_t* data, int count);
@@ -1063,200 +623,9 @@
-     * Enables batch mode for the given sensor and sets the delay between events
-     *
-     * A timeout value of zero disables batch mode for the given sensor.
-     *
-     * The period_ns parameter is equivalent to calling setDelay() -- this
-     * function both enables or disables the batch mode AND sets the events's
-     * period in nanosecond. See setDelay() above for a detailed explanation of
-     * the period_ns parameter.
-     *
-     * BATCH MODE:
-     * -----------
-     * In non-batch mode, all sensor events must be reported as soon as they
-     * are detected. For example, an accelerometer activated at 50Hz will
-     * trigger interrupts 50 times per second.
-     * While in batch mode, sensor events do not need to be reported as soon
-     * as they are detected. They can be temporarily stored in batches and
-     * reported in batches, as long as no event is delayed by more than
-     * "timeout" nanoseconds. That is, all events since the previous batch
-     * are recorded and returned all at once. This allows to reduce the amount
-     * of interrupts sent to the SoC, and allow the SoC to switch to a lower
-     * power state (Idle) while the sensor is capturing and batching data.
-     *
-     * setDelay() is not affected and it behaves as usual.
-     *
-     * Each event has a timestamp associated with it, the timestamp
-     * must be accurate and correspond to the time at which the event
-     * physically happened.
-     *
-     * Batching does not modify the behavior of poll(): batches from different
-     * sensors can be interleaved and split. As usual, all events from the same
-     * sensor are time-ordered.
-     *
-     * ----------------------------------
-     *
-     * When the SoC is awake (not in suspend mode), events must be reported in
-     * batches at least every "timeout". No event shall be dropped or lost.
-     * If internal h/w FIFOs fill-up before the timeout, then events are
-     * reported at that point to ensure no event is lost.
-     *
-     *
-     * ---------------------------------
-     *
-     * By default, batch mode doesn't significantly change the interaction with
-     * suspend mode. That is, sensors must continue to allow the SoC to
-     * go into suspend mode and sensors must stay active to fill their
-     * internal FIFO. In this mode, when the FIFO fills up, it shall wrap
-     * around (basically behave like a circular buffer, overwriting events).
-     * As soon as the SoC comes out of suspend mode, a batch is produced with
-     * as much as the recent history as possible, and batch operation
-     * resumes as usual.
-     *
-     * The behavior described above allows applications to record the recent
-     * history of a set of sensor while keeping the SoC into suspend. It
-     * also allows the hardware to not have to rely on a wake-up interrupt line.
-     *
-     * ----------------------------------------------
-     *
-     * There are cases, however, where an application cannot afford to lose
-     * any events, even when the device goes into suspend mode.
-     * For a given rate, if a sensor has the capability to store at least 10
-     * seconds worth of events in its FIFO and is able to wake up the Soc, it
-     * can implement an optional secondary mode: the WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL mode.
-     *
-     * The caller will set the SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL flag to
-     * activate this mode. If the sensor does not support this mode, batch()
-     * will fail when the flag is set.
-     *
-     * When running with the WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL flag set, no events can be
-     * lost. When the FIFO is getting full, the sensor must wake up the SoC from
-     * suspend and return a batch before the FIFO fills-up.
-     * Depending on the device, it might take a few miliseconds for the SoC to
-     * entirely come out of suspend and start flushing the FIFO. Enough head
-     * room must be allocated in the FIFO to allow the device to entirely come
-     * out of suspend without the FIFO overflowing (no events shall be lost).
-     *
-     *   Implementing the WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL mode is optional.
-     *   If the hardware cannot support this mode, or if the physical
-     *   FIFO is so small that the device would never be allowed to go into
-     *   suspend for at least 10 seconds, then this function MUST fail when
-     *   the flag SENSORS_BATCH_WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL is set, regardless of
-     *   the value of the timeout parameter.
-     *
-     *
-     * DRY RUN:
-     * --------
-     *
-     * If the flag SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN is set, this function returns
-     * without modifying the batch mode or the event period and has no side
-     * effects, but returns errors as usual (as it would if this flag was
-     * not set). This flag is used to check if batch mode is available for a
-     * given configuration -- in particular for a given sensor at a given rate.
-     *
-     *
-     * Return values:
-     * --------------
-     *
-     * Because sensors must be independent, the return value must not depend
-     * on the state of the system (whether another sensor is on or not),
-     * nor on whether the flag SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN is set (in other words,
-     * if a batch call with SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN is successful,
-     * the same call without SENSORS_BATCH_DRY_RUN must succeed as well).
-     *
-     * When timeout is not 0:
-     *   If successful, 0 is returned.
-     *   If the specified sensor doesn't support batch mode, return -EINVAL.
-     *   If the specified sensor's trigger-mode is one-shot, return -EINVAL.
-     *   If WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL is specified and the specified sensor's internal
-     *   FIFO is too small to store at least 10 seconds worth of data at the
-     *   given rate, -EINVAL is returned. Note that as stated above, this has to
-     *   be determined at compile time, and not based on the state of the
-     *   system.
-     *   If some other constraints above cannot be satisfied, return -EINVAL.
-     *
-     * Note: the timeout parameter, when > 0, has no impact on whether this
-     *       function succeeds or fails.
-     *
-     * When timeout is 0:
-     *   The caller will never set the wake_upon_fifo_full flag.
-     *   The function must succeed, and batch mode must be deactivated.
-     *
-     * Independently of whether DRY_RUN is specified, When the call to batch()
-     * fails, no state should be changed. In particular, a failed call to
-     * batch() should not change the rate of the sensor. Example:
-     *   setDelay(..., 10ms)
-     *   batch(..., 20ms, ...) fails
-     *   rate should stay 10ms.
-     *
-     *
-     * ---------------------
-     *
-     * Batch mode, if supported, should happen at the hardware level,
-     * typically using hardware FIFOs. In particular, it SHALL NOT be
-     * implemented in the HAL, as this would be counter productive.
-     * The goal here is to save significant amounts of power.
-     *
-     * In some implementations, events from several sensors can share the
-     * same physical FIFO. In that case, all events in the FIFO can be sent and
-     * processed by the HAL as soon as one batch must be reported.
-     * For example, if the following sensors are activated:
-     *  - accelerometer batched with timeout = 20s
-     *  - gyroscope batched with timeout = 5s
-     * then the accelerometer batches can be reported at the same time the
-     * gyroscope batches are reported (every 5 seconds)
-     *
-     * Batch mode can be enabled or disabled at any time, in particular
-     * while the specified sensor is already enabled, and this shall not
-     * result in the loss of events.
-     *
-     * ---------------------------------------------------------
-     *
-     * On platforms on which hardware fifo size is limited, the system designers
-     * might have to choose how much fifo to reserve for each sensor. To help
-     * with this choice, here is a list of applications made possible when
-     * batching is implemented on the different sensors.
-     *
-     * High value: Low power pedestrian dead reckoning
-     *   Target batching time: 20 seconds to 1 minute
-     *   Sensors to batch:
-     *    - Step detector
-     *    - Rotation vector or game rotation vector at 5Hz
-     *   Gives us step and heading while letting the SoC go to Suspend.
-     *
-     * High value: Medium power activity/gesture recognition
-     *   Target batching time: 3 seconds
-     *   Sensors to batch: accelerometer between 20Hz and 50Hz
-     *   Allows recognizing arbitrary activities and gestures without having
-     *   to keep the SoC fully awake while the data is collected.
-     *
-     * Medium-high value: Interrupt load reduction
-     *   Target batching time: < 1 second
-     *   Sensors to batch: any high frequency sensor.
-     *   If the gyroscope is set at 800Hz, even batching just 10 gyro events can
-     *   reduce the number of interrupts from 800/second to 80/second.
-     *
-     * Medium value: Continuous low frequency data collection
-     *   Target batching time: > 1 minute
-     *   Sensors to batch: barometer, humidity sensor, other low frequency
-     *     sensors.
-     *   Allows creating monitoring applications at low power.
-     *
-     * Medium value: Continuous full-sensors collection
-     *   Target batching time: > 1 minute
-     *   Sensors to batch: all, at high frequencies
-     *   Allows full collection of sensor data while leaving the SoC in
-     *   suspend mode. Only to consider if fifo space is not an issue.
-     *
-     * In each of the cases above, if WAKE_UPON_FIFO_FULL is implemented, the
-     * applications might decide to let the SoC go to suspend, allowing for even
-     * more power savings.
+     * Enables batch mode for the given sensor and sets the delay between events.
+     * See the Batching sensor results page for details:
+     *
     int (*batch)(struct sensors_poll_device_1* dev,
             int handle, int flags, int64_t period_ns, int64_t timeout);
@@ -1264,29 +633,7 @@
      * Flush adds a META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE event (sensors_event_meta_data_t)
      * to the end of the "batch mode" FIFO for the specified sensor and flushes
-     * the FIFO; those events are delivered as usual (i.e.: as if the batch
-     * timeout had expired) and removed from the FIFO.
-     *
-     * See the META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE section for details about the
-     *
-     * The flush happens asynchronously (i.e.: this function must return
-     * immediately).
-     *
-     * If the implementation uses a single FIFO for several sensors, that
-     * FIFO is flushed and the META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE event is added only
-     * for the specified sensor.
-     *
-     * If the specified sensor wasn't in batch mode, flush succeeds and
-     * promptly sends a META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE event for that sensor.
-     *
-     * If the FIFO was empty at the time of the call, flush returns
-     * 0 (success) and promptly sends a META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE event
-     * for that sensor.
-     *
-     * If the specified sensor wasn't enabled, flush returns -EINVAL.
-     *
-     * return 0 on success, negative errno code otherwise.
+     * the FIFO.
     int (*flush)(struct sensors_poll_device_1* dev, int handle);